#Perhaps we'll see a more proper Amazo later
random-movie-ideas · 1 year
Superman Villain Movie Ideas, Part XVII: Amazo
Anthony Ivo was a scientist driven by the fear of death and strove to give himself immortality. In order to achieve his ends, he built a robot that could observe and replicate the abilities of others. This robot was called Amazo. Amazo would return time and time again, most often controlled by Ivo, typically in his pursuit of an eternal life.
Origin Movie: He's definitely a possibility for an origin, one that's a fun alternative to the typical Lex Luthor storyline. And with an origin, you have an added wrinkle of no one knowing Superman exists, making Amazo's copying of his abilities a happy accident that even Ivo didn't see coming.
Sequel Movie: A sequel would play it differently there. If Superman's already established, but a wider universe isn't, it would follow that Ivo would possibly intentionally design Amazo to replicate specifically Superman's powers, with Ivo possibly seeing Superman as the ideal that he wants to strive toward in his immortal pursuits.
Finale Movie: A robot that can do everything an established Justice League can do is at least a possibility for a finale, or at least a major event. And then there's how the Justice League cartoon handled him, which would also possibly be a finale-worthy plot.
Supporting Villain: Ivo and Amazo are being counted together. It doesn't count. It could be that Ivo is working with Lex Luthor in some way. At least, that's how I would play it.
Here's my rankings for these:
Origin Movie: This time, Origin and Sequel are pretty well tied for the top. It's a rather interesting dynamic between whether Ivo had no idea copying Superman would happen or whether he intended it specifically.
Sequel Movie: Same as above.
Finale Movie: Justice League did him pretty well.
Supporting Villain: At that point, he's just another robotic enforcer.
What do you think? Who should I cover next?
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