#Peeta mellark x reader one shots
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tearsonthemoons · 1 year ago
Kitchen dancing
Warnings: (none)
Prompt: Peeta’s been home alone all day, and struggling, to say the least. Once you get home to find him distressed, you try and comfort him in one of the few ways you know how.
Pairings: Peeta mellark x reader
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As I walked up the path to our quaint cottage, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Peeta's had a rough day and been all alone ever since he was struggling this morning, I knew he needed me to come home. 
I quickened my pace, I was eager to be by his side and hopefully comfort him.
I approached my door, opening it, I heard soft sobs coming from our kitchen. My heart immediately broke, knowing that my usually strong and composed Peeta was in such emotional distress. I just want to hold onto him.
 I softly followed the sound, "Peeta?" I said, only to find him sitting at the kitchen table, his head buried in his hands. I couldn't see him but, I knew he was crying.
Quickly I rushed to his side and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into my embrace, I tried to hold him gently, all while he was doing the opposite, He clung to me, his body shaking with tears. I waited patiently, waiting for him to say something.
Then, Finally, he lifted his head and looked at me with red, puffy eyes. My heart was aching for him. "I keep remembering." he choked out, his voice was stuttered.
My heart hurt, Peeta will forever be in recovery of his trauma from the capitol, and to know he was alone today only made me feel worse. thinking about how much he probably needed me today, made my heart hurt.
I didn't know what else to do, I could feel his tears soaking my shirt.
I suddenly remembered last night, when we were dancing in our kitchen, his laughter echoing through the kitchen when we did. Maybe I could make him feel better.
I suddenly took his hand in mine and led him to the center of our kitchen. "Dance with me?" I said, trying to distract him from his thoughts.
Peeta looked at me with surprise, as I put on our record from last night. As I jokingly swayed back in his direction, a small smile appeared on his face. I was relieved to see it. He wrapped his arms around my waist, snuggling his head down into the crook of my neck as I slowly rested my head on his, my arms wrapped around him as we swayed to the music playing in the background.
We danced in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the comfort of each other's presence, I was humming the toon in his ear, hopefully the sound brought him a soft comfort. then, Peeta began to meet his eyes to mine. His red tear stained under eyes just stayed glued to mine for a moment as we swayed. He whispered, "I love you." before laying his head back into my shoulder. I used my hand to hold the back of his head gently. 
"I love you most." I said closing my eyes and enjoying him in my arms.
we would get through this together I thought to myself. I would do anything he needed.
we continued to dance, I could feel the tension in Peeta's body slowly melting away, His tears had stopped, he had started moving me at his pace now, giving me soft neck kisses and a few on my cheek as well.
 I knew that the simple act of dancing in our kitchen had helped to heal his wounded heart.
We danced until the music ended, then we just stood there, holding each other close, like a everlasting hug. No matter what day peeta had, he would always have me to hold onto.
"Are you tired?" I said sensing the tiredness from his body movements. "Can we lay together?" he said quietly, hands still wrapped around me. 
"Of course we can." As we headed to bed that night, I could see the relief in Peeta's eyes, I'm just happy to hold him now. I slipped under our cozy blanket, him following me, removing his shirt and pants for comfort. I could only admire him. I scooted closer to him, my hand was on his warm chest, my legs wrapped around his.
"Cozy?" he said putting his arms around my body, and caressing my hands with his other hand. "yes." I said closing my eyes, close to drifting off into deep sleep. 
the nights in our kitchen lingered in my mind, it can heal even the deepest wounds. And I was grateful to have Peeta by my side, dancing through life together.
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Rescue Mission- Finnick Odair
I loved your finnick fic! You are so good at writing!
Could you write a fic where the reader was taken to the Capitol (like Peeta and Johanna). They get saved and get to see Finnick in 13? Just a cute reunion (or a very angsty one which ever you rather lol)
A/N: again, thank you so much! i don't know how i feel abt how this one turned out, but here it is! i hope you love it<3 part 2 possibly if someone requests it. requests open!
WARNINGS: mentions of torture/blood/slight gore
word count: 2k
Time didn't matter anymore. Seconds turned into minutes turned into hours turned into days. Months, maybe even. It was all the same. 
You heard Johanna's scream echo through the hallway outside your door causing you to flinch. Bile rose in your throat as you anticipated what was to come; you, you knew, were next.
Just like everything else they did in the Capitol the torture was also excessive and elaborate, stretching far beyond anything the average imagination could conceive. 
You didn't know how long you'd been there; throughout your stay so far you were kept locked and chained in a small room with no windows indicating night or day, sandwiched between Johanna's and Peeta's rooms. The only reason you knew they were alive is because you heard them... daily. They were about as lucky as you were when it came to mercy- there was none. 
You felt completely and utterly defeated; you'd been told more than once that the three of you were the only survivors of the Quarter Quell. That meant everybody else had died- that meant Finnick had... passed. You couldn't bring yourself to put Finnick and dead together in a sentence. They were all killed either in the arena by the explosion or as an execution to be made example of. All considered to be part of a "rebel plan" to dethrone Snow and the Capitol according to what Snow and the peacekeepers have told you, which wasn't much. You had told them multiple times that you didn't know anything but they refused to listen, subjecting you to whatever violence they pleased in order to get information out of you. Information that you genuinely didn't have. No crying, begging, or pleading was enough to convince them that you were innocent. 
And truthfully you were; you had heard of Districts rioting and camaraderie between the victors but nothing as far as actually blowing up the arena.   
Whatever building you were kept on only housed the three of you there: Peeta to your left, You in the middle, then Johanna to your right. You didn't know what they were doing to the other two but you knew that for yourself it was more than just rough; it was excruciating both mentally and physically. It didn't sound any better coming from their end. 
They didn't hold back during beatings, going as far as to use physical objects to deliver the blows to your constantly fatigued, battered body. 
The room you were locked in was small and white- white walls, white bed, white papery nightgown you were forced to wear. It all reminded you eerily of Snow's garden of roses. 
Your bed was a thin mattress on a wiry metal frame, no blanket and no pillow. Attached to the bottom of the wall were the two bolts holding your chains in place, where they stretched across the floor until they cuffed tightly around both of your ankles.
The previously pristine walls were tainted by your blood. 
The door was flung open, ricocheting off the wall violently as Snow himself walked in. 
"Y/N," he smiled. "Let's see if we have something to talk about today, shall we?"
By the time he left you were laying on the floor, feeling woozy from the amount of blood in your mouth. You sat up, hearing a noise in the distance. It sounded further than Johanna's room, where they usually came in from. 
You heard bangs now directly outside of your room, making your heart race wildly. What was coming next? 
Suddenly your door flew open; someone, presumably a male judging by the height, dressed in heavy armor kicked your door down causing you jump about two miles in the air. Who was this? A new person to inflict pain on you? Were they peacekeepers, just dressed differently? 
They started to walk towards you and you shot backwards, scrambling as far as your chains would let you go. 
"Go away!" You shrieked, your throat raw from all of the screaming you'd done through your time at the Capitol. 
"Y/N! It's me," a muffled voice came out through the heavy duty mask. You stopped struggling against your restraints, looking at them in distrust. You couldn't see through the mask as it covered their entire face, but you could see their eyes- and you'd recognize those stony grey irises anywhere.
"Gale?" You whispered. 
A thick smoke began pouring from holes in the wall, holes which you had always previously assumed to be guns or other violent forms of reinforcements. 
You looked at him, panicked, and desperately tried to claw yourself lose from the chains. Your skin was red and bloody from how hard you were fighting it, squirming wildly like a rabid animal. 
The smoke easily filled the room, taking over your lungs and making you dizzy. You stumbled backwards, the backs of your knees hitting the bed and making you fall onto it. Your eyes shut. 
The next time you woke up you were being transferred from somebody's arms onto a hospital bed, an oxygen mask getting strapped to your face. You gasped and sat straight up, looking around frantically as multiple nurses rushed to your side and ushered you to lay back down. 
Heart beating wildly you took in your surroundings as you were wheeled from a landed hovercraft, approaching what appeared to be an entrance to something underground. 
You sucked in a breath. Was this new location just another place of horrors? 
"Y/N, it's okay," a young girl said, holding her hand out to you. She was blonde and had doe eyes, radiating innocence and purity. "You're not at the capitol anymore." 
The sound of the people surrounding you, a collection of doctors, nurses, and soldiers speaking in low voices faded into the background. 
You hesitantly touched her hand, noticing how your hand shook. 
"Where am I?"
"District 13."
District 13. 
District 13? 
Now you knew you must be hallucinating. 
You looked over your shoulder and saw Peeta being carted off on a hospital bed too, unconscious, an array of nurses and doctors surrounding him as well. 
"Where's Johanna?" You croaked. Your voice was weak. 
"She's here too," she reassured you. "She's behind you." 
You tried to sit up and turn further, trying to confirm for yourself that Johanna was indeed behind you, but the girl gently pushed you back down. 
"Don't strain yourself," she advised softly. You looked at her soft grey eyes and recognized immediately that she was from District 12. You distantly identified her as Katniss's sister. 
You approached what looked like a big room but she assured you it was just an elevator. "It's going to take us down to the bunkers." 
You paused, feeling the floor under your hospital bed go down, down, down as Prim explained lightly where you were and how it came to be. 
You couldn't wrap your head around it all; arriving in District 13, being rescued by people you had been told were dead, Katniss being the Mockingjay. It was all too much. 
The last thing you remember is someone slipping a needle into the back of your hand, hooking you up to an IV, Prim's big eyes gazing at you in concern. You felt comforted in her care; like no one was going to hurt you. Your eyes felt heavy and before you could leave the elevator it all went black. 
You woke up to beeping. 
You sat up roughly and your your head immediately started spinning- Prim rushed forward and held her arm out, allowing you to steady yourself. 
"Where- what happened?"
She guided you to lean back, pulling the top part of your hospital bed into a reclined position so you could sit up a little. 
"You were rescued from the Capitol," she started slowly, fixing you a cup of water. You took it, not realizing how parched your mouth and throat were. Suddenly you were hyper aware of how sore your body was; you looked down to see your arms and legs covered in bruises and lacerations, your fingernails caked with blood underneath. "You, Peeta, and Johanna. After the arena blew up they took the three of you as prisoners, thinking you knew something about the rebellion."
"I didn't know anything," You whispered, looking up. Prim looked at you with sad eyes. 
"I know. Finnick's been going crazy not knowing where you were."
You swear your heart almost stopped. 
"Finnick?" You croaked and sat up again. "He's alive?"
She nodded in confusion. "He's been waiting for you." 
Tears pricked at your eyes and you tried to take a deep breath, which turned into a broken sob. You pressed your hand to your mouth trying to contain yourself. 
"Katniss? Beetee?"
"Both alive," she nodded, her brows furrowing. "Why, what do you think happened?"
"They told me the rest of the tributes were dead," You cried softly, your sobs getting louder by the second as you got worked up. "They said they caught and killed them all because they were rebels- to make an example out of them." 
She looked at you in shock, clearly taken off guard. Before she could say anything you heard noise from outside of the room. 
You heard him yelling, running, his foot steps echoing. Your heart rate picked up. 
"Finnick," You screamed, drawing the attention of a few other nurses in the room. 
"Y/N! Where is she?"
You watched the door anxiously as Prim got up silently and opened it, poking her head out and waving her arm. 
"I want to see him," You demanded shakily even though no one was objecting, trying to ignore the big lump in your throat. You were so close to him, but so far. You slid off the hospital bed and Prim rushed back to your side as you wobbled and nearly collapsed onto the floor. She slipped her arm around your waist and basically carried you back into the hospital bed. 
As soon as you had been sat down he burst through the double doors; there he was. Your heart fluttered and it felt like a weight was lifted off your chest. He was there. Alive. In the flesh. He was facing the other way, head turning as he scanned the room. 
"Finn?" You said and you hated how broken your voice sounded. He whipped around with a frantic look on his face, eyes softening once they settled on you. He let out a loud breath as he closed the space between you with three long strides, reaching out and yanking you into his chest. You couldn't help the tears that fell as you clung to him desperately, unable to get close enough. His hands were all over you; rubbing, comforting, reassuring you as he tried to memorize every part of your body as if it was the last time he'd see you. 
You sobbed into his neck, holding onto him tightly with both hands.
"I'm so sorry," he breathed into your hair. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there." 
You couldn't find your voice to comfort him, instead just shaking your head and pushing it further against his chest.
He tightened his arms around you, pressing his lips to your head before lifting your face and kissing your salty tears away. He cupped your face with both hands, his ocean blue eyes gazing into yours burning with sincerity. 
"I'm never letting you out if my sight again," he choked. "Never."
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ceruleansx · 2 years ago
need | peeta mellark
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↳ peeta mellark x reader
↳ warnings - tooth rooting fluff
↳ summary - you were extra cuddly and craving to give kisses to your bf peeta
you woke up with your back towards peeta, the sunlight splayed on your face. you opened your eyes slowly, seeing the sun just setting. the shade of orange was peeta's favorite color.
you turned to him because you wanted to tell him to look at the sunrise.
he was facing you, eyes still closed. he looked so pretty in the presence of the sun. it made the blonde hair covering his face more beautiful, something that you thought was impossible.
the beauty that peeta had almost seemed like he wasn't real.
you moved his hair from his forehead, and gave him a loving kiss. his nose scrunched up and he squinted his eyes.
"mmmm." he mumbled.
you shook his arm. "look peeta, the sunrise." you whispered.
he looked away from you and looked at the sky.
"it's beautiful isn't it?" you said softly, admiring the different shades.
"the most beautiful thing i've ever seen." you turned your head at him.
he was looking at you as he said that. you felt your cheeks burn with redness, and you look back to try and hide it.
"i can see why this color is your favorite, it's so pretty."
"you wanna know why it is?" he said, and you layed down to face him.
"why?" you smiled, still a blush on your face.
he looked at you so lovingly, like you were the only person he wanted to kiss and love forever. no one else.
"cause it reminds me of you.." he whispered, as he brushed a strand of your hair behind you ear.
the butterflies erupted in your stomach, and you went to cuddle on top of him. his arms were now around your waist as you nuzzled your face in his neck.
you gave sloppy kisses on his neck as he rubbed your back.
"i love you peeta.." you mumbled into his neck, mid-kiss.
"show me how much you love me." you could practically hear the blush creeping on his face.
you removed your head from his neck and looked at him.
"wellll" you brushed his hair away from his forehead.
"i love your smart ideas and mind."
you gave a tender kiss to his forehead.
"i love how kind and caring you are."
you kissed his nose.
"i love how patient and loving you are, after every situation or fight."
you kissed his cheek.
you finally kissed his soft lips. "and i love that your mine." you whispered against his lips.
he kissed you this time, much longer than expected. he pulled away, trying to hide his smile. his face was as red as a tomato.
"your not shy with the kisses this morning." he blushed.
you didn't make a comment, just stared at his beautiful face. he did too, thinking that he basically hit the jackpot with being with you. he was going to marry you one day, he knew it.
"so you love me..?" he asked.
you rolled your eyes playfully. "no i totally just kissed someone that i don't love."
he chuckled and you smiled. "of course i love you peeta, only you. and no one else."
oh, how you can make peeta blush like a 9 year old. he kissed you once more before talking.
"i love you too y/n, and i'm going to marry you one day."
you were so in love, you didn't have a reaction.
"i would love to marry you peeta mellark."
after that, you layed on top him, just the two of you watching the sunset. you two were just both imagining your future kids, happily married, and loving each other for eternity.
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joshfutturman · 1 year ago
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oneshot (request) - peeta looking after you on a bad mental health day (2.4k words) pairing - peeta mellark (the hunger games) + reader (gender neutral) tags: kissing, fluff, bathing, nudity, depression mention, established relationship, pet names
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
some days you awoke to that swirling darkness rising in your chest, clouding every thought and feeling like an unbearable weight. eyes adjusting to the bedroom, you could already feel it. despite the warmth and safeness of your surroundings - the weight felt heavy nevertheless. tears welled in your eyes, it was going to be one of those days. your fingers gripped at the sheets, pulling them closer to your face in an attempt to hide. a whimper escaped you as well as a small sniffle.
peeta shuffles, hearing that familiar sound. he blinks and lets out a soft, sleepy mumble before turning in the bed to find you curled up, shaking. his shoulders fall and he frowns before inching closer. peeta snuggles in behind you, wrapping his arms around your frame and nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “one of those mornings, baby?” he whispers, and you barely nod in response.
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
notes: this was so sweet to write, thanks anon for the submission - sorry it took a while, still getting on my feet with writing on here! i hope this is okay for you! ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
some days you awoke to that swirling darkness rising in your chest, clouding every thought and feeling like an unbearable weight. eyes adjusting to the bedroom, you could already feel it. despite the warmth and safeness of your surroundings - the weight felt heavy nevertheless. tears welled in your eyes, it was going to be one of those days. your fingers gripped at the sheets, pulling them closer to your face in an attempt to hide. a whimper escaped you as well as a small sniffle.
peeta shuffles, hearing that familiar sound. he blinks and lets out a soft, sleepy mumble before turning in the bed to find you curled up, shaking. his shoulders fall and he frowns before inching closer. peeta snuggles in behind you, wrapping his arms around your frame and nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “one of those mornings, baby?” he whispers, and you barely nod in response.
pressing a reassuring kiss to your skin, the blonde holds you a little tighter. he knew what it felt like, to feel that indescribable sadness. there were some mornings when you had been the same support for him, cradling him from behind as his shoulders shuddered.
“let’s get you in a nice, hot bath.” his voice was gentle and you tried to focus on it over the rising, overlapping and confusing thoughts fighting for dominance inside your head. peeta knew exactly how to tend to you during times like these, it helped you feel like maybe things would be alright, that maybe the world wasn’t so scary or too much. it’s like he always knew what to say and how to say it - you loved that about him.
he sat up, leaning on his elbow to reach over and wipe your tears before he left a kiss on your cheek. lingering there for a few moments, he offered you a smile before exiting the bed. you already missed his warmth.
making his way to the bathroom, the old floorboards creaked underneath him. entering, he stepped towards the bath and leaned over, turning the faucets on. peeta waited as the bath began to fill, checking the water with care for the perfect temperature. he knew just how you liked it, hot enough to give you that sensation of safety but with a cool touch. one last time, he checked the temperature before turning off the faucets.
upon leaving the bathroom, he wipes his tired eyes and stops in front of you, sitting on the edge of the bed. his hand finds your shoulder over the sheets and gives it a gentle rub. your eyes find him and his smile fills you with love.
“you ready to get up?” he asks, voice quiet. he knew to take it at your pace, willing to wait as long as you needed. “this’ll help, i promise.” and you nod, believing him.
with his help, you stand, shoulders shuddering as you let out a long sigh. his hand finds yours and he squeezes it as he leads you towards the bathroom. you follow, keeping close to his side as you hold onto both his hand and his arm. with your cheek against his skin, you close your eyes and focus on the rhythm of walking.
entering the bathroom, he tilts your chin upwards and gives your nose a chaste kiss. you smile sweetly and weakly back at him. standing together for a few moments, you raise your arms to help him remove your shirt and pulls it over your head slowly and carefully. folding it, he sets it aside and helps you out of the rest of your clothes. in the process, he removes his too - both of your clothes are neatly folded, he liked to be organised like that, it was cute.
peeta gets in first, dipping a foot in before sliding in all the way. he lets out a sigh of relief as he extends a hand to you to help you in. it felt so good to be vulnerable like this with him, he was the only person you felt like you could let your mask slip in front of. your hand takes his and you step in, being careful not to slip. you fit perfectly in front of him, your bodies merging like a puzzle piece. his arms wrap around you loosely and your back rests against his chest, neck leaning back on his shoulder.
the water soothes you, hot and refreshing against your cold skin alongside peeta’s warm presence. he holds you fondly, enjoying the comforting embrace in silence. his cheek rests against your head watching as the water ripples slightly with each rise and fall of your chest. your breathing was in sync, peeta made sure to take deep, sure breaths for you to follow. in, and out.
your eyes close and the two of you sit in peaceful silence. your mind focuses on the sound of peeta's breathing accompanied by the cool sounds of the water mingling between your bodies. with each breath, your body grows closer to his until it's flush against him. his fingers trace along your arm in a delicate pattern, eyelids growing heavy.
calm, peaceful, with no room for disruptive or negative thoughts, only the quiet breathing of your lover in your ear and the way he tenderly touched you.
his eyes rest on you from behind and he can't help but beam. the way your muscles began to relax against him told him you felt safe.
this beautiful moment lasted a while longer before peeta whispered in your ear, "baby, can i wash your hair?" in a sleepy daze, you let out a long contented hum of approval.
carefully, the blonde reached for the shampoo, letting some of the liquid fall into his palm. as he sat up slightly, he ran his hands over your hair, ensuring the shampoo coated your hair before he began to spread his fingers, massaging it in.
tingles ran across your scalp as his fingers danced across your skin, weaving between your hair. it was tender and you couldn't help but feel emotions bubbling inside you. "thank you, peeta." you mutter, opening your eyes for a moment.
 "you're welcome, my love." he says and though you can't see him, you can tell he's smiling.
his fingers continue down to the base of your scalp, rubbing slow circles before trailing the shampoo down to your ends. admiring his work, he lets out a soft chuckle before cupping some water, beginning to wash away the suds.
with each wave of water, you felt the stress wash from you. though your heart still felt heavy, there was hope and you could feel that small spark of joy - joy that you'd wake another day with him by your side. to have someone who cared for you in this way was in itself, live-saving, to say the least.
"i love you." you say, lip quivering, unsure just how you could ever express your thanks after all he has done for you over the years.
"i know," peeta replies, leaning over to look you in the eye with that radiant smile of his, "i love you too."
with a kiss on the cheek and one last wave of water, the shampoo had been rinsed. "now i can do the rest, that alright?" he checked in, ensuring he had your full consent. peeta often did this, checking in occasionally - you never felt trapped or pressured, in fact you always felt the opposite. secure and free, with him, always.
confirming with another nod, peeta takes some soap and begins running it over your shoulders. in a combined fashion he begins to massage your tight muscles, which had loosened slightly in the warm water. the suds wash over you as he works his hands, not too rough; but with just enough pressure to feel the effects. a sigh escapes your lips. this was in stark contrast to how restricted and snared you'd felt that morning in depression's gloomy clutches.
each silky swipe with soap was met with a rinse of warm water, moving to the front of your body. his hands are gentle with you and you look up at him under his chin to smile. slowly, you felt like you were regaining small bits of your murky vision back. the clouds were beginning to clear, if only a little.
the soap dances across your arms and peeta guides the water to ease the bubbling suds away. he holds up your arm slightly, leaning down to pepper kisses along your skin, following the patterns of your freckles like a treasure map. each kiss was slow, deliberate and loving. your heart swells with tenderness and you nuzzle into his touch, curling up a little to lay in his lap on your side, head resting at the crook of his neck.
enveloping you once more into his embrace, you both share the moment in silence. the outside world could wait for a day, this moment was created only for the two of you.
you both continued to enjoy the soothing bath water as he held you until it grew colder. "don't want you to catch a cold, better get some clothes on you." he petted your back in signal, having just traced small unintelligible patterns across your skin.
he helps you stand, holding your hand all the while as the two of you take careful steps out of the bath and onto the cosy fabric mat below your feet. the air nipped at your wet skin and you caught him attempting to hide a shiver. this caused you to giggle and he chuckles too.
his hands find the large towel beside him and he wraps you in it, rubbing your shoulders and down your arms to dry some of the excess water dripping onto the tiled floor. a smirk tugs on his lips as he pulls the towel up, wrapping you both inside it like a cacoon. you shuffle closer and wrap your arms around him, placing your cheek against his chest.
thump-thump, the soft rhythm of his heartbeat plays like a familiar song, like a soothing lullaby. And it reminds you that you're alive. the moment may be hard, but it won't last forever - peeta is living proof of that. despite everything you both went through, you're so very alive.
ruffling your hair with the towel, he dries it to the best of his ability and in a playful manner, roughly dries the rest of your back. a laugh escapes you that wobbles with each shake, shoving him away gently.
the blonde kneels down to take your leg in his hands, drying along it with a commendable closeness. your eyes focus on him, full of adoration. with the next leg, he looks up at you as he dries it delicately. offering you a kind smile, peeta stays there for a few more seconds simply admiring his view. you were so beautiful. he'd tell you that until his dying breath.
"what?" you ask in a quiet voice, still regaining some of your strength.
peeta stands and cups your cheeks in his hands, "i just think you're the most beautiful person i've ever seen in my life." he admits with a nervous swallow.
it was funny, how peeta could compose himself in front of thousands but you saw the real him, the soft, kindhearted boy with so much love in his heart. the one who'd tuck you into bed after a long day, the one who'd wipe your tears when the world became too much to bear and the one who'd lead you out of bed when you felt like you were drowning.
his words spark a smile on your lips and your cheeks flush under his touch, "i think you're pretty beautiful too, mellark." you whisper through the butterflies in your stomach.
peeta's smile brightens and he lets out a small laugh, almost a giddy giggle. staring at you for just a few seconds longer, he tears himself away from your doting gaze to guide you into the bedroom towards the wardrobe. you sit on the bed behind him, wrapped in the towel still as you let out a long exhale in an attempt to further regulate your breathing. you fell into a steady rhythm of slow breaths to help keep this calm energy that peeta had helped you create within yourself.
humming and hawing, the other looks through your clothes, searching for the perfect outfit for that day. something comfortable, he thought. turning when he found the selection he wanted, he held it up for you to view. you give a happy nod with a smile and watch as that endearing look unfolds on his face, like a proud puppy.
helping you into your new clothes for the day, he also got dressed and you both stood in front of the mirror. he pats down your shoulders before wrapping his arms around you from behind. chin resting on your shoulder, your hands find his arms and rest upon them.
he litters kisses on your cheek, over and over with exaggerated 'mwah' noises. you giggle and push his face away gently, but secretly you love it.
accepting his defeat, his chin lands on your shoulder again, content with the glowing smile on your face. "now, let's get you breakfast, hm?"
"i'd like that." you reply, turning your head to kiss him with all the love you can muster. your sunshine on a cloudy day, a hand in the darkness to guide you - peeta mellark. your eyes open to find his looking back at you, staring longingly at one another. you press your forehead to his.
"i'll be here for you every day, bad or good." peeta promised.
and you believed him, because he had already proven it to you. he fought the swirling darkness in your chest alongside you, keeping it at bay. and you would do the same for him in a heartbeat. your eyes close once more, enjoying the closeness with your love - alive, breathing, fighting, living with him by your side.
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alloftheimaginesblog · 2 years ago
why can't you see {peeta mellark}
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plot: you're peeta's best friend and you've loved him ever since you could remember.
character: peeta mellark x reader
fandom: the hunger games
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You sighed as you watched him as his strong arms tensed and flexed as he carried in the sacks of flour for his father. The way he could lift such heavy things without even breaking a slight sweat was impressive, what was even more impressive was that smile. Bright and happy; the exact opposite of everything in District 12.
"Hey, mouse," Peeta grinned, welcoming you as he dumped the bags of flour behind the counter, "What you doing here?" You smiled at the nickname he made for you years and years ago which started when he gave you a fright and you squeaked... like a mouse. Pretty self explanatory. Even now, years later, it still made you smile and sent a flurry of butterflies flying in your stomach.
"I remembered you saying that you were swamped this weekend with baking cakes for the Madge's birthday." Madge was the Mayor's daughter who was the same age as you and Peeta and in the same class too. She was a nice girl, friendly. It was her birthday and her father was sparing no expense. She was throwing a party on Sunday afternoon and the whole class was invited. You and Peeta were going but the order for cupcakes was pretty massive so you decided to come over early Saturday to help.
"You'd help?" Peeta smiled, flashing those big eyes at you, "That would be great, mouse. I'll get everything prepared."
It wasn't uncommon for you to help Peeta's family in the bakery. Usually most weekends you would come help. Peeta's father would always send you home with a fresh loaf of bread in your bag and some pastries for your family. Peeta's mother wasn't aware of the deal you two had but if she asked, Peeta's father would say he burned them or dropped them so they couldn't sell. It also meant that you got to spend more time with Peeta.
You and Peeta had been friends for years - best friends. You spent most of your free time together. Peeta would paint, you would observe or maybe do some writing of your own. He was the nicest person you'd ever met. District 12 didn't have many people like Peeta anymore. District 12 was cold, isolated... sad and so were it's people but not Peeta. Peeta was happy, always seeing the positives and always smiling. He could always make you laugh so who could blame you for falling head over heels in love with him?
You didn't really know when you fell in love with him, maybe you always had been. All you knew was that it was a hopeless cause. Peeta Mellark could never be in love with you for he had forever been in love with Katniss Everdeen.
As the first tray of cupcakes baked in the oven, Peeta began to make the icing. You watched him work, watching as his skilled fingers plucked out the different food colourings to mix the perfect shades of pink, purple and blue.
"Oh," Peeta said, "almost forgot." He wiped his hands on his apron before grabbing a bag from underneath the counter, "From my dad. He," he glanced around, "burned them pretty bad." The two of you shared a secret smile as you dug out two perfectly crisp and baked cheese buns. You inhaled deeply, about to tell Peeta that they were your favourite when he said, "You know, I think Katniss likes these." You stopped, smile falling but quickly caught yourself and smiled, making 'hm?' noise, "Yeah, I made some for Madge's party but some really did get burnt so was selling them dirt cheap and Katniss bought them all... She doesn't ever come in usually but she must love them cause she bought all of them!"
You forced a wide smile, "Amazing, Peeta... Or maybe she just came in to see you?" It killed you to give him hope but you wanted him to be happy even if it wasn't with you. If you got to see him happy then it was all worth it in the end.
Peeta's face lit up, "You- You really think so?" Quickly, his smile fell and hope died, "Nah, I'm- I'm nothing. She wouldn't like me."
"What's not to like?" You asked softly, "You're unlike anyone I've ever met, Peets. You're..." A giant wave of sadness washed over you as you spoke, "You're so kind, always thinking of others. You're so generous and helpful. You would do anything for anyone. You're a great baker so she'd always have lots of treats to eat-" Peeta laughed, "you're handsome, one look at those puppy dog eyes and she'll be weak in the knees."
"You really mean all that?"
"Course I do. Why can't you see yourself the way I see you?" You reached out, wiping flour from his cheek, "You're incredible, Peeta, and if she doesn't see that, it's her damn loss."
"Thanks, mouse," Peeta grinned, wrapping you in a one armed hug. You breathed him in, relishing in his warmth, "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you." You hummed into his shoulder, keeping your fake smile plastered as tears burned at your eyes.
"Yeah..." you whispered, "friend."
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jealousjersey · 5 months ago
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promptober day 4: fire - after suriving a fire wth billy
prompt by @/joshfutturman divider by @/plutism
post movie comfort , fluff
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the fire at the gas station that you and Billy managed to escape, he felt like he was obligated to thank you. He reached out to shake your hand, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you so much for getting me out of there," he said earnestly. You could still feel the heat of the flames on your skin, the adrenaline from the close call coursing through your veins. Billy stood beside you, his expression solemn as he surveyed the damage. It was a miracle that you had all made it out alive. As you looked at the charred remains of the gas station, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that everyone was safe. Billy nodded in agreement, his voice filled with emotion as he said, "We're lucky to be alive." You nod and silently agree as the police arrive. Billy sees your shakey hands and takes them in his. The heat radiating off of his hands is comforting in your cold ones. As the paramedics arrived shortly after, checking everyone for injuries and making sure they were all okay. Billy stayed by your side the entire time, providing you with the emotional support you needed. As the adrenaline began to wear off, you felt the weight of what had just happened sink in. But with Billy's warm hand in yours, you knew everything would eventually be okay.
"you're safe" he says softly as he calms your nerves. "You're safe," he repeats softly, his words like a soothing balm to your frazzled mind. The sound of his voice and the warmth of his touch help to ease the lingering fear that still clutches at your heart. You take a deep breath and squeeze his hand in appreciation. Despite the confusion and danger that had just passed, you felt a sense of peace knowing that you were not alone. Billy's persistent presence and comforting words were a reminder that you had him. "thank you" you say softly which he repeats. Billy's warm brown eyes meet yours, filled with empathy and reassurance.
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moonpascaltoo · 1 year ago
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all peeta mellark stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) some with have summaries if provided <3
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@futureman ❁ here in the garden the capitol was supposed to let you live in peace after you played and won their brutal game, and for nearly a decade, they did—until you're chosen as district 11's tribute once again for a special quarter quell. yet somehow, peace finds you anyway in an unlikely form: a golden-haired baker's boy from district 12 who makes you feel alive even in the familiar face of death.
@orangepeetals ❁ acurrucar You n’ Peeta have been best friends since you were kids, you win the Hunger games once n’ you’re a mentor now.
@waitimcomingtoo ❁ sweet nothing you and Peeta have an honest conversation after he defends Gale at the whipping post ❁ he’ll have to get in line Peeta amps up the star crossed lovers act when Finnick takes a liking to you. ❁ all those shadows almost killed your light you leave the cave to go get supplies and get lost, leaving Peeta to panic while you’re gone.
@bayjaruchel ❁ strawberry blonde late one night, you get a call
@quiet-out-there ❁ please When Finnick notices how the reader’s drink has been spiked with sex pollen at one of President Snows Balls, he and Peeta make a plan to save her from the special services the victors sometimes provide for the capitol. Finnick causes a distraction, while Peeta makes sure to take the reader away to safety, only the plan doesn’t go accordingly, and ends up with a sex crazed reader stuck on a closet.
@ervotica ❁ a life of our own finnick helps you find yourself again when you’re rescued from the capitol. you’re desperate to trust him again.
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sincere1ystar · 8 months ago
my masterlist 🧸
the hunger games + billy the kid (2022)
🎀 requests are open!! (sfw only) 🎀
The Hunger Games
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• Finnick Odair •
Light of my Life
Finnick brings the light back into your life (comfort + fluff)
Sleepy Hellos
late night conversations with Finnick (fluff)
you two almost have it all but then life changes its plans (angst)
Broken Promises (part 1) , part 2
Finnick comes home late to you after promising he’ll be on time for once (angst?? + hurt part 1, comfort part 2)
Seashore Sweetheart , part 2
sailor Finnick x mermaid reader au (fluff)
Flower Crowns
Making flower crowns with Finnick (fluff)
• Peeta Mellark•
Hair Braiding
everlark domestic au where their daughter asks peeta to braid her hair (fluff)
Billy the Kid (2022)
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Midnight Miracles
Because of his reputation and the townspeople judgemental words on your relationship, you and Billy can only love freely during the night
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thedelicatearcher · 10 months ago
i've been really busy with uni but i have a free week so please send me some requests! i'd love to write about any of the hg characters
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waitimcomingtoo · 11 months ago
He’ll Have To Get In Line
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x Reader
Synopsis: Peeta amps up the star crossed lovers act when Finnick takes a liking to you
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As you waited to get into your chariot for your second tribute parade, you calmed your nerves by petting the horses. You kept your head down with a plan to stay away from the other tributes until you knew what you were dealing with. Your plan was tossed aside when one of the tributes, Finnick Odair, saw you by yourself and approached you. He was noisily munching on a sugar cube as he walked up to you, making you look up. You noticed his bare chest, and then perfect chiseled face before gulping.
“Sugar?” He asked you.
“What?” You asked, too distracted by his lack of apparel that you weren’t listening.
“Sugar cubes. They’re good.” He explained as he held up a sugar cube.
“No thank you. I think those are for the horses.”
“Eh, who cares. They get enough of them. And they’re not the ones headed into a death game, right?” He chuckled and popped another into his mouth. You weren’t expected him to make light of your situation since no one else ever really did so you faked a laugh along with him.
“That was a fake laugh. But I’ll forgive you since we’re friends now.” Finnick said as he popped another sugar cube into his mouth. You felt embarrassed that he caught on to your inauthenticity but he didn’t sound upset. He had a way of being very blunt in what he said but charismatic with how he said it.
“We’re friends? We don’t know anything about each other.” You pointed out.
“But we share two things in common. We won our games and we’re painfully good looking. Now, come on. Try a cube. They won’t have these in the area.” He said and held one out to you. You didn’t comment on him calling you good looking but took the cube from the palm of his hand with a coy smile.
“Taste it. It’s sweet.” He said with a debonair grin. You looked him in the eyes and bit into the cube, tasting a sweetness you had never known.
“You like it, don’t you?” He said and already knew your answer.
“I might.” You admitted as you popped the rest of the cube in your mouth.
“I knew you would. I saw you standing over here with the horses and said to myself, that girl likes it sweet. I just knew I had to offer you one.”
“Well, thank you. You were right.” You smiled and realized you had been smiling like a child the entire conversation so far. You quickly dropped your face and covered your mouth self consciously, but Finnick had already moved on.
“Oh my. Forgive me, I didn’t notice what you were wearing until now. Thats certainly a get up.” Finnick smirked as he looked you up and down.
“It’s for my district.” You said in embarrassment and covered yourself with your arms. The clothes Cinna had dressed you in were beautiful but far from something you’d pick for yourself.
“I know. I like it.” Finnick replied with a wink. You felt your breath hitch in your throat and the effortless charm he was just exuded and let your arms drop to your sides.
“Oh. Well, thank you. Cinna designed it.” You told him. The way Finnick was looking at you in the moment made you forget most things you knew, but nothing could make you forget to give credit to Cinna for his remarkable abilities.
“I should’ve known Cinna was behind this. He’s great. But it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. No one’s gonna be looking at your outfit.” Finnick shrugged and looked you up and down again.
“What makes you say that?” You frowned. Finnick smirked a little as he reached towards your face and tilted your chin up with his thumb. You sucked in a sharp breath and stayed perfectly still as he gazed into your eyes.
“That pretty face is gonna get all the attention. Who could look away?” Finnick asked.
“Pretty?” You asked in almost a whisper.
“Extremely. But I’m assuming there’s another name I can call you by. I’m Finnick. And you?”
“And so you are. Lovely name for a lovely girl.” Finnick said and shot you another wink.
You smiled at him and momentarily forgot all about the parade and your nerves. You were so focused on the handsome boy in front of you that you didn’t notice Peeta in the distance. He was staring daggers at Finnick and trying to figure out what would possibly warrant him needing to touch your face. When he saw you laugh at something Finnick had said in a louder laugh than he had ever heard from you, his jealousy got the better of him. He walked up to where you were and stood beside you.
“Oh, hi Peeta. This is Finnick.” You said and gestured to Finnick. Finnick gave Peeta a wink but it was different from the one he had given you. Peeta’s jaw clenched and he stood up a little straighter.
“The parade is gonna start soon. Shouldn’t you finish putting on your outfit?” Peeta asked Finnick.
“This is my outfit.” Finnick chuckled and gestured to his shirtless torso and skirt made of fishing net.
“Oh. Wow. It’s so….unique.” Peeta replied and made no effort to hide his sarcasm.
“I know. My stylist likes to play up the whole pretty boy Capital darling thing. He said wearing a shirt would dull my charm.” Finnick shrugged and flexed his arms a little. Peeta heard you gulp and felt white hot jealousy go through his veins.
“I think he’s right.” You said with a nervous laugh.
“Do you? So it’s working then? I’m charming you?” Finnick asked and took a step closer to you. Peeta couldn’t help but roll his eyes all the way to the ceiling.
“I don’t know if I’d call it charm. But you’re definitely evoking some emotion.” Peeta said with a tight smile. Finnicks eyes left yours for a second to clock Peeta. He looked him up and down and smirked a little.
“You know what I think? I think that you and I should train together. I’m sure we have a lot to teach each other.” Finnick said as he turned his attention back to you.
“Oh. Okay. Sure.” You shrugged.
“I’m looking forward to it. I’ll see you out there.” Finnick gave you one last wink before walking away. You immediately smiled and waved to him as he left.
“See you!” You called after him. Peeta stepped in front of you once Finnick was gone to bring your attention back to earth.
“He was so nice. He probably heard about me and wants to learn archery.” You said with a smile.
“Bullshit.” Peeta mumbled.
“Woah. You need to put a coin in the swear jar for that one.” You laughed in surprise and folded your arms.
“I’m sorry. That was rude of me.” Peeta said genuinely. He felt bad for popping your bubble just to ease his own jealousy.
“Hey, I’m just kidding. It was entertaining to hear you swear. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“I had it in me. I have a lot of things in me.” Peeta insisted and suddenly worried if you saw him as less of a man now that you’d met the muscular and valorous Finnick.
“Like what?” You chuckled and raised and eyebrow.
“Nothing. Never mind. What else did you guys talk about?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I think I blacked out a little. But we talked about the horses. And sugar.”
“Really, that’s all? You guys were talking for a while.” Peeta frowned.
“Honestly, I didn’t do much talking. He came at me with so many compliments and I was stunned to silence.” You realized.
“Compliments? What did he say?” Peeta forced a laugh so he didn’t come off as jealous as he felt that another man was complimenting you. It wasn’t just that he complimented you, but that you clearly liked it.
“He said I was pretty.” You admitted with a shy smile on your face.
“That’s it?“ Peeta scoffed.
“Why? Do you think I’m not pretty?” You asked and touched your cheek insecurely.
“No! Of course I do.” Peeta quickly explained. “I think you’re so pretty. I just don’t touch your face to tell you that.”
“Yeah. I guess he was pretty friendly.” You agreed and kept your hand on your face as you replayed him touching your chin.
“If that’s your way of putting “handsy”, then yes. Very friendly.” Peeta mumbled.
“I don’t know why I even care what some boy thinks. I guess I’m just not used to the attention. I can’t even remember the last time someone told me I was pretty.” You admitted as you played with the frills on your outfit. Peeta felt bad for making little of what Finnick has said when it clearly meant something to you.
“Maybe people think it but just don’t tell you.” Peeta said in a soft voice.
“I doubt it.” You shrugged.
“Well, don’t. Because I happen to think that you’re-“
“Good luck out there, pretty girl.” Finnick called from his chariot across the room. You looked over at Finnick and waved to him.
“Thanks. You too.” You called after him.
“I’ll have my eye on you.” He winked at you as his horses pulled him out of the room. You didn’t know what to say to that so you have an half hearted thumbs up while Peeta rolled his eyes.
“So what do you think? Should we train with him?” You asked once he was gone.
“Absolutely not.” Peeta said immediately.
“Really? Why not? He was the youngest ever winner of the games. He’s gotta be good, right?”
“I’m sure he is. But he’s not someone we should keep around.” Peeta replied.
“What makes you say that?”
“Because he asked me once if you and I were really in love or just putting on a show. And judging by his tone, I’m guessing he knows the answer.” Peeta whispered to you.
“He did?”
“Yeah. Right before telling me there isn’t gonna be any sugar or flour in the area so I’ll be out of luck.” Peeta grumbled, making you laugh. Peeta felt his jealousy return when he heard you laugh at Finnicks joke.
“Sorry. He was trying to be mean but that’s kinda funny.” You admitted.
“You think he’s funny?” Peeta asked quietly.
“No. I mean, I don’t know. I only just met him.”
“Hm.” Peeta hummed and looked to the side.
“What?” You wondered.
“Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”
“I know. That’s why I’m asking. You always have something to say. Until now, mysteriously. Is everything okay?” You asked him and touched his shoulder. Peeta looked at where your hand had been and sighed before looking in your eyes.
“He’s been talking about you a lot lately. Like, a lot a lot.” Peeta admitted.
“Really?” You asked and didn’t hide how intrigued you were.
“One of the other tributes told me brings you up every chance he gets ever since we won the last games. He even said…” Peeta began but then trailed off.
“He said what?” You urged and shook his arm.
“He said he’s gonna have a hard time killing someone so pretty.” Peeta admitted. Your curiosity about Finnick quickly turned into fear.
“Was he joking?” You asked quietly.
“I think so. But I don’t find it funny.”
“Neither do I.” You agreed. You finally stopped thinking about Finnick long enough to look at what Peeta was wearing for the tribute parade. His shirt was made of the same material as your corset and bared his arms. You had never seen his arms exposed like that and wanted him to know you liked it.
“I like what Cinna put you in.” You changed the subject and nodded towards his outfit.
“Thanks. It’s cool and all but definitely not something I’d chose for myself.” Peeta laughed softly as he climbed into the chariot.
“Oh, I don’t know. I think you’ve been waiting to show off these arms for a while.” You teased him. He held out his hand and helped you climb up into the chariot.
“You really do look beautiful tonight.” He told you.
“Thank you. But I don’t really feel like me. I feel like I’m wearing someone else’s clothes. And their face.” You admitted as you pressed your fingertips into your cheeks and felt the layers of makeup you had on.
“I know the feeling. But it’s just for tonight. You can be you again tomorrow.” Peeta assured you.
“So can you.” You told him with a soft smile. He held out his hand and you held it the way you did the first time you rode in the tribute parade.
“We can be us.” He said.
Following the parade, you dismounted your chariot and let Peeta pick you up to help you off the platform. Once your feet were in the ground, Finnick came running over to you and pulled you into an unexpected hug.
“There she is. Great job out there today.” He said once he pulled away. Peeta was once again staring daggers at him and took a step closer to your side.
“Thank you. But I didn’t really do much. I just kinda stood there.” You shrugged.
“That’s all you need to do. And I swear, you were the only one I had my eyes on.” Finnick said and touched your chin again. Peeta cleared his throat and wrapped a protective arm around your waist. Finnick noticed this and looked into Peeta’s eyes with a cocky smirk.
“So, what will you do with the rest of your evening now that the whole world wants to sleep with you?” Finnick asked you, making yours and Peeta’s eyes go wide.
“I don’t know about that.” You laughed nervously.
“Hm. Maybe just me then.” Finnick said with a causal shrug. Peeta clenched his jaw and stepped forward to let Finnick know he needed to back off. Finnick laughed and held up his hands in defense.
“Ah, I’m only kidding Peeta. I wouldn’t try to steal your girl right in front of you.” Finnick assured him.
“Oh. Good.” Peeta relaxed a little when he heard Finnick refer to you as “his” girl.
“I’d wait until your back is turned.” Finnick quickly followed up, making you laugh in surprise.
“Come on. I’m joking.” Finnick grinned and patted Peeta’s shoulder.
“Aren’t jokes supposed to be funny?” Peeta asked with a tight smile.
“Hey, I’m just messing with you guys. I’m like this with everyone. I just like to have a little fun so don’t take it out on me in the games, okay?” Finnick said and patted Peeta’s arm again, making Peeta yank it back and give him a look.
“I’ll let you guys go. We have a lot of training to do tomorrow so don’t keep her up all night, all right Peeta?” Finnick laughed as he walked away.
“No promises.” Peeta grumpily called after him. You stepped in front of Peeta and folded your arms once Finnick was gone.
“You’re gonna keep me up all night, huh?” You teased him.
“Shut up. He started it.” Peeta grumbled.
“And you certainly ended it. Come on. Let’s go to bed.” You said and started walking towards the sleeping facilities. Peeta followed you to the girls ward and lingered outside your door.
“Can I stay with you tonight?” Peeta asked with a bit of a whine in his voice.
“You want to? I assumed your want the big fancy bed in your room all to yourself.”
“I just don’t want people to get suspicious if they see us sleeping in separate rooms. Since we’re madly in love and all that.” Peeta explained with a coy smile.
“Good point. Come in.” You playfully rolled your eyes at him and let him into your room. You slept on his chest like you usually did and he forgot all about Finnick.
In the morning, you and Peeta went downstairs join the rest of the tributes for a welcome breakfast. When you walked into the room together, Finnick was the first to greet you.
“Good morning, you two. I hope you got some sleep.” Finnick said with a suggestion wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Not much.” You said through a yawn. The other tributes at the table snickered and exchanged knowing looks with each other. You realized how that sounded and felt embarrassed.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” You whispered to Peeta.
“It’s okay. Roll with it. It helps our act.” He whispered back and gave your arm a squeeze.
“Here. I saved you a seat.” Finnick said and gestured to the two vacant seats beside him.
“Please, no. It’s too early for him.” Peeta leaned in to whine in your ear.
“We have to be polite. You’ll be okay.” You whispered back.
“Fine. But I’m not sitting next to him.”
“I’ll sit in the middle.” You assured him and took the seat right next to Finnick. Peeta watched the way you smiled at each other and realized he made the wrong move.
“How did you sleep?” You politely asked Finnick.
“Not great either so I got up early and went for a run around the garden.” Finnick told you.
“This place has a garden?”
“It does. Have you done any exploring of the facilities yet? I could give you a tour if you’d like. We can start in my room.” Finnick replied, making Peeta choke on the water he had sipped.
“She and I already looked around. We just didn’t find the garden.” Peeta cut in.
“Well the offer still stands. I could use the company.” Finnick said with a suave smile that made Peeta roll his eyes to the ceiling.
“I’ll think about it.” You answered to be polite. An awkward silence followed and you could sense that Peeta was upset. You picked a piece of bread from your plate and took a bite.
“What kind of bread is this? I’ve never seen this in 12.” You turned to ask Peeta. He stopped being grumpy and smiled at the question.
“It’s called challah. I’ve seen it in my recipe books but I never had the ingredients to make it.” He answered you.
“It’s good. It’s sweet.” You commented and took another bite.
“Here. Take mine.” Peeta said and put his bread on your plate. You smiled gratefully and moved the eggs from your plate onto his.
“I don’t like them anyway. And I know you do.” You explained.
“Thank you.” Peeta smiled at you.
“Gross.” Finnick snickered. “Get a room.”
“We will. But we need to eat first.” Peeta snapped, making you laugh in surprise.
“Good one.” You whispered to him. The rest of the meal went by without anymore comments from Finnick or Peeta.
Training began later that day. You and Peeta stayed close by each other and built up your weakest skills while keeping a close eye on the other tributes. Meanwhile, Finnick was having a gallant time showing off at the different training areas. He didn’t take anything to do with the games seriously anymore so he was just there to have fun. You and Peeta watched him hit targets with ease with his trident and bask in the applause. You then looked down at what you were doing, which was leaning how to paint your body to camouflage into the ground. Peeta was teaching you some simple painting techniques but you couldn’t help but get distracted by Finnick’s skills.
“Not for nothing, but should we consider being allies with Finnick?” You asked Peeta.
“I thought it was just gonna be me and you in there.” Peeta said without looking at you.
“Is that what you want?” You asked him.
“I want what you want.” He replied and looked into your eyes.
“I just wanted you. But if he asks us, it wouldn’t hurt to be his ally. He has been training for this his whole life. It would be better to have him on our side than hunting us.” You shrugged.
“That’s the thing. He doesn’t want me as an ally. He only wants you.” Peeta reminded you.
“Why just me? You’re stronger and can fight.”
“Because he’s in love with you.” Peeta said loud enough to draw the attention of several tributes, including Finnick. Peeta hung his head in disappointment as Finnick sauntered over to you.
“Uh oh. Talking about me, I hope.” Finnick said with a grin. “Come with me, Y/n. I want to show you how it tie a fisherman’s knot.”
“She already knows how to do that.” Peeta grumbled.
“Oh really? What about a sheep shank?” Finnick asked you.
“What’s that?” You asked.
“Follow me and I’ll show you.” Finnick offered and held out his hand. Peeta watched the way you took his hand to stand up and clenched his jaw. You started to follow Finnick until you heard a little groan from Peeta. You didn’t want to upset Peeta, but you did want to learn a new knot.
“Peeta should come too so that he can learn.” You stated.
“Peeta’s busy. Besides, I don’t think knots are really his thing. He’s more into arts and crafts, right Peeta?” Finnick asked and shot Peeta a wink. Peeta stayed silent as he glared at Finnick.
“I’ll be right back.” You told Peeta with an apologetic smile. Peeta tried to focus on his painting but could not stop looking up at you and Finnick. Finnick did the classic move of wrapping his arms around you to show you how to do something which made Peeta sick to his stomach.
“Wanna take me for a walk?” Finnick laughed as he wrapped a knot around his neck. You laughed as well and Peeta couldn’t take it anymore. That’s when he realized he didn’t have to take it. As far as everyone in the room was concerned, you and Peeta were supposedly in love. That meant he didn’t have to stand by and watch some guy flirt with his girl. Peeta marched up to you and spun you around by the waist before planting a kiss on your lips. You stumbled back in surprise before kissing him back. Finnick watched the kiss and chuckled softly, knowing exactly what Peeta was doing. You gave him a confused by pleased smile when he pulled away but he just kept his usual cheery smile on.
“Sorry. I just need to borrow my fiancé for a minute.” Peeta said to Finnick before pulling you aside.
“Go right ahead.” Finnick replied.
“What was that all about?” You whispered once you were out of earshot.
“Nothing. I just wanted to tell you that I’m gonna check out the poisonous berry catalog in case you’re looking for me.” Peeta said innocently.
“Okay. Thanks for telling me.” You said and narrowed your eyes suspiciously at him. Peeta pecked your lips again before going over to the catalog. You touched your buzzing lips before going back to Finnick.
“Well somebody’s jealous.” Finnick chuckled.
“Leave him alone. You’re antagonizing him.” You scolded playfully.
“I know. And it’s very fun.” Finnick insisted.
“Well knock it off. He’s a good guy.”
“I know he is. But I’m bored of the other tributes and you guys are fresh meat. Let me play a little, okay?”
“All right. But I think he’s playing too now.” You warned.
And that’s exactly what Peeta was doing. Now that he remembered his advantage over Finnick, he used it anytime he could. He started kissing you when entering or leaving any room and making sure it was always in Finnicks line of sight. His hands were often on your hips or arm when standing near each other and he always had a grip on your leg when sitting. Finnick would always chuckle and look away, knowing it mattered a lot more to Peeta than it did to him. Peeta’s need for your attention also increased and you found that he was always right by your side or lingering just around the corner. You didn’t mind since you were anxious about the upcoming games and having him around always calmed you. But you couldn’t help but be bothered by the way he checked to see if Finnick was watching each time he kissed or touched you.
You were talking to Finnick in the hallway one day when you felt two strong arms wrap around your shoulders. You knew it was Peeta without looking because of the amused look on Finnicks face.
“There you are. I’ve been looking for you.” Peeta said and pecked your lips.
“Hello Peeta.” Finnick said curtly.
“Hello Finnick. Were you unable to find your wardrobe? I could loan you some shirts, if you’d like.” Peeta offered when he noticed that once again, Finnicks chest was bare. You clocked the sarcasm underneath Peeta’s kind tone and turned your head to laugh.
“That’s okay. I prefer it this way. It lets me move my arms more freely.” Finnick said and flexed his arms to prove his point. Peeta saw your eyes go wide and clenched his jaw.
“You must be really strong, Finnick.” You noted as your eyes stayed glued to his arms.
“I do a lot of heavy lifting back home. Go on, feel them.” Finnick said as he stared right into Peeta’s eyes.
“Oh, uh…” You laughed nervously and gripped Finnicks bicep like he asked. You didn’t want to deny the offer and seem rude, and you seriously wanted to feel his muscles, so Peeta was gonna have to take one for the team.
“Wow.” You gasped. “I’ve never felt anything like that.”
“I bet you haven’t.” Finnick grinned and shot a smug look at Peeta. Peeta could do nothing but watch with jealousy brewing in his eyes, and that was all Finnick needed.
“Well, I should get some rest. We have another big day tomorrow. But I’ll be looking forward to when my eyes can see yours again.” Finnick said and nudged your cheek. You smiled timidly while Peeta rolled his eyes up to the ceiling.
“See you around, Peet.” Finnicks chuckled and clapped Peeta on the back. Once you were alone, Peeta let out a sigh.
“Did you really have to touch his arm?” He whined.
“I guess not. But I wanted to. We are facing death right now and I’ll probably never get another chance to feel like a normal girl my age so I’m just trying to have some fun. You should try it sometime.” You said and came off just as annoyed as you felt. Peeta was surprised your tone and gulped.
“I can’t have fun when he’s lingering around you all the time like a hawk.” He mumbled.
“Who cares what he’s doing?” You groaned.
“I care.” Peeta snapped. You raised your eyebrows at him and he immediately felt bad.
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you.” Peeta apologized. “It’s just that guy. I can’t stand him. I thought he was trying to get into your head to psych you out before the games but he’s gotten into mine instead. He drives me crazy.”
“Oh, I get it. So that’s why you’ve been kissing me so much lately? You wanted to get back at Finnick?” You asked with a sad smile.
“I just wanted to remind him that you and I are a team. Not that he seems to care.” Peeta sighed.
“I care.” You said and put your hand on his shoulder. Peeta put his hand over yours and looked into your eyes apologetically.
“But I also don’t like you using me to get ahead in your little competition with Finnick. I’m not a trophy, you know. I’m a person.” You reminded him.
“You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry. I should’ve have rubbed our relationship in his face like that. Especially not without asking you first.”
“Thank you for apologizing. And it’s not that I didn’t like all the kissing. I just didn’t like that you were only doing it to bother Finnick.”
“I mean, that’s not the only reason I was kissing you. I happen to like kissing you. Annoying Finnick was just a pleasant side effect.” Peeta admitted as a blush covered his cheeks. You smiled at him admitting it and took a step closer to him.
“Well then it’s a good thing we’re on the same page, then.” You said as you toyed with the buttons on his shirt.
“We are?”
“We are. But no more fighting with Finnick. We really need him as an ally so you’ll have to learn to be civil.”
“If he can learn to keep his hands to himself then I can learn to be civil.” Peeta mumbled.
“Peeta.” You said warningly.
“Fine. Yes. You’re right. I can be civil.” Peeta said begrudgingly. You were pleased with his answer and kissed his cheek to thank him for listening. A rosy blush covered Peeta’s face and he smiled fondly at you.
“But I guess I can’t really blame him. Because I’ve had a hard time keeping my hands to myself around you too.” He said and took your chin between his fingers the way Finnick often did.
“That,” you smiled, “I’m okay with.”
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tearsonthemoons · 1 year ago
He sees right through me
Warnings: (none)
Prompts: Peeta mellark has been in love with you since you were kids, but you didn’t feel the same, and rejecting him only ended in you realizing you liked him all along, but it’s too late seeing that you’re at his wedding, not exchanging vows, but watching from the side.
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x reader
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Ever since we were kids, Peeta had always been a constant presence in my life. He lived next door, me and him  were inseparable. I have fond memories of playing in the backyard, going on adventures in the woods, and sharing our dreams and secrets with each other.
But as we  grew older, things started to change. Though Peeta was still the same kind and caring boy i remembered, I  was different. I was more focused on your studies and your future, All while Peeta seemed content with just living in the moment, living as a young open minded man.
Despite our troubling differences, we remained friends, But there was always something different about Peeta. He would look at me with a longing in his eyes, and I couldn't understand why. Why did he have such a longing in his eyes. A longing for me. 
As the confusing time went on, it was our last year of school that Peeta finally confessed his feelings for me. It was a cold sunday evening and we were sitting on his bed, He told me that he had been in love with me since we were kids, and that he never stopped loving me.
I didn't feel the same way about him. 
But I didn't want to risk losing his friendship. there was nothing good in lying to Peeta. He was my person. I sat in front of him and I didn't lie to him, I couldn't lie to him.
As I stuttered the words on how I didn't feel the same,  His eyes deepened with pain, and his voice with a suttered tone told me, "I'm Sorry." 
An instant Regret filled my eyes, as the tears filled his. I wanted to take back what I said. And I couldn't. All I could do was reach for his hand in a hope that I could still hold him. He just left. Leaving me alone with my regret on his bed. 
time escaped me. And so did he.
Our last years of school approached, Peeta became more distant. He started spending more time with a girl named rose, the sewers daughter. The way he looked at her, the way they danced at parties, made me wish it were me.
I didn't want to admit it, I missed his constant presence in my life. I missed his Horrid jokes, his comforting hugs, and his unwavering Words. I wanted peeta in my life.
Before I could fully process my feelings, I rotted away in my cottage, rarely seeing Peeta. Never receiving my mail, running my earnes, or seeing him. Only thinking about how I missed him. 
It was raining and cold when I heard a sudden knock on my door, I rushed the door open to see who it was. Peeta.
"i tried to write you, y/n." he said looking at me with the comforting warmth in his eyes that i've longed for. I wondered if he could tell how I had been acting, if he could tell how bad I had looked from not taking care of myself. even if he could, he still looked at me the same way he has been for years. 
"I need to tell you something." he said losing the smile he was wearing when I first opened my door to greet him. What could he need? What made him travel his way just to tell me? his fading smile made me feel nervous. "what is it, Peeta?" I said stepping into the light rain, closing my door behind me.
"I'm engaged." he told me. 
he was getting married to the girl he had been seeing. the same girl he danced so gracefully with. I couldn't say anything, I couldn't move. Peeta isn't mine. The selfish feeling took over me, I just wanted to run away from him, never see his face again, never feel the pain and longing it brought me. 
But all I did was hug him. Even if it wasn't my place, it's all my body could do. I burrowed my head into his broad shoulder, trying to hold back my tears as I smelt his comforting smell take me over the edge.
His hand softly held my upper back, and his other resting on my lower back, he let out a soft laugh. This was the last time I'd get to hold onto him. 
I pulled away from him. "Rose?" i said, hoping to remember the beautiful girl's name right.
"Rose." he said looking into my eyes with what felt like a painful goodbye. 
 I was hurt, but I put on a brave face like I always tried to, and congratulated him. Deep down, I couldn't help but wonder what could have been if I had just kissed peeta on the cold sunday in his room. I know he'd be mine, he would have been dancing with me.
Time escaped me again, it always does when hes stuck on my mind, but  what could I do? the wedding was here. I didn't want to go, but I had to be there for Peeta. I woke my sorry self up, put a soft pink shadow on my eyelids, brushed my hair from it tangles, and put on my mothers old flower embedded dress. I went on my way through the cold woods.
As I was on my way, everything about him flooded my mind, his skin, his touch, his soft brown eyes, his gentle atmosphere, and the way he used to love me. 
I hummed the song we shared as young children, its all i had for comfort.
in fields of gold where young hearts run,
There's a tale to tell about little ones,
With rosy cheeks and laughter spun,
This is the story of our daughters and sons.
Singing with tearfilled eyes all the way there, remembering peeta and i's young voice singing through the woods together. 
Before I knew it, I saw the wedding in a slow approach. The wedding was beautiful, I couldn't help but admire how happy Peeta looked with his new wife. How handsome he looked in what looked like freshly made clothes, especially how he looked when he ran with a smile towards me. "You came." he said pulling me into a tight hug, but still as soft as the one before.
"Of course I did." I said being released from his arms and making a soft eye contact. My smile faded as I realized his did, he still had his hand around my waist. It felt so natural to me, I didn't even realize It was still there. 
He in an awkward frenzy removed his hand and let out a soft laugh. I gently smiled to take away the weird feeling of the moment. There was what felt like minutes betweens us before he said something. "You look young and beautiful." my heart could have leaped from my chest, even though this was what peeta would have said to anyone, being the kind soul he is, it felt more than that.
as the night went on, I kept finding myself drawn to Peeta. I caught myseld stealing glances at him, and every time he smiled, my heart felt missing. 
I tried to push My feelings aside all night, this only lead me to the wine that was left on the decorated tables, It was my only distraction from him, the only thing that could distract me.
Peeta was still a part of my life, my mind, and every time I saw him, My heart thought back to that sunday, those tears filled eyes, the moment I knew what I lost. I Should've kissed him. Thats all thats running through my mind. 
 I Should've kissed him.  I Should've kissed him.  I Should've kissed him. 
Peeta approaches me breaking me from this frantic mindstate, I nearly stumble over from the scares of seeing him. 
"Hey? the reception is starting, I've saved you first row." he said grabbing my hand to help me stay steady. Of course I had to see it all happen in front of me. My Peeta. devoting his life away to someone who isn't me. I couldn't take this any longer. The feeling inside me was eating me alive, I looked at him and his soft brown eyes and gentle smile and couldn't lie to him again, I couldn't live to regret not telling him what I feel again. 
"Y/n? did you hear me?" he said as a tear went down my face. This was it, I couldn't look at him again without looking at him as my lover. my life. The words shot out of me faster than I could process them.
"Peeta, I love you."
 I said it. I said it to him. tears went down my face thinking about the rejection I knew was coming. He let go of my hand, the smile left his face, his eyes looked the same way they did that sunday evening. "What?" he said with a stutter in his voice and a step back away from me. I know i've hurt him more at this point. What was I to do.
the soft wedding piano starts to play. Peeta lets out a soft gulp. he turns to the walkway of flowers and back to me, he looks like he doesn't know what to say. All he does is walk away from me. As the music went on, I walked to the chair reserved for me, his family and her surrounded me. I Wanted to leave, leave off my feelings for him with what i've just told him. 
But there he was, standing there, in front of his soon to be wife. His brownish/blonde hair slicked back, his clothes dressed on him nicely, he looked like himself, he looked like the peeta I fell in love with. I sat here with my lip sealed and my heart broken and my head down. 
as the preacher says his words I look up to see him, he's not looking at her anymore. His eyes are on me, looking at me with that familiar longing, he swallowed his spit and furrowed his brows. there was a single tear down his cheek before he turned away from me. I know his love was still there. I was just too late. 
"Do you, Rose Greenleaf, take Peeta-" the preacher was stopped before rose broke the saddening silence.
What was she doing? her flowers fell to the ground as she walked over to peeta, in a faint whisper she says "We both know we don't want to do this." she kissed his cheek leaving him at the flowery arranged altar. What was this? Why is she leaving him? 
Before anything else is said, Peeta turned around.
"Im sorry. This arrangement isn't what's happening any longer." He said this with a firm voice, holding back his pain. Arrangement? My mind is going faster than before. What is going on? Didn't he love her? she was so beautiful, what I thought was his delicate dancer.
I look up to meet peeta's eyes, he's looking at me once again, this time more softly than before, like he was relieved to let me know. Everyone's no longer here, it was a small party, but me and peeta only remained. 
I stood up to meet him where he was. 
"Peeta?" I said taking one last step to reach him. 
"I tried to write you." he said this grabbing me with his warm hands. His embrace confused me. He was holding me? "Write me what peeta?" I said looking into his eyes waiting for a response. 
"We only did it for the money. It was arranged, and I was waiting for you, waiting for you to tell me to come to you. I needed to hear you say it." He said, Pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear with tears running down his crimson cheeks. 
I didn't say anything, Peeta. My Peeta. He was waiting for me. My love, It was all his and he knew. I put my hands to his face and pulled him into a long awaited kiss. His lips were soft and tasted like home. The cold tears on his face mixed with mine as he pulled me in even closer. This was the moment I knew. The whole time he saw right through me. And nothing was keeping me from loving him now. 
He was mine now.
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Arena- Finnick Odair
Can you please write something about finnick and reader being very touchy and flirty in the arena?
A/N: i'm a little rusty but i like how this turned out <3 part 2 is underway. requests open! word count: 3.6k
"Ladies and gentlemen, let the 75th hunger games begin!"
It was bright. Very bright. Hard to see 10 feet in front of you type of bright, particularly with the sunlight reflecting off of the water that surrounded you. You barely registered the monotonous countdown as you scrambled internally to make a plan. You could hear the waves lapping at the metal plate you stood on, and distantly you wondered if it was salt water or fresh water- probably salt. Fresh water would be too easy. Your home in District 6 had not prepared you for this type of terrain, but you did have some tricks up your sleeve.
The canon sounded off and you made a smooth dive headfirst into the clear water, all of those trips to district four paying off.
Swimming to your right you made it to one of the rocky spokes that led to the cornucopia, hoisting yourself up fluidly and taking off towards the big metal half-cave where all the supplies and weapons laid.
It didn't take long for you to reach the jagged island, where you could see Katniss and Finnick in the middle of an exchange from a distance- he was holding his hand up towards her. A gold bangle was shining on his wrist.
"Good thing we're allies," You heard him say as you quickly jogged over, looking over your shoulder to see if you were being pursued. You didn't see anybody behind you, but you could see the man from district 5 coming around the corner with his weapon poised and ready. You picked up your pace, yelling warning to Finnick, reaching them just as he instructed for Katniss to duck before throwing his trident and hitting his target.
"Finnick," You called in relief and his eyes flicked from the body to you.
"Y/N!" he said running towards you, forgetting about the now bloody trident that was lodged into district 5’s chest. He pulled you into his grasp and just held you there for a few seconds, breathing deeply into your damp hair. It was soaking just a few moments ago but the humidity and sun had already dried it partially.
He pulled away too soon, taking your hand and leading you back to where Katniss was standing, his trident in her hand. She must have de-lodged it during your reunion with Finnick.  
She absentmindedly tossed it to him, looking around in all directions frantically.
"I'll go get Peeta," Finnick assured, and spun back around to face you. He kissed you once, twice on the lips softly, cradling your face. "I'll be right back."
He dove off the side of the island, and within a few minutes you could see him towing Peeta towards you. You could hear Katniss let go a breath of relief.
You ran to meet them, squatting down near the edge and helping Finnick lift Peeta out of the water. Peeta clambered up clumsily, seemingly happy to be back on land.
In the distance, on the closest spoke to you, stood Mags- slowly but surely shuffling forward.
“I’ll go get her,” Finnick said and took off before you could offer to go get her instead.
It didn’t take him long to retrieve her, gently slinging her onto his back and marching on the slippery rocks steadily. He made it back and set her down on her feet. You grabbed her hand and squeezed, and she smiled at you sweetly.
"Let us regroup, shall we?" You asked.
You all decided it was probably better to get off the island and retreat into the woods where it wasn't so open.
Walking up to you Finnick wrapped his hand around your neck gently, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. Your cheeks burned as you kissed him back- you weren't used to such public displays of affection from him, only ever in the privacy of your own homes.
You could feel Katniss and Peeta's eyes on you. It must have been a surprise for them, too.
You could only imagine how the Capitol was reacting. Your relationship, while speculated broadly, was never 100% confirmed. Until now.
Each year you only saw Finnick a handful of times: once for couple weeks at the annual games, and a few times on borderline secret trips down to four. Being from district 6, the district of transportation, had its advantages. Although it was obvious you both had feelings, there was never enough time to form a real relationship- especially since you weren't necessarily supposed to stray from your own district.
You thought about this as the group of you retreated into the tree line, trekking forward without much trouble; everyone had grabbed their assorted weapons and went on their way.
As soon as you passed the first couple trees the first thing you noticed was how unbearable the heat was; your jumpsuit stuck to your body with salt water and sweat, clinging to your form.
Peeta took it upon himself to lead, using a long knife to cut through the jungles vines and various, thickly packed vegetation. You let yourself fall into step with Finnick, who immediately took your hand and brought it up to his mouth. He kissed the back of your hand three times before interlocking your fingers and gently guiding you along, Mags bringing up the rear with her walking stick.
"I'm glad I found you alive," he whispered, keeping his eyes trained forward. "Don't actually know what I'd do without you."
You hummed, looking around at the trees nonchalantly.
"You have my heart Odair."
Nothing eventful happened on the first day, besides Peeta having to be resuscitated.
One minute he was making good progress, and then within seconds there was a loud zap that sent him flying backwards into Finnick, knocking him over and taking you with them.
Your heart dropped as you watched the scene unfold in front of you; Peeta was laying on the ground, not moving.
"He's not breathing," Katniss cried. Finnick rushed over, shoving Katniss out of the way so he could start mouth to mouth on Peeta.
She raised her bow towards Finnick and you tackled her before she could do any damage.
She hissed as she came in contact with the ground and hopped up just as quickly, glaring at you before taking notice of Finnick pumping his hands hard against Peeta's chest. She scrambled over to them and you followed in suit, closing your eyes and praying Peeta would wake up- without him, there was no solid allegiance with Katniss, and the whole plan went underwater.
"Come on, come on," Finnick grunted, leaning down to blow more air into his lungs.
As soon as Peeta's eyes fluttered open Finnick and you both exhaled a huge sigh of relief in unison, falling back and letting Katniss shoot forward to embrace him, tears leaking out of her eyes.
Finnick sighed and pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you and letting them have their privacy.
"I love you," he murmured which left you surprised. He had never said that before, but you could understand why his confession came now rather than later. Who knew how much time you had left together?
Katniss took the lead after that, claiming she could hear the force field with her bionic ear. She led you along the edge of the force field until you found a semi clear spot that would work for camp for the night.
Mags plopped down on a fallen tree and immediately began weaving something, her fragile hands and nimble fingers working at a quick pace. Finnick took a seat next to her, pulling you into his lap.
Now it was time to figure out the water situation. You were all clearly struggling after walking all that way, panting heavily with dry mouths.
In an effort to find drinkable water Katniss scaled a tree, scouting to see if she could see any type of water source from up high.
You held your breath as you watched her disappear among the tree branches, praying she'd find something, anything. She reappeared not even 5 minutes later, grimacing.
"Nothing," she sighed, climbing back down skillfully.
A silence fell over the group as you all processed that information, each with different levels of anxiety. In your first games you had nearly dehydrated to death, the lack of water leading you the point of hallucinations and delirium, so the lack of supply left you grappling with traumatic memories and an intense pit in your stomach.
You opened your mouth to say something when the branches above you rustled, drawing everyone's attention upwards.
A familiar silver sphere made its way down from the trees, beeping along the way. It landed on the ground in front of you. Nobody moved.
Hesitantly Katniss reached forward, unscrewing the top, and pulled out a thin metal tube. It looked familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it.
Nobody said anything, staring at the small silver tool. Finnick didn't say anything, not knowing what it was either. He had his arms wrapped around your waist still, and his strong hands squeezed your sides reassuringly.
"A spile," Katniss finally said. You all looked at her. "Like the thing they use to get sap out of a tree. To make maple syrup."
Peeta still looked confused but you were nodding slowly, recalling a previous games where a spile had also been gifted.
"I think I get it," You said. "It'll get us water, yeah?"
At the sound of the word water everyone jumped into action, Katniss immediately finding a thick tree to puncture. Finnick stood up but didn't let his hands go from around your waist as Peeta ran to catch up with Katniss. Finnick double checked on Mags, who was still weaving, before leading you to follow them.
They were taking turns drilling the spile into the tree, carefully so it wouldn't break.
Once it was sufficiently in you all stared at it; nothing happened.
Your mouth was drier than it had been in years. Your mentor had warned against this last time, advising you that the first thing you should do is find a fresh water source.
You thought back to Lavan, your mentor, who was the only competent one on your team. The other two were downing morphine like it was water constantly, offering no help or advise before sending you into the arena. But could you really blame them?
You were brought out of your thoughts at everyone gasping; water had begun to trickle down from the spout, everyone rushing towards it at once.
"Let katniss go first, she's with child," You scolded and Peeta ushered her towards the spout. You all took turns drinking, and then washing the grimy sweat off your faces. Finnick brought some to Mags in a basket she had easily constructed.
You couldn't lie, watching Finnick drink from the spilling water was a godly sight to behold. He just looked so sexy, and he wasn't even trying.
You waited until he was done to grab him by the front of his jumpsuit, kissing him roughly. He didn't object, smiling through the kiss.
It truly was now or never. Before, there was always the worry of how the Capitol citizens would react to their favorite victors being taken off the market, and how Snow would retaliate. But to be honest, you didn't care too much about what the Capitol or its viewers, and especially not Snow, thought right now.
You let him wrap his arms around you like he used to, pulling you closer and cupping your face. Mindlessly you reached up and ran your fingers through his messy hair.
He sighed and pulled away, pressing the side of his face to yours, his lips angling downwards to kiss you gently on the cheek. You smiled in the dim sunlight.
Given the circumstances, it was fairly easy to somewhat relax next to Finnick as you all finished setting up camp. Just his presence was comforting, and his touch made you visibly less tense.
"I'll take first watch," Katniss insisted, and you and Finnick shared a look. Peeta was most hesitant, however you and Finnick went down without a fight. At some point Katniss must've convinced Peeta he needed to rest because soon after you laid down you could hear him shuffling around not far from you. Mags was already sleeping, snoring softly. Finnick laid down and pulled with him, letting your head rest on his broad chest.
Your blinks started becoming slower and slower and you pulled him closer, his heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
"The fog," Katniss's screeches jarred you from your sleep, Finnick shooting into a sitting position beside you. "It's poisonous!"
Before you could process entirely what was happening you were on your feet, Finnick had Mags on his back, and his hand in yours, dragging you along until your feet started working themselves. You stumbled along in a panic, glancing over your shoulder only once to see a thick greenish fog licking at your heels. It crept up behind you and made you scream in agony as it burned your back.
"Y/N keep moving," Finnick ordered. You could tell he was trying to remain calm but you could hear the panic in his voice.
You took a deep breath and darted forward through the pain, using all your strength to keep pushing. You noticed the muscles in your back started to spasm, making your arms start to twitch at your sides. You led the way the best you could, Katniss and Finnick close behind and Peeta bringing up the rear.
You glanced behind you. Peeta was struggling, hard- you abandoned your spot at the front and did your best to help Katniss drag him along but it was getting harder and harder, especially now with your back spasming and your thighs wobbling as the fog clearly targeted your nervous system.
Before you knew it you were almost as bad as Peeta, dragging yourself along and holding tightly onto Katniss.
"Finnick I can't," Katniss breathed heavily, and she sounded near tears. "I can't support both of them."
By now your eyelids had gone slack, leaving you with half vision. You hear Finnick call Mags name once, then twice more desperately. A canon went off and you stopped. Surely that wasn't what you thought it was.
Before you could ponder for long you were in motion again, Finnick urging you forward.
"Come on Y/N, we have to get through this," he said desperately, pleading with you.
The sound of his voice pulled you through and you focused only on your legs, propelling yourself forward.
You were the fastest, normally, but being half awake and spasming combined was slowing you down tremendously. You were leading the pack once again but with the fog closing in on you, you feared this might be the end.
With your half open eyes you didn't see the tree root in front of you, and as you staggered forward it immediately took you down, causing a chain reaction.
You all went flying, tumbling down a steep hill and landing face first in the dirt. You had been going the fastest which meant you had fallen the fastest, hitting the ground and rolling into shallow water. As soon as your skin met the water you screamed, a burning sensation covering everywhere the fog had touched and making the burns that much more unbearable. It felt like you were being burned alive.
Slowly you started to notice a cloudy substance leak from your wounds, dispersing in the water around you. Hesitantly you reached up and rubbed the salty water against your arm, biting back another scream, but it seemed to be working.
"The water helps," you breathed but you weren't sure anyone could hear you. Behind Katniss the poisonous fog seemed to hit a wall, gathering up before dissipating completely, vanishing all together.
Katniss seemed to be the only one who heard you, dragging herself across the muddy ground before submerging herself in water. She let out a deep groan as the water hit her burned skin but she was a soldier; she took it like a champ, dunking her face first and letting out a garbled scream underwater.
You let her and yourself heal in silence before going your separate ways; she helped Peeta while you dragged Finnick, who was in the worst shape of all of you.
Shakily you made your way over to him where he was groaning in pain on the ground, just laying on his back. You slipped your hands under his arms and tried to get him to stand; when that failed you resorted to dragging him as best you could, leading him over to the salty water and plopping down.
You gently pulled Finnick into the water with you, softly tugging him into your lap as he groaned loudly, making you flinch.
You rubbed the water over his burns, watching the poison slowly discharge from his skin. He made sounds of pain as you rubbed him down as gently as you could while still being effective. Eventually he was fully submerged and wiped down; his breathing was shallow pants and his eyes were screwed shut as he slowly recovered. You smoothed his wet hair back from his forehead.
"Did I die yet?" he mumbled, eyes closed, and you let out a shaky laugh.
"No, not yet. And you better not.”
His arms were still twitching slightly while all of your nerves seemed to have calmed down; just sitting soaking in the water was helping significantly.
“I thought we were gonna die,” he exhaled.
“Me too,” You admitted, and ran a hand through your tangled wet hair. “I thought I was gonna lose you.”
He smiled, eyes still closed. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
"We need more fresh water," Katniss said from a few paces over. You stood, offering your hand to Finnick as Katniss helped Peeta up.
"I'll get it," Peeta volunteered, shaking his head when Katniss gave him a protesting look. "I'm fine. It'll be good to stretch anyway."
He took the spile from Katniss and went off, slightly wobbly but determined. You watched him go, following him with your eyes. You were so focused that you hadn't noticed the deadly silence, or Finnick posing in a defensive stance in front of you.
"Peeta," Katniss called calmly. "Can you come here? Slowly."
Your head turned forward where Finnick was standing in front of you, trident raised threateningly; hundreds of monkeys stood in the trees, beady eyes glaring down at all of you. You faltered; how were there this many? Where did they all come from?
As soon as Peeta took a step forward all hell broke loose- the monkeys charged forward with no warning or tell tale signs. Everyone readied their weapons. Katniss handed you a big machete before starting to shoot off her arrows. Finnick was spearing things left to right, and you hopped around him to help fight them off. You knew what the mission was: protect Peeta and Katniss. Get them out of the arena in one piece.
The fight felt never ending and you were honestly running out of steam. You lost focus for one second and before you could do anything one of the monkeys got past you and lunged directly at Peeta. Right before he could be slaughtered someone jumped out in front of him, taking the hard bite to the throat. You squinted your eyes and tried to figure out who it was, and a sinking feeling in your stomach began to form as you recognized his tired, tired face. He was your district partner, just another soul that got swept up in addiction in an attempt to drive the games out of their head. Tears sprang in your eyes as you watched Loto struggle to breathe in Peeta's arms- you hadn't noticed the monkeys begin to retreat, with no prompting or cause seemingly whatsoever. Finnick stood guard as they backed up, not trusting the horror to truly be over.
Katniss and Peeta gently pulled Loto into the water and you ran towards them, holding back a choked sob as you reached their side.
You stroked Loto's head softly as Peeta started talking; he was good, distracting him with the colors in the sky and telling him about all the paintings he made back at home and how he  mixed colors to get the perfect shade. It truly did seem to relax Loto.
"It was an honor knowing you," You whispered to him, and he smiled as much as he could back up to you. You kissed his forehead and backed away, unable to watch the life drain from his eyes. You walked back to Finnick, who was watching you with a stricken expression. You flinched as a canon sounded. You didn't bother to play independent or engage in flirty back and forth with him, instead going straight into his arms.
Eventually Katniss and Peeta rejoined you, a hovercraft appearing in the distance to come retrieve the body.
Katniss took one look at the both of you; you, having lost Loto, and Finnick, having lost Mags. She offered to stay up and take watch again, this time with Peeta, and nobody disagreed. Without saying anything Finnick pulled you close to him and laid you both down on the sandy ground, nuzzling his face into your neck. You could feel small hot tears smudging in your skin and it made your heart break- you knew how close Mags and Finnick were. Closer than you and Loto, so you could only imagine what he was feeling.
You flipped around so you were face to face, bringing your hand up to gently trace over his handsome features .
"I'm sorry," you whispered and he closed his teary eyes.
"I'm sorry too."
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ceruleansx · 2 years ago
tipsy | peeta mellark
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↳ warnings : mention of being drunk, tipsy/drunk behavior, fluff at end
↳ peeta mellark x reader x best friends to lovers
↳ summary : after a random party, peeta accidentally had more than one drink. after a call from finnick saying that he needs help to put peeta to bed, you leave to help your boyfriend
it was a long day, you and peeta had so many meetings with sponsers after the first games. you teo returned back home, with finnick and a few other visiting.
you said your goodbyes to peeta as he left for the party that finnick was hosting.
you wouldve gone, but the day wore you out, and all you wanted to do was stay back and watch tv. you basically had nothing to worry about, since you for sure knew peeta wouldn't act up.
even if he follows what everyone says, he knows what good and bad. plus, you promised him that you two will cuddle once he gets back home.
the thought of him made you miss him, making you wanting to go so badly.
as you thought more, there were 3 loud knocks on your door, pretty aggressively.
"y/n!!" you heard someone yell from the other side. the person sounded like finnick.
you got up, already a nervous face on your look by the tone of his voice. your heartbeat became faster. what if something bad happened to peeta? what if someone got into a fight with him?
you hurled to the door and swung it open.
to your surprise, you say johanna, finnick, and peeta. peetas arm was wrapped around finnicks shoulder as finnick held him up to balance.
peeta's legs were droopy, barely even standing. his face was staring at the floor eyes half open.
"what happened?" you asked.
"got too drunk i think."
"he said he didn't want anyone helping him except for you." johanna chimed in.
even with your nervousness, you still felt flustered at the thought of peeta wanting you instead of everyone else.
"okay um," you walked up to peeta and took his arm away from finnick.
he was still a little tipsy, but managed to stand.
"thanks guys, ill see you tommorrow." you said waving goodbye as you closed the door.
"johanna leave~.. mhbb.. i only want my girl." peeta mumbled.
you slightly gasped at his words. his girl? that was a new one to add to the book.
"let's get you upstairs.." you whispered as you took him and lead him upstairs carefully.
"j-johanna i said no.." he whispered, "i need y-y/n!"
you paused mid stairway and faced him. you grabbed his face with both your hands. he was so warm. he was always warm, something that you never thought would bring you comfort.
"peeta look." you whispered.
he looked up. his eyes widened.
"it's me.."
his smiled softly, making his eyes scrunch up.
"oh.." he whispered, as his face slowly grazed your hair.
"lets get you changed and put to bed, 'kay?" you said softly, taking his soft hand again.
after him protesting on him putting your shirt himself, you two finally managed to get in bed. your head was on his chest, while his arm drapped around you.
"y/n?" he whispered. you thought he already passed out after being so tired.
"thanks for helping me out tonight." he wiggled around getting more comfortable.
"anything for you peeta." you moved your head to look at him. "i'll always be here. i've been doing it for years."
he smiled softly while looking at you.
"i um.." he looked away trying to hide his blush that crept around his face.
he finally looked back.
"you know i love you right?" he whispered even more softer, like thin air.
you looked at him. no one's every actually told you that, like in a romantic way. you had so many things to say, but they somehow didn't come out.
"but not like the friend way, the-" his words by cut off by your lips.
his kiss was just as warm as his touch, now knowing that his kiss is the only kiss you want to feel for the rest of your life. after a couple seconds later, you finally pulled away.
"guess i have that affect huh?" he chuckled softly.
"peeta oh god-" you laughed, but cut off by a more tender and loving kiss.
both of your lips were in sync, it was like they were made for each other. you two pulled away, forheads touching. his hand lifted and allowed his thumb to graze your bottom lip.
"i love you.." you whispered against his thumb.
"i love you too baby."
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joshfutturman · 1 year ago
the golden haired boy & the stars
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oneshot - peeta comforts you during your final moments in the games (800 words) pairing - peeta mellark (the hunger games) + reader (gender neutral) warnings: blood, death
shit. night was closing in on the day that seemed to last a lifetime. as your eyes settled on the stars that you knew to be fake, you still found some comfort in that familiar sight. it reminded you of those nights in district twelve, under the constellation-riddled sky - with him.
but those memories were long buried, you couldn't afford to think of them now. those fuzzy warm feelings in your stomach, the way he'd point with that bright-eyed smile and ask questions about the sparkles in the night. because now, you were alone. now, only one of you would make it home. and it had to be him, because how could it ever be you?
when the games had started, you'd ensured that distance was put between the two of you. there was no situation you could be put in that could make you hurt him. it wasn't worth thinking about.
but, as the night closed in on the day that seemed to last a lifetime, your blood was the one soaking into the muddied grass. hand clenching wound, your fingers gripped at the flesh that had been torn at your left side. peeta mellark was nowhere to be seen.
vision growing weaker, your eyelids felt heavy, a warm array of colours dancing behind them. a voice whispered your name. it was quiet at first, gentle, like remembering an embrace. another, this time louder, this time it made you smile. with one more, you slowly let the night sky and those familiar constellations take you.
not yet. something pulled you from that journey, a soft hand on your cheek with the warmth to bring you back to the present. the touch felt desperate, pleading, a thumb brushed across your cheek in a rhythmic pattern. you heard him call out your name.
your eyes opened to find him hovering above you, those hazel hues wide through tears. "hey, hey, it's alright." he speaks in a hushed tone as your vision comes back into focus, "you're gonna be alright." and you believe him because peeta mellark never told a lie.
a hand envelops yours over your wound and the coldness seeps from your skin into his. you could feel the slight tremor in his touch as he fought back the sobs that threatened to escape. but all you could do was smile, weakly but still, as you examined his features.
the golden-haired boy whispered, "please don't leave me. . .", with his grip on your wound tightening in a futile attempt to stop the blood. words ran through his mind, all the things he hadn't told you yet, all the things he'd planned to tell you, all the things he'd wished he'd told you before it came to this. how had it come to this?
how had the boy who had admired you from close and afar in district-twelve become the one at your side as you passed? the boy who had sheepishly asked to be your partner in class. the boy who had watched the stars with you after the world became too loud. the boy who had so much to give and now, the only one he wished to give it to - slipping through his fingers.
his eyes stare into yours, afraid to leave them - what if it was the last time? "i'm sorry." he finally muttered after what felt like a lifetime, "i should have stayed with you, tried to protect you. . . i should have told you that-" words cut off with a whimper, peeta rests his head on your chest. the warmth was welcomed. despite your damp surroundings and the length of time it had been since he had been at the bakery, he still held the scent of fresh baked goods, cinnamon and spice. it lingered in your nose and you could have sworn you were back there.
the bakery, where you'd travel every day just to see him. peeta would offer a shy smile through the glass window and you'd wave back. one day, you'd ask him on a date. one day.
the gentle sobs on your chest only served to lull you further, lids closing. you were safe now. it was going to be alright, because peeta was here - it was time to go.
with the rising and falling of your shallow breaths ceasing, his head springs up only to be greeted with your blank stare. ". . .no, nono." peeta mutters, sniffling. "no, please, please it's. . . you can't go. i wanted to. . ." his sentences fail him, over and over. brow furrowed, he lets out soft cries into the night, placing his lips on your forehead with a gentle kiss as he wraps his arms around you. the cannon sounded.
he wouldn't let go. not even when his eyes grew tired and the air grew colder. because how could the boy who had watched the stars with you after the world became too loud let you go? his distant eyes drew upwards towards the constellations. alone, with the world entirely too loud.
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reidsglasscs · 11 months ago
✸ pairing: percy jackson x daughter of artemis! reader smau
✸ notes: requested by @sunnflowerss-wp !! this prompt was fun & i looooooved incorporating my hunters of artemis girlies <3
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…now playing: there she goes — the la’s
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percyjacks: “but percy, she’s so scary” are we looking at the same person? 🤨 new moon=yn appreciation day
tagged: yn.ln
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team.leo: look i said that ONCE bc she shot me and i feared for my life
╰┈➤ percyjacks: excuses excuses, if she shot you then you deserved it
╰┈➤ team.leo: BRO THE GAME WAS OVER???
╰┈➤ percyjacks: LALALAL 👨‍🦯
╰┈➤ annabethc: did…did you just use a blind emoji for not being able to hear?
╰┈➤ percyjacks: omg beth let me live
piedpiper: EVERY day should be yn appreciation day wdym 😒
╰┈➤ percyjacks: yk what piper, you’re so right, my sincerely apologies to everyone
╰┈➤ percyjacks: sweetheart…you’re about as secretive as piper is straight
╰┈➤ yn.ln: HEY
lieutenant.thal: new moon = thalia visits day, hand over my girl
╰┈➤ percyjacks: im sorry, WHOSE girl???
╰┈➤ lieutenant.thal: did i stutter?
annabethc: those cookies in the second pic were bomb asf, you’re welcome
╰┈➤ yn.ln: make more beth, im begging 🙏🙏
neeks._: i’ve quite literally seen her try and bite people’s fingers off before
╰┈➤ percyjacks: what’s your point? 😒
╰┈➤ neeks._: oh there isn’t one im js sayin
gracefully.jason: she’s pretty, but where’s my man percy at?
╰┈➤ yn.ln: you mean MY man. i will hunt you down, grace
╰┈➤ percyjacks: she’s so sweet 🥰
…now playing: tek it — cafuné
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yn.ln: the peeta to my katniss 🤍🏹
tagged: percyjacks
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lieutenant.thal: babe it’s not too late to join 🙏🙏
╰┈➤ percyjacks: yn block her PLEASE
╰┈➤ yn.ln: no to both of you 🤍
╰┈➤ yn.ln: JSJSKSK ILY HAZE <33
percyjacks: idk who this peeta guy is but i think i look pretty damn good 😮‍💨
╰┈➤ yn.ln: look, i love you but don’t disrespect peeta mellark like that
piedpiper: you guys are cut but im gonna throw up next time im within a 3 mile radius omg
╰┈➤ team.leo: this is how we all feel when you and annabeth are all over each other btw!
╰┈➤ annabethc: you’re just mad because you can’t get a girl
╰┈➤ piedpiper: GET HIS ASS BABY 🗣️ (suck it, valdez)
gracefully.jason: idk what tf bread and cats have to do with this post but go yn 🙌
╰┈➤ yn.ln: …
╰┈➤ percyjacks: jason… bro
╰┈➤ yn.ln: i have never sighed so hard at a comment before in my life
reyna.ara: gods, i love it when his face is hidden & all i can see is you, you’re so gorgeous bae <3
╰┈➤ yn.ln: stawwwwwp 🤭
╰┈➤ pecyjacks: yeah. stop.
╰┈➤ reyna.ara: percy. three’s a crowd.
thegoat_: it’s so unfortunate to say but i took two thirds of these pictures
╰┈➤ yn.ln: grover do NOT act like i dont take cutie pics of you & juniper ☹️( reminder: 🏹)
╰┈➤ thegoat_: you are absolutely right, pretend I didn’t say anything (pls but the bow down)
percyjacks: gods, i love you 🩵
╰┈➤ yn.ln: i love you too, seaweed brain 🤎
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skyewritesstuff · 1 year ago
greedy | p. mellark
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my masterlist.
summary: after months of being in what you think is a situationship with peeta, you finally confront him about whether or not there's anything truly there or if you're just another girl who has fallen for his kindness and misinterpreted the signs.
pairing: peeta mellark x reader (college!au, fratboy!peeta if you squint)
fandom: the hunger games
warnings: nothing too serious. implied nsfw at the end. afab reader. sorta ooc peeta...it's mostly environmental because we all know peeta's a flirt.
notes: based on greedy by tate mcrae even though the verse at the end gives me everlark vibes. also, this has been beta read. :)
word count: 2.8k
He’s here. Are you coming?
You looked at the blue and gray text thread, Clove’s name, and contact picture with a little clover emoji sitting right on top of it. A sigh escaped you as you looked up from your phone at the fraternity house that was positioned in front of you. You’d been leaning against the fencing that surrounded the yard for what felt like an hour, but in reality, it’d only been a few minutes.
As of late, facing Peeta Mellark has always been an unpredictable situation. While he was kind, polite, and charismatic, that charisma oftentimes led to him getting entangled metaphorically (at least you hoped) with other girls. You couldn’t tell if he didn’t know how to say no, was weighing out his options, or if he was what Clove often referred to as a “fuckboy”. 
Fuck it. You rolled your eyes, stuffed your phone into your jacket pocket, and made your way across the cement walkway leading to the house. Having second thoughts, you pulled your phone back out, pulling up the same conversation with Clove.
Is she here?
The person you were speaking of was none other than Katniss Everdeen. She was the most recent girl that Peeta had been hanging around with and was simultaneously the cause of your latest installment of confusion. According to some of your other friends, she’d been friends with Peeta for a while and the study date you ran up on in the library was nothing but a platonic catch-up amongst busy friends.
However, one Madge Undersee had more than the opposite to say. All it took was one group mirror shot in the bathroom at a nightclub posted on Instagram, featuring you and Peeta in the outskirts of the photo, his arm wrapped securely around your waist, for her to send you a heated DM saying that he and Katniss had been a thing for forever and that you were coming between them.
You very quickly sent back, “Funny how the alleged ‘other girl’ always gets shit while the dude gets to slide by.” with a sarcastically placed upside-down smiley that was left on read still to this day.
A typing bubble appeared in Clove’s thread.
I don’t think so!
You let out another sigh, relieved that for now, Katniss wasn’t a worry. You walked into the house, looking around. There was a cloud of smoke in the air, presumably from various substances and/or a smoke machine, and bright lights coming from various directions. You squinted, trying to make out anyone you knew, but specifically trying to find Clove.
“Hey!” The greeting was slurred, long, and drawn out as an arm was all but dropped onto your shoulders. Finnick Odair was standing beside you, laughing at what appeared to be nothing. Finnick was a grad student that you’d met while waiting in line for coffee, quickly discovering that you two had mutual connections.
“Y/N…Y/N…you look…beautiful, stunning, ravishing…Have you seen Annie?” 
You chuckled at how rapidly his thought process changed. “Nope, I just got here! Maybe try calling her?”
“Ha,” he let out, “I don’t…I don’t know her number…”
“But she should be in your… never mind, you’ll find her I’m sure.” you grinned, shaking your head.
“Alright, sweet!” Finnick started to walk away, but then quickly turned on his heel back to you, pointing in your direction.
“Almost forgot…Peeta’s looking for you!”
The question was ignored as he walked away, approaching another male at the party the same way he’d approached you. Peeta was looking for you? Was he serious or just on another planet from the amount of alcohol in his system?
You kept maneuvering through the crowd, trying to locate the kitchen, knowing that’s where most of the snacks and drinks were. The kitchen also usually served as a good place to wait around if you were looking for someone. 
You pulled out your phone, shooting a text to Clove to meet you in the kitchen. You stared down at the screen, hoping for a speech bubble to pop up saying she was either on her way or giving you simple directions to wherever she was located. You then felt yourself collide with someone in a way that wasn’t painful, but most definitely was going to lead to an awkward exchange.
“Oh shit…I’m so sorry…”
You were met with blonde hair and a black hoodie and then a beautiful set of oh-too-familiar blue eyes.
“Don’t be!” Peeta smiled, “I was looking for you! I sent out Finnick to look for you and everything.”
You rolled your eyes with a smirk, “Well, you might want to find someone sober enough to complete the mission next time, just saying.”
“You are probably absolutely correct…but it’s fine. Why send someone else when it’s something you can do on your own way better, right?” he smiled, leaning on the wall, taking a sip from his cup, “Do you want something to drink?”
“What is that?” you gestured to the cup, raising a curious yet somewhat fearful eyebrow.
Peeta shrugged, “I think it’s some kind of jungle juice. The base has to be Hawaiian Punch because of the color if that helps.” He extended the cup towards you, “Want to see for yourself?”
You nodded and took the cup, taking a sip. It was definitely Hawaiian Punch, and it wasn’t as strong as you thought it would be, which could either be a help or a hindrance. 
“Pretty good, right?” he asked. You nodded in response, handing the cup back to him. “Do you want me to get you some of that…or I can try to mix you something myself?”
“Whatever that is, that’s fine.” you answered, following him over to a large orange Gatorade dispenser that had the word “NOT” written on a piece of tape, stuck above the label. You chuckled under your breath as you watched the blonde grab a cup, scoop out some ice, and then fill the drink. As he did this, you took the time to take in his appearance as your brain had been busy keeping up with the conversation instead of taking a good look at him.
He was in a black hoodie with a small logo on the chest; his blonde hair falling into his face a little. He also was wearing gray joggers with his university lanyard sticking out of the pocket, falling onto his leg with a pair of somewhat beaten-up sneakers. Despite his relaxed appearance, he looked put together. He looked good.
Peeta turned back to you, handing you the cup, which you took with a smile. “Do you wanna go somewhere quieter?” he asked, gesturing to the surroundings before refilling his cup.
Your stomach turned with nerves. He probably just meant to talk, but what if he didn't? You knew for a fact that your bra and underwear were not fancy, nor did they match, and you probably had the lowest body count in your friend group. You took a hard swallow.
“...To talk…” Peeta laughed, his tone sounding a little nervous as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and took a sip from his cup. The lights well-hid the red flush on his face.
“Oh…okay, yeah!” you laughed back, watching as he extended his hand. You took his hand, noticing how he immediately laced your fingers together as he walked you through the main hallway that you’d just walked through and up the stairs. 
Someone at a distance must’ve seen you both making your way upstairs, because someone wolf-whistled and then called Peeta’s name, causing him to sharply turn over his shoulder to try and identify the person. He quickly stuck his middle finger up at no one in particular, given the culprit was never identified, and then sped up a little as you both got up to the top of the stairs.
“I'm sorry. People are dumb and make ridiculous assumptions…like I’m really not trying to…”
“Peeta, it’s okay.” you reassured him, “If Clove had seen me, she probably would’ve been ten times worse and reminded me of one of her ridiculous tips to supposedly eliminate your gag reflex that she learned on TikTok.”
Peeta somewhat choked on the sip of his drink that he was taking, laughing at your comment, “Who said you couldn’t learn something off of the internet.”
He led you down a shorter hallway to a door. He knocked twice before opening it, finding it just as he must’ve left it, as you quickly put two-and-two together that this was his room. He shut and locked the door behind him, took another sip from his drink, and sat it on his bedside table before flopping on the bed as you leaned against the wall.
You took a big sip of your drink, hoping the alcohol kicked in sooner rather than later to get some control of the nerves that were bubbling up across your entire body. You watched as the blonde turned on his side and looked over at you.
“I'm not gonna bite, sweetheart…unless you’re into that.” 
You couldn’t refrain from rolling your eyes at his cheesy line before you walked over to sit your drink next to his. Then, you removed your jacket, hanging it from his footrest. Before you could even turn your attention back to him, you could feel his eyes on you. It was like he was bearing a hole into the exposed skin on your back that was left uncovered from your dress now that your denim jacket had been discarded.
When you turned back around, he rolled onto his back with his hands behind his head, smiling up at you. “You’re gorgeous.” 
It was spoken so matter-of-factly as if he was telling you the most basic of observations…as if it were obvious to anyone who looked at you. You could feel your chest swell slightly at his words. Your instinct was going to be to tell him to stop or to refute what he said, but you took a breath and let out a small, “Thank you” in response as you sat on the edge of his bed and then slowly inched your way back onto the bed, laying next to him.
The room was silent, aside from the bumping music that was playing behind the door and down the stairs, and your eyes were fixed on the ceiling fan, watching it spin to avoid meeting Peeta’s eyes, fearing the burning blush that would overtake your body if you did.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked, breaking that silence.
“Nothing…” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the full truth either. You weren’t giving your full thought process to anything. Instead, your brain was in several places at once. You’d thought about the makeup tutorial you’d seen earlier set to the song that was playing downstairs. You’d thought about how close Peeta was to you. You’d also thought about Katniss and Peeta’s study “date” from a while back too.
“Baby, if something’s bothering you, you can tell me.” he said. You finally glanced over at him. He was on his side, facing you, leaning against one hand while the other played with his hoodie string.
Before you could stop yourself, the bigger question tumbled out of your lips, “What’s up with you?”
His features scrunched together in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“You take me on dates. You kiss me. You hold my hand. You call me baby.” you paused, “But then, I see you at the library with Katniss Everdeen and I have one of her stupid little friends in my DMs accusing me of being a homewrecker because you have your arm around me in a photo I didn’t even post…and I’ve seen you talking to other girls too, Peeta. You do the same thing, leaning against the wall, standing close to them. You’re smiling and laughing and the girl is playing with her hair and laughing back at you. What is all of that? Am I just the one you know will answer your random texts and calls to hang out…go to the club… make out in your car? Am I some weird escape from reality like…who…”
You were quickly silenced by his lips on yours, one hand coming up to your cheek, pulling you in closer to him. It was almost second nature at this point and your body quickly betrayed you despite your frustrations and melted into the kiss as it deepened, your hand coming to rest on his ribcage, progressively snaking onto his back and then upwards into his blonde locks as he moved over top of you.
The motion of him nudging your leg with his knee so he could position himself knocked you back into reality like a harsh slap to the face. You put both hands onto his chest and applied just enough pressure to jerk him back into the present as well. He looked confused. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and his lips were slightly swollen.
“Did I do something?” 
You propped yourself up, causing him to move, rolling back onto his back, his arm dropping across his chest as he rather obviously tried to cool himself down. You sat up, looking down at Peeta, whose eyes met yours.
“You never answered my question.”
“Yes, I did.” He looked at you like you’d missed the most obvious sign in the universe, but you already knew he meant the kiss, and that was not the answer you were looking for.
You shook your head, “A kiss isn’t an answer. If anything, it just proves my point. I don’t understand you. You clearly, in some way, want me. So, what is it? Are you just playing the field…fucking a bunch of random girls…Are you in love with Katniss still?”
“Katniss?” Peeta looked like you’d slapped him clean across his handsome face.
“Yes, Katniss…” You repeated, glancing from him to the door, wondering if it’d just be better to get up and go home. You knew fully well that he’d follow you. There was no getting out of this.
“I get it. You’re hot. You’re nice. I genuinely don’t think you’d try to intentionally hurt anyone, but…”
“That’s it, right there.” He pointed toward you as you spoke, “You talk about me and my mixed signals…what is that? You go from basically saying I’m some piece of shit heartbreaker to saying I’d never hurt anyone. You do that a lot. You’ll go from dancing with me and kissing me…letting me hold you while you’re sleeping to acting completely disinterested in anything outside of a friendship. I’ve never dealt with anything like this before. Girls are usually pretty forward with me…regardless of whether I feel the same or not. I don’t know if it’s intentional…like you think it’ll make me want you more or what, but it’s driving me crazy. Other girls may want me...I don't know for sure, but I know for sure that I want you, not them. I’m trying my best to show you that…but you just keep pushing me away and I wish you’d stop.”
Your eyes dropped to the floor, suddenly hyper-aware of a scuff on the toe of your boots. Your heart pounded as you tried to process what he’d said. He was usually so confident and sure in his abilities to keep sucking you back in, but the wavering tones in his voice indicated otherwise. He was serious.
You turned back to him, “I…I like you a lot…a lot more than just a friend…which is why seeing you with those other girls drove me fucking insane. I want you and for you to only want me. I don’t want to just be some kind of convenience for you. I’m either your girlfriend or nothing at all.”
His lips curved into a smile as your arms crossed over your chest, waiting for a response from the blonde. Peeta sat up and moved in closer to you, his forehead resting against yours, lips inches from your own.
“As you wish, girlfriend.”
His lips were on yours as soon as the title was spoken, moving slowly and sensually. His hand came to your waist as you fell back onto the bed, pulling him down with you as you finally let him move over top of you. The kisses grew needier and more passionate as your hands moved to the hem of his hoodie, pulling it and his white undershirt over his head and allowing for him to toss them behind him.
The articles of clothing caught your jacket, bringing it to the floor as well. Your phone slid out of the pocket as it vibrated, going completely unnoticed next to the clothing.
Where are you?
Oh my god, Cato just said he saw you going upstairs with Peeta. Good luck. ;) Remember what I told you about spelling your name. Trust me, works every single time.
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