#Pallikári Teíchos
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Chapter 7 is now up! Fen continues her chosen course, but finds out some uncomfortable truths along the way. The continued story of my Ardat-Yakshi Foínix Éleos. Her struggles to find her place in the universe, and come to terms with the woman she is and the woman she wants to be. Meet her quirky crew, devoted friends, and found family. Pallikári Teíchos & Foínix Éleos drawn by @maskydoo-main @maskydoolovesmasseffect
for Citadel Fashion Week 2021 She does such a wonderful job with them. Ty so much Masky for breathing life into them with your art. ♥
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Look at my beautiful babies!
Tol - Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake, She is part of a large poly-family. Smol - Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi - only daughter - struggles with her hungers, and fears what she is becoming
Art done by @pastelideas & they did such a wonderful job. I die! Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi Asari-centric story mostly on Omega. Warnings: Slow-burn, violence, cursing, dub-con (implied)
Fen is a killer with principles. Never hunt the weak, never harm the innocent. Protect and serve them because they can not do this for themselves. A young Ardat-Yakshi trying to use her growing abilities for the better, as her father taught her to do.
She struggles with her growing desires, and the self inflicted belief that she isn't good enough to have her own family.
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Commission for @berryshiara of their Mass Effect OC’s Fen and Kari.
Commission Info
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi Chapter10- Mass Effect
It's hard to dream of a future when you dont believe you have one.
Chapter 10 now released! It took a few months but here it is! \o/
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
WIP Whenever
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Fen's POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega
Chapter 10 - (name to be determined)
Fen swallowed as Kari’s voice dropped, her heart plummeting into her stomach. She dropped her eyes, the expression on Kari’s face too poignant, too intimate. Her eyes fell instead to the tattoo’s on Kari’s chest and shoulders, that is until a large hand touched her cheek, fingers slipping down her aural to cup her jaw. Fen closed her eyes tightly even as Kari lifted her chin. A calloused thumb caressing her jaw.
“Fen… look at me Fen. Please.”
She swallowed hard, fighting the urge to frown and pull away. To nurse that pain she didn’t yet dare give voice too.
Kari was patient with her, gentle fingers soothing as she fought the emotions that filled her. A bitter mournful waterfall that plummeted out of her heart to pool into her stomach. She shook her head as breathing got harder, each breath laboured.
@maskydoolovesmasseffect, Tagging @dr-ladybird, @eldstunga @forlornmelody, @amys2885, @cookiescr, if you want to share something you are working on!
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
N7 Month Day 2 Sushi
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Jessa’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega
Afosiosi Astynomía(devotion) (stardust) - Mother of Adonia - grandmother giagiá of Foínix, a Hetaira working and living on Thessia. A very well to do lady. Owns a racing skycar Mark I 2055 Shadow - slate gray with red racing stripes and 8 point harness. Has a 2 story spired home on thessia. Her Caracara circles appear all the way up her face as tight lines striping her skin behind the cheekbones up to the corners of her eyes, her entire body is covered in them. There are flowers of life on the back of both hands where a new ring is added every 10 years. The flowers climb up her arms in groups of 100 years in tight ring clusters embellished with climbing victory plants. Knows the secrets of her granddaughter.
Jessa Pell - human free from Batarian bondage, wears round wire rim glasses, practical & protective had never known life without slavery, her mother died in bondage.
Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi - only daughter - struggles with her hungers, and fears what she is becoming
Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake, daughter of a krogan and Asari. She is part of a large poly-family. Has a big heart. Her mothers died from a violent attack from another gang trying to take over her krogan fathers land.
Jessa looked up when Kari and Fen came through the front door carrying packages and groceries. There was a sort of glow to their faces, smiles that touched their eyes. It warmed her to see them like this, a glimpse of the bond they shared before she came into their lives. She hung back knowing Foínix would disengage if she tried to enter their space.
“We got care packages!” Kari’s tone pleased and radiant. She came right in after kicking her shoes off. Setting her package in Jessa’s lap.
“Who sends you care packages?”
“You mean who sends us care packages?”
“Yes, of course, that is what I meant.”
“Giagiá Sisi sent all of us a package! This one is yours!”
Jessa sat up on the couch, her hands going around the box that Kari left. “Mine?”
“Sisi… that’s-”
“Fen’s granddame.”
Jessa looked to Foínix who was setting her burdens on the table. It felt odd that she had to remain seated so that Fen wouldn’t run away. In a normal situation she would have willingly rose to render aid when her family got home. But Foínix wasn’t currently looking to expand that word to include her. Wary gold eyes flicked her way. Jessa gave a soft hopeful smile. Those flighty eyes shifted away, a hint of worry touching dark brows before Foínix wrestled them away.
What were her thoughts she wondered, about this whole ordeal… The first night they had met Foínix had cried. Terrible wracking sobs, terrified her actions had harmed Jessa, in that revelation Jessa had never felt more free. This woman who she felt connected to through Pallikári cared enough for her that she had cried. No one had ever cried over her before that day… no one since.
“How would giagiá Sisi know about me?”
Kari snorted and laughed. “We talk ya know.” Kari stopped what she was doing to look over at Jessa. “Is that a bad thing?”
“No, not at all.” She smiled, dropping her feet to the floor to better see the package.
Fen flicked a knife out of… somewhere, expertly slicing all the top sides of her box before Kari pointed to her own.
“Poke it.”
Kari used the “poke” Fen had made to slip a thick finger into it. Jessa sat for a moment spellbound as her large but gentle Lady stuffed her finger into the hole and then tore the sealing tape open with a quick flick of her wrist.
Kari didn’t even know that the other two people in the room watched with rapt attention as the muscles in her arms, neck and shoulders coiled then released as the tape gave way. If she had been at the table Jessa would have missed the reaction Fen had to the casual display of Kari’s strength. A fact Jessa knew by the darkening of Foínix’s crests, it made the spots that were almost invisible appear as she blushed; like stars that appeared only in the darkness.
There was still a blush on Fen’s face when she turned to offer the small curved pocket knife to Jessa. Those flighty gold eyes blazoned like the sun unhidden. Jessa saw Fen’s feelings, and whether she liked it or not, shared them. For a heartbeat she felt they shared something, a moment of truth.
Kari’s jubilant cry broke that poignant moment of intimacy between them. Jessa followed Fen with her eyes. Her small dark housemate seeking space and refuge in the kitchen. She put a low half wall between them, a physical barrier that left her once again to fill the space.
Rising from the couch with box and knife in hand Jessa came to the table to see what had her strong lady so excited. Her box was literally issuing a white vapor cloud that crawled out to spill heavily along the table.
“Goddess yes, giagiá loves me!”
Kari’s hands tucked into the box, pulling out a platter, setting it on the table she pulled the lid off to expose strange and yet colorful rolls. They were beautiful pieces of art… that Kari picked up in her fingers and then proceeded to stuff into her mouth.
Jessa pushed Kari’s hands back. “Wait, wait! Stop.” She laughed as Kari slung an arm around her and pulled her back against her body while picking up another beautiful obviously edible roll and stuffing it into her mouth with a deep throaty groan that had Jessa’s stomach doing flip flops.
“Nope, all of them are mine. All mine.”
She caught Pallikári’s arm being lifted off the floor as she tried to hold it back even as she was held in the other arm. “You can have them all! I just wanna take a picture before you devour them!”
Kari held her, all 130lb’s of her dressed and the decorative brightly colored roll without a hint of it being too much. Her smiling mouth poised open to gobble the treat.
Jessa dropped her feet to the floor, raising a hand over that beautiful cheeky smile. “Just a moment, Please?”
“Well— ” When she spoke, those soft lips played against Jessa’s palm sending butterflies straight to her belly. “...since you asked so nicely. I might be able to manage a moment without them in my mouth.
“They are prettier that way.” Jessa pointed out.
Kari chuckled and placed the roll back onto the platter, just as gently as she set Jessa free.
“What are they?” Jessa asked as she raised her omni and began taking pictures.
Already feeling aroused Jessa felt her butterflies intensify as Fen answered her question. The honey thick tone of her rich accent doing the same as Kari’s strength.
“Sushi?” She asked. “There must be ten different types here.”
Fen came out of the kitchen, leaning against the corner of the dividing wall on the opposite side of the table from them.
Jessa dropped her eyes, afraid of Fen’s sharp perceptive powers.
“It is a mixture of fish and rice.”
“It looks raw.”
“Most of it is.”
Jessa made a face as Kari picked up a green wrapped roll and proceeded to peel it open with a soft throaty sigh. Reverently she took a small bite, letting blue eyes roll closed as she groaned in pleasure.
“That is funazushi. The fish is salted and aged. If Sisi sent it, it’s probably the kind that have been aged for five years.”
Kari took another bite of the roll groaning again, her hand pressing against her mouth. She nodded slowly, her eyes still closed.
Jessa flushed, biting her lip as Kari seemed to make love to the food in her mouth. “Five year old fish...is it really that good?”
Kari whimpered licking her lips, and then her fingers, as she nodded.
Fen made a face and shrugged. “I do not have the same appreciation that Kari does.” Gold eyes following Kari’s actions.
As the final tidbit of the funazushi disappeared into her Lady’s mouth Jessa asked aloud. “Does anyone?” Her words a little breathy as another deep thick moan came from Kari’s throat.
Fen’s laughter didn’t help her situation. “I have not seen anyone appreciate it like she does.”
Kari groaned as she shifted to look at the gifts that Giagiá sent her. Her large hands touching the platter with the softest caress. “Fen.” She whispered, licking her lips. It makes me want to cry, it’s so good.”
When Jessa looked, indeed there were tears forming in Kari’s eyes. Glittering and bright. “What did I do for this kind of love?” Her question was a whisper from behind the press of blue fingers.
Moved by Kari’s vulnerability she reached for her hand. She felt a jolt of electricity run through her as she looked down to see Fen’s hand with them. Surprised she looked to Foínix, there was a hard determination to her face, and though she often retreated in Jessa’s presence, she did not here.
“You don’t have to earn her love.”
Kari laughed, and cried, her large hand able to squeeze both of their hands. Her thumb enfolding over the back of Jessa’s hand. For a moment the three of them sharing the same space, with the same goal. Comfort.
Realizing that the moment couldn’t last Jessa asked. “Was that everything that Sisi sent you?”
It was Kari who gently released them. Jessa sighed, grateful it hadn’t been Fen.
Sniffling Kari picked up the package that had kept her box cool during shipping and handed it off to Fen. Their actions speaking volumes. She knew that Kari didn’t think about it… but Fen was calculating, everything she did, she did with purpose.
Jessa found herself following her house mate with her eyes even as Kari began pulling other things out of her box and setting them on the table.
When gold eyes met hers she looked to see what Kari was doing.
A few blue figurines were lined up on the table. It took her a moment to realize that their positions to each other had purpose. “She got the rest of the team!”
Each of the little blue figurines only about an inch in height wore matching gear. Their outfits, uniforms, with numbers and names. Jerseys that identified each uniquely.
“Is that your favorite skyball team?”
The bright look of surprise on Pallikári’s eyes was worth the effort it took to remember the sport.
Jessa flushed, returning that surprised smile. “Was that everything?”
Kari smiled and nodded. “Everything in my box, how about yours?”
“Oh.” Jessa looked down to the box that she had gotten. Her curiosity returning full force. “I don’t know. Lets see.” Using the wickedly hooked knife she slit the box open. Her eyes shifting to Kari as she stepped closer to look.
Inside the box the first item revealed was a hand printed note on intricate folded paper. It rested on a black tissue paper that kept the contents of the box veiled the entire inner contents wrapped in a single red ribbon. Jessa felt oddly breathless just by this beautiful presentation. It was the first gift she had ever received in such a manner. Lifting her arm she took a snapshot before disturbing anything inside of the box.
“This is really pretty.” Beside her Fen leaned in to see what she was speaking of, a brief smile touching dark lips before she hid it behind her omni present coffee cup.
The note easily slipped out from under the crimson ribbon, taking Jessa a moment to figure out how to open it without ripping it. “It’s… its written in Alliance standard.” She looked up quickly to Fen who spoke such to her.
“With Giagiá Sisi it's all about the details.” Fen’s warm accent filled words touching her.
Jessa felt flushed as she read the words written for her.
I look forward to getting to know you. Until then, I hope you find something that brings you joy in my gift. Goddess willing, I found something as special as you are.
Come visit A.S.A.P..
Bring my sweet girls with you.
Love Giagiá Sisi.
“Wow, I might be a little in love with Giagiá Sisi.” She admitted offering the paper to Foínix.
“Right!” Kari said as she moved a chair nearest her out of the way so that she could sit cross legged on the floor, patting her lap in invitation.
“Come on. Lets see what's in your packages! I can’t wait!” Kari just as interested in their gifts as she was in her own.
Jessa smiled at Pallikári thinking how wonderful and endearing she was.
“Come on Fen! You too!” She made a summoning gesture and pat her lap. “You saw mine!”
Thinking about it Jessa shifted her attention to Fen. Would she run? She couldn’t help but wonder, as a pattern seemed to be emerging between them all.
Fen didn’t meet her eyes as she picked up her still unopened package, and mug of coffee, curling into Kari’s arms. Jessa sighed inwardly, grateful that one thing seemed to remain true about her dark housemate… she could only guess what Fen would do next.
Picking up her box she brought it over to the little family circle, slipping into it with her gift in hand.
@maskydoolovesmasseffect, @n7month
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berryshiara · 4 years ago
LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL BABIES! @maskydoolovesmasseffect @maskydoo-main has done yet another wonderful job with my Pallikári Teíchos 6'4" Foínix Éleos 5'2"
From my Asari centric fic Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi
These are the clothes they first met each other in.
Citadel Fashion Weeks: Formals
.Posted on time for a change of pace, here is my contribution to @citadelfashionweek 's #citadelfashionweeks2021 formalwear week. This time, I've borrowed @berryshiara 's OC's Fen and Kari, decked out in their best.
Fen wears an elegant red dress with a daring neckline and high cut slit up the center of her skirt. (IRL, the dress is inspired by the one worn by Pink in the music video Walk Me Home, at Berry's request. Side note, googling the phrase "pink red dress" was not much help in finding references.)
Kari meanwhile sports a similarly human-inspired outfit in an unbuttoned shirt and pinstripe pants, worn with chunky-heels and an elegant red flower to match her companion.
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Fictober 22 I make no promises.
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Pallikári’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega
Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake, daughter of a krogan and Asari. She is part of a large poly-family.
Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi - only daughter - struggles with her hungers, and fears what she is becoming
It’s what she said when they had first met that night in Afterlife.
That’s what she said when she dragged her out of her fathers world, and gave her hope of a better future.
It’s what she said when Kari asked if she wanted to help coach a child's youth league.
Fen’s no promises were as good as done. Something Fen felt she couldn't commit to, but once started she couldn't uncommit to. Kari smiled as she said it now.
“I make no promises.”
Fen’s no promises were all the reassurance she needed. “What are you smiling at?”
“I said no promises.”
“I heard you~”
Fen sighed looking away, stuffing small calloused hands into the pockets of her jacket.
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Fictober day 14 Your information was wrong
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Pallikári’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega
CAST: Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake, daughter of a krogan and Asari. She is part of a large poly-family. Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi - only daughter - struggles with her hungers, and fears what she is becoming
Afosiosi Astynomía (devotion) (stardust) - Mother of Adonia - grandmother of Foínix, a Hetaira working and living on Thessia. A very well to do lady. Owns a racing skycar Mark I 2055 Shadow - slate gray with red racing stripes and 8 point harness. Has a 2 story spired home on thessia. Her Caracara circles appear all the way up her face as tight lines striping her skin behind the cheekbones up to the corners of her eyes, her entire body is covered in them. There are flowers of life on the back of both hands where a new ring is added every 10 years. The flowers climb up her arms in groups of 100 years in tight ring clusters embellished with climbing victory plants. Knows the secrets of her granddaughter.
Kohrr Nendi - krogan grandfather of fen. Pappoús. A retired merc, he now spends his time helping train the local garrison recruits for their Huntress cadra. On days his beloved wife works he sits or walks quietly nearby, as her personal bodyguard. Call him sentimental…. But if someone was going to kill him, he would want it to be with her. Kohrr is a olive green and tan colored krogan. His carapace is littered with scars, his most notable is the star shaped scar on his hump where he says he deflected a planet killer with his shell. Knows the secrets of his granddaughter.
Kari shifted uncomfortably in her current situation. She had been sitting at the bar of Star Crossed on Thessia for four hours waiting for her date. Forked over an absurd amount of credits for the two drinks and one plate of snacks she could afford and still they had not appeared.
The bartender was eying her from the far side where they were pouring others drinks. She knew they would be coming over soon asking her what she was going to do next. She didn’t feel the need to buy another drink, but wasn’t yet ready to go. Taffy had been really sweet to her, and she didn’t want to leave only to have them come to her tomorrow asking where she had been. Still, another drink was too much, both for her meager account, and her constitution.
She frowned looking from the door back to her almost empty, nursed drink. Her attention flicked to her omni-tool as it lit up, maybe it was Taffy. A thrill ran through her as it opened only to find her Fen-locator blipping in close proximity. She watched it wondering what business Fen had down by the waterfront. Her Parent’s parents lived two hours away by skycar.
Her heart beat sped up as it blipped straight for Star Crossed. She looked from the locator to the door. Fen was talking to the maître d'. Gold eyes shifted her way, her expression upset.
Their eyes met, Fen’s expression softening, a smile twitching her lips. Kari felt warm, and couldn’t help the smile she returned.
Fen stood at the entryway as the maître d' came towards her.
“Ms. Teíchos, there is a… guest, requesting you at the door.”
“Oh. T-thank you.” It felt odd to be called Ms, she was blushing when she got to the door.
Rather than speak she looked down at her feisty small friend in silent question. If she waited long enough, Foínix would always tell her why she was doing so.
“Did you bring a coat?”
“No. Thessia is hot compared to-.”
“That’s fine. Come on, we are going.” “We are?” She asked, as a small hand slipped with firm purpose into her own. Small dark fingers curling around it and tightening. She followed after Fen. “Where are we going Fen?”
“My family wants to meet you.”
Warmth touched Kari at that statement. “But…” “No buts.” There was a soft growl to Fen’s voice. She leaned forward into her march, looking like she was actually physically hauling Kari away from the overpriced bar.
Kari smiled leaning away from Fen just a little, causing her tiny friend to work a little harder. Amused by the situation. “I am supposed to have a date tonight, Fen.”
Fen grunted, pulling Kari’s arm over her shoulder, giving herself more leverage, making it hard for Kari to be disappointed in the evening's outcome. “Your information was wrong.”
“It… it was?”
“Mmhm. Your date is with me tonight… and after four hours, you don't owe …. THAT person a damn thing. Giagiá Sisi said that she would be disappointed if I didn’t fetch you for dinner. For some reason letting you be an adult and do your own thing is me being an impolite hostess.”
Kari flushed glad Fen was hauling her the way she was, so she wouldn't see the shame she felt at being duped again. “Did she say that?”
Whatever Fen replied was lost when she saw the GORGEOUS skycar waiting at the loading zone. Her eyes did a quick scan of the immediate area looking for the owner but no one was seen. Even if it was a pure dark charcoal base it would have caught her eye, the blood red stripes sealed the deal. Suddenly she forgot about the strange night, or her worry that Taffy would be stood up if she left. She expected to walk past that sleek chariot fit for a goddess of war, but Fen brought them to the side and touched the hidden interface on the side door. “Fen… is, is this your ride?”
“It is Giagiá car.”
“What does your Giagiá do Fen?” She asked, impressed by the Mark I 2055 Shadow, it was not a car she ever expected to get to touch, let alone ride in.
“She is a Hetaira like my Dame.”
“You come from Hetaira?!” Fen grunted.
Kari was still admiring the curves of the nearly illegal racing beast when she felt Fen’s small hands on her back, pushing her. She twisted looking over her shoulder. “Get in, or we will be late. Even with this monster we need a little time to get you ready for dinner.” “I didn’t even think we would make it home in time for dinner.” She admitted laughing softly as she peeked in. “Oh, hello.” There was a driver up front. “Fen, your Giagiá has a driver?”
“That’s pappoús. Khorr, Kari, Kari, Khorr.”
“Good evening Kari.”
“Evening. Wow, are you lucky to be able to drive this aircar!”
Khorr chuckled. “I feel that way every day Kari, if you would like, you can ride up front with me.” The big scarred krogan waved her forward.
“Really?!” She twisted out from under Fen’s hands, catching Fen with an arm when she fell forward. They blinked at each other, a blush rising on both their cheeks.
“Can I ride up front Fen?”
“O-of course!” When Fen found her feet she pulled at her shirt, straightening it.
Kari smiled before leaning down to press her brow softly if ever so briefly against Fen’s crest. “Thanks.” Excitedly she climbed into the front seat. “Wow! They even have the 8 point harness Fen!”
“Everyone in?” Khorr asked.
Kari looked back to be sure Fen was before answering. “Yes.” “Alright, buckle up, because we are going to open this baby up. One thing my bond mate hates is me being late for dinner.” Khorr guffawed as he turned them towards the skylane, and home.
By the time they got to Fen’s grandmother's house Kari was sure she hadn’t screamed so much in her life! It only took a tiny fraction of time to get them across the continent. She bounced out of the car pumping her arms and cracking her neck. A few times Khorr had applied the brake in sudden and exhilarating maneuvers.
He was laughing when he climbed out, pausing to look back at Fen still sitting on the backseat. “You look like your mother, how in the hell do you live on a space station without any space legs, my tough little firefly.” He guffawed again, reaching in for his granddaughter.
Kari was on the other side of the car, but the moment he got Fen’s harness undone she slipped both arms under Fen’s limp body and pulled her across the seat out of Khorr’s reach. “I got this!”
“P-papo, Omega d-oesn't move that fast.” Her words were broken and weak.
He harrumphed before laughing again. “Your old dad would’a like this one, she was a speed demon too.” He pointed a digit at Kari before leading them to the porch, where Kari guessed Fen’s grandmother stood watching them.
“Khorr my love… what have you done?”
The old Krogan broke into peals of laughter, his boisterous sound heard long after he disappeared through the front door of the modest two spired home. Kari stood on the walkway holding Fen, unsure what to do next as the older Matriarch stood observing them.
“Good evening to you Pallikári, daughter of Teíchos. Welcome, and be at peace in our home. I am Afosiosi, you may call me Sisi if you so wish.” Sisi was an elegant Matriarch, she seemed ageless and beautiful. The Caracara Circles that all Hetaira wore created a dense series of rings that crawled up her slender neck, and lines continuing clear up to the corners of her eyes leaving her face unmarked. She was not tall, but not short either. And though Kari looked down to meet her eyes on level ground, she felt as if she were still looking up. “Well, come in child, dinner is always better hot. Hopefully, by the time you get cleaned up, Foínix will have regained her proper color.” Another wave of spirited laughter came from within their home.
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Fictober day 3 "I've waited for this."
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Pallikári’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega, year 2159.
Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi Jessa Pell - human free from Batarian bondage Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake Pallikári felt the only way for this to get off the weird tilt it was on now was action… Leaning down she brushed her lips against Fen’s. Her heart hammered in her chest as Fen sucked in a sharp breath just before she caught her. Taking advantage of parted lips, Kari slipped between them and found Fen waiting— Soft, warm, inviting. Her heart felt as if it might burst, as Fen not only responded, but welcomed her.
Slender arms slipped around her neck as their kiss deepened, her small frame pressing flush with Kari’s body. Fen groaning into the kiss made Kari blissfully lightheaded. The kiss was everything she had dreamed it would be, and so much more.
“Goddess…” Jessa whispered, a hitch in her breathing.
When the kiss broke Kari pressed her forehead against Fen’s taking in a quick shuddering breath. She wanted more, so much more.
Foínix seemed just as disinclined to part as she was. The press of her partner's strong body against hers, the feel of her arms around her. Her scent was heady, and more now than ever before it felt as if she could not get enough.
“I’ve waited for this.” Kari said, her voice breathy. Desire curled in the pit of her stomach, a need so strong she almost gave into it. Brushed her nose against Fen’s, their lips only a breath apart.
Fen was breathing so hard, it pulsed against Kari’s lips, begging her to take Fen into her mouth once again. What held her back was how private Fen was, how up until that moment they had never shared this type of intimacy. She had taken the first kiss without permission, if she understood the argument Jessa and Fen was having, she stole it, against Fen’s verbal wishes.
Kari tried to swallow the lump in her throat, almost as effectively as she tried to hold the rapid flutter of her own heart. Waiting for anything from Foínix, though it pained her. Patience wasn’t normally an issue, but in that moment it was something worn thin, with her heart beating so hard it would shatter against her own breast.
“I’m sorry.” Fen pulled back from her, small dark hands sliding up over shoulders and past Kari’s aurels.
Fen’s apology felt like a fist around Kari’s heart. She took in a quick pained breath as if she had been shot.
Fen’s gold eyes showed deep concern, as warm palms cupped Kari’s face. She leaned in sealing lips with Kari even as that pained noise somehow drew on.
She felt desperate, fearful, and joyously hopeful. The kiss was soft and reverent, and for a moment she was able to swallow all that emotion into trembling silence.
“I’m sorry you had to wait so long.” Fens words were hurried, breathless. “I’m…terrified.” She admitted.
In all honesty, Pallikári was too. She nodded quickly in understanding, even as Fen shook her head.
“I could not live with myself if you died because of me.” Her words were pained, a knife against the skin, drawing blood as they were spoken. There were tears in Fen’s eyes, and she trembled in Kari’s hands. “And now, now I will hurt more than one.” Her eyes shifted from Kari to Jessa then back again.
“How could you hurt us Fen? You saved us.” She reminded, only to have Fen shake her head again.
“You know why. I know you know why…” She took in a quick breath, biting her lip.
Kari knew, she shook her own head, hands coming to Fen’s cheeks. “I don’t care what danger you think you are. You saved us. That’s what you do. You save people… you have for nearly a hundred years. You will for hundreds more. Please…,” She leaned in and pressed her brow to Fen’s. “Please Fen…” (Fen's POV to this post made last year) @fictober-event, @maskydoolovesmasseffect If you want added to my tag list, please let me know.
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi chapter 8
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Foínix Éleos is a young Asari Ardat-Yakshi who is trying to make her way in the dark world of Omega. Her desire is to make her world a little better, but as she hunts, and new desires arise, she struggles with the notion that she will never be a safe bet for anything more than ephemeral friendship. Join us on her journey. Artwork by
@maskydoo-main @maskydoolovesmasseffect Message me if you want on my tag list for anything IwaAY related. Thanks! o/
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Fictober Day 6 Didnt we already have this conversation?
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Pallikári’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega, year 2159.
Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake
Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi Jessa Pell - human free from Batarian bondage
Hoss - Salarian seamster
“Didn’t we already have this conversation?”
Pallikári looked up from where she was watching the Salarian try to get the pins right around Fen’s crotch. He kept fussing with letting it out and taking it in. Tisking and shaking his olive and tan head. Not at all pleased with the way things were working out.
“I’m sure we did.” Fen was standing with hands on her hips, in a breast wrap, the notable lines of her body exposed by bright overhead lights. The hot lights did wonders to expose the way Fen’s micro scales were a mixture of dark and light stars amidst the depth of space. The gunshot to her shoulder blossomed like a supernova. Pale knife wounds looking like shooting stars.
Kari was glad that the current conversation was not for her.
“It matters not. I stand on what I said.”
Fen grunted, muscles tightening in her defined abdomen. She looked… dark and dangerous, even garbed in white. “I don’t think it matters what tradition says. If the brides want me in white… I go white.”
“Why is that?” Hoss asked. “Are they both going to be dressed in white?”
“And you.”
“Are you their groom?”
Gold eyes shifted to meet her. They pulled Kari from her distant observation of something wonderfully mesmerizing. There was that look in Fen’s face. Quiet, calculating. Kari felt giddy, her heart speeding up. “Not that I have been informed.” She said, her eyes never leaving Kari.
Heat flushed up from her core, spreading like fire up her spine until it infused every peekaboo and splash of skin visible to the naked eye. She could have hid it no more than the sun at daybreak. What would she give to have this beautiful woman allow her to be claimed by them? “Are you sure?” Hoss asked then made an amused sound. “Perhaps they are saving that for the wedding day.” “I am.” Foínix said without hesitation.
She was right, they would never entrap her into bonding with them. Never spring that idea last minute on her before the Goddess and everyone. It would feel like a betrayal, and therefore a joke played on Fen.
“Will they later?” Hoss asked, sounding irritated.
Kari sat very still, even though her blush grew under Fen’s continued direct gaze.
“Why do you ask that?”
Hoss stopped his agitated pinning to sit back on his heels and look up at Fen. “You are joking right?”
Fen dropped her gaze, raising a brow. “Because you are wearing WHITE!”
“So?!” She shrugged, putting her whole body into it.
Hoss almost pinned his own hand with the pins he was still holding between his lips when he rubbed a hand over his face. “Human’s use the color white for their brides at weddings. NO ONE but BRIDES are ALLOWED to WEAR, WHITE!” He said, trying to get them to understand.
Kari didn’t care, Fen looked amazing in white and honestly should wear it more often. More specifically, white pants, with her top off…
Fen looked up from Hoss to Jessa, her brows expressing surprise as understanding lit gold eyes.
Jessa gave a smile.
“At last!”
“White is the bridal party’s color. All of us are wearing them.”
Hoss looked back at Jessa who finally spoke, the pins in his mouth twitching. His agitation melted away as she shrugged narrow shoulders and shook his mottled head. “I make no judgments. IF the brides want white, we do white.” He said quickly, returning to correcting the pins once again.
“Is this going to take much longer?” Fen asked.
“I hope so.” Kari said and smiled when gold eyes returned to her.
@maskydoolovesmasseffect, @fictober-event,
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berryshiara · 4 years ago
WIP Whenever
Thank you for tagging me @natsora i love doing these! Tagging @1esk19 , @foxx-queen , @forlornmelody if you want to play! And anyone who feels interested, tag me so i can see! <3
From my Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi
Chapter 4 exert
Foínix Éleos- Fen - Asari - AY
Zena Éleos- Asari - Father of Foínix
Jessa Pell - Human- Girlfriend of Pallikári Teíchos
Pallikári Teíchos - Asari - Best friend of Foínix
“Hey matchstick. What's burning you?” Zena’s voice husky, distant.
Fen’s jaw tightened as her fathers voice rose above the continued com chatter, cranking on those bands in her chest, the ones that made breathing difficult. Rolling her shoulders she clenched her fists and shook herself as she trotted through the underworld. She wasn’t good at feeling vulnerable… it left her tight and shaky and almost always ended in tears. She hated it. Even though she had cried not so long ago, she struggled with its weight; or maybe because of it. Far from cathartic it seemed a crack in the dam that held back her uncertainty, pain and fear, and she was losing her grasp on holding it all together.
Would Jessa put a wedge between them?
Would she lose her own personal piece of Parinth’s light?
Would she slip into the growing madness unnoticed, her screams for help unheard?
Gulping another deep breath, Fen worked hard on pushing back the creeping darkness.
Not a great mood to start work on if she were being honest. Shaking her head she took another deep breath, expelling it as quickly. If she believed everything was alright it would be… right? That scared little voice asking as she tried to control her breathing and the urge to run.
‘Mothers serenity…’
@maskydoolovesmasseffect , @maskydoo-main
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Fictober Day 15 I like that about you.
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Pallikári’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega
Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake, daughter of a krogan and Asari. She is part of a large poly-family. Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi - only daughter - struggles with her hungers, and fears what she is becoming
Jessa Pell - human free from Batarian bondage, wears round wire rim glasses
Kari felt a little weak as Jessa worked Fen’s shirt down over her shoulders, revealing her back. There was a large bandage there, one of the biggest ones she could not dress herself. The wound marring the beautiful full back tattoo of the creature of which Fen got her name.
“Honey… please sit down, I can feel the trembling in my chair.”
Kari pulled her hands off of Jessa’s chair, rubbing them.
“It’s going to be okay. Get that chair there if you want to help, or watch.”
Kari picked up the stool and brought it over. Her guts twisted as Jessa began pulling at the tape, causing Fen to hiss. She shifted putting the stool down but stood there watching as Jessa tried to pull the tape slowly.
With another grunt Fen put her brow on crossed arms, holding the back of the chair she was facing.
“Did someone do the bandages wrong?”
“Not likely, there is a lot of seepage going on I think. It is knitting into Fen’s microscales around the wound as it hardens.”
The muscles in Fen’s back danced under duress. “Rip it off.” Her words breathy and pained.
“I can’t do that.” Jessa said, her hands stilling as Fen’s knuckles went white.
“When I was little one of my sisters used a star pod to try and give me my own set of tattoos, like our mothers. By the time the pain was too much, my arm looked like minced meat. We used cloth to wrap it up, trying to hide what we had done. When they found it at the end of the day, Chartessa had to use body oil to make it release. Maybe we could use that to help Fen?”
“That’s exactly what we could do! Kari! You are brilliant!” Jessa stood up to get the oil, pausing to hold Kari in a kiss.
She was flushed and feeling lighter than she had just moments ago as Jessa hurried off to get the oil.
Gold eyes caught her attention as Fen turned back to look at her, intensifying the flush already present. Fen’s smile made the already roused shimmer of dancing fish swirl faster in her stomach and chest.
Fen shrugged a nude shoulder dipping her head to the side. “Love looks good on you.”
Kari was sure by the heat that radiated in her face that she was as bright as a warning light in full dark. Thankfully, neither Fen nor Jessa said anything about it.
“Here, I got it. Scoot over.” Jessa thrust her chin out making shooing motions with her free hand.
“What? Me?”
“You were the one who this technique was done on, out of the three of us.”
Kari blinked. “But… my, my hands are rough.” She held them up looking at the calloused palms and fingertips.
Neither of them had the opportunity to speak as Fen’s hand came to rest over them.
They looked up in curiosity.
“I like that about you.”
That flush she had wore only moments ago, returned. Now she had to do this… clearing her throat she held her hands up for the oil.
@maskydoolovesmasseffect, @fictober-event
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Fictober day 11 I swear it's not always like this
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Pallikári’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega
Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake, daughter of a krogan and Asari. She is part of a large poly-family.
Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi - only daughter - struggles with her hungers, and fears what she is becoming
Kari rested her head against Fen’s chest tucked under her chin, listening to the steady beat of her heart. The soft rasp of a calloused palm and fingers caressing her brow & crest. Fen’s strong arm around her… providing safety at last.
It wasn’t their first night to sleep in the same bed, nor the first time her small friend provided comfort, or haven. It was the first time she had been so carefully patched up by Foínix before they curled on the small bed together.
She was so gentle,
“I swear, it’s not always like this.”
“It doesn’t have to always be. But it is enough. The one you protect is gone… why do you stay?”
A pained noise escaped her before she could stop it, leaving behind a sick dread for what would come next. But Fen wasn’t like HIM, she didn’t beat her because she showed pain or weakness. Still— her heart thundered a hand of beats waiting for the abuse that never came. Instead only infinite tenderness. So soft, so sure.
Kari lay awake thinking about their conversation earlier, as she mourned, and rejoiced.
“I don’t want to go back.”
“So don't.”
“What about my family?”
“The one who allowed him to do this to you?”
Kari winced as Fen applied antiseptic to one of the places her face had ruptured under sudden and intense pressure— from HIS fist.
“They love me…”
She touched Kari’s cheek with only the tips of her fingers until their eyes met. “Then they will be glad you escaped.”
“What about them?” She worried for them, for their safety.
“Does he beat them?”
She thought about it. “No.”
“Did he beat your mother?”
She looked down trying to remember it. “No…”
The soft expression in gold eyes made breathing hard, on top of the pain. Tightening her chest and throat.
“When did he begin beating you?”
She swallowed convulsively, taking in a painful shuddering breath. She licked dry cracked lips and looked away again. “After my mothers died.” Her voice no bigger than a whisper.
“What makes you stay?”
“I…” She frowned looked away before looking back with shame that made her face burn. “I’m not smart enough to go.”
The look on Fen’s face as she began cleaning up the remnants of their first-aid session, it made her feel even more ashamed.
Shock raced through her as Fen turned on her, her hand rising to touch her cheek. She winced, preparing for contact.
Fen paused, only sympathy in gold eyes.
Kari blinked hard and fast, trying to contain unshed tears.
The hand that came to her cheek was careful of the new wounds. “You will never have to fear abuse from me. Not your body, mind or spirit. You have always been, and always will be safe with me. That fear you have inside of you that you can’t do it. That’s him. His lies screaming in your head. With hard work, and time you will see, you don’t need him. Or anyone like him.” Fen pushed the case aside offering her small hand.
Fingers played over her scalp drawing her from those thoughts.
Gold eyes shifted to gaze down at her, soft and beautiful. “You need sleep to heal.”
@maskydoolovesmasseffect, @fictober-event
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Fictober Day 8 This is it, isnt it
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Pallikári’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega, year 2159.
Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake Foínix Éleos - Ardat-Yakshi Jessa Pell - human free from Batarian bondage
Pasha - Asari - Léaina (Léaina - Trusted women who help asari through their heat. There are private Leaina and commercialized Leaina. They are guardians, protectors, psychiatrists, and spiritual advisors.)
Kari felt giddy, the school of dancing fish was threatening to make her sick. She was alternating between a nervous wreck and burning up. She had already stripped down to her bra and shorts and was still sweating. “Is it hot in here?”
“It is if you say it is. Would you like me to turn it down more?”
Taking a deep breath she nodded. “Please.”
Pasha flicked open her omni-tool to lower the temperature even further, bringing a small blast of cool air, and a moment of relief.
“Would you like anything else?” Like anything else? Goddess yes… but that was why she was here wasnt it? Kari bit her lip shaking her head. She didn’t want to tell Pasha how much she wanted Fen in this enclosed space with her. Fen’s hands on her body, Fen’s mouth… Goddess no thats not something she should be thinking about at this moment. It was really counterproductive.
“This is it, isn’t it?” She asked Pasha, trying to distract herself from the fantasies that kept rising up.
“This is what?” Pasha asked, so calmly.
Kari paced the confined space eight paces from side to side… eight short paces to the corner. Four to the bed, eight paces back. “Sweet Allmother, why are we such accursed people?”
“Do you feel cursed?”
Pallikári paced back to the clear plastisteel wall that separated her from her Léaina. “Yeah, a little bit.” She pressed her brow to the wall and closed her eyes. Fen’s smiling face appeared, secretive and small but present. She sighed and opened tired blue eyes.
Pasha remained sitting in her chair on the other side, quiet, observant, attentive.
“I could get a sedative perhaps?” Kari frowned, shaking her head. “I always wondered what real heat was.”
“As opposed to…” Pasha crossed her leg, adjusting her robes before linking fingers in her lap.
“My heat’s before.”
“Not all heat is the same. But a lighter heat is a blessing. Why would you ever wonder about a difficult one?”
Kari snorted and smirked. “Because how could I know what they were feeling if I myself never experienced it?”
“You wanted to know what a difficult heat was like, so that you could say you experienced it and know what it feels like?” Pasha’s bold tattoos distorted in disbelief.
Kari laughed. “Now you got it.”
Pasha tipped her head. “Do you feel… informed?”
“I feel hot and horny.” Even as she said it Pallikári blushed. Feeling a small sense of sanity creeping back in Kari moved back to the tousled bed. The moment her hand touched the sheets, images of Fen arose once more. She gripped them and wondered if she permitted the fantasy to play out, would it help?
Her breath caught as lips found her neck. Rought, strong, gentle hands slipped against her hot skin, working town the furrow of her spines. Kari leaned forward, groaning.
“Can I ask, what has changed?”
She grunted, frowned and took a steadying breath as she opened her eyes.
Pasha… she still hadn’t moved.
Kari sat there leaning forward on the bed, hands tight in the sheets, feeling the pulse in her neck beat so hard it had to be visible. She licked dry lips. “I kissed Fen.” Even as she said it, she could hear the hunger in her voice.
“Oh. I see.” Her face was still so composed. So perfect-
“What does that mean?” She got off the bed again, pacing four, eight, four. She trailed fingers along the bedding. She could see her there, smiling, looking like starlight and deep space… The shimmer arose in her stomach again, heat radiating from her core. She smiled back.
“The reason for your intense heat is that you now have a true focus. You have never had a focus before.”
Kari bit her lip, dragging her eyes from the smiling Fen on the bed to Pasha on the chair. “I have a girlfriend.”
Pasha’s tattooed brows rose. “How long?”
Kari blushed looking away. “I would say eight and a half months.”
“What would they say?”
Kari shrugged. “Longer.”
“That will make important dates difficult.”
Kari snorted softly. “I’m all kinds of confused.”
“In a good way?”
Kari took a breath and nodded. “Yeah. I keep hoping I'll figure it out.”
“What is your girlfriends name?”
“What does Jessa think of Foínix?”
Kari smiled again thinking about how they had grown over the last few months.
“There that thought. Right there.”
She looked to Pasha as she stood up.
“Focus on that thought you just had. It is soft, and gentle, it is the love beyond your heat. It is what binds you together. It is the gift you need from the Goddess to endure this heat.”
Kari backed up, thinking about the growth of their relationships. She smiled thinking about how Fen would sit and braid Jessa’s hair before bed. How she found Foínix asleep in Jessa’s lap when she got off work. She sighed and smiled again.
“Meditate on that.”
@maskydoolovesmasseffect , @fictober-event
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berryshiara · 3 years ago
Fictober day 5 "I'm not saying I told you so..."
Mass Effect Fanfiction Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi From Pallikári’s POV Asari Centric story mostly on Omega, year 2159.
Pallikári Teíchos - Asari Beefcake
Stella Queen - Human - Owner of Stella’s Bistro Kari sat at the bar at Stella’s, laying on it is more like it. She felt exhausted and perhaps a little dejected. But Mama-Stella didn’t seem to mind her taking up three places at the moment. Broad shoulders, and angled elbows propping up her head. She could almost sleep here. The soft din of diners, and the calm atmosphere mixed with exhaustion left her fading fast.
“Little Blue, baby girl, why are you wiped out, and where are your lady friends? It’s unusual to see you here alone like this.” Stella settled at the bar, pulling over a glass that she set on a coaster in front of Kari and then filled with a sprayer, adding two large chunks of ice. She was dressed in a cute blue and sun gold checkered dress, that flared over her hips and puffed at the shoulders. A simple pearl necklace at her throat. She was beautiful as always.
Kari rubbed her brow propping her head up on one side as she took the drink offered and drank it down. “Things in life have gotten so complicated.” She admitted.
“They can do that sometimes, it usually helps to have someone to talk to. Do you have someone like that?” Stella refilled the glass again before putting the sprayer away.
“You mean besides Mama?” Stella smiled big and then chuckled softly. “You are always welcome to share with me.”
Kari smiled then sat up breathing a deep sigh. “Sometimes you get tired of talking and you just want things to start happening, ya know?”
“Boy, Do I!” Stella chuckled again, putting a gloved hand over Kari’s. “If there is anything I can do to help, you would let me know right?”
“Is there a nice way to tell someone “I told you so?”
“Is it important to do that?”
Kari frowned, her gaze shifted away from Stella as she thought about the recipient of those words. Someone who could never hear them. She looked up at the ceiling and took a big steadying breath. If only she had listened…
Stella’s big hand covered Kari’s and squeezed softly.
It felt strong and firm and steady… she focused on it as the urge to cry had her tearing up again. She wasn’t here to do that — she was here to get some decent food for her girls, not lament the past few days. She didn’t want to dwell on the bad, didn’t want to feel the hurt— not yet— not here.
Stella came around the bar, never letting Kari’s hand go. She slipped an arm around her back and leaned in against her.
Kari hunched under Stella’s arm, the warmth both physical and emotional something that made her feel safe. She put her head on Stella’s shoulder, allowing herself to take comfort from the kindness offered.
“If you need it, you could say in a playful tone. “I’m not saying I told you so…” Then leave it at that. They will understand.”
“Thank you.” Kari whispered.
“My bags are ready.”
“They can wait a minute. You take the time you need.”
Kari sniffled again, pulling back to look at Stella before she hugged her again. It was strong and quick. “Thank you.” She said again. It meant a lot that she was allowed that, despite the other visitors, despite the working staff, or the busy time of day.
“Honey, that’s what Mama’s are for.”
Kari picked up her bag from the counter feeling warm and cared for, and a little less sad.
Stella leaned in pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Be well, baby girl. Come see me again soon.”
Dipping her head she hurried out. @fictober-event, @maskydoolovesmasseffect
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