#Pedro Londono
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pepperjunkie · 1 month ago
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Ciudad de oro por Pedro Londoño..
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kharimsantosmusic-blog · 6 years ago
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COMUNICADO DE PRENSA KHARIM SANTOS MUSIC PARA PUBLICACION INMEDIATA KHARIM SANTOS EN LOS PRIMEROS LUGARES DE LA SALSA 1 de abril de 2019 en Mayagüez, Puerto Rico Con el compromiso de continuar el legado de los grandes exponentes del género de la salsa y su nueva generación de cantantes, Kharim Santos, presentó el pasado 7 de enero su primera producción musical como solista llamada "MI TIEMPO Y EN MI ESQUINA". Bajo el sello JB Records y JK Records lográndose así la unión y colaboración de grandes músicos y artistas de diferentes países, hemos regresado a la Salsa para ofrecerle lo mejor de nuestra música al bailador. Kharim Santos por los pasados meses, ha estado presentando varios sencillos de su álbum como solista, y el cual ha permanecido en las listas de música en los primeros lugares. En estos momentos tiene en su haber varios temas en los primeros lugares como lo son "Déjame Quererte", "Linda", "Al Filo de tu Amor" y "Estoy como Nunca". Pero su tema "Estoy Como Nunca" que se lanzó el pasado enero se ha mantenido en las primeras 10 posiciones demostrando la calidad y entrega de este nobel artista. Kharim Santos regresó de una gira exitosa en Cali, Colombia presentándose en varios lugares de la ciudad y otras ciudades alrededor de Colombia. En la Feria de Cali sobre 14,000 personas disfrutaron de su música, recibiendo así el apoyo de figuras de la salsa como Don Rafael Ithier, Jerry Rivas, Roberto Roena, Pedro Arroyo, Andy Montañez entre otros y muchos amigos de la música. En adición, en la Ciudad de Cali fué reconocido también por el Señor Marco Londono de Sony Music el cual se expresó de la siguiente manera; Kharim Santos es uno de los exponentes más sólidos de la salsa que he escuchado en toda mi carrera como representante de Sony Music. Kharim Santos también se presentó el pasado marzo en el Festival de la Salsa en Orlando, Florida donde sobre más de 10 mil personas asistieron al evento recibiendo así su música con los brazos abiertos. Kharim Santos sigue triunfando en los lugares que se presenta demostrando que la Salsa no muere. Contrataciones de Kharim Santos Nieves “Tyta” Roena (347) 698-5041 Nievesrobertoroena@gmail.com Puedes encontrar a https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7kaLjAe-S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pwefea2gvmbf
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6enpuntomx · 8 years ago
“Agente Peña, ¿qué tanto sabe acerca del Cártel de Cali?”
En un mundo después de Pablo Escobar, esas palabras pronunciadas en la última temporada de la serie original de Netflix, Narcos, presagian el giro de la próxima temporada dentro del corrupto, poderoso y salvajemente rentable mundo del Cártel de Cali de Colombia, los señores más grandes de la droga de los que probablemente nunca has oído hablar.
Aquí está una primera mirada al Cártel de Cali y el video oficial con el anuncio de la fecha de la temporada 3 deNarcos, que se estrenará globalmente en Netflix el 1 de septiembre.
Sinopsis de Narcos Tercera Temporada:
Ahora que la sangrienta cacería de Pablo Escobar ha terminado, la DEA centra su atención en la organización de tráfico de drogas más rica del mundo: el Cártel de Cali. Dirigido por cuatro poderosos padrinos, éste cártel opera de forma muy diferente al de Pablo Escobar, prefiriendo sobornar a oficiales gubernamentales y mantener sus acciones violentas fuera de los titulares.
Conoce a los Reyes:
Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela (Damián Alcázar) – líder del Cártel de Cali, “Jefe de jefes”
Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela (Francisco Denis) – el cerebro detrás del crecimiento del Cártel de Cali y hermano de Gilberto
Pacho Herrera (Alberto Ammann) – un matón de bajo perfil, dirige la conexión mexicana y la distribución internacional
Chepe Santacruz Londono (Pepe Rapazote) – Dirige el satélite de NYC, imperio de la red colombiana de drogas
Así como Gilberto anuncia un plan audaz para alejarse del negocio, el agente de la DEA Javier Peña (Pedro Pascal), reclama la ayuda de las fuerzas de seguridad estadounidenses y colombianas para derribarlo. Esta temporada abre un mundo complejo y despiadado de nuevas figuras.
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Otros personajes nuevos incluyen:
Jorge Salcedo (Matias Varela) – Jefe de seguridad de Cali quien prioriza la protección de su esposa e hijos sobre sus jefes
Agentes de la DEA, Chris Feistl (Michael Stahl-David) y Daniel Van Ness (Matt Whelan) – quienes entran a la operación con entusiasmo e inexperiencia
Franklin Jurado (Miguel Ángel Silvestre) – lavador de dinero del Cártel, quien sin saber pone a su esposa Christina (Kerry Bishe) en peligro mortal
David Rodríguez (Arturo Castro) – hijo mayor de Miguel, que al principio es renuente a asumir un papel de líder en la estructura del Cártel
Esta vez, todas las reglas han cambiado para los narcos y sus oponentes – un hecho que muchos no sabrán hasta que sea demasiado tarde.
Tercera temporada de Narcos se estrena el 1 de septiembre en @NetflixLAT “Agente Peña, ¿qué tanto sabe acerca del Cártel de Cali?” En un mundo después de Pablo Escobar, esas palabras pronunciadas en la última temporada de la serie original de Netflix, 
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garynsmith · 7 years ago
Why one real estate agent accepted her commission in cryptocurrency
Faster. Better. Together. Inman Connect San Francisco, Jul 17-20, 2018
One real estate agent is so excited about what cryptocurrency can do for the industry that she chose to convert her sales commission directly into it--but only for one deal, so far... After successfully executing an investment property transaction on a two-bedroom family home, real estate agent Manuela Londono-Osorio of Culture Estate, a small real estate brokerage in Scotch Plains, N.J, accepted her commission check into her cryptocurrency wallet--an online system that allows you to convert dollars into popular cryptocurrencies such as ethereum and bitcoin--according to a story that was first uncovered by RealtorMag.com. "I'm super excited that, at the end of the day, I’m a pioneer when it comes to being an agent paid in cryptocurrency," Londono-Osorio told Inman. After the brokerage got the payment in regular U.S. dollars, they transferred Londono-Osorio’s commission into her cryptowallet. She then decided to accept in the form of ethereum, one of the many popular cy...
Article image credited to Pedro Correa/Inman
from Inman http://ift.tt/2FW0Pa2 via IFTTT
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alanafsmith · 8 years ago
What the Cali cartel learned from Pablo Escobar, according to a DEA agent who hunted both of them
Medellin cartel chief Pablo Escobar had his life snuffed out on December 2, 1993, but his reputation as a brutal and prolific drug trafficker has lived on.
Though he reined over the Colombian underworld for years, he was not the only game in town.
Chief among his rivals was the Cali cartel, based in the city of the same name southwest of Escobar's stronghold in Medellin and run by two brothers, Miguel and Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela.
It's suspected the two cartels cooperated to some extent in the 1980s, organizing an armed group to fight kidnappers and working to stabilize the drug market and divide up territory in the US — the Medellin cartel took Miami and South Florida, while the Cali cartel controlled New York City and parts of the northeast.
But they remained rivals, and the cartels fought a vicious turf war in Colombia, even as Escobar and his partners waged a war against the Colombian state to fend off arrest and extradition.
Cali cartel leaders were behind efforts to kill Escobar, hiring mercenaries in a failed attempt on his life in 1989 and reportedly supporting a paramilitary group that ran his Medellin cartel to ground in the early 1990s.
Like Escobar, the Cali traffickers had been operating since the 1970s, but their organization didn't reach its zenith until after his death. At the height of its power it sent hundreds of tons of cocaine to the US and laundered billions of dollars in drug money. It was reportedly responsible for 80% of the world's cocaine trade at one point.
Like rivals in any other industry, the Cali cartel leadership took lessons from Escobar's rise and fall.
"What we noticed was that Cali cartel had learned from the Medellin cartel not to make those types of mistakes," Javier Peña, a US Drug Enforcement Administration who worked on both the Escobar and the Cali cartel cases, said on The Cipher Brief podcast.
"For example, I call the Medellin cartel 'wild, wild west'; Cali cartel was more business-like. They were more organized; they had more business savvy. They had more sophisticated accountants," added Peña, who was been portrayed by actor Pedro Pascal on three seasons of the Netflix show "Narcos."
Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, nicknamed "the Chess Player," in particular earned a reputation for being business-oriented, preferring bribery to violence.
The Rodriguez Orejuela brothers and their partners, posing as businessmen and investing in Colombian and US companies, earned a level of public respect for their behavior (though they were always willing to resort to violence). Gilberto called himself an "honest drugstore magnate," referring to a chain of pharmacies his family owned.
"The cartels, I think, learned a valuable lesson with what Pablo Escobar was doing with wholesale violence, just basically narco terrorism," Mike Vigil, former chief of international operations for the DEA, told Business Insider in an interview earlier this year about the evolution of Colombia's criminal organizations.
"They learned a valuable lesson that the more violence you generate against the government, against the citizens, the more of a target you're going to become by the government and the international community," Vigil said.
The "Cali cartel was harder [to track] because of the network they had. They used more professional-type accountants. They had education in the United States ... and Cali was also more sophisticated in their smuggling method," Peña said.
While the Medellin cartel was known for bulk smuggling, particularly with planes flying into Florida, the Cali cartel "would hide a lot of coke inside big cargo-type containers, inside cement, inside heavy machinery, which was very hard to detect," Peña added. Such methods persist among traffickers in Colombia and elsewhere.
The Cali cartel was known to operate "cells" in US cities — Miami, New York, and Houston in particularly during the late 1990s. A regional manager would lead the cell, hiring submanagers to handle jobs like transport, storage, and distribution of drugs as well as collection of drug-sale proceeds.
But the Cali cartel's growth and assertiveness still earned it attention from the US and Colombian governments.
Officials in Washington put pressure on their Colombian counterparts to bring down the Rodriguez Orejuela brothers and their partners in the early and mid-1990s, after years of what seemed to be little official action against their activities.
Cali cartel activity in the US in the early 1990s was particularly brazen at times, as it used violence to protect its interest on US soil.
Cartel cofounder Jose Santacruz Londono was accused of ordering an assassination over a business deal gone bad in summer 1991. That same year, he reportedly ordered the killing of a Cuban-born New York journalist whose stories had raised the cartel's ire.
"They are trying to do things in this country similar to what they do in Colombia," the-DEA chief Thomas A. Constantine said in early 1995.
The period between 1994 and 1995 was especially concerning for the US, after the release of recordings of people identified as Cali cartel leaders discussing millions of dollars of contributions to the presidential campaign of Ernesto Samper. The revelations damaged US-Colombia relations and led to Washington revoking Samper's visa.
In a letter released in 2000 purportedly written by Gilberto and Miguel, they admitted to giving millions to the campaign. Members of Samper's presidential campaign were eventually convicted in relation to the drug money, but Samper, president from 1994 to 1998, was cleared by Colombia's Congress.
Numerous high-level Cali cartel figures were arrested in 1995, however, including Jorge Eliecer Rodriguez Orejuela in March and cartel cofounder Jose Santacruz Londono in July.
That summer also saw the downfall of the Rodriguez Orejuela brothers themselves.
Then-President Ernesto Samper called the June arrest of Gilberto — caught hiding in a secret compartment in a luxurious Cali home — "the beginning of the end for the Cali cartel."
When Miguel was arrested two months later — caught in his underwear before he could hide in a secret closet — national police chief Jose Serrano said, "The Cali cartel died today."
The Medellin and Cali cartels continued to exist in some form in the years after their respective leaders' demise, but Colombian criminal organizations continued to evolve in response to a changing drug market and ongoing pressure from authorities.
In 1997, US officials said there were more cartel operatives than ever in South Florida and levels of cocaine coming into the area were higher than ever.
A DEA spokeswoman called Miami "the North American headquarters for the South American cartels" in early 1997.
"They haven't gone away," she added. "They've just changed their profile."
In Colombia, the reign of large, hierarchical cartels gave way to that of paramilitary groups, who were eventually replaced by more criminal groups, or "bandas criminales," that are more compartmentalized, dispersed, and autonomous than their predecessors.
"The criminal underworld in Colombia has become very much like traditional organized crime under, like, Carlo Gambino, where they try to be invisible," Vigil told Business Insider.
SEE ALSO: Pablo Escobar's death cleared the way for a much more sinister kind of criminal in Colombia
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NOW WATCH: Pablo Escobar: The life and death of one of the biggest cocaine kingpins in history
from All About Law http://www.businessinsider.com/cali-cartel-learned-from-escobar-according-to-dea-agent-javier-pena-2017-9
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nancy-astorga · 8 years ago
What the Cali cartel learned from Pablo Escobar, according to a DEA agent who hunted both of them
Medellin cartel chief Pablo Escobar had his life snuffed out on December 2, 1993, but his reputation as a brutal and prolific drug trafficker has lived on.
Though he reined over the Colombian underworld for years, he was not the only game in town.
Chief among his rivals was the Cali cartel, based in the city of the same name southwest of Escobar’s stronghold in Medellin and run by two brothers, Miguel and Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela.
It’s suspected the two cartels cooperated to some extent in the 1980s, organizing an armed group to fight kidnappers and working to stabilize the drug market and divide up territory in the US — the Medellin cartel took Miami and South Florida, while the Cali cartel controlled New York City and parts of the northeast.
But they remained rivals, and the cartels fought a vicious turf war in Colombia, even as Escobar and his partners waged a war against the Colombian state to fend off arrest and extradition.
Cali cartel leaders were behind efforts to kill Escobar, hiring mercenaries in a failed attempt on his life in 1989 and reportedly supporting a paramilitary group that ran his Medellin cartel to ground in the early 1990s.
Like Escobar, the Cali traffickers had been operating since the 1970s, but their organization didn’t reach its zenith until after his death. At the height of its power it sent hundreds of tons of cocaine to the US and laundered billions of dollars in drug money. It was reportedly responsible for 80% of the world’s cocaine trade at one point.
Like rivals in any other industry, the Cali cartel leadership took lessons from Escobar’s rise and fall.
“What we noticed was that Cali cartel had learned from the Medellin cartel not to make those types of mistakes,” Javier Peña, a US Drug Enforcement Administration who worked on both the Escobar and the Cali cartel cases, said on The Cipher Brief podcast.
“For example, I call the Medellin cartel ‘wild, wild west’; Cali cartel was more business-like. They were more organized; they had more business savvy. They had more sophisticated accountants,” added Peña, who was been portrayed by actor Pedro Pascal on three seasons of the Netflix show “Narcos.”
Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, nicknamed “the Chess Player,” in particular earned a reputation for being business-oriented, preferring bribery to violence.
The Rodriguez Orejuela brothers and their partners, posing as businessmen and investing in Colombian and US companies, earned a level of public respect for their behavior (though they were always willing to resort to violence). Gilberto called himself an “honest drugstore magnate,” referring to a chain of pharmacies his family owned.
“The cartels, I think, learned a valuable lesson with what Pablo Escobar was doing with wholesale violence, just basically narco terrorism,” Mike Vigil, former chief of international operations for the DEA, told Business Insider in an interview earlier this year about the evolution of Colombia’s criminal organizations.
“They learned a valuable lesson that the more violence you generate against the government, against the citizens, the more of a target you’re going to become by the government and the international community,” Vigil said.
The “Cali cartel was harder [to track] because of the network they had. They used more professional-type accountants. They had education in the United States … and Cali was also more sophisticated in their smuggling method,” Peña said.
While the Medellin cartel was known for bulk smuggling, particularly with planes flying into Florida, the Cali cartel “would hide a lot of coke inside big cargo-type containers, inside cement, inside heavy machinery, which was very hard to detect,” Peña added. Such methods persist among traffickers in Colombia and elsewhere.
The Cali cartel was known to operate “cells” in US cities — Miami, New York, and Houston in particularly during the late 1990s. A regional manager would lead the cell, hiring submanagers to handle jobs like transport, storage, and distribution of drugs as well as collection of drug-sale proceeds.
But the Cali cartel’s growth and assertiveness still earned it attention from the US and Colombian governments.
Officials in Washington put pressure on their Colombian counterparts to bring down the Rodriguez Orejuela brothers and their partners in the early and mid-1990s, after years of what seemed to be little official action against their activities.
Cali cartel activity in the US in the early 1990s was particularly brazen at times, as it used violence to protect its interest on US soil.
Cartel cofounder Jose Santacruz Londono was accused of ordering an assassination over a business deal gone bad in summer 1991. That same year, he reportedly ordered the killing of a Cuban-born New York journalist whose stories had raised the cartel’s ire.
“They are trying to do things in this country similar to what they do in Colombia,” the-DEA chief Thomas A. Constantine said in early 1995.
The period between 1994 and 1995 was especially concerning for the US, after the release of recordings of people identified as Cali cartel leaders discussing millions of dollars of contributions to the presidential campaign of Ernesto Samper. The revelations damaged US-Colombia relations and led to Washington revoking Samper’s visa.
In a letter released in 2000 purportedly written by Gilberto and Miguel, they admitted to giving millions to the campaign. Members of Samper’s presidential campaign were eventually convicted in relation to the drug money, but Samper, president from 1994 to 1998, was cleared by Colombia’s Congress.
Numerous high-level Cali cartel figures were arrested in 1995, however, including Jorge Eliecer Rodriguez Orejuela in March and cartel cofounder Jose Santacruz Londono in July.
That summer also saw the downfall of the Rodriguez Orejuela brothers themselves.
Then-President Ernesto Samper called the June arrest of Gilberto — caught hiding in a secret compartment in a luxurious Cali home — “the beginning of the end for the Cali cartel.”
When Miguel was arrested two months later — caught in his underwear before he could hide in a secret closet — national police chief Jose Serrano said, “The Cali cartel died today.”
The Medellin and Cali cartels continued to exist in some form in the years after their respective leaders’ demise, but Colombian criminal organizations continued to evolve in response to a changing drug market and ongoing pressure from authorities.
In 1997, US officials said there were more cartel operatives than ever in South Florida and levels of cocaine coming into the area were higher than ever.
A DEA spokeswoman called Miami “the North American headquarters for the South American cartels” in early 1997.
“They haven’t gone away,” she added. “They’ve just changed their profile.”
In Colombia, the reign of large, hierarchical cartels gave way to that of paramilitary groups, who were eventually replaced by more criminal groups, or “bandas criminales,” that are more compartmentalized, dispersed, and autonomous than their predecessors.
“The criminal underworld in Colombia has become very much like traditional organized crime under, like, Carlo Gambino, where they try to be invisible,” Vigil told Business Insider.
SEE ALSO: Pablo Escobar’s death cleared the way for a much more sinister kind of criminal in Colombia
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NOW WATCH: Pablo Escobar: The life and death of one of the biggest cocaine kingpins in history
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rollingstonemag · 8 years ago
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur http://www.rollingstone.fr/comment-faire-rimer-rentree-avec-tele/
Comment faire rimer rentrée avec télé ?
Moins de deux semaines après m’arrêt malheureusement trop abrupt de Game of Thrones, ne serait-il pas temps de se plonger dans les nouvelles séries de la rentrée ?
Narcos (saison 3)
Pablo Escobar mort et enterré, Narcos se penche cette fois sur l’ascension d’un des plus grands cartels de drogue de la planète : le cartel de Cali. Ses terrifiants dirigeants – les frères Orejuela (Damian Alcazar et Francisco Denis), Pacho Herrera (Alberto Ammann) et Chepe Santacruz Londono (Pepe Rapazote) – en feront sans aucun doute voir des vertes et des pas mûres à la DEA et notamment l’agent Javier Peña (Pedro Pascal) à coup d’actions violentes et de corruption. La série événement est disponible sur Netflix depuis le 1er septembre.
The Deuce (saison 1)
Après The Wire, Treme et Show Me a Hero, David Simon fait à nouveau dans la chronique sociale avec la très attendue The Deuce. Alors que des magasins peu fréquentables se spécialisent dans le porno à la manque, la légalisation de cette industrie du plaisir au début des années 70 entraînent deux frères jumeaux aux dents longues (brillamment interprétés par James Franco) et une prostituée désillusionnée (Maggie Gyllenhaal) à se lancer à corps perdu dans une future mine d’or. Le pilote de la série sera disponible sur OCS City dès le lendemain de sa diffusion aux Etats-Unis le 10 septembre.
Star Trek : Discovery (Saison 1)
Un demi-siècle après la première diffusion de Star Trek à la télévision, l’illustre saga se décline pour la sixième fois sur petit écran avec Star Trek : Discovery. Diffusée à partir du 22 septembre sur Netflix, la série devrait être un préquel aux célèbres aventures de Spock. Quelle meilleure occasion d’avoir la tête dans les étoiles ?
Inhumans (saison 1)
Centré sur une famille royale déchue obligée de se réfugier sur Terre, la dernière étoile de la gigantesque galaxie Marvel avait tout pour briller. Ni son scénario prometteur ni son casting élégant ne l’auront néanmoins prémunis de critiques virulentes. Si les médias américains font unanimement part de leur déception a posteriori de la diffusion des deux premiers épisodes dans plusieurs salles équipées en iMax, les critiques français se montrent plus mesurés. Reste à savoir si les six épisodes restants redresseront la barre ? Nous serons fixés le 29 septembre.
Mindhunter (Saison 1) 
1979. Deux agents du FBI (Jonathan Groff et Holt McCallany) ont pour mission de s’entretenir avec des serial killers incarcérés afin d’appréhender ceux encore en liberté. Produit par le réalisateur à succès David Fincher (à qui l’on doit également House of Cards) et Charlize Theron, la série est adaptée du livre-évènement de Mark Olshaker et John E. Douglas, Mind Hunter: Inside FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit. Ancien agent du FBI, se dernier s’était entretenu avec quelques uns des serial killers les plus terrifiants de l’histoire des Etats-Unis. Plus qu’un clin d’œil furtif, le dernier-né de Fincher s’inscrit véritablement en droite ligne du premier film de la saga Hannibal Lecter. Les éclairages tamisés et les plans taillés à la serpe n’étant quant à eux pas sans rappeler Zodiac. Rendez-vous le 13 octobre !
Par Jessica Saval
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zayzaycom · 8 years ago
In celebration of this morning’s NARCOS Season 3 trailer release, Arturo Castro, who plays  “David Rodriguez” the eldest son of the Cali cartel’s head boss, visited the NARCOS powdered donut and Colombian coffee truck in NYC to help fans get their sugar fix off the corner of Park Avenue and East 42nd Street.
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Cocaine cartels are all about succession: The day Pablo Escobar went down, the Cali Cartel became public enemy number one. They called themselves the Gentlemen of Cali – the biggest drug lords you’ve probably never heard of.  Led by four powerful godfathers, the Cali Cartel turned the cocaine trade into a global enterprise.
Official Narcos Season Three Trailer:
Netflix unveiled the trailer for Narcos season 3 in New York City, where this season was partially filmed, and the trailer will be shown at various locations around Manhattan today via a Narcos truck, which will also be serving white powdered donuts and Colombian coffee to passersby throughout the day. For those seeking a sugar high today, follow @NarcosNetflix for the latest truck location.
Narcos premieres globally on Netflix on September 1st.
“Narcos” Season Three Synopsis: Now that the bloody hunt for Pablo Escobar has ended, the DEA turns its attention to the richest drug trafficking organization in the world: the Cali Cartel. Led by four powerful godfathers, this cartel operates much differently than Escobar’s, preferring to bribe government officials and keep its violent actions out of the headlines.
For more information on Narcos visit Netflix.com/narcos Follow #Narcos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  Meet the Kings:
Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela (Damian Alcazar)- leader of Cali Cartel, “boss of bosses”
Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela (Francisco Denis)- the brains behind the rise of the of Cali Cartel and Gilberto’s brother
Pacho Herrera (Alberto Ammann)- the on-the-low hitman, runs the Mexican connection and international distribution
Chepe Santacruz Londono (Pepe Rapazote)–  runs the satellite NYC empire of the Colombian drug network
Just as Gilberto announces a bold plan to walk away from the business, DEA agent Javier Peña (Pedro Pascal) enlists the help of American and Colombian law enforcement to take it down. This season opens up a complex and ruthless world of new figures.
Other new players include:
Jorge Salcedo (Matias Varela)- Cali’s head of security who prioritizes his wife and kids’ protection over his bosses
DEA agents Chris Feistl (Michael Stahl-David) and Daniel Van Ness (Matt Whelan), who enter the operation with enthusiasm and inexperience
Franklin Jurado (Miguel Angel Silvestre)- the cartel’s money launderer who unknowingly puts his wife, Christina (Kerry Bishe) in mortal danger
David Rodriguez (Arturo Castro)- Miguel’s oldest son, who is reluctant at first to take a leading role in the cartel structure
This time around, all rules have changed for the narcos and their opponents – a fact many won’t realize until it’s too late.
Arturo Castro visits the NARCOS Powdered Donut Truck for Season 3 Trailer Release In celebration of this morning’s NARCOS Season 3 trailer release, Arturo Castro, who plays  “David Rodriguez” the eldest son of the Cali cartel’s head boss, visited the NARCOS powdered donut and Colombian coffee truck in NYC to help fans get their sugar fix off the corner of Park Avenue and East 42nd Street.
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njawaidofficial · 8 years ago
'Narcos' Season 3 Primer on Cali Cartel
'Narcos' Season 3 Primer on Cali Cartel
Javier Pena (Pedro Pascal)
Courtesy of Netflix
Unlike Escobar’s dictatorship over the Medellin cartel, there are four Cali godfathers: The Rodriguez brothers Gilberto (Damian Alcazar) and Miguel (Francisco Denis), Pacho Herrera (Alberto Ammann) and Chepe Santacruz Londono (Pepe Rapazote). Though Gilberto stands in highest command and is described by Netflix as “the boss of bosses,” he is not Escobar’s standalone replacement: Miguel is the brains behind the cartel’s rise, Pacho is the hitman who runs the Mexican connection and international distribution, and Chepe runs the satellite New York City empire of the Colombian drug network. Gilberto, Miguel and Pacho have all played significant roles in the first two seasons, while Chepe is the sole newcomer to the Narcos universe.
Newman has called Narcos a “50-50” dramatization in hopes that viewers watch the series interactively and take to Googling the events that are depicted, but he has confirmed that the chronology is accurate. The Rodriguez brothers eventually plead guilty to 30-year sentences in 2006, surrendering $2.1 billion worldwide assets. Chepe was killed in 1996 and Pacho was assassinated while serving out a prison sentence in 1998. But, like Escobar’s world-famous ending, history doesn’t spoil Narcos: “It wouldn’t be surprising to anyone to know that they met bad endings, but I think as we learned in season two, it’s getting there that’s fun,” said Newman.
#Cali #Cartel #Narcos #Primer #Season
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whatishotiswhatyousee · 8 years ago
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This Perfectly-Framed Window Shot Was Created Without Photoshop – DigitalRev
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njawaidofficial · 8 years ago
'Narcos' Season 3: Premiere Date, Cast, Plot and Boyd Holbrook's Exit
'Narcos' Season 3: Premiere Date, Cast, Plot and Boyd Holbrook's Exit
“Cocaine cartels are about succession,” says DEA agent Javier Pena (Pedro Pascal) in the teaser for the return of Narcos.
Season three of the drug cartel series will not only introduce the successor to Pablor Escobar — Wagner Moura’s famous kingpin was gunned down after a two-season manhunt — the Netflix series is also returning without half of the show’s previously leading buddy-cop duo.
Boyd Holbrook, who played the other real DEA agent on which the show is based, won’t be returning as Steve Murphy.
Holbrook is missing from the announcement, first look photos and teaser released by Netflix on Friday. The third season premieres Sept. 1.
Netflix renewed Narcos through four seasons in order to tell the second act of its war on drugs, shifting its focus to Colombia’s Cali Cartel, Escobar’s successors in the drug trade.
“The Cali cartel aided in the dismantling of the Medellin cartel and benefited by going from being No. 2 to No. 1,” Narcos showrunner Eric Newman had explained to The Hollywood Reporter of his plan for the series. “There’s a revolving-door aspect to narco kingpins and we’ll certainly exploit that. From the beginning when we decided to call the show Narcos and not Pablo Escobar, I had always had in mind to tell the continuing story of cocaine.”
In the final scene of the second season, Pena is asked, “How much do you know about the Cali Cartel?”
The season synopsis from Netflix reads, “In a post-Pablo Escobar world, those final words spoken in the last season of the Netflix original series Narcos, foreshadow the upcoming season’s pivot into the corrupt, powerful, and wildly profitable world of Colombia’s Cali Cartel-the biggest drug lords you’ve probably never heard of. Now that the bloody hunt for Pablo Escobar has ended, the DEA turns its attention to the richest drug trafficking organization in the world: the Cali Cartel. Led by four powerful godfathers, this cartel operates much differently than Escobar’s, preferring to bribe government officials and keep its violent actions out of the headlines.”
Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela (Damian Alcazar) returns as the leader of Cali Cartel, the “boss of bosses,” and the rest of the Kings are Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela (Francisco Denis), Gilberto’s borhter and the brains behind the cartel’s rise, Pacho Herrera (Alberto Ammann), the hitman who runs the Mexican connection and international distribution, and Chepe Santacruz Londono (Pepe Rapazote), who runs the satellite NYC empire of the Colombian drug network.
This season will open up the complex and ruthless world of these new figures, as just as Gilberto announces a bold plan to walk away from the business, Pena (enlists the help of American and Colombian law enforcement to take it down. “This time around, all rules have changed for the narcos and their opponents — a fact many won’t realize until it’s too late,” reads the Netflix synopsis.
Holbrook’s return to the series had long been questioned — as the real Murphy, who, along with Pena, was responsible for taking down Escobar down, left Colombia shortly after catching Escobar. Both Pena and Murphy consulted on the first two seasons.
Holbrook, who most recently appeared on the big screen in Logan, told THR of his up-in-the-air fate on Narcos that they were still “working it out” when speaking between seasons. ���Steve didn’t retire from the DEA until, I believe, two years ago. He was very active in the DEA for a long time so I’ll leave that up to you to find out. If nothing, I think this show has an incredible opportunity now because Pablo’s not around, but that’s the really interesting thing. He was delivering drugs straight to Miami, personally. And once he died, the Cali Cartel who took over his power was like: ‘Screw this, let’s just give it to Mexico and let Mexico deal with it and get it across the border.’ And that’s the evolution of El Chapo and things like that. There’s a really great opportunity for this show to have, and that’s always been the plan for [executive producer] Eric Newman — it’s called Narcos, it’s not called Pablo Escobar.”
Murphy also narrates the series, but Holbrook was confident that the material would speak for itself: “I think there’s so many opportunities for the show to keep the aesthetic, the look, the feel and the hyper-realism.”
When THR spoke to the real agent, Murphy also wasn’t sure if he or partner Pena would be returning as a consultant at the time. They did, however, confirm when they left Colombia: After vacationing with his wife, the Murphys moved back to the United States in June 1994. They adopted their second daughter in May before they returned. Pena left in October 1994. Escobar was gunned down on Dec. 2, 1993.
“The agent who was there when the Cali Cartel was taken down, I think you’ll see him in season three,” Murphy said. The real-life DEA agents also shed light on the difference between the hunt for Escobar and the fight to dismantle Cali.  “The Medellin Cartel was the Wild Wild West and Cali was businesslike,” explained Pena. “They were accountants, professional money-launderers. They were more sophisticated and very different cartels. Cali moved a lot of dope and sent more to the U.S.”
Other new players in the third season include Jorge Salcedo (Matias Varela), Cali’s head of security who prioritizes his wife and kids’ protection over his bosses; previously announced DEA agents Chris Feistl (Michael Stahl-David) and Daniel Van Ness (Matt Whelan), who enter the operation with enthusiasm and inexperience; Franklin Jurado (Miguel Angel Silvestre), the cartel’s money launderer who unknowingly puts his wife, Christina (Kerry Bishe) in mortal danger; and David Rodriguez (Arturo Castro), Miguel’s oldest son, who is reluctant at first to take a leading role in the cartel structure.
Check out first look photos below.
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