#Pak spy audio
indiejones · 1 year
Eye-opening revelations from Indian Pak experts incl Maj Arya on a few key pointers, as one of innumerable such egs painting a picture of the ecosystem of the Pak Army Estt in Pakistan.
👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDOAVUkspXM
Where political parties are each a small pond, the Judiciary is a larger pond, all functioning under the one big amusement park called the Pak Army estt.
Where family members of SC Judges come to key hearings & applaud/deride key decisions from the court rooms, taunting political class,as if actual lords of the water structures therein.
Where Pak political class as a reaction, peddle narratives of Pak judiciary being run not by law but by mother-in-law, actually close to lay siege on Courts themselves (vids from yesterday), all whilst the Pak Army Estt like an amused ring/puppet-master continues playing these forces against themselves, to keep this openly howlarious circus show going,so to keep their tickets selling.. Tickets herein meaning the 'Fauji Foundation', the corporate word for the Pak Army Estt today,a $100B all-encompassing multi-natl industry that has a monoopoly share of pie,as told in these videos, in almost every commodity or service operating or selling in the subsisting & unquestioning Pak of today!
No even remotest qun of 'conflict of interest', a term we've heard a lot in India, rather just the opposite- Pak runs on the 'Interest of conflict' rule!
With army estt themselves, fixing bugs in politicians houses, where serving PM's daughters too aren't spared, with operating spy cameras being found from her bathrooms (presumably for later blackmail),& the scores of audio tapes of politicians & judiciary & their families,outed in public.
Seems hard to imagine Imran or anyone with the power to even remotely change this basic architecture that's woven into fabric of Pak society, so deeply over 70 yrs.
Anyway, let's watch & watch. Can't say it's fun.
Par tuannu hi fikar nahi, toh sannu ki.
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indianhelp · 4 years
Exclusive: How Pak spy triying to trap army jawan | SPY GAME: गलती से फोन का बहाना, जासूस की जालसाजी, ISI एजेंट का पर्दाफाश
Exclusive: How Pak spy triying to trap army jawan | SPY GAME: गलती से फोन का बहाना, जासूस की जालसाजी, ISI एजेंट का पर्दाफाश
नई दिल्ली: जम्मू-कश्मीर (Jammu-Kashmir) में पाकिस्तान (Pakistan)प्रायोजित आतंकवाद का एक लंबा सिलसिला है. पाकिस्तान हर दिन हिंदुस्तान से पिटता है. रविवार को  दिल्ली पुलिस की स्पेशल सेल ने आबिद और ताहिर नाम के दो जासूसों को पकड़ा था. ये दोनों पाकिस्तान उच्चायोग (Pakistan High Commission) में वीजा असिस्टेंट का काम करते थे, लेकिन दोनों का असली काम ISI के लिए जासूसी करना था और अब इन दोनों को बेनकाब…
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sweetiepie08 · 4 years
Rebel Z (Chapter 10 Final)
nvader Zim fanfic
While analyzing Zim’s PAK for weaknesses, Tak discovers strange coding that sends her on a search for answers. The clues lead her to uncover a conspiracy that governs all of Irken society. When the truth sends her on the run, she has no choice but to return to the one place the Tallest would never willingly go: Urth.
Meanwhile, Dib has noticed odd changes in Zim’s behavior. Has the invader simply grown bored of his mission over the last few years, or is there something more interesting going on?
People who asked to be tagged: @incorrect-invader-zim , @messinwitheddie, @reblogstupids, @cate-r-gunn
If anyone else would like to be added to the tag list please let me know.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. 
Thank you for reading! I do plan to continue the story in a sequel fic, but I may take a short hiatus first. I hope you enjoyed this!
Be on the lookout for the next book in the series, RevolutionZ! In which Zim and Tak attempt to join the Resisty and gain new companions! Dib fills his gap year by joining an alien rebellion! Gaz gets dragged in too! And what happened to Zim in Death Melee is explained! 
However, I will most likely only be posting links to Ao3 than full chapters to Tumblr. Again, Thank you everyone for reading!
“So, what exactly the fuck was all that stuff with the punch about?” Dib asked once they were a comfortable distance away form the Massive.
Zim glared straight ahead at the stars. “It’s nothing that concerns you, human.”
“Bullshit!” Dib slammed his hand down on the control panel. “Your little stunt could have gotten us killed. Out with it!”
Zim gritted his teeth and gripped the steering mechanism until his knuckles quaked. Dib braced himself for the inevitable screaming denial. Instead, Zim let out a pained sigh. “Fine, if you must know, I figured out three Urth years ago that my mission was a sham and my leaders were trying to have me killed, so I took revenge. Happy?”
“We know all that,” Tak snapped. “And anyway, I told you your mission was a lie a long time ago. What I want to know is how you managed to betray the Tallest without your treasonous thoughts setting of your life clock.”
“Yeah, and who’s Spek?” Dib added.
“You wish to hear Zim’s tale of woe?” He clenched his fist and heaved out another sigh. “Fine. Three Urth years ago, the Tallest contacted me, telling me they selected me to participate in Death Melee, an inter-galactic event that all would be watching.”
“The one where they throw criminals on a planet together to fight to the death?” Tak deadpanned. “That was your first clue?”
“They told me the rules had changed and it was now a contest of elite warriors. For my partner, they gave me a Spek, a smeet just shy of his cadet years. He hadn’t even seen his first cycle yet…” Zim’s fists shook as he cut himself off.
“Since you’re still alive, I’m assuming you won,” Dib said.
“Yes, but…” his gaze fell to the floor. “Yes. Anyway, throughout the Melee, it became clear to me that the Tallest lied. This was still a game for criminals, but Spek…” Zim narrowed his haunted eyes, “he was only there to lessen my chances.”
Dib watched, mesmerized. He thought he’d seen the many moods of Zim. He’d seen everything from proud boasting, to spiteful rage, to pathetic schmooping. But this, this was something else entirely, something he never expected to see from the alien. True remorse.  
“On my journey back to Urth,” he continued, “I had too much time to think and when made it back to m base, I was done with all of it.” Rage grew in his voice with every word. “I knew they lied. I knew they’d been lying. For a moment, I thought, if they didn’t want my genius, maybe someone else would. And that thought was enough to set off my life clock. Instead of simply ripping out my feedback chip, I infected it with a virus that sends the Control Brains a loop of my Urth memories, preventing it from receiving new thoughts and experiences.” A bitter, satisfied smile came to his face. “As far as I can tell, it hadn’t noticed anything was off until now.”
“And the machines I saw you building?” Dib pressed.
Zim drew himself up. “I have a contract with the Resisity. I build them machines, they appreciate my genius and send me monies.”
“And that’s what you’ve been doing for three years?” Dib asked, voice sripping with skepticism.
Zim nodded and said nothing more.
Dib stared at him, trying to get a read on this whole tale. He wasn’t sure what to believe. Zim’s reason for existence seamed to be pleasing his Tallest. The little green monster talked of nothing else since arriving on Urth. He couldn’t imagine Zim wanting anything else and he’d fallen for the schmoopy act before. But this was not schmoop. It was too subtle, too quiet. And that betrayal of his Tallest couldn’t be denied. Something had truly changed.
Dib looked to Tak to gauge her opinion, but her face revealed nothing except careful calculation.
“I’d heard the Resisty had been growing and gaining power,” she mused. “New technology granted them upsetting victories and made them more of a problem than they once were. They could be the key. We need to fight if we ever want a chance of defeating the Control Brains and freeing our people, and for that, we’ll need an army. With your connection and my information, we could pose a real threat to the Empire.”
Dib expected Zim to launch into another tirade about how he wasn’t in it for the politics. That this was all a personal mission and he had no interest in going rogue. That did not happen.
Instead, Zim said nothing for a long time. He simply stared through the windshield in tense silence. But then, a grin grew slowly on his face. “I’m in.”
When they made it back to Earth, they found that Gaz made use of MiMi and Mini Mouse as gaming companions, Dad bought her excuse that Dib was hanging out at Zim’s house, and that he hadn’t even stopped home long enough to notice the two additional robots in the living room.
Dib went straight to his room and laid out all of his recording devices. He had the notes he took the night Zim and Tak rambled drunkenly on the couch. He had the audio recording of the old man Irken that he couldn’t wait to translate. And he had the spy camera he’d been wearing to capture the whole experience. He never got so much undeniable proof on one mission before, and no one, to his knowledge, had this much evidence of this quality ever. He’d be king of the Swollen Eyeball network if he showed even a fraction of…
His eyes drifted to the Swollen Eyeball emblem pinned to his bulletin board and he let out a sigh. The Swollen Eyeball… what a joke. They’d been reduced to a bunch of anti-science conspiracy nuts. The organization became a competition to see who could shout their wildest theory the loudest. What were they compared to a real evil alien empire, a real soul-sucking, Lovecraftian horror, and a real space alien rebellion?
No. This was bigger than some crack-pot conspiracy group. This rebellion universe-shattering consequences. And he was going to be part of it.
Out in his ship, Zim stared at his PAK connector with warry eyes. He wasn’t sure what held him back now. His stunt on the Massive already solidified his traitor status, but this felt different, more official. It was one thing to enact vengeance on those who betrayed him. It was quite another to completely detach himself from society.
He’d been unwaveringly loyal to the Empire since his conception, but they didn’t want him. He’d seen that years ago. So what was he waiting for?
He disconnected the PAK from his back and ignored the lifeclock in the corner of his eye as he plugged it in. He opened the hatch, clicked a pair of tweezers in his fingers, then reached them toward his feedback chip.
At a light tug, his computer’s voice gave an automated warning.
You are attempting to remove the feedback chip. Doing so is an act of treason against the Irken Empire. Are you sure you want to proceed?
Zim closed his eyes and pulled the chip free.
Tak’s footsteps echoed as she walked across the concrete garage floor. MiMi’s metallic feet clacked beside her. Apart from that, the room was silent. She was used to silence. One grows accustomed to it when traveling alone through space. But these last few days had been anything but. And with Zim as her dubious ally, silent moments like this were certain to be few and far between.
And yet, this moment, she felt the need to fill it with something.
She popped open the windshield of her ship and hopped inside. “MiMi, my disc please.” Mimi reached into her head and took out the Urth data storage disc. Zim wasn’t the only one with a secret stash.
Tak took the disc from Mimi and placed it in a tray on the ship’s control panel. “Ship, track six please.” As she hopped out, music began to play. Smooth, jazzy horns filled the air and the singer began crooning.
Maybe this time, I’ll be lucky. Maybe this time he’ll stay…
The song was from an Urth performance art piece. The vocalist sang about some male mate. That part didn’t interest Tak in the slightest. Still, there was something about it...
Not a loser anymore, like the last time and the time before…
The song continued to play as Tak opened the engine access panel and began her work. While manipulating the many gears and wires, she found a few interesting repair methods that the human implemented over the years. Many employed the use of an Urth bonding strip called “duct tape”, which she had to admit came in handy. The human didn’t do a bad job, even if it was pretty slap-dash.
All the odds are in my favor, something’s bound to begin…
She finally untangled a mess of wires and reconnected them.
It’s gotta happen, happen sometime…
She fused together the final wire and the ship hummed to life. Fuel Regulation Systems online.
Tak smiled, “Okay Mimi, looks like we’re finally getting somewhere.” She ducked back into the access panel as the song his its crescendo.
Maybe this time I’ll win.
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ajcompany777 · 4 years
Exclusive: सुनिए कैसे पाक जासूस सेना के जवान को फंसा रहा था जाल में
Exclusive: सुनिए कैसे पाक जासूस सेना के जवान को फंसा रहा था जाल में
नई दिल्ली: जम्मू कश्मीर में पाकिस्तान प्रायोजित आतंकवाद का एक लंबा सिलसिला है. पाकिस्तान हर दिन हिंदुस्तान से पिटता है. रविवार को  दिल्ली पुलिस की स्पेशल सेल ने आबिद और ताहिर नाम के द�� जासूसों को पकड़ा था. ये दोनों पाकिस्तान उच्चायोग में वीजा असिस्टेंट का काम करते थे, लेकिन दोनों का असली काम ISI के लिए जासूसी करना था और अब इन दोनों को बेनकाब कर वापस पाकिस्तान भेज दिया गया है. 
आइए अब आपको…
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newsaryavart · 4 years
Exclusive: सुनिए कैसे पाक जासूस सेना के जवान को फंसा रहा था जाल में
Exclusive: सुनिए कैसे पाक जासूस सेना के जवान को फंसा रहा था जाल में
नई दिल्ली: जम्मू कश्मीर में पाकिस्तान प्रायोजित आतंकवाद का एक लंबा सिलसिला है. पाकिस्तान हर दिन हिंदुस्तान से पिटता है. रविवार को  दिल्ली पुलिस की स्पेशल सेल ने आबिद और ताहिर नाम के दो जासूसों को पकड़ा था. ये दोनों पाकिस्तान उच्चायोग में वीजा असिस्टेंट का काम करते थे, लेकिन दोनों का असली काम ISI के लिए जासूसी करना था और अब इन दोनों को बेनकाब कर वापस पाकिस्तान भेज दिया गया है. 
आइए अब…
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marcusmettalus · 6 years
💪 reverse -> Starlight is trying to lift Earthquake's weights!
Earthquake walks into the Calibration Chamber aboard Galaxus, having gotten some Energon liqui-paks to give him extra coolants for when he works on his endurance training. The training now a days are to help keep the dermis firm while also strengthening the endo-skeleton. Working out and training for a ‘Bot who is as old and jaded as EQ, he cannot gain new muscle bundles or the like, now its just to maintain his condition from deteriorating.
Looking up from his audio-player, he sees Starlight straining with some of the smaller weights EQ uses. EQ has to blink a few times, and even rubbed at his optics to make sure he was not seeing things. “Starlight, little star, may I inquire what you are attempting?”
Moving closer, he sees that Starlight had gotten some material and made herself a second arm, and was using acutally pretty decent form, using her knees and trying to stand up with the weight that is no doubt 4x her weight. “I see someone has been spying on my hours while training here,,”
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videofiree · 4 years
Pak Spy Caught: Audio Accessed Exposing Pakistani High Commission Official | #Breaking #Live
Pak Spy Caught: Audio Accessed Exposing Pakistani High Commission Official | #Breaking #Live
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