#Pablo Guevara
adiosalasrosas · 3 months
Tenía un gran taller. Era parte del orbe.
Entre cueros y sueños y gritos y zarpazos,
él cantaba y cantaba o se ahogaba en la vida.
Con Forero y Arteche. Siempre Forero, siempre
con Bazetti y mi padre navegando en el patio
y el amable licor como un reino sin fin.
Fue bueno, y yo lo supe a pesar de las ruinas
que alcancé a acariciar. Fue pobre como muchos,
luego creció y creció rodeado de zapatos que luego
fueron botas. Gran monarca su oficio, todo creció
con él: la casa y mi alcancía y esta humanidad.
Pero algo fue muriendo, lentamente al principio:
su fe o su valor, los frágiles trofeos, acaso su pasión;
algo se fue muriendo con esa gran constancia
del que mucho ha deseado.
Y se quedó un día, retorcido en mis brazos,
como una cosa usada, un zapato o un traje,
raíz inolvidable quedó solo y conmigo.
Nadie estaba a su lado. Nadie.
Más allá de la alcoba, amigos y familia,
qué sé yo, lo estrujaban.
Murió solo y conmigo. Nadie se acuerda de él.
—Mi padre, un zapatero, Pablo Guevara
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boomgers · 1 year
Aquí vivirá el deseo, el escándalo, las peleas, el complot y obvio el morbo… “La Casa De Los Famosos México”
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Las personalidades que habitarán ‘La Casa De Los Famosos’ estarán completamente apartados del mundo exterior, conviviendo estrechamente 24/7 y sabiendo que en todo momento son observados y escuchados.
Los habitantes tendrán que realizar todas las labores domésticas necesarias, además deberán trabajar en equipo para superar los retos semanales, del resultado que obtengan en esas dinámicas dependerá el presupuesto que se les asignará para cubrir sus gastos de alimentación.
Las instalaciones cuentan con cocina, comedor, sala principal, dos recámaras, un cuarto de baño, un almacén y el famoso Confesionario. En el exterior, la casa tiene una piscina con jacuzzi, gimnasio, vestidores y la suite de líder. Dentro de la casa se instalaron 60 cámaras de video y 80 micrófonos ambientales que permitirán conocer lo que los famosos hacen y dicen en todo momento: sus alianzas y estrategias, sus secretos, sus opiniones sobre sus compañeros, sus hábitos privados y mucho más.
Una vez a la semana, los famosos se enfrentarán para elegir a quien fungirá como líder de la casa a lo largo de esa semana. El habitante que logre coronarse como ganador en esta prueba obtendrá privilegios, como inmunidad en la nominación, ocupar la suite especial junto con uno de sus compañeros y poder de salvar a un nominado. De la misma manera, los miércoles de nominación cada habitante tendrá que ingresar al ‘Confesionario’ para nominar a algunos de sus compañeros, explicando las razones por las que considere que no deben permanecer en la casa y asignándoles la puntuación con la que busque promover su salida. Los famosos que obtengan más puntos quedarán sentenciados y desde ese momento su estancia en la casa dependerá del voto del público que definirá qué famoso deberá abandonar la casa.
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“La Casa De Los Famosos México” será habitada por: Sergio Mayer, Bárbara Torres, Alfonso ‘Poncho’ de Nigris, Sofia Rivera Torres, Emilio Osorio, Wendy Guevara, Nicola Porcella, Marie Claire Harp, Héctor ‘Apio’ Quijano, Raquel Bigorra, Paul Stanley, María Anastasia ‘La Barby’ Juárez Trejo, Jorge Losa y María Fernanda ‘Ferka’ Quiroz.
La conducción estará a cargo de Galilea Montijo, Odalys Ramírez, Diego de Erice, Cecilia Galliano, Mauricio Garza y Pablo Chagra.
Estreno: 4 de junio de 2023 por Las Estrellas y en ViX.
Las galas dominicales podrán seguirse a través de Las Estrellas a las 20:30 horas, las galas de nominación los miércoles por Canal 5 a las 22:00 horas, los resúmenes diarios a las 22:00 horas los lunes, martes, jueves y viernes por Canal 5 y transmisión 24/7 en vivo y sin censura a través de siete canales en ViX con suscripción Premium.
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- Pablo Neruda
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It seems so obvious but - there's a folk saint wiki?!
It's not obvious, this is like niche catholic thing. So folk saint are dead people or other spiritually powerful entities (such as indigenous spirits) venerated as saints but not canonized by Rome and this is the wiki I'm talking about. Praying to folk saints is most common in Latin America but it exists everywhere. Rome really dislikes this practice, saying the practice is "paganism" or "satanic", but who cares about what Rome thinks. People like to pray to folk saints because they feel more approachable than traditional (cough cough white European) saints and some people are outside of the "catholic" society (criminals, sex workers, addicts). We're not praying to them because we think they are God (just like we don't think canonize saints are God), we're asking them to pray for us.
(I only really pray to Saint Guinefort since he's a good boy and wish to keep my own puppy safe and healthy)
Santa Muerte is probably the most famous folk saint, popular amongst the most marginalized sectors of society, including criminals and drug traffickers but also migrants and queer people. Vice has an excellent mini-documentary about her. Her and like Santa Claus, he's pretty popular too.
Some other folk saints most people on Tumblr have heard of are: Stalin (patron saint of communism), Che Guevara (Warfare & revolution), Roberto Clemente (racism, athletes, Latinos), Princess Diana (mental health & tabloids), Pablo Escobar Gaviria (drug traffickers).
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fr4nky4f1ng3rs · 1 year
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You may call me Benny or Tommy, either is fine and this is my hell hole of a blog!
I hope you enjoy your time here, how ever long or short :D!
My main hyperfixations atm are: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas [ 1998 ] & Che Guevara.
I also love music especially late 1960s to mid/late 1970s psychedelic & prog rock music.
Here's some other stuff you should know:
- I'm autistic [ diagnosed ].
- History is my speciality [ specifically the American Mob { 1920s - 1980s }, WW2, the Tudors &the British Royal Family but also interested in learning about the Cuban Revolution and Pablo Escobar ].
- Benicio del Toro is my favourite actor atm.
- My favourite musician is Harry Nilsson.
- My favourite band is the Beatles [ i've been a fan since i was a kid ].
- I am a communist and have been for 2 or 3 years now.
- anyone who is even remotely right wing.
- sexists.
- homophobic & transphobic people.
- xenophobes.
- ableists.
- creeps.
- bullies.
- anti-communists.
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andrescasciani · 1 month
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Tenemos el gusto de invitarlos a FILU – Feria de IIustración de Godoy Cruz
Sábado 31 de agosto y domingo 1 de septiembre, de 15 a 22hs
Domingo 1, 20 hs: Charla de Andrés Casciani “Ilustración & expresión” Centro Patrimonial Artístico Cristóforo Colombo (Antonio Tomba 246, M5501 Godoy Cruz, Mendoza) Entrada libre y gratuita, los esperamos!
Durante las 2 jornadas de este novedoso encuentro se desarrollará una muestra con una importante presencia de ilustradores de Godoy Cruz. Además se articularán talleres de fanzine, historieta y creación de personajes orientados a niños y adolescentes; así como también recitales en vivo y disertaciones acerca del oficio de la ilustración. Finalmente, en cuanto a las personalidades del medio gráfico que participarán, estarán presentes Andrés Casciani; Diego Montón; Exequiel Della Penna; Gabriel Vázquez; Hernán Gutiérrez; Adrián Chaparro; Matías Saavedra; Pobla; Bruno Palero; Gustavo Guevara; David Peralta; Pablo Pavezka y Rodrigo Salas. A esta selección se suman Emi Cárdenas; Ana Clara Picco; Salomé Gamboa; Candela Oliva; Laura Barredo; Bruce Liss; Andrea Gallegos; Flor Mestre; Estefanía Jeria; Jimena Gallegos; Celeste Loria; Ayelén Bonelli; Cami Fernández; Lucía Canevari; Laura Acotto; Julieta Civit; Nicolás Viñolo; Laura Barredo y Catinga (Gustavo Guevara).
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grahamkennedy · 2 months
Take this with a grain of "I'm not Latin American" but the LatAm flicks I studied in film school are: -The Hour of the Furnaces (Argentina); MAJOR film in the third cinema movement -Black God, White Devil + Entranced Earth + Antonio das Mortes (Brazil); major Cinema Novo trilogy (in a loose sense) and major third cinema works more broadly -Memories of Underdevelopment (Cuba); third cinema again (most of these are third cinema) -Blood of the Condor (Bolivia); third cinema -The Battle of Chile (Chile); 3 part documentary, highly rec this one before you watch any other Chilean movies bc it gives a lot of great context for Allende + Pinochet -Black Orpheus (Brazil); major pre-Cinema Novo work, allegedly a lot of mixed feelings about this one in LatAm as it's directed by a Frenchman + exoticizes Carnival -I Am Cuba (Cuba); same deal as Black Orpheus where it's got a foreign director (Russian this time) and is criticized for being stereotypical, though Che Guevara apparently loved this one -Limite (Brazil); avant-garde classic -City of God (Brazil); widely acclaimed work of the so-called LatAm New Wave -A Fantastic Woman (Chile); personally I don't like this one, in film circles it's touted as like THE trans movie but I don't think it's very good trans rep
Other LatAm movies I've seen and/or heard a lot of buzz about are: -Nostalgia for the Light (Chile); HIGHLY recommend this one, easily one of my top five docs (and I'm REALLY picky about docs) -20 Years Later (Brazil); widely acclaimed doc -Bus 174 (Brazil); another widely acclaimed doc -La Antena (Argentina); big in avant-garde circles -No (Chile); really interesting fictionalization of a true story -Neruda (Chile); haven't seen this one as I LOVE Pablo Neruda and it will upset me if they do him dirty lol, good reviews + same director as No though
Again please take this with a grain of "I'm not Latin American," these are really just the LatAm movies that have broken containment/that caught my attention on Mubi
DJDKSJFKKDDK sorry I took so long to answer this. These are all going on my watchlist
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greatwyrmgold · 2 months
The other day, I reblogged a post about Sharehouse Nile, aka "That romance manga starring Marie Antoinette and Che Guevara". I actually read it, and unfortunately it's the worst* thing a manga with that premise can be. Boring.
The setting is a house shared by several historical figures—Marie and Ernesto, but also Pablo Picasso and Jeanne d'Arc and some Japanese prince and a Chinese imperial consort. Figures from across the past several centuries of European history plus a 20th-century Argentine plus ancient and semi-legendary figures from East Asia; that's a pretty diverse set of characters.
Wouldn't it be a shame if it was basically just another rom-com?
Marie is a pampered uptown girl, Guevara is a sexy downtown boy, and practically none of the details of their past lives play into their modern interactions. Marie's hatred of revolutionaries is why she's all tsuntsun in the first couple chapters, but that softens pretty quickly. We don't even get a screaming match where Marie, Jeanne, and the prince guy defend the divine right of kings against critique from the more modern characters.
We barely get any interactions between Marie and Jeanne, even though they're historically closer to each other than anyone else in the house. Sure, Marie's from the House of Bourbon and not the House of Valois, but she's still part of the Capetian dynasty. Marie's late husband's title was one that Jeanne quite famously fought for! She should have some opinion about the French queen! Why does she have more scenes with the Chinese consort? No offense to Yang, but she has nothing to do with Marie, except that they both slept with monarchs, and this point of commonality doesn't come up anyways!
How does Marie's status as a fish out of temporal water come up? She wears a fancy old dress for the first three panels she shows up in before switching to a "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" T-shirt for the rest of the manga, she hates the word "revolutionary" and uses that as a reason not to fall in love with Guevara, she knights him by the end of chapter four. That's about it. Everything else that could be interpreted as a "fish out of temporal water" thing could more easily be explained as Marie being a sheltered rich girl who suddenly moved to a city she's unfamiliar with.
The thing that bugs me most is that Guevara and Marie never really talk about their political differences. In theory, that's what's keeping them apart, right? Marie hates revolutionaries, Guevara isn't a fan of vertical power structures. But by chapter 5 Marie's just ignoring that and preparing for a beach trip with Guevara like any shoujo heroine worrying about a sorta-kinda-date with her crush. If I wanted to read that, I could read any shoujo manga.
*Well, okay, the concept is politically-charged enough that you could probably make something worse if you tried. Hush.
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erkhyan · 2 months
Character design take:
There should be a 500-year moratorium against naming your character after a famous person from another culture.
No more American-written Frenchmen named Voltaire Molière Lafayette de Jean Cocteau.
No more “American exchange student in a Japanese school” named Washington Jefferson Nixon Kennedy Roosevelt John Wayne Presley.
No more vaguely Hispanic character named Pablo Neruda Simon Bolivar Guevara Franco de Cervantes y Fidel-Castro.
No more random German character somehow named Adolf Goethe von Bismarck.
Heck, I’ve once seen an otherwise nice story brought down by the fact that the 21st century Chinese businessman was somehow named Chiang Kai-shek.
Please do some basic research or please stop writing.
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cregan-starks · 2 years
tagged by: @mulderfcx tysm, darling! 💛
What's your name? Victoria
Your sun sign? Sagittarius
The last song you listened to? Through Me (The Flood) by Hozier
What are you wearing right now? pyjamas 
How tall are you? 5′2
Piercings? just my ears
Tattoos? 8 (so far)
Glasses? Contacts? I mostly wear glasses, but I prefer contacts
Last drink? hot chocolate
Last thing you ate? eggs
Any pets? 3 chinchillas and a hamster
Do you have a crush on anyone? nope
Favorite fictional characters? let’s not. this post’s gonna go on forever lmao
A movie you think everyone should watch? Spirit: The Stallion of the Cimarron
A book you think everyone should read? my mind went completely blank, so I’m gonna recommend some writers that I enjoy and/or intend to read - Franz Kafka, Ursula K. Le Guin, Edgar Allan Poe, Maya Angelou, JRR Tolkien, George RR Martin, Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, Gillian Flynn, Haruki Murakami, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King Jr., Pablo Neruda, Sappho, Octavio Paz, Isabel Allende, Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Arthur Rimbaud, Marin Sorescu, George Bacovia, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Arthur Conan Doyle, Noam Chomsky.
The last place you travelled? the pet shop
Something you looking forward to? House of the Dragon season 2, finishing the one-shot that I’m working on, getting more tattoos, reading more books, watching more movies and shows, listening to more music
no pressure tags: @lavendertales @poppyreader @mitchi-c @agirllovespancakes @qoedameron @prettyboyeddiemunson @maevemills @revolution-starter @buttercup--bee @joel-millerr @rixroad @maharani-radha @moonlight-prose @mandaloresson @themangolorian @frodo-sam @frodo-baggins @josephquinncurl @queenbbarnes @pedropcl @dameronology @mayahawkse @aemondtargaryen @aemonds-targaryen 
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5 Interesting non ficction books
The Motorcycle Diaries by Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara
“Che Guevara is most commonly known as the Marxist revolutionary minister of Cuba, but before this, he was a mere medical student living in Buenos Aires, his home, who wanted little more than to see the world. With his friend, Alberto Granado, at the young age of 23, he set off on a motorcycle journey across South America with plans to see all the sites they had only ever read about in books.”
 Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors by Piers Paul Read
“Alive is the story of how an amateur rugby team from Uruguay survived in the Andes after their plane crashed in the mountains between Chile and Argentina on its way to Santiago Chile. This story is so unbelievable, it has to be true”
The Tango Singer by Tomás Eloy Martínez
“Argentina is the birthplace of tango. It was once the dance known in 1880s brothels and lower class back alleys. It was fast, sensual, and disreputable. The Tango Singer follows the life of Bruno Cadogan, who flew from New York to Buenos Aires in search of the legendary tango singer, Julio Martel.”
El Túnel by Ernesto Sábato
“The Tunnel is a highly acclaimed Argentinian novel about psychological and obsessive love. It was first published in 1948 and has since become an international bestseller. It tells the story of an artist, Juan Pablo Castel, who recalls the murder of a woman called María Iribarne from the cell of his prison.”
My Father’s Ghost is Climbing in the Rain by Patricio Pron
“As one of the best young Spanish-language novelists of the 21st century, Patricio Pron’s deeply emotional story of My Fathers’ Ghost Is Climbing in the Rain is one of the finest books about Argentina today.”
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cuatriboliaord · 2 months
Abinader emitió varios decretos este martes
Aunque quizás no son los que han generado expectativas en la ciudadanía, el presidente Luis Abinader emitió varios decretos este martes. El mandatario designó a los cinco miembros que conformarán el Comité de Administración y Cuidado del Pabellón de Voleibol del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte. Mediante el decreto 394-24, Abinader conformó el comité con Milton Leónidas Ray Guevara,  como…
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dajabonnoticias · 2 months
Designan comisión para cuidado del Pabellón de Voleibol del Centro Olímpico
Santo Domingo. – El presidente Luis Abinader mediante decreto 394-24 designó a los cinco miembros que conformarán el Comité de Administración y Cuidado del Pabellón de Voleibol del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte. El comité lo conforma Milton Leónidas Ray Guevara, quien queda designado como miembro y presidente, honorífico, del Comité de Administración y Cuidado del Pabellón de Voleibol del…
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queretarotv · 4 months
¿Quienes serán los integrantes de "La casa de los famosos México 2"?
La casa de los famossos que catapultó a Wendy Guevara al ser la ganadora de la primera edición ha dado a conocer que Galilea Montijo será la anfitriona principal en las galas de Miércoles y domingos ,Odalys Ramírez, Pablo Chagra y Diego de Erice conducirán lunes, martes, jueves y viernes mientras que Cecilia galliano acompañada por Mauricio Garza estarán en las Pre y post galas además de las…
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 6 months
Hoy he entrado al parque JUAN CARLOS I por la AVDA LOGRo+cOÑO [=Lo que se consigue con la VAGINA] detrás de una TIPA marcando la RAJA del CULO y la VERDAD con tanta REPRESION Y COSTE SEXUAL me parece una INCITACION O EXCITACION..luego subí la dura CUESTA que ATRAVIESA el parque [excederse en una subida así..solo 5 seg/KM de tu nivel puede hacer que revientes durante la misma o en el resto del entrena_miento..por lo que es muy importante no apurar nada cuando tienes aun recorrido que hacer aunque te va a servir para mejorar]..después la siguiente foto que hice fue a la señales que indican el parque JUAN CARLOS I y parque JUAN PABLO II en sentido OPUESTO conmigo o CRISTO en MEDIO..pues no es Posible conmigo que vayan de la MANO aunque hayan puesto un PAPA ARGENTINO como SODA stereo y CHE guevara=pintada que había al lado donde pare porque revente [no tengo piernas cuando hago mucho ciclismo como el revelador día de ayer]..pero luego o tras descansar un par de minutos he sido capaz de correr por debajo de 4.30 min el resto del entrena_miento que he dado por finalizado en grafitti BOGOTA SUCIA y me ha hecho pensar que no estoy tan viejo teniendo en cuenta que no hago ningún plan de entrenamiento y que combinó con bici
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