#Peruvian skies
primitive-chaos · 4 months
0 notes
gravitywonagain · 9 days
House Party
(a Fresh Powder in the Pine Trees story)
The house is very easy to spot. The building itself doesn’t stand out in any way on this street full of giant, expensive interpretations of log-cabin-chic. Upper Biling is full of this style of architecture. No, it’s the cars in front of it, in both sheer number and apparent condition. Almost none of them were made in the last decade. Almost all of them are plastered with bumper stickers (Wei Ying’s favorite is the white silhouette of a snowboarder on a chairlift that says “Do you even lift?”). 
The music is loud enough that the beat can be heard from the driveway, but not loud enough for lyrics. The combined smell of weed and beer filters through the pine trees from, presumably, the back patio, along with wood smoke and happy voices. 
Wei Ying and Lan Zhan walk up the stairs to the front door and scrape their feet off on the snow grate to the right of the welcome mat before entering. 
It had been surprisingly easy to convince Lan Zhan to come to the Peruvians’ house party once they’d invited him. He hadn’t previously understood that the invitation was open to pretty much all of the employees at Cloud Recesses, including all levels of management. Once Wei Ying told Diego to ask Lan Zhan in person if he was coming (“make it casual as fuck,” he’d said and Diego had nodded along and delivered spectacularly with a “hey, Boss, you like any particular flavor of fizzy waters? I’m stocking up for the party on Tuesday”), Lan Zhan had a very hard time saying no. 
Stepping inside, Wei Ying immediately realizes it’s too loud in here for Lan Zhan. Realistically, it’s too loud for Wei Ying, too, but he’s used to it so he’d live with it for the warmth and the friends. Lan Zhan has no problems with the cold so they decide to keep their shoes on, wipe them off on the ratty, pink towel that’s been laid out like a mat for this purpose, and stay off the carpet on their way to the patio -- via the kitchen, of course. 
Wei Ying makes a point of saying hi to almost everybody they pass. Quick little greetings, nothing that will drag him into a conversation, but just enough to make his and Lan Zhan’s arrival known. 
He finds Ben and David in the kitchen. David points Lan Zhan to the fridge where he pulls out a can of carbonated water, just as Diego had mentioned (loquat flavored, because the man fucking follows through). Ben offers to make Wei Ying a mixed drink, but Wei Ying begs off.
“Nah. Nothing hard for me tonight,” he says. 
“Cool, man,” says Ben, entirely unbothered. “Beers are out back!”
The thing about winter parties in a ski town is you never run out of ice. 
As they walk out the sliding-glass door to the back patio, they see there is a berm built around one side of the fire pit area with many varied cans of beer sticking out of the snow. It’s super easy to build your own backyard refrigerator as you shovel over the course of the season. And it’s always fun to see what melts out of it when spring rolls around. 
It’s quieter out here, but still very much part of the party. There’s an Alexa speaker playing the same music as is playing inside and a handful of other people out here either to smoke or to escape the noise. They snag a couple of chairs by the beer wall and sit down next to Remy and Elizabeth. They’re both instructors in Juniors’ Club so Wei Ying pulls them into conversation easily, placing Lan Zhan between them and himself so he feels included. And he is included. The women ask him his opinions, they prompt stories from him. They don’t make him feel weird either for being there or for not being there before. It’s good. It’s easy. 
The fire is close enough that Wei Ying doesn’t even need to keep his hands in his pockets. He gestures when he talks and it only gets worse the more he drinks. The vanilla porter he’d grabbed when they first sat down is almost gone already and he contemplates his next drink. He’s just decided to see what the fuck Luponic Distortion tastes like when he hears his name. 
“Hey, Wei Ying,” it might be Nick from Rentals, “is that an 805 by your head?”
Wei Ying turns his head to survey the cans in the snow, finds the black and silver label he’s looking for, and tosses it easily into maybe-Nick’s waiting hands.
“Thanks, man!”
“You got it!”
Wei Ying turns to Lan Zhan and grins. “Usually I get tipped for that kind of service,” he says with a wink.
“Do you work at a bar?” asks Lan Zhan, head tilting slightly to one side. It’s an absurdly cute look on him. 
“Only sometimes. Yanli-jie lets me pick up a shift or two when I ask.”
“Why would you need to ask?”
“She’s not a mind-reader, Lan Zhan.”
Lan Zhan’s eyebrows are unimpressed.
Wei Ying cracks up at just how bitchy he looks. “Okay, sorry, sorry,” he says and then continues, “The resort pays me enough to cover food and rent and to pitch in for the car, but sometimes I want a little extra. So I pick up a shift at the Lotus Tavern and whatever I make in tips, plus some under-the-table hourly, I can spend on whatever I’d like.”
“What kinds of things?”
“Oh, you know what I like, Lan Zhan.”
He’s not sure if he’s matching the heat in Lan Zhan’s eyes or the other way around, but they lock eyes either way. It’s intense. 
Wei Ying is so into it. 
“Snowboards,” he says finally, still not looking away. 
Remy clears her throat subtly. Wei Ying hears it but doesn’t realize it’s directed at him until she says something about her dogs and Wei Ying jolts out of whatever trance Lan Zhan had trapped him in. 
“Okay,” he says, “I need another beer.” He stands because suddenly he has all of this energy with nowhere to put it, but realizes that he does not, in fact, need another beer as he’s barely started in on this one, the can still heavy and full in his hand. He doesn’t let that stop his momentum. “Do you want another water or anything, Lan Zhan?”
“I’ll try a beer.”
“You --? You don’t have to. If you don’t want to drink, it’s fine.”
“Can you drive us back?”
“Uh... yeah. I’ll stop after this one,” he says, gesturing with the mostly-full can. 
“Then I would like to try a beer.”
“O-okay. Sure. Yeah. What do you want?”
“You’re the bartender. What do you think I’ll like?”
Wei Ying laughs off the flirtation in Lan Zhan’s voice because he is trying, okay? Lan Zhan is stepping outside his comfort zone, even more now, and Wei Ying needs to respect the boundaries that have been set. No matter how hard Lan Zhan wants to make him. It. It, not him. Obviously. Pull yourself together.
Lan Zhan’s lips curl in a tiny, almost-smug smile and Wei Ying knows he’s doing this on purpose. He hates it. He loves it. 
“Let’s start you with something a bit mellow. You’ve never had beer before, right?”
“Mn,” Lan Zhan confirms, “I tried baiju once, on my twenty-first. I don’t remember it.”
Wei Ying laughs and says, “Okay. Beer will be easier on you, I think.”
Wei Ying selects a Fat Tire from the wall and wipes off the top of the can before he hands it to Lan Zhan. 
“Alright,” he says after the crack-hiss of the tab being opened, “this is an amber ale. It’s not too hoppy, but it’s not sweet either. It’s a pretty average beer. A good quality, average beer.”
Lan Zhan waits until Wei Ying is finished explaining before he lifts it to his mouth. 
He takes a sip -- a tiny sip -- and immediately scrunches up his nose at it. 
But he goes again. Another sip, slightly bigger this time. His nose wrinkles only slightly less. 
Wei Ying laughs, his smile stretching his cheeks. “You don’t have to like it, Lan Zhan,” he says. “I’ll finish it for you if you don’t want it.”
Something not unlike a pout begins to form between Lan Zhan’s lips and he holds out a finger, “Give me a moment.”
The faces don’t stop over the course of the next few sips, but they don’t seem to impede Lan Zhan’s determination so Wei Ying leaves him to it and drinks his own beer. 
He’s adorable, Wei Ying thinks as he watches Lan Zhan, so fucking cute. 
The alcohol works fast in him, it seems, as it’s not very long before Lan Zhan begins to slump in his chair. His eyelashes flutter as if trying to stay open. They fail. Wei Ying catches the beer can as it slips from Lan Zhan’s long, loose fingers. 
It’s a little bit insane, but Wei Ying thinks Lan Zhan might be asleep. 
He lifts the can of Fat Tire and shakes it gently in his hand: half of the beer is still left. Did Lan Zhan really just pass out after half a can of beer? Half a can of pretty tame beer? 
Lan Zhan’s lips are slightly parted and, as soon as they are free of the beer, his hands settle clasped together in his lap. The firelight dances across his sleep-slack face and Wei Ying can’t help but stare a little bit in wonder. 
He’s aware he should probably wake him. This cannot be what Lan Zhan expected from this night. Not that anybody has even really noticed, but it could be awkward, Wei Ying supposes, to have fallen asleep at a party surrounded by coworkers -- if Lan Zhan is still Lan Zhan and hasn’t realized that he’s One of Us yet. 
But just as Wei Ying makes the decision to stop staring and Do Something, Lan Zhan’s eyes blink open. 
He looks a little glassy. Wei Ying thinks that maybe he’s just groggy from the surprise nap he just took. But then Lan Zhan looks up at him and Wei Ying knows -- despite the composure he maintains as he rights himself in the chair, despite the perfectly stoic set to his face -- Wei Ying knows immediately that Lan Zhan is -- actually, really, in real life, somehow -- drunk. 
It’s in the subtle tilt of his body, leaning toward Wei Ying like he’s leaning into a turn. And then… and then he starts becoming… a little bit… clingy. 
It wouldn’t even be noticeable were it anyone but Lan Zhan. Just a few small touches: knees bumping together, elbows, shoulders. Lan Zhan’s full attention focused on Wei Ying. But it’s not obvious to anyone else, it seems, and it’s nice. Wei Ying is enjoying it, possibly a little more than he should. So he’s prepared to just let it ride for the time being. Let Lan Zhan be comfortable with himself for a moment. 
That is, until Shawn shows up. 
When Shawn walks out onto the patio, it’s clear to Wei Ying that he’s there with a purpose. Wei Ying can even hazard a guess to what that purpose is. He’s not surprised when Shawn spots him and nods before making a bee line for where he’s sitting with Lan Zhan. He is surprised, however, to see Lan Zhan not quite glaring at Shawn as he approaches. 
Shawn notices it too and makes a small, uncertain wave of his hand, like he’s trying to convince Lan Zhan that he comes in peace. When nothing changes, Shawn shrugs it off and squats on the other side of Wei Ying’s chair. 
Wei Ying knows what he’s going to ask, he knows why he’s getting so close to ask it. The hot chocolate machine in question is still a secret, after all. 
“It broke again?” he asks and Shawn nods. 
Shawn leans in closer, presumably to give details, and Wei Ying feels Lan Zhan’s hands close around his forearm and bicep. His head whips around so fast, he almost smacks his chin into Shawn’s cheek. Lan Zhan never initiates this kind of touch. It’s jarring and wonderful and so not the time. 
Wei Ying turns back to Shawn, schooling his face into a cool nonchalance and trying to block Lan Zhan from his view. He missed whatever details Shawn had given him, but he doubts that it really matters. 
“Yeah, man,” he says with an easy smile, “I can take a look on Monday.”
Shawn takes his cue and stands to leave. He says his thanks and grips Wei Ying’s shoulder before he goes. When he does, Wei Ying looks back to Lan Zhan and sees… well… 
Since their conversation on the chairlift, Wei Ying has noticed certain changes in Lan Zhan’s behavior. There’s been a playful undercurrent of flirtation. It’s subtle, a look from across the room or a murmured comment by the lockers. This is… not that. This is possessive. Pouty and jealous in a way that seems specifically designed to break Wei Ying into pieces. Hot and suggestive in a way that has Wei Ying’s pulse racing. 
Lan Zhan looks like he wants to crawl into Wei Ying’s lap, right now, in front of all these people. And, while Wei Ying would absolutely love that, Lan Zhan has very specifically said that he would not, so Wei Ying needs to… do something. As soon as he can get his brain back online. 
“Let’s,” says Wei Ying, giving himself a moment to think, “let’s go for a walk.”
He stands and Lan Zhan looks up at him with eyes like honey. He holds out his hand to help Lan Zhan to his feet and, though Lan Zhan takes it, the man stands with a fluidity and grace that can really only be called seductive. Wei Ying just hopes that he’s the only one to notice. Somehow he doubts that he is. 
He pulls Lan Zhan back inside and through the house back to the front door. He makes excuses as he goes but whether anyone actually buys them, he has no idea. He stops by the fridge to grab another fizzy water for Lan Zhan, waves his thanks to Diego, and gets himself and Lan Zhan back out onto the street. He’s fairly certain he manages to play off Lan Zhan’s drunken clinginess as drunken instability, but he’ll probably never know. He just hopes Nie Huaisang will help him out with that one. 
Wei Ying takes a deep breath as they step off the driveway. The night is cold away from the fire, but Lan Zhan is warm against his side. Their breath condenses into small clouds that waft away in the light breeze. 
They walk together down the twisting streets of Upper Biling, past houses that Wei Ying couldn’t even guess the price of, and through neighborhoods that lay almost empty for three-quarters of the year. Summer homes and winter homes to people who can afford five houses and put snow tires on their sportscars. 
While they walk, Wei Ying rambles. 
It’s easy to talk to Lan Zhan. He’s a good listener, a good friend. When he does choose to interject it’s always with something relevant and often with some new perspective that pushes Wei Ying out of his own spiral. 
Or, at least, he is when he’s sober. 
Drunk Lan Zhan still listens -- actively even, nodding and humming at appropriate intervals. But he also wanders off mid-sentence to try to climb his way to the top of a very icy snow berm. 
When Wei Ying directs him away from the potential death trap, Lan Zhan pouts again, harder. 
“Boring,” he says, and Wei Ying can’t help but laugh. 
“Oh, ‘boring,’ is it?”
Lan Zhan nods. 
Wei Ying laughs. “Is this what you secretly want to be like all the time?” he asks. “Clingy and flirty and cute?”
“I am not cute,” says Lan Zhan, sounding almost offended at the implication. 
“You are adorable.”
“No. No, I’m cold and ‘hostile.’” He says it like a quote. Like something he’s heard before. Wei Ying wants to find out who it was who said that and throw them off a mountain. 
Since that is not an option available to him, he jokes instead. “Ah, yes. So hostile, Lan Zhan.”
“People are afraid of me.” 
Which, annoyingly, is true, but, “People are idiots.”
“You’re not afraid of me?”
Wei Ying scoffs so hard he thinks he might hurt something. “I was a little afraid you were going to jump into my lap and claim me when Shawn was just trying to ask me for a favor.”
Lan Zhan looks at him and hums. It’s not dismissive or in any way negative. A smirk even starts curling in the corner of his lips. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” says Wei Ying. “You’re secretly possessive, too.”
“That’s not much of a secret.”
The intersection is one Wei Ying recognizes. If he’s honest, he’s maybe a little lost. But he is pretty sure that up this road is a park that he has walked to with Jiang Yanli, his sister, and Jin Ling, her son. Like eighty percent. Sixty-five. It’s fine. Lan Zhan follows him easily as he steers them toward it. 
“Oh no?”
“I’m rich. Doesn’t that automatically mean I’m possessive?”
“I think the only thing that automatically means is that you have money.”
“I don’t want it.”
“The money?”
“It’s my parents’ money. It’s still supposed to be theirs.” 
Dead parents are not a super fun topic of conversation at the best of times. At the drunk of times, the tone can get very sad very quickly, and that very much is not where Wei Ying wants this to go. Lan Zhan doesn’t need to get maudlin drunk, preferably ever. So Wei Ying deliberately brushes past that. 
“You’re twenty-six. Wouldn’t your trust fund have kicked in by now, anyway?”
There are swings in the park. The black rubber of them is dusted with snow, easy enough to brush off. They sit, turned toward each other still in a way that, once they start swaying a little, causes that awkward torsion in the swing. 
“It was my birthday last Sunday.”
Wei Ying’s mouth drops open. “Lan Zhan! Happy birthday! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“What would you have done?”
“Whatever you wanted me to.”
“Hm… Whatever I wanted?”
Suggestive. But it’s not Wei Ying’s rules they’re following tonight. “Anything.”
Lan Zhan cocks his head to the side. “You wouldn’t have told everyone?” he asks. “Thrown a big party?”
“No,” Wei Ying laughs, “you’d hate that.”
“But I’m here, aren’t I?”
Oh. Oh no. 
Does Lan Zhan think that this is what Wei Ying wants from him? Did Lan Zhan agree to come just because he thought it would make Wei Ying happy? 
Oh fuck. 
Wei Ying stops swinging and grabs hold of the chain of Lan Zhan’s swing too, turning him, forcing their eyes to meet. 
“Lan Zhan,” he starts, “I’m not trying to change you. I just want you to see that you’re welcome here. That people like you. Not that you have to want this all the time. Just… that you can have it… when you want it.”
Lan Zhan’s eyes narrow with something that’s probably skepticism but might be genuine curiosity. He repeats Wei Ying’s words, “When I want it.”
Wei Ying nods hard and fast. And then, “Which you don’t have to! I just--” he takes his hand back and wraps it around his own swing chain. “You seemed so lonely.”
Silence settles between them. It’s not comfortable, but it’s not exactly uncomfortable, either. It just is. The kind of silence in which words are processed. Feelings are processed. Wei Ying doesn’t want to rush it, but there’s an emptiness to it that crawls under his skin. 
He pushes against the ground with one foot, swing creaking back into motion. 
“But I would never force this on you for your birthday!” He gestures vaguely in the direction he thinks the party might be. “That would be absurd.”
“Absurd?” Lan Zhan’s voice is warmer around this repetition. A genuine question, this time. 
“Yeah! Your birthday should be about you. Not anybody else. If all you wanted was to drink tea and read, then you should have that.” Wei Ying shakes his head, “I would just like to have bought you the tea.”
“What if I wanted you there?”
“Then I would be there.”
“What if I want you now?”
Wei Ying tenses. It’s not so much that Lan Zhan’s tone has shifted or his voice has changed. He still speaks with the same smooth baritone, the same stoic serenity, that he’s had all night. But it’s like the air around them charges with electricity. A chill shoots up Wei Ying’s neck. He drags his toe to slow his swing again. 
“Ah… haha. Now is a different story. You’re drunk now. After,” Wei Ying raises his eyebrows and shakes his head, still in disbelief, “half a beer...” Like that’s a thing that happens in real life. 
There’s a sound like a pine bough cracking under too much snow and then Lan Zhan is standing in front of him. His long fingers wrap around the chains on either side of Wei Ying’s head, arresting his momentum as he looms, beautiful and radiant in the soft light. His eyes are bright with intention. He’s so close, Wei Ying can feel the heat of him. 
“Ah… And because you’re drunk,” Wei Ying says very carefully, “I have to stick to guidelines as previously discussed.”
Lan Zhan doesn’t look convinced. He drops to his knees slowly, fingers dragging down the chains. The sight and sound send shivers down Wei Ying’s spine. Without asking, his thighs spread wide as Lan Zhan settles between them. The snow beneath Lan Zhan’s shins crunches and then starts to melt. 
He smiles and it’s devastating. “So you don’t want me to…”
Lan Zhan’s palms are hot on Wei Ying’s thighs, searing even through the thick denim of his jeans. Wei Ying bites his lip to keep from whining at the touch. They slide higher and higher until Wei Ying draws on all of his meager self-control and stills them. He takes a deep breath and screws his eyes shut against the stunning vision of Lan Zhan, wanton and willing, looking up at him from his knees. 
“Fuck, Lan Zhan,” he groans. “Don’t do this to me. Don’t make me the responsible one. I’m not good at it.”
He opens his eyes and that small, infuriating pout has returned to Lan Zhan’s face. Wei Ying has to take another breath before he can move. 
He grips Lan Zhan’s hands and brings them both to their feet. His arousal is obvious in his jeans and Lan Zhan definitely notices, but Wei Ying ignores it, ignores Lan Zhan’s raised eyebrow, ignores the way he licks his fucking lips. (The man is a menace, truly.) 
Wei Ying clears his throat against the lust threatening to choke him. He walks Lan Zhan back over to the other swing and gets him sitting down on the cold rubber again. He moves behind him so he doesn’t have to meet Lan Zhan’s eyes, wraps Lan Zhan’s hands around the chains, fingers lingering longer than strictly necessary, then starts pushing him. 
The motion is good, distracting. Something to do that doesn’t involve actively ignoring the heat in Lan Zhan’s gaze, the pout on his lips. If he holds Lan Zhan’s waist a little too tight, nobody else needs to know. 
When Wei Ying regains control of his body, he lets himself chuckle a little. “You’re probably not even going to remember this in the morning, are you?” he says, watching his breath condense. 
Lan Zhan just shrugs and hums a non-committal sound. 
Wei Ying rolls his eyes and says, “I bet you only had one shot at your twenty-first.”
The night is quiet except for the metallic scrape of the swing as Wei Ying pushes Lan Zhan in an easy rhythm. He tries not to think about other rhythmic activities and to focus, instead, on the cold air biting his cheeks and on keeping Lan Zhan upright on the little plastic seat. 
The cold is good. Sobering. Wei Ying breathes it into his lungs and lets it soothe him. There’s woodsmoke in the air, too, from somebody’s fireplace or backyard pit. 
He looks down at Lan Zhan who is listing to the side like he’s falling asleep. His jeans are wet-dark around the knees and down his shins and Wei Ying realizes that he needs to get Lan Zhan inside somewhere before he freezes or becomes too tired to walk. Wei Ying is strong, but he’s not sure he can carry a passed out Lan Zhan up Northwoods Blvd. Or down Northwoods, to be honest. 
Wei Ying still doesn’t remember how to get back to the Peruvians’ house from here, but he does recognize this park as the one he’s visited with his sister and nephew. Jiang Yanli’s house is actually fairly close and Wei Ying is pretty sure he knows the way. 
Lan Zhan is pliant and amenable when Wei Ying asks him to stand. He’s still listing to the side so Wei Ying gets an arm around his waist and tries to think about anything but the press of Lan Zhan’s body against his own. It turns out to be easier than he thought because the worry takes over. Lan Zhan is cold. He’s leaning hard into Wei Ying’s side and even if he is playing it up a little -- as Wei Ying suspects he might be -- he still needs to get to a bed soon. 
It’s only about four blocks to Jiang Yanli’s house from the little park. Wei Ying sees her mailbox sooner than he expects and points it out to Lan Zhan. Wei Ying and Jin Ling painted the little silver and gold stars on it together. 
Lan Zhan smiles at them and Wei Ying’s knees buckle, which is sweet, but they’re about to climb the driveway and Lan Zhan still requires support so Wei Ying really has to pull himself together. 
Jiang Yanli’s house is huge. Wei Ying always kind of forgets until he’s standing in front of it, but it’s an obscenely large house. The driveway climbs almost fifty vertical feet from the street and the house rises two stories from there. Hidden from street view, the back of the house drops another two stories down the side of the mountain with a wooden deck that gets near-panoramic views of the valley. Floor to ceiling windows in the living room. High, vaulted ceilings. All pine and granite. A fucking elevator. 
It’s way too big for a single family but Jiang Yanli married Jin Zixuan, scion of the Gold Peony Resort Jins. A family that owns hotels and golf courses in three countries. Jin Zixuan, himself, owns the Lanling Golf Course in Caiyi Town. 
Bad enough he’s a golfer, but Jin Zixuan was a real jerk to Jiang Yanli when they were teenagers and Wei Ying has never forgiven him for it. He can admit, however, that he’s treated her well since he managed to get his shit together and ask her out properly. They’ve been married for more than five years now. It’s fine. 
He texts Jiang Yanli instead of ringing the doorbell because children have bedtimes, Wei Ying, and it’s like 11pm and that seems awfully late for a four-year-old to be awake. Lan Zhan curls closer into Wei Ying’s arms as they stand in front of the door and wait. 
Jiang Yanli doesn’t text back but Wei Ying can hear movement inside the house and sees a light turn on inside before the porch light attempts to blind him, and she opens the door in her slippers, a pair of sweats, and what Wei Ying assumes is Jin Zixuan’s high school mascot t-shirt. (A wolverine, he thinks.) 
Her voice is thick with sleep and guilt churns his stomach until he remembers that he’s not really here for himself. 
“I’m so sorry, Yanli-jie,” says Wei Ying, “I know it’s late, I just didn’t know where else to go and hypothermia was becoming a concern.”
Jiang Yanli’s eyes go wide and she takes in the man who may or may not be asleep on his feet in Wei Ying’s arms. “Is he okay?”
“Oh, he’s fine!” Wei Ying says, quick to reassure her but still trying to keep his voice down. “He’s fine. Just drunk. And a massive lightweight. Seriously, I’m never going to let him live this down.”
It’s then that Jin Zixuan pokes his head around his wife’s shoulder, eyes squinting against the (really, incredibly bright) porch light.
“Lan Zhan?” he asks, recognition and concern screwing up his face. 
“Okay…” says Wei Ying, looking to his sister. “Why does your husband know my boss?”
Jin Zixuan, not as useless as one might be tempted to think, steps out and gets his arm around the other side of Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan wakes up at the new contact but seems to recognize him and allows this so, together, the three of them start moving toward the guest bedroom, following Jiang Yanli down the stairs. 
“We were rich kids on the high school downhill team together,” says Jin Zixuan, and Wei Ying struggles not to laugh.
“See,” he says, “that’s the kind of thing I would have guessed, but I would have done it in a mocking way. You just said that with so much aplomb that I can’t even make fun of you for it now.”
“Oh great, he’s using words like ‘aplomb.’”
Wei Ying can’t actually see Jin Zixuan in their current configuration, but he knows an eye roll when he hears one. 
“Shut up, I’m more literate than you are, Business Degree.”
“A’Ying,” Jiang Yanli chides from below them. 
“Sorry, Jie.”
They settle Lan Zhan on the guest bed which, because Jiang Yanli is a real adult, is a real bed with a real comforter and far too many useless pillows. Wei Ying kneels to take off Lan Zhan’s shoes which, along with his own, have tracked road dirt and snow all through Jiang Yanli’s beautiful house. Lan Zhan is no help in this, but he does, to Wei Ying’s great relief, agree to take off his own pants. 
Wei Ying gets him tucked under the covers and Lan Zhan falls asleep almost immediately. 
Wei Ying sets a glass of water on the nightstand. He fishes Lan Zhan’s phone out of his jeans and sets it next to the glass along with a pair of ibuprofen tablets. He has no idea if Lan Zhan gets hangovers or not -- if someone can even get a hangover from half a beer -- but better to be prepared. 
Wei Ying takes off his own shoes and carries them with him as he goes to meet his sister and her husband out in the kitchen. He sets them by the door, next to Lan Zhan’s. He tries not to think about his and Lan Zhan’s shoes together in his sister’s shoe rack, like they’re dinner guests or visiting on purpose rather than too drunk and too lost to find their way back to the car. 
In the kitchen, Jiang Yanli has a kettle on the stove already and is plating what looks like rice cooker bread, because she is a literal angel. Jin Zixuan is sitting at the counter helping her sort through their many teas. Wei Ying does have to admit that he is a very good husband. Golf course or not. 
“Oh no,” says Wei Ying, eyes widening with a startling realization as he sits on the counter next to his sister and looks imploringly at Jin Zixuan, “please don’t tell me he golfs. I like him too much to stop now.” 
It’s a joke (mostly) that Wei Ying hates golf. And golfers. Environmental concerns aside (which they really shouldn’t be), it’s a mind-numbingly boring sport. Wei Ying loves to poke at Jin Zixuan with this particular stick whenever it comes up.
Jin Zixuan huffs. “Why would--? Nevermind. He does not golf. You’re safe.”
“Oh, thank god,” says Wei Ying with an exaggerated sigh. He turns to cover up the even more startling realization that he would probably still like Lan Zhan even if he did… occasionally golf. Wei Ying elects to keep that to himself.
The bread melts in his mouth. It’s so delicious that his eyes actually close on their own. She’s a goddess, his sister. 
Even though it’s clear that Wei Ying pulled them out of bed, both Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan stay up with him for a little while as he finishes the bread that keeps appearing on his plate and the water that keeps refilling itself in his glass. 
“I’m fine, Yanli-jie. I only had two beers. It’s Lan Zhan I’m worried about.” 
Which, unfortunately, prompts a conversation about why he and his boss were wandering around Upper Biling together while drunk -- “Not drunk!” -- and courting hypothermia. 
Wei Ying is not subtle in his diversion as he directs the line of questioning away from how he feels about Lan Zhan. How Lan Zhan feels about him. It’s not-- It’s not the time for that talk. Not now. Not when Jiang Yanli is stifling yawns behind her hand and Jin Zixuan is still right there for some reason. 
If they were friends, though, Wei Ying does have a question for him. 
“Were you at his twenty-first?”
Jin Zixuan nods, looking uncomfortable at where this might be going, but still answers, “I was.”
“It was only one shot, wasn’t it?”
There’s a pause, and then Jin Zixuan sighs and nods again, “It was.”
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bonbonshideout · 5 months
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Craig Headcanons
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♤ He is a no sabo kid, his parents speak Spanish (and by that I mean his mom), and he wasn't really taught it, he kind of understands but he can't speak it for the life of him; he is Peruvian.
♡ He wears braces. From a young age, he was always the type to chew on things, eventually that damaged his teeth, which caused him to get braces.
◇ Of course, he is a space nerd. He has begged his mom to get him a Nasa patch that she sewed onto his hoodie sleeve. His backpack is COVERED in space pins and coffee related pins.
╰ He makes paper machete planets and hangs them in his room. He has almost completed the solar system.
╰ He has glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, he likes to stare at them at night to feel like he's stargazing, though it isn't the same for him.
♧ He LOVES stargazing. He has a spot he likes to go to on clear skies, and sometimes he takes Tweek there, usually ends up rambling about space and his favorite constellations.
☆ He at some point had to wear glasses; Cartman bullied his ass for it until he managed to get contacts.
♤ He tries to take Stripes with him everywhere, if he knows pets aren't allowed, he tries to sneak him in. It's his son after all.
╰ He talks to Stripes when he's alone and going through a hard time. He likes to vent, but he is usually never looking for advice, so he's always relying on his guinea pig.
♡ Craig likes to keep things that he is given by Tweek. Doesn't matter what it is, he has a little box with everything, from rocks to soda tabs and fidgets.
◇ He has a folder in his phone with things specifically for Tweek, from notes on him in general so he doesn't forget to pictures he would send Tweek to cheer him up.
♧ Craig travels out of South Park for the summer, he always makes sure to get something for his friends, though he never admits that he thought of them, he just says something along the lines of, "oh, I guess I got extras, you guys can have them."
☆ He always sounds sarcastic, even when he's actually upset or worried. He isn't usually taken seriously due to how his tone sounds. It annoys him, but he understands why.
♤ Before he started dating Tweek, he had a small crush on him, but he had some internalized homophobia due to his dad, which caused him to force himself to be interested in girls.
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ariesphysics · 1 year
0° Aquarius Risings
The people listed here are have A-AA Rodden rating.
The source, as always, my beloved Astrodatabank.
Press 'Keep Reading' to view. It has 30 people so I just kept it this way.
ALOJZY ADAMCZYK, Polish resistance fighter
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant square Saturn, 1°
Ascendant trine Chiron, 3°
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CONRAD AIKEN, American writer and poet
Ascendant sextile Moon, 2°
Ascendant opposite Mars, 1°
Ascendant quincunx Lilith, 0°
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ALEJANDRA BAIGORRIA, Peruvian businesswoman, TV personality, and racing driver
Ascendant opposite Venus, 1°
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IRELAND BALDWIN, American fashion model
Ascendant square Sun, 0°
Ascendant sextile Mars, 2º
Ascendant conjunct Uranus (12H), 3°
Ascendant sextile Pluto, 1°
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MARIO BAVA, Italian filmmaker, "Master of Italian Horror"
Uranus in 1st house
Jupiter in 1st house
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant opposite Neptune, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 3°
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BÉRÉNIC BEJO, French-Argentine actress
Ascendant sextile Moon, 2°
Ascendant square Uranus, 3°
Ascendant square Chiron, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 2°
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JAIMARIE BJORGE, American actress and stuntwoman
Moon in 1st house
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JUDY BLUMBERG, American ice skater
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 3°
Ascendant square Neptune, 2°
Ascendant sextile North Node, 2°
Ascendant conjunct Lilith, 1°
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BROOKS BOLLINGER, American football quarterback
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 3°
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BORIS III of Bulgaria, Tsar of Bulgaria 1918-1943
Sun conjunct Mercury in 1st house
Venus in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Moon, 3°
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ELMER BORLONGAN, Filipino contemporary figurative expressionism painter
Ascendant sextile Moon, 1°
Ascendant conjunct Venus, 0°
Ascendant opposite Jupiter, 1°
Ascendant sextile Lilith, 1°
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BRUNOZOR, Brazilian social media personality
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 3°
Ascendant trine Mars, 1°
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 1°
Ascendant trine North Node, 3°
Ascendant square Chiron, 0°
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JÉRÔME HENRI CARREIN, second-to-last convicted criminal to be executed by guillotine in France
Ascendant opposite Venus, 0°
Ascendant sextile Mars, 0°
Ascendant trine Uranus, 2°
Ascendant opposite Pluto, 3°
Ascendant opposite Chiron, 1°
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LORD JAMES CLYDE, Scottish High Court Judge
Ascendant opposite Mars, 1°
Ascendant sextile Uranus, 1°
Ascendant sextile Chiron, 1°
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CAMERON CROWE, American filmmaker
Ascendant opposite Mercury, 3°
Ascendant square Neptune, 0°
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JOSETTE DAYDÉ, French jazz/swing swinger, chansonnière and actress
Venus in 1st house
Uranus in 1st house (Pisces)
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JEAN DEMANNEZ, Belgian politician
Mercury in 1st house
Venus in 1st house
Sun in 1st house
Mars in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant square North Node, 1°
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KIRK DOUGLAS, American actor and filmmaker
Uranus in 1st house
Ascendant opposite Saturn, 1°
Ascendant opposite Lilith, 3°
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HENRY EYRING, Mexican theoretical chemist
Venus in 1st house
Sun in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile North Node, 3°
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MARGAUX FARRELL, American-born Olympic swimmer
North Node in 1st house
Ascendant trine Moon, 1°
Ascendant opposite Jupiter, 1°
Ascendant sextile Lilith, 3°
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Venus in 1st house (Pisces)
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VÁCLAV HAVEL, Last president of Czechoslovakia
Saturn in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant trine Mercury, 3°
Ascendant opposite Pluto, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 0°
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CHRISTOF INNERHOFER, Italian alpine ski racer
Venus in 1st house
Mars in 1st house
Ascendant square Pluto, 3°
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OVI KOBIR, American politician and former reality TV contestant
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 1°
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 0°
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 0°
Ascendant sextile Pluto, 2°
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RUSH LIMBAUGH, American conversative political commentator
Venus in 1st house
Mars in 1st house
Jupiter in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant trine Saturn, 1°
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FLORENT MANAUDOU, French competitive swimmer
Ascendant conjunct North Node, 1°
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 1°
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MICHAL MILOWICZ, Polish singer and actor
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 2°
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PAT NIXON, American First Lady
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 2°
Moon conjunct Venus in 1st house
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STÉPHANE PLAZA, French television personality
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 2°
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AMY POEHLER, American comedian
Mars conjunct North Node in 1st house
Ascendant trine Venus, 2°
Ascendant sextile Jupiter, 0°
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 0°
Ascendant trine Pluto, 1°
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New Millennium • You Not Me • Peruvian Skies • Hollow Years • Burning My Soul • Hell's Kitchen • Lines in the Sand • Take Away My Pain • Just Let Me Breathe • Anna Lee • Trial of Tears (i. It's Raining/ii. Deep in Heaven/iii. The Wasteland)
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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felipeandletizia · 2 years
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: February 28th
2004: Went skiing at the resort of Candanchu, in the province of Huesca, Spain.
2005: Met Uruguay’s elected President Tabare Vazquez and the President of Uruguay, Jorge Batlle; Visited Spainish Cultural Centre in Montevideo, Uruguay &Reception offered by Uruguay’s outgoing president, Jorge Batlle
2008: Audiences at la Zarzuela
2011: National Sports Awards; Inauguration of the “Chardin (1699-1779)” exhibition & Funeral for the soldiers deceased in the Academy of Hoyo de Manzanares
2012: Main event of the 475th anniversary of the creation of the Marine Corps
2013: Military audiences
2014: World Day of Rare Diseases in Madrid& Paid his respects to relatives of Spanish Flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucia during his wake at the National Music Auditorium
2017: Ordinary meeting of the Fundéu BBVA Advisory Board in Madrid
2018: Audiences at la Zarzuela
2019: Opening of ARCO 2019 (Contemporary Art Fair) (1, 2) & Reception offered by Peruvian president Martin Alberto Vizcarra at El Pardo Palace.
2020: Event naming the winner of the Princess of Girona Awards on the Social Field 2020
2022: Opening of the the GSMA Mobile World Congress
F&L Through the Years: 920/??
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bassbooster · 5 months
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Peruvian ski mask, 1960.
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Hey there, don’t know if you’re still taking requests from the winter prompt list. If you are, could I humbly request "It's just a wish, I know wishes don't come true." // "Who told you that?" I feel like it could really fit the Pacific Rim AU, but please go with whatever feels right!
I got you girl....also this turned into a just Ronnie and Carole piece that is super angsty and I'm sorry but also not caught i fookin love angst
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|| prompt list ||
prompt: "It's just a wish, I know wishes don't come true." // "Who told you that?"
au: pacific rim
word count: 997
warnings: carole is alive in this one, angst, grief, mention of burns
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It was a beautiful, clear night in December. The inky black sky sparkled with stars that could only be seen in the Montana planes, filled to the brim with those tiny pinpricks of light. Ronnie had missed nights like this. Sure, there had been plenty of clear nights and plenty of skies filled with stars on the Peruvian coast. But none of them felt like home. Like fresh air. Like her insides copied onto the universe. 
Ronnie limped towards the front door, a blanket curled around her shoulders and a mug of steaming hot chocolate in hand. The burns still pained her — all over. It made it hard to move most days. But she was determined to get out of bed and enjoy something. Just a little thing. Maybe then she wouldn’t feel like a black hole waiting to suck up everything around her — turn it to ashes, to nothing, to pain.
Or at least that’s what her mother told her. 
A thick blanket of snow was on the ground. Settled over the ranch all the day before. The top layer of powder was swept this way and that with the wind. It reminded her of the great sand dunes she once visited. But there wasn’t a cloud in the sky now.
Carole Bradshaw was already sitting on the porch. Encircled in a few thick blankets and huddled around her own warm mug of cocoa. A content sort of smile tugged at her lips as she gazed up at the sky. 
Ronnie lowered herself slowly into the chair beside her mother. 
“God, it’s freezing,” Ronnie commented, pulling the blanket around her tighter. 
“Yep, sure is,” Carole chuckled, “I remember you used to love this though. Curling up in my lap, sharing a mug of cocoa — you would stay out here for hours if I let you.” 
“I don’t think I’ll last ten minutes at this rate,” Ronnie replied and her mother laughed again. 
The two women fell into a comfortable silence. Sipping from their mugs and watching the night sky. No anticipation. No waiting. Just watching, just sitting. The wind howled and echoed around them, reminding them that they were surrounded by nothing but wide-open planes and mountains to the far north. Even if nothing but darkness could be seen beyond the light of the porch. 
The world felt…Empty. With its howling wind and stars so far in the sky. It felt like something was missing. Something had created a void in this place that once filled Ronnie with so much joy and comfort. 
She knew what it was, but she feared acknowledging it. Feared the rip and space and time it would create if she made it real. 
It was already real enough to her, anyway. Taken root inside her, grown like a weed till there was nothing left of the garden that once was. 
“Oh, look a shooting star,” Carole said, hand escaping from her blankets just enough to point it out in the night sky. “Make a wish, love.”
Ronnie adjusted her line of sight, and sure enough, there it was. Shooting across the field of stars was a streak of white light, beautiful and fleeting. On some instinct, built by years of tradition, she made a wish. Eyes closed and holding her breath. Despite how childish she may have found it. Despite knowing this would do little to help the ache she felt. 
When she opened her eyes again, her mom was smiling over at her. “What’d you wish for?”
“I didn’t wish for anything,” Ronnie lied, shuffling back further into her seat, staring down at the chocolate residue left at the bottom of her mug. 
“I’m your mother — I could see it written all over your face,” Carole replied. “Now, come one, tell me what you wished for.” 
“Isn’t there something about telling won’t make it come true?” 
“That’s for birthdays.”
She felt the tears building, stinging the backs of her eyes. She clenched her jaw tight to keep them at bay as she muttered out, “Doesn’t matter. S’just a wish. I know wishes don’t come true.” 
“Baby, who told you that?” It was too cold for Carole to reach out and touch her daughter in some way, but Ronnie could feel her comfort anyway. 
“The world.” Ronnie shook her head, fighting to the death with the tears that were threatening to spill over. “Life. Everything.” 
Carole sighed softly, understanding. “I know…I know that life has chewed you up and spit you back out, Ronnie, but…That doesn’t mean what you wish for — hope for — won’t come true.”
“I just…I just wanna be okay, Mom.” 
The tears finally fell. Ronnie lost the battle. They slipped from her eyes and stung her cheeks in the cold. Suddenly, a pair of arms were wrapped around her. Ronnie opened her eyes, and her mother was holding her. Wearing nothing but her pajamas in the winter Montana air. Ronnie sobbed at that kindness, at that sacrifice, at the love she didn’t think she deserved as she clutched at her mother’s shirt.
“It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. Or even a year from now. But you will be okay, Veronica. And I will always be here to help you. We’re in this together, love.” 
Ronnie nodded as she buried her face in Carole’s shoulder. Hiding like a child. From the pain, the loss, the emptiness, the feeling that something was missing. It would all go away as long as she stayed curled against her mother’s chest. Just like when she was a girl and there were monsters in her closet. 
“It hurts,” Ronnie whispered, fingers digging into her mother’s arms. “I miss him…So much.” 
“I know, love, I know. Me too.” 
After a few more moments, they collected the blankets and mugs and went back inside. Claiming it was too cold to stay out any longer, no matter how pretty the stars were. 
And Ronnie fell asleep, hoping that her wish would come true.
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catbarrage · 2 years
choose an artist you like and use the name of their songs to answer this as close to the truth as possible!  
tagged by @ladymisskweer !
name of the artist: dream theater
what is your gender?: scene five: through her eyes
describe yourself: the alien
how do you feel?: just let me breathe
if you could go anywhere, where would it be?: peruvian skies
describe your best friend: enigma machine
your favorite time of day: 6:00
if your life was a tv show what would it be called?: the enemy inside
what is life to you?: a nightmare to remember
relationship status: at wit's end
what do you fear?: the mirror
I tag @layaboutace @likeits95 @knotverse and anyone who wants to do it!
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truemountaintravel · 8 days
Discover the Epic Salkantay Trek with True Mountain Traveler
Experience the unforgettable adventure of the Salkantay Trek with True Mountain Traveler. This alternative route to Machu Picchu offers breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, lush rainforests, and remote Andean villages. Along the way, you'll encounter the majestic Salkantay Mountain, one of the highest peaks in Peru, standing at 6,271 meters.
The Salkantay Trek is perfect for adventurers looking for a unique challenge off the beaten path. With True Mountain Traveler’s expert guides, you'll explore scenic trails, cross high mountain passes, and camp under starry skies. Each day is filled with natural wonders, from pristine lakes to rich wildlife.
Unlike the traditional Inca Trail, the Salkantay Trek is less crowded, allowing for a more peaceful connection with nature. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a first-time hiker, this journey will leave you with lasting memories of the Andes and the Peruvian highlands.
Join True Mountain Traveler on this incredible trek and create your own story of adventure in the heart of the Andes.
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oescaralhado · 1 month
Under Peruvian skies Vanessa regretfully waits The story unfolds in her eyes Where midnight hysteria's No big surprise Battered and bruised Always confusing The love that she's losing for hate Poor Vanessa Poor, poor Vanessa
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fckstarboyx · 2 months
Five-Star Adventures: Unique Luxury Travel Experiences You Must Try
Luxury travel isn’t just about plush accommodations and gourmet dining; it’s about unique, unforgettable experiences that redefine the way we explore the world. From soaring above ancient landscapes to diving into underwater realms, here are some of the most extraordinary luxury travel adventures you must try.
1. Hot Air Balloon Safari Over the Serengeti, Tanzania
Imagine drifting silently over the vast plains of the Serengeti at sunrise, witnessing the incredible wildlife below. A hot air balloon safari offers a unique perspective on one of the world's most famous ecosystems. As you float above, you might see herds of wildebeest, zebras, and even the elusive big cats. This serene yet exhilarating experience typically ends with a luxurious champagne breakfast in the bush, making it an adventure that combines both thrill and opulence.
2. Private Yacht Charter in the Greek Islands
Exploring the Greek Islands by private yacht is the epitome of luxury travel. Charter a yacht and sail through the crystal-clear waters of the Aegean Sea, stopping at secluded coves and picturesque villages. Enjoy personalized service with a dedicated crew, gourmet meals prepared by a private chef, and the freedom to set your own itinerary. Whether you want to visit the vibrant nightlife of Mykonos, the historical sites of Rhodes, or the tranquil beauty of Milos, a private yacht charter offers an unparalleled way to experience the Greek Islands.
3. Luxury Train Journey on the Andean Explorer, Peru
Travel through the stunning landscapes of the Peruvian Andes aboard the Andean Explorer, South America’s first luxury sleeper train. Operated by Belmond, this train offers a journey through some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world, from snow-capped mountains to deep valleys and high plains. The train features elegant cabins, gourmet dining cars, and a spa car for ultimate relaxation. Highlights of the journey include stops at Lake Titicaca, the Colca Canyon, and the ancient city of Cusco. This is an adventure that combines cultural enrichment with luxurious comfort.
4. Underwater Suite at Atlantis, The Palm, Dubai
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For a truly unique and luxurious experience, spend a night in an underwater suite at Atlantis, The Palm in Dubai. These suites offer floor-to-ceiling windows that look directly into the Ambassador Lagoon, home to thousands of marine animals. Imagine waking up to the sight of sharks and rays swimming past your window. Each suite features opulent decor, a private butler service, and access to the resort’s world-class amenities, including fine dining, water parks, and spas. It’s an unforgettable adventure that brings the ocean to your doorstep.
5. Heli-Skiing in the Canadian Rockies
For thrill-seekers, heli-skiing in the Canadian Rockies offers an adrenaline-pumping adventure combined with luxury. Board a private helicopter and be flown to remote, untouched powder fields high in the mountains. With expert guides leading the way, you’ll experience some of the best skiing or snowboarding in the world, away from the crowded resorts. After a day of exhilarating runs, retreat to a luxurious mountain lodge where you can unwind with gourmet meals, spa treatments, and cozy fireplaces. Heli-skiing in the Canadian Rockies is the ultimate winter adventure for those seeking both excitement and luxury.
These five-star Екатерина Смолла adventures redefine luxury travel by offering unique and unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re soaring over the Serengeti, sailing the Greek Islands, journeying through the Peruvian Andes, sleeping underwater in Dubai, or heli-skiing in the Canadian Rockies, each adventure promises a perfect blend of thrill, luxury, and unparalleled beauty. Embrace these extraordinary experiences and make your next vacation one that will be remembered for a lifetime.
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alpacaexpeditions · 6 months
Machu Picchu Travel Guide: Choosing the Best Time of Year to Visit 
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Alpaca Expeditions provides the ultimate guide to determining the best time of year to go to Machu Picchu. Nestled amidst the Peruvian Andes, Machu Picchu's allure remains constant year-round, but timing your visit can enhance your experience. Generally, the dry season from May to September is favored for trekking, offering clear skies and comfortable temperatures. However, shoulder seasons like April and October boast fewer crowds while retaining favorable weather conditions. The rainy season, from November to March, may deter some travelers but reward them with lush landscapes and vibrant flora. Our expert advice ensures that your Machu Picchu adventure aligns perfectly with your preferences, whether you seek solitude among ancient ruins or vibrant cultural festivities. Embark on your journey at the optimal time and create unforgettable memories in this iconic destination. 
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snapwander · 7 months
Unveiling the World: Must-See Destinations for Every Traveler
The travel bug bites everyone eventually!  For some, it's a constant itch, and for others, it's a yearning that creeps in every now and then.  Wherever you fall on the spectrum, there's no denying the allure of exploring new 
places, cultures, and experiences.
But with so many incredible destinations around the globe, where do you even begin?  Fear not, fellow wanderer! This blog is your one-stop shop for inspiration, helping you discover the best places to visit, tailored to your travel desires.
Calling the Nature Enthusiast:
Trek through Patagonia's majestic peaks: Glaciers, mountains, and turquoise lakes - Patagonia in South America offers breathtaking landscapes for the adventurous soul. Hike the famous W Trail, or embark on a kayaking expedition for an unforgettable encounter with nature's grandeur.
Unwind on the pristine beaches of Kerala: Nicknamed "God's Own Country," Kerala in India is a tropical paradise. Cruise the serene backwaters, explore lush tea plantations, or simply relax on the golden shores, soaking in the tranquility.
Explore the otherworldly beauty of Namibia: This African nation boasts dramatic sand dunes, unique wildlife, and captivating geological formations. Witness the awe-inspiring Namib Desert or go stargazing under some of the darkest skies on Earth.
Craving a Cultural Immersion?
Wander the ancient streets of Rome: Steeped in history and culture, Rome is an open-air museum. Marvel at the Colosseum, toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain, or get lost in the labyrinthine alleys of Trastevere.
Immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of Tokyo: Japan's capital city seamlessly blends ancient traditions with neon-lit modernity. Explore magnificent temples, indulge in delicious street food, and experience the unique kawaii (cute) culture.
Uncover the mysteries of Machu Picchu: High in the Peruvian Andes lies the enigmatic Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. Hike the Inca Trail, marvel at the architectural ingenuity, and soak in the mystical atmosphere of this lost city.
Seeking Adventure and Luxury?
Go island hopping in the Philippines: With over 7,000 islands to choose from, the Philippines is a haven for beach lovers and adventurers. Sail through turquoise waters, scuba dive amidst coral reefs, or trek through lush jungles.
Heli-ski in the Canadian Rockies: For the ultimate thrill-seeker, heli-skiing in Canada offers unparalleled backcountry access. Carve fresh tracks through untouched powder snow, surrounded by breathtaking mountain scenery.
Glamp in the deserts of Morocco: Experience the magic of Morocco on a luxurious glamping trip. Stay in plush tents under a canopy of stars, explore the ancient city of Marrakech, and ride camels across the golden dunes of the Sahara.
This is just a taste of the incredible destinations waiting to be explored.  Remember, the best place to visit are the ones that resonate with YOU.  So, do your research, follow your interests, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure!
Beyond the Bucket List: Unveiling Unique Travel Gems
Forget the over-touristed destinations! Today's travel trend is all about seeking hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path adventures. Here, we unveil some unique places to visit that will make your trip truly unforgettable.
For the Foodie with a Sense of Adventure:
Hunt down truffles in Alba, Italy: This charming town in Piedmont transforms into a haven for gourmands during truffle season. Join an expert hunt for these culinary treasures, and savor their rich flavor in exquisite local dishes.
Embark on a culinary tour through the heart of Vietnam: From the vibrant street food scene of Ho Chi Minh City to the unique flavors of Hoi An, Vietnam offers a delicious adventure for your taste buds. Sign up for a cooking class and learn to prepare the quintessential dishes yourself.
Explore the spice markets of Marrakech, Morocco: Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and aromas of a bustling Moroccan souk. Sample exotic spices, indulge in traditional tagines, and discover the hidden gems tucked away within the labyrinthine alleys.
The Budget Traveler Seeking Cultural Gems:
Uncover the ancient city of Bagan, Myanmar: This archaeological wonderland is dotted with thousands of pagodas and temples, remnants of a once-powerful kingdom. Explore by bike or electric scooter, and witness breathtaking sunrises over the mystical landscape.
Delve into the heart of Uzbekistan: Uzbekistan's Silk Road cities, like Khiva and Bukhara, offer a glimpse into a bygone era. Wander through ancient bazaars, marvel at the intricate tilework adorning mosques, and experience the warm hospitality of the Uzbek people.
Hike the Milford Track in New Zealand's Fiordland National Park: This Great Walk is known for its breathtaking scenery—towering mountains, cascading waterfalls, and serene fiords. The Milford Track offers an affordable way to experience the beauty of New Zealand's wilderness.
Luxury with a Sustainable Twist:
Go glamping on a private island in Belize: Combine eco-consciousness with luxurious amenities on a private island retreat in Belize. Relax in a beachfront cabana, explore the surrounding coral reefs, and participate in conservation efforts that protect the island's delicate ecosystem.
Sail the crystal-clear waters of Raja Ampat, Indonesia: This remote archipelago boasts incredible biodiversity, making it a paradise for divers and nature enthusiasts. Charter a luxurious yacht and explore pristine coral reefs teeming with marine life, all while supporting responsible tourism practices.
Stay in an eco-lodge in the Amazon Rainforest: Immerse yourself in the heart of the Amazon without sacrificing comfort. Eco-lodges offer luxurious accommodations while adhering to sustainable principles. Explore the rainforest canopy with a knowledgable guide, and contribute to the preservation of this vital ecosystem.
This list is merely a starting point for your exploration.  The beauty of travel lies in the unexpected, so embrace the journey and discover your own unique travel gems! 
Beyond the Tourist Trail:
For the traveler seeking unique experiences, there's a whole world beyond the usual tourist hotspots.  Here are some hidden gems waiting to be discovered:
Alba, Italy: Foodies will delight in a truffle hunt in Alba, Italy, during the prized truffle season. Join an expert guide on the hunt for these culinary treasures, learning about the fascinating process of truffle hunting and uncovering these prized ingredients. Savor.
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taralblove · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: AMERICA’S ALPACA Brown Peruvian Alpaca Sweater Size XS.
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