#People on this website are so brain rotted from Shonen manga and shi it’s unreal. Like. Wow.
toxycodone · 2 months
oxy help meeee theres a post with 10k notes going around about how posting about your kinks means those are actually your morals and values and beliefs and two of my mutuals reblogged it
show me the damn post 💀 because…huh? People like this are so funny to me because like. Okay. I can almost guarantee they’re fans of genshin/hazbin/etc. and bend over backwards to defend that shit meanwhile. (Like if you want to bring up the stuff you enjoy showcases your moral beliefs argument…two can play at that game.)
but also like…it’s literally not that difficult to understand at all that kinks/fetishes ≠ moral ideas. Not only is that incredibly harmful because it is extremely common for victims of acts of sexual violence to develop fetishes/kinks based on what happened to them (A VERY COMMON HUMAN PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENON BY THE WAY.) but…it always sets us back way further when we have arguments like this.
a big big thing that bothers me about this too is like…where is anyone even getting the idea that just because someone may have a kink or fetish that they’re going to act on it? Just because something makes you aroused does not imply that it will ever come up in your sexual life. It doesn’t even mean you will engage in content surrounding that topic…? To go even further a kink or a fetish doesn’t even mean you’re going to be aroused by this in a sexual sense. Sometimes it’s just something you enjoy in a more average type of sense. Again, psychology and brains are extremely complicated.
I know this website is notorious for people who do not have sex but if you guys are going to start sex discourse I think a major key should be. That you engage in the action. And humping your body pillow doesn’t count. BUT ALSO. As someone w compulsive thoughts from OCD this pisses me off even more because some of the fetishes I have are extremely not common but don’t derive from any trauma I’m aware of and I’d ask myself “am I a SAer/pedo/etc.” because I was so concerned and posts like that feed into that weird psychosis shir. I brought this up to my psych and literally her answer was “anyone who is a sexual criminal is not going to second guess themselves or try to mitigate harm/ensure consent.” And I was like. Oh real.
BUR ALSO. HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY AND SEXUALITY ARE EXTREMELY COMPLICATED. You cannot define someone’s morals based on what gets their dick hard. I know it’s difficult for some of you on this website to understand because you stay inside and read manga and play video games all day, but life is not this black and white.
If taboo kinks concern you, for the love of fucking God please go pick up a book. Something academic and ideally peer reviewed (no you can’t find that on Ao3! close that tab for once in your life.) AND READ. Read about modern sex theory and human psychology. Understand that fear and arousal are actually two very very similarly stimulated points in the brain. Did you know someone can develop a taboo kink/fetish because they literally find the action so abhorrent irl that the brain can just get confused and mistake it for sexual arousal? You can find something incredibly gross irl and would never consider acting on it but your brain can be like “damn that’s hot” because it’s essentially a giant squishy supercomputer. It’s not immune to glitches!
also it’s time to break some mutuals. You don’t owe anyone online your time, effort, companionship btw. You can just block and move on. In fact I encourage it. 💀 do not waste time or effort on tumblr people.
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