#Parawhat relationships?
gay-baby-brig · 10 months
How it started: "Oh, wow, people ship Izzy and Frenchie??? It's called what????"
How it's going: "OK but we don't know Joel Fry doesn't speak multiple languages, he seems the type,"
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breaking news i love rhys darby so much. heheee wwkwnqqwkaoakawnz wjishvewbqknaia He is like your dad’s cool friend that you speak to once at a barbecue and whose whatsapp status has been the same since 2015 and i absolutely love him for that i love you rhys darby actual legit goat owner . he would say amazeballs
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theshanemartis · 3 years
day seventeen || part two || self para
what: shane goes for a little walkabout to find wang by herself. with a surprise at the end!! when: late morning, day 17 where: jungle tw: paranoia, anxiety, shane losing grip with reality idk how to tw that @wildshub​
she isn’t really sure how long she’s been walking, god what she would give to have a watch right about now. but it seems as if the deeper into the jungle shane walks, the harder it is the push away the thoughts in the back of her mind. 
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they start as just little whispers, a voice in the back of her mind that is telling her all the things she has been trying to push away since she said goodbye to joss and erin the other night. 
they don’t want you to find them.
if they wanted you, they would have asked you to come with them. 
they don’t trust you. 
she tried her best to ignore the voice. pushing forward, deeper and deeper into the jungle. logically, she knew it wasn’t real. she knew that at least joss didn’t feel that way about her. things were still a little rocky with erin, but after their talk the other day, she thought they had turned a corner in their relationship. 
but what if they didn’t? what if erin still hates you? you did punch her in the face. it was an accident. you also punched joss in the face and that wasn’t an accident. she forgave me that for that. did she really? or did she just say that to make you feel better because you were pathetic, because she felt bad for you. no, joss wouldn’t do that. she told me she loves me. what if erin turned her against you? 
“no!” her hands went to her ears, clamping down on them as if that would stop the voice in her head. she didn’t realize she said that part out loud. of course no one was around to hear her, but it did make the voice in her head shut up. after a couple of seconds, she slowly took her hands off her ears, even though she knew that voice wasn’t real, it was just her paranoia getting the better of her. 
she pushed on, continuing her path through the jungle. she wondered how far the two girls could have gotten, again hoping that they didn’t decide to go to the other side of the island in fear that someone else would come looking for them. which of course shane was doing. what if she was doing exactly what they didn’t want? no no, she can’t think like that. 
but as she pushed that thought away, another one took it’s place. one that has been in her mind often since the two girls left. 
what if something bad happened to them?
images of jenny in the cave nights ago came to her mind. the way they were curled up on the cave floor, freezing and shaking, cuts all over their body, blood all over them. she remembers the way they felt when she pulled them into her arms, as she and joss tried to warm them up enough to get their body moving again. 
the image quickly changed. replaced with joss and erin in the jungle, laying in the dirt in the same state jenny once was. the two of them clinging together as if it was the only think keeping them alive. the image was so clear in her mind. 
you did this. you didn’t stop them from going out there. this is your fault. you did this. 
no. no. izzy said they were okay. they weren’t hurt. they didn’t want to come back, but they were fine. this wasn’t real. she knew it. she knew it was just her paranoia. but it’s never been this bad before. she thought back to one of the times her therapist tried to get her to open up and accept her disorder. she tried to remember if this was a symptom. or if she was finally losing it after pushing herself too hard for too long. that the lack of food, lack of sleep, lack of drugs was finally making her lose it. god, if only she didn’t ignore her therapist. if only she just listened to him one of those many meetings.
she put her hands to her ears again, trying to focus on walking. focus on finding the girls. she probably looked so stupid. god if joss could see her right now. she would call her an idiot. the thought brought a small smile to her face. 
but she let her guard down. how could you let this happen? it was joss’ voice this time. shane stopped in her tracks, she spun around, trying to find the source of the voice. “joss?” she called out before realizing the voice was just in her head. don’t you care about me? i thought you said you loved me. maybe you’re just like lucy after all. “no, i’m not! i’m not like her, joss!” she says out loud again as if the voice in her head would listen. i don’t know about that, this voice was erin’s, you hated me for just existing. you hated me just because people like me better than you and listen to me. “no, i don’t hate you. i don’t, i promise!” she didn’t know who she was trying to prove. the voices were just in her head. it’s not like erin could actually hear her. and even if she could hear her, would she believe it?
“stop!” shane called out, putting her hands over her ears again. “this isn’t real. you’re not real. i’m okay, this is just my paranoia talking. this isn’t real.” she repeated to herself. she could feel her eyes start to prickle with the start of tears, but she squeezed them shut. she squatted down, making herself small on the floor of the jungle. 
she stayed like that for some time. maybe a few seconds, maybe a few minutes. she couldn’t be sure. enough time that the voices swirling around in her head finally shut up enough to hear herself think. the tears had started to fall, but she didn’t bother to wipe them away. 
it was from her low vantage point that she saw it when she opened her eyes. a familiar color that shane hasn’t seen in days. for a second, she thought it was her mind playing tricks on her again. but after a moment, she got on her hands and knees, not caring about the soft dirt beneath her, and she moved forward to it. 
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