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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning - The #Coffee is Ready! ☕️😋🤚
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #December #Sunday #weekend #deathwishcoffee #cancersucks🎗
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alexandra-smothers-news · 3 years ago
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The vision of #marypickford the @mptf does very important work serving our motion picture industry. It was an honor and a joy to attend the @mptfnextgen event and to be among beautiful creatives and meet the families of residents celebrating life, art, human dignity and one another. We nearly lost our housing for elderly people who have served our industry for years. And then everyone came together as a community and bigger, better, stronger than ever. MPTF was honored by @theacademy with the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award for all the work that’s being done. Now it’s up to us to carry on the #legacy, pick up the torch and #takecareofourown disclaimer:I sometimes take a bad photo. But the other people in the pics mean more to me than that…I want to celebrate every sublime moment with people I care about so I’m sorry that I am sometimes too intense or excited and don’t always take a great photo… being relaxed helps, and so sometimes I have to remember to take a deep breath…and be… or not to be…ay, Hamlet. Legends have a fabulous teams to help with hair and makeup. And just before the event, I was at the beach for #tashlich so my hair got frizzy… note to self… Bring a brush. #perfectlyimperfect #caringisinfinite #mptf #childcare #socialservices #elderconnection #healthinsurancesolutions #paliativecare #residential #wasserman #skillednursing #sabancenterforhealthandwellness #centerforbehavioralhealth #volunteer #veterans #mptfnextgen (at Sunset Tower Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTyXykIrvpU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lucioguimaraes · 6 years ago
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Hoje foi término de uma etapa muito importante para mim. Finalizei o curso de Cuidados Paliativos que é uma área da medicina dedicada a cuidar dos pacientes com doenças graves e incuráveis, que consequentemente provocam grande sofrimento nos pacientes e também nos familiares. Aprendi muitos conceitos e agora poderei ajudar ainda mais meus pacientes. #medicina #paliativecare #cuidadospaliativos #grupoasa #gratidao #estudos #drlucio #drlucioguimaraes (em Cuiabá, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzmF9j_lOl6/?igshid=2s72mijcb2f
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edwincourtenay · 8 years ago
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The Archangel Assiel is the apprentice of the Archangel Raphael - the Healer of God. Many say as Raphael is the Doctor so then is Assiel the Nurse, tending to the long term care of those whose healing, rehabilitation or respite requires more long term tending. Assiel however chooses to see himself as a gardener, tending the flowers of the Divine - mankind - with love and care, feeding them and nurturing them with love and watching over them in order to ensure no harm befalls them. Once - when my Father was alive and in the midst of his dementia - I called upon Assiel to watch over him. My Mother was in her late 80's and his sole carer but needed from time to time to escape and do a little shopping. My Father was largely immobile and at this time safe to leave once watered and fed. On this occasion however when my Mother returned to him she found her warden using her emergency key to get into the house because my Father had activated his emergency alarm! Dad had fallen trading to get up for the bathroom and landed in the glass door of his grandfather clock! Miraculously he had not cut or scratched himself - despite being surrounded by glass - had broken no bones or even twisted an ankle. He was in fact in good spirits, laughing and joking how he had always wanted to press his pendant button and now had done! I thanked Assiel for this great escape as I was sure it was him who had saved my Father that day. If you have a relative, friend or client who is in need but far away, someone you fear for or who needs help recovering or even making their transition call upon Assiel the Gardener of God. #edwincourtenay #ipssissimus #spiritlightgallery #art #archangel #angel #assiel #nurse #carer #respite #recovery #transition #paliativecare #magic #healing #healer #distanthealing
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seekthetruthbiblemedia · 5 years ago
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Facing death with confidence From time to time I visit people who are sick. Sometimes I call at their homes, but often I pop into the hospital to see them. Hospitals can be very sad places. The circumstances and struggles of life and the prospect of facing death are often confronted head-on in a hospital ward or side room. Click to View https://ift.tt/2WIcTD5 #death, #bereavement, #separation, #seeking, #today, #weekend, #fears, #endoflife, #paliativecare, #hospice, #hospital, #visiting — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/32LRrB7
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arkangelartemis · 11 years ago
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Made a Sydney Operahouse inspired chocolate Ice-cream sundae for a patient at Hospice! ^-^ #hospice #sydeyoperahouse #sydney #chocolateicecreamsundae #icecream #icecreamsundae #wafer #pink #vanilla #chocolate #sauce #chocolatesauce #paliativecare #hospitalforsouls #spoon #flowers #rose #kitchen #whangarei #tikipunga #nz #newzealand
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning - The #Coffee is Ready! ☕️😋🤚
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #December #Saturday #weekend #cariboucoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning - The #Coffee is Ready! ☕️😋🤚
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #December #Friday #weekend #cariboucoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning - The #Coffee is Ready! ☕️😋🤚
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #November #Thursday #weekday #deathwishcoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning - The #Coffee is Ready! ☕️😋🤚
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #November #Wednesday #weekday #deathwishcoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning 🍁🍂 The #Coffee is Ready!
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #November #Tuesday #weekday #deathwishcoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning 🍁🍂 The #Coffee is Ready! ☕️🎃🤚
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #November #Monday #weekday #deathwishcoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning 🍁🍂 The #Coffee is Ready!
☕️🎃🤚 Happy #Thanksgiving 🦃🥧🍗
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #November #Sunday #weekend #deathwishcoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning 🍁🍂 The #Coffee is Ready!
☕️🎃🤚 Happy #Thanksgiving 🦃🥧🍗
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #November #Saturday #weekend #cariboucoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning 🍁🍂 The #Coffee is Ready!
☕️🎃🤚 Happy #Thanksgiving 🦃🥧🍗
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #November #Friday #weekend #deathwishcoffee #cancersucks🎗
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jsarzoza · 1 year ago
Good #Morning 🍁🍂 The #Coffee is Ready!
☕️🎃🤚 Happy #Thanksgiving 🦃🥧🍗
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#goodmorning #java #MN #Minnesota #crc #cancer #coloncancer #LetsGo #coffeetime #sunrise #autumn #fallcolors #chilly #remission #survivor #coffeemug #coffeewithJR #paliativecare #November #Thursday #weekend #cariboucoffee #cancersucks🎗
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