juradoleonardo · 1 year
Experiencia Laboral
El debut de mi carrera se daría en el año 2010, cuando Mauricio Salazar y Jorge Buendía abrieron las puertas de Young Marketing para que trabajara como Community Manager y Líder de Proyectos para las marcas MINI, BMW Motorrad, Directv y Revlon Colombia.
Luego de un año lleno de aprendizajes, emprendería un nuevo camino. Esta vez el traspaso se haría a eNNOVA, la agencia digital de RCN y el grupo Ardila Lule, donde de la mano de Julian Jaramillo, German Salcedo y un gran equipo de trabajo, manejé como Community Manager las marcas Colombiana, Bretaña, Postobón, Liga Postobón, Monopoly Colombia, entre otras.
Después de una gran temporada, me despediría para afrontar un reto aún más grande. Es así como en mayo de 2012 mi pase lo adquirió Sancho BBBDO, donde bajo el liderazgo de Rodrigo Reyes y Mauricio Álvarez generaría contenido como Community Manager para las marcas .CO, Dogourmet y Pepsi.
En el año 2013 cambiaría de posición a Social Media Manager, donde lideré la operación de 4 grupos de cuentas.
Pernod Ricard: 
Ron Havana Club 1🍹    2🍹 
Tequila Olmeca 1🍾
Pepsico Alimentos:  Doritos 1🧀   2🧀
De todito 1🍟
Cheetos 1🐯   2🐯   3🐯   4🐯.
Maní Moto y Galletas Mamut. 
GTECH: Baloto
GM: Chevrolet y la campaña “Síndrome de gol atravesado” 1⚽   2⚽   3⚽
Finalizando el 2014, cambiaría de uniforme, afrontaría un nuevo reto y entendería el negocio desde una nueva perspectiva. 
Así fue como di un brinco hacia la Creatividad Digital donde bajo la dirección de Mario Silva y Andrés Marantá, crearía campañas para marcas como Seguros Bolívar, Corona, Campi, Agua de nacimiento, Winner Group, AVON y TicTac🍿.
Al cierre de temporada de 2015, mi carrera me abriría las puertas en un nuevo club donde me ofrecerían la 10, el equipo EIKON DIGITAL, donde me encontraría con un antiguo DT, Julian Jaramillo y bajo su batuta empezaría como Director Creativo General y de Estrategia, creando campañas para marcas en Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú y México como:
Hasbro, Casa Luker con sus marcas Lukafe, Chocolate Sol y Luker, Chevrolet, Samsung, Meals de Colombia con sus marcas Bocatto, Chococono y Sinfonía, Supermercados y Droguerias Colsubsidio, Centro Mayor, LG Electronics, KLM, DHL, Pyrex Latam, Indurama y Alpina 1🥛   2🥛. 
Después de 2 años donde se consiguieron varios títulos, ganándonos cuentas como Alpina, Meals y DHL, en el 2017, de Sancho BBBDO, sería llamado de nuevo para ser el 10 de los contenidos digitales de Bancolombia.
Jugando de la mano de Pepo, Gio y un gran equipo, dirigiría toda la creación y operación de contenidos de la marca, también del equipo de mailing, analítica y ventas digitales. Aquí creamos una unidad de trabajo a la que llamamos Bancolombia en vivo, con un modelo innovador y ágil que nos ayudó a mejorar los tiempos de creatividad y producción para ser mucho más eficientes con el cliente. Luego este modelo se convertiría en una práctica que se llevaría a las diferentes cuentas de toda la agencia.
Jugando aquí hicimos campañas como:
La Escuela de la Sostenibilidad 1🌊   2🌊 
Esta Nueva Raza Somos Todos 1⚽   2⚽   3⚽
Mensajes que curan 1🤳
Tarjeta Joven 1💳
El delito que se disfraza de buena suerte. 1💸
En el 2020 un nuevo equipo se interesaría en mis servicios y con Andrés Norato y Juan Pablo Rocha nos dimos a la tarea de crear el área de contenidos de The Juju, una agencia independiente de la red de Untold. Aquí como Head of Content, trabajamos de la mano con clientes como:
Colombina 1🍭 
Bon Bon Bum 1📍
Coffee Delight y La Constancia.
Con la llegada de la Pandemia, no paramos, y con muchas ganas seguimos jugando, buscando oportunidades, creando contenidos rápidos, a bajo costo.  Así logramos sacar adelante para Colombina:
Ría, las últimas sílabas 1🤣 
Hogar dulce hogar 1🏡   2🏡 
También fue así que llego la Cruz Roja con quienes creáramos una campaña que nació en Colombia y que luego se extendió a la región y el mundo:
ElMundo Está Al Revés 1🚑.
Además creamos equipos con creativos de toda la red en Colombia, Argentina y México, para participar en licitaciones importantes en toda la región, lo que nos llevó a ganar proyectos importantes como el lanzamiento de Toyota Híbrido en Argentina y ser la agencia encargada de la creatividad de la nueva plataforma de domicilios en Colombia, ifood 1🍔.
Gracias a estas experiencias mi perfil se ha vuelto muy integral, afrontando desde la planeación, la operación, la estrategia y la creatividad todos los retos que el mundo publicitario trae día a día. ACTUALIZACIÓN DE MERCADO DE PASES Actualmente jugando para Sancho BBDO como Director Creativo Ejecutivo en el grupo Bancolombia y CX and innovation Head de la agencia.
Desde los orígenes 1👩🏻‍🌾
The Gaming Profile 1🎮
Innovators 1📣 (Charlas de inspiración para Sancho)
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babbushka · 3 years
Mrs Z! Thank you for doing a Flip special!
What about throwing Flip a big surprise party with lots of people and he’s not happy about it. You make it up to him by letting him have his way with you before you cut the cake. Maybe he’s too into and gets carried away with being loud and noisy or gets caught somehow and that’s his birthday party, is his guests cheering his bedroom antics or roasting him.
2.6k; humor & NSFW (blowjobs/face fucking, hair pulling, come swallowing)
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“I don’t remember you forgetting anything here.” Flip frowns, as he pulls the Chevy into his usual parking spot at the CSPD.
It’s his birthday, and he hadn’t taken the day off of work to avoid drawing any suspicion, so he’s a little irritated that when he gets all the fuckin’ way back home to you, finishes having the delicious dinner you cook for him, and he’s just about to ask if you want to engage in a little birthday love-makin’, that you groan and announce that it’s urgent he take you back to the station.
He already gets sour enough on his birthday as it is, but he had hoped that he could enjoy a quiet -- or maybe not so quiet -- evening in bed with his wife, just the two of you tucked up against one another to distract him from the passing of time.
“It was my Pyrex, I left it in the breakroom, it should be in the sink unless someone moved it.” You’re too determined to get the damn thing back, and Flip loves you, so Flip drove you in his truck that he parks, eyeing his work.
“And you want me to go in and get it?” He complains, deep voice too gravely for it to be a true whine, “Can’t I wait in the car?”
“You’re going to abandon your most beloved wife in her hour of need?” Your eyes are wide and clear and he hates how he gets lost in them, how he meant it when he said he’d do anything for you. He hates how you know it.
“That’s not fair.” Jabbing a finger in your direction, you only lean forward enough to cup his cheeks in your hands, sweetly pressing chaste kisses to his lips, your lashes brushing against his cheek as you draw him in with the smell of your perfume.
“Please?” Your voice is breathy in the way that makes Flip go weak in the knees, and even though he knows he’s being manipulated, he’s not mad about it.
“Fuck, alright fine.” He gives in, making you brighten up immediately as he turns the car off so the engine doesn’t idle, being sure to keep the windows cracked even though Colorado in May is a balmy sixty-five degrees. “You just, I don’t know, sit here and keep being pretty.”
“Yes sir.” You wink, and Flip isn’t so sure he likes the twinkle that he sees in your eye.
Walking through the CSPD lobby, he notices it’s quiet.
Too quiet.
No one is calling in emergencies, no one is typing away at their desks, no one is chatting by the water fountain. Something must be very very wrong, and Flip halfway wonders if there was some kind of national announcement, if Ford was making a speech somewhere.
His suspicion only grows, when he turns the corner to the break room, and opens the door frowning to himself and muttering, “Why are all the fuckin’ lights turned off?”
When he flicks the light switch, he’s so startled that he takes a step backwards, as seemingly the entire station jumps up to shout in his face a big loud, “Surprise!!”
“What the fuck -- ”
“Happy birthday Zimmerman!” All his friends and co-workers are there, the guys from the narcotics division, the folks down at homicide, all the higher ups, secretaries, rookies and seasoned pros alike.
Everyone gathered in this room that is way too small for them, organized by someone to give him a goddamn heart attack. A hand gently rubs at his back, and Flip whirls around to see you there.
“Is this your way of saying you want a divorce?” He jokes dryly, making the entire room chuckle, because really only Flip would have this sort of reaction.
“For the record this was not my idea.” You say, not wanting him to think the blood is on your hands, “Ron insisted. I tried to tell him.”
Ron steps forward then and hands Flip a card, one that he’s not going to open now because he’s sure he’d die from the embarrassment of floundering with the envelope in front of all these people, but he does bring Ron in for a hug.
“It’s signed by all of us here.” Ron gestures with one of those big handsome smiles of his, the kind that shows off all his teeth, and Flip doesn’t have the heart to be angry about all this attention to his face.
“Thank you.” He says instead, feeling so fucking out of his depth, completely out of his element, palms sweating as he reaches for you with a quiet pleading, “Ketsl?”
“I’m right here.” You whisper as you take his hand, grounding him in the present.
Everyone is looking at him, and it reminds him of when he had to give presentations in school. He doesn’t know what to say, the tips of his ears going crimson red.
“You guys didn’t have to do all this.” Flip pulls you tight against his side, his arm stretching across your shoulders. Maybe if he just holds you close enough, he can use you as a human shield for conversation, he thinks.
“We had no idea it was your birthday! No one ever can figure it out -- but don’t worry, we’ve put it in your file so we know for next year!” One of the older secretaries, Ms. Rosie, cheerfully pipes up, making dread creep up Flip’s spine.
He looks down at you, and you give him a sheepish smile. He wants to complain like the grouch that he was, but then his attention shifts to the big table of food and drinks that is spread out on the table against the wall of the break room.
“...Is that chocolate cake?” He tries not to sound too hopeful, and the break room laughs again, because even the strongest most stoic man truly can be lured in by cake.
“I made it for you special. We’ll do candles after everyone’s had a bite to eat!” You announce to the room, patting Flip’s back as the crowd begins to murmur excitedly amongst themselves, a queue forming for the hot fresh pizza. You lean up to whisper in Flip’s ear, “If you can play nice, I’ll give you one of your presents before we get to cut the cake.”
Raising his eyebrows at you, he blinks a little. The surprises just kept comin’, didn’t they?
“Can’t I get it now?” Flip tries, but you only chuckle and shake your head.
“Go say hello to everyone, and then meet me in the back of the file room.” Patting his back once again, you slip away, an incentive for him to get this over with as soon as possible.
Flip doesn’t think he’s ever shaken so many goddamn hands, or kissed so many cheeks in his life. On the one hand, it felt nice somewhere deep down inside, to know that so many of his co-workers decided to take part of this party. He felt valued and appreciated, even if he would have rathered this never happen in the first place, would have rathered to be in bed with you right now...which brings him to the other hand; he’s achingly hard in his fucking jeans, thinking about what’s waiting for him in the file room.
He doesn’t have to wait much longer though, because soon the last person has been spoken to and thanked, and he’s excusing himself to go to the “bathroom,” heading in the complete opposite direction of the bathroom.
“Ketsl, honey?” Flip prompts softly, looking around for you in the low light of the room, “You back here?”
“Took you long enough.” Your voice sounds from around the corner, and like a glass of cool water on a hot day, there you are, arms reaching out for him.
“Would’ve been sooner if you hadn’t invited so many fuckin’ people.” Flip lets himself be wrapped up in your embrace, his palms smoothing around your sides to caress your back, one of them dropping down to give your ass a firm squeeze.
“Ron did, not me. Like I said, he insisted.” You remind him, kissing your husband deeply, licking into his mouth, voice soft and breathy, “Let me make it up to you?”
The hair on the back of Flip’s neck stands up when you sink down to your knees, not breaking eye contact. He holds his breath, his cock twitching at the implications of that motion, pulse already starting to pound a little harder.
You rest your cheek against his strong thigh, popping open the button on his jeans, sliding the zipper down tantalizingly slow, making a real show of it. Flip hums, pets at your hair, smooths his palm against your cheek as he watches your eyelids grow heavy. You nuzzle against the palm there, suckling on his fingers just a little bit, teasingly, playfully.
“Oh fuck yes.” He quirks a little smile at you.
When you finally pull his dick out, you’re licking your lips, wetting them, drooling over yourself. He’s just as affected, pre-come already leaking out of the tip of his cock, and he groans when you swipe it up with your tongue. Time is of the essence here, and as much as you would like to drag this out, you can’t, so you cut right to the chase.
“Shit -- your moth’s so hot.” He grunts as your mouth opens wide wide wide for him, tongue flattening as you suck the head of his cock between your lips, careful of your teeth.
One of your hands braces yourself on his thigh, while the other holds the base of his cock, keeps him steady. Flip has a tendency to buck and choke you when he’s too wound up just like he is now, so the grip holds him in place as you swallow him down inch by inch.
Fuck, your husband’s dick is big! It’s not just long but thick too, the girth of it always something that has your jaw aching. You open your mouth wider to take him, relaxing your throat so that he can slip deeper and deeper, breathing through your nose. Never once looking away from him, you can see how antsy, how impatient Flip is getting, and if you could smile, you would.
But you can’t, because your mouth is filled to the absolute brim, so you tap the side of his thigh to signal that he can start moving.
“Yes!” He says maybe a little too loudly, “That’s it, oh fuck that’s it.”
And oh, does he fucking move. The second you’ve given him permission, he’s gripping your hair and thrusting hard. Moans and grunts pour out of his chest as he holds your head in both of his hands, keeps you snug against his groin. Your nose is nestled in his dark thatch of hair, and you can’t deny the way the musky smell gets you flustered, gets you wet. He’s not going to have time to fuck you properly here, but that’s okay -- this was only the preview of the evening to come.
“God you feel so fuckin’ good, my good girl, fuck -- ” Breathing hard and fast, Flip fucks your face hard, keeping you steady so that you don’t accidentally take him down at a wrong angle and splutter and cough.
Relaxing for him, you let yourself be used, the salty sweaty taste of his cock running over your tongue, plunging down your throat soothing and familiar in a fucked up way that only over a decade of marriage can bring.
“Fuck!” He snarls when your tongue wriggles against the veins that throb along his shaft, sucking down hard everything that you can, one of your hands moving to cup and roll his balls, “Oh baby that’s it, just like that, keep doin’ that, oh god your tight fuckin’ throat feels good.”
Tears start to prick at the corners of your eyes when it becomes so much that your jaw aches, and you squirm, wanting to be touched, wanting to be fucked even though you know you can’t have it yet. Right now is about him, about the pleasure he gets from the way you suck him down, and then you’re swallowing hard, and the friction has him cursing loud loud loud, coming down your throat.
“Damn, ketsl!” he pushes his cock all the way down your throat one last time, before pulling away to watch his come shoot all over your tongue, your lips, your chin. Painting your face with it, he grunts, pulling your hair to angle your face up some more, a better view. You stick your tongue out for him, and another pulse of come bursts out of his cock from the sight, his filthy fucking whore of a wife, love of his life, on your knees like his own personal pornstar.
You fucking look like one anyway, and you sure as shit sound like one with the way you’re moaning and breathing hard, nipples so hard that he can see the way your blouse peaks out from over them.
Wiping away the come on your face and licking it off your fingers, swallowing every drop of evidence that you can, you and Flip grin at one another, his orgasm having him in a much more pleasant mood.
“We should get back out there, huh.” He gives you a hand and hoists you off your knees, pulls you close and kisses the taste of his come off your lips.
“People are gonna wonder where you went.” You smile, giving him your lovey-dovey eyes, glad that he’s enjoyed at least one part of this surprise. “You can’t disappear at your own party. How do I look?”
“Too beautiful for your own good.” Pinching your nose and giving you face a little shake, the two of you leave the records room behind.
“Well well well, if it ain’t the lovebirds!” Sergeant Trapp announces the second that you and Flip walk back into the main lobby of the station where everyone has spread out with their food and drinks.
“You two really can’t go two seconds without goin’ at it like rabbits, can you?” Ron laughs, teasing in a way that has Flip’s scowl coming back after all your hard work.
“Mrs. Z I gotta admit I’m impressed you’re still standin’, that sounded like quite the time.” Jimmy winks at you, and you slap a hand to your face. You hadn’t even thought about the noise that you must’ve made -- all the shelves moving, the grunts and groans, the cursing.
“Watch your mouth Jim, or I’ll be forced to do something about it.” Flip warns, but there’s something warm in the threat, playful. You’re fuckin’ glad for that, the last thing you needed on Flip’s birthday was him getting fired for beating the shit out of his friend.
“Oh yeah like what? I’m surprised you’ve got the energy for threats, old man.” Jimmy only eggs him on, all eyes on the two of them.
“That’s it -- ” Flip lunges immediately, making you rush forward and grab him by the scruff of his neck, preventing a wrestling match, even if a friendly one.
“Boys please, have some cake and maybe you’ll calm down.” You roll your eyes.
“You know,” Flip says later, when you lead him through to the breakroom where someone’s lit a fuckton of candles in an attempt to guess how old he is, and you’re curled up on the couch next to him as he licks the frosting off of his fork, “I’m starting to think there never was any Pyrex.”
And it’s all that you can do to just kiss him and shut him up, letting him get away with being an idiot because he’s your birthday boy.
Tagging some Flip friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars
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nygeesthoughts-blog · 6 years
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“Your presence and participation is requested for the recording sessions of the upcoming compilation album Revenge of The Dreamers III”.
Rapper J.Cole went on his Instagram(@realcoleworld) on Sunday, January 6th to let us know that the third installation of Revenge of The Dreamers is on the way. There is still no exact release date for the follow up to Revenge of The Dreamers II which was released three years prior, however, Cole and the gang will be on their social media platforms giving us a first-hand look into the 10 recording session( Jan 6th - 16th) taking place in Atlanta, Georgia. Other than the obvious Dreamville artist expect to hear features from B.I.G Krit, Wale, Young Nudy, Westside Gunn, TDE’s newest artist Reason and etc. Dreamville executive Ibrahim Hamad went on his twitter( @KingofQueez) to ask New Orleans rapper Curren$y to be apart of the project no response yet so let’s keep our fingers crossed for that. Cole also brought in one of the hottest producers in the game Tay Keith to be apart of the project as well as a few others. A full list of everyone included on this project is listed below. Make sure you stay locked into the Dreamville Label’s Instagram(@dreamville) for all the behind scenes footage of the ten-day recording session.
Ari Lennox
B.I.G Krit
Deante Hitchcock
EarthGang( Jonny Venus, Doctur Dot)
Big Pooh
Westside Gunn
Young Nudy
DJ Dark Knight
DJ Komari
DJ Nitrane
Producers and Engineers
Anonxmous(producer, produced Nicki Minaji’s Anaconda)
Big Gator Bossman(producer, produced singles of Kyle’s Light of Mne)
Black Metaphor(producer, produced Rick Ross’ Idols Becomes Rivals)
Brian “Malik” Baptiste(producer, produced Earth Gang’s Stuck)
Cardiak(producer, produced Cole’s Immortal)
Ced Brown(producer/engineer)
Chase the Money(producer, produced J.I.D’s Off Deez)
Childish Major(producer, produced J.I.D’s Never)
Christo(producer, produced Bas’ Tribe)
D-Sanders(producer, signed to TDE)
Deputy(producer, produced Cole’s ATM and Neighbors)
Ducko McFli(producer, produced Drake’s Draft Day)
DZL(diesel)(producer, produced 6lack’s Ex Calling
Elite(producer, produced J.I.D’s Ed,Edd, and Eddy)
Jay Kurzweil( producer)
Juro”Mez” Davis(producer)
Kal Banx(producer)
Needlz(producer, produced for Lupe Fiasco and 50 Cent)
OG Parker(producer, Migo’s producer)
Pluss(producer, signed under Mike Will Made It produced tracks for Rae Sremmurd)
Ron Gilmore(producer)
Symbolyc One(S1)(producer, produced Kanye West’s Power)
Supah Mario(producer)
Tay Keith(producer)
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808repost · 6 years
Listen to ✨214817469✨ by AASHA2K Contact: [email protected] Twitter: https://twitter.com/aasha2k 444DACITYHOE! 1. Dallas - Joey Fatts [Feat. Playboi Carti] (Prod. Prezident Jeff) 2. I'm With That Too - The Outfit TX(ft. G.U.N. x Loudiene x Saint Clair x Trap Mama) [Prod. by Stunt N Dozier] https://ift.tt/Q1Ku5S 3. T.V. - All By Myself (Prod. By Brance8) https://ift.tt/2szyZuz 4. Loudiene x Saint Clair - Hunnid Pack (Prod By Zu & White Ferrari) https://ift.tt/2tjp9Kt 5. Bear Necessities - The Outfit TX (ft. Diego Money) [Prod. by Stunt N Dozier] 6. @phomethazine - 4 A Minute (Prod. By @__A1Zuu) https://ift.tt/2szM2fy 7. Whoa - Devin Canady (prod. Devin Canady) https://ift.tt/2tjDW7G 8. 4 Game Sweep - F81 https://ift.tt/2szBf4R 9. Cell Boomin Freestyle - DandiiSun https://ift.tt/2tjJYVV 10. Crit Morri$ - Temporary Feelings [produced by: MarkGee] https://ift.tt/2szfF0B 11. Pivot (Get It)- Miles Canady [prod. Miles Canady] https://ift.tt/1vubQli 12. Luscious Locks - Pyrex Pirates (Prod. stereoRYZE) https://ift.tt/2szxvAd 13. THE PRE-ROLLED x EA$E X RAPGODPATRON https://ift.tt/2tjgJCO https://ift.tt/2sA2z2R 14. WONDERFUL DAY - $AVAGE (PROD. BY 00') https://ift.tt/2tjp49u 15. Sauce Jesus - Loudeine X Gorgeous Panda 16. dick appointment - KAKE(prod. Shawtymakebeats & OG Ron Lo) https://ift.tt/2szxufD 17. G.U.N - Johnny Cage (prod JakeGoesDigital) https://ift.tt/2tjts8w 18. @the6thgrade - Boss Up The Trap https://ift.tt/2szKRMU 19. Saint Clair - Man (Prod. By White Ferrari) https://ift.tt/2tjnV1R 20. Get Buck - TRAPMAMA https://ift.tt/2szVBuH 21. Kickback - TAY-K https://ift.tt/2sDdQ1Y
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timoneybags · 7 years
#Repost @nicolemarie_vp (@get_repost) ・・・ DJ PYREX !!! 🔥🔥🙏🏼 Appreciate U!! Thank you #GodisGreat S/O to Ron G ! Repost @djpyrex (@get_repost) ・・・ Artist #2018 Handle Yo business Listen to @tjsdjs state #Facts music by @nicolemarie_vp #handleyobusiness #NerveDjs #PyrexApproved #GetUpWithDjPyrexMorningShow
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estudiodedecoracion · 7 years
George Sowden
George Sowden. Diseñador industrial y desarrollador de productos.
George Sowden, cuyo nombre completo es George J. Sowden (1942, Leeds, Reino Unido), es un diseñador y desarrollador de productos con experiencia en muchos campos.
Desde productos electrónicos de consumo para grandes empresas, hasta objetos artesanales trabajados en pequeñas series (como la colección de jarrones Memphis para la Manufattura Bitossi Ceramiche).
Estudió arquitectura en el Gloucestershire College of Art en Cheltenham (Inglaterra) en la década de 1960.
En 1970 se trasladó a Milán donde comenzó a trabajar con Ettore Sottsass, y como consultor para varias empresas italianas e internacionales de renombre.
Así se convirtió en consultor de Olivetti, el reconocido fabricante italiano de máquinas de oficina, ordenadores y mobiliario de oficina, y cuya relación duró más de 20 años.
En 1981, fue uno de los co-fundadores del movimiento de diseño radical italiano Grupo Memphis, el movimiento que tuvo un impacto decisivo en el mundo del diseño, en la estética de los años ochenta y que definió el movimiento Post-Moderno.
Ese mismo año de 1981 fundó su Estudio de diseño, SowdenDesign, que sigue hoy en día estando activo en muchos y diversos campos del diseño, con oficinas en Milán y San Francisco, desde donde desarrolla sus actividades de consultoría y diseño industrial.
Desde los años 80 SowdenDesign ha colaborado con numerosas compañías de prestigio y renombre mundial como Olivetti; Alessi; Bodum; Guzzini; Lorenz; Rancilio; Steelcase; Swatch; Segis; Memphis; IPM, Moulinex, Telecom Italia; Tefal, y Pyrex.
Desde principios de 2004 ha empezado a trabajar en China, y desde 2007 es socio de Industreal, una empresa italiana dedicada a la promoción de ideas de diseño.
“Una idea o una innovación es pionera cuando se percibe como algo relevante y significativo….. cuando esto ocurre, las ideas se vuelven permanentes y se convierten en signos culturales que indican momentos importantes del desarrollo humano y nos dan referencias históricas, estabilidad, sentido de pertenencia o es el punto de partida para otras ideas“.
En 2010, Sowden desarrolló el dispositivo de infusión de café Sowden SoftBrew, ahora distribuido y vendido en todo el mundo.
Este dispositivo “un pedazo discreto de micro-ingeniería en su corazón“, está dentro de una colección de utensilios domésticos, una gama de productos de cocina y vajilla bajo el nombre de SOWDEN (una marca propia que fue lanzada a principios de 2011).
La funcionalidad de estos objetos es muy intuitiva en su uso : peso perfecto, gran ergonomía, estilo poético y “un poco de inteligencia básica de la calle“.
En 1990, su trabajo de investigación fue presentado en una exposición itinerante “George J. Sowden Designing“, organizada por los Musée des Arts Decoratifs de Burdeos y de Marsella.
George Sowden ha recibido numerosos premios incluyendo el prestigioso premio ADI Compasso d’Oro 1991 a la excelencia en el diseño por el Fax OFX420, para Olivetti.
Sus trabajos han sido publicados en muchos libros sobre Diseño, como por ejemplo en “Diseñando el siglo XXI“, publicado por Taschen.
George Sowden (pág. web).
George Sowden con la cafetera “SoftBrew” y la batidora eléctrica “Hand Mixer” (2004) para la compañía Moulinex.
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George Sowden
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from http://decorador.online/disenadores-destacados/george-sowden/
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oferteproprietari · 7 years
Salatiera rotunda din ratan si sticla pyrex 25 cm
Salatiera rotunda din ratan si sticla pyrex 25 cm
Numai  290.0 RON !
Salatiera rotunda din ratan si sticla pyrex 25 cm
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pxrchlife · 10 years
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babbushka · 4 years
Act Normal
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Flip Zimmerman x Reader
2.8k; Content warnings: Mentions of baby zimmerman, NSFW (exhibitionism, public sex acts/semi-public sex acts, under the desk blow-jobs, sex at work, office sex, masturbation/fingering) 
Available on AO3!
One o’clock, your favorite time of the day. Your son coos happily against your hip and snuggles into your neck, his little hands focused on the fascinating task of touching your earrings. Your heels click softly on the polished wood flooring of the CSPD, and you smile to everyone you see as you make your way through the lobby, brand new butterfly gold Pyrex tucked against your free hip carrying treats for your favorite detective unit.
Just a few more feet, a few more hellos, and your husband will be back where he belongs – in your arms.
“Hello Mrs. Heidi, is he in the new office?” You stop by the secretary in the main bullpen, and greet the elderly woman as you open up the casserole dish for her.
Inside are as many shortbread cookies as you could safely cram, all decorated in royal icing of reds and oranges, yellows and gold, designs done with a steady hand and very fine icing tips to make them appear autumnal and delicious. Mrs. Heidi, a woman who you know happens to have a penchant for shortbread, happily takes a couple and sneaks them onto a napkin with a wink, pinching the baby’s cheek to which he giggles brightly about.
“Do you even have to ask?” She motions for you to lean in close, raising an eyebrow conspiratorially, “He’ll be pleased to see you both, he’s in a right mood today.”
What else was new, you thought to yourself with a sigh and a fond shake of your head. Mrs. Heidi seems to read your mind, and she lets out a little amused laugh and pats your shoulder from across her desk.
“Hopefully this will cheer him up.” You say brightly reclaiming the cookies, knowing you have far more up your sleeve for your husband today.
You immediately grow hot, when you think of just what you’ve got planned for him -- if Mrs. Heidi can read your mind, you hope that she isn’t doing so now.
You leave the kind secretary to her treats and her typewriter, and are glad to run into a friendly face, who, by all accounts, looks far more glad to see you.
“Oh thank god.” Ron looks like he’s been put through the ringer, and you simply smile at him apologetically. Ron was too nice of a friend to Flip, he was always exceedingly tolerant and listened to your husband rant and rave and bitch about everything under the sun. Even nice friends like him could only handle so much though, and it seems like Ron was getting to the end of his patience.
“What’s gotten him worked up this time?” You give him a greeting kiss on the cheek and open up the pyrex so he can grab a handful of cookies to stress eat his heart out, walking and talking your way through the bullpen to stand outside the small office door.
“One of the cops misread their rights, so all the evidence we managed to obtain from the might be inadmissible as evidence at trial when this thing goes to court. We almost had to let the guy we’ve been hunting for three months walk.” Ron sighs and your eyebrows shoot up.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, who was it?” Immediately you begin searching the room, trying to look around for the poor sonofabitch who must have been absolutely throttled by your handsome detective.
“Richard -- but not here anymore, Flip really reamed into him and told him to go home for the rest of the day.” Ron scratches the back of his neck, takes another cookie for good measure, “He’s on the warpath.”
Time to work your magic then, you decide with as much of a casual air as possible. You shift your little wiggle worm off your hip and into Ron’s waiting arms, and suddenly your friend’s bad mood has vanished.
“These are for the rest of the guys, could you put them in the breakroom for me?” You ask Ron, who happily nods. “Be nice for Uncle Ron okay ziskayt?” You smooch the baby’s dimpled cheek and he giggles loudly, and Ron gives you a bright smile before taking him over to his desk to go say hi to Uncle Jimmy.
Turning to face the door of the little office, your heart can’t help but warm at the black letters applied on the frosted glass of the door.
Lieutenant Zimmerman
A great big grin spreads across your face as you rap your knuckles gently just below his name, and you roll your eyes when he answers with a rather harsh, “What?”
“Aw and here I thought you’d be happy to see me.” When you open the door, it takes all of two seconds for the angry expression on his face to turn to one of being stunned.
“Ketsl!” Flip practically bolts out of his big leather chair, his legs almost flying up comically with the force of how he pushes himself up and over to you. He scoops you up tight and begins kissing all over your face at once, his goatee tickling your cheek chin neck chest as he apologizes, “I’m sorry honey, I had no idea it was already one, come in, c’mere, let me get a look at you.”
“Waitwaitwait! Let me close the door first.” You can’t help but laugh, because the door to his office is still open, and what you want to do with him today will require it being closed.
However…you make sure to leave it unlocked. Once the little latch clicks into place and you’re sure the door won’t swing open of its own accord, you turn back to your husband and are already undoing the wrap tie of your blouse.
“Alright cowboy, go on.” You smirk at him when the fabric of your blouse falls to the side and your ribcage expands with the deep breath you take, your tits on full display.
Flip’s crowding you against the door, groaning low in his throat as his hands cup under your breasts and push them together so that he can nuzzle his face into the cleavage there.
“Ugh, fuck, I missed you.” He kisses the soft skin of your chest all over, grumbling and mumbling you’re your flesh, “Today’s been absolute shit.”
“I’ve heard, is there anything I can…do to help?” You manage to get one of your hands under his chin and tilt his face up up up to yours, your lids heavy and your lips licked wet, kissing his eyelids as they flutter shut, “Anything at all, to relieve you of some of this tension?”
He recognizes it, that tone of your voice. That tone of yours that makes him weak in the knees, that makes him turn into nothing but a puddle of desire for you. You get whatever you want when you talk to him like that – and he knows exactly what it’s going to be this time.
At least, he thinks he does.
He kisses you slowly, against the door. The kind of kiss that has his tongue pressing hot and wet against yours, the kind of kiss that makes him hard in his jeans for you. He’s so hard, and you grin against his smile, against the rasp of his goatee, because he has no idea what he’s in for when he growls,
“Watch it ketsl.”
“Mmm, or what? You’ll bend me over this desk right here where everyone could see?” You whisper against his jaw as you begin to kiss down down down his face, sucking and moaning softly against his throat. “Oh, but that’s right. You like that, don’t you, you like being watched.”
“You’re playin’ a dangerous game sweetheart.” There’s a fist in your hair then, and you grin up at him when he pulls your head back ever so slightly, searches your gaze. Are you just teasing him? Or do you mean it?
“A game sounds like just what you need to get you out of this mood.” You moan guiding his free hand, the one that isn’t in your hair, to grasp and squeeze at your nipple, telling him to, “Go sit down. Let me make you feel good.”
 Flip looks good, sitting at that desk of his. He’s got a real fancy office chair, brown leather that can recline a little ways back. Just enough, in fact, that he can lean lean lean back as his legs spread, those knees of his bumping just underneath the wood of the desk. They spread just wide enough for you to settle yourself between them.
Having the office is such a luxury that you can’t imagine not taking advantage of the enclosed space when you visit every day. He’s had it for a week, and you’ve already come on every surface, broken the place in to the best of your ability. But this…this was something else altogether different.
You undo the button closure of Flip’s jeans, and with an expert hand you pull his cock out. It’s flushed at the head, a dark delicious red where he’s aching for you, the veins thick and practically throbbing under your tongue as you lick a stripe up the shaft. That hand in your hair returns, and a long moan shudders through Flip’s chest as he slouches in the chair to relax into your touch.
“Mmm, shit ketsl.” He watches you with eyes that are practically glazed over, jaw dropped at the way you rub the head of his cock through your lips. “Touch yourself?”
You’ve sucked Flip’s dick at the station too many times to count, in back store rooms and broom closets, bathrooms and the empty breakroom, and of course quite a few times on the interrogation table -- but this, this was something you knew he’s always wanted to try, the thrill of being caught. The thrill of someone walking into his office and knowing what you’re up to.
Knowing that you’re under his desk, with your tits out, his cock in your mouth, your free hand stuffed in your panties. Your fingers rub and tease at your folds, and you moan around his length, moan and take him deeper as your fingers push into your pussy.
He can feel it, that thrill now, you know he can; his thighs are twitching, trembling, his tongue darting out to lick and lick and lick at his lower lip. He keeps looking up at the door, his heart thudding, pounding in his ears as his cock throbs in your mouth as you suck him off, take as much of him as you can down your throat.
His cock is velvety and hot and you drool around him, because you can’t help but drool, he’s so big and your mouth gets forced open so wide – you’re lucky his office is wood floors and not carpeting, easy clean up. Especially with the way your cunt is so slick, dripping all over your fingers and soaking through your panties, that wouldn’t do to have absorbing into his carpet.
“Fuck – (Y/N) someone’s coming.” Suddenly, Flip tenses, and your heart hammers in your chest as the two of you make eye contact.
He looks wild in the best way, and when you pull off of him and gasp for air, his dick oozes precome onto your lips and chin.
“Better act normal then, because the door’s unlocked and I’m not stopping.” You grin devilishly, and lick all of that precome up, swallow it down.
“Flip, can I come in?” The voice of Mark, one of the guys down in homicide, sounds from just beyond the door.
Flip looks at you, and you look back at Flip, and you suck so hard that he has to brace himself against the edge of his desk as he makes the decision that yes, yes you’re going to do this.
“What do you need?” Flip clears his throat loudly and with the question, allows Mark to come into the office.
You’re hyper-aware of everything all at once, the thud of his footsteps as he comes into the room, the noise from the bullpen just outside the office door, the heaviness of your own breathing, the air conditioning and the chatter and and and – everything reminding you that you’re in public, that you’re at Flip’s work, that you’re under his desk.
The only reason you can get away with this at all, you think with a smirk as you nearly deepthroat your husband right there, is that you’re completely concealed by the desk. And, as long as Mark doesn’t come any closer, Flip’s big cock down your throat is concealed too.
That big cock, twitching and pulsing, hot precome salty tangy perfect on your tongue as you fuck yourself on your fingers, your tits glistening and wet from drool that’s slipping sliding out of your mouth.
“Hey wasn’t your wife visiting?” Mark asks real nonchalantly, and you almost choke. “I could’ve sworn I saw her in the lobby earlier.”
“She uhhhh,” Flip realizes a second or two later that Mark is talking to him, and he blinks and clears his throat again as he twitches and tries his best to remain calm even when you’ve got your hand wrapped around his length and are stroking him off while you suck on the head of his dick, “She had to go to the bathroom. What do you need?”
“Chief needs some signatures on this paperwork, he asked me to bring it over. Do you think you take a minute to look at it?” Mark is blissfully unaware of you under the table, and Flip does he absolute fucking damnedest not to look at you – because if he looks at you he will blow his load right in front of this guy, and then everything will be fucked.
He’s so hard from that thought that he accidentally twitches so hard that he rams his knee up underneath the desk and shakes everything on top of it. You pull off his cock and cover your mouth so you don’t gasp from the sudden movement, giving yourself away.
“Sure sure, just leave it on the side table there,” Flip doesn’t know how he sounds entirely too cool for a man about to come so hard he might cry, but he is, and he does, and Mark is nodding and already walking away from the desk, back towards the door. “I’ll get it back to him after lunch.”
“Thanks Flip.” He says with a friendly smile and a nod.
“Yup.” Flip wants to come so badly, wants to come down your throat so badly and then bend you over this desk and fuck you raw until you’re the one crying.
“Oh and tell the missus I says hi.” Mark is all too cheerful and Flip musters all his strength to not snap at him.
“Sure thing – close the door, please.” Flip replies through grit teeth, and finally, finally, the door is closed and Flip is growling at you, releasing a big breath he’d been holding.
He winds his fist in your hair again and gags you on his cock with how tightly he presses your face to his crotch, making your throat stretch and bulge around him. You rock back on your fingers fast fast fast until you’re coming, your eyes fluttering shut and jaw going slack. Your drool darkens his jeans as you moan and choke around him, and that leather chair of his creaks beautifully as you bob your head up and down shallowly to mimic the way he loves to thrust and fuck your mouth.
“Ohh fuck honey-bunny, you and that tongue…” He thunks his head back against the chair and comes hard hard hard, the salty tangy sticky taste of come hitting the back of your throat as he shakes and shudders around you with a, “Fuck.”
You just breathe through your nose and take everything he gives you, before eventually pulling off him and stroking his cock slowly, carefully, to milk out any last droplets of come that you kiss away from your palm.
He looks absolutely wrecked, your husband does, his eyes rolled back into his skull as he gulps down deep breaths. He’s sweating, which you think is charming, because you’re the one who did all the work. But it’s work you love doing, because he’s already smiling at you hazy dreamy so in love, his hand coming to cup your cheek as he leans over to kiss the taste of himself off your lips.
“Liked that?” Your voice is raspy from being used so raw, and that makes Flip come a little bit more in your hand with a soft groan. He knows that the second he tries to stand up, he’ll collapse, his legs made of jell-o.
“You’re gonna be the death of me honey, you know that?” He bites the inside of his cheek when you tuck him back into his jeans and button him up sweetly, let him bury his face in your cleavage once more before you tie up your wrap blouse, “The death of me.”
“At least you’ll die a happy man.” You chuckle, knowing that at the very least, no one can suspect what goes on behind the frosted glass.
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babbushka · 5 years
hi!! sorry to bother u, but would it be possible at any point to get some soft domestic headcanons for flip.... 🥺 it’s ok if ur not up to it atm tho !!
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Flip almost never wakes up before you, because he’s so exhausted by the time he can finally crawl into bed and snuggle up against you, he falls asleep and is dead to the world until you gently nudge him awake when his alarm clock goes off. 
But sometimes, he will wake up first, and he gets really anxious about seeing you sleep because he hates being with you but not being able to talk with you and see you smile. 
So, on the few mornings when he wakes up first, he presses soft kisses all over your face, delicate little things that have you giggling awake from the tickle of his goatee. 
Flip will not drink coffee that you don’t brew. He doesn’t care how good the diners say it is, he doesn’t care how much Jimmy or Ron swears by their cup’o’joe, if you don’t brew it, he doesn’t want it. 
In the mornings you brew the coffee and he’ll put the fixin’s in yours and bring it to you with a soft smile, waiting patiently for you to take the first sip and tell him it’s good before he takes a sip of his own. 
Because he’s so hopeless in the kitchen, you do the cooking. And because you do the cooking, he does the dishes, it’s only fair. He takes an incredible amount of care with the plates and bowls and saucers, because they’re all a beautiful bright pattern of pyrex you adore, and he would never want to scratch or chip them. 
When the station got new type writers for all the detectives, they gave them an entire morning to type up whatever nonsense they wanted so they could learn how to use the new machines. Flip spent the entire time scowling at the paper because his ‘I love you’ notes he was working on for you kept getting smudged. 
You do Flip’s hair in the morning, and he does yours. He brushes your hair one hundred times if your hair texture is amendable to that. He’s an absolute sucker for your fingers scritching lightly against his scalp, and he’ll happily sigh against your hands if you do it while you’re lying on the couch. 
Flip will pair up your socks when he folds the laundry and he always makes sure to put them away in your drawer in a color coordinated fashion. 
One of his favorite things is sitting on the couch with you while the two of you are on opposite ends and facing one another, because he can look up at you over his case files and smile at ya. 
Another one of his favorite things is playing footsie under the table while you eat your meals together
He just loves you a lot okay
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babbushka · 5 years
lol tell us a story about one time flip was so much of a tit guy that you're like "flip,,,please,,," lol
Lmao so Flip tends to do this thing where when we’re home, he’ll kind of use my tits as a pillow 24/7, but he’s really big about like, skin on skin contact, so if there’s the very off chance that I happen to be wearing a blouse or a pajama nighty or something, he will literally shove his entire head under it to nuzzle himself into my cleavage like that’s just his 100% favorite way exist. 
SO one time I went to go visit the station during a very late night (this was during one of his mafia cases where he had such long hours that sometimes I worried if I’d see him at all if I didn’t go into the station), and it was him and Ron and Jimmy working so hard at their desks, pouring over the facts of the case and trying to string together who their leads might be on the big case board. 
And usually when I visit when it’s one of the really late nights (I think this was around 1 or 2am?), I don’t get all dolled up I’ll just go in some soft comfortable clothes because I know I’m not going to be seen by a great deal many people. 
So I walk into the narcotics unit with a full percolator of coffee and some pyrex dishes of hot food for the guys because I know they haven’t eaten in hours and hours, and Flip takes three big strides across the room, gently takes everything that I’m carrying and places it down onto his desk, 
And promptly crouches down to shove his entire head under my big comfy blouse. 
Like he gave me 1 kiss hello and then literally lifted my shirt enough that he could bend down and hide under there, sighing happily and grumbling into my tits in front of Ron and Jimmy, who really weren’t nearly as shocked as they should have been lol. 
I made him come home with me because he was so exhausted and really just burnt out, he slept for 13 hours straight the next day lol I had to call Bridges and let him know Flip would make it up some other time. 
(And yes, he does sleep that way too, the man hasn’t put his head on a pillow literally in years)
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oferteproprietari · 7 years
Salatiera rotunda maro din ratan si sticla pyrex 28 cm
Salatiera rotunda maro din ratan si sticla pyrex 28 cm
Numai  290.0 RON ! Salatiera rotunda maro din ratan si sticla pyrex 28 cm
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pxrchlife · 10 years
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