#Passionate Kisses
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Directed By: Corbin Fisher
Featuring: Kellan Colt
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...don't just kiss me, steal the air from my lungs...
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saijspellhart · 2 months
for the kissing prompt- 100, ephraim and innes :3
100. Hateful kisses; all teeth, bruising, hair tugging, being pinned against the wall, low groans, heavy breathing, knees separating thighs — but both of them need more. (Ephraim x Innes)
-WARNING: Spicy-
Ephraim finally broke away from the party, slipping out during a toast and a speech proposed by Princess L’Arachel. Her personality was…aggressive enough to draw any and all attention, creating a perfect opening for him to slip behind a heavy curtain and out onto one of the balconies of Castle Frelia.
The crisp night air greeted him, a chilled kiss against his cheeks. An audible sigh, all the tension in his body releasing, he approached the balustrade. He crossed his arms to lean on the railing, gazing off into the valley below.
A little shimmering river, reflecting the light of the moon, cut the fields and forests in the distance. It looked looked like a vein of silver in an otherwise inky black and blue landscape.
In one of the inky fields there was a herd of ghostly white dots. A herd of Frelian pegasi grazing on the pastures. Their snow white coats glowing under the moonlit night sky.
Ephraim pondered the ramifications of commandeering a Pegasus and flying back to Renais.
Not that he could fly one. He still struggled with riding a horse, despite a myriad of lessons with Kyle and Forde. The animals didn’t respond well to his brash recklessness. He doubted a flighty Pegasus would fair any better.
Ephraim, in a fit of irritation, dug at the constricting collar of his tunic. A button popped off in his hand, and he hurled it over the side of the balcony. It disappeared into the night.
“Feel better?”
Ephraim shot a glance over his shoulder. Innes, crown Prince of Frelia, strode out onto the balcony. His silver and storm blue finery, dazzled in the moonlight as he approached the King of Renais. The Prince was always stunning, in a painfully aggravating way. Even when he was caked in blood and worn from the despair of battle.
Innes joined him at the balustrade, a glass of wine in one hand. He took a sip, and eyed the rumpled and undone collar of Ephraim’s tunic. The King could feel the Prince’s sharp eyes as they traced the line of his throat down to the barest tease of a collar bone. Ephraim shivered, hoping Innes assumed it was due to the chill night.
Those sharp steel eyes cut back to Ephraim’s face, pinning him with a stare. “Should I leave you? So you may continue disrobing on our balcony?”
“Shove off,” Ephraim returned to leaning on the railing. “The ball was stuffy, and I hate this frivolous formal attire. I felt like I couldn’t breath.”
“Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so stuffy if you didn’t spend so much of it indulging my sister and her inane friends.”
“I wasn’t indulging her,” Ephraim seethed, reminded of the reason he escaped to this balcony to begin with. “I couldn’t get away from her.”
Innes scoffed, waving his glass in Ephraim’s direction. “It’s not as if you tried very hard. Prancing around the dance floor like a stallion in rut. Always the center of attention, the ladies fawning over you like swooning mares.”
Ephraim angrily swatted the glass of wine from Innes’ hand, and sent it crashing into the balustrade and over the edge.
“How very barbaric of you,” Innes shook his accosted hand and stared down the King of Renais.
“By the Stones, you insensitive prick! Innes, would it kill you to be humane for five minutes?” Ephraim threw his gloved hand in the general direction of the party. “King Hayden approached me to arrange a marriage.”
The haughty contempt finally melted, and Innes’ eyes narrowed. “Whose?”
“Whom do you think? Your sister to me.”
Even in the low light Ephraim could detect the hint of panic that welled behind Innes’ eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous, you don’t even like her.”
“I don’t think it matters what I like. Your father wants to maintain strong relations between our Kingdoms, the Renais council has been hounding me to marry since I took the throne, and it’s not like I have any better proposals on the table.”
“You sniveling coward.”
Ephraim recoiled, “Excuse me!?”
Innes stepped forward, jabbing two fingers into Ephraim’s chest. “Did Fomortiis castrate you in the final battle? Since when did Ephraim de Renais submit and roll over to the whims of lesser nobles?
“Your father…” Ephraim stepped back and his lower back hit the balustrade railing.
“My father has no power over you,” Innes closed the distance between them, getting right up in Ephraim’s face. “Tell him no.”
“And what?” Ephraim placed a hand on the rail for stability. “Risk crumbling relations between our Kingdoms? What of my people, Innes?”
“Father wouldn’t dare go to war with you and I am crown Prince!” Innes hissed. They were so close that the discrepancy in their heights had become apparent. If not for the Prince’s ungodly high heels he would have been on his tip toes trying to crowd Ephraim. He still had to tilt his head just a bit to look up at him.
“You being heir to the Frelian throne instills no comfort in me!”
“Why?” Innes cocked his head, sneering. “Scared? Does the thought of me make you quake in your boots, your majesty?”
Gods, could Innes get under his skin in the worst way. The man was fire and steel, cutting Ephraim with a tongue that set his blood alight. “All you’ve ever done is pick fights with me! I’d swear you hate me, the way you act.”
Innes took a fistful of Ephraim’s rumpled collar, demanding the taller man’s attention. “Sometimes…I do hate you, Ephraim. Every time I see you, I’m overcome with the primitive desire to destroy you, to bring you to your knees and make you quiver beneath my heel.”
Ephraim’s breath caught in his throat, heartbeat thundering in his ears. He seized Prince Innes’ wrist pushing against his hold. “Exactly my point! At least if I married your sister it would muzzle your raging ego enough to prevent the collapse of our alliance.”
“You will not marry, Tana.”
“Why?” Ephraim sneered back. “Why is this so important to you?! Is it so detestable to see your sister wed your rival?” He wanted to get under Innes’ skin the way the man crawled under his.
“You,” Innes snarled, “are my rival.” The “my” made Ephraim’s stomach clench. Innes buried his other fist in Ephraim’s mantle, using the fabric to drag the King closer to his level, nearly nose to nose. His gaze as piercing as the arrows he fired from his bow. Those steel eyes tore through Ephraim with ease, sinking past his defenses to render him useless. “She. cannot. have. you.”
Then he surged up on his toes and pressed his lips to Ephraim’s.
Ephraim made a choking noise, his heart striking his ribcage painfully. His weight shifted back against the balustrade again, and he had to put a hand back to steady himself. His other hand tightened its grip on Innes’ wrist.
To push him away? …Or to keep him close?
The kiss was as forceful and abrasive as Innes was. Ephraim swore his lips would bruise the way the prince assaulted his mouth.
Innes, honest to gods, growled against Ephraim’s mouth. He nudged Ephraim’s already buckling knees apart, forcing himself between his thighs as the King of Renais shuddered against the stone railing. It was a miracle Ephraim didn’t melt and topple over the side.
Innes’ lips dragged over Ephraim’s as he whispered into his wanting mouth. “Concede.”
Concede. A dazed Ephraim assessed the Prince beneath hooded eyes.
It was one word spoken between them many many times, but never in this sort of context. It was a taunt, an expression of superiority and triumph. Both of them spouting the word whenever they dominated the other in competition.
Concede. He could feel Innes’ breath against his bottom lip.
An ember of indignation swelled to an inferno within his chest.
Ephraim drew himself up, so Innes was no longer towering above him. His hand left the railing, seized a fistful of the Prince’s celadon hair and crushed their lips together again. The kiss was no less bruising, but this time it was all teeth.
Innes made a noise somewhere between a keen and a hiss, and Ephraim swallowed it.
Ephraim tilted his head, slotting his mouth against the Prince’s, nipping tender lips until their teeth clacked. His other hand released Innes’ wrist to curl around his neck instead. Gloved fingers cradling the back, while his thumb put pressure on his throat.
This time it was a ragged breath that escaped the man, blowing through his nose.
Innes clawed at Ephraim’s chest, nails popping another button off his tunic, only to rake savagely over the King’s collar bone. The slight pain sent electrified pleasure straight to Ephraim’s groin.
The brief upper hand was short lived, as Innes was fighting him again. The Frelian Prince pressed into the kiss with equal fervor, mouth parting to bite Ephraim’s intrusive tongue.
Ephraim had to swallow a yip when Innes’ oddly sharp canine drew blood.
Innes, already pressed between the King’s thighs, jerked his hips into Ephraim’s hardening arousal. The friction pulled a throaty groan from Ephraim and he panted against Innes’ lips.
The railing dug into his lower back again, a show of support as much as it was a mark of weakness. The King tightened his grip on Innes’ throat, his other hand releasing his hair to trail over his shoulders and down his back.
Ephraim took hold of Innes’ backside hard enough to elicit a moan, which he swallowed along with the Prince’s tongue. He tasted of copper and heat. Heady and sharp in a way that drove Ephraim feral. He clutched Innes against him, hips rocking forward, dragging the shorter man onto his toes.
Innes clawed even harder at the King’s front and neck. No doubt marring his skin with ugly red lines. He tore the front of Ephraim’s shirt apart, exposing his chest.
The cold night air bit Ephraim’s exposed skin in perfect contrast to Innes’ burning touch.
Both men broke their kissing to pant raggedly against the other’s jaw.
Ephraim wasn’t sure what prompted him to look up, past the Prince’s shoulder. Had it been a footfall? The rustle of heavy fabric? A soft gasp?
His cerulean eyes met the dark eyes of the Frelian Princess as she backed against the heavy drapes covering the balcony’s entrance. Tana reached blindly for the heavy drapery, an expression of shock and betrayal drawing her usually sweet features.
Any words—excuses—Ephraim might have mustered died in his throat when Innes—oblivious to the situation—reached up and sucked the King’s ear between his lips and teeth.
“H-aah…” Ephraim whimpered. His hold on the Prince involuntarily tightened, and he screwed his eyes shut against the look of Tana’s face.
When next he opened them, she was gone.
Please let me know if you liked! I tried my very hardest to make this hot and spicy. I really wanted to capture the intensity between these two.
Thanks for the kiss prompt!!
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leonsobsession · 1 year
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Leon pulling your hair gently making your eyes meet his, pressing his soft lips against yours and you can hear his quiet hums, you can tell he enjoys kissing you and he’d take every chance he have to do so.
Even when the two of you meet in the hallway at work he will pull you in for a quick kiss, reminding you that you’re his and no one else’s. Your knees goes weak when your eyes meets his, sometimes he’ll run his hand between your legs, give a gentle rub outside your pants making you feel all kinds of things.
His finger caressing your cheek telling you how good you’ve been to him and how much he loves you. Leon adores you and loves it when you give yourself in completely to him.
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dreamtigress · 1 month
Working side by side on a project to pad his armor and make it more comfortable. Joking and laughing while we get messy with epoxy. Sharing music and songs back and forth. Adore that we both communicate in music. Kisses that feel like comfort and then feel like fire. Soaking in the NRE and the happy glow we bring each other. Discovering fun and passion and new ways to make him make *those* noises. Giggling like fools in between all of it. Then watching him and the Husbeast chat happily. Yep. Date nights going well.
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twilight-dreamers · 2 years
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@dreamworksouch ❤️
I want to listen to your silence.
Get lost in your eyes.
Kiss the freckles on your skin.
Then enter the world inside you.
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Directed By: Alex Roman
Featuring: Blake Mitchell Justin Owen
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leloca · 3 months
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rollloist · 1 month
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"Pens that don't run out of ink...."
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pussyslave · 17 days
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w-intent · 2 months
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soulinkpoetry · 1 year
Let your lips feel to the fullest the undeniable attraction.
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randybr3001 · 4 months
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