#Panzer Corps 2
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distilled-prose · 1 year ago
Matt Phillips via LinkedIn 12/22/23
The Battle of the Bulge - 1130 on 22 December 1944 the encircled town of Bastogne, Belgium - 4 German soldiers, waving 2 white flags, approached the American lines. The senior officer was a Major Wagner of the 47th Panzer Corps. The Americans defending in that location were members of F Company of the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The Germans explained that they had a written message to be presented to the American Commander in Bastogne.
The message read: (edited for length) "To the U.S.A. Commander of the encircled town of Bastogne. The fortune of war is changing. This time the U.S.A. forces in and near Bastogne have been encircled by strong German armored units. There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A troops from total annihilation: that is the honorable surrender of the encircled town. In order to think it over a term of two hours will be granted beginning with the Presentation of this note. The German Commander."
The Division Operations Officer, Lt. Col. Harry Kinnard recalled that McAulliffe when advised initially asked, "They want to surrender?" Moore told him, "No sir, they want us to surrender." McAulliffe arose and erupted in anger, took the paper, looked at it, said "Us surrender, aw nuts!", and dropped it on the floor and left the HQ.
Upon returning to the division headquarters, McAulliffe was informed that the two German officers were still waiting at the F Company Command Post. Since they brought a formal demand they felt they were entitled to a formal reply. McAulliffe asked that Col. Harper (the 327 Regimental commander) be summoned to the Division Headquarters. Harper, who was still inspecting his units' positions, was contacted by radio.
When Harper arrived at the Headquarters, he was asked to wait outside of the closed door to McAulliffe's quarters. Inside, in the presence of his staff, McAulliffe wondered aloud, "Well, I don't know what to tell them." At that point, Kinnard said, "What you said initially would be hard to beat." McAulliffe asked "What do you mean?" Kinnard, said, "Sir, you said nuts." All members of the staff enthusiastically agreed, so McAulliffe wrote it down on a message pad and said, "Have it typed up."
The reply was typed up, centered on a full sheet of paper. It read: "December 22, 1944 To the German Commander, N U T S ! The American Commander"
Harper took the reply and drove to the F Company Command Post and the German Major who asked, "Is that reply negative or affirmative?" Harper said, "The reply is decidedly not affirmative".
A true classic, and the rest is history...
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positronic-tribadist · 5 months ago
Whats your current strategy game? im trying out tactical breach wizards - its neat!
I'm married to Stellaris these days. And I got really into Panzer Corps 2 earlier this year, which has a questionable premise but is a very fun game. Do you recommend Tactical Breach Wizards? I haven't heard of it
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gdadp3y2 · 1 day ago
Hex-Based games
Civilization 6
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Civilization 6 is an empire building 4x game, using a hex based grid. The hex based grid is most likely used for strategic gameplay.
Hexes work for strategic gameplay in Civ due to the fact that there are more edges to them then a regular square grid, hence more to consider when it comes to strategy.
For The King
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For The King is an RPG that uses a hex grid for the world.
Panzer Corps 2
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sjvllsblog · 16 days ago
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This photograph of the grizzled, "old man" of only 25 years old would receive massive newspaper circulation in the Second World War. It was taken in a brief respite in continuous fighting, which had taken place from June until a few weeks before Christmas 1944. The subject of the photo, John H. Park would not live to see 1945.
Private Park landed shortly after D-Day on Utah Beach with the 37th Tank Battalion, 4th Armoured Division, as the driver of "B" Company's "Brooklyn Boy". "Brooklyn Boy" was an M4 Sherman Tank commanded by Staff Sergeant "Gentleman Jim" Farese. In August, they faced a horrific baptism of fire. Wehrmacht infantry stampeding horses at them, while engaging their Shermans with anti-tank weapons. They pressed on, with Park driving his tank through the shattered bodies of dying horses and grinding them into bloody pulps. In the confusion, the unit took their first casualties and a platoon commander was killed.
This was only the beginning, but with relentless efficiency they continued their drive through Normandy. In September at Arracourt, they made short work of 2 entire Panzer brigades, with only a small American battle group. American losses amounted to 32 vehicles overall, while the Germans lost a whooping 200 tanks and assault guns over 11 days of fighting. This was a testament to the skill of men of the 4th Armoured, like Park and Farese.
Despite their successes, casualties now began to whittle away at "B" Company. Men were shifted around from tank to tank in order to fill the gaps. "Gentleman Jim" was given a battlefield promotion to 2nd Lieutenant for his actions at Arracourt, and shifted to a platoon commanders tank. This put him in an exceptionally dangerous position, and he was killed along with another crewman while leading an assault on Singling.
Farese, Whiteside, Chernick, McGuire, Ginoli, Peck, the now promoted Sergeant Park was numb to the names. He became the tank commander for "Brooklyn Boy", with the rest of his crew being made of up of fresh replacements. Privates Herman Coffy and Ed Clark became his replacement gun crew, and Privates Russell Holland as his driver.
Fighting through to December, Park proved to be an exceptional tank commander, keeping his crew alive in the continued chaos after the Arracourt skirmish. Bloodied, and having driven faster than Allied supply lines, they reached Mittersheim. The town was a day's drive from Germany, but with little fuel, they paused for a brief respite. It was the first time Park was out of his Sherman for any long period of time since he had landed at Utah. Muddy, and weary, he was photographed by a passing Signal Corps photographer on December 10th. The young photographer, Private First Class David Ortiz attempted to ask his name. Park was lost in his thoughts, and didn't acknowledge the photographer. He just wanted to get his men home. The photographer moved on, as the unit prepared to roll into Germany for what seemed like a final push to Berlin before Christmas.
Circumstances changed suddenly with the German Ardennes offensive, and Park's unit was diverted north to the relief of American forces in Belgium. Rushing up to Belgium in a 24 hour drive, they arrived on 23 December near the town of Bigonville. The roads were treacherous, and icy conditions made the "Brooklyn Boy" extremely hard to steer. Leading a small recon element to investigate enemy contact, he was isolated as the lead tank and in a dangerous spot. His only care was for his crew, and as any good tank commander did, he stood up out of his turret fully exposed. His eyes darted back and forth as he scanned 360 degrees around the "Brooklyn Boy". He caught glances of white figures dashing in the snow, and in short order found himself engaged by German infantry with small arms and anti-tank weapons. Fully exposed, and with rounds rattling off his tank, he called out targets and rushed his tank forward. His orders suddenly stopped, and he slumped onto Private Coffy. Coffy screamed "What the hell Sarge", and shoved him away. To his horror, Park had been shot directly in the head. There was no time for grief, and Coffey slammed the tank into reverse. Moments later, a German Panzerfaust slammed into the "Brooklyn Boy" turning it into an incinerator. Coffy and Holland bailed out, with multiple burns, smoke inhalation, and both bleeding profusely. Clark never made it out, and another Panzerfaust hit the tank, sealing his fate. By the time American forces captured the village, the tank had been completely burnt out and no remains could be recovered.
Coffy returned to the unit, and fought into Germany while Holland's wounds were too severe and he spent the rest of the war bedridden. Park, and the fresh replacement gunner Ed Clark, were declared missing in action.
Park's photograph was published in January in the following year, initially with him being identified as "the American GI", misidentified with another Sergeant, and finally being identified as the missing Sergeant John H. Park. It would not be until 1947 that the Park family recieved official notices that he had been presumed killed
(Colourised by Jecinci)
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telodogratis · 6 months ago
Slitherine collaborerà con un team italiano per i futuri DLC di Panzer Corps 2
Slitherine collaborerà con un team italiano per i futuri DLC di Panzer Corps 2 L’editore Slitherine ha annunciato una collaborazione con il team italiano Volcanite Games per lo sviluppo dei futuri DLC dello strategico Panzer Corps 2. Powered by WPeMatico L’editore Slitherine ha annunciato una collaborazione con il team italiano Volcanite Games per lo sviluppo dei futuri DLC dello strategico…
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bartholomaus · 7 months ago
Crăciun 1943 în Polonia ocupată: patru imagini rămase de la un etnic german din Cristianul Sibiului înrolat în trupele SS, ilustrând masa festivă de „Julfeier” de la SS-Reitschule Cholm (așa e indicația de pe verso, de fapt la Cholm, azi Chelm în Polonia, a fost localizat SS-Polizei Reiter-Abteilung III). Este sala de festivități a unității sau a orașului, cu bradul „Jultanne” și militarii asistând la ceea ce pare un joc de lumini, înainte de a participa la masa festivă. Naziștii au înlocuit sărbătoarea creștină a Crăciunului cu nordicul „Julfest”, în încercarea de a-și asuma o veche moștenire germanică, mitologică.
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-- 1946. Mesaj adresat Crucii Roșii din Berlin de o româncă de etnie germană din Turnișor, Sibiu, prin care încearcă să afle vești despre fiul său, fost militar în trupele Waffen-SS, de care nu mai știa nimic din 1944. Dorința e simplă: Am dori să știm dacă mai trăiește sau nu. Șansele unui răspuns favorabil erau mici, conform adresei poștale indicate de mama (Feldpost Nr. 57023), fiul său făcuse parte din Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2, parte a 1.SS Panzer-Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (prescurtat LSSAH), divizie de elită provenintă din garda de corp a dictatorului. Pe de o parte știm că omul nostru era înalt și atletic (minimumul de recrutare în LSSAH era de 1.80 metri, dacă nu mă-nșel) iar pe de alta că șansele sale de supraviețuire au fost mici (ghinionul unităților de elită fanatizate era că au fost aruncate de Hitler în cele mai grele lupte, până la decimarea lor). Iar dacă supraviețuia, omul nostru avea de depănat destule povești pentru îngrozit nepoții, LSAHH a fost și una din diviziile fruntașe la crime de război, execuții și masacre. Asta-i istoria nefardată și mulți concetățeni de-ai noștri au participat la ea. În altă ordine de idei, formularul poștal de Cruce Roșie pare să nu fi fost expediat mai departe de autoritățile române, lipsesc elementele de tranzit sau sosire la Crucea Roșie Germană.
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-- much rarer and more interesting unit: the SS-Karst-Wehr-Bataillon, of no more than 1000 men, which performed anti-partisan actions in Italy/Slovenia, around Gradisca (1943-1944). This man is a Romanian Volksdeutsche, originating from Mediaș, and he was killed in June or so 1944 in Italy (presumably by US shelling). So, this is a more rare insignia combination.
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abfindunginfo · 11 months ago
Krieg in der Ukraine - aktuelle alternative Sichtweisen
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Der Krieg in der Ukraine dauert an. Nach offizieller westlicher Sicht, gewinnt die Ukraine. Welche alternativen Sichtweisen gibt es dazu? Krieg in der Ukraine wird aktuell weiter vom Westen unterstützt "Die US-Regierung stellt der Ukraine zur Abwehr des russischen Angriffskriegs weitere milliardenschwere Militärhilfen zur Verfügung. Die Sprecherin des Weißen Hauses, Karine Jean-Pierre, sagte am Freitag in Washington, das neue Paket für Kiew habe einen Umfang von etwa drei Milliarden US-Dollar (2,8 Milliarden Euro) und sei das bislang größte Einzelpaket dieser Art." (berliner-zeitung.de, 06.01.2023) Wie die USA unterstützen auch deren "Bündnispartner" weiterhin die Ukraine mit dem Ziel, Russland zumindest zu schwächen. "Die Vizepräsidenten des Deutschen Bundestages, Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Grüne) und Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP), machen sich laut einem Vorabbericht der Funke Mediengruppe nach der deutschen Zusage der Ukraine Marder-Schützenpanzer zu liefern, auch für die Lieferung deutscher Kampfpanzer vom Typ Leopard stark. 'Wir sollten alles tun und liefern, was möglich ist. Dazu gehören auch Leopard-Panzer', so Göring-Eckart in dem Vorabbericht." (zdf.de, 08.01.2023) Nach Angaben der Bundesregierung beträgt der Gesamtwert der Lieferungen von Rüstungsgütern aus Deutschland in die Ukraine über zwei Milliarden Euro: "Der Gesamtwert der im Zeitraum vom 1. Januar 2022 bis zum 2. Januar 2023 von der Bundesregierung erteilten Einzelgenehmigungen für die Ausfuhr von Rüstungsgütern beträgt 2.245.303.401 Euro Euro. Kann damit der Krieg beendet werden, zumindest früher beendet werden? Anlässlich des Jahreswechsels gab es auch mehrere Positionen von westlichen Militärexperten dazu, die nicht mit der offiziellen Sicht übereinstimmen. Darüber berichten aber westlichen Leitmedien nicht. Hier eine kleine Auswahl: Scott Ritter über die "Zeitenwende 2022" Scott Ritter gilt als einer der bekanntesten Kritiker der US-Außenpolitik gegenüber Russland. Als ehemaliger Nachrichtenoffizier des US Marine Corps kennt Scott Ritter die Kriege seiner Regierung wie kein Zweiter, und als Waffeninspekteur der Vereinten Nationen für die UNSCOM-Mission im Irak kennt er auch auch die Lügen, die Washington im Vorfeld der Irak-Invasion 2003 verbreitet hat. Mehrfach hat er auch die deutschen Bürger vor den politischen, wirtschaftichen und militärischen Risiken gewarnt, die aus der der Bundesregierung Unterstützung der Ukraine folgen. Hier seine Sicht auf die aktuelle Situation im Krieg in der Ukraine und seine Sicht für 2023: Jacques Baud: Suche nach Frieden in der Ukraine? Auch über Analysen des Ukraine-Krieges vom ehemaligen Schweizer Geheimdienst-Offizier Jacques Baud wurde schon mehrfach auf diesem Blog berichtet. Die Schweizer Zeitung "Zeitgeschehen im Fokus" veröffentlichte amm 02.12.2022 einen Beitrag von Jacques Baud unter dem Titel "Suche nach Frieden in der Ukraine?"". Darin kritisiert er anfangs besonders die Scheinheiligkeit zur Entstehung des Krieges. "Wenn es unseren Diplomaten und Medien wirklich darum gegangen wäre, einen Krieg in der Ukraine zu verhindern, hätten sie die Missachtung des Status der Krim im Jahr 1995 durch die Ukraine angeprangert; sie hätten den Staatsstreich von 2014 verurteilt; sie hätten die Diskriminierung der russisch-, ungarisch- und rumänischsprachigen Minderheiten durch die nicht gewählten ukrainischen Behörden im Jahr 2014 verurteilt; sie hätten seit 2014 die Ukraine dazu gedrängt, ihren Verpflichtungen aus den Minsker Vereinbarungen nachzukommen; sie hätten ein wenig Mitgefühl für die russischsprachigen ukrainischen Zivilisten im Donbas gezeigt, die seit 2014 von ihrer eigenen Regierung bekämpft wurden; sie hätten die internationale Öffentlichkeit vor den Übergriffen der Neonazi-Milizen auf Zivilisten im Donbas gewarnt; sie hätten im Februar3 und dann im August 2021 die Schliessung der ukrainischen Oppositionsmedien verurteilt, die sich anschickten, die internationale Gemeinschaft auf die im März beschlossene Vorbereitung einer Offensive in der S��dukraine aufmerksam zu machen; sie hätten den ukrainischen Artilleriebeschuss der Zivilbevölkerung im Donbas Mitte Februar 2022 verurteilt; sie hätten das Verbot von Oppositionsparteien in der Ukraine im Jahr 2022 verurteilt." Im Weiteren setzt er sich mit verschiedenen Narrativen zu diesem Krieg auseinander. Anhand des Beschusses des Donbass durch die Ukraine und der ukrainischen Cyberaktivitäten seit Februar 2022 belegt er, dass dieser Krieg systematisch vorbereitet wurde, wie auch Angela Merkel gegenüber dem SPIEGEL und der ZEIT eingestanden hat. Die Folgen dieser Politik reichten weit über die Ukraine und Russland hinaus. "Die Unfähigkeit der europäischen Diplomatie, sich anders als durch Waffenlieferungen und Sanktionen durchzusetzen, unsere unterschiedliche Behandlung dieses Konflikts im Vergleich zu früheren Konflikten und die herablassenden Botschaften gegenüber Afrika haben den alten Kontinent diskreditiert und Eurasien, dessen Hauptakteure China, Indien und Russland sind, neues Leben eingehaucht." (Siehe auch: "Der Westen hat ein gewaltiges Interesse am Krieg") Michael von der Schulenburg über Chancen für Frieden in der Ukraine Michael von der Schulenburg ist ehemaliger stellvertretender Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen, arbeitete über 34 Jahre für die UNO und die OSZE unter anderem in Haiti, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syrien, auf dem Balkan, in Somalia und Sierra Leone. Er halt als Diplomat über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in verschiedenen Kriesengebieten gesammelt. Auf dem Kassler Friedensratschlag am 11.12.2022 referierte er zur Frage: "Welche Chancen gibt es für einen Frieden in der Ukraine?" Seine Erkenntnis: "Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist das Resultat eines Versuches der USA, nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges in Europa eine Sicherheitsordnung über die von ihr dominierte Nato und unter Ausschluss Russlands aufzubauen. Dabei spielten für die USA Bedenken über die Sicherheit Europas kaum eine Rolle. Es ging und geht fast ausschließlich um das geostrategische Ziel der USA, ihre nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges gewonnene Position der allein dominierenden globalen Großmacht zu erhalten." Für von der Schulenburg ist der Krieg in der Ukraine "eine Schande für Europa und ganz besonders für die EU", denn die EU tat nichts, "um eine diplomatische Lösung zu finden und so den Krieg zu verhindern. Die EU degradierte sich zum willigen Mitläufer der USA und wurde dadurch zum Mitschuldigen an diesem Krieg." Im Gegensatz zu unseren Politikern, Medien und derzeit etwa der Hälfte der bundesdeutschen Bevölkerung sieht er in noch mehr Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine keine Chance für einen baldigen Frieden. "Es müsste doch einen anderen Weg zu einem Frieden geben können. Den kann es aber nur geben, wenn wir aufhören zu glauben, dass nur Waffen oder die Annexion fremder Landesteile einen Frieden bringen können, wenn wir akzeptieren, dass die Welt nicht nur dem Westen gehört, es keine alleinige Weltmacht USA geben wird und die Ausweitung der Nato nicht zur Stabilität in Europa beiträgt. Da Staaten hier versagen, kann nur eine erstarkende Friedensbewegung von Lissabon bis Wladiwostok etwas erreichen. Nur gibt es diese Friedensbewegung nicht – zumindest jetzt noch nicht." Wie aufschlussreich fanden Sie diesen Artikel? Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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guyaltcontrol · 1 year ago
Grids in video games:
Square Grids:
Auto Chess:
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Plants Vs Zombies:
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Square grids are probably the most common form of grid in game because its the most basic form. You are given 4 options for direction, north, east, south and west. Or diagonals of North east, North west, South east and South west. Also square grids are the most familiar to an average player as they are most common
Isometric Grids:
The Banner saga 3:
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Triangle Strategy:
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Not to be confused with a square grid rotates 45 degrees isometric grids usually are triangles but alot of games opt to use a different version where the 2 triangles just make a square. If i were to use triangles instead though it would certainly limit possibilities of different actions that a player can do in a turn. Which is why i assume the use of triangular isometric grids is limited
Other Grids (Hex) :
Sid Meier's Civilization VI:
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Panzer Corps 2:
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Hex cells Infinite:
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For the King:
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Hex grids make movement in these games interesting as it gives each tile 6 spaces surrounding it. This sort of grid layout makes sense for RTS games as it favors movement and cramming lots of things into confined spaces. But also gives the player more options with what can be done in each turn
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simfanrussia · 1 year ago
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При всем уважении Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1946 метит на роль лучшего DLC к игре. Где еще немецкая авиация загружается атомными бомбами и летит на Колорадо?
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gameforestdach · 2 years ago
Life is Strange: True Colors und The Long Dark gehören zu den Spielen, die Game Pass in der Mitte des Aprils verlassen werden Life is Strange: True Colors und The Long Dark sind nur einige der Titel, die den Abonnenten von Game Pass bald nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen werden. Fans von Life is Strange können sich auf ein Prequel-Novel freuen, während The Long Dark ein überlebensspiel ist, das man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte. Im April kommen unter anderem Minecraft Legends, Coffee Talk: Episode 2 und Cassette Beasts zum Game Pass hinzu. Eine kurze Zusammenfassung Während die Spiele-Streamer von Game Pass regelmäßig neue Inhalte für ihre Abonnenten bereitstellen, passiert es zwangsläufig auch, dass einige Spiele den Dienst wieder verlassen müssen, um Platz für andere Titel zu machen. Im April ist es wieder soweit, und mehrere Spiele werden Game Pass verlassen, darunter auch Life is Strange: True Colors und The Long Dark. Diese Nachricht bietet sowohl Gelegenheit zur traurigen Verabschiedung als auch zu einem letzten gemeinsamen Abenteuer. Life is Strange: True Colors verabschiedet sich Das beliebte grafische Abenteuerspiel Life is Strange: True Colors Key wird Mitte April aus dem Game Pass-Angebot verschwinden. Fans der Serie können sich aber zumindest über ein Prequel-Novel freuen, das immerhin im Anschluss an den Weggang des Spiels veröffentlicht wird. Interessierte Spieler sollten also unbedingt zugreifen, bevor Life is Strange endgültig aus der Game Pass-Bibliothek entfernt wird. The Long Dark verlässt den Game Pass Ein weiterer Titel, der die Nutzer von Game Pass im April verlassen wird, ist das Überlebensspiel The Long Dark Key. Dieses eisige Abenteuer hat eine große Fan-Gemeinde und wird vielen Abonnenten fehlen. Daher empfehlen wir, die verbleibende Zeit zu nutzen und The Long Dark noch einmal in vollen Zügen zu genießen, bevor das Spiel den Game Pass verlässt. Weitere Spiele, die Game Pass verlassen Neben den bereits erwähnten Titeln werden auch Moonglow Bay Key, The Riftbreaker Key, The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk, Panzer Corps 2 Key, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction Key und Quantum Break Key den Game Pass im Laufe des Aprils verlassen. Wer diese Spiele noch nicht ausprobiert hat, sollte die Gelegenheit nutzen und sie noch spielen, bevor sie entfernt werden. Kommende Spiele im April: Minecraft Legends und weitere! Trotz des Weggangs einiger Spiele gibt es natürlich auch wieder Neuzugänge im Game Pass-Angebot im April. Dazu gehören unter anderem Minecraft Legends, Coffee Talk: Episode 2 und Cassette Beasts. Diese Spiele bieten wieder eine abwechslungsreiche Mischung aus Action, Unterhaltung und Abenteuer für die Abonnenten von Game Pass. Fazit Obwohl es immer schade ist, wenn beliebte Spiele aus dem Game Pass-Angebot verschwinden, bietet dies auch Gelegenheit, noch einmal in diese Welten einzutauchen, bevor sie endgültig verabschiedet werden. Interessierte Spieler sollten also unbedingt zuschlagen und die letzten gemeinsamen Tage mit Titeln wie Life is Strange: True Colors und The Long Dark nutzen. Gleichzeitig können wir uns auf spannende Neuzugänge wie Minecraft Legends oder Coffee Talk: Episode 2 freuen, die neuen Spielspaß im April garantieren werden. Insgesamt bleibt die Dynamik des Game Pass-Angebots aufregend und lebendig, sodass wir gespannt sein können, welche Titel uns in den kommenden Monaten noch erwarten.
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smoothestjazz · 2 years ago
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@sirlorence I felt the same as you and then met my first elusians. the tone of the game is just worse. It might get better... I hope. Though yes the wargame aspects are very good, but all of the distractions and bad writing have just made me want to play panzer corps 2 instead
fire emblem engage is good, actually, though everyone here will hate it because it's much more wargame than social game like 3 houses
as much as I liked 3 houses, it was a departure of form for the series and engage is turning back to the more hardcore aspects of the series
the strange thing is though is that I feel like the budget went towards cool mechanics and the fights and everything else got about $3 total, crazy for the game that comes out for the 30th anniversary
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coffin44 · 5 years ago
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alpha-beta-gamer · 6 years ago
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Panzer Corps 2 is a WW2 turn-based warfare game with deeply strategic gameplay and over 1000 unique unit types.
Read More & Sign Up For The Beta (Steam)
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Panzer Corps 2
Panzer Corps 2 Game
The common Panzer Corps sequence is established to return with Panzer Corps 2. After 5 years of incorporating to and growing the authentic hex-based mostly approach sport, it truly is time to move on. The additional growth of Panzer Corps was in the concern of dietary supplements devoted to the distinct Entire world War II functions (they variety seventeen in all). In the course of our 3rd Panzer Corps 2 online video that we showed you in the course of our prior Home of Wargamers episode, we take a search at but an additional tough experience with the help of Alex from Flashback Game titles.
Panzer Corps two is presently in improvement making use of Unreal Engine four, to permit an extraordinary leap ahead in both technological capabilities and visible effect. Hundreds of World War 2 units will be demonstrated with a stage of top quality and detail never witnessed just before in a wargame. Traditional gameplay. New knowledge. Aug. 08, 2018 - Time for a new dev diary of Panzer Corps 2! This time we will emphasis on content material.
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Panzer Corps: Allied Corps is an expansion for Panzer Corps. Allied Corps contains much more than 25 new scenarios, over 50 new standard and specific elite units, and modified edition of current models to protect the complete war in element from the Western Allies standpoint. There will be over 450 specific units and unit varieties in the match at start. Specifically, each and every device and faction that appeared in Panzer Corps 1 will be in Panzer Corps 2 at start, with a few additional units thrown in for great measure.
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Next, the source program hasn't any counterpart in the other wargames. It is built so that the military efficiency of troops, that are encircled, critically drops throughout a pair of moves. Which is why, a manoeuvre in Panzer Method performs a decisive role - considerably bigger than an assault. Panzer corps underwent transformation as the war went on. Initially they were the principal strike force of the Wehrmacht, and consisted of motorised infantry divisions (ID (mot)) and panzer divisions Later on in the war it was feasible to locate panzer corps that consisted solely of infantry divisions.
The Panzer Corps information for models , nations , eventualities and far more written and preserved by the gamers. Panzer Corps 2 will come with a substantial branching campaign which includes around sixty scenarios: direct the Wehrmacht in the entirety of Entire world War II, carrying more than your battle-hardened veterans from one particular struggle to the next.
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savingcontent · 2 years ago
Axis Operations - 1944 DLC announced for Panzer Corps 2, will off two campaigns of historical and ahistorical nature soon
Axis Operations – 1944 DLC announced for Panzer Corps 2, will off two campaigns of historical and ahistorical nature soon
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gamescreeddotcom · 3 years ago
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Panzer Corps 2 is Now Available on Xbox Game Pass for PC and Xbox One.
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