#Pakistan record on terror
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somethingusefulfromflorida Ā· 1 year ago
World War Z is one of my favorite novels, but every time I reread it I am reminded of how painfully American it is. Very "third-way centrist," very "Democratic Liberal during the Bush years," very "I believe in America, we're the best country on Earth, let us show you the light." it is vehemently anticommunist, and plays the "both sides" card by having a character whose family suffered under Pinochet claim that imperialism and white hegemony are ghosts from a bygone era that developing nations need to get over; "far-left is just as bad as far-right, why can't we all just get along?"
A lot of the stories are interesting, and I want to do an in depth analysis of the timeline of the Great Panic someday, but this is a book that suggests Colin Fucking Powell would have been a great bastion of democracy and freedom, so I can't take any of the politics seriously anymore.
Iran becoming a nuclear nation and going to war with Pakistan
A Chinese civil war splits the PLA and dissolves the PRC, but not a single word is spoken about the multiple separatist movements in the United States after they were abandoned by the federal government for YEARS in zombieland (only that they were "given the option to be readmitted peacefully" when the feds came marching back)
Floridians turning Cuba into a "capitalist utopia" and Fidel Castro taking credit for the subsequent Cuban Evolution
Nelson Mandela personally signing off on an Apartheid-era plan to abandon half the country as human bait
The whole situation between Israel and Palestine (that is a can of worms I am neither qualified nor willing to dissect here)
Hollywood military propaganda gives people the will to live
The British royal family "shielding the soul" of the UK under the burden of their godlike mandate?!? (gag me with a fucking spoon...)
This book would be VERY different if it were written today. Published in 2006, it was obsessed with the Cold War but barely glossed over the War on Terror with one reference to "Gulf War 2" (Iraq) and a handful of references to a low-intensity "brushfire war" (Afghanistan) that ended in American victory by 2008, although a Pyrrhic one. I do not remember nor can I even imagine a time when ANYTHING within this book could be considered plausible outside the deepest fears and/or wettest dreams of the most diehard 'Mericans.
The more I get into it, the worst is sounds. I think I like the idea of the book more than the book itself now.
The prologue ends with a hint at an eventual sequel. The narrator says that a lot of people consider it too early to write a history book about a war that only just ended (and in fact is still being fought in some northern countries), and that it will take a few generations for people to fully process what happened. "Perhaps decades from now, someone will take up the task of recording the recollections of the much older, much wiser survivors." That is a book I would like to read; a retelling of WWZ with far less hero worship and characters who don't all sound like a 30-something American SNL writer.
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mariacallous Ā· 1 year ago
To those who steep themselves in history, and others who follow international affairs with obsessive focus, the bill of particulars often cited this week in critical appraisals of Henry Kissingerā€™s record as an unusually powerful figure in the history of U.S. foreign policy may already seem blandly familiar.
The list of countries where at Kissingerā€™s behest the United States intervened in antidemocratic ways or committed what many international legal scholars and human rights experts say were war crimes is so long as to have the quality of an alphabet soup. For those who follow such matters with less attention or care, though, Kissingerā€™s career has lent itself to a kind of lazy, prismatic assessment. Even some well-informed people fall prey to or have enthusiastically lent their voices to this kind of logic.
You say that Kissinger directed the Washington foreign-policy machine to prevent the inauguration of Salvador Allende, a democratically elected socialist leader in Chile? And when that failed, directly encouraged his overthrow, and then had U.S. diplomats downplay the murderous political terror employed by the military in that South American country to stay in power? Well, on the other hand, according to this parlor-game manner of assessment, the Cold War was no age of innocence, and sometimes ugly things needed to be done in order to keep things moving in the right direction. Otherwise, ā€œcommunismā€ might have spread to nearby countries such as Argentina and Uruguay.
You say that the United States helped overthrow a government in Cambodia and carried out secret and illegal intense bombing campaigns in that country and in Laos that indiscriminately killed many thousands of civilians and devastated their economies? Well, Washington was desperate to bring about an end to the Vietnam Warā€”and werenā€™t there good reasons for that, such as avoiding the deaths of U.S. service members and bringing that conflict to a politically acceptable end?
You say that Washington lent encouragement to military-ruled Pakistan in a genocidal war to prevent the independence of the nation that became Bangladesh? Well, Pakistanā€™s sworn foe, India, was disturbingly close to the Soviet Union back then. U.S. President Richard Nixon told Kissinger then that India deserved ā€œa mass famine.ā€
And besides, Washington was in the midst of delicate arrangements to restore ties with Beijing to balance against Moscow. Wasnā€™t such a momentous shift in Cold War dynamics in favor of the United States worth it? In this spirit, Kissinger replied in seeming contentment to his boss in the White House that the ruler of Pakistan at the time, Gen. Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan, ā€œhasnā€™t had such fun since the last Hindu massacre.ā€ Here he was alluding to the campaign of killing and raping in Bangladesh that a group of dissenting U.S. diplomatic officials at the Consulate General in Dhaka at the time likened to ā€œgenocide.ā€
You say that Kissinger directed U.S. officials to provide cover for Chileā€™s assassination in Washington of one of its own former ambassadors? Well, once again, the world was a tough place back then, and the other side surely did plenty of unconscionable things, too. But why keep bringing all of this unpleasantness up? Didnā€™t weā€”the Americans, the good guysā€”win in the end?
As readers should be able to see, this kind of treatment doesnā€™t get us very far, because it casts little moral light on the stakes involvedā€”both then and nowā€”in how might is used by the powerful in the world. That is because the only values this worldview takes into consideration are power and prerogative. To put that in an ancient and simpler way, all it says is that might makes right.
The more one thinks about the Kissinger alphabet soup, though, the more a pattern emerges. The countries where Kissinger left the most damaging legacies are concentrated in what is often fancied as the global south. As geography goes, this is a nonsensical grab bag that is fiendishly hard to define. In geopolitics, though, it is as easy as pie. What we speak of as the global south simply means what historians, diplomats, and international relations experts have long referred to as the global ā€œperiphery.ā€
ā€œPeripheral to what?ā€ you would be right to ask. The answer is anything that is not part of what these same disciplines speak of as the ā€œcore.ā€ The core means whatever they take to be of overriding import in the world at any given time. In actuality, these things donā€™t shift much from moment to moment. The core has usually been taken to mean whatever one defines as the West and whomever the West considers its peer rivals and adversaries to be at any given time.
Because core means important, peripheral means unworthy of equalā€”or usually even seriousā€”consideration. In geopolitics of the sort long practiced by Kissinger, a colloquial term for the periphery is ā€œsideshow,ā€ and this is precisely how he treated the lives and rights of the people in what was for him the non-core world.
In December 1970, eager to bring North Vietnam to its knees, or at least to the negotiating table as a supplicant, Nixon told Kissinger to oversee a sharp escalation in the already-deadly U.S. aerial bombing campaign in Cambodia that would ultimately kill at least 100,000 civilians, saying ā€œcrack the hell out of them.ā€ Kissinger, who participated in detailed targeting exercises, then relayed this order to his military aide: ā€œItā€™s an order, itā€™s to be done. Anything that flies, on anything that moves. You got that?ā€
As British journalist William Shawcross documented, Kissinger viewed the U.S. war campaign in Cambodia, where he presided over a tripling of the number of bombs dropped on that country, as a sideshow. According to the logic of core versus periphery dear to Kissinger, though, he was being too modest. Cambodia was actually the sideshow of a sideshow, with the latter being Vietnam. The United States fought for so many years in Vietnam not because of any inherent interest in Vietnam or the Vietnamese, who clearly inhabited the global periphery, but because of how it believed Vietnam figured in core rivalries first with China and then the Soviet Union. This is how more than 3 million lives, overwhelmingly Vietnamese ones, came to their worldly end.
There is a degree of dark inevitability involved here that is seldom discussed in depth when considering Kissingerā€™s legacy or the contests over power between the mighty in general. Once one puts on the goggles of core versus periphery, or putative north versus south, or West versus the rest, one can succumb with little or no resistance to the notion that the wanton trampling of weaker nations counts for little in the scales of time.
The case that best explains all this is not as well-known as the ones cited here thus far, and that is no accident. It involves an African country, Angola. If Cambodia was a sideshow of a sideshow in the mindscape of thinkers like Kissinger, Africa has always been the periphery of the periphery of U.S. foreign policy.
In the fall of 1975, Cuba sent troops to Angola to support a Marxist faction in what became a messy conflict over independence from Portuguese colonial rule, and subsequently, a devastating civil war. With his core-versus-periphery goggles strapped on firmly, Kissinger became worried that Cuba would expand its military operations beyond Angola to other African countries, spreading communism (which in his view equaled Russian influence) and thus threatening U.S. interests. In fact, as much scholarship has shown, Cuba acted in Angola quite independently of the Soviets, and indeed somewhat to their annoyance. After Southeast Asia, it was now Africa that seemed to him to be primed for a new domino scenario. Kissinger warned, ā€œIf the Cubans destroy Rhodesia then Namibia is next and then there is South Africa.ā€
What the then-U.S. secretary of state did not dwell on, or apparently attach much importance to, was the fact that South Africa was then still very much ruled under the white supremacist doctrine of racial separation known as apartheid. As it almost always did in the so-called periphery, fighting a proxy war against the Soviet Union overrode all other considerations. Having Marxists aligned with Moscow was intolerable. Having white separatism reign in South Africa (and in Rhodesia and Namibia then) was a minor consideration. Indeed, Kissinger and his disciples, such as Chester Crocker, who would serve as assistant secretary of state for African affairs under President Ronald Reagan, worked hard to shield South Africa from international pressure for its racial policies.
Little known to the American public even now, Kissinger felt so strongly about the advances of Cuba, which he erroneously saw as a pure stalking horse for Moscow, in Angola that he ordered the readying of contingency plans for the mining of Cubaā€™s harbors and strategic airstrikes on that country. His explanation? Just letting the tiny nation of Cuba challenge U.S. interests at will would be perceived as U.S. frailty. ā€œIf there is a perception overseas that we are so weakened by our internal debate [over Vietnam] so that it looks like we canā€™t do anything about a country of 8 million people, then in three or four years we are going to have a real crisis.ā€
As so often for Kissinger, there was little time to consider the real and dire crises that he was stoking in the lives of people in the countries where he saw games between big core powers playing out. According to the morally bankrupt logic so dear to him, why should he have cared? The little countries, the poor and meek, only mattered to the extent that they played into struggles among the mighty. Their intrinsic value as human beings doesnā€™t matter, and they weigh little or nothing in the course or even meaning of history.
None of this involves thinking that neatly lines up according to the left-versus-right thought model that Americans so easily fall prey to. There is right and wrong here, and with the great power that the West and the United States in particular have amassed, Kissingerā€™s life should incite us to a greater willingness to assess such things more clearly.
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wahoc1 Ā· 2 years ago
Obama's 'record'
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Among other things, president Barack Obama:
* Dropped bombs in 7 countries (all predominantly Muslim).
* Sent 3,500 U.S. troops and tanks to Russiaā€™s doorstep in one of his final decisions as president.
* Ordered ten times more drone strikes than Bush.
* Dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016 alone (an average of 72 bombs every day).
* Put boots on the ground in Syria , despite 16 times saying ā€œno boots on the groundā€.
* Despite campaign pledges, planned a $1 trillion progam to add more nuclear weapons to the US arsenal in the next 30 years.
* Said, ā€œI believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being.ā€
* Bragged about his use of drones Ā - Iā€™m ā€œreally good at killing peopleā€.
* Deported a modern-record 2 million immigrants.
* Just like Trump, separated immigrant children from their families.
* Signed the Monsanto Protection Act into law.
* Started a new war in Iraq .
* Initiated, and personally oversaw a ā€˜Secret Kill Listā€™.
* Pushed for war on Syria while siding with al-Qaeda .
* Knowingly Funded a Designated al-Qaeda Affiliate.
* Backed neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
* Supported Israelā€™s wars and occupation of Palestine.
* Deployed Special Ops to 134 countries - compared to 60 under Bush.
* Did a TV commercial promoting ā€œclean coalā€.
* Drastically escalated the Ā NSA spying program .
* Signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.
* Given Bush absolute immunity for everything.
* Pushed for a TPP Trade Pact .
* Started a new war on terror - this one on ISIS .
* Signed more executive memoranda than any other president in history.
* Transferred more than $100 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia, more than any other administration in history.
* Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia .
* Opened a military base in Chile.
* Touted nuclear power , even after the disaster in Japan.
* Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.
* Mandated the Insider Threat Program which orders federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues.
* Defended body scans and pat-downs at airports.
* Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.
* Launched 20,000 Airstrikes in his first term.
* Continued Bushā€™s rendition program.
* Said the U.S. is the ā€œone indispensable nationā€ in the world.
* Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.
* Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.
* Escalated the proxy war in Ā Somalia.
* Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.
* Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.
* Repealed the Propaganda ban, making it legal to spread government propaganda via news outlets.
* Assassinated 4 US citizens with drone strikes.
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icnewss Ā· 22 days ago
Top 5 Best Players in WTC History
The World Test Championship (WTC) has redefined Test cricket, adding a layer of competitiveness and prestige to the longest format. Over its cycles, the WTC has witnessed remarkable performances from players who have showcased exceptional skill, consistency, and determination. These cricketers have not only been instrumental in their teams' success but have also elevated the profile of Test cricket globally.
In this blog, we look at the Top 5 Best Players in WTC History, highlighting their contributions, records, and why they are considered legends of the championship.
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1. Kane Williamson ā€“ The Architect of New Zealandā€™s Success
Team: New Zealand Role: Batsman Key Stats in WTC:
Matches: 15
Runs: 1,155
Average: 61.58
Centuries: 4
Kane Williamson has been a cornerstone of New Zealandā€™s success in the WTC, leading from the front with his composed batting and astute captaincy. His ability to perform in high-pressure situations has made him one of the most reliable batsmen in Test cricket.
Notable Contributions:
WTC Final 2021: Williamsonā€™s unbeaten 52 in a tense chase against India was a masterclass in composure and technique, guiding New Zealand to their maiden WTC title.
His consistency across challenging conditions and against top-quality bowling attacks highlights his adaptability and class.
Williamsonā€™s calm demeanor and ability to anchor innings make him a standout player in WTC history.
2. Pat Cummins ā€“ The Relentless Wrecker-in-Chief
Team: Australia Role: Bowler Key Stats in WTC:
Matches: 17
Wickets: 85
Average: 21.38
Best Bowling: 6/27
Pat Cummins has been the spearhead of Australiaā€™s bowling attack, terrorizing batters with his pace, bounce, and precision. As one of the most consistent performers in the WTC, Cummins has proven his mettle in both home and away conditions.
Check Out:- AUS vs PAK 2nd Test Dream11 Prediction
Notable Contributions:
His six-wicket haul against Pakistan in Karachi was a match-winning performance, showcasing his ability to deliver under pressure.
Cummins' ability to extract bounce and movement, even on flat tracks, has been instrumental in Australiaā€™s success in the championship.
As the worldā€™s premier fast bowler, Cummins has left an indelible mark on the WTC.
3. Rishabh Pant ā€“ The Maverick Game-Changer
Team: India Role: Wicketkeeper-Batsman Key Stats in WTC:
Matches: 16
Runs: 993
Average: 39.72
Centuries: 2
Rishabh Pant has emerged as one of the most exciting players in the WTC, combining fearless batting with invaluable contributions behind the stumps. His audacious stroke play and knack for thriving under pressure have made him a fan favorite.
Notable Contributions:
The Gabba Test 2021: Pantā€™s unbeaten 89 in a historic chase against Australia is one of the most iconic knocks in WTC history, securing a series victory for India.
His counterattacking innings against England in Ahmedabad turned the game on its head, proving his ability to change the momentum single-handedly.
Pantā€™s blend of aggression and maturity makes him one of the most impactful players in the WTC.
4. Joe Root ā€“ Englandā€™s Run Machine
Team: England Role: Batsman Key Stats in WTC:
Matches: 22
Runs: 1,910
Average: 52.38
Centuries: 6
Joe Root has been the backbone of Englandā€™s batting lineup in the WTC, consistently delivering match-defining performances. His ability to score runs against all types of bowling attacks has cemented his place as one of the modern greats.
Notable Contributions:
Rootā€™s double century against India in Chennai was a masterclass in batting against spin, keeping England competitive in the series.
His ability to play long innings and anchor the side in difficult conditions has been crucial for England in the championship.
With his relentless hunger for runs, Root remains one of the standout performers in WTC history.
5. Ravichandran Ashwin ā€“ The Spin Wizard
Team: India Role: Bowler Key Stats in WTC:
Matches: 18
Wickets: 88
Average: 19.53
Best Bowling: 6/61
Ravichandran Ashwin has been a pivotal figure in Indiaā€™s WTC campaigns, consistently delivering with the ball and contributing valuable runs with the bat. His ability to outfox batsmen with his variations and sharp cricketing mind has made him one of the premier spinners in the world.
Notable Contributions:
Ashwinā€™s match-winning spells against England in Chennai were a testament to his skill and mastery over spin bowling.
His all-round performance in Sydney, where he batted through pain to save the Test match, showcased his fighting spirit.
As one of the highest wicket-takers in WTC history, Ashwinā€™s impact on the championship is undeniable.
What Makes These Players Special?
The best players in WTC history share certain qualities that set them apart:
Consistency: Delivering match-winning performances across different conditions and opponents.
Adaptability: Excelling in challenging situations, whether itā€™s swinging English conditions or spinning subcontinent tracks.
Impact: Contributing at crucial junctures to influence the outcome of matches.
Honorable Mentions
While these five players stand out, the WTC has seen several other outstanding performers:
Steve Smith: A reliable run-scorer for Australia with his unorthodox yet effective batting style.
Shaheen Afridi: Pakistanā€™s fiery pacer, known for his wicket-taking ability with the new ball.
Dimuth Karunaratne: Sri Lankaā€™s dependable opener, who has been a shining light for his team.
The Top 5 Best Players in WTC History have redefined excellence in Test cricket, inspiring fans and teammates alike with their remarkable performances. Whether itā€™s Williamsonā€™s calm leadership, Cumminsā€™ fiery spells, or Pantā€™s fearless batting, these players have enriched the legacy of the World Test Championship.
As the WTC Final 2025 approaches, fans eagerly await more iconic performances from these legends and rising stars. Who do you think deserves a spot on this list? Let us know in the comments!
Check Out:- Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka Dream11 Prediction CWC
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brookstonalmanac Ā· 28 days ago
Events 1.28 (after 1920)
1920 ā€“ Foundation of the Spanish Legion. 1922 ā€“ Knickerbocker Storm: Washington, D.C.'s biggest snowfall, causes a disaster when the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre collapses, killing over 100 people. 1932 ā€“ Japanese forces attack Shanghai. 1933 ā€“ The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhry Rahmat Ali Khan and is accepted by Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence. 1935 ā€“ Iceland becomes the first Western country to legalize therapeutic abortion. 1938 ā€“ The World Land Speed Record on a public road is broken by Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz W125 Rekordwagen at a speed of 432.7 kilometres per hour (268.9 mph). 1941 ā€“ Franco-Thai War: Final air battle of the conflict. A Japanese-mediated armistice goes into effect later in the day. 1945 ā€“ World War II: Supplies begin to reach the Republic of China over the newly reopened Burma Road. 1956 ā€“ Elvis Presley makes his first national television appearance. 1958 ā€“ The Lego company patents the design of its Lego bricks, still compatible with bricks produced today. 1960 ā€“ The National Football League announces expansion teams for Dallas to start in the 1960 NFL season and Minneapolis-St. Paul for the 1961 NFL season. 1964 ā€“ An unarmed United States Air Force T-39 Sabreliner on a training mission is shot down over Erfurt, East Germany, by a Soviet MiG-19. 1965 ā€“ The current design of the Flag of Canada is chosen by an act of Parliament. 1977 ā€“ The first day of the Great Lakes Blizzard of 1977, which dumps 3 metres (10 ft) of snow in one day in Upstate New York. Buffalo, Syracuse, Watertown, and surrounding areas are most affected. 1980 ā€“ USCGC Blackthorn collides with the tanker Capricorn while leaving Tampa, Florida and capsizes, killing 23 Coast Guard crewmembers. 1981 ā€“ Ronald Reagan lifts remaining domestic petroleum price and allocation controls in the United States, helping to end the 1979 energy crisis and begin the 1980s oil glut. 1982 ā€“ US Army General James L. Dozier is rescued by Italian anti-terrorism forces from captivity by the Red Brigades. 1984 ā€“ Tropical Storm Domoina makes landfall in southern Mozambique, eventually causing 214 deaths and some of the most severe flooding so far recorded in the region. 1985 ā€“ Supergroup USA for Africa (United Support of Artists for Africa) records the hit single We Are the World, to help raise funds for Ethiopian famine relief. 1986 ā€“ Space Shuttle program: STS-51-L mission: Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrates after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts on board. 1988 ā€“ In R v Morgentaler the Supreme Court of Canada strikes down all anti-abortion laws. 2002 ā€“ TAME Flight 120, a Boeing 727-100, crashes in the Andes mountains in southern Colombia, killing 94. 2006 ā€“ The roof of one of the buildings at the Katowice International Fair in Poland collapses due to the weight of snow, killing 65 and injuring more than 170 others. 2021 ā€“ A nitrogen leak at a poultry food processing facility in Gainesville, Georgia kills six and injures at least ten. 2023 ā€“ Protests begin after police beat and kill Tyre Nichols.
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soulscribe786 Ā· 3 months ago
Examination of Escalating Tensions in Pakistan
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Yesterday, on November 27, 2024, tensions between the PTI, the party founded and led by Imran Khan and the PML (opposition party and currently in power) reached an unprecedented height with the police firing bullets and teargas into crowds of unarmed protesters in Islamabad, Pakistan, who were demanding the release of incarcerated former Prime Minister Imran Khan.Ā 
Hundreds of protesters were shot and approximately 40 were killed.Ā 
The protest, aligned with the demand of release of Prime Minister Imran Khan, resulted from an investigation by a journalist who was picked off the street a day before and charged with terrorism according to his colleagues and lawyer.Ā 
Matiullah Jan is a critic of the role the military played in the forced government of the PML upon the people in Pakistan. Forcing PML into positions of power through militarized violence against the will of the people.Ā 
The PML also repeatedly fabricates lies and creates false allegations against their opposition party led by Imran Khan and supported by majority of the people. Imran Khan, during his presidency had made tremendous contributions to the welfare of the country as well as bringing peace and stability into the region including planting trees, addressing the smog issue caused by pollution, looking into peace building initiatives and security for the neglected region of Kashmir, assisting the growing orphanages and street children problem, building healthcare facilities, providing educational opportunities and addressing structural barriers faced by women and girls.Ā 
The PML continues to fabricate lies to arrest Imran Khan and his supporters. This includes denial of hospital records that live ammunition was being used by security forces or that protesters had been killed, previously. Janā€™s colleague, Saqib Bashir who had both been abducted in the process of collecting data of casualties and dropped off in a street. However, the government charged them with terrorism, drug peddling and attacking the police. This is all fake and fabricated. This resulted in hundreds of protesters calling for the release of Imran Khan due to extreme corruption in political parties and the use of unjustified force against the people. Amnesty International stated it is trespassing the right of freedom of expression and media freedom demanding that the authorities drop the charges, which was believed to be politically motivated.Ā 
Amnesty International also said that the government must fully protect the rights of protesters and immediately rescind the shoot on sight orders as it is undue and excessive powers by the military.Ā 
Local media also says that hundreds of protesters have been arrested
The opposing party (PML) has stated vague statements such as the protesters are asking for an ā€œevil political designā€ and are ā€œburning down forests along the wayā€, although there has been no clear and objective finding that protesters were responsible for any of those things. There are, however, records of police and militarized violence by the military in Pakistan.Ā 
Amnesty InternationalĀ 
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jobaaj Ā· 4 months ago
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šŸšØšššš¤š¢š¬š­ššš§ š¢š¬ ššš­ š¢š­ ššš ššš¢š§šŸšØ šˆš­ šœššš„š„š¬ šŠššš¬š”š¦š¢š«ā€™š¬ šžš„šžšœš­š¢šØš§š¬ šš ā€˜š¬š”ššš¦ā€™!! šŸ§ š–š”ššš­ š”ššš©š©šžš§šžš?
šŸ”ø Pakistan is back at it, reviving its age-old tactic of targeting India's policies with baseless claims. šŸ”ø And guess what the topic is this time? Kashmir... yet again. šŸ˜« šŸ”ø At a recent UN session, Pakistan couldn't resist bringing up the Kashmir issue and went as far as calling the recent democratic elections there a ā€œshamā€! šŸ˜”
šŸ§š–š”ššš­ š°ššš¬ šˆš§šš¢ššā€™š¬ š«šžš©š„š²? - Counsellor Eldos Mathew Punnoose held back no punches in his reply to Pakistan. - He reminded the session of Pakistanā€™s abysmal election record of stuffed ballots, jailed opposition leaders, and suppression of political voices. - Then, he went on to add that Pakistan considers fair election practices a ā€˜shamā€™ due to its own ā€˜tainted recordā€™!! - He also reminded the session of Pakistanā€™s support for terrorism and crime while highlighting the attacks India suffered from it! - Furthermore, Punnoose urged Pakistan to ā€œstop the serious and ongoing human rights violations in Pakistan-occupied Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh (PoJKL).ā€ - Finally, he reiterated how Kashmir remained an ā€˜inalienableā€™ part of India!!! šŸ˜²šˆš§š­šžš«šžš¬š­š¢š§š š„š²: - Pakistan wonā€™t be stopping it anytime soon. - Its economy is on life support, it is heavily reliant on its allies, its population is helpless, and it still has massive security threats. - Despite all these issues, the country somehow finds the time to embarrass itself!šŸ˜‚ ā“š‘¾š’‰š’†š’ š’˜š’Šš’š’ š‘·š’‚š’Œš’Šš’”š’•š’‚š’ š’”š’•š’š’‘ š’‰š’–š’Žš’Šš’š’Šš’‚š’•š’Šš’š’ˆ š’Šš’•š’”š’†š’š’‡? Follow Jobaaj Stories (the media arm of Jobaaj.com Group for more)
For more updates and insightful stories like this one, follow Jobaaj Stories, the media arm of the Jobaaj Group. We're here to inform, educate, and inspire young professionals and students with stories that matter! šŸŒŸ
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terrorismvictimsday Ā· 5 months ago
High-Level Segment - International Conference on Victims of Terrorism.
The High-Level Segment will open with remarks from the conference's organizers, the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the Kingdom of Spain as well as a call to action by victims and survivors of terrorism. Remarks from ministerial-level speakers and principals of international organizations and UN entities will follow.
Introductory Remarks:Ā Mr. Mauro Miedico,Director, United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
Opening Statement:
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Statement by H.E. Mr. Salih Husain Ali, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Iraq to Spain and Co-Chair of the Group of Friends of Victims of Terrorism, on behalf of H.E. Mr. Fuad Hussein, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Iraq.
Ā Ministerial Statements:
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Ms. Victoria Eugenia Villaruel,Vice-President of Argentina
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. Javier MartĆ­nez-Acha VĆ”squez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama
Ā·Ā  Ā  Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. Waleed bin Abdulkarim El-Khereiji, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Ms. Josefina Vidal Ferreiro, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.EĀ Sevim Sayım Madak, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services of the Republic of TĆ¼rkiye
Ā·Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā H.E. Joan Antoni Leļæ½ļæ½n Peso, Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice and Interior, Andorra
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. PĆ©ter SztĆ”ray, State Secretary for Security Policy of Hungary
Heads of UN Entities:
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Mr. Miguel Ɓngel Moratinos,Ā High Representative, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Mr. Volker TĆ¼rk,Ā United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (via pre-recorded video)
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly,Ā Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (via live video)
Ā Eminent Speakers:
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Joan Antoni LeĆ³n Peso, Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice and Interior, Andorra
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. Sos Avetisyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Spain
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Ms. Rosemary Morris-Castico, Ambassador of Australia to Spain
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. Mohammad Sarwar Mahmood, Ambassador of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to Spain
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. Yao Jing, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Spain
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. Dinesh Patnaik, Ambassador of India to Spain
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. Zahoor Ahmed, Ambassador of Pakistan to Spain
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H. E. Mr. Robert Krmelj, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Spain
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā H.E. Mr. Hasan Alagla, Chief, Department of Human Rights, Presidency of State Security, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ms. Alexandra Louis, Interministerial Delegate for Victim Support, France
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Hon. Rita Superman, Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism, Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Statement byĀ Mr. Ben Saul, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism (via pre-recorded video)
Building on the momentum created by the first United Nations Global Congress of Victims of Terrorism in 2022, the United Nations International Conference on Victims of Terrorism is hosted by the Kingdom of Spain in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz on 8-9 October 2024. The conference brings together experts, practitioners, and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. It aims to foster collaboration, inspire innovative solutions, and advocate for a holistic approach to addressing the needs of victims of terrorism while striving to build more peaceful and resilient societies globally.
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More information and latest programme
Watch the High-Level Segment - International Conference on Victims of Terrorism!
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amrutmnm Ā· 7 months ago
Market Forecast: Small Caliber Ammunition Growth to 2029
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The GlobalĀ Small Caliber Ammunition MarketĀ is experiencing significant growth, driven by increased defense spending, rising geopolitical tensions, and the modernization of armed forces. The consumption of small-caliber ammunition is expected to grow fromĀ 7,003 Million units in 2024Ā toĀ 8,661 Million units by 2029. This growth reflects aĀ Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.3%, with market size projected to increase fromĀ USD 5.7 Billion in 2024Ā toĀ USD 7.0 Billion by 2029. This analysis delves into the market statistics, market size, trends, and key factors influencing theĀ Small Caliber Ammunition Industry.
Market Dynamics
Increasing Terrorism Incidents and Rising Geopolitical Tensions
The rise in armed conflicts due to geopolitical tensions, political instabilities, and economic inequalities has significantly driven the demand for small-caliber ammunition. Territorial conflicts, ceasefire violations, wars, and cross-border terrorism in regions such as South Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe have escalated the need for military readiness and personal security.
Ongoing conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, the civil war in Syria, and tensions between China and Southeast Asian countries have led to increased procurement of small-caliber ammunition. Additionally, incidents such as the 2023 Israel-Hamas conflict and skirmishes between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control (LOC) further amplify the demand for ammunition.
Get a Deeper Understanding of the Industry by Visiting:Ā https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/marine-actuator-valve-market-206171286.html
Regulatory Restrictions
The production, sale, and distribution of small-caliber ammunition are subject to stringent regulatory controls, varying across different countries. These regulations aim to ensure public safety and international security but can significantly impact market operations. Companies such as General Dynamics (US), Rheinmetall AG (Germany), and BAE Systems (UK) must navigate complex legal landscapes, which can affect sales, revenues, and profit margins. Regulatory restrictions can also invite administrative and criminal actions if not adhered to, posing a significant challenge for manufacturers.
Advancements in Small Caliber Ammunition Due to Increased R&D Expenditure
Continuous research and development (R&D) have led to significant advancements in small-caliber ammunition, enhancing performance, reducing environmental impact, and increasing operational efficiency. For instance, the introduction of the 5.56 mm M855A1 by the US Army, featuring a lead-free design with a copper core and steel tip, offers improved penetration and reduced environmental footprint.
Innovations in manufacturing techniques, such as modernized armor-piercing 7.62 mm and 5.56 mm bullets, and the development of shorter assault rifles with no significant decrease in effectiveness, create growth opportunities. Companies like Northrop Grumman Corporation (US) are developing advanced ammunition, such as the 57 mm guided munition for the Mk110 Naval Gun Mount, designed to counter fast-moving surface threats and drones.
International Ammunition Control Measures
International measures to control ammunition use, including export controls, trade sanctions, and arms restrictions, present a prominent challenge. These regulations aim to prevent arms proliferation, particularly in conflict zones and countries with poor human rights records. For example, the United Nations enforces arms restrictions on countries like North Korea and other conflict regions, limiting the export of small caliber ammunition. Manufacturers must navigate these complex legal frameworks, affecting their market strategies and operations.
Get Thorough Information in Our PDF Brochure:Ā https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=206171286
Market Segmentation
This Research Report Categorizes the Small Caliber Ammunition Market Based onĀ Application, Caliber Type, Bullet Type, Lethality, and Region:
By Application:
Homeland Security
By Caliber Type:
9 mm Parabellum
5.56 mm
7.62 mm
12.7 mm
14.5 mm
.338 Lapua Magnum
.338 Norma Magnum
By Bullet Type:
By Lethality:
Less- Lethal
By Region:
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East
Latin America
Discover All the Steps in Our Detailed Sample:Ā https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=206171286
By Caliber
Others Segment
The "Others" segment, including calibers such as .357 SIG, .40 SIG, shotgun cartridges, 4.6mm, .308 Winchester, and 5.8mm ammunition, is estimated to account for the largest market share during the forecast period. These calibers offer unique advantages in terms of range, stopping power, and compatibility with specialized firearms, driving their demand among specialized units.
By Bullet Type
Copper Segment
The copper bullet segment is anticipated to dominate the market due to its superior ballistic performance and environmental friendliness. Copper bullets offer enhanced accuracy and performance and are less prone to fragmenting, which is crucial in combat and law enforcement scenarios. Their non-toxic nature addresses environmental and health concerns associated with traditional bullets, further driving market growth.
By Region
The Asia-Pacific region is projected to account for the largest market share during the forecast period. Increasing regional tensions, military spending, and military modernization initiatives drive market growth in this region. Countries like China, India, and Japan are investing significantly in defense capabilities, including the procurement of advanced weaponry and ammunition, to enhance national security and maintain regional power dynamics.
Key Market Players
TheĀ Small Caliber Ammunition CompaniesĀ is dominated by globally established players, including:
Elbit Systems Ltd. (Israel)
Thales (France)
Olin Corporation (US)
General Dynamics Corporation (US)
Nammo AS (Norway)
These companies are key manufacturers and solution providers in the market, securing significant contracts and developing new products to meet the increasing demand for small caliber ammunition. The focus on contracts and new product development underscores the importance of innovation and strategic partnerships in driving market growth.
The global Small Caliber Ammunition market is poised for substantial growth, driven by increasing defense spending, rising geopolitical tensions, and advancements in ammunition technology. Despite challenges such as regulatory restrictions and international control measures, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3%, reaching USD 7.0 billion by 2029.
Key trends, such as the adoption of advanced ammunition with enhanced performance and environmental benefits, will shape the future of the market. The presence of major players and continuous R&D investments will ensure the development of efficient, reliable, and sustainable small caliber ammunition, catering to the evolving needs of military and law enforcement agencies globally.
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MarketsandMarketsā„¢ has been recognized as one ofĀ America's best management consulting firms by Forbes, as per their recent report.
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The B2B economy is witnessing the emergence of $25 trillion of new revenue streams that are substituting existing revenue streams in this decade alone. We work with clients on growth programs, helping them monetize this $25 trillion opportunity through our service lines - TAM Expansion, Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy to Execution, Market Share Gain, Account Enablement, and Thought Leadership Marketing.
Built on the 'GIVE Growth' principle, we work with several Forbes Global 2000 B2B companies - helping them stay relevant in a disruptive ecosystem. Our insights and strategies are molded by our industry experts, cutting-edge AI-powered Market Intelligence Cloud, and years of research. The KnowledgeStoreā„¢ (our Market Intelligence Cloud) integrates our research, and facilitates analysis of interconnections through applications, helping clients look at the entire ecosystem and understand the revenue shifts in their industry.
To learn more, visitĀ www.MarketsandMarketsā„¢.comĀ or follow us onĀ Twitter,Ā LinkedInĀ andĀ Facebook.
Contact: Mr. Rohan Salgarkar MarketsandMarketsā„¢ INC.
630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA: +1-888-600-6441
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swldx Ā· 1 year ago
BBC 0529 8 Feb 2024
6195Khz 0459 8 FEB 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from SANTA MARIA DI GALERIA. SINPO = 55334. ID@0459z pips and newsday preview. @0501z World News anchored by Neil Nunes. Earth has endured 12 months of temperatures 1.5C hotter than the pre-industrial era for the first time on record, Europe's climate monitor said Thursday, in what scientists called a "warning to humanity". That is a grave foretaste of the Paris climate deal's crucial 1.5C warming threshold, but it does not signal a permanent breach of the limit, which is measured over decades, scientists said. "Unless global emissions are urgently brought down to zero, the world will soon fly past the safety limits set out in the Paris climate agreement." Pakistan has temporarily suspended mobile services as millions head to the polls to vote in a new government. An interior ministry spokesman said the measure was warranted, citing recent incidents of terror in the country. The election comes almost two years since the previous prime minister, cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan, was ousted in a no-confidence vote. A senior commander of an Iran-backed militia has been killed in a US drone strike in Baghdad. A leader of Kataib Hezbollah and two of his guards were in a vehicle when it was targeted in the east of the Iraqi capital. All three of them died. The Pentagon said the commander was responsible for directing attacks on American forces in the region. Israel and the US offered conflicting interpretations of Hamasā€™s response to a proposal to pause fighting and release dozens of hostages, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeming to reject it out of hand and Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying it opened space for a deal. Approximately 5.5 tons of water containing radioactive materials have leaked from an equipment at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Workers discovered water leaking from the outlet of a device used to purify nuclear-contaminated water during the inspection of the equipment, Fukushima Central Television reported. Most of the leaked water appeared to have seeped into the soil, but monitoring of a nearby drainage channel did not show any significant radiation level changes, it added. Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape will seek to assure Australia of close security and historical ties during a visit that began on Wednesday even as the Pacific nation boosts trade with China. Australia and the United States have been alarmed by China's security ambitions in the Pacific Islands region since Beijing struck a security and policing deal with Solomon Islands. Men who take drugs for erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra, may reduce their risk of Alzheimer's disease, a study suggests. @0506z "Newsday" begins. MLA 30 amplified loop (powered w/8 AA rechargeable batteries ~10.8vdc), EtĆ³n e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 185Ā°, bearing 49Ā°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 7877KM from transmitter at Santa Maria di Galeria. Local time: 2259.
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brexiiton Ā· 1 year ago
'Huge risk' of terrorist attack over Christmas holidays, warns European Union
By Richard Wood, Senior Journalist, 10:56am Dec 6, 2023
Nations in the European Union are facing a "huge risk of terrorist attacks" over the upcoming Christmas holidays, a top official warned.
European Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson said increasing tensions in society caused by the Israel-Hamas conflict was raising the risk of violence, reports the BBC.
She was speaking on Tuesday days after a tourist was fatally stabbed in Paris.
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Police on patrol near the Eiffel Tower in Paris after a tourist was killed by a suspect linked to radical groups. (AP)
Spending on security measures across the 27-member nation EU was being increased by ā‚¬30m ($39 million), Johansson said
She did not comment whether new information prompted the spending hike.
"We saw it recently in Paris, unfortunately we has seen it earlier as well," she added ahead of a meeting of EU interior ministers.
There has been an uptick in reports of hate crimes throughout Europe since Hamas launched its deadly attack on Israel in early October.
EU ministers were holding talks after a 23-year-old German-Filipino man called Colin B was killed on Saturday, near the Eiffel Tower in the French city, allegedly by a man who had been under surveillance for suspected Islamic radicalisation.
The victim's girlfriend and a British tourist were also injured in the attack.
French national Rajabpour-Miyandoab is a French national who is being held in police custody.
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A floral tribute to the German tourist who died after being stabbed in Paris. (AP)
Rajabpour-Miyandoab recorded a video before the attack in which he swore allegiance to the Islamic State group and expressed support for Islamic extremists operating in various areas, including in Africa, Iraq, Syria, Egypt's Sinai, Yemen, Iran and Pakistan, Ricard said.
France has been under a heightened terror alert since the fatal stabbing in October of a teacher in the northern city of Arras by a former student suspected of Islamic radicalisation.
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cricketagony Ā· 1 year ago
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mariacallous Ā· 1 year ago
Immured in his prison cell, Pakistani politician Imran Khan could scarcely have hoped for a better result. Just days before the countryā€™s Feb. 8 election, the cricket legend-turned-populist politician was sentenced to more than a decade behind bars in three trumped-up cases. His party was stripped of its signature cricket bat symbol by the Election Commission, denying voters the chance to identify the party on ballot papersā€”a critical aspect of voting in a country where 40 percent of people are illiterateā€”and forcing its candidates to run as independents. Its members were beaten, imprisoned, and driven into rival parties or out of politics altogether.
On polling day, cell phone signals vanished, and internet access was choked. After the votes were cast, there were widespread allegations that many were stolen overnight, reversing unassailable leads. And yet, despite every effort to thwart them, Khanā€™s supporters recorded the highest number of votes and clinched the largest number of seats.
Independent candidates affiliated with Khanā€™s party, who took 93 out of a total of 295 national seats and won one province outright, were denied the majority that they insist they won and may be excluded from government, but the vote represents a momentous development. A new generation of voters has emergedā€”concentrated in Pakistanā€™s heaving towns and citiesā€”who now demand a break with history. These voters want to have the power to choose their own leaders, not leave the country in the hands of the powerful military that has maintained a granitic grip on politics for most of its history.
When Khan fell out with the generals that brought him to power and was ousted from office in April 2022, his young supporters mounted vast, sometimes violent protests. Despite a vicious crackdown over the next two years, they persevered and demonstrated their defiance in the only way left to them: through a peaceful, democratic vote.
The determination of young voters to decide their own futures may become a trend this year in the global south as billions go to the polls in at least 64 countries. Pakistan has an increasingly young and growing population. With the fifth-largest population in the world, nearly half of all eligible voters are age 35 and younger. Since the last election, in 2018, 21 million new voters have been registered. That trend will inexorably continue over the next couple of decadesā€” Pakistan is home to about 100 million people under the age of 18.
This is a generation of Pakistanis who have grown up with the sense of being a nation long denied its promise: mired in economic difficulty, scarred by years of terrorism, ravaged by climate change, dismayed by how their country is perceived in the world, and angry at the feckless and venal elites that have reduced them to this ruin.
For many of these voters, Khan represented something new. In the lead-up to the 2018 election, he stirred rare feelings of national pride, something that he has proved effective at ever since lifting Pakistanā€™s only Cricket World Cup trophy in 1992. They liked his charisma, his religious fervor, his charity work, and his celebrity. Khan skillfully tapped this mood for change, casting himself as a man of destiny who would single-handedly sweep away the countryā€™s many problems and suddenly lift Pakistan to the glory it deserved.
There was little scrutiny of the plausibility of his promises. It was enough that someone was making them.
At the time, Khanā€™s popularity was significant but not decisive. The military had grown weary of the two political dynasties that had dominated the fitful periods of civilian rule in the country, the center-right Sharifs of the Muslim League and the center-left Bhutto-Zardaris of the Peopleā€™s Party. In Khan, the military saw someone who, with his confident English and Oxford University education, could provide a useful civilian veneer as it clung to the main levers of power.
The 2018 election that thrust Khan into the prime ministerā€™s house was marred by many of the ā€œirregularitiesā€ that his supporters now complain of: a former prime minister in prison, a tilted electoral playing field, intimidation of candidates, and a late-night burst of creative arithmetic.
During his three and a half years in government, Khan proved a disappointment to his supporters and a danger to his critics and opponents. His cabinet was full of familiar, shop-worn faces, including his foreign minister and interior minister, plucked from the same ruling elite that he had railed against. None of the dreams that he promised materialized. The economy shambled on modestly, with a few new welfarist schemes rolled out.
What did change was the repression. Working closely with the military, the opposition was hurled behind bars, the raucous media was tamed, civil society was stifled, and ethnicity-based social movements were crushed. Khan turned his campaign rhetoric into vicious demagogy, taunting his jailed opponents, blaming rape victims for ā€œwearing very few clothesā€ and hailing the Taliban in Afghanistan for ā€œbreaking the shackles of slavery.ā€
Yet his exit from power changed everythingā€”and gave him a chance to play the national hero again. By late 2021, Khanā€™s relationship with the powerful generals he relied upon had grown strained. He had gotten close to the then-intelligence chief, Lieut. Gen. Faiz Hameed, and refused to replace him. There were fears among the military high command that the two men were furtively colluding to entrench each other in power for the next decade.
Pakistanā€™s military prides itself on its unity, and it will not abide civilian meddling with its upper ranks. In April 2022, then-army chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa pulled his support from Khan, leaving him vulnerable to a parliamentary vote of no-confidence.
In scenes that some observers likened to a revolutionary moment, Khanā€™s supporters took to the streets to protest his ouster. The generals made a fatal miscalculation: Unpopularity in government doesnā€™t mean unpopularity in opposition. Khan became a magnet for sympathy, even for those who detest his politics. He has been implicated in roughly 200 cases, each as preposterous as the other, including accusations of so-called blasphemy, terrorism, sedition, and even illegal marriage.
At one point, an Orwellian order was issued to ensure that his name could not be mentioned on television. With every trumped-up charge raised, every protest crushed, and every Khan supporter detained or harassed, the sense of injustice deepened. This is no longer about Khan or his divisive politics, but whether Pakistanā€™s weak and battered democracy can survive.
Last weekā€™s vote shows that it can. For one thing, the old tactics to suppress peopleā€™s voices no longer work. Khanā€™s tech-savvy supporters spurned every obstacle thrown in their path. They replaced videos of Khan himself with artificial intelligence-generated images of him reading speeches written from prison. They defied bans of public gatherings with digital rallies. The attempts to confuse voters with a bewildering array of independent candidates and symbols were demystified through constituency-customized WhatsApp groups. And the suspicious shift in election results may yet be challenged in the courts with the evidence that Khanā€™s supporters have assiduously gathered.
When it comes to future elections, the demographics are unstoppable: Pakistanā€™s population of 240 million people is set to grow to more than 400 million by 2050, according to the U.N. Population Fund. There are good reasons to fear another Khan government. He appears to only value democracy to the extent that it provides a procedural path to power. If he ever returns to office, he may seek to build a one-man state around him.
But thatā€™s no reason to deny his supporters their constitutional right. Nor are they about to stop claiming it. The repression has only hardened their resolve. Even if theyā€™re denied a government of their choice this time, what about next time, when there are even more young voters? At some point, something will have to give.
Pakistanā€™s voters are no longer prepared to act out roles in a play written for them. The only sustainable way forward is to build a democracy that is both responsive to their needs and strong enough to protect its institutions and hold governments accountableā€”a democracy that matters between votes and offers more than a mirage on election day.
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dertaglichedan Ā· 2 years ago
SECRET CABLE LEAKED ā€“ Reveals Biden Regime Ordered Pakistan to Remove and Arrest Prime Minister Imran Khan Who Was Jailed This Week ā€“ Now Ineligible to Run in Upcoming Election
In 2018 during his interview with Chris Wallace on FOX News President Trump accused Pakistan of not ā€œdoing a damn thingā€ to assist the US in the War on Terror despite the US sending billions in aid to the Islamic country.
In response the Pakistani Prime Minster Imran Khan lashed out at President Trump and the United States posting a series of tweets and setting the record straight. Pakistani officials denied supporting Afghan Taliban insurgents waging war against U.S.-backed troops in Afghanistan. Islamabad also rejected claims officials aided former al Qaeda leader bin Laden. This was despite Bin Laden living a short distance from a military compound for years in Abbottabad.
In May of this year Imran KhanĀ was arrested outside the High Court in the capital, Islamabad. Paramilitary forces surrounded Khan after he entered court and he was arrested. Police reportĀ five police officers have been injured and 43 protesters arrested.
Khan,Ā elected prime minister in 2018, lost his majority in parliament after clashes with the military. HeĀ lost a confidence vote in April 2022.
Mr Khan denies the allegations.
Imran Khan was jailed this week for three years and will be ineligible to run in the upcoming election.
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buglecourier Ā· 2 years ago
Train arson accused planned attack in Chennai, suspects NIA
The NIA maintains that the arson was carried out with the intention to spread terror among the people and create communal disharmony and clashes in society.
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KOCHI: The National Investigation Agency (NIA), which is investigating the Elathur train arson case, suspects that the accused, Shahrukh Saifi, was planning a terror strike in Chennai. The suspicion arose after the NIA, during its probe, found that the accused took train tickets twice to Chennai on April 2 from Shoranur before boarding the Executive Express to Kannur.
This was stated in a report filed by the agency before the NIA Court in Kochi, seeking an extension of the deadline for completing the probe from 90 days to 180 days.
ā€œThe investigation revealed that the accused took tickets to Chennai on April 2, from Shoranur railway station in the morning as well as in the evening. His links with Chennai have to be ascertained. It has to be investigated whether his final destination was actually Chennai,ā€ the report said.
After the train arson, police found an abandoned bag containing Saifiā€™s belongings and a bottle containing petrol-like fluid on the track near Elathur railway station on April 3. The bag contained handwritten notes in which words like ā€˜Kufarā€™ (non-believers) were written in Hindi. There were also notes about places in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
As part of the probe, two Motorola mobile phones were seized from Saifi. NIA scrutinised the Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) of those phones.
ā€œThe scrutiny of the IPDR of the mobile numbers shows that he had accessed some domains in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. The details of said domains are to be verified in detail, The investigation is to be conducted further to identify the content of domains accessed by the accused, which is also time-consuming,ā€ said the report.
According to the NIA, the IPDR analysis revealed Saifi had extensively used many secret social media platforms besides using VPNs on his mobile phones. NIA has sent requests to service providers of such applications for the details.
Saifi boarded train no. 12218 Sampark Kranti Express on March 31 from New Delhi to reach Shoranur on April 2. NIA has seized CCTV footage from New Delhi, Nizamudeen, Kota, Vadodara, Panvel, Vasai Road, and 17 other stations under the Konkan Railway Corporation, including Mangaluru Junction, Thrissur, Kannur, Tirur, and Shornur Junction, to track the movements of the accused.
NIA is also checking whether he met any others during his journey. The NIA maintains that the arson was carried out with the intention to spread terror among the people and create communal disharmony and clashes in society.
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brookstonalmanac Ā· 1 year ago
Events 1.28 (after 1920)
1920 ā€“ Foundation of the Spanish Legion. 1922 ā€“ Knickerbocker Storm: Washington, D.C.'s biggest snowfall, causes a disaster when the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre collapses, killing over 100 people. 1932 ā€“ Japanese forces attack Shanghai. 1933 ā€“ The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhry Rahmat Ali Khan and is accepted by Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence. 1935 ā€“ Iceland becomes the first Western country to legalize therapeutic abortion. 1938 ā€“ The World Land Speed Record on a public road is broken by Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz W125 Rekordwagen at a speed of 432.7 kilometres per hour (268.9 mph). 1941 ā€“ Franco-Thai War: Final air battle of the conflict. A Japanese-mediated armistice goes into effect later in the day. 1945 ā€“ World War II: Supplies begin to reach the Republic of China over the newly reopened Burma Road. 1956 ā€“ Elvis Presley makes his first national television appearance. 1958 ā€“ The Lego company patents the design of its Lego bricks, still compatible with bricks produced today. 1960 ā€“ The National Football League announces expansion teams for Dallas to start in the 1960 NFL season and Minneapolis-St. Paul for the 1961 NFL season. 1964 ā€“ An unarmed United States Air Force T-39 Sabreliner on a training mission is shot down over Erfurt, East Germany, by a Soviet MiG-19. 1965 ā€“ The current design of the Flag of Canada is chosen by an act of Parliament. 1977 ā€“ The first day of the Great Lakes Blizzard of 1977, which dumps 3 metres (10 ft) of snow in one day in Upstate New York. Buffalo, Syracuse, Watertown, and surrounding areas are most affected. 1980 ā€“ USCGC Blackthorn collides with the tanker Capricorn while leaving Tampa, Florida and capsizes, killing 23 Coast Guard crewmembers. 1981 ā€“ Ronald Reagan lifts remaining domestic petroleum price and allocation controls in the United States, helping to end the 1979 energy crisis and begin the 1980s oil glut. 1982 ā€“ US Army General James L. Dozier is rescued by Italian anti-terrorism forces from captivity by the Red Brigades. 1984 ā€“ Tropical Storm Domoina makes landfall in southern Mozambique, eventually causing 214 deaths and some of the most severe flooding so far recorded in the region. 1985 ā€“ Supergroup USA for Africa (United Support of Artists for Africa) records the hit single We Are the World, to help raise funds for Ethiopian famine relief. 1986 ā€“ Space Shuttle program: STS-51-L mission: Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrates after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts on board. 1988 ā€“ In R v Morgentaler the Supreme Court of Canada strikes down all anti-abortion laws. 2002 ā€“ TAME Flight 120, a Boeing 727-100, crashes in the Andes mountains in southern Colombia, killing 94. 2006 ā€“ The roof of one of the buildings at the Katowice International Fair in Poland collapses due to the weight of snow, killing 65 and injuring more than 170 others. 2021 ā€“ A nitrogen leak at a poultry food processing facility in Gainesville, Georgia kills six and injures at least ten. 2023 ā€“ Protests begin after police beat and kill Tyre Nichols.
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