mollysmythtymsyllom · 7 years
Multi muse: 20-30
Multi-Muse Meme
Which muses have sent nudes before? - Cole, Dannie, Justin, Kendall, Ryan.
Which muses are left-handed? - Parker and Evan
Which muses prefer bathing over showering? Quinn
Which muses belong to a religion? Uh… Evan, Charlotte,
Which muses bite their nails? Tessa, Max, Shauna, Elliot
Which muses can’t ride a bike? Bennett, Cory,
Which muses can change a tire? Zach, Tessa, Will, Ryan, Max, Parker, Nathan, Meredith, Kendra, Kane, Justin, Jamie, Evelyn, Elliot, Charlotte, and Alex
Which muses can’t swim? Cory, Bennett, Will.
Which muse is the clumsiest? Molly, or Jamie
And which is the most elegant? … Dannie when it comes to her dancing or Quinn maybe?
Which muses are parents? Kane
I feel like I should put gifs on this, but I am way too lazy right now. 
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