royal-nation-empire · 7 years
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JARED PAUL JACKSON -Keys N Krates Tour Manager
Interviewed by, Monica P Brice
Jared shows this industry that you can do what you love no matter what. From scheduling to managing, he is tour managing for Keys N Krates around the globe bringing reliable and professional entertainment. Below in the interview I will be asking him personal questions about what it’s like in his position as a tour manager and advice for those who would possibly like to become a tour manager! We love you guys! 
                                                                                    -Monica P Brice
1. How old were you when you started deciding to work in the music industry?
A: As long as I can remember, I had the desire to work in music, professionally. As far as actually being a "full-time professional,” I’m coming up on 15 yrs.
Q. What do you love the most about working with Keys N Krates?
A. My situation with KNK is a very unique one in that I constantly have quite a few irons in the fire. Tour Management, Production Management, Live & Studio Engineering…My plate is always full. With that said, what I love most is that I’ve become an integral part of the team, (artists & mgmt,) and they have always treated me as an equal. I find that to be very rare these days and I cherish it. 
3.What inspires you about Keys N Krates music and how do you relate to it on a personal level besides working with them?
A: I love the fact that there’s little to no “agenda” involved w/ KNK’s music. It’s about making shit that THEY want to create, period. I now relate to it personally because, as we’re always around each other having musical conversation as well as me getting to add my thoughts, suggestions etc…I get to hear some of these thoughts, suggestions and influence end up, organically into new music. Overall, if I didn’t love what KNK did musically, I’d have a really hard time being a part of what they do.
Q. As a tour manager what are some often difficult tasks you come across and how do you solve them?
A: Being a 100% LIVE act in a predominately “EDM” and/or “DJ” world can definitely be a challenge. Tech issues, rider issues, set changes, logistics…It can sometimes get very tricky to pull off proper. I do my damndest to solve/prevent these issues by very thoroughly advancing the shows until there is no stone left unturned. You also start to get a feel for when the show you’re dealing with is honest/properly prepared and when it is struggling and therefore have to put in overtime to make the show happen. It’s honestly all about thorough preparation.
Q. What do you admire about the EDM that is new and why?
A: The thing I dig about newer electronic music in general is that it’s in an awesome state of transition. Every genre/style of music has gone and will continue to go through changes and it always opens the door for something new/special to take place. I love that the truly talented artists out there are making some INSANE re-inventions of themselves and their work while others that were just looking for easy $/fame are losing interest and falling off, making way for fresh art to come to the surface.
Q. What is tour managing like and how do you set everything up so that the tours run smoothly?
A: As I mentioned above, it’s all about knowing your artist(s,) your team and thorough preparation. As far as “what it’s like…” Some days you’re the windshield, other days you’re the bug.
Q. Do you have a personal favorite bus brand that you like the most? If so why?
A: We have one driver we deal with…Jeff “Wheels” Wheeler. He’s the finest in the game. With “Wheels,” we’re in a modest yet awesome Prevost that’s become a 2nd home. LOVE the bus.
Q. Any advice you can give for people seeking a spot in touring and management?
A: “Speak softly and carry a big stick. You will go far.” -Teddy Roosevelt/West African Proverb
Q. What's it like making sure everyone is on time and where they are supposed to be, how do you keep track of it all?
A: As I mentioned, I’m very lucky to be w/ the Artists/Team that I’m a part of. That in itself makes things a million times easier. As far as organization, we, like many other crews use “MASTER TOUR” to help us all stay on the same page. It’s defo a godsend.
Q. What were you doing before you got hired for Kens N Krates, were you managing anyone else?
A: Pre-KNK, I was producing, engineering, touring as a professional under the “J.Paul” moniker as well as w/ my project “HavocNdeeD.” I still do both. I also run "Sound Center Studios” as a Producer & Mixing/Mastering Engineer. Another notch was live sound and production management for Relentless Beats and clubs/venues in Arizona. The one thing that keeps me the busiest though is being a Dad.
I hope you all learned something about this interview and found some kind of motivational inspiration, thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for more! -Monica P Brice
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