#Pasports Renewal
adrl-pt · 2 months
Fall Plans in Russia: YouTube Block, Travel Ban, and Mobilization.
You are watching news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is July 20, 2:30 PM.
On July 12, Gazeta.ru, citing a source in the presidential administration, reported that YouTube is going to be blocked in Russia this fall. Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the authorities do not plan to do this. https://www.gazeta.ru/tech/news/2024/07/12/23447353.shtml
On the same day, Rostelecom warned that due to equipment wear and tear, YouTube speeds would drop. https://www.company.rt.ru/press/news/d470885/
Co-founder of the Roskomsvoboda project Sarkis Darbinyan said on Khodorkovsky LIVE that equipment wear does not happen overnight and suggested that the slowdown could be carried out by Roskomnadzor. He and other internet experts recommend installing a VPN now. https://www.youtube.com/live/07SfQfU4ktw?t=3402s
Meanwhile, Apple has removed dozens of VPN applications from the Russian AppStore. Sign the petition demanding Apple bring back VPN apps. https://chng.it/n4DHZYtykg
On July 3, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported on a bill to confiscate passports from Russian citizens. https://rg.ru/2024/07/03/pasport-bez-pomarok.html
The founder of the “Ark” project, Anastasia Burakova, told the Dozhd TV channel about existing cases of intentional passport damage by Russian border guards and arbitrary passport seizure under the pretext of an unwritten rule. https://www.youtube.com/live/e4WZYrSxECg?t=48
First Department lawyer Evgeniy Smirnov believes that this bill targets Russians who have left: now it is enough to draw a line with a pen to invalidate the document. https://t.me/deptone/10205
According to Olga Romanova, executive director of the "Imprisoned Rus" movement, who shared her insights on The Breakfast Show, the confiscation of an internal Russian passport is a civil execution. A person will not be able to sell an apartment or renew a foreign passport linked to a residence permit. All that remains is to obtain refugee status. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEB1thVJcZo&t=4421s
On July 11, Meduza reported that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had canceled the Russian passports of the founders of the Omsk Civil Association, which covered political persecution in the Omsk region. https://meduza.io/news/2024/07/11/osnovateli-omskogo-grazhdanskogo-ob-edineniya-zayavili-chto-mvd-annulirovalo-ih-rossiyskie-pasporta-aktivisty-zhivut-za-granitsey-ih-proekt-ob-yavili-ekstremistskim
On July 18, the "DW in Russian" channel reported that activist Olesya Krivtsova learned about the cancellation of her passport when she was unable to access the State Services website. Olesya hopes that the authorities in Norway, where she lives, will issue her a travel document, although such a practice does not yet exist in Norway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NETUY9xaruQ
On July 11, Meduza published a report revealing that for the fall conscription, a data exchange system is being developed between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the FSB to ban conscripts from leaving Russia. https://meduza.io/feature/2024/07/11/meduza-vyyasnila-kogda-v-rossii-mozhet-poyavitsya-sistema-obmena-dannymi-mezhdu-fsb-i-minoborony-dlya-zapreta-vyezda-iz-strany-muzhchin-s-povestkami
On July 12, advocacy manager in the Conscious Objector Movement Artyom Klyga said in an interview for the Dozhd TV channel that “the Ministry of Defense will definitely close the exit… as soon as the summons is posted in the electronic register.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjyHGkEXdts
On July 11, politician Gennady Gudkov, speaking on the Free Russia Forum channel, said that more than 400 thousand Russians who fled mobilization could not find themselves abroad and returned to Russia. Putin has prepared their forced mobilization, including residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RVv18AyPwc&t=2031s
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Man, i need to stop being so obssesed with honkai star rail fr fr. I had a dream today, that Kafka and Silver wolf got with me and my friend on the same long travel bus. On one of stops we started to talk to each other about our reason to travel that far(i dont remember this part really), then we exchanged our funny stories about fact,that we both had the issues with pasports( Kafka needed to travel all the way to Moscow cause she got in prison there as Stelaron Hunter ones when she was much younger and less exspiriencced. They still had an archive with information about her,so she just killed everybody. Well...and i told her funny story how i needed to travel to another region to get my pasport renew just cause russia kept threatening to bomb our posts that was doing it in my one) we both laughed that russia sux. My friend asked to help her with snacks outside, but before i could do that Kafka asked me to get closer to her seat, grabed me by my cheaks, gently and warmly kissed me on a lips and let me go...
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jubaer01 · 7 months
CANADA Government of Canada Electronic Travel Authority
Canada ETA - Online Canada Visa - Kanada hukumati viza uchun ariza, onlayn Kanada vizasiga murojaat qilish markazi
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Address :  25, rue Istiqbol, Тоshkent, Uzbekistan
Phone : +998 71 232 81 00
Website : https://www.canada-visas.org/uz/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Ram Singh  Haas
Description :Kanada elektron onlayn vizasi yoki ETA yoki elektron sayohat organi nima. Elektron Sayohat Authority ETA viza qog'oz muhri talab EMAS fuqarolar uchun kirish sharti hisoblanadi, boshqacha aytganda viza ofitsiant fuqarolari samolyot orqali Kanadaga boradi. Elektron sayohat organi pasportingizga elektron tarzda ulangan. Bu Kanada uchun qisqa muddatli viza. U besh yil muddatga yoki pasportingizning amal qilish muddati tugagunga qadar, qaysi biri tezroq bo'lsa, amal qiladi. Agar sizning pasportingiz yo'qolgan, o'g'irlangan yoki shikastlangan yoki yangilangan bo'lsa, siz boshqa Onlayn Kanada vizasi yoki ETA uchun murojaat qilishingiz kerak. Onlayn Kanada vizasi yoki elektron sayohat organi bilan siz Kanadaga qisqa muddatli qolish uchun bir necha marta uchishingiz mumkin (odatda 180 kun yoki har bir tashrif uchun olti oy). Aeroport chegarasida paydo bo'lganingizda, amaldor Kanada ETA yoki Onlayn Kanada vizasining elektron pochta nusxasini ko'rishni va pasportingizni tekshirishni so'raydi. Tasdiqlangan onlayn Kanada vizasiga ega bo'lganingizda aeroportga nima olib kelishingiz kerak, elektron pochta yoki chop etilgan qog'ozning yumshoq nusxasini qo'lingizda saqlang. Pasportingiz sizga Onlayn Kanada vizasi yoki Elektron Sayohat Authority bilan mos kelishi kerak, u siz murojaat qilgan vizaga ulanadi. Aviakompaniya xodimlari sizning qonuniy Kanada Elektron Sayohat Vakolatiga ega ekanligingizni tasdiqlash uchun viza yoki ETAni ko'rib chiqadilar. Asl pasportni olib yurganingizga ishonch hosil qiling, agar sizda bir nechta pasport bo'lsa, Kanada ETA yoki Onlayn Kanada vizasiga ulangan pasportni olib yuring. Aeroportdagi muammolardan uzoqroq turing, Elektron Sayohat Agentligi ma'qullangan va tasdiqlangan bo'lsa, Elektron Sayohat Agentligi tasdiqlash elektron pochtangizda ko'rsatilgan identifikatsiya raqami pasport sahifangizdagi raqamga mos kelishiga ishonch hosil qiling. Agar ular bir-biriga mos kelmasa, Kanada uchun boshqa elektron sayohat organiga yoki Onlayn Kanada vizasiga yana murojaat qilishingiz kerak. Quyidagi mamlakatlar fuqarolari va rezidentlari onlayn Kanada vizasi yoki ETA, Polsha, Xorvatiya, xorijdagi Britaniya, Ispaniya, Norvegiya, Shveytsariya, Isroil, Litva, Sloveniya, Kayman orollari, Belgiya, Janubiy Koreya, Yangi Zelandiya, Ruminiya, Malta, Tayvan, Lyuksemburg, Daniya, Bagama orollari, Barbados, Samoa, Frantsiya, Gonkong, Br. Virjiniya, Gretsiya, Niderlandiya, Finlyandiya, Avstraliya, Singapur, Papua-Yangi Gvineya, Germaniya, Avstriya, Meksika, Vatikan davlati, Buyuk Britaniya, Kipr, Irlandiya, Chili, Islandiya, Latviya, Solomon orollari, Vengriya, Yaponiya, Portugaliya, Montserrat, Slovakiya, Shvetsiya, Bolgariya, San-Marino, Lixtenshteyn, Bruney, Andorra, Monako, Chexiya, Estoniya, Italiya va Anguilla.  What is a Canadian electronic Online Visa or ETA or Electronic Travel Authority. An Electronic Travel Authority ETA is a entry prerequisite for those citizens who do NOT require paper stamp Visa in other words visa waiter  nationals going to Canada via Airplance. An Electronic Travel Authority is electronically connected to your Passport. It is a short term Visa for Canada. It is valid for period of five years or until your Passport expires,  whichever is sooner. If your passport is lost, stolen or damaged or renewed, then you need to apply another Online Canada Visa or ETA. With a valid Online Canada Visa or  Electronic Travel Authority, you can fly  out to Canada multiple times for short stays (ordinarily for as long as a 180 days or six months per visit). At the point when you show up on the border of Airport, an official will request to see your Email copy of Canada ETA or Online Canada Visa and also check your passport.  What to bring to the airport when you get Approved Online Canada Visa, keep the soft copy email or printout handy.
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itsme-ayunda · 1 year
I finally have time to write. I actually not that busy but I just dont have a good mood for writing. I dont know, its always like this I guess. Until I lost my memories what had happened.
⚘️ I finally let my brother to get married.
I never mad to him because of this. Im just disappointed why all of sudden he wanted to get married. While he never care to us, his family. Then he planning to build another family. Bring another person. In the condition he is not in financially stable. Its crazy isnt it !!
In the second tomorrow he about to get married, he still asking money to us because he has no money for the wedding. What was he thinking 😭 is he thinking we are rich ??? We even struggling to pay our sister school, her needs, and other thing. And he dare to bring another person to our family. Which of course probably needs more money.
⚘️ I missed the immigration appointment
Its still related in to his wedding. What if that day mom not busy with pengajian and involved me to that event so I could remember the appointment. I cried for a day because of that. I lost the money and the time because is not easy to renew the pasport in this country. Even it got me emotional at the first because the application for registration that always crash. I hate this country as well.
I really be careful for this day then mom ruined it. For the sake of pengajian. Which there is nothing to do with me.
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vmonteiro23a · 2 years
40 YEARS AGO: Classix Nouveaux – “THE END OR THE BEGINNING” “October 20, 1982 CLASSIX NOUVEAUX have had six months to come up with a new strange song and now present fans with “The End” flipped with “…Or The Beginning.” The band almost lost their guitarist Jimi Sumen. He returned to Finland to get his pasport renewed, so he could stay in the UK and continue playing with Classix Nouveaux. Once…
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nadracardcentre1 · 4 years
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kemungkinan-blog · 5 years
Tak bayar hutang PTPTN, peminjam dilarang renew pasport, lesen memandu, cukai jalan, siar gambar di khalayak ramai
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Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) dijangka akan memperkenalkan semula sekatan perjalanan ke luar negara terhadap peminjam yang gagal mebayar balik pinjaman jika perkara itu dimahukan orang ramai. 
Pengerusi PTPTN, Wan Saiful Wan Jan semalam berkata, pihaknya sedang melihat beberapa cadangan lain untuk mengutip baki pinjaman pendidikan. 
Menurut Timbalan CEO PTPTN, Mastura Mohd Khalid, cadangan itu termasuk menyekat peminjam dari memperbaharui pasport, lesen, cukai jalan dan lesen perniagaan, kepada kabinet. 
Jelas Mastura, sekatan perjalanan merupakan kaedah paling berkesan yang dilakukan oleh PTPTN dalam usaha mengumpul balik bayaran pinjaman dari peminjam yang gagal membuat pembayaran. 
"Lebih daripada dua pertiga peminjam PTPTN gagal mebayar balik pinjaman, mula membayar balik selepas pihak kami mengenakan sekatan perjalanan.
"Daripada satu juta peminjam yang gagal membayar balik hutang, 684,000 daripadanya kembali melunaskan bayaran pinjaman. Hanya 332,000 sahaja yang masih tidak membuat sebarang pembayaran. 
"Bagaimanapun, kaedah ini dihentikan kerana ia menyebabkan kesulitan kepada peminjam yang mahu melakukan perjalanan ke luar negara kerana mereka dihalang daripada meninggalkan negara di pintu keluar sempadan. 
"Kini cadangan yang kami terima untuk PTPTN, peminjam yang tidak membuat bayaran dilarang memperbaharui pasport, lesen memandu, cukai jalan dan juga menyiarkan gambar mereka di khalayak ramai serta menyenarai hitam ahli keluarganya daripada pinjaman pendidikan PTPTN," katanya. 
Setakat Februari tahun ini, PTPTN telah mengeluarkan sejumlah RM56 bilion, manakala jumlah kutipan hutang peminjam cuma sebanyak RM8.4 bilion. 
Jika trend ini berterusan, PTPTN dijangka akan menanggung hutang kira-kira RM76 bilion dalam masa 20 tahun lagi dan berkemungkinan besar PTPTN tidak dapat lagi membiayai pinjaman atau mungkin sudah tidak wujud. 
Jika perkara itu berlaku, orang ramai terutamanya generasi masa depan akan terpaksa bergantung kepada institusi kewangan sewasta untuk membuat pinjaman pendidikan dan bilangan pelajar yang memperolehi pembiayaan akan menjadi rendah. 
Wan Saiful berkata, PTPTN kini sedang mengumpul maklumbalas daripada orang awam berkenaan cadangan-cadangan tersebut dan akan membawanya ke mesyuarat kabinet untuk mendapatkan keputusan muktamad. 
PTPTN juga mengalu-alukan orang ramai memberi pandangan melalui tinjauan online yang telah dibuka secara umum kepada orang ramai sejak petang semalam hingga 13 Jun 2019. 
Bagi yang berminat untuk memberi maklum balas mengenainya, boleh melayari laman PTPTN 'Konsultasi Rakyat'. 
Sumber: MalaysiaKini
from The Reporter http://bit.ly/30sc5lS via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat http://bit.ly/2YwwiFt via IFTTT
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gettinf my pasport renewed 🧟🧟🧟🧟
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scarefox · 4 years
Can you put a link to the YouTube so that we can all report it and close it, please?
Hey. Well, It’s a german channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RAD2-v7zLsCzF1LDEJu-w He and his partner basically take topics people fear and spread wrong informations and rumors about it to make them join the protest movement. To be fair their strategy is non-violent, they try to appear friendly and don’t break laws. But he talks about that the corona vaccine will be forced upon us here, that people gift you face masks with anaesthetic to rob you or that you can’t get (renewed) pasports at the moment in several countries since they are reforming “the system” atm. Which is total bs you still can get new pasports and in germany we don’t have mandatory vaccination and even the police said there is no case of anaesthetic in face masks... his main motive seems to be anti-quarantine because “freedom is important and a human right” and of course he writes books about the topics he talks about. Those guys always have something to sell.... Unfortunately, the dude is very sneaky and careful in his videos. The telegram channel (linked under the videos) is filled with various screenshoots that support the whole fearmongering that the virus is fake and governments just want to track and controll us. He also supports q*anon. 
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jubaer01 · 9 months
For AZERBAIJAN CITIZENS - CANADA Government of Canada Electronic Travel Authority - Canada ETA - Online Canada Visa
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Address: 1033 ул. Измира, Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone: (+994 12) 490 78 18/19
Website: https://www.canada-visa-online.com/az/visa/ 
Business Hours: 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name: Ram Singh Haas
Description: Kanada elektron Onlayn Viza və ya ETA və ya Elektron Səyahət Təşkilatı nədir. Elektron Səyahət Authority ETA, kağız möhürü tələb etməyən vətəndaşlar, başqa sözlə, təyyarə ilə Kanadaya gedən ofisiant vətəndaşları üçün giriş şərtidir. Elektron Səyahət İdarəsi pasportunuza elektron şəkildə qoşulur. Bu, Kanada üçün qısamüddətli vizadır. Beş il müddətinə və ya Pasportunuzun müddəti bitənə qədər etibarlıdır, hansı daha tezdir. Pasportunuz itirilibsə, oğurlanıbsa və ya zədələnibsə və ya yenilənibsə, onda siz başqa Onlayn Kanada Viza və ya ETA müraciət etməlisiniz. Etibarlı Onlayn Kanada Viza və ya Elektron Səyahət Təşkilatı ilə siz qısa müddət ərzində Kanadaya bir neçə dəfə uça bilərsiniz (adətən 180 gün və ya hər səfər üçün altı ay). Siz Hava Limanının sərhədində göründüyünüz zaman bir məmur Kanada ETA və ya Onlayn Kanada Vizasının e-poçt nüsxəsini görməyi və həmçinin pasportunuzu yoxlamağı xahiş edəcək. Təsdiqlənmiş Onlayn Kanada Vizasını alarkən hava limanına nə gətirməlisən, elektron nüsxəni və ya çapı əlinizdə saxlayın. Pasportunuz sizə Onlayn Kanada Vizasına və ya Elektron Səyahət Təşkilatına uyğun olmalıdır, o, müraciət etdiyiniz vizaya qoşulacaq. Aviaşirkətin əməkdaşları qanuni Kanada Elektron Səyahət Təşkilatına malik olduğunuzu təsdiqləmək üçün vizanı və ya ETA-nı nəzərdən keçirəcəklər. Orijinal pasportunuzu daşıdığınızdan əmin olun, əgər birdən çox pasportunuz varsa, Kanada ETA və ya Onlayn Kanada Vizanıza qoşulan pasportu özünüzlə aparın. Hava terminalında problemlərdən uzaq durun, Elektron Səyahət Qurumunuz təsdiq edildikdə və təsdiq edildikdə, Elektron Səyahət Təşkilatının təsdiq e-poçtunuzda qeyd olunan identifikasiya nömrəsinin Pasport Səhifənizdəki nömrə ilə eyni olduğundan əmin olun. Onların uyğun gəlmədiyi və uyğun gəlmədiyi halda, siz Kanada üçün başqa Elektron Səyahət Təşkilatına və ya Onlayn Kanada Vizasına yenidən müraciət etməlisiniz. Aşağıdakı ölkələrin vətəndaşları və rezidentləri Onlayn Kanada vizası və ya ETA, Polşa, Xorvatiya, Britaniyanın xaricdəki ölkələri, İspaniya, Norveç, İsveçrə, İsrail, Litva, Sloveniya, Kayman adaları, Belçika, Cənubi Koreya, Yeni Zelandiya, Rumıniya üçün müraciət edə bilərlər. Malta, Tayvan, Lüksemburq, Danimarka, Baham adaları, Barbados, Samoa, Fransa, Honq Konq, Br. Virgin Is., Yunanıstan, Hollandiya, Finlandiya, Avstraliya, Sinqapur, Papua Yeni Qvineya, Almaniya, Avstriya, Meksika, Vatikan Dövləti, Böyük Britaniya, Kipr, İrlandiya, Çili, İslandiya, Latviya, Solomon Adaları, Macarıstan, Yaponiya, Portuqaliya, Montserrat, Slovakiya, İsveç, Bolqarıstan, San Marino, Lixtenşteyn, Bruney, Andorra, Monako, Çexiya, Estoniya, İtaliya və Anguilla.  What is a Canadian electronic Online Visa or ETA or Electronic Travel Authority. An Electronic Travel Authority ETA is a entry prerequisite for those citizens who do NOT require paper stamp Visa in other words visa waiter  nationals going to Canada via Airplance. An Electronic Travel Authority is electronically connected to your Passport.
It is a short term Visa for Canada. It is valid for period of five years or until your Passport expires,  whichever is sooner. If your passport is lost, stolen or damaged or renewed, then you need to apply another Online Canada Visa or ETA. With a valid Online Canada Visa or  Electronic Travel Authority, you can fly  out to Canada multiple times for short stays (ordinarily for as long as a 180 days or six months per visit). At the point when you show up on the border of Airport, an official will request to see your Email copy of Canada ETA or Online Canada Visa and also check your passport.  What to bring to the airport when you get Approved Online Canada Visa, keep the soft copy email or printout handy. Your passport must match you Online Canada Visa or Electronic Travel Authority, it will be connected to the visa you used to apply. The airline employees  will review  your visa or ETA to confirm  that you have a legitimate Canadian Electronic Travel Authority.  Ensure that you carry the original passport, if you have multiple passports, then carry the passport that is connected to your Canadian ETA or Online Canada Visa. Keep away from problems at the air terminal, When your Electronic Travel Authority is approved and endorsed, make sure that the identification number mentioned for your Electronic Travel Authority approval email matches the number in your Passport Page. In the event that they don't align and match, you must again apply for another Electronic Travel Authority for Canada or Online Canada Visa. Citizens and Residents of the following countries are eligible to apply for Online Canadian Visa or ETA, Poland, Croatia, British overseas, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Israel, Lithuania, Slovenia, Cayman Islands, Belgium, South Korea, New Zealand, Romania, Malta, Taiwan, Luxembourg, Denmark, Bahamas, Barbados, Samoa, France, Hong Kong, Br. Virgin Is., Greece, Netherlands, Finland, Australia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Germany, Austria, Mexico, Vatican City State, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Ireland, Chile, Iceland, Latvia, Solomon Islands, Hungary, Japan, Portugal, Montserrat, Slovakia, Sweden, Bulgaria, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Brunei, Andorra, Monaco, Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy and Anguilla.
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viralsini · 5 years
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Cara Renew Pasport Online, Senang, Tak Perlu Beratur & Tunggu Lama Dah! https://ift.tt/30xHNx0 Banyak Lagi Yang Viral di https://ift.tt/2VcE2el
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dement009 · 8 years
22 and 41?
Answered 41
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
I forgot to pay for my pasport being renewed after getting it (because you have to pay for it in a week span after you get it) so my dad got a visit from a police man at 10pm (cuz i dont live at my home address) to give me a notice to pay for my pasport dsfsdf
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aslaugthorin-blog · 6 years
WES diploma evaluation
Hi everyone, today I will tell you about WES. This post is renewable, since today I just started to grasp information from everywhere and made the first trial to understand what I have to do.
First of all, WES (in case you think is a name) is World Education Services. Its main aim is to assess (evaluate) your educational credentials and compare it to local (i.e. USA’ or Canada’s) ones. It doesnt proceed medical, pharmaceutical diplomas, flying certificates (in case you are a pilot) or legal diplomas (in case you are legal councel or something like this).
My initial situation is a bit tricky.
I have Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the same university, but different occupations. I live in Moscow, but my university is in Saint-Petersburg. And I didn’t change my surname while getting married. The last fact enables me to proceed my documents online.
My husband earned diploma of special secondary educaton (locksmith for rolling stock) and Specialist’s degree from the university in small city somewhere in the rural area of the country. And he has changed his surname due to some reason. The last fact doesn’t allow him to proceed online.
Ok. What we are doing.
First of all we have to make apostil. It is some kind of official proof that we have been graduated from the educational univercities or colleges. The organization that is authorized to make requests and confirm this information, approaches our educational institution by request and send confirmation. 
It costs about 40 USD (in rubbles of course) per diploma. 4 documents = 160 USD + delivery expences. A kind of a robbery!
Anyway, I logged into mos.ru and filled in the application form. Partially, technically, because you have to submit scans of all your documents (diplomas, pasport), and my scans are too poor. I am going to make new copies today. Ok, I have done scans and submitted the applications (2 applications, since I have to evaluate both bachelor's and master's diplomas).
My husband has done the scans, too. But as I told above, he can only proceed offlne.
To be continued...
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An Summary Of Quick Solutions In Asf Video Recovery
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Pasport renewal expedited service to Online Soccer Betting
In case you are totally thrilled about soccer you can conveniently take the passion to the next level and place a bet on your own favorite team winning. It is fun and it is making your experience in front with the TV a lot more exciting. Listed here are the essential steps to online soccer betting.
The first thing you need to do would be to join a free account having a bookmaker who offers soccer betting odds. judi bola terpercaya ml�+�Z�1(#�P�� You can do it online about the designated website through the place in the world anytime. You may also elect to gamble on soccer offline - here is the traditional option and it has its own advantages so long as the bookie you have chosen has an office in your area. Once you've a merchant account, you need to credit it with a certain quantity of cash based on the size the bets you need to make. Normally the most prominent bookmakers have special offers achievable customers in the event you place a certain bet over a game you automatically get extra free exclusive online soccer betting selections for a nominated sum. You're recommended not to try any suspicious online bookies plus any illegal gambling activities since this could easily get you into trouble with the authorities and also the bet takers.
When you are comfortably set with the technicalities, you can put a bet on a soccer game online with all the mobile. The match odds bet is the most popular one. The over and under and also the total score bets may also be excellent choices - they may be highly profitable and so are simple to figure out. The actual game score and half-time score will be more nearly impossible to find right and thus tend to be riskier. judi bola terpercaya  The win to nil bet is a great one particularly if an extremely weak team is playing against an all-time winner. The draw no bet is a less risky one.
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