somewhereonmypath · 6 years
All-Soul, All-Body, All-Love, All-Power
I've recently started reading the TransMythology by P. Sufenas Virius Lupus. As I'm going through it I might post my thoughts about it and interpretations. I think it would be cool for future people interested in the Mythos of the Tetrad++ to have multiple points of reference instead of just the book and a few wordpress blogs.
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wittedknitch · 6 years
Every reconnection starts with someone reaching out, even when scared the answer would be "no".
After over a year away from the Tetrad++ and almost a year since I last worked with any of Them (i.e. since the last Trans Rite of Elevation), I contacted them today and said I wanted to reconnect with Them. I miss Them and find them inspirational and want to talk about Them more to other people but feel it is dishonest of me to do much of that if I am not actually working with/worshipping them.
Given I had been told by Them the month before I started my Masters we were not to be continuing for that year, because of reasons partially relating to my inability to consistently hear Them properly and doubts about my ability to commit while simultaneously being in uni (which, given how the year was, were warranted), I could not assume I had blanket permission to just go back and that They would welcome me with no problems.
So, I set out the statues I have for them and lit a candle and offered them some tea that I was drinking with them...and spent the following two hours telling each of Them how they inspired me and then discussing how They felt about reconnecting and what I need to do next in order to do so. With a fifteen minute toilet break in the middle.
I drew a batch of six cards intially, one for each of Them, but after requiring clarification on the first one about both what Panpsyche meant and what She wanted me to do, I subsequently drew a clarification and an action card for each of Them. One card also jumped out before I drew the initial six, making it 19 cards total, which is a huge spread for me!
I am so out of practice with tarot I had to look up each individual card in the LWB and interpret the key words, often with a series of yes/no "20 Questions" style questions when I was split between two interpretations. One of the things I knew I need to work on is accuracy in understanding what They're saying so I do not trust my intuition regarding Them right now. It turned out I had spent nearly a year thinking They were pleased with where we were going and that I was doing well, or at least ok, only to find out when I went to renew our commitment I had been only communicating with sock puppets in my mind the majority of the time and They were not so unanimously pleased with me. Hence the double-checking and 20 questions this evening.
My heart fell intially as I surveyed the six cards I had drawn. 5 reversals and the single upright was The Devil, coupled with a reversed jumper card. I am disappointed in myself that I have disappointed Them, and I had hoped my honesty in unscripted descriptions of the inspirations I gained from Them all would show my sincerity of feeling and be sufficient to start again but...I think deities have longer memories than we do, or perhaps I just normally run away from people I think I've disappointed and so never have to deal with the consequences.
However, I worked through each of the Tetrad++ in turn, honestly discussing how I felt and how I interpreted the cards given to indicate how They felt. Two cards to express Their feelings regarding potential reconnection and one to given an action for me to do if I wanted to develop a relationship again with that particular member.
Panpsyche is being like a stern mother and wants my actions to reflect my apparent feelings, by me donating to trans people's fundraisers, particularly trans women's (naturally, She being a trans woman Herself). I disappointed Her before and have to show that I mean my apologies and not just say them.
Panhyle started with the upright Devil, which visually seemed like a fitting representation of Him (being a faun in this deck). He wants to work with me to improve my body to what I want it to be, and for me to stop complaining about it if I am not doing anything to fix it. I need to start a regular exercise regime and not falter.
Paneros I did not know what to expect, as I have some anxieties about my own desires that keep me from exploring them fully and so, E being All-Desire among other things, I had always kept distance out of worry. But I don't want to be afraid any more. E said E is disappointed and sad things did not work out before but hat we can move past that now. E wants me to fall out and drop away from the things that bind me, from unhelpful routines and stagnant actions, to hatch from my egg and grow from my seed, to rise again. It scares me, because what if I fail and free-fall and never fly? But I have been longer afraid of rotting inside myself from not being authentically me, so I agreed.
Paneris, All-Strife, was one I did not have any expectations for. He literally embodies conflict and strife and change, so having any expectations is counterproductive. She said the two of us were an "undependable youth" and a "distrustful person" also who is which is unclear. They will.work with me on a case-by-case basis, a transactory relationship rather than, say, a friendship. And the first thing Thon said Cor'd do was help me with Paneros and breaking out of my shell, if I made a bad decision. As in, to invoke Hir spirit of change in my life to make everything different, I had to make a bad decision, a conflict-causing decision. Which would no doubt bring change by necessity!
Pancrates...flat out said Sie doesn't like me. And it makes me worried that, someone I see as upholding the pillars of order in the universe doesn't like me, I am a bad person. But, one thing that has always been apparent to me from previously working with the Tetrad++ is They are very much like people and have likes and dislikes accordingly. And I cannot be liked by everyone. Sie wants of me The Tower - to tear down and utterly reconfigure my view of myself and the world. So, I said that may happen due to the work I will be trying to do with Paneros and Paneris, but that I could not promise I would turn into a person Pancrates would like. I am surprised to have such a negative reaction from Hir but...I will never be liked by everyone.
Panprosdexia, ever dutiful, felt my time away was a waste and that it could have been better spent being more of a light in the darkness and leading others through. But now I am back I can start again and help others and shine as I can and work on assisting Them in Their duty. I need to keep an eye out for omens and on my dreams for further messages.
Overall this means I can move forward with redeveloping relationships with each of the members of the Tetrad++, save perhaps Pancrates. This is particularly immediately relevant because I have called upon Them every time I've done the Trans Rite of Elevation so far and wish to do so this year too, and did not want to do so if I were in unredeemable stead.
On a personal level, it fills me with hope. I did not realise I was holding Their presence in such an important place until it was gone.
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My little late night ramble about my gender identity and the gods. 
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cayacoven · 7 years
Divine Spiraling Rainbow Tribe's Rite of Becoming 2018
Come As You Are to... The Divine Spiraling Rainbow Tribe's Rite of Becoming Saturday, February 24 Doors open at 7:00PM, circle is cast at 7:15PM (Please arrive on time, no one is admitted after the circle is cast.) Leela Yoga Studio 1708 Lincoln Avenue, Alameda) $10-$20 donation accepted, no one turned away for lack of funds The mxgender Priestxes of Come As You Are Pagan Congregation invite people of any and all genders - or none - to join us in honoring who we are, right this very moment. We celebrate the acceptance of our new Rainbow Sparkle into the Divine Spiraling Rainbow Tribe. We call on Panprosdexia, agender Deity of Acceptance, to strengthen our ability to be our true selves and to make that self-knowledge sweet. You are invited to bring items to charge on the altar, rattles and drums, and a treat to share for cakes and ale after we open the circle.
 Image: Wallpaper Cave
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wittedknitch · 7 years
In the West, the void of not-knowing is not a fertile place, a place of stillness or potentiality. For us, it remains mostly an abyss - a place of irrationality where nothing is known for certain. In such a place there can only be darkness, chaos, and an endless descent into madness (and maybe weird new genders).
Gender Theory, Queer Theory, Riki Wilchins, 2004
Reading this paragraph, I was immediately put in mind of Paneros. E dives into the river Styx, supposedly abyssal and inescapable, and rises in touch and in love with Emself - a gender beyond genders, a meta-gender, a gender not understandable at all through any existing gender system. And I am glad to see that reflected a non-religious queer theory primer.
It also puts me in mind of Panprosdexia, who leads everyone through the darkness. it reminds me of Them specifically because of the similarities between darkness and the abyss. I had always interpreted it as “They lead people through the darkness and out the other side” but with a conceptualisation of darkness not as depression or bad situations but a fertile abyss full of things beyond what is known - perhaps Panprosdexia is also a guide to being in the beyond, beyond the system, and not simply traversing it.
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wittedknitch · 6 years
Also, today is the day the pin that reminds me of Panprosdexia arrived! It's a raven carrying a lantern of stars.
It's so hard to get stuff with ravens on! Id have better luck getting something with an albatross on (if only Monty Python didn't come into my head every time I think of those birds...) I have to use an owl for Them on the altar. I have yet to decide whether the pin will go on the altar or just be a reminder to me when I wear it.
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wittedknitch · 8 years
I am the light at the end of the tunnel And I am the darkness between you and the light And I am every step you take towards the light And I am the hand holding yours in the dark Hear me! I am in the dark mire with you Taste my honey and rise Let me lead you In the murky grey twilight of a beginning Towards the light
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wittedknitch · 8 years
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Part of my offering to Panprosdexia on their birthday - a donation to the UK-based charity Refugee Action.
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wittedknitch · 7 years
While I can, I've been making it a thing to donate to a charity once a month in honour of Panprosdexia specifically and the Tetrad++ more generally (e.g. this month's donation was in honour of both Panprosdexia and Pancrates). I ask Them which charity I should donate to, so I can help with whatever They're focusing on right now. And usually I get pretty specific results, generally subject matters with which the charity should deal or the mechanisms through which it works. Tonight after I donated I got a little worried I'd not picked the right one. Pancrates put in a request and I was surprised at it as it did not overtly fit Hir epithet of All-Power, so I began to wonder if I'd misunderstood. Then both Pancrates and Panprosdexia said words to the effect of, "Why the hell would we be disappointed in you donating to a charity in our name? Unless their purpose runs directly counter to ours and us, it's always a good thing to help others!" Which really should have been clear to me anyway.
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wittedknitch · 7 years
Thinking on Panprosdexia, because I was eating honey, and get reminded I need to donate to a trans charity at the end of the Rite.
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wittedknitch · 8 years
I was considering Panprosdexia tonight, and this song came into my head. It fits Them well: from birth They have dedicated Themself to helping others, out of the darkness into the light. They will take whatever you have to give, and give honey in return. This is also a really nice cover of the song; I like the emotion in the voice.
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wittedknitch · 6 years
Hail to the Tetrad++ on the Trans Day of Visibility
Hail to their trans children, our trans siblings,
The Tetrad++, our divine representatives, mirrors of us in the celestial as we are reflections of them in the flesh
Panpsyche, mother of trans women, who, alongside Panhyle, fought a monster and died and was reborn for her motherhood
Panhyle, father of trans men, who, alongside his twin, defeated and was defeated and through rebirth claimed his fatherhood
Paneros, the metagender child of love, who almost succumbed to despair but at the last burst into love for emself in all eir unfathomable gender's glory
Pancrates, the pangender offspring cut from Paneros' chest, who, lion-hearted, split open a/pep from tip to tail with hirs boundary-breaking, universe-supporting strength
Paneris, the genderfluid spouse of Paneros, who fights with us and alongside us in our strifes as trans folk
Panprosdexia, the one who accepst everyone and guides us in the darkness, agender and asexual, devoted to their duty to bring all to the light
Hail to the trans deities! May they support us in our lives and may we emobdy their hope and love and passion in ours!
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wittedknitch · 7 years
As well as Marsha P Johnson, I am also calling on all of the Tetrad++ to help with the Trans Rite of Elevation: Panpsyche, All-Souls; Panhyle, All-Bodies; Paneros, All-Love; Paneris, All-Strife; Panprosdexia, All-Acceptance. They are recently known deities who are all personally invested in the trans and gender diverse communities. I called upon them the past two years as well.
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wittedknitch · 6 years
Important dates for the Tetrad++! Need to make a note of these, I keep forgetting the dates
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wittedknitch · 7 years
Polytheistic Trans Day Of Visibility Reminder
There is an entire pantheon of trans and non-binary deities! They are called the Tetrad++!
There is Panpsyche, who is a trans woman; Panhyle, who is a trans man; Paneros, their child, who is metagender (a gender beyond the binary and all systems of gender) and eir spouse, Paneris, who is genderfluid; Pancrates, born from Paneros, who is pangender; and Panprosdexia, from Pancrates, who is agender
I’ll reblog the short profiles i wrote for each of them later, if you want to learn more!
EDIT: A little later than planned, but here are the links to the profiles I wrote for each of the members of the Tetrad++. The profiles themselves have links to others’ writing on them, if you want to know more~
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wittedknitch · 7 years
Tetrad++ Information
A little later than planned, but here are the links to the profiles I wrote for each of the members of the Tetrad++. The profiles themselves have links to others’ writing on them, if you want to know more~
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