#Para:special delivery
therockyroberts · 6 years
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     Special Delivery || Rocky Roberts + Connor Kent 
Tagging: Rocky Roberts & Connor Kent ( @connorxkent)
Location: Vancouver General Hospital 
Date: February 23, 2019
Notes: Rocky and Connor go in for a routine checkup that ends up with a month early surprise. She gives birth to Scarlet Maxine Kent & Peter Quill Kent.
 It had been a routine checkup like any other. Rocky was getting closer to the time that she was due so appointments came bi weekly instead of monthly. She’d already been put on bedrest and she was keeping to that, but all it took was a look at the doctor’s face at this last check up for her to look at Connor and know that something was wrong. Her heart sank and she reached out for Connor’s hand as the doctor left the room speaking in hushed tones with the nurse. They hadn’t told them anything yet, and she bit the inside of her cheek. This was Rocky’s worse nightmare that something would be wrong with the babies or her. Or that it would cause some unnecessary stress for Connor. He had lived through this before. She didn’t want this to happen again. Thankfully, though they didn’t say that there was anything seriously wrong. Sometimes with twins one, grew faster than the other and they would need to do a C-section and the babies would come a few weeks early. They left to prepare for the surgery and to get ready to prep her for surgery too. She reached out for Connor’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “Everything’s going to be okay. I’m scared but me and the babies are going to be just fine.”
Connor knew. He knew in his gut that this all been too good to be true. There had been a little seed of fear that had sat buried in his chest all this time. Fear that he was cursed. Fear that good things like this couldn’t happen to a guy like him. Fear that somehow, someway the universe was going to take away his babies once again. And all it took was one look from the doctor to confirm all the pain and anguish festering up inside of him. “You don’t,” Connor let out a stream of cuss words under his breath, squeezing her hand all too tightly back before quickly pulling away. He wanted to yell. He wanted to scream. He wanted to curse the universe for doing this to him again. For putting him through this again. “You don’t know that. You don’t know that. Fuck,” He cussed once more. Running his hands through his hair as he resisted the urge to punch something. “I- I’m sorry… I know …. I know I’m being helpful right now,” He said between drawn out breaths, trying so hard to keep calm despite the sound of his heartbeat banging rapidly against the walls of his chest. “But I just… I love you, Rocky. So much.” And the four words he kept to himself at the tip of his tongue- I can’t lose you.
Rocky bit the inside of her cheek. She was going to be strong. She wasn’t going to cry. She wasn’t going to feel like a failure, like she’d done something wrong. Though her mind had gone through all of the possibilities of things that she had done. She thought that she had done everything pretty much by the book. Rocky looked at him. “Connor,” she said confidently. “We’re going to have two healthy babies. Me, Scarlet and Peter are going to be okay. I love you too, okay? We’re going to be parents…they just…they’re coming out a different way,” she assured. Granted she didn’t necessarily want the scar that would come from this, but she was going to meet their babies. “Hey,” she said as she looked at him. “It’s game time,” she said with a wink. “I’ve got my head in the game, and I’m ready. I need you to hold my hand. We’ve got this, okay? Scarlet and Peter didn’t come this far not to meet you,” She assured him as the nurse came back in explaining the procedure and that they’d be ready for surgery soon.
 “Okay,” He said with a nod, kissing her forehead lightly. “You’re the strongest girl, I know, Rocky Roberts. If anyone can do it, it’s you,” Connor told her, pressing another kiss against her lips, even though to say he wasn’t freaking out and potentially on the brink of having a heart attack was the understatement of the lifetime. “I love you. It’s- it’s going to be fine,” He said again, even though this time it was more for him than it was for her. Holding on to Rocky’s hand tightly as the nurses prepped for surgery. Placing the curtain up over Rocky’s stomach, before they turned to the both of them and asked if they were ready.
Rocky smiled at Connor and said, “I love you,” before nodding to the nurses that she was ready. They were about to do surgery on her while she was awake, and apart of her was glad because this way she could keep talking to Connor. Could let him know that she was fine and there. She could also hear her babies when they came out. Although she was freaked, and mostly kept talking to know that she was, in fact, okay. It was for peace of mind for her to. She’d done a guest star role on a medical show once where they did a surgery and her character was speaking and once her words started to slur the doctors had known something was wrong with her character. But this wasn’t TV. This was real life, and she didn’t want to take any chances. But relief came when she heard one cry and she held her breath until she heard the other. “Sure her body ways numb from the waist down and she didn’t dare move while they’d been working on her but she felt tears running down her cheeks. “Connor, how are they? Are they okay? Baby how are you? How am I?” But Rocky knew she was fine. The surgery coming to an end, and she knew she’d feel like she was hit by a truck but she was alive. The babies are alive. She was just so happy.
Connor held onto Rocky’s hand tightly the entire surgery, trying to keep calm and not appear as panicked as he was. Especially as he glanced over the curtain and saw his girl cut open like a live autopsy. Squeezing her hand even harder, trying to stay calm as he asked one of the surgeons that ‘they were going to stitch her back up right?’ And when he heard them both start crying he let out a sigh of relief. “They’re okay. They’re so tiny. But, they’re okay,” He promised, and when the babies were quickly taken off to the other wing, he told Astrid and Damien to follow after them and keep an eye on them before returning to Rocky’s side. “They’re going to need to be put on regulators for now and we’re probably going to have to spend the night at the hospital with them, because they came so early, but they’re okay. And you’re… You’ll be fine… I mean… you’re sort of in pieces with your organs in bowls, but it’s fine…?”
Rocky frowned. She knew that the babies had to go to get checked out, but she also was scared for them still they were alone. “Is someone with them? I don’t want them to be alone,” she felt panicked and then he said that her organs were in bowls. She felt even more freaked out. Her strong moments were over. She wanted to be with her babies. It was weird that she couldn’t feel them, couldn’t feel anything but the occasional tugging. “Are they putting the organs back? Because I want to be with the babies.” It was easy to tell what they were doing when she was carrying them, but now they were out in the unknown. She was still in the unknown. Though it wasn’t like when they were done she would be up and walking around. She couldn’t even have the good pain medications. She was in recovery and she had let them know as much so she was about to go through some hell once the numbness wore off. When the doctors were done stitching her up, she pouted still because she was in no shape to see the babies, but she looked at Connor, “Ten fingers, ten toes on each and everyone okay?” They were probably in the NICU. But she had to trust that they were fine.
“Shh, hey. Relax. My brother’s with them. They’re not alone. I promise,” Connor told her, giving her a light kiss as he squeezed her had again. “They will. But, darlin’, it going to be some time. Okay? The babies are fine, but their lungs are undeveloped right now. So, they need to be exposed to the least amounts of germs as possible. Everything will be fine though. And yup. Six on each. Don’t you worry,” He teased, before telling her, “Relax. They have only 10. I promise, everything’s going to be fine. You’re a mamma. And I’m a daddy, Rocky. We did it. But, you’re gonna need to get some rest, okay? We have their entire lives ahead of us. All they need right now is for you to have a fast recovery. Alright, Beautiful?”
 “Okay. Okay. As long as someone’s there. I should have told them to quarantine off the wing like Beyonce did.” Rocky sighed, but it was content when he kissed her and gave her hand a squeeze. “As long as they’re okay. I just miss them. I’d say it’s weird not carrying them but it’s also weird because from what you say parts of my body weren’t even in my body for a bit.” Her eyes narrowed when he said six on each she almost panicked until she realized he was teasing. “Now is not the time to make me laugh.” She smiled. “We’re parents,” she said almost in disbelief but they were. “You’ll still love me even when I’m a monster because I don’t handle pain well,” she warned him. “You’re going to have three babies for a while. But I promise I’m going to rest."
“Of course you’d want to be like Beyonce,” He let out a little laugh as he kissed her once more. “They’re okay. And I know. But, it will be fine. You’ll be good as new, I promise. Just a tiny scar,” Connor said, despite it being not so tiny. “You’re amazing for doing this, you know that?” He told her, kissing her once more. “We are parents. And I love you always. And good. Go to sleep baby. I promise to be right here when you wake up.”
Rocky nodded at his words. Who didn’t, she felt as though she was having so much trouble keeping her eyes open. “Two babies came out and so did my organs…it’s not tiny.” She knew it wasn’t and as she spoke she felt like her voice was getting farther and father away. “Okay, I’ll sleep. If you see the babies, tell them I love them too,” she told him before falling happily into sleep. For the moment pain free and her worries drifting away. She was a parent now. Someone’s mother and she couldn’t wait to meet their twins.
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Special Delivery || Matt & Amelia
@amelia-holloway Break-ups were never easy. Matt knew that all too well, having learned from his last one. It had been a couple years since things ended with Brook, yet things were still incredibly awkward between then. Now, he hadn't really talked in great detail with Amelia about what happened with Brennan, but she had given him enough details, at least enough for him to realize that she could use a night of cheering up. He'd become the unofficial go-to guy for all his girl friends whose lives had been consumed by drama. It was a role he'd gotten accustomed to, a role he'd gotten very good at. And so that was why he was standing outside her door, an extra large pizza in hand, waiting for the blonde to open it. "Delivery!" He yelled. "Special delivery for Miss Amelia Holloway!"
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