#PV is just in internal screaming mode right now
cryptidblue1 · 1 year
Reversal of Fate (It is Never Easy) Pt 4
Chapter Title: Colored meetings, Light of Bonds
Chapter: 4/??? (Chapter Master List: Here )
Fandom: Hollow Knight
Chapter Characters: Original Bug Character/ Poppy, Sealed Vessel/Pure Vessel, mentions of vessels, mentions of various original bug characters
Chapter Warnings: We are fully off the canon rails now, OCs galore now because we're going where canon didn't go folks, PV is still not having a good time, but they're getting help even if they don't realize they need it, the vessels are having the time of their lives though, which is the important thing.
Chapter Summary: Light and civilization was meant to be avoided to escape a sealed fate, but colored meetings change a course for better or for worse.
Poppy had not really known what to expect when she decided to try opening a small shop on the outskirts of the capital. Her family had been worried at first, worried of her being so far from home, worried of what would happen with her being alone, worry her paints would not sell well. Just worried in general, as was their wont. Poppy had laughed and said that if something happens it happens, nothing would get done if she just sat in her room scared to do anything because of worrying. So she had packed up, worked until her wings all but dragged on the ground in exhaustion, scrimped and saved every geo that she could. Then finally something had opened that she could afford and in a decent area. Nothing that would see crowds of people at every hour, but enough that she had steady customers.
The building was a bit larger than what she could use, but she made do, and had thoughts of maybe making rooms for people to rent. Give others a leg up like the old centipede that had let her sleep in his attic for nothing more than her buying groceries now and again. He had been how she had gotten her dream as quickly as she had. So paying it back by helping others felt like a good means of keeping that good karma going. It also would be the motivator she likely would need to actually fix up those parts not being used, even as her wings shivered in dreadful memory of all the work it had taken just to get the shop, the workshop, and her own little living area fixed and livable. 
Maybe she could barter help in fixing said areas up for room and board? It could work, and if she came across a bug in need of a helping hand that wasn’t able to help with the heavy lifting then oh well. Couldn’t just expect what she needs to fall into her lap just by wishing for it. Hard work and determination after all! 
So she was not exactly looking for such when she had gone out to find a particular plant from Greenpath that made this enchanting shade of blue for art and make up. Only to stumble on the way back onto someone very Tall and very much in need of help. That crack in their mask looked positively painful just from where she was a distance away, and were those little ones surrounding the strange bug? Oh goodness, that won’t do, they clearly were down on their luck and with that many mouths to feed as well? Poppy was not a bug raised to ignore the plight of little ones, and they were all such adorable little grubs too. In their little gaggle and holding hands as they followed their parent down the path. You could practically feel their curiosity and want to explore, but they were being so good and staying with their caretaker like they were. She couldn’t help the small hop as her hands come up to her face at the adorableness of it.
“Excuse me! Do you need help with anything?”
Oh, oh dear she spoke without thinking again. Oh well, what done is done and the poor dear looked completely surprised at the call. Then again, the others on the path seemed intent on ignoring and even avoiding the tall bug and the crowd of grubs following after. How rude really, some of them easily could have helped or been polite at the least. Especially with how much the poor dear had all but jumped into a wall in shock at her greeting. Definitely one that needed a friendly face more than ever if that was how they reacted to a simple call.
“You just looked a bit lost hun, and with that gaggle around you, means it's likely a bit hard for you to just stop and figure out where you are.”
The taller bug just looked down at her with that cracked mask that she just itched to put some mending goop on and maybe do a little design to make it not as obvious as a wound. It looked a bit like little tree branches that flowers could bloom from. No, bad Poppy, makeup and painting thoughts later, help the poor dear before he falls over from being overwhelmed first. Must not get distracted, especially by the flock of littles being brave and getting close enough to stare up at her in curiosity. Such little darlings all of them, and so many that she realized there were not all walking on the ground either. Why, there was one waving at her from on top of their parent’s head. How utterly precious. How could anyone just ignore such a lovely family. Even with their caretaker missing an arm and such. Plenty of the more violent inclined bugs had scars and wounds that no one skittered away from. Sometimes she didn’t understand her fellow bugs.
The poor dear just looked even more overwhelmed by this and Poppy started to wonder if maybe they were one of those types that just didn’t speak. There had been a few back home like that and while they had happily listened to her prattle on, it did make it harder to get answers to questions. Right, just make it simple questions and go from there Poppy, it’s getting late and if they do have a place they need to be best to get them there quickly so the littles can eat and rest safely.
“Do you have a place you’re heading to hun?”
She tried not to stare directly at the other bug, after noticing them shrink away from stares. Like a shrinking violet, but violet was definitely too bold of a color for the bug in front of them. Maybe pastels like Lavender. Which, actually may be a good tea to make for them, help them feel a little more calm, and oh put them in pastel robes or dresses and do their face art in a dark blue or purple as contrast. Even the little ones had such a range of colors in their personalities from where she was watching them as their parent canted their head in thought or hesitation. Why it was an explosion of colors among the gaggle, and she just itched to find the right palettes for all of them to express themselves. 
Oh, oh dear she almost missed the taller bug shaking their head no with how excited she had gotten at the thought of dressing all of them up.
“Well that won’t do, tell you what hun. If you don’t mind a little dust and work, there’s some space at my shop you can use until you get on your feet. Plenty big enough for you and your littles if you don’t mind sleeping in a pile. Can even show you around to a few shopkeeps if making paint isn’t your cup of tea. Why, just letting you lot fend out there would break my heart and old Gelren would click his mandibles at the thought as well. Old Gelren is this nice centipede that helped me keep afloat when I first came to the city. He owns a tanning shop and may grumble a lot but is always the first to take any offerings from young’uns that go out hunting. Gots a deal with Ms. Eva who butchers fresh kills he does too. To make sure the ones going out hunting get to keep more of their kill then if they went further into the city to get hoodwinked by a fast talking shopkeep. Oh, you can call me Poppy by the by. Is there anything you want to be called or pronouns? I know sometimes some bugs can be rude and just assume, which they really should have been taught better considering just how varied we all are here in the kingdom.”
She knew she was likely talking too much for the dear to keep up, but she had noticed that the more she went into stories the more the little ones had perked up and listened, and oh to see them so interested in every little thing was just darling. That and she realized as she began to lead them that the more she just talked and didn’t ask for direct answers the less their parent skittered or froze as if being talked to directly was not supposed to happen. Poor dear. Though it did make it easier because their littles must have adored their parent so much as they surged and flocked to the taller bug during such moments and hardly wandered too far from the view of her and their parent. Her own parents would have been in shock at such, considering the stories they would tell of how unruly and curious her and her siblings had been growing up. Getting into everything and causing mischief is a constant phrase from them both, likely wouldn’t know what to do with a herd of littles following along and not having to swiftly stop to tell one to get off a lamp post or not to poke the tiktik on the road.
She had hope though once they, parent included, were more comfortable and safe they would start poking things with sticks that shouldn’t be poked in due time. Curiosity was a sign of healthy littles she believed and she almost couldn’t wait to hear the stories of this group joining with the other packs and being gossipped about while their parent got roped into tea and having treats for the littles snuck into their purchases by the shopkeeps that would huff but be the first to spoil any little that came by. Yes, this little area would be good for all of them if they decided to stay, why if the taller bug had even a small amount of skill with that battered nail at their side they would be spoiled for choice in work. So many of them had to go out for certain supplies to avoid the horribly high cost to have those from within the inner capital obtain such, and not all were on safe paths to be collected.
It wasn’t until she had bustled all of them into the shop and had helped dust out and clear out a space by the back entrance of the shop. Little twinkling lights and blankets used as a wall and a nest fluffed up in a corner did the taller bug seem to decide something. Pointing at themself and shaking their head, and after a few tries she managed to understand that names were not something they, or any of them had and she felt that was not something that could stand. Names were Important she felt, gave you something to remind you of who and what you are. 
“You know you feel like one that doesn’t want attention, so you definitely wouldn’t fit names that would be yelled out in that coliseum or other such places. No, you’re much like that tea there.”
She couldn’t help but gesture in amusement at the lavender tea she had brewed and given to them as the littles had nodded off after being almost amazed by the simple stew she had made them and helped bury them in soft blankets of the nest their parent had made. The soft scent and color was most certainly appropriate for her new friend, she hoped they would let her make a dress for them. They would be so pretty in soft shades with blossoms painted delicately on their mask. Especially if they then dazzled someone with skill with a nail, so many of the rough and tumble bugs seem to forget that sometimes the more graceful ones where the ones that would send them tumbling end over end more oft than not in a tussle.
“I think Lavender would fit you quite well, if you would let me call you such?”
There had been a long, long moment where she was afraid she stepped too far as the taller bug stared into the slightly steaming liquid. They were so still like a statue as they sat and stared at something she couldn’t see. Then they tilted their head a bit to the side, never fully looking at her as they seemed to do without thinking and slowly nodded a yes.
“Oh, how delightful! We’re going to be such good friends, Lavender. I’ll show you all the shops and who to go to for certain things, if you have a bit of skill with that nail you’ll get a good size saving of geo as well. Everyone here is always needing someone able to fend off the beasts when foraging or hunting, even just to feel safe when taking goods from place to place. You’ll see, everyone will be happy to meet you and your littles.”
The warmth bubbling in her at being able to help was just fizzy and delightful that her light flickered on and off with her happiness for a while. My, she hadn’t done that since she was a little firefly learning how to glow.
“Though, I have to ask. What are your thoughts on a new dress or cloak? In some shades of the tea I served you, and once you can get out and about we can even work on finding colors to fit your littles as well. Oh, and have you ever heard of mask art? It’s what I actually specialize in.”
She knew the poor dear was overwhelmed again as she talked and rambled about shades and fit, and various flowers that would go well with this dress idea or that cloak design. She couldn’t help it, this was why she had started this shop in the first place and her new friend was one that could truly benefit from a new style and look to go with their new name.
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