#Personally I just imagine Stolas loving most if not all forms of artistic expression tbh!
goetiiaprince · 1 month
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Stolas has a varied taste in music and a strong appreciation for much of it! Music is a beautiful means of expression, carrying emotion in ways that sometimes words cannot. So whether or not there are vocals to a piece, he is more than happy to listen! His preferred period of music is Baroque, a Western classical style following the Renaissance. Classical music is the star of his preferences, followed closely by Opera, Swing, and Folk music. There are times where Stolas will dance with himself around a room while listening to the music, and with a few Opera pieces he will even sing. But mostly, he listens while committing himself to studies, or even while idly reading a novel.
Here is a song relevant to Stolas' heartache during/post Apology Tour known as Lamento della Ninfa (The Nymph's Lament), Part II from Monteverdi's 8th Book of Madrigals Madrigali dei guerrieri et amorosi (Madrigals of War and Love). [ x ]
Excerpt of the translated lyrics found in the video description:
O Love - she said, Gazing at the sky, as she stood - Where's the fidelity That the deceiver promised? [Poor her!] Make my love come back As he used to be Or kill me, so that I will not suffer anymore. [Poor her! She cannot bear All this coldness!] I don't want him to sigh any longer But if he's far from me. No! He will not make me suffer Anymore, I swear!
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