#Peppino was probably not shot putted...
(He did! And he was flung many more times that day, since Eg solves all her problems by yeeting them as far as possible
Another example of this with nameless clone (do not worry, he is fine! He is very resilient!!!)
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blueberrybladelemonade · 10 months
Please Don't Hate Your Body, It's the Only Part of You I can Touch
Summary: Peppino has body image issues some days, today is one of them. You wish he'd see himself the way you did, you love him for who he is. Instead you decide to reassure and show him a little extra weight doesn't make him unattractive. In fact, you can't keep your hands off of him.
Contains: Body positivity, Noise being...himself (an asshole), Slight angst and comfort, belly rubs and gratuitous touchiness, somewhat suggestive (nothing inherently nsft though)
🫐This is not for people that are fatphobic or fetishizers of people of size. Please treat people as the individual that they are and deserving of respect regardless of their weight.🍋
Peppino stared down at the dessert with hesitation. Instead of taking a bite he prodded it with a fork, frowning. He suddenly became aware of how snug his shirt was around his stomach and the tightness at his sides.   
Usually Peppino could wave off the Noise's insults, though this time he was still replaying the comments from yesterday. 
"Hey-a italian man! If you're still struggling with bills you're so fat, you could probably sell shade. With how hot it is you'd make a fortune!" Noise laughs at his own joke before shoving another garlic knot in his mouth. 
"I'm not gonna sugar coat this for you, because if I did, you'd eat it. You're fat".
He didn't recall much else besides finally losing his temper at Noise, with Noisette having to intervene shortly after. 
"What Y/N sees in you is beyond me" Noise snapped back at Peppino as his girlfriend dragged him away. Noisette looked over her shoulder and shot Peppino an apologetic look.
Peppino shifted uncomfortably in the chair. He would tell himself that it's easy. If he hated the way he looked? Change it. He looked back down at the cake. 
Did you really want to eat that?
Of course he wanted to. It was one of his favorites, black forest cake. Earlier this week you had decided to bake and surprise Peppino with it. 
Peppino sighed and set the fork down next to the plate, nudging it away. Just as he was about to put the cake back into the fridge you stepped into the room. 
Maybe you'd want it instead, and he could pawn the dessert off on you.
"Do you want this?" He gestured to the plate that was now in the center of the table. Your eyes lit up and you smiled as you took the plate. "Thanks"! 
You plopped down on the chair and happily dug into the cake. After a second bite your eyes dart up to meet his with a questioning look. "Aren't you going to have some?" You ask through a mouthful.
He tried to not let his discomfort show on his face as he forced a smile through gritted teeth. 
"Oh, I'm not-a hungry cara".
You watch with a raised eyebrow as Peppino stood up and left the room. After a moment you hear a door click shut. 
Was he just going to get a shower and go straight to bed again? 
You stared down at the now empty plate in thought, recalling his odd behavior last night. 
In bed he had his back turned to you, which wasn't uncommon. The part that nagged at you was his reaction when you draped an arm across his stomach, like you always did. Peppino seemed to shy away from your touch and as your fingers traced circles against him, he abruptly -but gently- took your hand in his and moved it away from his body. 
Now that you thought about it, Peppino didn't eat much for dinner yesterday either. He simply ate what had been on his plate with a similar dejected expression, like today. 
* * * * *
Water dripped onto the tile and mat as Peppino dried off, eyes averted from the mirror. Again. He grimaced as he bent over and slipped into his night pants. In his peripheral his reflection silently mimicked the action. 
He sighed. Despite his best attempt to avoid it, Peppino slowly drew his full attention to the mirror. Tired eyes stared at his thinning hair. No matter how much fumbling he did with it nothing would ever cover it. 
Reluctantly his eyes drifted lower to his gut. What did you see in him? His lips formed a thin line. 
Maybe he doesn't deserve the nice things he has. You deserved someone better. Someone skinnier. He wouldn't skip meals but he should stop eating sweets. Peppino gingerly poked at his side. He should cut down on how much he ate, too. 
Food was a sort of comfort for him, particularly when he was stressed, which felt like all the time. Between this and his medication he should've expected to get fat.
But what are you doing about it?  
You were always there for him regardless. Always telling him everything was ok. The least he could do for you is look better, more-
Peppino's thoughts were cut off as he felt arms wrap around his middle and a familiar weight press into his back. You smiled softly in return when his eyes met yours in the mirror. 
"I love you." You whisper, pulling him into a hug. 
He felt your hands wander across his body, your hands slid up to his chest before coming back down to run your hands across his abdomen. For a moment Peppino let himself enjoy your touch. Enjoy how soothing it was as your hands caressed him. Your breath tickled as you peppered kisses against the back of his neck and shoulders. 
Then he caught a glimpse in the mirror. There was that sinking feeling again. Peppino tore his gaze from yours and looked down at the counter. He wouldn't be able to cut out the excess calories, would he? He was going to break any day-
"Whatcha thinking about Pino?" You mumble as you rest your chin on his shoulder. He sighed.  
"You've been acting out of it." You press another kiss into the side of his neck and jaw, "What's wrong"?
"What do you see in me?" He blurted out, "Aren't you disgusted that I'm just-a balding fat man"?
You pull away from him, expression unreadable. Peppino could feel the faintest trace of tears prickling in his eyes.
Damn it why can't I just get it together.
Was this it? Did you finally realize he was just a broken and pathetic looking slob? 
You tug at his arm, urging him to follow you. As you guide Peppino to the bed, you motion for him to sit down. Listlessly he obeys, sinking down onto the comforter, watching as you sit beside him. 
"Peppino, don't ever say that about yourself again. There's nothing wrong with you having a little extra weight-"
"A little?" He retorted. "I d-"
"Peppino..." You shot him a look, the tone in your voice causing his words to catch in his throat. 
"How about, instead, we think of the positives?"
"What?" Peppino huffed, "What positives could you see in this?" he gestured to his gut and shot you an incredulous look. 
"Stop." you reply firmly, taking his hand in yours, before guiding it back to his side. You give him a quick peck on the cheek.
After a moment seemingly lost in thought, your face brightened. "Well let's see, for one, you're soft".
Peppino shot you a deadpan look. "Really, cara? I don't see how that's a positive".
"But it is." Your hands gently began stroking and caressing the rolls at his hips and sides. Peppino weakly tried to push your hands away but you simply shushed his protests and pressed a kiss to his chest. "Your so perfect to snuggle against, you make the ideal pillow. If you were thin or muscular you wouldn't be nearly as nice, or as comfortable to sleep on".
You dip your head lower, trailing light kisses down his stomach. In response Peppino leaned back, propping himself up against the pillows. He shuddered as you lips grazed against his body before drifting to his side.
"Falling asleep on you is the best. I feel so safe with you". You whisper, wrapping yours arms around his midsection. As you rest the side of your face against him, Peppino laid back into the bed and draped his arms across you. A faint shimmer caught your attention before you placed another kiss against a stretch mark.  
"Listening to your heart beat and breathing lets me know you're alive. There's nothing I'd rather fall asleep to. And you being so soft makes it the perfect place for my head to do it".
You press a kiss to his stomach that he hated so much. "You're gorgeous, Pino." You murmur, slowly tracing circles against him. 
Peppino remained silent as he watched you with half lidded eyes.
Peppino knew you loved him, that much was obvious. What he needed, instead, was to know you were attracted to him, to feel desired. 
"No matter how long we've been together, my heart still skips a beat when I see you take your shirt off".
Peppino gave you a quizzical look. Before he could say anything you used one hand to pull his head to face you while the other stroked his cheek. You placed your lips against his, enjoying the warmth radiating from his skin. 
As you leaned into and pushed him back down into the mattress you feel his breathing hitch. Laying on top of Peppino, you were almost purring from his warmth, his scent, and the softness of him. 
As you pull away you smile down at him before readjusting your legs to straddle him. 
"I love you no matter what shape you're in, not what people say is "ideal". You're ideal as you are". 
Slowly but deeply you pressed your hands into his belly and rubbed. Peppino made a small gasping noise as you continued to knead at his body. It felt good, just as good as the back massages you always gave him. 
“Mmh,” he involuntarily groaned as your hands grabbed at the curves above his hips. 
“Does that feel nice?"
“Yeah." Peppino whispered back, sounding dreamily content as he melted into your touch. 
As Peppino looked up to see the delight on your face. Maybe he was being too hard on himself.
"I love every part of you" You leaned over, placing a kiss on his forehead. Peppino shuddered as your lips brushed against his ear. 
"Let me show you how much I love you. All of you".
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nyanloane · 6 months
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Nacho!! ★
I remade his ref 2 days ago! My goober evolved so much :-)
More info about him below ↴
Nicknames / Referred as : Chips boy, Cheesy superhero, Chipster
Gender : Male
Age range : 20s
Birthday : March 9th
🇫🇷 headcanon voice : Ramzy Bedia (Rapido from Ratz)
Nacho is the delivery guy of Peppino and the main rival of The Noise.
He is a playful, energized dude, generally outgoing and kind, probably the most fun person you’ll ever meet!
He goes super fast with his rollers and might act as a superhero sometimes, he also looks like one too ☆.
He is generally nice, and frank; he is not the type to lie (unless it would be for his own safety…). He still likes being provoking, teasing others, especially towards his enemies, he doesn’t waste the eventual fun!
He is also used to often drink orange juice, like, a lot of it. might be the reason why he is so energized heh?
And because of how energized he is, he can’t stay still for a second! (or at least it’s pretty hard).
Our dear hero isn't only able to make deliveries for Peppino, but also a pretty good dancer, (maybe even singer?? ✨)! He usually moves a lot and would usually twist a lot if he does a pre-existing dance, he puts his own touch into it! He seems to share some in common with the Italian man too ★.
Not only that, he is pretty good at playing basketball or any kind of sports in general. This helped him to make more precise shots if he had to throw something that requires that (on an enemy for example). It seems Nacho also has a good strength, he can lift pretty heavy things! (Even Peppino, crazy right-)
The Chipster is also used of doing pretty acrobatic moves while running, it can be pretty impressive to see him jumping around everywhere…
Outside of work, Nacho likes to spend time playing videogames, or going to arcades, it's more fun with friends! he would probably beat you on DDR haha
He also enjoys going to the cinema, always with some popcorn ☆.
Nacho is also mostly a joyful guy, filled with joy and excitement ★. He is always hyper-vitamined, cannot take a break and needs to move and do something constantly! No wonder why he gathered multiple skills and hobbies to stretch that endless stamina he contains.
Nonetheless, he can still sometimes be moody due to being upset or too tired (if he didn’t sleep well for example). In this state he wouldn’t like things he would usually do...
Nacho also likes having some attention or just showing off in general ☆. He is flexing!!
He takes a lot of care about his appearance (hair included), he is a superhero after all!
It's not hard to flatter him and he would appreciate compliments and support quite a lot ☆.
Nacho also does not really care much about money, he is even the opposite of greedy : he loves gifting, sharing to others despite not being *extremely* rich, a generous lad! ★
And just like most superheroes, no one knows what Nacho looks like without his mask nor his true identity (is Nacho his real name??).
He said that he decided to look like this to make him look "swag and mysterious".
Nacho also likes to dress differently from time to time, but he will remain keeping his mask and sometimes his gloves too while doing so.
⚡️Relations with…
💢 The Noise
Nacho and him are main rivals. They hate each other, and cannot stand each other for a minute. They would usually fight a lot, but they sometimes enjoy themselves on rare occasions, even helping the other at times but it’s not common.
It seems they know each other before the events of Pizza Tower.
Nacho doesn’t entirely hate him, but The Noise is not in the same way and wants him gone...
💖 Noisette
Him and Noisette are good friends! They share quite a lot in common, sharing the same interests like stuff with wheels ☆.
He sometimes likes to help her out with her café just to give his help.
We could see them as besties! But this friendship doesn’t make The Noise really happy about it as you may have guessed… He can be jealous, and even feel humiliated seeing his rival hanging out with his girlfriend.
Nacho sometimes needs to be sneaky while trying to chat with Noisette, her boyfriend always has an eye on him.
He also always gives a tip whenever he comes to see her!
🍝 Peppino
Speaking of his relation with Peppino, they're on good terms, and could even consider them as good pals now.
He first met him by hearing Peppino needing some help with his pizzeria, and Nacho took the opportunity to be his delivery man. At that time Peppino wasn’t really benefiting that much, but Nacho insisted on being hired him. Seems like he wasn’t really looking for money for this job. Peppino was pretty skeptical at first, not knowing Nacho at all but ended up accepting.
As time passed, Nacho was able to impress the Italian man by showing how fast he was with his job, always asking when the next order is coming! He is very motivated. After after a while, Nacho could gain some money with tips, and since he is fast for delivering the boxes, people were usually generous with him, wanted to see him delivering them!
Though, I wonder if one of them got unsatisfied with the order to come too fast heh…
When they are off work, they sometimes spend time together to have fun ☆.
⭐️ Vigilante
They're both good cheesy friendos. Despite not spending a lot of time together, they still enjoy the time they spend when they do!
🍕 Pizzaface
(If they ever encounter)
Nacho and him are both true enemies. They both despise each other a lot, but they somehow can be cool but only in a comical way.
Pizzaface would messes a lot if Nacho was seen in the tower, Nacho does not hesitate a second to mock him or make him look like a fool!
Pizzaface doesn't want to deal with another speedy guy after all, and even more annoying.
⚙️ Nabot
Nacho and them are meant to be enemies. Nacho personally has nothing against Nabot but sees them more as a goofy robot who wants to defeat him. He is not worried about it though, he even takes it easy and prefers to tease them ☆.
❤️ Pepperoncino
Nacho only met him once. All he knows about Pepper' is that he was Peppino's mentor and that he is "a nice pizza".
⚡️Likes :
Reading comics, watching movies & cartoons, collecting things he finds ‘cool’
He is very passionate about superheroes, he would discuss about them for countless hours
Helping others and giving things
Orange juice, one brand in particular 🍊
Mint flavor!
The color orange 🟠 obviously it's his fav color haha
Being complimented ✨
Dancing, music that kicks and is funky!! ♪
Playing videogames
Noisette, they're besties :)
He can be a sweet tooth at times 🍭
Ice creams, especially banana split and Sunday :p
Butterscotch popcorn 🍿
⚡️Dislikes :
The Noise >:( (grrr)
Being bothered when he is moody
Overly complicated things : can be either discussion or instructions. He would end up not caring listening
The color green 🟢, especially on him
Whenever we mess with their friends
Anything that is ‘dirty’
⚡️Fun & Facts :
Nacho is very expressive even though he would usually put his "serious face" by default
He can speak Spanish, but it not confirmed he has any kind of latino nationality
It sometimes happens that he can become drunk by drinking too much orange juice (based on a true story)
It is said that he may have wanted to be a delivery man to have some visibility this way…
He is bad at math.
He is very secured about his secret identity that the only way to see his true self would be after wedding (if it ever happens) "You might see my face after our wedding."
Nacho doesn't mind crossdressing!
His design was first inspired by the supervillain Electro (Marvel), one of his powers he can obtain is also taken from this character!
The main inspirations for Nacho are : Bugs Bunny, Superheroes (like Batman), Sonic, Rapido (from Ratz), ROBIN IS A COINCIDENCE
His english voice would be similar to Sonic.
Copy pasta from his TH profile.
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pizzatowerepisodes · 1 year
Halloween Episode- Snick’s SpookySpaghetti Special
While Peppino spends most of his time worrying over his business and making money, he does very occasionally take breaks to play his favourite video game series about Snick the Porcupine. As such, he’s ecstatic about the release of the new game, Snick DVD, which is going to be released the next day.
Peppino queues outside of the Sage shop all night, only to find out that the game is way too expensive for him to afford brand new. Peppino feels defeated and just sadly walks back to the pizzeria. However, as he’s going down an alleyway he stumbles upon a brand new copy of Snick DVD. Checking to see if nobody else is going to claim the copy (Peppino's not so desparate that he'll resort to stealing), he grabs the game and runs back to the Pizzaria to play it.
The game starts off normal and Peppino happily plays it. However, the game begins to glitch, the graphics turn red, and Peppino loses control of Snick as he just goes on a violent murder spree against his friends and family. Peppino is understandably freaked out by this and ejects the game, annoyed because none of that stuff was included in the advertising for Snick DVD.
That night, as Peppino gets ready for bed, he finds that his collectible Snick doll's eyes have been scribbled on by black and red markers. He’s first annoyed about the value of it being gone but then scared when he questions who did it. Peppino tries to reason with himself and says it’s probably just The Noise up to his usual antics.
As Peppino's preparing for bedtime, he keeps having a niggling feeling that something else is watching him. There are even shots where we see two white dots shining in pitch-black hallways. When Peppino goes back into his bedroom, he finally sees a familiar purple porcupine floating in his room, but with blood dripping from its hollow black eyes
Cue a large chase scene where Peppino just panics and runs out of his pizzeria, but Snick.exe keeps following him. There are several gags about Peppino trying to use ammunition to fight back or hide in ridiculous places, but Snick.exe seems to be an unstoppable force.
When Peppino is finally confronted by Snick.exe, he just accepts his fate… Only for Snick.exe to put handcuffs on Peppino? It cuts to the next day, outside of a police station with both Peppino and Snick.exe walking out. Peppino apologises to Snick, saying he didn’t realise that the copy of Snick DVD he had was an unauthorised copy. Snick.exe apologises as well for the misunderstanding before flying away, saying he needs to look out for anyone else who plays illegal copies of games.
Relieved that the whole ordeal is over, Peppino slowly walks back to his restaurant. Noise runs over to Peppino and brags about how he's been able to get the new Snick game for free by burning a rom into a disc. Peppino just lets him gloat, knowing who Snick.exe's next victim is going to be.
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undertheinktree · 6 years
1, 3, 23 and 30? (for the three songs thing)
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
Golden slumbers by The Beatles
Your song by Elton John
I wanna get better by Bleachers
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
Roaring 20s by Panic! At the disco (I’ve been listening non-stop to the new album, thanks Brendon)
Le Gentil by Pinguini tattici nucleari (song starts around minute 2.00. They’re an Italian indie band, I’ve seen them live in May and I’m seeing them again in July. They’re really weird. I love them.)
Answer me from The band’s visit (I love this musical and this song is absolutely beautiful)
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
Na na na by My chemical romance (stop emo shaming 2k18)
Can’t hold us by Macklwmore and Ryan Lewis (this is definitely not the genre I usually listen to but we used to this during warm-up at the musical course I went to last year, I guess it grew on me)
Alone together by Fall out boy (probably my favourite FOB song)
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above) 
Into the wild by LP (I can’t understan why LP isn’t more popular! Her voice is amazing and all her songs sound so good)
Hitchhiking across America by William Finn (here sung by Farah Alvin. I’ll just say that I wish I could draw and animate or that I was able to film a videoclip because this song deserves it and I can see all the shots in my mind)
I cento passi by Modena City Ramblers (This is a very important song because it’s about the real story of Peppino Impastato, a journalist who was murdered by mafia in 1978, when he was 30, because of his opposition. “Cento passi” means “One hundred steps”, which is the distance between his house and a house of a mafia boss who was friend of his father.)
Let me know if you listen to any of these and what you think about them! 
Thank you for asking! :)
Three songs ask set
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