#Parade went great. Couldnt get as loud as I wanted to be when i was calling my cadence.
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faggotstump · 3 months ago
I am, as the kids say these days, "tweaking" and "about to crash the fuck out".
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pbandjesse · 4 years ago
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Happy Halloween!! I hope you all are having a great day. And I really hope you all can see the special moon tonight! Right now its slightly cloudy so I havent seen it yet but there is still time 
I felt a little better today. I feel a lot better right now. But that wasnt true all day.   Last night was hard. I was half asleep when James got home. And then was half awake pretty much all night. Like every time there was a sound I would like focus on it. And sweetP was pushing on the door and making noise and I kept getting a song stuck in a loop in my head and it was just not fun. 
So our alarm goes off at 7 and I was like. Hey I just. Cant. And slept until 9. James came back for me but I was not doing good. My mouth still hurt really bad. And I was just sore everywhere. I felt weak. He brought me the breakfast sandwich he made me and some berries. But I couldnt taste anything so it was a struggle. 
I knew I wanted to go out into nature today. I told James this. And he said he would be ready whenever I wanted to leave. 
So I pulled myself out of bed and got showered and dressed. I braided my hair and put glitter all over my face and I felt really cute and started to feel better. 
We drove out to a trail head James had biked to before. And it was really beautiful. I tried to take some instax photos but the lighting was apparently to dark and they didnt come out. But thats okay. The nature was really pretty. I climb on a fallen tree. James climbed on a big rock. We found a sculpture in the woods? The leaves were so nice and the weather was cold but in the best way. 
Most people at least put a mask up as they went past us. A few people didnt even seem to have masks with them and that was annoying but we didnt say goodmorning to them so I hope they know we thought they were rude. There was a lot of mud and I slipped at one point. But we were holding hands so I didnt fall for long but i did bump my knee and it got wet and I was sad about that. So when we found a bunch we sat for a little while.
Then I got really hungry all of a sudden. So we turned around and took the path back to the car. 
We decided to go to the BBQ place James's likes. I got a bunch of sides. He got ribs. We shared cornbread. The boy at the window told us that he has been encouraging people to vote and someone got really mad and called in to try to get him fired. Wild. I hope he's alright. 
We went home. Had out lunch. And celebrated sweetP's birthday! He is 6 today! James had given him some cream cheese for breakfast and for lunch we let him lick the rib bones. He also had a little potato salad and corn bread. The food was great and I enjoyed the company. 
After lunch I did some cleaning. James worked on the kitchen while I picked up the rest of the apartment. It made me feel better. 
Soon though James had to go to work. And I was sad. But I wished him luck and promised we would do the halloween stuff on our island when he got home. 
When he left I went to lay in the studio to watch a video. I got cold so I put my skeleton costume on. And laid down. But then there was so much music outside. I forgot about the kid parade of costumes. I watched them for a little bit but they had bruno mars music blasting so loud for almost 3 hours. It was not the greatest. 
I was able to fall asleep but it was still loud when I woke up. I got up though and worked on a few little projects. Tried to be positive. 
It was about 5 and thats when the Animal Crossing Halloween stuff started! So while I would save most of it for when James got home I did play for a little. I am slightly sad that none of my villagers think Im wearing a costume. So I have to carry around a mask so they will give me candy. And I won a few of the things I really wanted. I had to get off though because if a villager sees you they ask for candy and I wanted to make sure I had enough for when James got back here. 
The island did throw a little party for sweetP's birthday though and that was fun. They had cupcakes and a pinata. It was very cute. I took so many pictures. 
I hung out and worked on stuff for the instagram store tomorrow. I accidently deleted all my drafted posts so I had to retype the captions all up again but I did it on a google doc I can grab from. Frustrating but I will make it work. 
Eventually I took a bath. Listened to spooky stories. Made a taco. Sang songs to sweetP. Its been a good night. 
I hope James comes home soon. And I hope the moon comes out. And I hope we all sleep easy tonight. Take care of yourselves. Be safe!!
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jujubieberbae · 8 years ago
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Warnings: None
Request: Can u do more cute imagines on stage with yn
I wasn’t sure how you wanted the imagine to go exactly but I hope this is good enough, Enjoy! 
Heavy breathing and loud screams. It’s a familiar sound now. 
I’ve been to so many of his concerts that coming just seems to be a second nature. It’s different then it was a few years ago though. Back then, I only saw him once every few years when he would put on a show, and I would usually only be seeing him from a far distance. He didn’t even know I existed. 
But now, my whole world has flipped upside down and as I stood from the wings, watching Justin and his dancers parade around on stage, I couldnt help but look at all the other screaming fans, reaching out for something so small, as simple as a graze of his shoe. 
I used to be like that, before I met him for real.
I remember it so vividly. The day it was absolutely pouring rain and I still had a good 2 miles to walk. I remember sneezing from the cold raindrops that trickled down my skin, leaving me to deal with an ongoing flu the next day. But I also remember seeing the black, tinted SUV pulling up beside me. 
At that moment my heart nearly stopped, and I was readying myself to run if needed. I really thought I was about to be kidnapped when the door to the SUV swung open, but gee was I glad stayed when I did. 
My idol stood in front of me, a concerned look on his face as he glanced at me, then up at the dark grey clouds above. Star struck, I listened to his words, so simple yet so demanding. “Need a ride? Get in! Where are you headed?” 
And from there it was a long spiral of being strangers, to acquaintances, friends, to love interests. Then finally - becoming official 3 months ago - as boyfriend and girlfriend.
“Get used to me holding you. Get used to me woeing you. Oh! get used to it...” The last line was sung. Justin’s jumping stopped as he ended in position, the crowd's screams only just beginning to pick up.
“Thankyou all so much for coming tonight.” He announced breathlessly into the mic. “Don’t go anywhere guys, we’ll be back in 10!” 
And then he and the dancers ran off stage for a quick break. Justin immediately grabbed ahold of me, smiling like a fool under his head mic. “How am I doing?” 
After handing him his water bottle and wiping down his forehead with a towel as he gulped it down, I smiled and said, “Absolutely amazing baby. You always do great.” while rubbing his sweaty but masculine arms. It’s crazy to think that I have one of the worlds biggest popstars, as well as my dream guy, wrapped right around my finger. Just as well as I am with him.
“Let’s take a snap before you have to go back out.” I exclaimed, removing my phone from the pocket of my jeans.
“”Okay. But it’s only going to your family right?” And here we go again. Justin has been trying to keep our relationship a secret ever since we got together. At first it seemed to just be a privacy thing, so we could enjoy a little time to ourselves before going public to the world, but its been 3 months, and It honestly feels a little as if Justin is embarrassed to be seen in a relationship with me.
I mean, I’m definently not the most attractive girl, and I don’t have a model body either. I’m short, with a little belly. I can barely do my makeup for shit and not to mention, I’m not famous. In the end, I’m just a fan. 
“Oh- uh. Y-yeah. Of course.” I stutted in a failed attempt to hide my disappointment.
Justin’s face fell, eyes wondering over me in a concern. “You okay baby girl?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just forget it. Don’t worry about the snap. You gotta go out there soon and Scooter wants to talk to you.” 
“Go. Scooter’s waiting.” I pushed. I honestly just wanted to be left alone for a little bit, and pushing him away for a while was really the only way I was going to get that.
Justin hesitated and compelled but with some tugging and pushing, I got him over to Scooters side and walked away.
Justin’s POV
“Your doing great Kiddo.” Scooter began, looking down at the show plan in his hand, he hadn’t even realised that Y/N had practically dragged me over here, to busy caught up making sure everything was going according to plan.
“Yeah thanks Scoot.” I rushed. “Hey, do you know what’s up with Y/N?”
“Y/N? No. She was fine earlier.” Scooter answered, glancing up towards me. “Why?” 
“She just seemed like she was in a bit of a shit mood. Or something was making her uncomfortable.”
“Well did something happen?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No...I mean...I don’t think so?” I questioned. “I don’t know.” I sighed. “We were talking about the show, and then all of a sudden she asked if we could take a snap before I went back out. Then after that she just suddenly said she didn’t want to do it anymore and that I should talk to you before I go back out.” I explained.
“Okay...” Scooter trailed off “Did you say anything before that?”
“No, just that we could take a pic, just as long as she only sends it to her friends and family. No one else.”
That’s when Scooters face lit up in recognition, a sigh leaving his lips. 
“Justin, I honestly don’t know how so many girls love you. You are so oblivious.” Scooter joked.
“What?” I questioned. 
“Justin, did it ever occur to you that maybe Y/N’s feeling a little insecure?”
 “Insecure? About what. She’s perfect, there’s nothing to be insecure about.”
“Maybe not to you but to her...” Scooter explained. “Justin, she’s a wemon - a girl. Shes gonna need constant confident boosters and reminders that she is beautiful because otherwise after a while, the confidence she has will just wither away. And you holding back on telling everyone about your relationship is probably starting to affect her. She probably thinks you don’t want to be seen with her.”
“But that’s not true at all.” 
“But she dosen’t know that.” Scooter stated. 
“Well then...what do I do?” I ask hysterically. Scooter only shrugs and pats me on the shoulder. “That’s for you to figure out Kiddo. Your on in a minute.”
And with that, he walked over to pep up the dancers.
1 minute seconds, that gives me 60 seconds to think of something. C’mon Jay THINK!
Then, a brilliant idea pops in my head. And not only for Y/N’s sake, but i think for the crowds entertainment as well. Guess there’s gonna be one less lonely girl tonight.
I sighed, looking out at the stage. “JUS-TIN...JUS-TIN...JUS-TIN!” the crowd chanted in anticipation. He was soon to go on, and the only thing I was feeling was self-conscious. I didn’t mean to push Justin away like that but I just can’t be around him when I get like that. I don’t like him seeing me sad, it makes him sad, and he needs to be in a good mood for the remaining part of this night.
The name was smooth but rushed as he voiced it from a small distance. Quickly, I straightened up and planted a fake smile on my face, awaiting Justin’s arrival.
“Hey baby, aren’t you supposed to be getting ready?”
“I need to show you something.” He ignored my question.
“Now?” I ask in confusion. Justin only nods and grabs a hold of my hand, mumbling “C’mon.” 
Scooters voice suddenly began echoing throughout the backstage arena, the dancers all running forward towards the wings of the stage. “Alright, where on in 3! 2! 1!”
And then the music began. Light strumming of a guitar. Wait? This isn’t right. the next song should of been trust. This is one less lonely girl...
“Justin, what’s going on?”
But to no avail. All he did was send a wink my way, then began to sing through his head mic, slowly making his was on stage with a firm grip on my hand.
“There’s gonna be one less lonely girl, One less lonely girl, There's gonna be one less lonely girl,One less lonely girl! How many I told you's and start overs...”
While He progressed on stage, his grip around my hand tightened as I struggled to pull away. “What are you doing?” I whispered.
I watched as the dancers ran around on stage, planting a stool in the middle.
Justin lead me further and further until I was in sight of every screaming fan. The cheers made my head dizzy and the attention made my body weak but with Justin here, everything seemed to refocus and seem alright. 
Justin smiled and placed me on the stool in the center of the stage, continuing to sing the current verse of one less lonely girl, what in the world was the boy doing?
“Saw so many pretty faces before I saw you. Now all I see is you! No, no, Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you, And when you're mine in the world - There’s gonna be one less lonely girl!”
He moved his body from singing towards the crowd, to directing the song towards me. Running his hand down my body and face in a sentimental way, love shining through his eyes.
He continued the lyrics to his old but popular song, half way through helping me off the stool to where he cradled me in his arms and began slow dancing with me, his arms locked around me, pushing my head into his chest.
Then the song began to come to an end, and he stopped moving. Looking me directly in the eyes with his arms stretched slightly, cupping my cheeks. Honey eyes radiating with nothing but love. 
“If you let me inside your world! There's gonna be one less lonely girl....” Then in a raspy and low voice, he mumbled, “You shawty” Before connecting his lips to mine. 
And although we were accompanied by thousands of people screaming in shock, it was as if no one else was in the room but us. 
The kiss lasted a few seconds at least, before he finally pulled away, pulling me into his side and waving off towards the crowd with a smile.
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