#Peaky Blinders series
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brummiereader · 5 months ago
Binding Love
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Summary: Soon to be divorced and co-parenting with the notorious leader of the Peaky Blinders was never going to be a breeze. But when a number of unanswered calls and a string of dead bodies surface in your attempts to move on, you gain the attention of a detective and the pressing matter of his colleagues whereabouts, with whom you had spent one evening on a date with. Promising you witness protection in return for the evidence he was sure you had on his sole suspect, your husband. Your future is left in the balance when Tommy's paranoia and inability to let you go makes itself known as your codependency continues to show no signs of surrendering. Will you let yourself be free of the man whose love for you has consumed him? Do you even want to be?
Warnings: Dark!Tommy, language, violence, psychological mind games, controlling behaviour, toxic relationship, manipulative behaviour, smut, psychological abuse, murder.
Authors Note: This is a Dark!Tommy series that some readers may find triggering. Please review the warnings before continuing.
Teaser Trailer
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven (completed series)
Gif credit: @mushroomseb. Go check out their amazing work!
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peakyltd · 2 years ago
New Endings Masterlist
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Summary: When Tommy bumps into the woman he thought he'd never see again, he couldn't let her go once more. She lights something within him that he thought was lost and decides to help her in times of need. While she tries to cut ties with the life she’s living, she's forced to commit the ultimate betrayal.
❖ - Part 1
❖ - Part 2
❖ - Part 3
❖ - Part 4
❖ - Part 5
❖ - Part 6
❖ - Part 7
❖ - Part 8 - Coming soon
Please check the warnings of each chapter before reading.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years ago
Birmingham | Tommy Shelby x Reader (Part 20)
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Previous Part
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Plans of taking over the tracks get thwarted quickly for the Shelbys as trouble makes its way into Birmingham. Tommy tells (Y/N) to stay away, but of course she can't for too long. Everything gets laid out on the table after a scary experience shakes the both of them.
Warnings: drinking, series typical violence, canon death, injury, blood
Word Count: 4426
A/N: here it is everyone…the final chapter of Birmimgham! Thank you so much to those of you who have stuck with this story…through the break and the drawn out postings. I finished it for you. I’d love to know what you think of how it ended (since I went with the winner of the poll; which was giving a ending that felt finished). Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: the italicized dialogue is taken from the show. I’d also like to give a special thanks to @alicent-targaryen for making the amazing gifsets that helped me write this chapter so quickly — they gave me so much inspiration! :) also if you’d ever like to know what the original ending for this was…feel free to reach out to me…if I get enough interest, I may just write it as a short.
The story is finished! — I hope you enjoyed!
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"Is Tommy here, or has he left already?" (Y/N) asked Polly after she entered the Watery Lane home. She found the older woman working on cleaning the mantle in the living room, and she couldn't stop herself from blurting the question out.
"He should still be upstairs," Polly answered, not even bothering to turn and properly greet (Y/N). It seemed as though she was deep into working on something.
"Can I go up?" (Y/N) asked hesitantly, not wanting to cross any lines.
Her question made Polly turn and look at her. The older woman quirked an eyebrow, probably wondering why the question was even being asked. "If you wish to. His door is at the end of the hall," she answered (Y/N)'s question. (Y/N) nodded, saying a quick thank you before she made her way to the stairs of the home.
She walked down the hall, stopping at the last door and taking a pause before she knocked on it. "Come," his voice came from inside the room, making her twist the knob and open the door. She saw him standing at the dresser, finishing up shaving.
"Hi, Tommy," she said softly, making him stop what he was doing and turn to face her.
"It's early, (Y/N)," he commented, surprised by her presence.
"I know, but I was unable to stay away...ever since you told me today would be the day; my mind won't stop," she explained her reason for being there. She'd been worried about everything that would happen today and couldn't stop herself from going to see Tommy before he left for the races.
Tommy finished up what he was doing, grabbing a rag so that he could wipe his face off before he then gave his attention to (Y/N). He could see the slight bit of worry behind her eyes, and he hated that it was there. For a moment he felt bad that he'd been the one to create it, but worry or not, he knew that she understood what had to be done.
"When will you go?" she asked him, breaking the silence that had fallen in the room.
"In a few hours," he gave a vague estimation, "I need to touch base with my brothers. There'll be a family meeting at half ten; there we'll discuss what will be done. I'd say that we'll be leaving shortly after that," he explained what had been on his list to accomplish. "You can come to the meeting, if you'd like," he then extended an invitation.
"I'll come," (Y/N) nodded, making her decision rather quickly. She figured that hearing his plan in full might serve to give her some solace.
"Good," Tommy nodded, a ghost of a smile teetering on his lips, "we'll be set after this, (Y/N)," he said to her then, his words riddled with confidence. (Y/N) smiled upon hearing it. She loved how self-assured he was; it was almost contagious.
"I'm worried," she said then, retreating back to her own way of thinking. She was itching to reach out and take hold of him from the second she'd walked in, but she didn't know if that would be received well or not. The last thing she wanted was him upset with her as he embarked on this big scheme.
"You shouldn't be," he assured her, "we've got the Lees on our side thanks to John and Esme, and Kimber will think that we're going to fight that family instead of taking to the pitches. He won't expect what'll actually happen," he gave her the rundown of his plan, still holding a great deal of confidence in it. Things were going to go his way today; he could already feel it.
"Ok," (Y/N) nodded along, trying to switch her thinking for his, "and I'll stay here...with Pol to make sure everything runs well on this end," she addressed her part in the plan.
"Good," Tommy nodded. He paused then, pulling his timepiece out so that he could check it. "Love, I should go now," he said as he slipped the watch back into its pocket.
"Ok," she repeated what she'd just said, "I just wanted to see you before you left."
"Come to the meeting," he said to her, a slight smile on his face.
"I will," she assured him, smiling also as she nodded her head.
"Come on," he said then, moving forward and placing his hand to the small of her back as he led her out of the bedroom and over to the stairs. She descended them first with him following behind. "I'll see you at half ten," he told her, walking to the door as she decided she'd stay back and see if Polly needed any help before then. It wouldn't be long until the time for the meeting came anyway; she might as well stick around.
Polly did in fact need help with minor things, and the women quickly got busy with them, passing the time between the meeting like (Y/N) hoped they would. It wasn't long until everyone was gathered in the empty betting shop; all eyes focused on Tommy as he explained the plan (Y/N) had got a preview of in full detail.
"Any other questions?" Tommy asked once he was finished explaining the plans. He looked around the room, waiting for anyone to speak up.
"Yes," it was Polly who answered as she made her way to the door that separated the betting floor from the home, "does anyone object if I bring a newcomer to the meeting?" she asked, looking around the room. Silence came in response, making her move over to the door so that she could open it slightly and whisper "come on," to whoever it was on the other side. She then opened the door wider to show Ada, who had Karl in her arms. "I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Shelby clan," she announced, a smile on her face.
(Y/N)'s cheeks were hurting from the wideness of her smile as her friend took a step further into the room. It was so good to see her back with her family again. Arthur was the one to start the clapping, and soon the room was filled with applause as Ada walked into the room. She stopped where (Y/N) was standing and gave her a smile, to which (Y/N) sent one of her own back.
"Welcome home, Ada," Tommy said to his sister, a smile forming on his lips. It warmed (Y/N)'s heart to see the progress being made.
She then explained the baby's name, earning some laughs from the group that was gathered around her. Arthur then went over to see the baby, taking him from Ada's arms and placing his peaked cap on top of his head. (Y/N) laughed along with the rest of the group as John poked fun at his older brother. Ada sent (Y/N) a smile before Tommy addressed her, asking if he was forgiven. (Y/N) stayed behind and watched Ada move over to him, telling him he was. She felt her heart swell as they shared a hug.
"It's so good to see you back with your family," (Y/N) said to Ada once she'd come back to her side. Tommy and the other men had gotten together to talk finer details of what would be going down. (Y/N) decided to stay with the women instead of learning more of the plan, feeling more comfortable watching Esme make exaggerated faces at the baby than hearing about how they were going to take over the races.
After things were finished at the shop, Tommy and the men decided to go to the Garrison to have a drink before they hit the road for the races. (Y/N) offered to join and help out, knowing that things would go smoother if there was another set of hands - hands that knew what they were doing - behind the bar pouring drinks.
Things were going well. (Y/N) was pouring with Tommy and the two had slipped into a comfortable routine. She wasn't going to lie, she quite enjoyed working in these close quarters with him. All was well...until it wasn't.
Arthur entered the Garrison with Jeremiah trailing close behind him. Both men were walking like they were on a mission. "Tommy," Arthur called for his brother, his gruff voice making just about all of the celebrations stop. "I need to talk to you," he said, his seriousness holding as he nodded his head to the stockroom that was behind the bar. Tommy glanced at (Y/N), who was becoming more confused by the second, before he followed his brother and friend into the room.
They were only gone for a matter of seconds before coming back out. "(Y/N)..." he started, coming right over to her, a sense of urgency in his movements and vocal tone. "(Y/N), I need you to leave now, ok?" he said to her, his eyes wide as he spoke; a tell-tale sign that he was now under pressure and needed things to be done timely and in a certain way.
"Wha...why?" she asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.
"Billy Kimber and his men are coming this way," he told her, "I need you to stay clear of here, you understand me?" he searched her eyes then, his hands blindly searching for hers. It didn't take much to find them, and when he did, he squeezed them for added effect, "stay away from here," he told her again.
"Ok. Ok, I will," she nodded her head, sensing his urgency and falling in line with it, "I'll go and be with Pol and Ada, and I'll wait there for you," she then told him where he could find her.
"Good," Tommy nodded lightly, feeling relieved that she wasn't going to be mixed up in the middle of this developing plan. He was going to need to fight Kimber on his own turf now. It was something he could do, but he wanted to make sure that the people he cared for the most were out of harm's way. "Go on," he said then, dropping her hands so that he could let her leave.
(Y/N)'s heart dropped slightly at the abrupt loss of warmth his hands were giving her, but she didn't have much time to dwell on it as she was following his orders, exiting the Garrison at a hasty speed so that she could get to Watery Lane before all hell broke loose.
Tommy watched her as she went, keeping his eyes on her until she was out of his sight before he focused on the men that had gathered in front of him, waiting for their leader to give them direction.
(Y/N) was out of breath when she finally got to Watery Lane. She entered the house promptly, hoping that either one, or both, of the women that she was looking for would be present. To her relief, they both were sitting in the living room.
"Where have you run from?" Polly questioned her, a look of confusion forming on her face.
"I...I just came...Tommy told me to..." she stammered out, resting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath, hoping that doing so would allow her to get out a complete sentence.
"Come, sit down, love," Polly coaxed her over to the open chair and (Y/N) listened, moving over to sit and take a few more calming breaths. "Tell us when you're ready," she said to the younger woman, both her and Ada waiting intently for the news it seemed she had.
"I ran from the Garrison. The plans have changed...Billy Kimber's on his way here to make a stand. Tommy told me to stay away from the tavern. He thinks that it's going to happen there," (Y/N) explained once her breathing was normal again.
"Bloody hell," Polly hissed, exhaling a sigh as she heard the news, "they're going to get themselves killed."
"I don't know any of the finer details...I just know that they're going to fight them here now," (Y/N) stated, trying to push down the worry that was bubbling up inside of her.
"I've got to go," Ada finally spoke in the midst of her rushing to stand from the couch.
(Y/N)'s brows furrowed as she watched her friend move around the room, grabbing the carriage she'd brought with her so that she could transfer a sleeping Karl into it. "Ada, wait...what are you doing?" she asked, confusion present in her tone.
"I'm going to go make these bloody men see sense," Ada spoke through gritted teeth, making it apparent that anger and frustration were coursing through her. She moved over to the archway that led to the door before stopping and looking at the women, "because I know the finer details of the day, and I refuse to stand by and let this happen," she didn't wait for a response to her pointed statement after uttering it, instead turning and walking through the archway and out the door.
"What does she mean?" (Y/N) asked Polly as soon as the door shut. She was so confused right now. Polly just looked defeated.
"Freddie was to be broken out of his transport earlier today...he was going to come home and help with the effort at the races, and this was all to be done in accordance to Tommy's plan," Polly filled (Y/N) in on what Ada was getting at.
(Y/N) sighed as she heard what the older woman had to say. "She's going to go and confront them, isn't she?" she asked in a blank tone.
"She very well may," Polly didn't give a straightforward answer. Ada was a Shelby after all...Shelbys did what they wanted and rarely cared about the dangers that stood in their way.
(Y/N) knew this all too well. Ada was going to go and confront these two gangs of men. She stood from the chair with an exasperated sigh. Tommy's voice echoed in her mind as she stood; warning her not to go anywhere near the Garrison. She pushed it back, knowing that that was exactly where her friend was going. "I'm going to go and try to stop her, Pol," she informed the other woman as she walked towards the archway.
"Be careful, (Y/N)," Polly offered some words of advice, making (Y/N) nod before she walked through the archway and out of the Watery Lane home.
"I want you all to look at me!" (Y/N) heard Ada's voice echo through the empty streets as she ran as fast as she could to the Garrison. Upon turning the corner, she saw two lines of men, the groups facing each other. Ada was smack-dab in the middle, addressing both lines as they had their guns pointed at each other. She's going to get herself killed! (Y/N) thought to herself as she picked up her pace. "Who will be wearing black for you? Think about them. Think about them right now...and fight if you want to, but that baby ain't moving anywhere, and neither am I," she continued, her voice raw and full of emotion.
"Ada!" (Y/N) called to her friend as she made her way through the line of men whom she recognized to be the Peaky Blinders. "Ada, you can't be doing this!" she exclaimed, her eyes frantic as she rushed out into the middle of the standoff in hopes to get her friend to see some sense. "This isn't your war to get into the middle of. This isn't the place for you, or for your baby," she insisted, her eyes locked onto the other woman's as she tried to get her out of the middle of it all.
"I won't move, (Y/N)," Ada stayed persistent.
"If not for your own safety, do it for Karl," (Y/N) didn't back down, "this isn't your war to try to stop," she repeated her previous statement, trying to keep her voice steady as adrenaline started to fill her. She tried so hard not to think of what was standing on either side of her at the moment, putting her sole focus on her friend. "Come on...move for Karl," she said again, her voice softer now as she nodded to the carriage that was off to the side. They held each other's gaze before Ada just barely nodded her head. (Y/N) saw it though, and she moved Ada off to the side, hyper-aware of all of the eyes following her.
"She's right you know..." Billy Kimber was the first to speak up once the women were off to the side, "why should all you men die?" he asked the men surrounding him before looking forward, "it should just be them who've caused it," he accentuated his statement by brandishing his weapon and firing it twice.
(Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut and spun to shield both Ada and the carriage as best she could as pandemonium broke out in the street. Several men were screaming and Karl's cries had intensified before there was one more gunshot.
Tommy was the next person to speak. "Enough!" he yelled, causing everything to halt at once. (Y/N), even though her eyes were still closed, felt relieved that he was still speaking, because that meant he was still alive. "Kimber and me fought this battle one on one. It's over. Go home to your families!" he addressed the men standing across from him.
Nothing else was said as the sound of footsteps rang out, signaling to (Y/N) that people were walking away. She heard Tommy mumble something to someone, and more footsteps were heard then. She stayed by Ada and Karl, unable to really move as she took some steadying breaths.
"Ada..." a man's voice came from the women's left.
"Freddie," Ada breathed, moving from the carriage to go to the man who had approached them.
"Don't scare us like that," he said to her, allowing her to fall into his arms and cling to him. He closed his eyes and rested his chin on the top of her head as he held her tight against him.
(Y/N) smiled softly as she watched them reunite, feeling the emotion radiating off of them. She finally looked back at the street then, seeing that everyone else had cleared off of it. Worried about the rest of the men - especially one in particular - she left the couple's side and hurried to the doors of the Garrison.
She was met with agonizing screams as she opened the doors, and immediately realized that they were coming from Tommy. Hearing them made her heart drop to her stomach. Had he been shot? she wondered, worry immediately filling her body.
Arthur was the one to notice her presence amidst trying to help get the bullet out of his brother's shoulder, "go and wait in the stockroom, love, you don't want to be seein' this," he told her and she nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat and not asking any questions before she made a b-line to the stockroom behind the bar.
She waited there as time passed painstakingly slowly. Hearing Tommy scream out in pain was breaking her heart. She wished there was something, anything, she could do to help.
Then everything became quiet again. She heard some talking, but it was muffled by the door that she'd closed. She decided to stay in the room even though it seemed that the worst of it was over. A few more minutes passed before the door opened to reveal Tommy.
(Y/N) didn't wait for another second. She was walking over to him the second she saw him, her hands raising so that she could take his cheeks into them and bring his lips to hers. She kissed him passionately and with everything she had in her. Tommy's hands found the sides of her waist so that he could hold her against him, prolonging the kiss...as if she was going to pull away anyway.
"What was that for?" he breathed out once they'd pulled away.
"For scaring me," she answered him, an involuntary shudder coursing through her as she let her eyes drop to the bloody shirt that he was wearing. He's ok...he's standing in front of you, she told herself, her eyes finding his again.
Tommy chuckled at her statement, squeezing her waist slightly before he leaned in and kissed her again. (Y/N) happily accepted it, slipping her hands from his cheeks to the back of his neck as she reveled in the feeling of their lips moving together seamlessly. Nothing ever felt this good.
"And that was for?" she asked once she pulled away, breathless this time. She couldn't stop the smile from forming on her face as she looked at him again.
"An apology for scaring you," he told her, his words making her tip her head back slightly as she let out a laugh.
His eyes were still on her when she looked at him again. His gaze made butterflies dance around in her stomach, and she couldn't help but encircle her arms around his neck so that she could hug him; her head resting against the uninjured side of his chest as she did so. She brought one of her hands down from the back of his neck to gently lift his jacket where the blood was present on his shirt. She couldn't see much, but she still had to ask: "you're ok, are you?" Her voice was much softer now, worry creeping back after the excitement of the kisses faded.
"I'm fine, love," he answered her, his voice coming out in a similar tone. "Come on...have a drink with me," he said then, loosening his hold on her waist. She got the message, dropping her hands from his neck so that he could step away and lead her out of the stockroom and back into the bar area. "Under the bar should be a bottle of champagne..." he started off as he walked around to the opposite side of the bar so that he could stand across from her.
"Going for fancy today, are we?" (Y/N) couldn't help but grin as she grabbed the unopened bottle from one of the lower shelves.
"Figured we should...since we're celebrating," Tommy grinned right back at her, watching as she set the bottle on the bartop before going to grab two glasses. As she did that, he turned and rested his back against the bar, taking some of the weight off of his feet. He let out a sigh as he tipped his head back, reveling in a moment of peace after so much chaos.
"Is everything ok?" (Y/N) asked after she turned around and found him.
"Yeah," he breathed, pushing himself off of the bar and turning around to stand straight and face her again, nodding his head then for extra effect. (Y/N) nodded back at him before she uncorked the bottle and worked on pouring it into both of the cups. She tried her best not to mess up under his gaze. She smiled at him once she was finished, handing him a glass before she picked her own up and took a sip from it. "How is it?" he asked, his eyes not leaving hers.
"It's good," (Y/N) answered with a nod and a soft smile.
"You know..." he began then, pausing a moment before continuing, "someone I trust once told me, and I believe they told me here; in this very spot...that people fall for people that they know; people that they've been around and feel comfortable with..." he trailed off, and (Y/N) felt her throat go dry. Those words sounded all too familiar...like the words that she'd told him when he was grappling with Ada being with Freddie. He took a deep breath before continuing, "I want you to help me, (Y/N). With the business, the family, with the whole fucking thing. I want you, no, I need you in my life."
"Tommy this is, wow..." she couldn't finish her sentence, taken back by what he'd just proclaimed. All of the dancing around her feelings for him had led to this...the moment she'd been secretly hoping for for so long. But now that it was here, she was fumbling. "I'm not sure of what to say..." she blubbered out, her nervousness shining clear in her words. She'd never wanted something more in her life...why had she chosen this moment to be awkward?!
"Yes would be a good thing to say," he said, cracking a grin as he noticed her trying to fight back her nervousness, "it'd be a great thing to say, actually."
"Then yes," she breathed, a smile breaking onto her face.
"Then yes," he repeated what she'd said, smiling also as he leaned across the bar to kiss her. She caught his chin, holding him there and making the kiss longer than he intended...not that he was complaining.
"I think we'd ought to leave," (Y/N) said after they'd pulled away from each other, "we've had enough excitement for one day...you should get home," she suggested.
"And what will you do?" he asked her, wondering if they'd now be parting ways after all that just happened. He really didn't want that to be the case.
"I thought that maybe I'd come with you...someone's got to make sure that you keep clean bandages on your shoulder," she answered him, unable to stop the smile from creeping onto her lips.
Tommy caught that, knowing what else she could be thinking that would make such a smile form on her face. "I like the sound of that," he said to her, also grinning before she walked around the bar to come to his side.
The day had truly been won. Not only had Tommy defeated Billy Kimber, but he'd finally let (Y/N) know how he felt about her...and to his relief, she'd felt the same about him.
And for (Y/N)...she had a feeling that she wasn't leaving Birmingham any time soon. That was something she was perfectly ok with.
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @l1-l4 @chlorrox @lostgirl219 @woofgocows @bdudette @mrkdvidal1989 @stephhevring @fictional-hooman @httyd-marauders @nataliewalker93 @rangerelik @thecraziestcrayon @cilliansangel @shaddixlife @tracysnook
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brummiereader · 3 days ago
@zablife that last part 😳!
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Oh shit! You weren't lying when you said there was a cliffhanger in this update too, Lee! You have me on the very edge of my seat 😳!
Before i get into the eerie church ending 👌🏼, we need to mention the ups and downs of Tommy and Aurora's growing, but strangled relationship that seems to keep moving one step forward then taking two back 😩.
As Polly waited for a definitive reply, he poured himself a generous drink. Then turning slowly from the bar, he answered, “Tomorrow.” Tommy you blithering idiot! Do you not know this her by now? I feel like this very statement made by Aurora at the breakfast table...“Trust is the only definition of loyalty,” she stressed. Is something Tommy should have taken note of. Them living together as former enemies is based on trust. Yet Tommy doesn't even trust her enough with the news of her father's declining health. I feel like a part of him has gotten so comfortable with her living there, that he's scared of losing her.
I have to note how much I love France's and Aurora's growing friendship. She is the definition of loyalty 🥰. Also...Frances just hummed, knowing perfectly well Mr. Shelby wouldn’t eat a bite...I reckon if Aurora got wind of this, she'd fix him up an authentic plate of Italian pasta, that not even he could refuse!
The line went dead before Tommy could reply, his hand still clutching the receiver tightly. If he thought the news of her father’s illness would be hard to break, this seemed impossible. I know he was only trying to protect, but this is something he should have told her straight away. Preparing her with the news that her father was gravelly ill, would have given her time to start grieving. Oh tommy, your heart was in the right place. But as I expected, she was furious 😩.
“Vigliacco!” (coward) she spat, shaking her head at him. "Why didn’t you tell me about my father?” she hissed, eyes burning with a bright fury he’d yet to behold even in her moments of deep rage. Yikes 🙈! And her added rejection later on only had him cowering even more 😩. Poor, Tommy. I think he's in over his head this time. He clearly has feelings for her, but he's up against her fiery nature that most English men would be left completely mute against 🤭. Hmm, maybe that's what attracted him to her in the first place 🤔😅. That passion and charm 👌🏼.
The last rays of sun poured through stained glass, casting jeweled shadows of deep blue and emerald across the empty wooden pews. The scent of polish hung in the air along with a lingering thickness of incense from morning mass. Oh wow, you took me there Lee! This was such a calming description of what it feels like to sit in a church. But just as i found myself watching Aurora prey for her Father in the peaceful atmosphere, a shiver ran down my spine with this part...The rosary she held in her right hand dropped to the stone floor with a loud clinking, met by the disapproving tsk of the person standing behind her. 😳! The moment I read the "disapproving tsk" I knew who it was! Arghhh! I love how you introduced him into this scene 😍. That pompous, holier than thou attitude towards her dropping the rosary had my blood boil!
“Don't look so surprised, principessa,” he chided, fixing his tie in a calm, unhurried display of arrogance. That casual, unbothered demeanor, tells me he is either, A: More arrogant than I thought, to think Tommy hasn't got men watching or B: He has the situation under control and knows exactly what's gonna happen 😳. Either one will result in a explosive next chapter!
Can't wait to read more 😍. I'm so happy you brought her back!
My Sun, My Moon and All My Stars (Part 4)
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Tommy Shelby x OC (Aurora Sabini Changretta)
Summary: As Aurora begins to heal physically under the care of Tommy and Frances, her heart is wounded by shocking news from home.
A/N: I discontinued this series many months ago, but my lovely moots encouraged me to cont exploring my OC, Aurora. Thru their support, I've renewed my interest in finishing this series and I hope you'll enjoy the journey!
Warnings: language, drinking, mention of death
Part 3
Frances helped Aurora to her chair at the breakfast table carefully, eyes snapping to attention at the slightest wince of pain. When she was seated comfortably, Aurora smiled up at the kind housekeeper and thanked her as the woman placed a linen napkin onto her lap. It was the first morning Aurora had been well enough to join Tommy for breakfast and she surveyed the long table of food, wondering if he was expecting more guests.
“Are you feeding an army?” she asked in amusement, glancing down the long table which held a wide assortment of dishes. 
Tommy chuckled, “I didn’t know what you’d eat so I had the cook prepare some options.” Looking on with concern still etched into his brow he reminded his guest, “You need your strength.”
“It looks delicious, thank you,” Aurora commented, eyeing a large plate of poached eggs, sausage and tomato. “At least you’ll eat some of this so it doesn’t go to waste,” she noted.
Frances just hummed, knowing perfectly well Mr. Shelby wouldn’t eat a bite. He preferred his cigarettes and tea first thing in the morning with little else, but there was no point in telling Aurora this. The last thing Frances wanted was to make the young woman uncomfortable or self conscious. She placed a dish before Aurora and excused herself as Tommy sat back in his chair, tucking his pocket watch into his waistcoat. 
“You’re looking well,” he declared with a hint of a smile gracing his lips. 
“I’ve received excellent care,” Aurora remarked. “Your housekeeper is an angel,” she added, as Frances beamed from the doorway.
“I see you two have made amends,” he smirked. 
“Yes, well…I apologized to her. I was unwell when we met…and I wasn’t thinking clearly,” she explained haltingly. She was ashamed of her behavior when she first arrived at Arrow House, especially after the care Frances had shown. 
“S alright,” Tommy said, reaching for his cigarettes and rubbing one across his lips before lighting it. “I can assure you, she’s seen me at my worst and hasn’t left yet.” He took a long drag and exhaled slowly as Aurora’s eyes caught his across the table through the veil of smoke. He coughed and cleared his throat before mumbling, “Then again people are loyal to those who pay their wages.”
Aurora reached for a slice of toast as she thought about his words, cynical yet practical. She’d often been accused of the same, but her father had taught her that a good business required a firm hand. It was part of the reason she’d always held Enzo at arms length. However, the sentimental side of her couldn’t help but think of him now. If he faced danger because of what he’d done to help her escape. She tried to get her mind off his fate and back to the matters at hand, ready to share information with Tommy.
“I’m not sure if you’re aware, but all the men who came from New York are hired by the Sabini family not the Changrettas,” she offered. Tommy leaned forward onto his elbows, eager to listen as she continued. “The men that are here surrounding Luca follow orders from my father,” Aurora said, catching Tommy’s eye and holding his gaze for emphasis. 
Tommy flicked ash onto an empty bread plate as he shook his head softly. “Loyalty isn’t just about money, though is it? It’s the trust you have in those who know you best,” he emphasized, pointing his cigarette toward her. “For me, my strength is my family. You see we went through very dark days not long ago and for some reason they still put their faith in me during this war. That can’t be bought.”
Aurora bristled at the thought that she was merely a pile of cash to the men in her employ. She cared for them and their families deeply and they her. “Trust is the only definition of loyalty,” she stressed. “My father didn’t become the most powerful man in New York without forging bonds with his men. They would die for him.”
“But not Luca?” Tommy asked pointedly.
Aurora looked away as she slowly began to shake her head, biting the inside of her cheek as she thought of the men they’d already lost. It was true that they had placed their faith in her and the Sabini name. It turned her stomach to think of what had been asked of them and she slid her plate away with a harsh gulp. “Luca thinks I’m the one who subverts his plans and plants doubt in the minds of our soldiers, but the truth is he doesn’t have their respect.”
Tommy shot her a knowing look as he proclaimed, “Then let’s offer them someone they can trust.” Stamping out his cigarette, he pushed away from the table and strode toward her with an open palm. Aurora couldn’t help but reach for him as well in the moment, joining him for a stroll in the garden to continue discussing their plans.
The morning paper sat untouched upon the table, the disturbing headlines from America unread as they passed a pleasant hour strolling in the garden. When Frances came to clear the dishes her fingertips brushed across the stark black and white print, her distress visible to the other members of staff as she repeated in a low whisper, “Antonio Sabini Feared Dead.”
Tommy paced before his desk, waiting for Polly to offer guidance.  “Does she know how serious it is?” his aunt asked pointedly.
“She didn’t even read the morning paper, Pol,” Tommy answered on a low breath.
“Are you saying she doesn’t know anything?” 
Tommy nodded in confirmation, swiping a hand down his face. “I asked the staff to keep quiet until I think of the words.” He didn’t want to be the one to tell Aurora her fatherly was gravely ill, but didn’t want anyone else to deliver the horrible message.
“Don’t you think you should give her the news?” Polly prodded, watching the color drain from his face. She instantly recognized his fondness for the woman upstairs, softening at the revelation.
“Would she even believe me?” Tommy asked, knowing Aurora still didn’t fully trust the delicate arrangement of their cohabitation.
“You need to tell her as soon as possible,” Polly advised, watching Tommy intently to see if he would heed her counsel.
Striding toward the decanter of whisky, Tommy grumbled a reluctant agreement to her plan. As Polly waited for a definitive reply, he poured himself a generous drink. Then turning slowly from the bar, he answered, “Tomorrow.”
Polly intended to hold him to the promise, wanting a swift resolution to the problem at hand. However, she understood there was something more at play. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Thomas.”
Tommy turned with a jerk, a look of annoyance spreading across his face. “Say what you mean, Pol,” he demanded as he sunk his drink in one gulp.
“You care for this woman so be careful,” she stated emphatically, knowing she’d been correct as his eyes flashed a warning not to interfere.
Tommy furrowed his brow, unwilling to accept his aunt’s pronouncement. “It’s business, Pol,” he insisted.
Polly gave a slow, reluctant nod. “If you say so,” she conceded. However, her eyebrows raised a fraction as she glanced across the room at him. “I’ll say goodnight then.” Taking up her coat in one hand and handbag in the other, her heels clicked swiftly across the floor. 
As the door closed behind his aunt, Tommy dropped into a nearby chair, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he thought of the difficult conversation awaiting him in the morning.
Daylight would bring new challenges not even Polly could have predicted. As the phone trilled loudly from the hall, Tommy noticed the change in Frances’ voice as she spoke, the nearly imperceptible change of tone enough to draw him from his room in unabashed hurry. 
Frances was surprised at the sight of him clad only in pajama bottoms, rushing toward her as though he understood the importance of the call without knowing who was on the line.
“Who shall I say is calling?” Frances continued in a professional manner, eyeing her employer nervously as she relayed the message. “It’s an Italian, sir. He says his name is Enzo,” she informed him, passing the receiver into his sweaty palm.
“I’m sorry to wake you, Mr. Shelby, but this is a matter of great importance," the foreign caller informed him.
“What’s happened?” Tommy asked breathlessly and without any of the usual pleasantries.
The line crackled with static, momentarily delaying the words that would send Tommy reeling. “Aurora is with you, yes?”
Tommy’s throat constricted, mouth suddenly parched as he fought the urge to shout it wasn’t true. However, he had to expect the Sabinis had been watching him the same way his men had been following their family.
“Your silence is confirmation enough,” Enzo decreed. 
As Tommy growled wordlessly, the other man kept his calm, offering a placation Tommy hadn’t been expecting. “I mean you no harm as I’m only a messenger,” the man explained. “I’ve taken great risk to contact you so Aurora should know…”
“Know what?” Tommy uttered on a low breath, afraid of the answer.
“Her father has died. This is all I wish to say to her, along with my most sincere condolences,” Enzo admitted, a sadness tinging his voice.
The line went dead before Tommy could reply, his hand still clutching the receiver tightly. If he thought the news of her father’s illness would be hard to break, this seemed impossible.
The moment of truth came sooner rather than later as Aurora joined Tommy in his study a few hours later. She took a seat across from Tommy’s desk, watching him scribble a note on some paperwork before clearing her throat for attention.
“You’re distracted this morning,” she noted, pursing her lips in disapproval. 
“M sorry,” Tommy replied. “That wasn’t my intention. Have you eaten?” he asked, stalling for time. 
Aurora instantly noticed the full ashtray at his elbow and the tension he held in his jaw, asking pointedly, “You’ve had a difficult morning?”
Tommy inhaled a long, deep breath, his gaze wandering to the window for a moment of peace before Aurora’s next statement stabbed into him.
“Vigliacco!” (coward) she spat, shaking her head at him. "Why didn’t you tell me about my father?” she hissed, eyes burning with a bright fury he’d yet to behold even in her moments of deep rage.
“H-how did you know?” Tommy stuttered, mind racing to think of any staff besides Frances who might be privy to that information.
“You're not the only one who talks to Maggie at the exchange,” she countered, jutting out her chin at him.
Tommy turned to face Aurora with a look of repentance shining in his eyes. He had wanted to tell her himself, never meaning for her to learn of something so tragic in such an impersonal way.
“What did you hope to gain by keeping this from me? Did you imagine I’d stay here with you forever?” she scoffed, twisting the knife of rejection. “How dare you!”
He swallowed harshly before offering, “I was going to tell you.”
“Now you don’t have to,” she spat, pushing up from her chair with one last glare in Tommy’s direction.
“I’m going to the church to pray for my father. Don’t follow me!” Storming out of the room, she slammed the door behind herself with a finality that told Tommy it was best to leave her to her grief.
The last rays of sun poured through stained glass, casting jeweled shadows of deep blue and emerald across the empty wooden pews. The scent of polish hung in the air along with a lingering thickness of incense from morning mass. Though smaller than the cathedral she’d frequented as a child, the tiny chapel had a familiarity about it that provided immense comfort.
Blowing out the match she’d used to light a candle in her father’s honor, Aurora knelt down to pray for his soul. It was a surreal moment of disconnection, her lips speaking the words of a prayer she knew by heart and yet her mind wandered far across the ocean. Would anything be different if she and Luca hadn’t left to fight this vendetta? She inhaled a shaky breath as she wondered if the strain had led to his untimely demise. 
“Forgive me, Papa,” she whispered as she made the sign of the cross. She remained in contemplative silence a moment longer, startling at the sound of scuffed footsteps behind her. The rosary she held in her right hand dropped to the stone floor with a loud clinking, met by the disapproving tsk of the person standing behind her.
Aurora turned slowly, brushing the edge of her lace mantilla to look upon Luca’s face for the first time since he’d chased her at the docks.
“Don't look so surprised, principessa,” he chided, fixing his tie in a calm, unhurried display of arrogance.
Aurora felt her entire body turn rigid as she studied the way his lip curled into a satisfied sneer, her eyes darting wildly for anyone who might come to her rescue, but there wasn’t a soul to be found.
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multifandomwriter56 · 11 months ago
His Little Spy: The Fight
Series Summary: Anita Edwards is a spy who works for Tommy Shelby. She is an orphan and longs for a family. Will Tommy ever realize she is his daughter, despite them not being blood? Or will he lose her forever?
Chapter 4 Summary: Anita meets someone she thought she would never get the chance to. Tommy isn't happy about it.
Characters: Tommy Shelby, OC, Polly Gray, some other PB characters
Warnings: language, violence, mentions child abuse
Word Count: 3,199
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"I fucking hate this hellhole, don't you?"
Anita jumps, barely stopping herself from screaming. She turns to the owner of the voice that just scared the shit out of her; pulling out her knife. "What the fuck? Who are you?"
Alfie chuckles. "Feisty little thing, ain't ya?"
The eleven year old glances behind her, wondering if she should make a run for it.
"There's no need to be frightened, dove. Ol' Alfie isn't going to hurt ya."
"Alfie?" She lowers her arm that's holding the knife. “Alfie Solomons?”
Alfie grins. "The child knows my name."
"I thought Mr Shelby killed you."
Alfie leans down, pointing to the scar on his face. "Well he fucking tried, didn't he?"
The two stared at each other in complete silence. Eventually Anita holds out her hand. 
"I'm Anita. Nice to meet you."
Alfie shakes the girl's hand. "So you're the famous Anita Edwards Ollie has told me so much about." He gestures to the man hidden in the shadows. 
Anita frowns. Okay, maybe this was a bad idea. She steps back, gripping her knife tightly in her fist. He might kill her to get revenge on Tommy.
"I'm not going to hurt you, dove. I already told you I wouldn't. I need you to do me a favor, right; I need you to give this to Tommy."
Anita stares at the envelope in his outstretched hand. "Why can't you?"
"I'm dead, remember?"
"If you give this to Mr Shelby, everyone will know that's not true." Ollie argues. 
Anita can tell by Ollie's voice that they've had this conversation before. 
"He already knows, Ollie boy! When I was fucked up on all those meds, I asked Tommy about Cyril."
"Cyril is your dog?"
Alfie smiles. "Yes. How is my boy?"
Anita grins, putting her knife away. "Fat and lazy." Her grin turns into a full smile when the man laughs. "He loves to cuddle."
Remembering what they were first talking about, Anita's smile falls. "How do you know who I am?"
"Ollie's been keeping an eye on Tommy, you see; making sure that little gypsy man doesn't get into too much trouble. He's noticed you around." He pauses dramatically as he stares her down. "He noticed you were digging up information about me, right; and I wanted to know why."
Anita winces at the mention of her little investigation on the man. "You didn't happen to put that in the letter, did you?"
The grin’s back. "Tommy told you to leave ‘dead’ me be?" The young girl nods. "No, I didn't mention the nosy girl, right; thought it was fun having an admirer."
Anita crinkles her nose. "Who said anything about an admirer?" 
"Well, I just did, didn't I?"
Anita decides she's not even going to answer that. "None of your men ever told anyone you were alive." She doesn't admit it out loud, but she is impressed no one blabbered. 
"My men fucking love me." He holds out the envelope once again. "So will you do poor ol' Alfie this favor?"
Anita smiles. He is nothing like she imagined; but he's endearing in an annoying, yet amusing way. 
So she takes the envelope. 
"Ollie, I think it's time we get out of hell. Goodbye, my little dove. It was a fucking pleasure to meet you." 
Anita giggles. Tommy at least tries not to curse in front of her as much as he does in front of others; but this man doesn't hold back. "Bye Mr Solomons."
"Fucking hell." He mutters. "It's Alfie. No need to be formal."
Anita resists the urge to roll her eyes. "Bye Alfie."
The man smiles softly before following Ollie into an alley where their car is probably hidden. 
Anita knows Tommy hasn't gone home yet so she decides to give him the letter now.
She tries to get into the shop, but the door is locked. She checks the windows, smiling when she finds one unlocked. She slips in, trying to be as quiet as possible. 
She only takes about three steps when she hears a gun cock. "Hi, Mr Shelby."
"Anita?" Tommy uncocks the gun, setting it on a table. He takes two large strides until he's standing in front of the girl. He grabs her chin, a little more roughly than he meant to. "What the fuck are you doing, young lady?"
Anita's eyes widened. "I-I knew you were still here." She tells him lamely; not really knowing what to say. Why is he so mad?
"You can't just sneak in whenever you want to. I could've shot you, Anita." He scolds, releasing his hold on her chin. "Why didn't you knock?" 
The young girl shrugs her shoulders. She sneaks into all kinds of places to get information for him. 
How the hell does he think she gets that information? 
She holds out the envelope. "I have a letter for you." She says sheepishly; refusing to look him in the eye. 
Tommy frowns at the girl; debating on whether or not to scold her some more.  He eventually decides against it, taking the envelope from her. "Who's it from?"
Anita subconsciously takes a few steps back. "Alfie Solomons." She mumbles.
Tommy's hand freezes and his head snaps up. "What was that?" He growls; his eyes hardening when Anita stays quiet. "Answer me, young lady." The fear of her learning the truth rises and even though he shouldn't be as angry as he's acting, he lets the anger take over.
Anita draws a circle on the floor with her shoe-covered toes. Two 'young lady's' in one night is not a good sign. "Alfie Solomons." She tells him a little louder this time.
Tommy leans against the table, a hand covering his eyes. He takes a deep breath. It's not her fault, he reminds himself before focusing back on the letter. 
Anita watches him read the letter, her body twitching with anticipation. Even back when she asked who Alfie Solomons was; Tommy lost his temper. He forbade her from talking about him again and she doesn’t understand why he wants to avoid the subject so much.
And does he not understand that telling her no, makes her want to do it so much more?
Once Tommy finishes reading it, he slips the folded paper in his suit pocket.
"What did he want?" 
Tommy raises his eyebrows; surprised by her gall to even ask such a question. "That is not your concern. Now-" He bends forward until his eyes are leveled with hers. "What do I have to do to make sure you never crawl through another fucking window?"
"N-Nothing. I won't do it a-again." Anita lies; cursing herself for stuttering. 
Tommy doesn't believe her one bit; but if she's really to risk upsetting him by lying, then she must believe she has a good reason for defying him. So he lets it be, for now. He'll have to think on it before he brings it up again.
When he straightens, Anita decides to ask a question of her own. "Why did you tell me Alfie was dead?"
Tommy reaches in his pocket, pulling out his lighter and cigarette case. "At the time, I thought he was."
"Why didn't you tell me when he sent you that letter that he is alive?"
"You spoke to him." Tommy states; wondering why the fuck Alfie came all the way to Birmingham to give him a letter when last time he fucking used the postal. "I don't give you information. That's your job." He reminds her, pointing the lit cigarette at her.
Anita scoffs. "Why is that such a terrible thing? He was nice."
"Go home, Anita." Tommy orders, his voice back to his usual monotone intonation. 
That tone hits a nerve that she can't hide. not tonight. "I don't have a home." She snaps. "But don't worry, I'm going." She heads for the window, ignoring Tommy calling her name. 
Once she's outside, she turns to face him. "This is how I get your information. I sneak around in places where I shouldn't be. So you better get used to the idea that I do this quite often. How else am I supposed to get inside the orphanage without getting into trouble, eh?" She doesn't wait for a response; her courage draining with each second as his glare darkens. 
She hates disappointing him and she hates being upset with him. But dammit! She hates it even more when he uses that bored, monotone voice with her. 
It makes her feel like she's just like everyone else. That she means nothing to him.
"I think it's time you took a break."
And with those words with that same damn monotone, her hate shifts. "You know what? I think you're fucking right!" She shouts, slamming the window shut. 
Her eyes widen in slight fear when Tommy bolts to the front door. She has no idea what would happen if he caught her, but she's not staying around to find out. 
She runs.
Anita stirs as she feels the train come to a halt and a man yells 'London!' 
She heads for the door, sighing in relief when she doesn't see a Shelby or a Peaky in sight. 
Ten minutes into her walk through town, she spots three men coming straight for her.
"You're the Shelby's little snitch, aren't ya?"
Anita tries to bolt but one of the men stops her; grabbing both her arms. "Let me go!" She tries to sound like Polly when she's telling off the Shelby men, but she knows she failed.
The men laugh at her attempts to escape. "Oh, this is her. You ratted us out to Thomas Shelby and almost got us killed. We only took what was owed to us."
Anita remembers the men and scoffs at his words. "If you're stupid enough to steal from the Shelby's, than you're lucky to be alive. Be grateful I knew where your stash was or else I don't think Mr Shelby would have spared your miserable lives."
The punch to her gut knocks the breath out of her. She gasps for air as the man holding her lets her drop to the ground. 
"The little bitch has a mouth on her."
She cries out when one of their boots connects with her side. Knowing that wasn't the end, she clamps her mouth shut and curls into herself to protect her organs; just like how Arthur taught her in case she was ever caught.
When she hears the click of a loaded gun, Anita squeezes her eyes shut in anticipation of her death. 
She flinches with each gunshot, counting a total of three. The silence is so loud, her curiosity gets the better of her and she slowly peels her eyes open.
To her surprise, not only are the men gone, but she sees a familiar man standing in front of her.
"The fuck you doing in London, Dove?"
She opens her mouth to answer him, but her body gives in to the pain; her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
The last thing she hears, is "Fuck!"
The Shelby family never thought the day would come where there would be tension between Thomas Shelby and Anita Edwards. And they definitely didn't think it would affect the whole family or the business for that matter. 
Anita only comes around when she has information or when she's needed. 
Tommy tries to avoid being alone with her as much as possible. She doesn't try to stay in his office with him anymore. She doesn't beg to be more involved in the business. And she only comes to the Arrow House when he's not there. 
"You need to fix this, Thomas." Polly scolds him one day.
"I'm not the one who needs to do the fixing."
"Oh, stop being a child. You're the adult; fucking act like it."
Tommy focuses on the papers on his desk, letting his aunt know he's done listening to her. 
Polly storms out, but her anger drains away when she sees a laughing Anita sitting at one of the betting tables. She's not sure what story Arthur is telling the eleven year old, but it must be funny. 
"Anita, love; he's ready to see you."
The smile drops at her words. "Can't I just tell you the information and you can tell him?"
Polly shakes her head, a small smile gracing her lips. "He wants to see you." At least she hopes her nephew does; to make things right.
"I don't know why; he barely says a fucking word." Anita mumbles as she stands to her feet.
As the girl starts to pass by her, Polly gently grabs her chin; her eyebrows raised.
Anita can only keep eye contact for a few moments before looking down. "Sorry."
Polly leans down to kiss the top of her head. "It'll get better; I promise."
Anita wants to believe her, but it's been two months since she gave Tommy Alfie's letter. It was tense afterwards, but when Anita let it slip that her and Alfie started writing to one another; he's been cold. 
She doesn't understand why he hates the idea of her and Alfie being pen pals. Even though she saw no reason for him to, she let him read some of their letters. They never talk about business. Mostly about Cyril and ships. Aflie likes to describe some of the ships he sees. Anita did mention that her and Tommy are not on good terms, but she didn't show that letter to the leader. 
She softly knocks on the door, but doesn't wait for an invitation. If he's expecting her then there's no point of her waiting for a response. 
The young girl takes her normal seat across from the man. “Polly said you were ready to see me.”
Tommy internally rolls his eyes; but on the outside he has his normal, bored expression plastered on his face. “Yes, what do you have for me?”
“Nothing.” This is why she wanted to just tell Polly. She’s not in a mood for a lecture. 
Tommy frowns, opening the box of cigarettes. “Nothing?”
“Nothing.” She repeats. “So-” She stands to her feet. “Am I free to go or are going to lecture me about how I need to do my job?”
Tommy freezes at her words; the small flame only centimeters away from the unlit cigarette. It’s like something just clicked in his brain. She’s a ten year old kid wondering about a man, who is not even her family, is going to lecture her about a job. A very dangerous job.
“Anita, wait.”
Anita stops. She looks up at the door to his office. “So close.” She mutters to herself. 
She turns around, hoping he isn’t really going to lecture her. “Yes, Mr Shelby?”
Tommy stands from his chair, the cigarette forgotten. He gestures to the chair she was just occupying. “Please sit.” He leans back against the front of his desk, right in front of the chair, her chair.
Anita frowns. Did he just say please? Her eyes scan his, trying to see any hidden meaning behind his words; but all she sees is vulnerability. She sees a softness in his stare that she’s only seen pointed at Charlie. So she heads back to the chair; hoping this isn't some kind of trap.
Tommy stares straight ahead while Y/n stares down at her lap. They stay like this for a few minutes.
“I’m sorry for the way I’ve been handling things. And I’m sorry for the way I reacted to you and Alfie’s… friendship. I could have handled that better.” Did Alfie tell her the truth? Does she know?
Anita stares at him, her mouth wide open and her eyes as big as they can go. “You’re what?”
Tommy lets himself roll his eyes this time. “I’m fucking sorry, alright?” 
‘I was fucking jealous.’ 
He can’t say those words aloud; but that doesn't mean they're any less true. He keeps playing her words over and over in one of the letters she wrote to Alfie. 
'I'm grateful to have someone like you to talk to. Someone I can see as a father figure or an uncle.'
 “I see it in your eyes. Just like I did in Michael's .”
Anita never properly met Polly’s son, but she’s heard of him. “And what did you see?” She cautiously asks.
“Intelligence… cunning. You’re a very bright young lady, Anita. I took advantage of that. I keep forgetting you’re only fucking ten. I need someone with your kind of mind, your loyalty. I just need them to be-”
“A man?” She interrupts with a raised eyebrow.
“Of age.” Tommy corrects, but he doesn’t deny her words. 
“Polly says you were acting like a toddler who had to share their toy.” She’s starting to forgive him, but a simple apology isn’t enough.
Tommy closes his eyes. His aunt is going to be the death of him. “I don’t consider you a toy, Anita.” He tries not to think about how wrong that sounds. “So-” He’s ready to move this along. “Am I forgiven?”
She stays quiet for a moment. “Take me horse riding and I’ll say yes.” Anita knew there would be a day she would forgive him. She just figured it would sorta just happen; not when he, The Thomas Shelby, apologizes to her. 
“You want me to fucking what?”
“I haven't been on a horse for over a month. Lizzie found out I’ve been going by myself since you sent Johnny Dogs wherever and she won’t let me go anywhere near the stables. So I want you to take me.”
“Johnny has been doing what?” Tommy has never felt so confused in his life. How many times has Y/n been to his house and he hasn’t known? When did Johnny start taking her horse riding with HIS horses?
Anita smiles; proud of herself for making Tommy so flabbergasted. “Aw, don’t be mad at Johnny. We always bring the horses back.” She thinks she has the right to tease him some; with what he put her these last two months.
“How do you even get to my house?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “It’s not that far from the orphanage and Johnny showed me some shortcuts. I’m used to walking.”
“How did no one know?”
She smirks, her confidence rising. A side of the young girl that hardly ever surfaces. A side of her that trauma, abuse, and being unloved shoved down inside her. A side she's only shown to two people, rising with the side of her lips.
“Mr Shelby, it’s simple, I’m a fucking great spy.”
Anita didn’t feel like a great anything as she pukes for the fifth time since Alfie helped her into his car. She has the upper half of her body hanging outside of the car as Alfie once again brings the car to a stop. 
She groans as her body yells in pain with each movement. “How much farther to Margate?”
“Just another hour, dove.”
“Should you even be driving?”
Alfie grins. “I fucking doubt it.”
She groans again. If the pain doesn’t kill her, Alfie and his one eye will. 
Forevers: @desiredposion @theseakrakence @simonsbluee @elenavampire21 @kmc1989
Peaky Blinders: @psychkunox @theshelbyclan @lilymurphy03 @findinghisredrighthand @zablife
His Little Spy Series: @smcc212 @peakascum @auggie2000 @ajwantstohavefun @bloomskater @play-morezeppelin @venomsvl @the-horror-and-the-wild-simp @lovemissyhoneybee @theshelbyslimited @bethabear12 @ohshititsfenharel @babayaga67
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brummiereader · 4 months ago
Binding Love (Part One/ Dark!Tommy)
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Summary: After a morning of negotiations between lawyers, the day goes wasted when Tommy takes it upon himself to interfere in court proceedings. With your muddled intentions made clear, and your husband's declarations of love forcefully made known, a blazing row erupts between you both in the bustling streets of Birmingham. Will you ever be free from your husband's restraints? Do you even want to be?
Warnings: Dark!Tommy, language, violence, psychological mind games, controlling behaviour, toxic relationship, manipulative behaviour, psychological abuse, mutual pining, angst.
Word Count: 5K
Authors Note: For the purpose of depicting the manipulative behaviour of Tommy in the first part of this chapter, I've taken it upon myself to have radios become a common feature in cars before they were. We'll pick back up from the first scene again in the last chapter. The song playing on the car radio is called "Release Me" by Engelbert Humperdinck.
[Masterlist] [Trailer] [Main Masterlist]
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" Please release me, let me go. For I don't love you, anymore..." the sound of your husband's humming voice accompanied by the taunting song and a sharp turn of the cars rumbling wheels on the gritted ground, jolted you from the daze your tired body had drifted into.
"Tommy...Tommy!" you began to frantically cry into the darkness, faced once again with the horrors sleep had dulled for you. A slither of light beaming through a crack in the rear headlights, the salty air of sand and kelp your only comfort to stop your racing heart from plunging you into complete obscurity.
"Tommy please! I'm...I'm sorry! I was scared...you were scaring me!" Your stifled breath wept with desperation as you begged for mercy before panic took over, and you succumbed to the tight enclosure.
Losing track of the countless halting stops, the speeding turns as Tommy's foot pressed down onto the pedal with determination. You had given up on trying to route your husband's destination and fallen into a weary haze of slumber. But with Tommy's clear attempt to awaken you, and bless his lonely thoughts with the beauty of your strangled cries, he had also awoken the searing panic within you once again.
How many hours had it been...fuck, how many hours had it been?! How much air was left?!, your frightened mind scrambled to make sense of the amount of time that had passed through the music loudly confusing any tangible answer you could come to.
" I can't breathe...Oh my god, I...I can't breathe!" your chest heaved in a frenzy, relenting to the alarming situation you had distanced yourself from as your hands searched to ground your body before you let what was left of your sanity slip into the terror your husband was hellbent on inflicting on you.
" Tommy! I...I can't breathe!" your hand flew to your chest as adrenaline coursed through the blood pumping furiously throughout your body. Every muscle reacting in a torturous plea for you to flee the inescapable.
" Maybe you should stop screaming, sweetheart" Tommy's voice rose above the music as a wicked smirk etched on the corner of his curling lips. His arm resting casually on the open window with a lit cigarette perched between his fingers as one would on a leisurely Sunday drive in the country.
" You bastard!" you snapped forgetting yourself, throwing the warranted insult his way as a low chuckle obnoxiously echoed back to you in response.
" And to think I put a cushion in there for you" he teased, if only to spur on the enticing game of cat and mouse he had become the sole player of.
" Don't say I don't do anything nice for you, eh?" a slither of irritation seethed at the end of his tongue for the chaos he blamed you for. For the cascade of selfish decisions you had made he blamed on the day's events.
How could you have done this to him, after all...no. After everything he'd lovingly done for you to keep you away from those that wanted to ruin what you shared.
" I hate you...I fucking hate you! I never loved you Tommy, just like your fucking song! I don't love you! Are you listening?! " your screams continued as you thrashed your limbs against the walls. Desperately trying to garner a reaction out of him as your lungs heaved for the stolen air, panic had snatched from them.
And a reaction you got, but one you'd be thankful to not have witnessed when Tommy shifted in his seat, loosening the collar of his shirt from the restricting pang of anger bobbing in his throat. His jaw clenching into a grating sound of teeth grinding on top of one another as the blue of his eyes eclipsed with a foreboding shade of coal at the lies you had spoken to scorch him. Lies he knew were only said to fool yourself into believing, rather than succumbing to the truth that your doting husband was, and always would be, the only man you would ever love.
You were just...tired. A knock to the head would make anyone confused, Tommy told the distasteful burn that had settled on his chest as the calloused pads of his fingers turned the volume up to drown out any more unwarranted admissions that would have him act out on the sting you had pierced him with.
"I'm warning you, eh? You hear me? One more fucking word Y/N, I dare you!" Tommy's voice loudly ordered with a shuddering tone of control as his eyes narrowed in on the road in front of him. His leather gloves snapping with a crisp creak under his curling fingers as they tightly grasped around the steering wheel. Tethering on the idea of stopping the car to an abrupt halt and dealing with you by hand.
Wiping the tears from your eyes, your trembling bottom lip steadied itself from any further statements you'd be a fool to make as the toying melody lulled your weeping body back into hopelessness. Your eyes drifting to the narrow rays of the sun fading with each passing minute.
Hovering your fingers over the dusting of light, you began to quietly mouth the tormenting lyrics of the song Tommy had chosen to accompany your long drive into the unknown as you let your body sink into itself.
Feeling a strangled cry build in your throat, one last frustrated thrash of your elbow against the side of the car boot had a flash of light searing into the darkness, causing your head to turn from the glaring brightness of the outside world now beaming into your enclosure.
" Shit, shit..." your head turned in a panic to see the back headlight gone, your pent-up hopelessness now your saviour.
Whipping your head back to the sound of your husband's toying lips whistling in tune to the song, your heart pounded rapidly against your chest as you waited for him to acknowledge his taillight skimming across the road. But when no reaction came, you tempted fate and slipped your arm through the open gap, frantically waving your hand in hopes somebody would see.
Hearing the rumbling sound of a car approaching, you pushed your arm further through the shards of glass as you desperately tried to alert its drivers' attention.
" No, no, no..." you cried, pulling away to see the car disappear into the fading sun, hurtling all despair back to you in a strangled muffle of cries.
Readying yourself for the burning sting once again, you pushed your bloody hand back into the sharp teeth of your only escape, forcing it through until your shoulder met the door of your prison one last time.
And that's when you felt it. The lock that had kept you captive for countless hours in the dark.
In for a penny, in for a..., your teeth bit down onto your wobbling bottom lip, dried with a layer of blood from the dripping gash on your forehead.
Steadying your heavy breaths from backing out, you pushed your thumb down onto the chrome button, committing to your escape and the horrors you would face if your husband caught you.
With a subtle click, the door effortlessly popped open as you pulled yourself up with shaky hands, throwing the weight of your body out onto the road without care to any car approaching or injury you'd likely sustain as Tommy's foot slammed on the breaks to a screeching halt.
" Now just where do you think you're going..." Tommy's eyes narrowed, the rolled cylinder of tobacco resting between his plump lips puffing a cloud of smoke with each quiet breathy observation as he flicked the wing mirror with his finger to see the reflection of you scrambling to your feet.
" Help! Somebody!" You screamed in horror as you ran barefoot along the gritted ground. Only a thin slip covering your modesty, Tommy hadn't given you a chance to conceal with his unexpected appearance that morning.
"Shit" Tommy huffed throwing the door open, discarding the burnt cigarette from his mouth as he bolted after your sprinting feet.
" C'mon darling, don't make a scene!" you heard his gravelly voice call after you as you dared to look back to see him chasing towards you with a malicious smile of amusement toying on the corners of his lips.
With no sign of life but the two of you on the long winding road, you took your chances in the bushy hedgerow, heading down the dangerous coastal path with screams of terror as Tommy stayed hot on your heels behind you.
But your frantic escape and pleas for help would go unheard among the thrashing sound of waves, leaving only the echos of the melody coming from Tommy's abandoned car in the middle of the lone country road, and the ticking of its blinkers counting the moments down until he caught you.
"Please release me, let me go. For I don't love you anymore. To waste our lives would be a sin..."
One month earlier...
"Shit, I'm sorry. I don't..I don't have any change" your cheeks reddened with embarrassment as your fingers fumbled with the small, empty purse. Not a single shilling nestled within its velvety padding. Not a single penny to your name.
"My husband wi..." you stopped yourself, feeling a fool to have even referred to him as such, that you were going to rely on him to settle your fare, knowing full well he'd find enjoyment paying on your behalf with the proceedings set to take place in a moment's time.
" S'alright, Mrs Shelby. On the house" the taxi driver nodded to you in the rear mirror with a bushy bearded smile. For he was not foolish enough to follow in suit with your slipping tongue and make the wife of the leader of the Peaky Blinders pay a sum so trivial it could see him costing a finger his profession deemed vital.
" Thank you, Jeffery. But after today I'll no longer be, Mrs Shelby" you stated, opening the car door to a gust of autumn air nipping at your cheeks, your heels stepping onto the cobbled street, that paved your way to the grand building where a judge would decide on your future.
Strutting into the towering structure, you held your head high as your heels loudly echoed along the marble floors. But as you pushed through the heavy court doors, your mustered confidence took a sudden blow when the room turned to face you and the man that would reside over your divorce proceedings, scolded you like a child in front of a class of their peers.
" You're late, Mrs Shelby" he looked past the rims of his glasses as your pace slowed in a desperate attempt to muffle your poor choice of shoes and the unwarranted attention it garnered.
"I'm sorry your honor" you apologised, shamed in front of everyone as you hurried past the set of blue eyes following your every step. His piercing stare roaming over your body from head to toe, to every curve your fitted dress accentuated. His head leaning into your musky perfume filled with notes of amber and vanilla that drifted past him in a gentle greeting as you took your seat next to your solicitor. The intoxicating smell enough to cause a breathy exhale of repressed want from his throat. Tommy.
Feeling the intent stare of your husband boring into your heated cheek, you whipped your head up from the documents between your painted nails to see Tommy leant back in his chair, admiring your choice of outfit from between the men of law that separated you. Why did he have to look at you that way? He was doing it on fucking purpose.
Snapping your eyes away, a screeching sound of a chair scraped along the floor, followed by the heavy footsteps of your husband approaching.
" Darling" he greeted, taking the opportunity to approach you and the tray of refreshments stood feet from your desk as the fumbling Judge lay out your weighty file in front of him with the help of his assistant.
"Tommy" you replied, eyes fixed on the documents in front of you, trying your upmost to shield yourself from the pull of his daily dose of sweet-talking.
Scoffing a chuckle, Tommy raised the glass tumbler of water to his grinning lips. Amused by the cold shoulder you were adamant on giving him.
"Quite the entrance. Was that little show all for me..." You suddenly felt the heat of his body next to you, his distinct cologne of tobacco intertwined with whiskey and soot filling your senses. "...eh?" he perched himself on the edge of your desk as he leant into your ear, his fiery breath sending a ripple of goosebumps down your neck as the beginnings of a cocky smile curled against your skin.
" No" you firmly stated, feeling the remaining surges of embarrassment making laps in your stomach as you raised your eyes to see the smug smirk of enjoyment plastered across his face. Did you do it for him? Were you still seeking his attention, his approval after all this time, after everything that had happened?
" You sure, sweetheart?" his brows knitted together, mischief twinkling in the corners of his creased eyes as his hand reached under the table, roaming under your dress until his fingers met the clasps of your garter and unclipped one.
"Hmm, such a tease" he chuckled to himself, feeling the sting of your hand slapping his fingers away. Toying with your emotions and the agreed boundaries he was unwilling to follow once again.
Whether it be to purposely play with you or sheer refusal to admit he was the one that had pushed you to this point. Tommy didn't care. For your husband would never abide by anyone, let alone follow life's rules that weren't from the beat of his own drum.
" Be seated everyone" the Judge ordered, bringing your racing heart down to a manageable speed as Tommy scooted off the wooden table onto two feet, adjusting his suit before reluctantly playing along to the six-month temper tantrum he believed you was having.
As the dreary morning of papers being sent back and forth between lawyers, of decisions over the custody of your shared child continued. Tommy made it his sole mission to find an issue with every suggestion raised. Addressing only you throughout the entire ordeal as his generously paid lawyer, buried his head in his hands with frustration.
" Mr Shelby" the Judge's voice rose above Tommy's interruptions as he wiped the bead of sweat that had settled on his temple. A huff of defeat in response to the insult that he, a man of his position, couldn't keep his courtroom and its sole troublemaker under control.
" Two Sundays out of the month, Y/N? I won't allow it, understood? Sunday is family time and we'll spend it together, whether you like it or not" Tommy rolled his shoulders, straightening the lapels of his suit jacket as the Judge desperately tried to bring order to the room.
"Why don't we go back home and end this fucking circus, eh? I'll make love to you, we'll take Elsie out for an afternoon with the horses..." Tommy trailed off into a tangent of things he'd rather be doing than sitting in the stuffy room he was currently forced to be in with a wigged man telling him what he could and couldn't do with his family.
"Mr Shelby, I beseech you" the Judge removed his glasses, peering at your husband's lawyer to keep control of his client.
" You really want to do this, eh? To our daughter? Y/N? Y/N?!" the last of Tommy's patience quickly evaporated as you snapped your head away from his bellowing voice to the window beside you, tears spilling over your cheeks.
" Mr Shelby!" The magistrate slammed his hammer down onto its wooden pillow as an exasperated sigh at the tiresome morning loudly left his throat.
Ignoring the resonating boom of the wooden hammer, Tommy rested his arm on the back of his lawyer's chair as he leaned in. Whispering his orders into his ear as his scorching stare stayed fixed on you.
Daring to challenge the piercing pair of eyes burning into you, you raised your head as your husband's lawyer approached the bench with his orders.
Gaze drifting up from his clenched fists, you were met with nothing but anger. Anger at your refusal to bring an end to the whole charade, for your unwillingness to let him back into your martial bed over a paddy he believed would fizzle out within a week's time. How had things gotten to this point? Or more precisely, what had your dear husband done to push you to this point?
" Proceedings are postponed until further notice" the Judge's damning words shocked you out of your husband's hold on your every thought as your eyes darted to your lawyer.
" All rise" the portly guard beside him announced as those present dispersed from the room, leaving you with darting eyes scanning the empty rows of chairs until they settled on Tommy, and the satisfied smirk he was maliciously sending your way.
"What did you do? Tommy! What did you do?!" you shouted, storming over to him as he rose from his seat. Unbothered by your fit of rage and the role he played in its sudden appearance.
"You're so angry all the time, darling" he replied, dismissing your questions as his hands snaked over your waist, playfully pouting down at your widening eyes as if the entire ordeal was nothing but a small spat between a married couple.
"You might wanna get that checked love, can't be good for you, now can it?" He continued to rile you up after getting his way as you pushed him off you, feeling fooled by your lawyers guarantee that not even your husband could bring a halt to court proceedings after the lengthy battle you had already fought to get this point.
Tears settling between your lashes, you shook your head in disbelief at another delay to your freedom as you ran from the courtroom and your husband calling your name.
" Y/N!" Tommy's voice bellowed into the chilly blue sky as he followed after your hurried steps down to the bustling main road of Birmingham's town center.
"Hey!" He grabbed hold of your hips, spinning you around to face him and the tears streaming down your reddened cheeks.
"Hey..." he hushed your cries as you clutched your arms around your body from the bitter breeze of winter slowly rolling in.
"Here" he pulled his black overcoat from his shoulders, wrapping it around your trembling body, you shrugged off the moment it's warmth enveloped you.
No matter what he did, you wouldn't let him in. Why wouldn't you fucking let him back in?!, Tommy thought to himself, throwing his coat on the hood of his car. Oblivious or rather, ignorant to how he had toyed with you moments earlier.
" Why are you doing this, Tommy? We agreed to this. You agreed to this!" a sigh of defeat had your head turning in frustration to the cobbled ground below you. A stream of tears following in tow.
"Forced my hand more like" his huffy response snapped back as he fished in his suit jacket for a cigarette.
Eyes cast down, Tommy's stare darted between your tear-ridden cheeks and the morning dash of men and women hurrying to their places of work as you both stood in silence.
"Hey, look at me" he cupped your chin, turning your head to face him as he shuffled from foot to foot with a breathy exhale. "We'll deal with this in private, alright?" his brows raised, only to be welcomed with your rolling eyes of skepticism on what the word private actually meant to your husband whose idea of a fair deal was only if he was the one making all the deciding factors.
"Y/N?" he waited on your answer, softly brushing a lock of hair from your cheek when his eyes caught the sight of a police car sat guzzling gas on the opposite side of the road, and the prick inside he'd learnt had been hounding you for months on the whereabouts of his colleague.
Jaw tightening, Tommy watched as the detective gave a two-finger salute before turning the wheels of his car into the road and driving off with a pleased smirk. A clear provocation to rile up the notorious gangster on a day he knew Tommy's reputable temper could see him snap given the right push, in the right direction.
" Y/N?" his attention flew back to you as he cupped your cheeks in his hands. " I don't want this" he held your gaze as the end of his cigarette sizzled inches from your cold cheeks.
" I love you" his stare intensified as he wet his lips, his hands reinforcing his words with a stern shake to your face. " I can't lose you. If you want me to change...fuck, I'll change, alright?"
" For god's sake Tommy, that's not...not what I want from you" You felt a surge of disappointment plummet to the bottom of your stomach at the empty promises you had heard countless times before. Hoping that for once, just once, he'd say something that could reassure you enough to put a stop to the yearning you had to reconcile without a shit load of regret following shortly after it.
"I was just keeping you safe, darling" his hands dropped to your arms, tenderly rubbing them within his palms.
" Is that what you want me to do? Pull back my men? Is that what this is all about, eh?" He continued with his refusal to acknowledge the lengths he'd gone to keep control over every waking moment of your day.
" You've given up on us, haven't you?" Tommy huffed at your silence and the reaction it had on his grating need to have your undivided attention at all times.
"Just know this is all on you, eh? Our daughters' parent's separated because of you. Great fucking example you're showing her, darling. Well done" Tommy shook his head, viscously switching his mood back to his bitter brooding over your lack of response, and the expected answer you were unwilling to give.
Your silence being enough to make clear where you stood on the matter, you turned to leave as his hurtful words settled in your chest. Burrowing down to your heart, to the pang of guilt you felt for the stress you was putting your six-year-old daughter through.
"Where are you going?" He stopped you from taking another step as he grabbed hold of your arm.
" Into town" you attempted to shrug off his grip as you watched the barrage of questions form behind his eyes.
" You need some money?" He slipped his burning cigarette between his lips as he pulled out a bundle of cash, flicking through the notes.
" No" you huffed, folding your arms away from him as a wave of embarrassment that you didn't have the money for a taxi fare, let alone a trip into town without your husband giving you your weekly pocket money, scorched you with humiliation.
" Why not?" Tommy's brow furrowed as he threw his cigarette to the ground. " Y/N, why not?" His question turned into an urgent demand to know what had you needing to walk into the city for something he could get one of his men to fetch for you.
Fuck sake, you sighed to yourself, feeling the familiar tone of interrogation seeping though his questions. You just wanted space, space away from the house you still found yourself sharing with him, from the constant reminder of happy memories spent together, from him, from him and his fucking need to know your whereabouts every hour of every second of the day.
"You have someone else paying for this outing into town, is that why you don't need my money, eh? Tommy's paranoia started to turn it's ugly head into an onslaught of never-ending questions.
"Going on another fucking date, hm? Like you did with that pig" his grip tightened, releasing his pent-up anger out on your reddening arms as he glared at you with eyes burning with enough fury to heat your face.
" It's was a friendly dinner..." You sighed with frustration at his inability to stop himself before he pushed you further away with words intended to hurt.
" You meeting someone, Y/N? You fucking somebody, eh?" His voice rose, letting go of the little self-restraint he still possessed as he abruptly pulled you into his body.
" Why you doing this to me, hm?" His voice suddenly softened into desperate pleas anyone would think was an end to his anger. But his tight hold on your body as his cheek pressed against yours, the sound of his gritted teeth grinding together against your ear, enough to tell you otherwise that his fury was seconds away from bubbling over.
" Tommy stop...enough!" You managed to push him away as you turned to leave, refusing to withstand another second of the man that had replaced your once doting husband.
" You won't get rid of me that easily, darling! I won't let it happen!" His voice bellowed into the soot filled air, garnering the attention of those within ear shot. "You marry a Shelby, you stay married! You hear me?! You stay, fucking married!"
" Fuck!" His hands slammed against the door of his car as his lawyer nervously approached, announcing his presence with the clearing of his throat.
" What?!" Tommy's head snapped back to the fumbling man with a file of papers requiring his attention.
" See that those get lost" Tommy's demeanor quickly simmered, keeping the only document that held any interest before piling the rest into the arms of his lawyer.
Sinking into the driver's seat, his true intentions, written in the words of his solicitor, found their way into the glove box as one of his men slid into the passenger's side.
" What's the plan boss?'" the peaked soldier questioned, his voice drowning out into a distant muffle of unintelligible words as Tommy's eyes followed you walking along the cobbled path. His fingers hovering over the ignition, ready to leave when you turned back to look at him with locks of hair dancing in front of your eyes, cheeks rosy red from the chill that had settled over the foggy city. The sight twisting an unbearable urge within him to have you walk back to him, to have you back in his arms.
Were you coming back to him?, Tommy waited, a breath of anticipation catching in his throat as you stood from afar before the ends of your dress turned with a gust of wind, pushing you around the corner out of sight.
" Boss?" The peaky asked, waiting for his orders as his hand rested on the handle of the door.
" Follow her"
" Fuck..." you stifled the steady flow of tears trickling down your cheeks as you darted into a narrow bricked path behind a row of shops. A face as famous as yours was, and would always be a topic of conversation, even more so with a set of tears covering it.
How had it come to this? Was it after the birth of your daughter? No, no, before then? When you was dating?", you plagued yourself with the same frequency of questions your husband tired you with.
No matter how many questions your weary thoughts tormented you with, the truth was, you couldn't pinpoint when your marriage fell apart. It had happened slowly, small changes gone unnoticed. And then, in true Tommy fashion, accelerated to a point where the ignored had become glaringly obvious.
Yet still, wrenching pangs of yearning had you feeling like you couldn't live without him as long sleepless nights dragged on. The heat of his body absent from under the sheets of your martial bed. He was all you had ever known. And he knew it. He knew it.
"You'll pay privy to his crimes when I finally get him, Mrs Shelby. You and your daughter" a voice snatched you from the beckoning memories of your husband's arm wrapped tightly around your waist.
" Leave me alone" your eyes snapped up as you blinked your tears away, pulling yourself from the detective that had tracked you down for a second time that week.
" You're making a mistake" he caught your arm, forcing you to face his insistent inquiries into your husband.
"For the last time, I don't know anything. Now let me go" you echoed the countless responses you had already given.
One dinner had landed you not only at the brunt end of Tommy's raging anger, that you had dared to entertain someone of the opposite sex that was neither blood nor bound to you by marriage, but the watchful eye of your date's colleague, adamant on finding what he believed would be his partner's dead body, murdered at the hands of your husband after a fit of jealousy.
" I can offer you protection, away from him. All you have to do..." He slipped his details into your hand before you abruptly put an end to his concerns for your safety.
" I said, leave me alone" you pulled his hand off you, tired of being man-handled, of being expected to appease every living fucking creature of the opposite sex.
"You'll be next, Mrs Shelby. Mark my words!" He shouted to you as you drifted back into the bustling streets, his words leaving a harrowing sense of dread tightening around your throat as you shoved his card within the warmth of your pocket.
" Tommy doesn't share his toys!" The last of his warnings rang back to you as you leaned against a lonely lamp post, steadying the weight of your body against its metal frame when the world you were trying to flee from appeared in the corner of your eyes in the form of a peaked cap soldier watching from afar.
In sickness and in health, until death do us part. Would you ever be free from the binding love that had chained you together? Or would fate echo the words of your shared vows spoken on your wedding day?
Next Part
Tag list: @peakyswritings @justrainandcoffee @garrison-girl-08 @meadows5 @lavender-haze-01
@strangeobsessed @ttae-yong @lemonwithstupidity @lindsay00000 @mischievouslittlecreature
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years ago
Birmingham | Tommy Shelby x Reader (Part 19)
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Previous Part
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) spends some time with the youngest member of the Shelby family before spending the night with the member she's gotten the closest to.
Warnings: language, drinking, smoking
Word Count: 4956
A/N: idk how this many words came out of me so quickly…I’m completely invested on telling the rest of their story now, and I hope you don’t mind the length of the part; I didn’t want to split it and make it have more than 20 parts. This was a fun one to write. Enjoy! :)
There’s one part left! - expect it next week!
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(Y/N) remembered the way to the Watery Lane home from when she'd walked there with Tommy a couple weeks ago. She stopped at the door and raised her hand to knock, but hesitated before she was able to as Polly's words ran through her mind: "come right in when you arrive." She heeded to the words, twisting the door's handle and entering the home.
The house was silent as she stepped into the entry room. A nervous feeling filled her as she worried she was overstepping her boundaries. She walked further into the house despite the feeling, knowing she wasn't going to make whoever was inside aware of her presence if she stayed in the doorway.
In the dining room, she found a kid. Her brows furrowed together as she wracked her brain trying to figure out who he may be. Did one of the Shelbys have a child? "Excuse me?" she decided to ask, making the boy look in her direction. "Is Polly Gray here?" she got right to the point.
"Aunt Polly had to run to the market to get a few things. She said she'd be right back," the boy answered with no hesitation.
His words made (Y/N) nod. Of course I'd come when she's out, she thought to herself while inwardly sighing. "Is anyone else home?" she tried another question. Surely this kid wasn't home alone.
"Nope, it's just me," the boy answered with a smile, speaking in a tone that let (Y/N) know this wasn't the first time he'd been left in this situation.
"Oh...ok," (Y/N) nodded slowly as she wrapped her head around the details she'd been given. "Who might you be exactly?" she decided to stop dancing around the unknowns and ask the boy the question that was on her mind since she stumbled upon him. She felt so silly asking the child such a question.
"I'm Finn," he chirped, the smile on his face telling her that he wasn't at all bothered by her asking.
"Oh, we'll it's nice to meet you, Finn, I'm (Y/N)," (Y/N) smiled politely.
"You work for my brothers, don't you?" it was time for (Y/N) to answer a question now.
"I do," (Y/N) nodded, holding her smile for a little longer. There's another Shelby sibling? she wondered, her mind then going back to when she rushed to tell Polly about Grace's schemes. Finn must've been the boy who was sleeping on Polly's lap.
"I'm working on my maths homework," Finn spoke again, his statement having nothing to do with the previous conversation. (Y/N) wanted to laugh at the abrupt change, I guess the introductions are over, she thought.
"Yeah?" she asked, prompting him to continue.
"Yeah," he nodded, "I wanted to go out and help John, but Aunt Polly told me that I need to finish my work first," he pouted slightly as he explained his situation.
"That's smart of your aunt to say...school's important," (Y/N) agreed with the decision that was made by the older woman.
"But none of my brothers finished school!" Finn protested, his brows furrowing to show his distaste with the situation.
"So then you'll be the smart one," (Y/N) smiled, "is there something I can help you with?" she asked him then, taking a few steps over to where he was sitting.
"I guess," he sighed in defeat once he realized that this lady also wasn't going to let him get out of arithmetic.
"Alright," (Y/N) smiled, walking over to the open chairs so that she could sit down next to him, "let's see what you're working on here," she said, glancing over his paper. She was relieved to see that he was working on simple skills...she didn't know how much help she would be if it were any of the harder applications as it had been awhile since she'd really practiced any of them.
(Y/N) happily got into explaining the properties of the skill that he was working on, using one of the questions to show him how to efficiently do it. Finn was happy to have her complete one of the problems for him. A groan came in response when (Y/N) uttered the statement 'now it's your turn'. She was so invested in helping him that she didn't notice that a certain someone had entered the home through its side doors and was watching the interaction.
"Did I do it?" Finn asked, putting the pencil down and looking over at (Y/N).
(Y/N) checked the problem over before looking up at the boy with a smile, "you did," she told him, making a proud smile break onto his face.
"Thank you for helping me," he politely said.
"You're welcome. Do you think you can do the next one?" she raised her eyebrows, watching as he nodded; a look of determination now on his face.
"Tommy!" the unmistakable voice of Arthur Shelby’s came from the room that was adjacent to where Finn and (Y/N) were.
This made (Y/N) quickly look up and find that Tommy was standing in said room, his eyes already locked onto her. She wanted to gasp at the surprise, but instead stayed silent; staring at him like a deer in the headlights as she wondered how long he'd been standing there for. Tommy didn't remove his gaze; keeping it on her as Arthur walked up behind him. He stood still until his brother clapped him on the back and began talking, which finally made him look away. (Y/N) kept her eyes focused on him, a million different ideas of what to say running through her mind.
"I see you're here already, (Y/N)," Polly's voice came from the opposite side of the room, making her finally break her gaze from the man in the other room to see the older woman entering the room with a basket on her arm.
"I only got here a short while ago," (Y/N) answered, her cheeks heating up as she stood from the table and rushed to make herself useful. She couldn't shake the feeling of the intense gaze that was on her once more. "Is there any way I can help you?" she then offered.
"You can help me start dinner," Polly answered with a smile before she looked over at Finn.
"She was helping me with my maths, Aunt Pol!" Finn smiled proudly.
"That's very kind of her," Polly commented, smiling at the boy before she brought it over to (Y/N), who simply sent one in return. "Are you boys sticking around?" she asked Tommy and Arthur as she led (Y/N) into the kitchen area.
"Business came up," Tommy's response was short, his words making Polly sigh.
"Can't even make a bloody stew around here without having enough mouths to eat it," she grumbled, sending her nephews both a glare. She'd hoped that the family would actually be around for the family dinner.
"We'll get some later, Pol," Arthur promptly assured her.
"Can I go with them?" Finn asked with hopeful eyes.
"You've not finished your maths," Polly pointed out, telling him 'no' without even saying the word. Her response made the boy's shoulders slump.
"You'll come some other time," Arthur said to his youngest brother, patting him on the shoulder as he walked towards the archway.
Tommy followed close behind, moving around the kitchen to get to the door that Polly had just entered through. (Y/N) stood next to where Polly was unloading her things, waiting to be of use wherever she'd be needed. Tommy walked past her wordlessly, instead placing his hand against the small of her back as he went by; much like one would do when they're in close quarters with someone. Except they weren't in close quarters at all. (Y/N) froze up slightly at the touch, shocks running through her skin where his hand had brushed as he went. She watched him go, wanting so bad to say something, but her mind was coming up empty.
It wasn't until he exited the room that she looked at Polly again. She felt her cheeks heat up as she found the older woman looking at her with an expectant expression present on her face. (Y/N) smiled at her, trying to play things off like she hadn't reacted the way she did to Tommy's touch.
But, of course, Polly was too bright to believe the act. "I know all of what happened in Sheffield, (Y/N)," she stated, her lips pursed together as she tried to conceal her grin. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and jaw went slack; a wordless way to ask 'what?'. "Ada shares way too much with me sometimes..." she trailed off, letting the younger woman know that she knew about the elephant in the room.
"Do you...will you need help with any of the cooking?" (Y/N) tried to deflect, hoping that her flushed nature wouldn't appear too apparent.
Polly looked her over for a moment before she tasked her with chopping up some of the vegetables. The two women worked silently, and (Y/N) was happy that she was able to get past that topic with only slight hiccups...or so she thought. "Thomas doesn't let very many people in, you know," she brought the topic back into discussion. Her statement made (Y/N) look in her direction. "He acts differently when he's with you."
"He does?" (Y/N) thoughtlessly asked her.
"He does," Polly nodded, "you're good for him. He needs someone like you in his life; someone who'll stay by his side," she said in a definitive tone.
"Oh, I don't know, Pol..." (Y/N) began to speak, wanting to say that she wasn't quite sure where she and Tommy really stood in…those regards.
"I do know," Polly cut her off, an assured expression present on her face, "and I'm never wrong in affairs of the heart," she insisted, raising her eyebrows slightly. (Y/N) only smiled at her, unable to think of anything to say in response.
The two women continued on with making the stew, preparing and cooking it, and then setting out on the table for the three remaining people in the house to eat. They were working on cleaning things up when the door to the home opened again. Ardent footsteps sounded off of the hardwood, and soon Tommy was visible as he quickly made his way over to the kitchen.
"Dinner?" Polly asked him, stopping her wiping of one of the dishes.
"No," Tommy shook his head before his gaze fell on (Y/N), "I need you to come with me."
"Me?" she asked in surprise, gesturing to herself as her eyebrows raised.
"Yes," Tommy nodded, haste present in his tone, "I need to take you somewhere," he kept his reasoning vague.
(Y/N) glanced over at Polly for a moment then. The older woman only nodded in Tommy's direction. Seeing that she'd get no help there, she exhaled a sigh and walked to Tommy's side. "Let's go," she stated, sharing her decision with him. Tommy nodded at her and (Y/N) sent one last glance in Polly's direction before she followed him out of the door.
"Where are we going?" (Y/N) asked as they walked to the outskirts of town. The walk was quiet so far; Tommy hadn't shared a lick of information about where their destination was, or why they were even going there.
"I need to check on something," Tommy answered, taking another drag from the cigarette he'd been smoking.
"And I needed to join you?" she asked another question, her eyebrows raised.
"I couldn't come alone," he answered matter-of-factly, "and I can trust you. You won't be on me with questions," he added, throwing his cigarette to the ground before he looked over at her, tucking his hands into his pockets as they walked.
"Oh," was all (Y/N) said in response, now feeling silly for asking questions when the reason she'd been accompanying him was because he thought she wouldn't. But the way he said it didn't make it sound like he was angry that she was.
"We're nearly there," Tommy commented, looking ahead once again.
The two walked up a hill and a graveyard came into view. (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed at the sight, but she stayed silent. There was a reason why they'd come here. That reason came into view as a grave that was marked with the name 'Daniel Owens'.
"Fuck," Tommy breathed, aggravation present in exclamation.
"What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked, hoping to gain some insight as she looked at what seemed to be a freshly dug grave.
"They found them," his answer was abrupt, and it made (Y/N) even more lost. Who found what? "The guns...they've found the guns," Tommy spoke again, making (Y/N) realize that she'd voiced her thought instead of keeping it to herself. She couldn't let herself react though...now wasn't the time to get self-conscious over a slip up.
"What happens now?" she asked, hoping that he wouldn't get even more upset by the fact that she was, once again, doing the exact opposite of what he hoped she would.
"I've lost my bargaining power. This copper...Campbell...it's just me and him now..." he trailed off, exhaling the rest of his breath as a frustrated sigh, "fuck," he said under his breath, looking off to the cityscape as he tried to wrap his head around the change of events.
"I'm sorry, Tommy," (Y/N) spoke up after a few moments passed. Her stomach had been tied in knots since the mention of Campbell. That name alone made her realize what had happened and now the guilt was building up higher by the second.
"About what, love?" Tommy asked her, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"I knew..." she admitted, trying - and failing - to swallow the lump in her throat before continuing, "I knew about Grace; that she was working with Campbell; that she was trying to take your family down, and I didn't tell you. I don't know why I didn't, I...I just figured that..."
"I knew about her, (Y/N)," Tommy cut her off before she could stumble through the rest of her admission. His voice held no prominent emotion; his mind was still reeling from his discovery. "Pol told me; before we left for Sheffield. She said that she was going to deal with it; that you and I should focus on what needed to be done," he explained what he had known for a few weeks now.
"I'm still sorry. I shouldn't have kept it from you," she didn't take his statement and let the topic drop, the guilt still present inside of her.
"It's fine, (Y/N)," he assured her, his eyes slightly wider as he tried to get her to realize that she'd not done anything wrong.
"Yeah, but..."
"Love, let it go, eh?" he cut her off before she could explain herself any further. He had a pointed expression on his face, and its presence made her realize that she wasn't going to get any further on the topic. So she nodded her head, conceding to his request. "Let's go," he said then, not having any other reason to stick around the graveyard any longer.
(Y/N) nodded again, adding a soft 'ok' before she fell in beside Tommy and began walking back into the city.
"I saw you with Finn earlier," Tommy spoke again after they'd been walking for a few minutes.
"Yeah...he's a sweet boy," (Y/N) smiled at the thought of the child.
"He needs someone like you to help him..." Tommy began, glancing over at (Y/N) momentarily before continuing, "me brothers and I are no use when it comes to things like that. Pol tries to help, but..." he trailed off again, tilting his head to the side as he tried to think of the proper words to describe what it was that Polly does. He sighed when nothing came to mind, "yeah...it's good he's got you," he decided to end it there, looking at her again.
(Y/N) smiled at the sentiment Tommy had just shared with her. "I'd be happy to help him," she stated, feeling honored that he felt that way.
They turned the corner then, making the Garrison come into view. "Join me for a drink?" Tommy asked her when they were a few steps away.
"Sure," (Y/N) answered with a soft smile, not seeing anything wrong with the offer.
Tommy nodded as he heard her answer and opened the door to the tavern, letting her enter first before following behind her. The room was basically empty, save for Polly and Harry standing at the bar.
"Here he is," Polly stated, exhaling a sigh of relief.
"What?" Tommy was confused by her unusual greeting, his brows furrowed as he looked between the two.
"I just got word from my brother in Digbeth. He said that there's police coming down from Deritend in numbers and that they're asking for you by name," Harry told Tommy the information that he'd been given. (Y/N)'s throat dried up as she realized what that meant.
"Fuck," Tommy breathed, tipping his head back in exasperation. This day was getting worse by the second.
"You'll have to go somewhere, lie low for the night," Polly voiced a possible plan.
"Where?" Tommy asked no one in particular.
"Come with me," (Y/N) suggested before anyone could say anything else. The rest of the group looked at her, and she instantly felt the desire to shrink into herself; now thinking that her idea was bad.
"That's a good idea. Go with her until the dust settles," Polly agreed with the younger woman's suggestion. Tommy didn't say anything right away. Instead he kept his eyes fixed on (Y/N).
"The police are in the lane, Tommy!" Finn's panicked voice came from the door that he'd hastily opened.
"Go on, go," Polly ordered the two, nodding her head to the building's side door.
Tommy only nodded before turning and walking over to said door. (Y/N) hurried along behind him, following him out the door and into the alleyway. Nothing was said as they quickly made their way to her apartment, making sure to take all of the off streets so they wouldn't be found.
A relieved breath escaped (Y/N)'s lips when they were finally behind her apartment's closed door. "I don't think anyone noticed us," she said once she'd finished locking the door.
"We'll be fine," Tommy responded, not an ounce of worry in his words.
"You'll be staying the night then?" she asked him.
"I'd say I would be," his answer was simple, and a surge of something indescribable shot through (Y/N) as she heard him say it.
She found it ironic that Tommy was now hiding out across the hall from where the person who ratted him out lived. Of course she didn't know if said person still lived there, and she wasn't about to go knock and find out, but the idea of it all just seemed so funny to her.
"It's late, I..." (Y/N) paused, wondering if it would be proper to even announce this to him, "I'm going to go and get changed for the night," she decided to continue on with sharing her plans. Tommy nodded after hearing her statement. It's not like he could have really said no to her...this was her home after all. (Y/N) nodded also before she went to her bedroom and changed her clothing for a sleeping gown and a robe.
When she returned to the main room, she found Tommy sitting at the table with a glass in front of him. "I hope you don't mind," he stated, motioning to the bottle sitting on the table.
"I see you found my stash," she grinned at him, moving over to the cupboard to grab a glass before she sat across from him, "I don't mind, you just have to share with me...you promised me a drink, remember?" she reminded him, holding the glass out to him. He got to pouring, filling her glass up halfway.
Silence fell between them then as they stared at each other. (Y/N) kept her hand fastened to the glass, unable to break herself from the trance she felt like she was being sucked into. Why did his eyes have to be so mesmerizing? Why did his gaze have to be so intense? It was like he was sizing her up; his eyes combing over every inch of her face.
Tommy was waiting for (Y/N) to take the lead in the conversation. He knew that she was grappling with something; he could see it in her eyes. He was desperate to know what was on her mind, but he didn't want to force her into saying it.
"Have I done something wrong?" (Y/N) was the first to speak, finally blurting out the question that had been circling her brain since their tense interaction at the Garrison yesterday.
"What?" Tommy questioned her, his brows now furrowed. He didn't expect that type of question from her.
"Yesterday, at the office. That was the first time I saw you since Sheffield, and you seemed closed off towards me. It made me wonder if I...that maybe I did something wrong, or that maybe we did something that you regret," she explained herself, her voice trailing off at the end so that the last eight words were uttered at a lower volume.
Tommy heard them loud as day though. They made him think; wondering why she was caught up on their interaction...why she was second guessing what had happened between them before they left Sheffield? Why would she think that he regretted it? He'd be waiting to do that for so long. "(Y/N), I don't..."
"Police, open up!" a loud voice and incessant knocking interrupted Tommy before he could quell her worries.
The knocking continued as (Y/N)'s eyes widened, realizing that they were surely looking for Tommy. "You need to hide!" she whisper-yelled to him, dramatically pointing to the door of her bedroom. Tommy nodded, still a little too calm for her liking.
She then realized that she was going to have to speak to these coppers. Shit. She walked to the door after a deep breath to contain herself. "Can I help you?" she asked once she opened the door to see two police officers. She hoped that she came off as composed.
"We're looking for Thomas Shelby, have you seen him?" the one officer asked in a gruff voice while the other peered around her into the apartment.
"I've not seen him," (Y/N) shook her head, hoping the interaction would end there.
But of course, it didn't. "You work at the Garrison, correct?" the copper asked another question.
"Correct," (Y/N) gave a brief answer.
"And you've not seen him?" the second man jumped in, his eyebrows raised.
"No, sir," (Y/N) answered with a shake of her head, feeling much more composed now, "I am merely an employee at his establishment." The man who asked the question raised his eyebrows, looking as though her answer wasn't sufficient enough for him. (Y/N) caught that and happily added on, "you don't see your boss and keep tabs on his whereabouts every single day, do you?" she raised her eyebrows right back at him, annoyance seeping into her words.
She was met with silence from both of them. Clearly they couldn't dispute her statement.
"I thought not," she said with a single nod, pleased with the outcome, "it's late, and I'm clearly in my sleeping gown. Are there any more questions you need to ask me?" she asked them, her tone flat as she raised her eyebrows once more.
"No, ma'am," the first officer answered, sounding defeated.
"Good. Goodnight, officers," she said her farewell, not even giving them enough of a chance to respond before she shut the door on them.
A sigh of relief escaped her lips once she was behind the partition again. She was happy that she was able to keep up an innocent front while answering their questions.
She was still taking a moment to herself when Tommy emerged from the bedroom. In her absence, he'd taken off his coat and shirt, leaving him in an undershirt and trousers with suspenders holding them up. Seeing him just about made her melt. He looked so different now; more comfortable and, dare she say it...content.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," he said to her as he walked out into the living area.
"You're welcome," she sent a small smile in return. Silence returned to the room again, and it made (Y/N) remember where they'd left off on their conversation before the officers came to the door. As much as she was wondering what was on his mind, she didn't know if she could take anymore excitement for the evening. "It's, uh...it's getting late. You can use my bed tonight," she broke the silence, offering him a place to sleep.
"No, I'll stay on the couch," Tommy turned down her offer with a slight shake of his head. He didn't want to take the bed from her...that would be very ungentlemanly of him.
"Then I'll stay out here with you," (Y/N) was quick to say, her words noticeably catching Tommy off guard, "in case anymore visitors come knocking," she added, hoping that adding reasoning improved her grounds for saying it.
"Expecting someone?" Tommy questioned in a tone that (Y/N) couldn't quite decipher. She wasn't sure if he was kidding or being serious. She hoped it was the latter.
"No, but I am harboring a fugitive," she decided to go the joking route, poking fun at him as she cracked a smile. She was relieved when he chuckled at her statement.
"Fair enough," he nodded his head, a smile breaking through on his lips. (Y/N) took reverie in the sight.
"Shall we?" she awkwardly asked after a few, quiet moments had passed, wanting to kick herself for how she then motioned to the couch in the room. Her question made Tommy's smile widen though, so she took it as a victory.
They both moved over to the couch. Silence fell around them, once again, but this time it was comfortable.
"I don't regret anything that happened between you and I, (Y/N)," Tommy was the one to break the silence this time. His words made her eyes snap in his direction. He saw her surprise and decided to continue, "there's a lot happening...with the races coming up, and now Campbell finding the guns. My mind's full, but I don't regret what happened between us."
"I..." (Y/N) trailed off, her mind going too fast for her to keep up. She was hoping for him to say something like this, but now that he did, she didn't have a clue of what to say back. "Thank you for letting me know," she lamely said, wanting to kick herself yet again for going the awkward route.
Tommy opened his mouth then, looking like he was about to say something as his eyes searched her face, but after a moment he decided against it and exhaled a slight sigh, looking off to the wall again. "Do you mind if I smoke?" he asked her.
"I don't," she answered with a soft smile, all the while wondering what it was that he was going to say at first.
Tommy nodded upon hearing her answer, standing from the couch to fish his cigarettes out of the pocket of his suit jacket. He then moved to the opposite side of the room, not wanting to be on top of her as he lit up a match. His mind was reeling with all of the things he wanted to say to her. He wanted to tell her that he needed her, that she was important to him, and that he felt that things would turn out fine as long as she was by his side, even moreso, things would be good if she was. But he couldn't...he just couldn't get the words out. And so he stared out the window as he smoked his cigarette.
(Y/N) busied herself with a pamphlet that was sitting on the side table. She tried to focus on reading it rather than the millions of questions that were rushing through her mind. Somehow he quelled her one worry and created ten more. What was he going to say to me?! she wanted to scream to the heavens. But she couldn't, and so she just quietly sat and 'read' over the paper in her hands.
Tommy came back over to the couch once he was finished. By that time, (Y/N) had placed the pamphlet back on the table and had relaxed across the couch. "I'm sorry, I got comfortable," she apologized as she noticed Tommy standing in front of her.
"Don't apologize, love," he brushed her statement off, watching as she hastily sat up and opened a spot for him.
"Here. Sit," she motioned to the open cushion, a sheepish smile on her face as she watched him sit down. He sent a smile as a silent thank you, and got comfortable on the couch again.
(Y/N) yawned, and not much more was said as she twisted herself and tried to get comfortable again. All the moving around probably annoyed Tommy, but the end result most certainly didn't. She finally got comfortable when she rested her head on his shoulder. By that point, she was too tired to care of the formalities, and drifted off to sleep.
Tommy stayed up for most of the night...not because he wasn't tired, but rather because he wanted to savor the moment where he felt like all of his worries were miles away…thanks to the beautiful woman who was sleeping next to him.
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Next Part
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multifandomwriter56 · 1 year ago
His Little Spy: Reminiscing
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Classes have been kicking my ass this semester. Here's Part 3
Series Summary: Anita Edwards is a spy who works for Tommy Shelby. She is an orphan and longs for a family. Will Tommy ever realize she is his daughter, despite them not being blood? Or will he lose her forever?
Chapter 3 Summary: Anita reminisce about the past while trying to change her future.
Characters: Tommy Shelby, OC, a few minor OC's, Polly Gray, mentions other characters from the series
Warnings: language, mentions child abuse, angst
Word Count: 2,118
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"Anita, come with us. You haven't been to the Cut in days."
Anita opens her mouth to tell Rosa she'll come; but closes it when she sees a familiar black coat. "I can't. Maybe next time." 
Rosa rolls her eyes. "I've been replaced by a grumpy old man. Me! Her best friend!" She tells another kid, knowing full well Anita can hear her. 
Anita grins at the description of Thomas Shelby. He is grumpy a lot of the time.
"He's not that bad." George defends.
"You're only saying that because he saved your arse."
Both George and Anita glance at each other; that day still very clear in their minds. 
She glances back, cursing under her breath when she can't find the man. "Well, looks like you win, Rosa. I'm going."
"Going where?" 
The group of kids jump at the low, gruff voice. They all turn to see the man they were talking about, slightly hunched as he lights a cigarette.
"To the Cut." Rosa answers for the group. 
"The Cut, eh?" He questions, side-eying the ten year old he knows.
Anita can feel the heat rising to her cheeks. She can remember back when John and his family lived here and how he was always warning his kids to stay away from the Cut. She has no doubt that Tommy knew about that. And she bets he remembers her being present half those times.
"The Cut can be a dangerous place. Watch out for each other." Tommy waits for their acknowledgements, nodding when they do. "And if anyone gives you trouble, you tell them this one-" He points at Anita. "She works for me and anyone who messes with her or her friends will feel the wrath of the Peaky Blinders." He turns his full attention to her. "I'll be here until eight tonight; come see me before you head home."
"Yes, Mr Shelby."
The group of ten year olds watch the gangster as he crosses the street. 
Tommy knew he shouldn't let the children use the old gang name to make threats; but he wanted to do something for the girl. For the past year, she's been feeding him information. Sometimes he would already know; but it was nice to get a different point of view from someone other than his family. And sometimes he had no idea what was going on in his own hometown. Living at the Arrow House has made it harder for him to see personally what happens in his town.
Anita couldn't believe what just happened. She turns to her friends, not able to hide her smile. 
"Well, you heard him." George says, loud and proud; his chest puffed out. "Let's go to the Cut; by Order of the Peaky fucking Blinders."
It's been about two weeks since Anita came to stay with Polly. Tommy had asked her yesterday how she was feeling and she told him she was better. 
Polly had disagreed; said Anita needed more time to heal. Not wanting to be bed-ridden any longer, Anita insisted she was fine. 
The next day, Tommy came to collect her and take her to one of his institutions. Polly objected.
So now, Anita is waiting in "her room" while the two adults argue over her future.
"This girl deserves to have a home, Thomas!!"
"I'm taking her to a home!"
"Yeah, just like you did last time; and look what happened!"
"You know that won't happen here, Pol!
"She deserves a family."
Anita had to crane her neck when Polly lowered her voice.
"She doesn't have any."
"We are her family, you stupid bastard!" Polly shouts once again.
Tommy shakes his head; his voice barely above a whisper, but still strong. "She's not blood."
Anita steps back from the door. She'd rather not hear the rest of that conversation. 
"Tommy's not here, Anita."
"I know." 
Finn watches as the ten year old heads into his brother's office. "You can't go in there."
Anita stops before looking back at the youngest Shelby. "Why not? He keeps everything important locked up. I just want to sit down, away from all of that." She gestures toward the men surrounding the tables, placing their bets.
Finn looks at the men before looking back at the young girl. "Alright. Just don't touch anything."
Anita rolls her eyes. Finn's not that much older than her. 
As soon as she shuts the door, her hand finds the nearest furniture. As she makes her way to Tommy's desk, she leaves her arm outstretched, her hand grazing anything in her reach. 
When she reaches the chair she usually sits in, she stares at it for a moment. Her gaze then turns to the chair on the other side of the desk. 
She glances behind her at the door before going around the desk. She slowly lowers herself in his chair, a small smirk gracing her lips as her backside hits leather. She spins once in the chair and her eyes catch the box stashed with cigarettes and a lighter. She's seen Tommy grab a cigarette from this box a million times. 
Once she has one and the lighter in her hand, she glances at the door for a second time. She brings the death stick to her mouth, rubbing the end between her lips. She doesn't understand why he does this, but he does it every time so she figures there's a reason. 
She inhales the first drag, immediately coughing.  "Why the fuck would you want to smoke this?" She whispers to herself before taking another drag. "Huh?" Realizing it seems to get better with each puff, she keeps it lit. Small coughs tickle her throat; but she ignores them, her eyes searching over the desk.
She smiles when she sees his glasses. She picks them up with her free hand, bringing them to her face. When she looks down at a piece of paper to read it, she squeezes her eyes shut. "Oh wow, he's blind when it comes to reading." 
The glasses slide down her nose, dangling at the tip. Now without the lenses blocking her own sight, she decides to leave them where they lay. She leans back in the chair and takes a puff. "I'm no gentleman." She says through the smoke, making her voice as deep as she can go. This causes a  coughing fit and she has to lean forward, trying to get air to her lungs. Once she can finally breathe, she relaxes in the chair.
"Are you making fun of me, Anita?"
The young girl jumps at hearing the voice she was trying to imitate. She tries to speak, but her tongue won't move. 
Tommy slowly makes his way around his desk, stopping when he's next to his chair. He leans down, gently taking his glasses off the still-in-shock kid. He sets them on his desk. Then takes the half smoked cigarette and places it between his own lips. 
Anita freezes, not sure whether the man is going to give her a beating or not. Mother Superior wouldn't hesitate to, and her uncle definitely would have; but Tommy has never. He's never even threatened to. 
Tommy doesn't miss the fear creeping into her eyes. He gently helps her stand to her feet, pointing to her usual chair in a silent order to sit. He's not surprised when she does so without argument. 
"You need to lower your tone, make it more gruff. And add more authority to it."
Anita snaps her head up, her eyes wide. "Y-You're not angry?"
With a small smile, Tommy shakes his head. "No love, I'm not angry. I'm actually quite amused."
Anita pretends to wipe dirt off her pants so she doesn't have to make eye contact. "I'm not getting a beating?"
Tommy sighs, cursing her uncle; the man he personally killed. "No Anita, I will never do to you what your uncle did." 
As soon as he spoke the words, Anita relaxed. She believes him. 
"But-" Tommy leans forward pointing the cigarette at her. "If I ever see you smoking again, you'll be banned for two weeks."
Being banned sucks. That means she's not allowed to do any spying and she can't go into the shop or the Garrison. 
"That seems a little harsh." She mumbles, mostly to herself but loud enough for the older man to hear.
Tommy brings his hand to his mouth, inhaling the last bit of the cigarette. "You're ten years old. You can decide if you want to smoke when you're eighteen. For now, I say no."
"I'll be eleven Thursday." She sasses. "And since when does the man who smokes more than he eats have the right to tell me I can't smoke?"
Tommy raises his eyebrows. This is a big difference from the young girl who was terrified only seconds ago. Seems she's getting braver by the day. "You've been spending too much time with Polly. You're starting to sound like her."
Anita smiles proudly; sitting up straighter in her seat. 
Tommy softly snorts at the girl's smile. Of course she took it as a fucking compliment. "Alright, my little spy, what did you learn?"
"Who's Alfie Solomons?"
Any amusement drains at the mention of his name. Tommy clears his throat. "Just an old rival."
"I heard he shot you and you killed him. Is that true?"
"Aye." Tommy answers honestly, but he refuses to go into detail about that day.
Sensing the man's mood change, Anita decides to drop the subject. At least with him. She'll ask Polly next time she sees the woman.
"You listen to me, Thomas Shelby, I will not-"
"I'm ready." Anita announces from the bottom of the stairs, relaxing her face into a blank expression.
"Anita, go back upstairs and unpack. You're not leaving."
She knows if she looks at the woman she won't be able to follow through. So instead she looks at the man; the man she thought would one day care for her as his own. The man she completely misjudged. "I'll be in the car, Mr Shelby."
As she's walking out the door she hears them continue their argument. 
"That girl is eleven years old and she's handling this more maturely than you are."
"That's because that girl adores you and will do anything to please you. No matter how much you deny her the love she deserves; she will always care for you and your fucking opinions."
She closes the door, not wanting to know how Tommy will respond. She gets into his car and only has to wait about five minutes when Tommy comes out of the house. 
Neither one of them speaks during the car trip to the orphanage. Tommy carries her luggage to the door where a young woman is waiting. 
"Ms Lewis will show you to your room." Tommy tells her as he holds out her luggage. 
Anita takes it, setting it down on the sidewalk. Before she can talk herself out of it, she lunges forward and wraps her arms around his torso. 
Tommy grunts in surprise and holds up his hand when Ms Lewis steps forward to grab the girl. Just as he decides to return the hug, Anita lets go before he can complete the action.
"Thank you, Mr Shelby. For everything."
He nods his head. "I don't want to hear any bad reports, eh?"
"You won't." Because I won't be here.
"Good girl." He nods his thanks to the young woman before turning on his heel and getting into his car.
Anita watches as he drives off before letting Ms Lewis guide her into the building.
She waits about a week, letting the Shelby family believe she is content on where she is before planning her escape. She has a feeling Polly told the caregivers she could potentially be a runner. 
When Polly came to visit and the caregiver told her Anita has been settling in just fine, Anita decided it was time. 
So that night, she executes her escape plan. To find a new home in London.
She quietly makes it down the stairs; tip-toeing her way to the window she made sure was unlocked and not in plain sight, inside or outside. 
She slowly opens the window, looking around to make sure no one is coming before crawling out. 
Anita waits a beat, making sure no one heard her crawling out before heading in the direction of the train station. 
The next morning, Tommy raises his head when the door to his office in the Arrow House opens and his aunt comes storming towards.
"I hope you're happy, Thomas." She spats.
Tommy frowns. What did he do now? "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Anita's missing."
Forevers: @desiredposion @theseakrakence @simonsbluee @elenavampire21 @kmc1989
Peaky Blinders: @psychkunox @theshelbyclan @lilymurphy03 @findinghisredrighthand
His Little Spy Series: @smcc212 @peakascum @play-morezeppelin @venomsvl @the-horror-and-the-wild-simp @theshelbyslimited @bethabear12 @raincoffeeandfandoms @zablife
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brummiereader · 10 months ago
Uptown Girl
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Summary: A woman from high society, never needing or wanting for anything. Your world of jewels and silk gowns comes crashing down around you when your father's mounting gambling debts catch up with him, and he is forced to relinquish your home Arrow House before his untimely death to his biggest creditor, Tommy Shelby. But with your name on the deeds, and the land of your childhood home your only bargaining source of income to escape the union arranged since your birth to a monster of a man from your own class. You make your intentions of staying put stubbornly known to the Birmingham gang leader, as you clutch to your only remaining hope of freedom from the inevitable chains of a violent marriage. With neither one of you willing to budge on the matter until the iron clad documents of Arrow House are reviewed, you are both begrudgingly left without any other choice but to live together. What will become of your unusual living situation with the notorious gangster, and the arranged marriage you want to be free from? A way out, friendship, lust...love? One thing is certain. Tommy Shelby's abrupt appearance into your life will open your curious eyes to a whole other world that had been shielded from you since the day of your noble birth.
Warnings: Language, angst, fluff, mutual pining, smut, domestic violence, mentions of suicide, violence
Authors Note: I basically took Alfie's passing statement of how Tommy acquired Arrow House and the trope "One bed, two people" and turned it into "One house, two strangers" and ran with it! The idea for this series and it's storyline, is loosely based off the lyrics to the well known song "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel.
Teaser Trailer
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine (completed series)
Gif credit: @mushroomseb. Go check out their wonderful works of art!
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years ago
Birmingham | Tommy Shelby x Reader (Part 18)
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Previous Part
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) and Ada talk about Sheffield, and one woman is more excited about the events than the other. She finds that Tommy seems to have his head full again, and is worried about what's going through it. Later, she speaks to Polly about what happened while she was away.
Warnings: language, smoking, drinking, mentions of death
Word Count: 2859
A/N: this one’s a bit of a bridge chapter to get us to the final events that will be going down shortly. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged — there are two parts left!
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(Y/N)'s confusion caused by someone knocking on the door quickly turned into excitement when she saw who was standing on the other side of the partition.
"Ada!" she shrieked, happy to see a familiar face after being home alone for at least a week. Tommy had allowed (practically asked) her to take some time off from the Garrison when they returned from Sheffield. She accepted his request and decided to stay at her apartment for the week. "It's so good to see you!" she said with a wide smile as she stepped aside, "come in, please," she then allowed the other woman to walk through the door.
"I was starting to worry about you," Ada started as she sat down on the couch in the living room, making sure that Karl was resting comfortably in her arms before she allowed herself to relax, "I hadn't seen nor heard from you since you all came back."
"Tommy told me to take some time off," (Y/N) explained the reason behind her absence.
"You could have come over to visit," Ada pointed out, no explicit emotion present in her words. She was simply stating a fact.
"I know. And I'm sorry," (Y/N) answered, a frown present on her face. Even though she knew that Ada hadn't meant her statement in a malicious way, she still felt terrible for neglecting her friend. "I just needed a few days to work through what happened; wrap my head around how things have changed and make sense of..."
"You don't need to explain yourself to me, (Y/N)...I understand," Ada cut her rambling reply off with a knowing glance, "no harm was done," she assured her.
"I know, but still..." (Y/N) trailed off, exhaling a sigh when Ada gave her the look that said 'drop it'. She nodded, giving a silent response to the silent statement as she looked down at her lap. "How is Karl doing?" she asked as she looked up again, her eyes falling on the bundled up baby that was sleeping in Ada's arms.
"He's fine," Ada answered while also looking down at the baby, "he's not as fussy as he was at the beginning, although it's still hard to try and get him down for a nap sometimes. He enjoys eating though...and I swear that he gets that from Freddie," she explained, letting out a short laugh at the mention of her husband, one that (Y/N) sent a sympathetic glance in response to.
"How are you holding up?" (Y/N) asked. Her question was vague, but Ada knew what she was getting at.
"As best as I could. It's...it's hard not having him around. Sometimes I wish..." she trailed off, letting out a sigh as she tipped her head back slightly, "sometimes I wish he wasn't involved in the party so much...maybe this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't stuck his neck out there."
"Men are stubborn like that sometimes," (Y/N) pointed out, her statement making Ada snort, "especially when they've got their mind set on something."
"You're certainly right there," Ada agreed, nodding her head for extra effect. Silence fell between them for a few moments before the Shelby woman spoke again, "how have you been?" she asked (Y/N), turning the question she was previously asked back onto her friend.
(Y/N) didn't answer right away as memories of her trip to Sheffield flooded back into mind. She took a few moments to try to decide what she would share and what she would leave out. "I'm alright," she decided to go with a vague answer first.
"Yeah?" Ada asked, tilting her head to the side slightly to emphasize her question.
"Yeah," (Y/N) answered with a sigh, looking down at her lap to collect her thoughts, "we went through with the plan that we had...to kill Garrett," she began, wringing her hands together as she recounted the events, "it didn't quite go exactly as I hoped it would. Tommy fired the shot because I couldn't get myself to...I couldn't do it," she shook her head slightly at the remembrance of the event, "it had to be done though. My mum and I were in danger," she ended with the justification she'd been telling herself since she returned home.
"I'm sure it was tough to go through," Ada commented, a sympathetic smile on her lips.
"It was," (Y/N) agreed, "but it had to be done." Ada only nodded in response to her definitive statement, understanding her reasoning behind it. (Y/N) looked down at her lap then as she debated whether or not to continue with recounting all of the events of the trip. "Tommy and I kissed," she blurted out before she could stop herself.
Ada's eyes grew two times wider as she heard (Y/N)'s admission, "Tommy and you what?" she gasped, leaning forward to show her intrigue in the situation.
"Before we got in the car to come home we...we kissed," (Y/N) added more details, her cheeks heating up as she spoke.
"Now that's news! (Y/N), oh my goodness, how did it happen?" she asked for more details.
(Y/N)'s face scrunched up slightly, "he's your brother, Ada...I don't think you should be this excited," she pointed out the circumstances.
"I'm excited because I may get a new sister-in-law out of it," Ada brushed off (Y/N)'s hesitance, making the other woman shake her head and laugh softly.
"I think it may be a little too early to be saying things like that," (Y/N) laughed sheepishly.
"No but seriously..." Ada continued on, completely unfazed, "how was it? How was it for you?" she asked, waiting intently for an answer.
(Y/N) swallowed back her bashfulness once she realized that Ada wasn't going to be backing down on her intrigue and decided to entertain her friend's question. "It was good..." God did it feel weird admitting that. "I...I enjoyed it," she admitted, her bashful smile returning. She glanced at Ada to see that there was a grin spread across her lips. She continued before the other woman could get a word out: "it felt different; different from what it felt like with Matthew. Like there was so much more to it...it felt like so much more than a kiss, and...it feels very weird to be admitting this to his sister..." she trailed off at the end, exuding a sheepish laugh as she looked at Ada again.
"I don't find it weird at all. I'm happy for you, (Y/N)," Ada said genuinely.
"He hasn't really spoken to me since we returned though," (Y/N)'s smile faltered as she brought up the events, or lack thereof, that have happened since Sheffield, "I'm not sure if it's because he's been busy, or if it's because he thinks that what happened was a mistake," she admitted her worry as she went back to wringing her hands together.
"Tommy's not had eyes for anyone like he does for you since before the war," Ada offered a secret about her brother once she noticed the other woman's shift, "he's difficult to read at times and likes to shut the emotional side off in order to get business done, which is probably what he's doing now," she offered her thoughts on the situation before adding, "You're special to him, (Y/N)," which effectively made (Y/N)'s cheeks heat up once more.
(Y/N) was about to speak, but Karl began to fuss before she was able to get a word out. Ada brought him up from the cradle she'd made with her arms as she began trying to calm him down.
When her attempts were ultimately unsuccessful, she realized what time of the day it might be, "he might be ready for his feeding," she commented, and (Y/N) nodded before offering a blanket or anything Ada might need in order to comfortably feed him.
The previous topic of conversation was forgotten about as Ada got to nursing and (Y/N) got to making the two women a light lunch.
(Y/N)'s first day back at the Garrison since returning from Sheffield was finally winding down. She'd kept herself busy with stocking and cleaning for the entirety of her shift. So busy that she didn't even have much time to question the absence of a certain employee.
She was walking down the hallway to the stockroom when she saw that the back office's door was open and the light was on. Letting her curiosity get the best of her, she forgot her previous destination and continued walking down the hall. Upon reaching the doorway, she was able to see Tommy sitting at the desk, focused on a paper with a cigarette hanging from his lips. "Tommy?" she called to him, hoping to get his attention. "Tommy?" she called again after noticing that her first attempt had failed. "Tommy?!" this third attempt was louder than the others before it.
"What?!" he snapped back, the harsh tone of his voice making (Y/N) jump slightly and let out a slight shriek. Hearing this made him look up. "Fuck," he breathed once he realized who was trying to get his attention, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he apologized, exhaling a sigh as he stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray on the desk.
"It's ok," (Y/N) brushed him off, calm again after being startled, "I was just curious as to why the office was open," she explained her reasoning for being present then. "I can, uh...I can go if you'd like me to."
"No," Tommy was quick to answer her, "stay. It's fine," he expanded on his answer, waving his hand to beckon her into the room. He cleared his throat as he sat back in his chair, watching as she stepped further onto the room. "How are you?" he decided to ask.
"I'm fine," (Y/N) gave a short answer.
"Yeah?" he checked to make sure.
"Yeah," she responded, wanting to laugh at the fact that his sister had asked the same set of questions a few days ago. "I'm fine," she repeated her previous answer for emphasis. Tommy nodded at her response. "How are you?" she decided to flip the question on him.
"Fine," his answer was even shorter than hers. (Y/N) didn't bother to ask the 'yeah?' portion he'd followed with, and the room went silent.
Tommy busied himself with lighting another cigarette as (Y/N) stood with her hands clasped behind her back; feeling like she'd been called into the boss' office for doing something wrong. It was evident that Tommy was under some sort of stress at the moment. She just wondered what it was that he was stressing over. Oh no, what if it's me? she worried as she started to second guess all of the choices that she's made around, and with, him.
"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about, (Y/N)?" Tommy broke the silence, and her thoughts, his question making (Y/N) focus on him again.
"No, no there isn't," she was quick to answer, "is there anything that you'd like me to do for you?" she then decided to ask him, trying not to show the fact that she was close to freaking out internally thanks to her overthinking.
"No," he shook his head.
"Ok," (Y/N) nodded, "I'll go back to finishing my jobs then," she said, jerking her thumb in the direction of the door. Tommy nodded response to her question, and she nodded before she turned to exit the room so that she could return to the stockroom and continue her tasks...which is what I should have done in the first place, she thought to herself, wanting to smack herself for acting so awkwardly in front of him.
(Y/N) wasn't bothered for the remainder of the evening as she worked on stocking the shelves and unpacking the inventory for the bar. She was in the backroom when Tommy exited the office, and only heard his shoes sounding off of the hardwood as he walked passed. Surely he knew that I was in here, she thought to herself as the sound of his footsteps tapered off, I'm certain he wants nothing to do with me. A sigh escaped her lips as she tried to push similar thoughts away before they could take up her mind.
It wasn't until she exited the backroom for the night that she encountered another member of the Shelby family. Polly Gray was standing at the empty bar, a glass sitting in front of her with a half-empty bottle close by.
"Finished for the evening?" the older woman asked as (Y/N) walked further into the main room.
"I am," (Y/N) answered with a nod and a slight smile.
"Want to join me for a drink?" Polly asked, motioning to the empty glass that was sitting right next to the bottle. (Y/N) stayed in her spot, unable to answer right away. Should she?...or should she just go home? She wasn't able to pick which one to go with because Polly was speaking again before she could even think of opening her mouth: "join me for a drink, love," she rephrased her question into a statement, a smile playing on her lips as she motioned for her to come over.
"If you insist," (Y/N) smiled, walking over to stand next to Polly at the bar.
"Oh, I insist," Polly grinned, working on pouring the younger woman a glass. "Tommy told me of how things played out in Sheffield..." she began as she offered the glass to (Y/N), who accepted it and brought it up to her lips. "I wanted to fill you in on what happened here during your absence," she continued as she grabbed her own glass and took a drink from it.
"What happened?" (Y/N) decided to ask even though it was clear that Polly was going to tell her anyway.
"I took into account what you told me about Grace and then spoke to some of our contacts at the inspector's headquarters...what you told me was correct. Grace was working for Inspector Campbell. She'd decided to put your name out as the person who was behind the stolen guns," Polly recounted the events that had gone down while (Y/N) was away. (Y/N)'s jaw went slack at the mention of her name being brought into Grace's plan. Polly continued before she could comment on the newly learned information. "The coppers who work for us made sure that there was no way you could be traced back to the guns. They told Campbell that the leads were no good; that they led to nothing," she explained how the issue had been resolved.
"What about Grace then? Did she get away with these lies?" (Y/N) asked, her anger towards the blonde woman growing by the second.
"No, she didn't," Polly told her definitively. "I spoke with her; said that she should leave town before you came back and presented a less friendly solution to the situation."
"And she left?" (Y/N) asked another question, racking her brain to try and think of if she noticed that Grace was still living across the hall from her.
"She did," Polly gave another definitive answer, "I told her that she should if she knew what was good for her."
"Thank you, Pol," (Y/N) breathed upon hearing the older woman's answer. It now felt like a major weight had been lifted from her back. Grace was no longer and to stick her nose into places it shouldn't be so that she could create unnecessary trouble as a result of it.
"You're welcome, darling," Polly smiled, noticing the relief that was now present on (Y/N)'s face. "I want to extend an invite to you..." she started off then, watching as (Y/N)'s brows furrowed together in curiosity, "you should come to our home for dinner tomorrow afternoon," she gave details of the invite.
"You want to welcome me into your home?" (Y/N) was slightly shocked by the invitation.
"I do," Polly nodded, a smile playing on her lips, "you're family, (Y/N). I'd love to have you there."
Hearing this made a smile form on (Y/N)'s face. It was such an honor to be included as an extension of the Shelby family. They'd quickly become the people she trusted the most...the people who she viewed as her family.
"What do you say?" Polly asked after a few silent moments had passed.
"I'd be honored to join you," (Y/N) answered as her smile completely took over her features.
Excitement was coursing through her body now. A bunch of things still felt so uncertain at the moment, but if she knew one thing, it was that the Shelbys were like family to her. If she managed to keep that one thing steadfast in her life, she knew that she'd be ok.
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Next Part
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @l1-l4 @chlorrox @lostgirl219 @woofgocows @bdudette @mrkdvidal1989 @stephhevring @fictional-hooman @httyd-marauders @nataliewalker93 @rangerelik @thecraziestcrayon @cilliansangel @shaddixlife @tracysnook
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multifandomwriter56 · 1 year ago
His Little Spy Series Masterlist
Series Summary: Anita Edwards is a spy who works for Tommy Shelby. She is an orphan and longs for a family. Will Tommy ever realize she is his daughter, despite them not being blood? Or will he lose her forever?
Warnings: language, angst, talks about suicide, talks about death, talks about racism, talks about children being physically abused, short scenes of child abuse
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Chapter 1: A New Start
Chapter 2: The Painful Truth
Chapter 3: Reminiscing
Chapter 4: The Fight
Chapter 5:
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brummiereader · 1 month ago
Sweet Dreams, Darling (Part One)
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Summary: August 1907. The beginning of a whirlwind romance that would see you and Tommy separated then reunited again for years to come. But when you unexpectedly reappear one rainy morning back into his life, Tommy's distracted eyes have your reunion starting off on the wrong foot. In a desperate attempt to refresh your memory of the summer you spent together, Tommy patiently waits for the penny to finally drop.
Warnings: Language, angst, mutual pining, sexual assault.
Word count: 3.5K
Authors Note: The song John sings to irritate Arthur with is an old cockney song called "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" by Merv Griffin. This first chapter is loosely based off the song "The Tunnel Of Love" by the Dire Straits, and how my grandparents met each other in the 1950's.
[Masterlist] [Trailer]
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Birmingham, 1967
" We'll leave in an hour, Nan" your granddaughter softly smiled at you, chestnut brown locks falling in front of her rosy cheeks as she placed the small porcelain cup of freshly brewed tea on the doily covered table beside you.
" Thank you, dear" your eyes drifted solemnly from the black and white photo of you and Tommy next to the steaming cup of English brew. The captured moment, and its weathered edges, tucked safely behind the glass of it's silver-plated frame.
" Time doesn't half catch up on you when you're not looking" your eyes drifted down to your aged hands, to the wrinkles and patches of wisdom dotted across your skin as you reached out with shaky fingers to brush the pad of your thumb over your husband's youthful face staring back at you.
" Nan?" your granddaughter shifted towards you, hand resting gently on your back as her eyes darted to the bouquet of wrapped carnations, lonesome on her grandfather's leather upholstered chair of choice. "Nan, are you ok?"
" Hm?" you turned to see the concern in her eyes, to the feeling of her hand clutched tightly around yours in a pang of worry.
" Oh, don't fret lovey. All is well" your fingers brushed the ringlet of hair from her face to see the crystal blues of her eyes she and every member of your and Tommy's brood had inherited.
"Ok" she quietly caved in to your smile of reassurance as she watched your attentions drift back to her suited grandfather, sat stoic beside you in the portrait taken many moons ago.
" How did you and Grandad meet?" she was eager to lighten the mood. To one of happy memories. To the many stories she had been told by her grandfather when Sunday dinner had been eaten. When the dishes had been cleared, and she sat patiently by his chair, waiting for him to tell her about the tales of his youth while they both indulged in the stash of black liquorice sat in a ceramic pot by his favourite seat, neither one of them had a liking for. All but one story that was. A story he'd left for you to tell. One she was eager to learn before it was time to leave.
" Which time, my dear?" you turned with the milky cup of black tea perched between your lips, welcoming the warmth of England's remedy to all of life's hardships settle in your chest as the drizzly weather dusted the tips of your freshly cut grass with beaded droplets of rain.
" Nan, you must be confused. Surely you could have only met once?" your granddaughter's head lowered with a blushing smile at your usually sharp memory succumbing to your old age.
" Oh, but we didn't, dear. Even though your Grandfather's stubbornness on the matter often insisted otherwise" a youthful giggle erupted from your chest as a flurry of memories about both encounters swarmed back to you in a warm hug.
"The first time I met your Grandfather, he wasn't that far off from your own age" you adjusted yourself in your floral recliner for the long tale ready to be told as you placed your cup of tea down on its silver coaster.
" And the second time...well, I didn't recognise him at all" you watched your granddaughter eagerly nestle in, pulling one of your hand-knitted cushions into her lap.
" Tell me about it, please?" her eyes beamed with curiosity. Her buoyant energy and keenness to learn about how you had met, awakening the sounds of spinning carousels, the melodies of your youth being played from the intricately placed chimes of a wooden music box.
" It was the summer of 1907, the hottest day on record. And the fair had come to town..."
August, 1907
" I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" John, burdened with the title of middle child sang with the intention of irritating his older brother as giggling children ran by with fluffy clouds of sugared treats, whilst the sounds of a wooden music box being turned by a tattooed armed man, played through the buzz and excitement of the fair.
"Shut it, John" Arthur grumbled, eyes narrowing in on the stack of tropical fruits as he rolled the metal ball in the palm of his hand.
" There they all just standing in a row" the cockney classic continued as he plonked himself down on top of the table.
"Would ya bleeding shut it!" Arthur growled, squeezing the iron ball he was seconds from launching at his brothers head.
"Big ones, small ones" John cupped his shirted bosom with pouting lips as he slid into Arthurs line of sight.
" Idiot wants me to kill him" Arthur quietly smirked as his aim shifted to his brother's cackling face.
"Got too many brothers anyway" the eldest Shelby mumbled under his breath, squinting eyes curling at the obnoxious noise accompanied by Johns flamboyant dancing as his arm stretched out beside him, weapon firmly grasped between his fingers.
" One less mouth for Aunt Poll to feed, ay Tommy? Tom?" Arthur's murderous intentions went unheard as Tommy's remained elsewhere to a young girl with rebellious whispers of hair blowing in the summer breeze. A perched basket of freshly picked apples resting on her hip, ready to be dipped into their delightful syrupy mixture.
"Shit..." Tommy mumbled under his breath, eyes darting to find you disappearing among the swarming crowd as he wiped the beads of sweat from his brow before taking off in search of you.
"You won!" John jumped off the table, head snapping back to the tumbling sound of fuzzy coated coconuts falling to the ground.
"What d'you mean?..." the eldest brother sniffed, prize in hand as he turned to see the confusion knitted between John's brows.
"...I missed" Arthur's Cheshire smile grew at the slouching one of John's as his stuffed win landed with a hard thud across the back of his head before his darting eyes searched for his now, favourite brother.
"Where's Tom at?"
Swerving through the teeming crowd of people patiently waiting for a spin on the galloping horsed carousel, Tommy's searching eyes finally landed on you.
" You in line, Mister?" a young boy, cheeks full of candy floss tugged at the cuffs of his shirt as the line of fairgoers moved forward, pushing Tommy to the front.
" Ay?" Tommys eyes darted to and from the small child to you disappearing behind the wooden stalls of prizes yet to be won as he held up the huffing crowd.
" You getting on or what, son?" the stout operator grumbled with a flick of his head for Tommy to step onto the rickety ride, its wooden frame decorated with weathered looping twirls from the many summers it had seen.
" 'ere" Tommy reached into his pocket, handing the last of his tickets to the sticky cheeked boy before setting off in search of you for a second time.
" Thanks mister!" a squeaky call of gratitude saw Tommy off to the back of the brightly covered stalls, to you stood with a young man hovering over you.
" Go on, give us a quick kiss then" the towering lad, dressed down in only a vest and tweed trousers kept you in place as the scorching heat of the sun beamed down on your backs.
" Fuck off, O'Connor " your attempts to push past his strong build were rendered useless when his quick footing had him slip in front of you, thieving fingers delving into the basket of apples sat on your hip.
"Little tease" he bit down onto the freshly picked fruit with a smirk. Fingers lifting the ends of your dress for a peak under the frilly fabric, you hastily slapped away.
" Gonna ask your daddy for your hand in marriage. Won't be able to say no then" the teasing tone in his voice was suddenly replaced by his reaching hand, grabbing hold of your arm as he threw the half-eaten fruit behind him to the feet of Tommy, stood watching behind the wooden frame of the stall.
" He'll put a bullet through your chest before you get the chance if you don't let me go" you battled with his grasp with a stiffened bottom lip. Eyes watering at the stinging hold of his leathery hands searing your skin.
A good foot taller than him. Muscles as big as fucking boulders. Shit, Tommy thought to himself as he watched with rolling shoulders, pumping himself up for the scrap undoubtedly about to take place.
" Your pretty little head forgotten who owns this fucking fair?" his fingers cupped your cheek, forcing the back of your head against the wooden barrier separating you from aide.
"My old man was kind enough to give your family work when you lot came knocking. Can take it away just as quickly" he played with the fragile state of your family's finances, knowing how much you depended on your jobs at the fair to make ends meet.
" Come on, darling. Loosen up a bit, yeh?" his hand glided over your clothed breast in a hushed voice. Nestled head in the curve of your neck, leaving a trail of desire down your skin with moans of want as you squeezed your welling eyes shut, waiting for it to be over.
" Ay! Get the fuck off her!" Tommy raced forward, lean body ducking past O'Connor's turning shadow with a fist full of taught vengeance ready to be delivered in one mighty blow to his cheek.
And a mighty blow was dealt, one Tommy was sure had broken his hand when his stifled cries of pain had him swiftly turning his back to you in an agonising attempt to save face.
" You knocked the bastard out!" your back stiffened against the wooden stall as your widening eyes snapped down to the body of Sean O'Connor, slumped unconscious on the cracking earth of summers drought.
" Fuck!" Tommy's voice shrilled with a strangle bellow, succumbing to the stabbing pain shooting through his hand.
"Wha...what's his head made of? Fucking metal?!" he turned with a reddened face contorting in pain as his shivering hand, bloody and bruised, wiped his sweaty brow.
" Well, he is as thick as a brick" you stepped over the slumped body, heel of your shoe conveniently finding its way onto Sean's limp hand.
" Let me see" you slowly approached, gently cradling his hand in yours with an urgent need to inspect the damage that had been done.
" One of many battle wounds, I'm sure. But not broken" you quietly noted with a brush of your thumb over his battered hand, eyes locking with the besotted blue gaze staring down at you and the smile your own curling lips couldn't help but match as a blissfulll silence settled between you both.
"Thank you..." your gratitude came in a faint murmur against the sound of fairground melodies as you waited for him to introduce himself.
" Tommy Shelby" his freckled cheeks dimpled with a smile, bruised hand still cradled between yours in a hold so gentle, he'd all but forgotten about the throbbing pain he felt only moments before.
"I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/M/N" your cheeks blushed with a subtle sway of your hips as you melted under his crystal stare.
" Y/N" he echoed back in a whisper, eyes taking in every delicate feature that had captivated him from afar on the hottest day of August that was set to be the most cherished summer of his life.
" It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N"
For two months the fair had come to Birmingham. And for two months Tommy had visited you almost every day, spending a small fortune on tickets to go over looked by the watchful eyes of your family and those of Sean's who was laid up inside by the window of his family's wagon in search of the peaked cap boy who had bruised his ego.
But like most traveling folk, the time had come to move on. News the love-struck teen battled to swallow as he watched you clear the stall of trinkets and stuffed bears through the setting sun of the fair's last day.
" Can't you stay? Just one more day?" Tommy asked the impossible as he sat perched on the table next to you, picking at the splintering wood with eyes downcast at your shuffling feet.
" You know how it is, we never settle for too long" you caught his sorrowful gaze darting up at you as you placed the arms worth of prizes into its crate for his hand.
" Was just trying my luck, eh?" a faint smile and pull of your body had you settling yourself between his legs when a rowdy voice saw you both squinting through the fading sun.
" Come on, wrap it up, ay Tom! We've got a train to bloody catch!" Arthur called for his brother to hurry his goodbyes as a disgruntled Tommy mumbled his displeasure upon seeing him and John stood impatiently waiting for him.
" Here" you turned back with a blushing smile, fingers reaching into the wooden crate of treasures for a small box as Tommy's hands dropped to your waist. Eyes committing to memory every inch of your glowing face illuminated by the orange hues of the dying sun.
" Remember me by this" you pulled his hand in front of you, placing a small gold buckled ring on his thumb when your impending farewell got the better of you and a steady stream of tears began to roll down your cheeks.
With nothing left to say that would reassure your broken hearts you'd see each other again, your intended promises fell silent to the feeling of your lips meeting in a first kiss. A final goodbye to your summer romance.
" Don't forget me" you pulled away, cheeks dotted with tears when your shaky body was suddenly pulled back into a passionate embrace encouraged by the whistles and cheers of Tommy's hollering brothers before he left you stood where he'd first met you.
" Now how could I ever forget that, eh!" he called back with a boyish grin, adjusting his peak cap as Arthur landed a slap of approval to his shoulder before they ran to catch the last train of the day back to Small Heath.
High on the world, Tommy had already begun the count-down to when the fair would visit next year. But youth's wishfulness would be met with disappointment when life's hardships changed fate's trajectory and Tommy found himself hopelessly searching for you every summer as your face began to fade from his memory with each passing season. That was until an unexpected rainy day in 1914, when you'd meet again, for a second time.
Small Heath, 1914
"Easy on the breaks there, Tom. Easy now" Arthur held onto the dash of the chugging truck with a grunt. Regretting handing over the reins of designated driver to his younger brother
" It's a piece of shit!" Tommy protested about the dubiously sourced vehicle Arthur had scavenged.
" Yeh well, this piece of shit will see that this delivery finds its way to Charlie's yard" the two brothers shared a mischievous smirk as the sound of a truck's worth of nicked train tracks rattled behind them the Shelby boys would use to line their pockets for their growing family business ran out of their Watery Lane home.
" Turn 'ere" Arthur's eyes narrowed in on the end of the cobbled road, to the officer stood inspecting the goods of each passing vehicle after having learnt of the missing tracks that saw every train out of Small Health stranded that morning. " Tom, bloody turn!"
" It's...stuck!" Tommy battled with the wheel as the rattling truck rumbled towards the policeman eyeing up the chaotic scene of Arthur manhandling every leverage, every button in attempts to save themselves from driving head first into the baton-handed officer.
" Bloody thing!" the eldest brother leaned over, straining with Tommy to turn the stiffened wheel when the metal discs finally loosened and they swerved around the corner, narrowly missing the discovery of the tonnes worth of metal concealed in the back of the car.
" Fuck, that was a close one!" Arthur fell back into his chair with a chuckle as Tommy shot him an irritated glare at his useless ability to source the equipment needed to commit their petty crimes.
" Next time, I'm in charge" Tommy huffed as he turned his grinding jaw back to the road when something, or rather someone, suddenly caught his eye.
" Yeh, yeh" Arthur waved off his brother with a sniff, stretching his gangly legs along the foot of the car as Tommy found his eyes slipping to the cobbled path and the approaching sight of someone he never thought he'd lay eyes on again. You.
" Tommy. Ay, Tommy" Arthurs' heavy hand alerted his brother with a pat across his chest at the drifting wheels heading for the large puddle ahead.
Oblivious to the foolish cockup he was about to make. Tommy couldn't seem to drag his longing eyes from you after the seven years he'd gone without seeing you.
But a joyful reunion was off the cards for Tommy, whose frazzled thoughts had him forgetting that he was in fact, in control of the hurtling vehicle speeding your way. So frazzled that he had no time to react when the swerving wheels saw him drive into the large puddle, dosing you in a wave of muddied rain water.
" Shit! Shit!" Tommy's eyes darted to the rear-view mirror to you stood drenched from head to toe with waving arms as he slouched into his seat with reddening cheeks. His embarrassment only made worse by Arthur's perfectly sought choice of words.
" Well done you bloody idiot"
With a change of dry clothes and a frown permanently settled between your brows for the day that had started in a puddle of disaster, you began to tidy the countertop of the corner shop you now worked at. Unbeknownst that the very cause of said disastrous day, had inquired around the soot-covered town about your whereabouts, and was about to stroll through the door to the sound of the ringing bell hovered overhead.
You, you glared at the three men, eyes quickly hunting out the careless driver you remained oblivious to his connection to your youth.
With the sudden realisation that you didn't recognise him, Tommy casually drifted from shelf to shelf, to each boxed product and canned good while watching you in the corner of his eye as he swallowed back his disappointment.
Almost a decade later and you looked almost the same as you did on that sweltering summer day he had met you. A true beauty, one that had managed to turn him into a pathetic puppy-eyed boy like it had all those years ago. His enamorment with you, something he desperately tried to conceal from your glaring eyes, watching him over the newspaper in your hands.
With a roll of his shoulders, Tommy placed the can of beans back onto its dusty shelf, gold ring you had offered him all those years ago catching his eye. The same gold ring that had made its way across each growing finger, until it sat comfortably on his pinky.
" Packet of Sweet Aftons" he cleared his throat as you pulled your head up from the newspaper, forcefully folding its flimsy pages in half Tommy was sure would see the side of his face if he didn't say anything, if he didn't apologise for his small detour into you that morning.
" Of course...sir" your forced smile came with a hefty amount of exaggerated politeness that didn't go amiss by his sniggering brothers stood behind him.
" I erh, I didn't see you there...this morning, that is" he cleared his throat as you stepped onto the small wooden stool to the shelf of neatly arranged boxed cigarettes. The hung mirror reflecting off the wall, capturing Tommy elbowing his giggling brothers who were intent on making your reunion as painful as they possibly could for him.
" I would've stopped, but we were in a hurry" Tommy refrained from reminding you of who he was on a whim that you'd save him from further embarrassment when you finally recognised him. Or so he hoped.
" Five pence" you slammed the cardboard packet of rolled tobacco onto the counter, unimpressed with the strangers' attempts at a half-assed apology.
"Right" another wave of disappointment quietened his voice as he jostled in his suit trousers for the brassy coins.
" It's usually on the house, love" Johns ill timed remark left Tommy internally crippling at the smirk growing on your lips.
" That so?" your brows raised at the youngest's nodding head as you tossed each coin into the silver dipped till.
" Have a nice day, gentlemen" you shot a pursed smile at Tommy's lingering stare as you shut the metal draw with a loud clang.
With a knitted brow you watched each sharply dressed man leave the small corner shop, when the clouds parted, capturing the illuminated face of the sole culprit to your bad day. The blues of his eyes and freckled face causing a forgotten memory to emerge in the forefront of your searching mind. One you had no time to puzzle together when the hollering voice of your boss suddenly boomed in your ear.
" Oh bloody Christ! Jesus bloody Christ, Y/N!" your boss waddled towards you, your and Tommy's mutual gaze broken as he strolled past the shop window out of sight.
" What have you gone and done, you silly girl?" your employer paced back and forth, eyes nervously darting to and from the bustling street outside.
" Made you five pence is what I've done" you protested, hands coming down onto your hips with a knitted brow of confusion at his unexpected reaction at you doing your job.
" You're gonna have to go give them their money back. And...and apologise!" your mumbling boss brushed the film of sweat from his brow, fumbling fingers pulling the knobbly ended leaver to open the till.
" And why would I do that?" you watched him turn your hand in a panic, placing more than double the amount of the sale in your palm.
" You may be new here, but you'd be wise to learn about the people who run this shit hole we call home before you lose your eyes" your boss spoke of the emerging razor gang that had begun to slowly gain notoriety in the Birmingham district.
" And who might those people be?" your rolling eyes at his exaggerated worry about a group of petty chancers had you huffing as you pulled your coat over your shoulders, when he grabbed hold of your arm, whispering the name of the cutthroat gang you had encountered.
" The Peaky Blinders, that's who"
With stomping feet and locks of blowing hair trailing behind you in the bitter wind, you marched through the sludge of Small Heath to the pub the locals called the Garrison on the orders of your boss.
" Come on..." you grunted, straining to open the heavy doors of the tavern that's hinges had frozen in the frosty weather when you unceremoniously flew into the smoke-clouded pub with a tumble.
" Great" you mumbled under your breath at the murmur of low chuckles, the crowd of eyes glaring over their shoulders at your dramatic entrance.
Head held high above each following stare, you sought out the man you had been begrudgingly forced to apologise to. The very same man you found smirking at you over his pint of ale in a dimly lit corner of the pub.
" I hope you don't think I'm gonna pull out the red carpet for you" your apology fell short as you tossed the pennies onto the wooden table, fearless of him and his family's growing status in the town, having already lived a hardened childhood among petty criminals such as himself.
"Keep it. Buy a toffee apple" a boyish smile peaked at the corner of his mouth as he pushed the money back across the table to you. His attempts to refresh your memory only leaving you with a tilting head of confusion at his peculiar suggestion.
" You don't remember me, do you Y/N?" your brow scrunched upon hearing your name, when your attentions darted to the sound of a spinning coin coming to a stop, to the pinky-ringed finger tapping against its bronze printed front that suddenly caused a wave of memories to hurtle back to you about the boy you had shared a fleeting teen romance with.
Tommy Shelby. Your summer love.
*I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter in the comments below 💚*
[Next part]
Tag list: @mischievouslittlecreature @peakyswritings @jbrownta @youngbananamilkshake @meadowshelby
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years ago
Birmingham | Tommy Shelby x Reader (Part 17)
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Previous Part
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Polly deals with some business back in Birmingham while (Y/N) sorts out things with her mother in Sheffield. Something happens before Tommy and (Y/N) are able to come home.
Warnings: mentions of smoking, mentions of threats to kill someone
Word Count: 3915
A/N: here comes the fallout of the previous chapter. I hope everything makes sense once you’ve read it. Also I’ve included the ‘sooner’ results of that one poll I posted…I hope it was worth the wait. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged - there are 3 parts left!
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Grace was busy wiping down the tabletops inside the empty Garrison tavern. She hated that she could only really clean once the place was empty, and that she now had to carry the entire burden as (Y/N) was off in Sheffield. She decided that she'd actually get to cleaning when her preliminary search of the offices for any more information came up empty. She didn't expect the sound of the side door opening to ring out in the otherwise quiet room.
"We're closed," she called to whoever it was that entered the establishment, not caring enough to look up from what she was doing.
"Oh I know," the voice that responded made her eyes snap up in seconds. Polly Gray was standing in the doorway, eyes already locked on her target.
"Polly," the name left Grace's lips like a gasp, "wha...what are you doing here?"
"I think you know what I'm doing here," Polly's answer was curt.
Grace knew exactly what she meant without having to be told though. It felt like her stomach dropped at the words, and immediately she began to scramble for what she'd say next while hoping that she still looked composed.
Polly spoke first though. "I was going to wait and see if Tommy figured this out or if he was told about it," she began, speaking slowly to let the other woman know that she was in charge of this conversation.
"It seems that he hasn't," Grace took Polly's pause as a time to interject a statement, tipping her chin slightly upwards (in hopes) to show that the statement rolled off of her back.
"Oh I know that," Polly was quick with the counter, "and I was going to let it go until he did figure things out..." she paused, looking the blonde woman up and down before her eyes narrowed slightly, "but then you brought (Y/N) into this when she never should have been. You've made this my problem, and I intend on dealing with it now," she made sure to enunciate her words so that they were spoken clearly.
"What do you know?" Grace decided to ask another question, wanting to see how many cards could be laid out on the table before she played her hand.
"I know that you are not only a barmaid...that you are working for Inspector Campbell; in order to find the stolen guns," Polly began, "I know that you're the one who gave Freddie up. You had a hand in him being taken away from his family just as it was started," she paused, staring the blonde woman down for a few seconds before continuing, "and I know that when you went to tell Inspector Campbell about those guns, you decided to bring (Y/N) into the situation; telling him that she was the one who was hiding them here in Small Heath."
Grace's jaw would have dropped had she not stopped it as Polly offered the last bit of knowledge that she possessed. She wondered how that detail got out...she'd spoken to Campbell in confidence so that it wouldn't.
"Campbell has a tendency to share his plans loudly," Polly cut into her thoughts, divulging exactly what she wanted to hear. "And I think I know why you did it..." she trailed off then, her eyebrows raising as she waited to see if Grace would say anything. She continued when she was met with silence, "I think that you met Tommy and you fell for him. I think that you struggled between the obligation you came here to carry out, and the man you met. Tommy was different from the type of man you were expecting to bring down, and that intrigued you. But then came (Y/N)...she was in the way of what you wanted, and so you made up the lie to try and get her to take the hit for the guns."
"Why are you saying all of this?" Grace asked, her brows furrowed, a panicked feeling starting to bubble up inside of her. She tried hard to keep her composed front up though.
"Because you should know that, in this city, we Shelbys have power. And with that power comes the ability to receive knowledge...and to make knowledge change, or even disappear," Polly pressed her lips together in an attempt to conceal the grin that was threatening to grow on her face as she got ready to reveal an update in Grace's attempted plan. "I've spoken with Sargent Moss, who has investigated (Y/N)'s involvement with the guns. He’s cleared her from any involvement with them. Your plan is no longer being carried out in the way you hoped it would," she allowed the grin to grow once she finished her statement, taking satisfaction in seeing all of the confidence drain out of the younger woman's features.
Polly pursed her lips before her grin could take over her entire expression, feeling even more confident after seeing Grace's reaction to it.
The younger woman was frozen. She didn't quite know what to do, or what to say in response to the information she'd just been given. How was she to play her hand if it had just been completely taken from her?
"I suggest you pack your things and leave Birmingham before (Y/N) comes home. She doesn't know of this little lie you've told at the moment, but she will when she returns, and...well I'm surprised she let you live after the lies you've told her before," Polly broke the tense silence. Grace stayed frozen. "Have I made myself clear in that?" she asked, being met with silence.
"You can't protect him forever, you know that," Grace decided to speak again, hoping she still sounded intimidating, "and (Y/N)...she'll cause bad."
"You must not have realized how we Shelbys are then. We'll protect our own until we can't. And she may...but you've already caused it," Polly didn't even budge on Grace's weak attempts of a comeback. "You should leave. If I see you again, I might just kill you myself," she advised then, nodding her head once to show her determination.
(Y/N) was out of breath as she approached the door of her childhood home. "Mum?!" she called as she entered it and was met with an empty room. "Mum?! It's me, everything's alright!" she called again, making her way deeper into the home. Where are you? she thought to herself, walking into the kitchen to find it also empty. The scraping of something on the floor above her made her realize that she may be upstairs. She rushed to the steps and ascended them as fast as she could. "Mum? It's me, mum!" she called out as she approached the door to her parent's room, "I'm coming into the room," she announced as she grabbed the doorknob.
She opened the door slowly, finding the room empty. She knew that her mother was in here though, because this room was right above where the scraping came from. "I'm here alone, mum...I'm safe," she called out as she looked around the room, slowly taking a step inside.
"Over here," she heard a voice call softly, making her rush to the hidden side of the bed to find her mother cowering next to the nightstand - which was what must've scraped the floor.
"It's me," (Y/N) repeated herself as she extended her hand to her mother, "I'm safe."
"You've got blood on you," her mother gasped, making (Y/N) look down and finally realize that some of Garrett's blood had splattered onto her clothing.
"I'm safe, I promise. It's done," she assured her mother. The older woman knew exactly what she was talking about even though she spoke in veiled statements. "Please, stand up with me now," she said then, offering her hand once more in hopes that her mother would take it.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she did. Both of the women stood up and embraced each other in a tight hug. Feeling her mother's comforting arms wrap around her made (Y/N)'s walls fall down again. She couldn't stop the tears as they welled up in her eyes and spilled over.
"We're safe now, mum. He can't hurt us anymore," (Y/N) whispered into her mother's ear as she held onto her for as long as she could. They held the embrace for a few moments longer before stepping away to look at each other. "I'm sorry for coming in unexpectedly. You were the first person I thought of after it was finished," she then apologized for her abrupt entry.
"It's ok, darling," her mother forgave her, "dad's out of town on business. I told him that this would be a good time to take the trip like you and I spoke about...he's not expected to be back for another few days," she explained her husband's whereabouts. (Y/N) nodded, feeling relieved that that part of the plan they'd spoken about in their correspondence had been followed through with.
"No one was in the bar when it happened. He asked everyone to leave when he noticed I was there...said that he wanted to have a conversation with me. Everyone was cleared from the area before the shot rang out," (Y/N) then explained what had gone down on her side of the events.
"Did you do it?" her mother asked. It flashed quickly, but (Y/N) thought she saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she asked the question.
"I didn't," (Y/N) shook her head, glancing at the wall behind her mother, "Tommy was there too. He was able to take the shot when I couldn't," she then explained.
"That's fine...so long as it was finished with," her mother assured her, nodding slightly as she spoke, keeping her eyes locked with (Y/N)'s.
(Y/N) nodded along with her as she felt a lump start to build up in her throat. "I...I'm so sorry, mum," she choked out, another wave of emotion flowing over her as the events caught up once more.
"You don't need to be sorry, love," her mother was quick to console her, "you knew what he was going to do...this was what had to be done. You've saved both your life and mine in doing so," she explained in a calming voice.
"But...but Clay's going to..."
"He's not going to find out. He was at his office while it happened, and you said it yourself that nobody saw it. Anyone could have done it," (Y/N)'s jumbled response was cut off again by her mother's justifications. "It hurts because it's family, but this is what happens inside families like ours. He was going to harm us...we couldn't let that happen," the older woman continued, speaking with a steady voice, "my father wouldn't have let it happen. It's time that us women work to take some power back within our own family."
(Y/N) nodded as she listened to what her mother had to say. "We're going to be ok, right?" she asked once she'd been able to calm down.
"We are. We're going to be more than ok, love," her mother agreed with her. "He wasn't going to bring anything good into this family. I believe he's finally found his peace now...whatever that peace may be," she then said.
It hurt her to think of her son this way, but it was what was necessary. Garrett was ready to fly off of the handle. He was in the midst of planning to find (Y/N) and then be able to rid the family of the 'weaker links', which meant that he was going after his mother too. In his mind, all the women did was take up space...they weren't good for anything because they didn't fight or throw their hat into the ring to help out the family in, what he deemed to be, a substantial way while the war was going on. The only reason why he wasn't able to push forward on this crusade, if you will, was because Clay didn't think that it was ideal to carry the plan out. He was more invested in trying to make deals and expand their control over the city. Garrett usually listened to Clay but, over these last few weeks, it seemed as though he was gearing up to carry out his plans without approval. This is what made Ann Weller scared, and it's ultimately why she decided to write (Y/N) a letter explaining what was happening so that they could create a plan of their own.
She was thankful that all of the different parts worked out the way they did. She didn't want to think of the consequences that would have arisen had one gone wrong.
"You said that Tommy came with you, (Y/N)?" Anne asked after both of the ladies were completely calm again.
"Yes," (Y/N) nodded her head, "he did." Realization struck her then as she remembered running out of the pub and leaving Tommy in the dust as she rushed to get to her mother. "I left him at the pub," she said then, stepping away from her mother to exit the room and rush down the steps. She was fully prepared to sprint back to the pub where she left him, but she quickly realized that she wouldn't need to. "Tommy," she gasped, surprised to see him standing in the front room of the home.
"I was only a few steps behind you," he explained to her, immediately seeing her surprised expression. (Y/N) didn't know what to say, so she just nodded, her worry dissipating once more.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Shelby," Ann’s voice came from behind her daughter, making her turn around.
"It's nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Weller. And please, call me Tommy," he smiled at her, stepping forward to offer his hand in a formal greeting.
"You call me Ann then," she told him while shaking his hand, making him chuckle as he nodded in agreement. "Thank you for looking after my daughter, Tommy," she said, an appreciative smile on her face.
"You're welcome," Tommy accepted her gratitude, looking over at (Y/N) to see that she was already smiling at him. He held her gaze until she broke away, looking bashfully at the ground. "I'm sorry about what had to happen," he addressed what had gone down earlier, looking at Ann again.
"Don't be," Ann brushed his apology off, "I've already told (Y/N)...he was my son, but he was also an angry and violent man. I hope that he's found peace now," she then reiterated what she'd said to (Y/N) moments ago. Tommy nodded along with her, making note of how she felt about the situation.
"It's getting late," (Y/N) spoke up again after a few moments had passed, "we should head back to Birmingham, Tommy."
"If you're ready," Tommy agreed with her while still letting her lead the situation.
"I am," (Y/N) nodded her head before she looked at her mother. "I love you, mum," she said, a smile on her face as she stepped forward to hug the older woman.
"I love you, sweetheart," Ann repeated the sentiment, hugging her daughter tightly, "things will be better from now on," she assured her, stepping back to smile at her as she held onto her shoulders.
"They will," (Y/N) agreed with her mother, even though she didn't feel what she was saying completely in her heart. "Shall we go?" she asked Tommy as she turned to face him. Tommy only nodded in response, taking a step to the door then. "Bye, mum. I'll write to you when I'm home safe," (Y/N) said to her mother, sending her one last smile before she followed Tommy to the door.
"Bye, (Y/N)," Ann sent a smile back, watching as the two exited the home and went on their way back to the car they'd arrived in.
The walk back was filled with silence. Tommy finally had a chance to smoke; he'd been needing a cigarette after what went down at the pub, but he was more worried about (Y/N) than his desires. Having her safe by his side finally allowed him to give in.
Tommy opened the driver's side door with no hesitation, getting himself ready to enter the car when he noticed that (Y/N) was practically frozen on the passenger's side. "(Y/N)?" he called to her, his brows furrowed as he looked through the car's windows to see her absentmindedly staring at the door. She didn't answer him, didn't even look up, so he dropped his hand from the door and walked around to meet her on the other side. "Everything ok, love?" he asked once he was in front of her.
"Huh?" she asked, snapping out of her thoughts, sounding surprised.
"You weren't getting into the car," he pointed out, "are you alright?"
"I, uh..." she trailed off, breaking eye contact as she hoped to keep herself together, "this can't keep happening with us, Tommy. This can’t become our ‘thing’," she choked out, her attempts failing as she recalled the past two times where they found themselves in a situation similar to what had happened at the pub earlier.
Tommy frowned as he heard what she had to say. "It won't happen again," he told her, a definitive tone in his voice.
(Y/N) wanted to take that statement at face value and hold onto it with all of her might, but she just couldn't. Instead she felt her heart break at the possibility that there very well could be another time. "That's not something you can promise," she pointed out, her voice broken. She dropped her gaze to the pavement as tears started to prick her eyes, not wanting Tommy to see her cry. She couldn't get it past him though, because she felt his arms engulf seconds later. His embrace was tight, one that she immediately sunk into.
"These sort of things'll be done now, eh?" he tried to reason with her, resting his chin on the top of her head as she clung to him tightly. "Look at me, (Y/N)," he whispered then, making her step back from him. He took his chance and took her face into his hands, holding her so that she couldn't break eye contact. "I might not be able to promise that, but I can promise that I will keep you safe, no matter what happens, ok?" he spoke in all seriousness, his eyes widening to show how much he cared. "I will keep you safe," he reiterated his point, his eyes searching hers as he spoke.
(Y/N) nodded as best she could with her head in his hands. "Ok," she breathed, feeling truly safe as he was holding her.
"Ok," he repeated her single word statement in a similar tone, nodding slightly as well.
Silence fell between them then, and (Y/N) realized in that period just how close they'd gotten. She could feel the warmth of Tommy's breath as it fanned across her face. The blueness of his eyes trapped her, shining despite the circumstances and giving her a glimmer of hope that maybe things would be better from there on out. She stayed in his grasp, watching as his eyes flitted to her lips for a moment before locking with hers again. A strange sensation shot through her as she watched him do that, and she couldn't help but do some searching of her own, letting her eyes travel over his features as she admired them up close.
Tommy dropped his eyes to her lips one more time before he made up his mind and decided to stop dancing around what he was wanting to do, what he’d been wanting to do. He leaned in slowly, giving her a chance to realize what he was doing; waiting for her to react in any sort of way. The second he saw her eyelids flutter shut, he closed the gap and pressed his lips to hers.
All of the bells and whistles were going off inside (Y/N)'s mind the second she felt his lips touch hers. She returned the kiss right away, her hands grabbing onto the sides of his suit jacket as she felt like she was about to be swept off of her feet.
The first kiss was short, a sort of a taste or teaser...a way to test the waters. Tommy was the one to pull away, but he didn't move far, only retreating a few centimeters so that they could both grab a breath before he leaned back in and kissed her again; his intentions more firm this time.
If the first kiss would have swept her off of her feet, this kiss would have blown (Y/N) away. She was not in any way prepared for something like this to happen, but now that it was happening, she didn't want it to end. Everything felt right in this moment. Her worries were pushed to the back of her mind as he moved to the forefront.
Their kiss lasted for a few moments before Tommy pulled away again, this time for good as he lifted his head slightly and pressed his lips to her forehead. (Y/N) relished in the feeling as tingles continued to shoot through her body. Nothing was said as he let go of her face and wrapped his arms around her once more, holding her flush against him.
"Are you ok?" he finally broke the silence, pulling her away to let her stand at arm's length as he looked her over.
"More than," she couldn't stop herself fast enough, the half-dazed answer escaping her lips before she had the chance to think it over.
Her response made him chuckle, a slight grin forming on his face as he relished in seeing her sheepish smile form. He hoped he didn't look too animated on the outside, and that she couldn't feel his heart where it was thudding in his chest. "Good," he said to her, feeling like a weight lifted off of his shoulders as she smiled at him.
She pulled him back into an embrace without warning, resting her head flat against his chest. She took comfort in the fact that his heart was beating rapidly, happy that he was reacting the same way she was. He held her tight to him, letting her rest in his arms with no questions asked. Silence surrounded them again until she asked a question of her own: "can we go home now?"
Her voice was soft, but Tommy heard her. "We can," he answered without hesitation, his heart rate picking up again at her word choice.
(Y/N) didn't misspeak. Even though she grew up in Sheffield, Birmingham had grown to feel more like home than that place ever had. Something told her that the man whose arms she was standing in had a lot to do with why she felt that way.
And now she just wanted to go home.
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Next Part
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brummiereader · 4 months ago
@call-sign-shark was so happy to find the time today and chill on my settee and read this long awaited chapter ❤️.
I have some vague memories of you sharing pieces of this chapter before you went to the UK. I can't tell you how eager I've been to see this scene unfold and Heavens murderous reaction.
I felt for her at the beginning, she's clearly not ready to share the news about the baby, considering not even Arthur knows. I know Polly meant no harm, but I've always got the impression that Heaven is pretty private when it comes to things that have to do with her Arthur.
What did you feel when we kissed? A shiver ran down your spine as you heard Tommy’s husky voice, as charming as venomous, whispering in your ear. 😬, he's still in her head. I'm not sure how I feel about this 😂. I still don't know what Tommy was playing at with that move, but you'd think he'd have some respect for his brother's wife, considering how much he loves him, like we saw in the last scene of this chapter. It's just a weird move on him, I can't get my head around it, and clearly, neither can Heaven lol.
I actually found it pretty sweet how she diverted the attention away from her to Lizzie. Heaven understands how Lizzie always feel like second best in that family, so It was nice to see her give her a little attention and let her have her time to shine.
Just have to mention, my brain is slowly starting to attach Heavens face to her knew face claim. And I have to say, I love it ❤️.
Ok, so the whole next scene was as heartbreaking as it was gruesome.
The more you pushed with your thumbs, the more you felt his eyeball turning into a viscous pulp. I don't think I'll ever be able to unsee this now 😳. I love how she turned into the animal version of herself. I knew she wouldn't be able to hold back when it came down to it. It was the perfect gory scene I always imagined it would be.
I think what Heaven went through after could possibly be the most hardest descion a wife would have to go through. It stirred some very deep and surpressed emotions in me, and honestly made me quite teary. Maybe it's because I'm a mum myself, at that changes my reaction compared to some of your other readers, I don't know 🤷🏼‍♀️. But her pain was felt as she desperately tried to bring Arthur back while she simultaneously felt her baby dying.
I actually really enjoyed how Tommy came in and supported her throughout the entire thing after he got over the horrors (come on Tom, you're supposed to be hardened gangster 🙄😂). I'm alway on the fence about their toxic relationship, sometimes it makes my skin crawl how he acts with her but it's times like these where you see them kinda unite where I have a little hope that he'll respect those unspoken boundaries between them both and they'll eventually have a "normal" relationship 😬.
Or that you would at least die trying to save him. This last line in very intune with Heaven and Arthur, they'll die trying to save each other.
Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us next. Amazing as always ❤️.
Heaven in Your Eyes || Arthur Shelby x You
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Summary: It was supposed to be an entertaining evening. Boxing fights, booze and party. It wasn't supposed to be one of the worst days of your life. || Featuring Tommy Shelby x Reader
Words: 4.5k
TW: angst+++, alteration of canon events, canonical violence, depictions of slaughter and body horror, main character death, Reader's husband dying, suicidal thoughts, graphic murder. Parts in bold are direct quotes from the show. Parts in Italics are direct quotes from preceding chapters. Also, Tommy will take more space in the next chapters.
✞ Shorter chapter because it's extremely violent and angsty. Also, I'm super rusty so I tried to write it in a more direct style so it's prolly less poetic and beautiful.
✞ This is chapter 16 of the Arthur Shelby x You series Heaven in Your Eyes. Each chapter can be read as stand-alones but reading the whole series will make the experience far more intense.
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PREVIOUS || Masterlist || NEXT PART
The extraordinary general meeting of the Shelby Ladies Club.
This is what Polly called this unexpected little meeting in the bathroom right in the middle of the rigged fight happening a few rooms away. When you entered the lavatory with Ada complaining about the sparring between Goliath and Bonnie, Aunt Pol was taking a cigarette from the silver case she was holding while Lizzie was fixing her hair.
“I love your messy bun, Heaven.” Lizzie complimented when she saw your reflection in the mirror she was using.
“Thank you Liz. Ada scolded me and decided that it would be a better hairstyle for tonight.”
“You never style your hair except for braids and it’s a fucking shame considering how beautiful and long your white mane is.” The young Shelby sister insisted.
“If you say so,” You snorted, amused, “What are you doing here? Plotting and scheming? Leave these for Thomas.” You smirked, sitting on the edge of a sink with movements as nimble as a cat. Your little cutting remark had the expected effect: the three girls laughed with sincerity, somewhat amused by the beef between you and the family’s boss. They had eventually learned that nothing could ever ease the tension between the two of you, so laughing about the matter was the only thing they could do. A part of you couldn’t help but think that they wouldn’t find it that amusing anymore if they knew the unhealthy turn your mutual hatred had taken.
What did you feel when we kissed? A shiver ran down your spine as you heard Tommy’s husky voice, as charming as venomous, whispering in your ear. It might only have been a memory, but you could almost feel his hot whisky breath brushing your skin.
“Heaven has some news.” Polly’s voice resounded in the bathroom, snatching you from your thoughts.
“Me?” You asked, batting your bambi lashes in incomprehension before the understanding of the situation slapped you right in the face.
“Well, tell her. Now! While the men are screaming for blood.”  Polly sneaked a cigarette between her thin, red lips. 
Your blood momentarily froze in your pale veins for this unexpected pregnancy wasn’t something you wanted to talk about. For sure Aunt Pol didn’t mean to do harm, but the surrounding chaos and your last encounter with Luca Changretta seriously eroded your wish to have a baby. The baby who made you so vulnerable during times that were anything but good. Moreover, a quick glance at Lizzie’s sad and anxious eyes had been enough for you to understand that something was weighing on her shoulders. Something you had guessed for a few days. Something she needed to talk about more than you. The corner of your mouth turned up in a half-smile.
“Well, I discovered something about Lizzie but I think she should be the one making the announcement. Shouldn’t you, Lizzie?” You winked, replacing one of your long white strands of hair behind your pierced ear with a naive pout. Glitters of hope and gratefulness suddenly sparkled in the ocean blue of the secretary’s eyes to whom you replied with a discreet nod before grabbing Polly’s cigarette case.
“I’m up the duff. And it’s Tommy’s.”
You took a long drag on the cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke by your nostrils as the attention was now on Lizzie. Even though Ada almost choked on her sip of gin, she quickly showed interest in the tall woman’s pregnancy. The only one you didn’t fool was old and cunning Aunt Pol who gave you a brief “okay I get it” glance before turning back to Lizzie.
It’s a girl. Call her Ruby. Ruby Shelby. She’ll be a star in a Hollywood movie.
You watched the scene with a light smile floating upon your plump and glossy lips, satisfied by the outcome of your little trick as well as the surprising unconditional support Lizzie was receiving after years of being seen only through her job as a prostitute. Admittedly, the reason behind the little push you gave to Lizzie Stark was purely selfish, but you couldn’t deny the fact that you kind of liked the woman despite never really interacting with her. She got the attention, and you got peace. It was a win-win situation.
“Congratulations, Lizzie.” You said, your siren-like voice as soft as a lazy ocean.
“She’s a real Shelby lady now. Just like you, Devil.”  Polly’s smirk betrayed her amusement. You rolled your eyes teasingly before proudly showing your left hand and wiggling your small fingers to display the magnificent wedding ring Arthur had gifted you.
“What about you Hev? When are you planning to give us a little Arthur?” Ada suddenly asked, Lizzie's news had visibly rendered her sour mood better.
“I think one Arthur is enough for now, don’t you?” You got up from the sink and carefully smoothed the folds your revealing black dress, “Anyway. Ladies, let’s rejoin our gentlemen.”
“I guess the meeting is over.” Ada added with a little chuckle
Joining deeds to words, Polly gently hooked her arm with yours in a motherly gesture and guided you outside, where the crowd’s roars were echoing.
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Laughs and cheers filled the room as Johnny Dog put on a show to get more men to bet on the winner of this fight. Swallowing a mouthful of gin, your seraphic traits turned into a wince at the burning sensation the alcohol left in your throat – that new batch was strong, indeed. The sweet taste that exploded on your tastebuds, when the tip of your rosy tongue licked your juicy lips, made you grin, or maybe it was the all-consuming smell of sweat and blood that lingered in the air. It might come off as surprising for other women, but you enjoyed watching fights. There was something brutal but so real about them. After all, humans were just animals wearing suits. Animals which, according to you, had barely learned to speak instead of growling.
Your lips pinched the cigarette as you took another drag you quickly blew, your eyes following blood spurting from Bonnie’s nose and splattering the ground. Although quieter than Polly, Lizzie, and Ada, who were laughing, screaming, and sometimes nudging you in excitement at each violent blow the Romani boy gave back to his opponent, you had a lot of fun. Until a peculiar but familiar feeling blossomed within.
It started with a chill creeping down your spine and ended up with light tremors shaking your frail silhouette. Instinctively, you raised your piercing gaze and searched for Arthur somewhere among the crowded rows of folded seats. Your usual calm demeanor faltered as you noticed that your husband seemed troubled by something, rapidly glancing from here and there, attempting to read the room for whatever reason. He didn’t even pay attention to you, far too busy observing the men that were around the boxing ring. Eventually, Arthur stood up and left, his steel blue eyes fixed on someone he followed through the depths of the building. Let me do my fucking job! That’s what he barked at Tommy, or at least what you thought you overheard.
You frowned as a strange sensation rippled through your mind – like a distant, haunting whisper of something looming, a threat. Nervously swallowing your saliva, your first reflex was looking at Tommy. You couldn’t place it, but the odd feeling gripped you tightly like an omen you couldn’t shake, warning you of an approaching storm. It seemed like little King Shelby shared your inner agitation though, for his mesmerizing turquoise eyes dived into yours with the same nervousness and incomprehension. Whatever the many reasons behind your hatred, you were definitely on the same wavelength at this very moment. The silent conversation, expressed through brief eyebrows and eye movements, was more or less the following:
-Where is he going?
-I don’t know. It’s prolly the booze and the pills.
-It’s not. I’ll check.
-Don’t fucking do that.
You stood up from your seat with a clenched jaw and, feeling the vibration of this bad omen quaking your soul itself, you nimbly snaked in and out through seats and followed Arthur’s steps. As was the case for your husband a few minutes ago, the dark corridor into which you rushed engulfed your ethereal silhouette like a hungry giant.
“Fuck.” Tommy mumbled, straightening on his seat and leaning forward, “Fuck.” He repeated, torn between his own doubts and his disdain for you. Nevertheless, if there was one thing he had learned since you joined the family was that your gut feelings were never wrong. You proved it several times, starting by foreseeing Charlie’s abduction. The dark-haired gangster sniffed and nervously rubbed his chin, his catlike eyes going back on forth between the corridor and the crowd. A few minutes later, Tommy finally left the fighting pit.
Something was definitely off.
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Cautiously walking through the maze of dark hallways dimly lit by a bluish light, you tried to ignore the maddening beat of your heart that was drumming so loud you felt it hammering in your temples. You didn’t really know where you were heading, nor where Arthur went, but the more you moved forward, the more this unbearable feeling of dread and panic invaded you. Your aimless wandering came to an end when the strong and metallic smell of fresh blood and the atrocious sight that followed jumped at your face.
Your heart nearly stopped when you saw him – your husband, slumped on the ground, blood soaking through the collar of his shirt as it gushed from the wound across his throat.
Time seemed to slow down, and your heart seemed to stop as you took in the scene: the gun the Italian bastard was holding in his steady hand aimed at Arthur’s head.
Panic crashed over you like a tidal wave, washing away everything but the rage that had piled up within you during all these years. In that moment, something primal and destructive snapped inside of you. In a blur of rage and raw instinct, and with a guttural scream that seemed too inhumane to come from you, you launched yourself at the mafioso, who barely had the time to turn around. Another furious shriek escaped from your quivering lips, similar to the rabid screech of a wounded banshee, and with your fingers curled into claws, your sharp nails slashed across his face.  
“PUTTANA!” The man yelled and gasped, taken aback by your unleashed fury.
The mafioso fired with his gun in a desperate attempt to kill you but the brutal impact between your two bodies threw him off balance and the shot reached the wall instead of your brain. As his spine crashed against the tiled ground, Changretta’s henchman dropped the weapon. You gave it a brutal blow to make it slide away from him.
Another wave of insults followed as he realized that he struggled to overpower you. You were fighting like a cornered animal, wild and relentless. Your claws scratched him again and again, leaving raw and jagged lines of blood all over his face. The mafioso's strength was starting to falter as he realized that you weren’t just fighting to win; you were fighting to kill him, your body moved by the instinct of a bloodthirsty beast that refused to be caged.
"Stop it, you fucking bitch!" A scream of utter pain brutally tore the air as, completely out of your mind, you dug your thumbs into his skull, pushing harder and harder in an attempt to gouge his eyes. The Sicilian man produced a second sound so twisted that it seemed beyond anything a human throat could produce. The more you pushed with your thumbs, the more you felt his eyeball turning into a viscous pulp. The feeling of the moist and warm liquid on your fingers didn’t stop you. Nor the man’s wails of pure agony, with its pitch far too high and too broken.
“Ajùtami! Ajùtami!” He pleaded, his hands felt the ground in panic, searching for anything he could use to push you away from him. Anything to make you stop. Realizing that nothing was around him, not even the thread he used to attack Arthur, he managed to overcome the pain and gather his strength to grab your throat.
With your air squeezed, you wheezed and removed your fingers from his skull to claw his strong hands. “S-Stop!” Panic flooded you as your vision blurred, black spots dancing at the edges. The harder you fought, the harder he strangled you. Seriously lacking air, you clawed at his arms, desperate to breathe, but his grip was iron. Now you had to do something and do it quickly if you wanted to have a chance to save Arthur.
Your thoughts raced, frantic, until instinct took over.
I love your messy bun, Hev!
The judas stick – now you had a chance. With one quick movement, you brought your hand to your bun and your fingers fumbled for the sharp metal judas stick that was holding your hair in place. It came in handy. With a choked sound, you drove it upward and sunk the sharp edge of the stick into the man’s side.
One time.
Two times.
Three, four, five, six…
Side, chest, shoulder, face… 
Each impact was vicious and powerful, tearing through the flesh like butter and drilling into organs and bones with the sheer will of maiming your enemy. Hot blood splashed all over you and around, but you didn’t care. The only thing that made you stop stabbing him was when you felt the man’s grip loosen around your throat until his arms dropped on the red-smeared ground in a loud thud.
“Fuck!” You sucked in a sharp breath, your voice hoarse from being choked. However, you quickly got up from the corpse to run to your husband.  “Arthur!” You screamed, rushing to his side, your hands trembling as you knelt beside him – or rather as you dropped to your knees, your legs unable to support your weight anymore. Panic seized you even more violently as you saw Arthur's deep wound and the blood—too much blood.
“No, no, no… not like this,” You whispered, voice cracking. You couldn’t lose him, not here, not now. Never. Your fingers brushed over his chest and, in your deepest desperation, you looked for his pulse. A pulse you found, but which was becoming slower and fainter as seconds flew by. “Arthur! Please!” You started sobbing, tears streaming down your face and mixing with the fresh blood that was painting your skin in a disgusting shade of red. You had to face the truth: Arthur was dying. The damages were too serious and the bleeding too much… But you were a witch. The gift of healing was coursing through your veins. The only problem was that if you tried to save him by using your magic, you’d hurt the baby. After all, that was what happened when you tried to kill Luca Changretta with a heart attack.
The baby.
Your husband or the baby?
Your heart painfully raced in your chest. Your erratic breathing and your sore throat made you feel like you weren’t getting enough air.
 “I’d love to have kids with ye, eh. Little white-haired and blue-eyed us running barefoot in the forest… Little embodiments of our love brightening our life.” His voice was merely a whisper now for he was slowly falling asleep, “I’ve always wanted to be a dad… but thought I was too messed up for that.”
You could save him. You had to. Despite this torture of a dilemma and the harshness of the decision, nothing could change your mind, not even the feeling of your heart shattering into millions of shards. Closing your eyes, you placed one hand over his throat, the blood warm under your palm, and the other on his chest. Wasting no time, you channel all your strength – the connection sparked, and the raw, untamed magic you inherited from your mother surged through you. It seemed to work at first, his pulse lightly responding to yours.
But the more the magic surged, the more you felt a terrible pain in your belly. It started as cramps but quickly escalated into suffering so high that you felt like someone was stabbing you. A trembling squeal escaped from your red lips. You were killing it, you knew it. You were killing your own baby.
"Come on, come on," You muttered, pushing harder, forcing your will into his body. "Stay with me, Arthur," You whispered, tears streaking down your face, each sentence cut by muffled cries of the mafioso you had slaughtered and who was still alive— not for too long to be honest. He seemed to say something in Sicilian but you couldn't understand what. And you didn't care. "Just... stay with me." You gritted your teeth, doing your best to put up with the pain.
You froze.
“You nosey little slut. You should've stayed with the others.” 
Your heart missed a leap at the unknown male voice, carried by a thick Italian accent. The mafioso’s colleague looked at you, gun pointed right to your head.
"Remember me?" He asked with a wicked smile, recalling the moment he had offered you a cigarette a few hours ago. During your brief chit-chat, he told you that his name was Damiano but you didn't make the connection between Changretta and his Italian heritage.
“Don't cry, you're going to meet with your husband again very soon." the imposing man added, a few seconds away from ending your life. However, Damiano didn't know what you were capable of. Even less now that you were driven by pure rage and despair.
“Shut the fuck up!” You suddenly yelled, your claws firmly anchored in your husband to make Damiano understand that no one would snatch him from your arms. Your voice, a seductive melody that could enchant like a siren’s song, suddenly sounded monstrous. Raw and primal, the way you screamed the threat echoed in the entire maze of hallways and made Tommy’s blood freeze in his veins, a few corridors away. “Fucking die!”
Damiano didn't know that he never stood a chance. You sealed that man's demise with one blunt arm movement as if you had wanted to chase a mosquito from your face.  
Damiano, fell on his knees next to his dying friend, and writhed on the floor. With his two hands pressing on his chest, he suddenly started to choke and, right after, threw up a great amount of thick blood. Apart from the vomiting, blood soon seeped from his eyes and ears, bubbling like something inside was boiling them alive.
"P-Please!" He begged but you didn't stop. The man obviously tried to scream but the only sound he could produce was disgusting gurgles.
"Don't worry, you're going to meet your friend pretty soon." You replied with a cold and sardonic tone before closing your fist, the man's lungs responding to your gesture by imploding in his chest. Like his colleague's arms did a few minutes ago, Damiano's whole body crashed against the floor with a thud.
Quickly, you shifted back your attention to your husband and kept giving him all your energy while ignoring the black dots that were dancing in front of your eyes, as well as the awful, unbearable stabbing sensation in your core. You were definitely hurting yourself by using your power that much but you didn't give a fuck. “Arthur, please.” You growled, a feeling of dizziness building up so bad that you didn’t even hear the hurried footsteps that were coming closer, nor the hoarse, familiar voice of your brother-in-law.
"FUCK!" You exclaimed. You were losing Arthur again.
The three bodies lay strewn like discarded puppets, their lifeless forms twisted and broken on the blood-flown concrete floor. The once clean backroom had transformed into a nightmare realm of gore and horror that made Tommy's stomach turn upside-down.
The Peaky Blinder's boss took two steps back and brought his calloused hand to his mouth, fighting against the urge to puke – and God knew it took him a lot considering the atrocities he witnessed and did during the war. His turquoise gaze scanned the room, which had turned into a slaughterhouse. A fucking pool of crimson blood. First, he saw the limp and distorted corpse of Damiano, whose eyes were open wide in horror despite him being dead and cold. The terror in his frozen facial expression left no doubt about how awful his last moments must have been: he had suffered, and he had suffered more than a lot. Then, he caught a quick glimpse of the second victim. With his eyeballs reduced to a reddish foul mush, the lacerations on his face, and the abnormal number of stabbing wounds, the mafioso’s body was so maimed that it looked disgustingly grotesque.
Then he saw Arthur.
"Oh my God. Oh my fucking God — Arthur!"
Amidst the chaos, where the air hung heavy with the acrid and pungent scent of blood, Tommy's screams echoed far away in the distance as you knelt there, eyes wide open and silent tears streaming down your cheeks, mixed with dark trails of ruined mascara.
Tommy reacted immediately and knelt near his brother with a panic so uncontrollable that it swept away every ounce of coldness and self-control he usually displayed. He slapped his brother's cheeks several times in a vain attempt to help him come back to a conscious state but it didn't work. Thomas Shelby's fist hit the floor with frustration as the feeling of powerlessness crept into his heart. He was losing another brother and there was nothing he could do to save him.
But you could.
"Heaven, d'ya hear me?"
You let out a muffled whimper, or at least you thought you did as your senses saturated with one unique sound: a relentless ringing that echoed in the hollow caverns of your mind. With each pulse of your heart, the sound intensified, threatening to consume the last remnant of sanity you had left. The world around you had seemed to fade into obscurity, your sight blurry and reduced to only one color: red. Vibrant red splattered everywhere, on the walls, and yourself but most of it was on the floor. In fact, the ground itself seemed to writhe beneath the weight of the corpses, as crimson rivers flowed freely, painting the concrete in shades of crimson that gleamed like freshly spilled paint.
“Oi! Listen to me!” Tommy’s powerful voice suddenly snatched you from your daze just enough time to catch your attention and plunge his turquoise iris into your Arctic eyes.
“I—I can’t. I can’t, I can’t...” You repeated in a whisper, just like a broken record, because your husband’s pulse was weakening again, blind to your exhausting and painful efforts. Arthur was dying, your baby was dying and the intensity of the pain you went through was so insufferable that all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and wait for death to make this nightmare stop.
Tommy rapidly shifted his body to be by your side, his sharp eyes focused, but softer than usual. “You’ve got this,” he whispered, meeting your panicked gaze. “Keep going. Don’t stop.” He pressed his hand firmly over yours, steadying the trembling fingers that worked to save his brother. His voice was low, gravelly, but laced with a quiet strength he tried to share with you. His grip was warm, grounding you in the chaos, his presence like an anchor. At that moment, the weight of the world felt momentarily lighter with him by your side. You replied to his help with a muffled sob.
"You've got this!" Tommy tried to keep you from falling apart but the sight of a thin trickle of blood slowly running down your nose worried him almost to death. He looked at you and he knew. He knew that you had given everything – every ounce of your energy to save his brother, your magic now drained. Your hand trembled, still pressed to Arthur’s chest, but the world around you was seriously fading to black.
Caught amid this Hell with Tommy by your side, you didn't hear nor feel Polly, who had found the crime scene.
"Oh lord please help us, oh Lord, oh Lord..." Polly cried, horrified by the bloodbath as well as by the sight of you clinging to Arthur's limp body. She had already lost one of her nephews and couldn't bear the weight of losing another one. Not her sweet Arthur. Not him,
"We're fucking losing her too!" Tommy exclaimed, "fucking help me!"
"Heaven!" She called, grabbing your shoulder and shaking you but all you did was scream one last time. A haunting and otherworldly wail that pierced the darkness. A sound so agonizing and inhumane that it seemed to tear at the very fabric of existence. It echoed across the building, carrying with it the weight indescribable of sorrow and despair as your arms tightened your grip around your dying husband.
The smell of blood hid Tommy's musky perfume that was tingling your nostrils. The deafening ringing in your ears covered Polly and her nephew's voice. Your breaths came shallow and weak, your body becoming heavier as darkness crept in. Slowly, your eyes fluttered shut. In one final movement, you collapsed beside your husband, your last thought a silent hope that he would live.
Or that you would at least die trying to save him.
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✞ Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language. gif by the wonderful @alicent-targaryen.
✞ Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @woofgocows @anathemasworld @anastasia000 @kate654 @kxnnxy @babayaga67 @meowtastick @shelbyssins @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @bluevenus19 @raincoffeeandfandoms @kishie8 @zablife @alexandra-001 @alexizodd @helen06dreamer @kmc1989 @peakyswritings @peakyltd @chaosinkest1996 @vanhelsingsbigtoe @cherubswhispers @lokigirlszendaya @justrainandcoffee @mischievouslittlecreature
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multifandomwriter56 · 2 years ago
His Little Spy: A New Start
A/N: So I have decided to add my OC to this series. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I've been anxious about it. But with seeing all these amazing writers who have been blessing us with their OC's; I've decided to share one of my own. Also, I am changing some of the storyline. I didn't like how it was turning out, so some things will change.
Series Summary: Anita Edwards is a spy who works for Tommy Shelby. She is an orphan and longs for a family. Will Tommy ever realize she is his daughter, despite them not being blood? Or will he lose her forever?
Chapter 1 Summary: Anita is the one who told Tommy about Mother Superior beating children and why the young girl killed herself in Season 5 Episode 3.
Characters: Tommy Shelby, OC, Polly Gray, mentioned other Shelby members and Mother Superior, mentioned the young girl (I named her Rosa)
Warnings: language, angst, talks about suicide, talks about death, talks about racism, talks about children being physically abused
Word Count: 1,812
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It was a cold, depressing day at the Small Heath Sisterhood for Young Girls. Rosa, her best friend, had killed herself this morning. Mother Superior had told the girls she died from Scarlet Fever; but Anita knew differently. 
She was the one to find Rosa and told Mother Superior who threatened to beat her if she told anyone. 
But this was the last straw. Her friend is gone all because of that woman. Making her eat alone at meals, using a different soap then the rest of the girls. Anita tried to defend Rosa a few times but it never ended well. The only thing she did was make things worse for Rosa. 
She shivers as a cold wind slithers through her coat. A coat that is twice her size. She knocks on the door to #6 Watery Lane. 
"What do you want?" A man Anita doesn't know answers as he swings the door open. 
"Is Mr Shelby here?"
"Kid, you have to be more specific."
"Tommy Shelby."
"And what do you need to see Mr Shelby about?"
Ignoring the fact that he just called Tommy by his last name just like she did a moment ago; she raises an eyebrow. "That's not any of your business. If he's busy I can wait."
The man gives her a gentle shove. "Get lost, kid."
Anita's eyes narrow. She debated whether or not to just kick the man in the shin and run inside or if she should just come back later.
"Oi! Anita, is that you?"
She relaxes when she hears a familiar voice. "Yeah, it's me Polly."
"Let her through, James."
The man steps to the side, letting the door open wider so she can get through.
Polly smiles at the young girl, but frowns as the girl limps towards her. "Are you here to see Tommy?" 
Anita nods. "I know this isn't our normal time, but I really need to talk to him."
Polly nods her head, guiding her towards Tommy's office. She trusts the young girl and she knows, if Anita's willing to risk getting a scolding from Tommy for being out so late, then it must be important. It still amazes her how much the gangster turned politician's opinion matters to the eleven year old. 
"Anita, kid! Where the hell have you been?" Arthur greets in his overly loud voice. 
The young girl smiles warmly at the eldest Shelby. "I've been busy doing your job." She sasses.
Her smile widens when Finn and Isiah howl with laughter. 
"You little rascal." Arthur playfully growls as his fingers attack her sides. 
Anita forces herself to laugh as pain shoots through her ribs. 
"Alright, leave the girl alone." Polly can tell something is wrong with the girl, but she's not sure exactly what it is. She gently nudges the girl towards the door of Tommy's office. 
Anita knocks three times. When she hears an annoyed 'come in' she opens the door. "I can come back later, Mr Shelby, if you're busy?"
Tommy lifts his head at hearing that voice. "Anita, what are you doing here?"
Anita fully enters his office, closing the door behind her. "I need to talk to you."
Tommy gestures for her to sit down. Like Polly, he frowns when he notices the limp. His frown deepens when she doesn't sit, but stands in front of his desk. 
"Anita, what's wrong?"
She shakes her head. She's not here for her, she's here for Rosa. "I'm fine. It's my friend. She's- She's dead." 
Tommy nods, staying quiet so the girl will continue. He can't stop his concern from rising with each word though.
"It's Mother Superior's fault."
Tommy's eyebrows twitch upwards in surprise. "She killed her?" He's recently heard rumors about how the Sisters have been treating the children. He was planning on having some men keep an eye on the orphanage for a couple of days.
"No, not directly." Y/n admits. "But she's gone because that bitch beat her all time. And she never deserved it, not once."
"And you do?"
"This isn't about me." She snaps, not only surprising herself, but Tommy as well.
The young girl hardly ever uses that tone with him; his brothers and some of the other boys, definitely. Even with Polly, he's seen her act defiantly towards his aunt; but she rarely acts that way with him.
"I'm sorry, Mr Shelby. Rosa has never been the center of attention and I think she should be for this."
Tommy nods in agreement. She never ceases to amaze him how wise she can be at her age. "Tell me what happened."
Anita explains why and how Rosa died. Halfway through her explanation, Tommy rises to his feet, going around his desk to lean against it. 
"How long has this been going on?"
Anita swallows, her guilt eating away at her insides, knowing this is all her fault it went this far. "Since you saved me from my uncle and sent me there."
Tommy's eyes harden. Most of his anger is towards the nuns; but he is disappointed the girl didn't confide in him sooner. 
Feeling the business owner's anger, Anita starts rambling. "I know, Mr Shelby, I know it's my fault. Rosa died because I kept this quiet. I should've come to you sooner." She starts muttering curse words under breath. 
Tommy watches the girl, reaching in his pockets for his cigarettes and lighter. Exhaling a puff of smoke, his anger disappearing. "Anita, stop muttering. And stop blaming yourself."
She stops muttering but even the simple order can't take away her guilt. Her eyes plead with him for his help. Ever since she met the gangster, she's always trusted him to help her; no matter what she needed. Abusive uncle? Had him arrested; even though Anita's not sure that's what he did. Struggling with her schoolwork? He let her sit in his office, answering any of her questions. Girl problems? He finds Polly or Ada for her. 
He's the closest thing she has to a father; but she knows he'll never see her like that. She's his spy. Her eyes record information that will help him with the company. She's told him a couple of times when someone has betrayed him. 
She's in debt to him. He saved her life and this is how she's repaying him. It's not much, but she feels useful; feels like she's helping the wealthiest man in all of Birmingham. 
She blinks rapidly when she feels a gentle hand on her cheek before meeting his concerned gaze.
"There she is. Where did my little spy go?"
"M'sorry, Mr Shelby."
Tommy shakes his head. "Don't be, love. Your mind went somewhere else, eh?" He says more than asks; taking his hand off her cheek and to the cigarette in his mouth.
She nods her head in agreement.
"I'm going to help; but I need you to do something for me in return."
Anita nods again, she figured as much. 
"I need you to let Polly look at your injuries." He points a warning finger when she opens her mouth to argue. "I know Superior Mother gave you a beating."
She snaps her mouth closed, annoyed with herself and with the older man. She should've known he would easily notice her limp. "Fine."
"Good. Once Polly is satisfied, she will take you to the Grace Shelby Institute, where you will be staying until you're of age." Tommy wished he would've just settled her there in the first place. The only reason he didn't was because the girl begged him not to.
Anita half-hoped he would offer to let her stay in his mansion. She feels safe with him and she likes to be around his son Charlie. 
She doesn't move from where she's standing while Tommy gets Polly. She hears them whispering but doesn't turn around. 
She flinches when there's a hand resting on her cheek. Polly comes to stand in front of her, her hand moving to her shoulder so she can guide the young girl closer to her. She sits in the closest chair before beginning her examination. 
"You silly, silly girl." She chides as she lifts the girls dress. 
Anita blushes at her words. She glances at where Tommy is; thankful he's smoking another cigarette with his back turned towards them. Her eyes snap back to Polly when she grabs her chin. 
"If you were never happy to begin with, how come you never told me? I would have listened, I would have helped-"
"I know, Polly. I-I just couldn't leave Rosa." 
The eleven year old jumps when Tommy punches the door; muttering under his breath. She silently asks Polly why, but she just shakes her head.
Polly turns the girl, gasping when she sees her back and bottom. "Thomas, go get my ointments." When her nephew does as he was told, Polly turns the girl to face her, letting her dress fall back in place. 
"Why did you not come to us sooner?" 
"This just happened yeste-"
"Don't lie to me." Polly snaps.
Anita bites her lip. "I'm s-sorry. I really didn't think it would be important. I know I should've told you how they were treating Rosa and some of the other girls; but I really didn't believe that included me. You and Mr Shelby always tell me to behave or face the consequences."
Polly shakes her head. "This is not an appropriate punishment for a child. This should have never happened. And don't you dare apologize again." She snaps the last part, knowing exactly what the child was going to say.
Anita turns her attention to Tommy who had returned during Polly's scolding; hoping he'll help her. She's trying to ignore the concerned, motherly glare Polly is sending her way. 
Tommy shakes his head, slightly amused. "Don't look at me that way. You're the one who decided to lie and keep things from her."
"You do it all the time." Anita mutters.
He lightly taps the bag of medicine on top of the young girl's head before handing it to his aunt. He can’t deny her words. 
"Tommy, we're shutting that place down."
"Already on it, Pol."
"Are you angry with me, Mr Shelby?" Anita has to know. Did she destroy her chance to ever have a family?
"No, I'm not." He turns to leave to give them privacy. When he reaches the door, he turns around to face them. "Finn is going to take you to the Institute as soon as Polly is finished."
"She's staying with me."
Neither Tommy nor Anita dared to argue when Polly spoke in that voice. He just nods his head before exiting his office. 
Anita slowly shifts her eyes back to the only mother figure she's known; relaxing when she's greeted with a small, sad smile. 
Tommy may not consider her family, but Polly does. 
It's a start.
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brummiereader · 2 months ago
Sweet Dreams, Darling
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Summary: The sweltering month of August 1907 saw the fair come to town and the start of a summer romance between you and a blue-eyed boy cut short when your family and travelling entourage moved on to the next village. But when fate brings you back together, the great war of 1914 and it's lasting effects fractures your blossoming relationship, driving you both into the arms of another with their own selfish wants and ulterior motives. Will Tommy ever be able to leave his troubled thoughts in the trenches where they first emerged and find his way back to you, his summer love?
Warnings: PTSD, descriptions of war, angst, violence, murder, smut, mutual pining.
Authors Note: This series will include pre-war!Tommy, wartime!Tommy and post-war!Tommy with many depictions of PTSD and the lasting effects it has on someone's daily life and relationships that some readers may find triggering. Please review the warnings before reading.
Teaser Trailer
Series Moodboard
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five coming soon!
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