#Paxton Hall Yoshida x fem!reader
jjmaybank4l · 6 months
Warnings: strong language, drinking alcohol, self-harm attempt, scars, probably spelling mistakes don’t come after me😭 
I grab a bottle of vodka and walk into my room shutting the door sniffling. I open the bottle and take a big chug. My phone has been going off for hours. Mostly from my best friend conrad. He’s always worried about the most stupidest things. But this time, he probably should be worried. I look at my phone and open the texts from conrad. 
Yn why the hell are you not answering your phone. Answer I’m worried about you. Please. 
I sigh and put down my phone not texting him back just leaving him on read. An hour later and I’m really drunk and I’m sitting on my floor crying. As I wipe my eyes sniffling, I look at my cabinet beside my bed. I walk over to the cabinet and open the drawer. As I dug through the stuff in the drawer I found my razor. I grab it and sit on the floor bringing the razor to my arm. Just as i was about to slide it down my door opens making my head snap up. Conrad stands in the door way looking at the razor in my hand. “Yn what the fuck?!” He says running to me and taking the razor from me and checking my arm. “Con get off of me” I slur while i push him off me.  “Yn what were you doing?!” He says running his hands through his hair now standing over me as he starts to pant. “Nothing leave me alone” i say groggy as i try to stand up almost falling but catching myself. “Are you fucking drunk?!” He asks looking at the empty vodka bottle on the ground. “No Shit Sherlock” I roll my eyes as I stumble around the room looking out the window. “Yn tell me what’s going on.” He says turning my shoulder towards him so I make eye contact. My eyes and bloodshot red and my face is puffy from crying. “What were you doing with the razor.” He says sternly. “What the fuck do you think.” I spit back stumbling away. “Let me see your arm.” He says looking at me with tears in his eyes. “The hell no” I say scoffing. “Yn im not asking.” He says grabbing my arm and rolling up my sleeve. I try to pull my arm away but he’s to strong and I’m to drunk. He looks at my wrist and sees many scars. He slowly loosens his grip on my wrist letting me pull my arm away and roll my sleeve back down. “Yn…” he says softly. “Don’t.” I say softly walking away. “Is there any more.” He asks in a whisper. I stay silent looking at the floor tears in my eyes. “Please show me.” He asks walking towards me as I sit on my bed. “No.” I say quickly. “Yn.” He says sitting down next to me on the bed. “No conrad.” I say wiling my tears away. “Hey” he says reaching to hold my hand. He grabs my hand and I start crying. He then pulls my into his chest as I hug him tightly. I start sobbing and my body shaking. “I’m s-sorry!” I cry into his chest. “Yn it’s okay.” He says playing with my hair. “No it’s not okay!” I cry again. “Your okay. I’ve got you” he says. As he says that I just cry harder into his chest. Soon after what felt like forever I stop crying and I pull away wiping my tears and sniffling. “You should go to sleep. We can talk about this in the morning.” He says rubbing my back. “Can you stay with me?” I ask softly looking at the floor. “Yeah of course. I’ll always stay.” He says smiling. We lay down on the bed he pulls me into his chest, his fingers in my hair. I fall asleep almost immediately. He kisses my head and puts his head leaning on mine and falls asleep. 
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notti-stellate · 1 year
Who I write for
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
Sam Winchester (platonic)
Dean Winchester (platonic)
Paxton H-Y
Ethan Morales
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Jacob Black
Carlisle Cullen (Platonic)
Eddie Munson
Mike Wheeler
Eddie Kaspbrak
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thisisxli · 3 months
Hajime x tooru's twin sister!reader who is bold president of a science club in school headcanons?
OOOOH this is a MUST
Miss the old haikyuu 2020 days fr. And man is this my best work yet trust🙏
Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader(Tooru's twin)
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Rs: Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader (Tooru's twin sister)
Warnings: ANGST, a little bit of bullying, awkward talks of teenage sex, sexual depictions, suggested themes, nsfw(lasts for a sentence or two), disorder mentioned, implied death
Tags: sad.. Bittersweet, fluff, hajime is so cute, hajime acts soft around reader, childhood friends to lovers, high school sweethearts, old age, marriage, a little smut
Recommended song: (play by the end)
wc: 1.5k
a/n: this made me feel nostalgic and pretty sad to write imo.
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How you met/first impressions:
You met each other through your brother, Tooru. Tooru was snarky and keen on keeping his best friend to himself but you were even more petty. When Tooru was distracted on trying to set a ball, you would quickly grab Hajime by the wrist and drag him to your hiding place. Occasionally, it would change because your brother would somehow find it.. always.
To Hajime, you had to be one of the prettiest girls he's ever seen in all of his six years of living. You.. also became his first heartbreak. He proposed to you with a ring pop and you refused. "Pee-yew! I don't wanna marry you, Iwa!" He was left super dejected and sulked until Tooru was forced to distract him to get his mind off things. Ever since then, he was always teasing you and making smart ass remarks at you.
He was a odd boy. What made you like and wanna hang around him like Tooru does was that Hajime was adventurous. He seemed strong too. And you wanted two boys to look up to anyways to treat you like queen so you tried your best to boss both Tooru and Hajime around. You entirely started to acknowledge Hajime when he comforted you after Tooru hit you in the head with a volleyball.
How you start to like each other:
Hajime has always liked you since you were little kids. Obviously. But he made sure it wasn't obvious to you or that you were merely someone he stole answers from for science class. Someone who was just his best friend's twin sister. It wasn't like he was gonna stay like this forever... He just didn't know how to approach you. And he has his doubts. He's basically like Paxton Hall Yoshida only that he didn't sleep around and he wasn't that dumb... He just sucked at science. So he goes to you but he makes fun of you for it.
You realize when some random jock drops all the books in your hands on purpose, laughing and high-fiving with his friends. "stupid- STUPID SHITFACE!" Your shout literally reaches everyone's ears. Including Hajime's.
For some reason, the jock gets offended and goes up to you, chest to chest. Except his chest was much larger and higher than yours. "The fuck d'you say?" You nearly recoil when you feel his hot breath hit your face. "I said-" "betta' keep that mouth shut, sweetheart," he cuts you off immediately, wincing when he shoves you against the lockers. People are already crowding and pulling out their phones. Great. But before anything else happens, the jock is roughly jerked back and lands on his butt. And there stands your prince Charming, Hajime Iwaizumi. You notice that his ears are red. Steams were also practically steaming out of his ears. He stomps his way over to the jock that stood up with a small stutter. "Better keep that mouth shut, hm?" Hajime stares the jock down. Clearly, the boy wasn't going to back down so he scoffs, rolling his sleeves up. The jock's eyes quickly widen and murmur a 'my bad ' and takes his leave along with his friends, a few applauses and cat calls being earned from the crowd.
"You okay?" Hajime barely grasps your fingertips in his, looking at you with concern. Your heart was quite literally about to explode over what just occurred.
How you confess:
The tension was awfully SO obvious.. Matsukawa was frantically complaining about the faint flirting and playful teases. But neither you or Hajime did or said nothing. Matsukawa basically face plants at that but he sorts out a plan with Hanamaki and Tooru. Tooru was almost against it but he did have to admit, he literally knew everything about how the two of you felt. And it was painful to watch you and Hajime, it cringed him out LIKE JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY!!
Tooru had sent you a text that he was already home. So it was just you and Hajime. You both left the school in silence. Started walking in silence. Entering your neighborhood in silence. Before you thought another moment was gonna be filled in silence, he tugs you by the wrist. He confesses and pours out everything he knows and feels about you. How long, when, where, etc. You confess too, a smile adorning your face when he looks away all flustered. You kissed him on the cheek before you went in your house, leaving him alone with a hand on his cheek and a slack jaw.
How you get together:
He was waiting for you outside the door after your club meeting ended. He seemed nervous but you knew what he was trying to get at. So you simply do the job for him. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" He gives you that signature head scratching smile, giving you a nod. You both walk home together that late afternoon, holding hands the whole way.
How you kiss:
They're very sweet and slow. Hajime respects you enough to not over step your boundaries unless you ask of him. He gets very wary when you do. "Are you sure? Are you reaallly sure? I don't know.. Suure? Okay, okay- fine, c'mere."
Sometimes things get heated. The way his tongue glides over yours seems like they almost suggest something. You would smirk against his lips and push yourself on top of him to get him flustered on purpose. Or you would... at least try to pin him against a wall. "(Y-Y/N).. We- we can't yet.. not yet.." This would get you very pouty but he kisses you through it and holds you so you don't catch a fit.
What he loves about you (Adults) :
He loves that you stayed through all this time. He's known you about twenty one years and you both have dated each other for nine years. Obviously when it becomes your tenth anniversary, he's gonna propose.. He just doesn't know how... And he seriously did not mean to wait that long..
He loves to kiss your pulses and your eyelids. He thinks those are really intimate to do and he just really loves that you're alive and breathing.
He loves when wrinkles start to spawn whenever you concentrate. It makes him think he'll grow old with you.
When you're married: he loves it when you cling onto him for life on your honeymoon, screaming his name when you're bouncing on his shaft. 'Give me your babies' you chant. It makes him giggle at the thought.
Awkward discussion with your kids:
One of your kids get a unusual.. and awfully weird offer. Luckily, they came to you both about it for advice and for curiosity. "Why do people have sex?"
Honestly, it was like you were ready for this question but you were unprepared. You knew how high school could be very.. Ratchet. Especially with all the drama, sex, hormones... You were sure things were worse for their generation. But you thoroughly explain and answer with all you can to your child's questions, trying not to cringe halfway.
Your husband was NOT prepared at all. He wasn't ready. He wasn't even really expecting this conversation until LATER. man, he thinks. 'Their generation would really bring us all down.' He stays and tries to answer though.. It's mainly just you talking and you seem completely fine and cool with it which he doesn't understand at all.
After an argument:
Usually, a child sulks and becomes completely depressed when their parents fight but oh no, not your child. Your child absolutely loves to step in between you and Hajime's arguments. Your child was basically the anchor, almost. Keeping you two steady.
Hajime would realize his mistakes and so would you. So you both make up to each other and show each other your love, hugging each other and never letting go, falling asleep in each other's arms once you do.
Who gets Dementia?
You, you do.
It's a sad thing, really. Old age was really hitting you both, you especially. It saddened you both but you both knew it would be okay all as long he was next to you and you were next to him.
It would hurt Hajime whenever you would forget his name and slowly how he looks like. But he never gave up, nor did he ever pressure you into trying to figure out who he was. That's also how you knew that man was someone you loved. Every time you would remember though, everything suddenly became waterworks. You would cry about being young again and experiencing so many things with each other without a problem in the world.
Last moments?
"Hajime?" You murmur, reaching out for his wrinkled hand. He turns to look at you, eyes glossy and sullen looking because of his droopy skin. He rubs his thumb across your hand, kissing your knuckles. "You're beautiful."
You smile warmly, closing your eyes just as you tell him so, "take me to the moon."
Fun Fact:
As young adults, Hajime was suffering without you in California. He immediately made sure you never left his sight when he went back to Japan.
At the ages of 6, Hajime had nursed your scraped knee. When he gave you a Disney Princess band-aid, you kissed his cheek politely and he happily accepted it.
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Paxton H-Y x Reader moodboard (mine) for my fic Bold, Sexy and Weird
Find it on AO3!
Tags: Fluff, Pining, Bisexual Fem Reader
❕A/N: I apologize in advance for Paxton being ooc in this fic. Tbh I haven't seen NHIE and just watched a youtube video of Paxton & Devi's story. I originally wrote this for my bff but then i thought why not post it here, LOL. Hope you enjoy it!
(Not beta'd, all mistakes/typos are mine.)
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notti-stellate · 1 year
Quick Update
Okay so I'm working on a few different things right now so here's what should be coming soon...
A Jasper Hale fluff fic should be out within the next two days
The next part of Forever Alone is in the works and should be out within the next week
I also just started Never Have I Ever so you should expect something to do with Ethan and Paxton cause they both have me in a choke hold
Lastly if you want to request something to do with any of the characters on this list or just people that I write for in general then please do so. I would love to hear what you guys want!
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