#Pahrak collects the legacy
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
I think there are some valid reasons why the story/writing of Battle Network isn’t always held in the highest regard, but I’m only now realizing just how big a mistake it is to simply write it off.  I’m not even talking about BN3, which has always been considered the exception to the rule: there are things throughout the series that bring out some genuine emotion if you’re willing to interact with it.
It’s frequently shown (especially in earlier games) that while Lan understands that Yuichiro is busy and he’s quick to accept his absence, he still really wants to spend time with his dad and gets excited whenever they’re finally able to do so (which, y’know, is normal for a kid).  There are numerous Progs in abandoned places (Oran Island in 5) and objects (the lost toy in 2) with dialogue that shows them slowly coming to realize that they are alone, and that realization terrifies them.  The way the GutsMan fights evolve over the series show him and Dex making real, tangible improvement, and that makes you want to root for them.
There’s plenty of silly things going on, but on a fundamental level these games just want you to care.  And I feel like a lot of people (myself included) have some difficulty reconciling both of these facts.  What is perhaps the most consistent “flaw” in BN’s writing is how easily everyone is willing to forgive and connect with each other…but, isn’t that actually the point?  And aren’t these intentions still conveyed effectively, regardless of how their execution may land with any individual player?
What else is art meant to achieve if not exactly that?
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
And that’s BN3 White clear!  Don’t really have anything new to say, it’s just a good ending.  Real, real good.
So, what now...well, Heat Custom just maxed out, so I should pick which style to aim for next.  I still need to get the trophies for Ground and Bug, it’ll probably be one of those.  Wonder what element I’ll get?
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
BurnerMan wasn’t so bad, so I’m on to the Red Sun tournament.  And first is...WaterGod Comp
Hm.  Well.  I’m reminded of a comment someone made, I can’t remember who, about how these games about a retrofuturistic internet sort of depend on you using the internet in real life, and how that’s sort of neat.
*opens walkthrough*
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
It took some doing, but I’ve got Mega Complete and PA Complete in BN5!
I just have to satisfy the conditions for 2 more Bass fights and I’ll be able to fight Nebula Gray Omega!
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Okay yeah, powered through into Nebula Area 4.  Need Standard Complete to move on, but as of right now there’s only 1 I’m missing...and I’m going to need to cheese a Bonus Panel to get it.  Well, I need to revisit most of the Liberation Missions anyway, that seems the most consistent way to fill out my Mega library.
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Oh yeah I did find one fixed typo in the Legacy Collection!  I remember when I was playing 5DS, when the Darkloids attacked MegaMan on his way to Nebula Gray, he said “I’m on flames!”, but in the collection he says “I’m on fire!”
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 1 year ago
Finally went back and finished BN5 Colonel. Literally the only trophy left in Vol 2 is the one for getting all the Souls in Blue Moon...I'm gonna have to think about if I want to try finishing that...
As for Vol 1, the only trophies I'm missing are exclusive to BN3 Blue, so at some point I'll just need to sit down and play through that. I also want to try to beat the Time Trials in BN3 White, it's not a trophy but, like I said way back when, I want to use the Serenade chip at least once before I die. (Might also do the same with Blue tbh, Dark Aura seems real cool...)
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Ok wow yeah MetalMan’s minigame is every bit as bad as I’ve heard, maybe I won’t be getting that last Blue Moon trophy after all
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Made it through round 1 of Blue Moon.  I wanted to use a different Patch Card loadout, so I installed the one that gives automatic Life Aura at the cost of quick HP drain…and then a cumulative ~3000 HP boost in the other slots.  It’s nice to be invincible.
Quick thoughts on the Blue Moon-specific scenarios I got:
-I have no particularly strong feelings about Shuko or AquaMan.  They’re fine.  Aqua Soul has a very unique look amongst Double Souls with its lack of additional armor, and I can appreciate that.  The Bubbler charge shot is also nostalgic, but ultimately, it’s not a form I see myself using much.
-Nice to see Sal and WoodMan again.  Y’know, in principle.  But the wood towers are an enormous pain in the ass, WoodMan is made to seem kinda stupid, and the game crashed in the middle of a cutscene.  Not really mad or anything, just…eh.  As for Wood Soul, I quite like its abilities, but I just can’t get behind the dopey look of it.
-JunkMan is probably the only thing from BN4 I’ve heard good things about.  I think that may have set my expectations a little high, but the gimmick portion of his scenario is relatively painless, and the cutscene after beating him did manage to hit.  I’ve always thought Junk Soul looked super cool, so I’m trying to incorporate it into my Folder…though admittedly, my own reliance on Buster MAX is keeping me from seeing the full extent of its power.
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Finally had the energy to tackle Bass GS!  With that I’m able to clear out Undernet 7, and with a few more battles I finally leveled up Heat Bug to get Bug Stop!  Next is Time Trials, but I’ll figure those out later.
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
-Beat Falzar!
-I don’t think I specified before but Heat Bug Style is the one I got.  I’m having fun with it!  The negative bugs can be a pain of course, the one that I find most annoying is the movement bug, but it’s not that big a deal IMO.
-The BugFrag and Chip Traders were VERY kind to me so I got Standard Complete!
-I defeated Serenade!!  Without Buster MAX!! :D I can go handle Bass GS whenever but I feel like I’ll need my wits about me for that even with Buster MAX, so...
-I did start up Blue Moon just to run through the introductory bit, first scenario is the ghost girl but that one’s not too bad honestly.
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
That’s Falzar complete!  Back in White I got Bug Style and managed to get a bit closer to Standard Complete, but I’ve still got a ways to go.
Thinking I should probably...start up Blue Moon...just so I can space it out...
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Got to the point in Falzar where all Crosses are unlocked, a bit tough to rewire my brain to use them after being so used to Gregar but I am having fun with them
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Made it to the end of Secret Net, but was having real bad luck trying to fill in my library to actually get to Serenade.  Decided to start up Falzar to start getting those trophies; going to try some new things to keep it different from my Gregar playthrough.
Also finally checked and my combined playtime of both volumes of Battle Network Legacy Collection is just about to hit 200 hours!  And there’s still a LOT left for me to do! 🥰
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Red Sun COMPLETE!  Only took around 40 hours, I was expecting much worse.
Over in BN3 White I just got Aqua Ground Style and I'm doing the remaining jobs, think next will be doing some PAs I've put off.
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pahrak-the-sinnoh-slizer · 2 years ago
Finally made it to Black Earth in Red Sun!  Bass XX is down, so now I just need those last few Mega Chips and final PA...whew...
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