#Pastors Israel Familiarization Tours
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coraltours · 4 years ago
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Have you dreamed of seeing the land where Jesus lived, taught and ministered? Then plan your 8-day IPHC pastors Israel familiarization tour with Coral Travel & Tours. Visit the website for exciting plans at affordable prices.
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thessaliaxiv · 2 years ago
Holidailies 2022, Day 18: Holiday Song Meta
I heard an interesting story about one winter-centric song, and decided to research more of them to compile in an entry. Why no, I'm not running out of ideas for daily yammerings. Aheh.
A familar, known instrumental tune with no title nor lyrics appeared in a manuscript compiled by Scottish songwriter John Perry in 1781, a collection of guitar-centric songs passed down through oral Welsh history that Mr. Perry felt should be preserved in some written form. In 1784, fellow Welshman Edward Jones added this song to a similar compilation of songs in his own publication devoted to the harp featuring older known Welsh songs in that language, providing the title and lyrics as he knew them to be. "Nos Galan" means "New Year's Gift," and the first line reads, "O mor gynnes mynwes meinwen," which translates to, "Oh! How soft my Fair one's bosom", which obviously has nothing to do with the close of the year, hehe. The original song is reported to be a melody suited for a dance game, with people improvising lyrics as the familiar tune progresses. The song was given the modern, known English lyrics in 1862 by Thomas Oliphant, yet another Scottish songwriter. The song as he presented it was much more about merriment and the consumption of alcohol, until someone else sanitized it somewhat for the 1877 edition of the Pennsylvania School Journal, therein making the song more about preparing for the holiday season rather than partaking of the year-end feast many cultures celebrate. The song has been appropriated by various artists and composers over the years, including Mozart, who made his own piano-violin duet of "Deck the Halls."
"Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht!" was written in 1816, originally as a poem by an Austrian Catholic priest, Father Joseph Mohr. Two years later, he requested a musically inclined friend named Franz Xaver Gruber to compose a score for the poem on guitar. It was performed as we know it for the first time, backed by a choir, on Christmas Eve, 1818. An Episcopal priest named John Freeman Young translated the song into English in 1859. Interestingly, while we know the song "Silent Night, Holy Night" today, we didn't know its true origins until a manuscript was found in 1995 that identified its history.
There was a lot going on in the nation of Israel during the 1860s, including a grand expedition by British and French scholars and archaeologists who wished to identify locations mentioned in the bible throughout the modern day Middle East, financed by the Palestine Exploration Fund. One such project, the Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem, centered around the city, wherein an indepth map of topography and archaeological digs were conducted. While all of this was going on, a well-to-do Boston preacher named Phillip Brooks, graduate of Harvard and Virginia Theological Seminary, and rector of Holy Trinity Church in Philadelphia, took a sabbatical during the autumn of 1865, touring the area and taking in the sights and experiencing it all first-hand. There was to be a religious ceremony in the Basilica of the Nativity, a grotto in Bethlehem, some six-mile journey from Jerusalem at the end of December, and this pastor rode on horseback to make the journey. As he neared the place in which the ceremony was in progress on Christmas Eve, he was struck by the experience, so much so that three years later, he wrote a poem to be sung during the Sunday School Christmas program back at his church in Philadelphia. He showed the poem to his friend Lewis Redner, organist and Sunday School administrator at Holy Trinity Church. Redner was encouraged to hurriedly compose a simple melody that children could sing. He struggled, but woke from his sleep with a song in his head, and the carol "O Little Town of Bethlehem" was performed for the first time in 1868.
James Gillespie was born in a rural area of Kentucky in 1888, making his way to Chicago as a teen to join his older siblings, where he worked as a typesetter for a major newspaper. As a side gig, he wrote and performed songs for the local Vaudeville circuit, and became well-known for it. After a major heart attack and alcoholism at an unusually young age, James struggled financially for periods of time throughout his life. It was during one of these difficult droughts that he got the news that his brother had passed away, just as a fellow Vaudeville star-turned-radio-host approached him to write a holiday song in 1934. He originally declined the job to focus on his grief, but he thought about his brother and his mother, both of whom told him as a young boy that Santa was watching and to behave. It is said that 15 minutes later, "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" had its lyrics, composer John Coots gave it its melody a short time later, and the song became an instant classic the moment it debuted on air.
New York school teacher Don Gardener, and his wife Doris, sat with a group of second-graders in 1944, seeking the children's assistance in writing a song for Christmas. The children were prompted to finish the line, "All I want for Christmas is…"  No child supplied the words that would become the iconic lyrics, but the pair were amused by the children who spoke with a lisp due to missing baby teeth and growing adult teeth. The resulting song was reportedly written in about 30 minutes after returning home for the evening, and performed at his school for the holiday concert. Somehow news of the song reached the Witmark Music Company, to which Spike Jones and the City Slickers recorded the ditty in 1948. Mr. Gardener received royalties for the song "All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" until his passing in 2004.
In 1939, a Jewish man named Robert May was working a low-wage job as a copywiter for the advertising department of Montgomery Ward, a huge mail-order company and retailer in Chicago. His wife Evelyn was ill with advanced cancer, and it often fell to him to care for their young daughter. The man was tasked with creating an animal-centric, happy children's story to be published in booklet form, a coloring book printed by Montgomery Ward to lure shoppers to their stores for holiday gift-getting. He drew inspiration from his surroundings, his daughter being particularly drawn to the reindeer at the Chicago Zoo, and his own youth as a withdrawn and shy child, creating Rudolph as the main character. Sadly, his wife passed away soon after he began his work, and while his boss offered to release Mr. May from his assignment, he was encouraged by his daughter and pushed through revisions and read it aloud to his daughter until they both decided it was ready for publication. The coloring book was distributed that year, and re-released in 1946 after World War II, selling 3.6 million copies. The rights to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer were owned by Montgomery Ward, but the company's president gave ownership of the copyright to Mr. May, who subsequently published the story as a proper length, illustrated book in 1947. In 1948, the story was rewritten into a song by Mr. May's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks. The pair of men attempted to find a well-known artist to record the song, and after being declined by a number of singers, the song landed in the lap of Gene Autry. At first, Gene was set to reject the song as well, but his wife was moved by the line, "All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names," and encouraged Gene to lend his voice. The song first aired in November 1949, reaching #1 on the U.S. charts by the first month of 1950. A slew of other artists hopped on that train immediately afterwards with their own renditions, of course, to cash in on the song's popularity, particularly between 1950 and 1964.
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newstfionline · 6 years ago
Tarnished by Bailout, Greek PM Eyes Reshuffle Before Election (Reuters) Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is poised to announce a cabinet reshuffle this week to freshen up a government lagging in the polls as the effects of painful bailouts still bite a year before a national election.
Myanmar Generals Had ‘Genocidal Intent’ Against Rohingya, Must Face Justice--U.N. (Reuters) Myanmar’s military carried out mass killings and gang rapes of Muslim Rohingya with “genocidal intent” and the commander-in-chief and five generals should be prosecuted for orchestrating the gravest crimes under law, U.N. investigators said on Monday.
New Australian PM Gets to Work; Government Support Plummets (Reuters) Australia’s new prime minister toured drought-hit farms on Monday to show voters after a week of turmoil the government was back to work, but a leading opinion poll showed it now faces an even greater chance of electoral defeat after changing leaders.
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In Familiar Dance, Turkey Warms to Russia as US Ties Unravel (AP) Relations between Turkey and Russia are cozy, prompting worries in the West of a potentially critical rift in the NATO alliance. But Turkey’s president may be engaged in a balancing act, tactically turning to Russia as ties with the United States further deteriorate over the detention of an American pastor.
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Israel to Reopen Gaza Crossing After Week of Calm on Border (AP) Israel’s defense minister has announced he will reopen the country’s main personnel crossing with the Gaza Strip following a week of relative calm along the border.
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lucas-pm-r7 · 6 years ago
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DEVOCIONAL DO DIA: Gigantes no viver cristão Vale a pena dependermos do Senhor, conversarmos com Ele e contar-Lhe tudo aquilo que nos atormenta e intimida. Não deixemos de fazer esta experiência. Quem nunca teve um problema ou uma dificuldade inesperada? No nosso viver cristão, muitas vezes surgem estes “gigantes” que nos ultrapassam, como uma doença grave, desemprego, perda de familiares e etc. para nos afrontar e intimidar. O importante é não perdermos de vista que nada nos acontece por acaso e nem por coincidência. Deus está no controle de nossas vidas e conhece todos eles e sempre tem o propósito de nos ajudar, socorrer, proteger e ensinar. Quando surgem diante de nós tais “gigantes”, muitos crentes procuram os recursos humanos e ficam decepcionados. O correto nesta hora é seguir o exemplo de Davi, o jovem pastor, que Deus escolheu para ser rei e antes de sua coroação enfrentou Golias, o gigante filisteu (ler I Samuel 17:41-51). Vejamos como foi o duelo: o poderoso Golias afrontava o exército de Israel e o pior, afrontava também o Deus de Israel. Davi, para enfrentar o inimigo aterrador, muniu-se de uma funda, de algumas pedras e partiu para o confronto. Foi desprezado pelo adversário que era um soldado forte, experiente e guerreiro. O que fazer numa situação assim? Davi surpreendeu o gigante com três atitudes corajosas, a saber: “Eu venho em nome do SENHOR dos Exércitos, o Deus dos exércitos de Israel, a quem tens afrontado” (v.45), “...correu de encontro ao filisteu” (v.48), “...meteu a mão no alforje, e tomou dali uma pedra, e com sua funda lha atirou... a pedra encravou-se-lhe na testa, e ele caiu com o rosto em terra” (v.49). O gigante foi derrubado e morto! Queridos(as), quando surgirem “gigantes” que nos atormentam, façamos como Davi: Corramos para o SENHOR, invoquemos o Seu nome e confiemos no Seu poder e suficiência. Ele nos honra quando procedemos assim e a Sua Palavra nos consola afirmando “Aquietai- vos e sabei que eu sou Deus, sou exaltado entre as nações, sou exaltado na terra” (Sl. 46:10). Amém! (Pr. Adelayr de Carvalho) (em Culau Tour) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtwQbWhBR3j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qpr5szf3vv0z
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dynasty-news-blog · 7 years ago
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Prime Minister of Israel invites Pastor Chris Oyakhilome to special reception celebrating US Embassy 17th May, 2018 Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was invited to a special event hosted by the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. The official reception for the event, celebrating the move of the US Embassy, took place throughout the 2018 Holy Land Tour with Pastor Chris. It was a trip that included countless followers fulfilling their dream of a once in a life time pilgrimage. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome stated: “Every Christian must love Israel because adoring Israel is loving Jesus”during leading the Holy Tour at Israel.” The exclusive event took place at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs with invitees that comprised of ambassadors and official state agents. The Prime Minister of Israel is famously close to the American Evangelical community, embracing people who support the state of Israel. Pastor Chris is quoted saying: “Evangelical Christians are Israel’s greatest Buddies” This is the third year that Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, along with members of the Believers’ LoveWorld (BLW), will be touring the Holy Land. Chris Oyakhilome is the creator of this BLW Inc. also called the Christ Embassy Church. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome stated in his announcement that this year is the Year of the Supernatural, so the trip to Israel can’t be more suitable. This is a milestone year for the nation of Israel and thus the Tour will highlight the importance of this season’s trip for a period of reflection, inspiration, and enlightenment. The tour to Israel provides participants the chance to walk in exactly the same avenues that Jesus Christ walked, bringing the Bible to come alive. Christians may familiarize themselves with different aspects of the Holy Land, experiencing an in-depth look at the numerous sites the property has to offer you. The BLW group provides guides to highlight different historic information and biblical references. This tour is occurring at one of most outstanding times ever for Israel, celebrating its 70th year of Independence in addition to the movement of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Based on remarks that were made by Pastor Chris in the past, the State of Israel occupies an essential status in the fulfillment of Bible prophecies regarding the future of Earth. Throughout the excursion Pastor Chris spoke out: “Israel is open currently because it has embraced Democracy, unlike its neighbours.”
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coraltours · 4 years ago
Are you planning for Pastor Familiarization tour in Israel? Then contact Coral Travel & Tours experts who can make your pastor familiarization tour an unforgettable experience! Contact them today!
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coraltours · 4 years ago
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Find adventurous Pastors Israel Familiarization Tours with Coral Travel & Tours. They offer 8-day Pastors tour to the holy land to equip spiritual leaders in this desire. For more details call them today on 866-267-2511!
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