hanlimz · 1 year
jake rn looking at his own profile on kpop profiles trying to decide when they made him a rapper
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Light at the End of the Tunnel [Part I]
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Genre: Angst
Characters: Hoseok x Original Character [Elaine/Ella/Ellie]
This was supposed to be a reaction for BTS gang au, buuuuuttttttt I got carried away. Do not read if the following will trigger you: abuse from mother to daughter, suicidal thoughts, and violence.
When Elaine first came face to face to J-Hope, it was at the last place he should have been. At her brother’s funeral. His killer stood behind a large tree as he watched Elaine’s brother, Clay, be buried. Her blood boiled and she only saw red. Her mother sobbed over Clay’s grave as they began to throw the dirt on his coffin. Elaine’s body shook. Her legs felt like they’d give out as the funeral came to an end. The funeral goers left with her mother in their arms as she continued to cry.
Elaine stared down at Clay’s grave, “Just come back… You can’t be gone.” She whispered. “What am I supposed to do without you, bro… What am I supposed to do?” She cried as she held herself. “I’m not as strong as you. I’m too scared to leave mother again with you gone.” Her eyes casted to the side to see J-Hope still lingering about the tree. She clenched her jaw as she stomped over to him. “You!” She growled. J-Hope gave her with a stunned look. “How dare you show your face!” Her face burned with rage, “You foul son of a bitch!” She swung at him and J-Hope didn’t move. He took the weak punch. He gave her a sad mournful look. “You took him from me!” She hit him again, “You bastard! Give him back!” She grabbed his shirt and shook him. “Give him back to me!”
Elaine’s legs gave from under her, but J-Hope caught her from falling. The clouds opened and drowned out her cries as J-Hope held her. He pulled her in his arms, “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, Elaine.” His voice was hoarse as he spoke in her ear, “This wasn’t supposed to happen. That should have been me.” Elaine didn’t fight him. She was far too exhausted and fatigue to say another word as she sobbed.
J-Hope took Elaine , with much protest, to his condo. He grabbed some clothes, “Here, change before you get sick.”
Elaine stared at him with a lifeless expression, “Like you care.” Her voice was hoarse. “You’re just waiting to kill me off next, right Hoseok? Because we know your real identity.” J-Hope flinched at the sound of his name off her lips.It sounded like venom.  She let out a croaked laugh, “To think we were friends. The police may have ruled his death a suicide, but I know you. I know how BTS operates.” Elaine looked around with disgust, “I can’t even be here without wanting to set it on fire. All the memorie-” she cried. She silently cursed herself for being so emotional especially in front of the man she knew killed Clay.
“I didn’t kill your brother” he whimpered. “I’d never do that to you, Elaine. Clay was like our brother too. We’d never kill him.” Elaine’s eyes flicked to Hoseok as anger inflamed her. “We don’t know who did, but we’re looking into it to take revenge. We won’t let the bastards get away with it.”
“It doesn’t matter who pulled the trigger. I told you to stay away from my family once you and the others created BTS.” She snarled, “You should have stayed away! I told you all that you were dead to me. It’s your fault I’m stuck alone with my mother. You took everything from me. My brother, my freedom, EVERYTHING!” Hoseok looked down unable to form words.She threw his clothes at him, “I will never forgive you! You should have never came into our lives.” Elaine backed away before she stormed out of the condo and headed home in her wet clothes.
Elaine made it home soaked to the core and numb. Her hair glued to her face. Her make up smeared and she was sure she looked like some type of clown. She twisted her black blouse and skirt to get the extra water out. She turned the knob and entered the house. It smelled of cigarettes and alcohol. A smell she couldn’t get out of her clothes when she had moved out with Clay. Elaine shut the door without making a sound and she headed past the living room to hide from her mother.
“You’re home” her mother’s voice was slurred, but there was an underlying anger.
Elaine jumped at her mother’s voice. “Jesus! Mother, you can’t just scare me like that.” She tried to keep her voice steady as she looked at her mother who was on the couch with a beer bottle and cigarette in hand.
Her mother, with the beer bottle in hand, wobbled to stand. She dropped the cigarette in the ashtray as she stumbled to the archway, “Wher’d ya go with that bastard?” Elaine flinched as her mom drunkenly shook the bottle and spilled some on Ella. Her mom let out a giggle, “Oops.”
“Mom, you’re drunk. Let’s get you to--”
Her mother flung her hand with the bottle in hand and smacked Elaine’s cheek, “Don’t touch me you whore!” She screamed and Elaine grabbed her cheek as pain hit her. Her hand didn’t stop in time as the bottle hit the wall and shattered. Elaine jumped back as her mom swung around drunkenly. “You shoulda been the one to die! Why did your beatiful perfect brothr die?” Elaine shifted her eyes to the ground as she watched her mother crumble, “You shoulda been killed. Why wasn’t it you?” Elaine reached for her mother once more, but was struck in the face with the broken bottle. She held her face and choked on her cry of surprise.
Elaine snuck past her mother to avoid any more attacks as her mother cursed her. She ran to her room and shut the door. She headed to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. A cut trailed by her lip and up her cheek along with a bruise on the same cheek had began to form. Elaine grabbed disinfectants with shaky hands and she cleaned the wound. She took a quick shower before she crawled in bed and cried herself to sleep.
“Hey… Ella. HEY!. Wake up!” A pillow hit Elaine and forced her to wake at a start. Her mother stood above her, her eyes swollen and sunken, “I got a job for you.” Elaine sat up as her mother sat beside her, “We can get that bastard back.”
“How?” Elaine muttered sleepily. “The police won’t investigate. They ruled it a suicide.”
Her mother touched her injured cheek, “I know, baby, but we can get rid of him ourselves.” Elaine flinched as a tinge of pain from the bruise. “He’ll let you get close to him. You can kill him.”
Elaine’s eyes widened, “MOTHER! I can’t--”
Her mother’s eyes narrowed as she jumped on her daughter, “You will do as I say!” She pressed her open palm against Elaine’s neck. “You owe me! I gave you life! You took your father’s life! YOU OWE ME!” She flipped.
Elaine gasped as her mom pressed harder. “So---mom” tears trickled down the side of her face. Her mother let her go and Elaine gasped.
“This is what your brother would have wanted. He would want revenge. He would want to get justice for an ungrateful whore like you.”
Those words stuck to Elaine as she numbly walked the streets. She had her hoodie drawn to hid the marks on her face and neck. Her hand rubbed her bruised neck as she turned to the bridge. She felt like the world was caving in on her. Her brother was her savior. She was safe when he was around, but now with him gone she knew her safety was gone. He was the only one who loved her after the incident with her dad. He took her in when he graduated high school in fear that their mother would end up killing her. A fate that had returned to Elaine once more. Elaine didn’t want to go home, but she had nowhere to go. Recently graduated high school, Elaine wasn’t in college nor could afford college. Her mother restricted her from college. She stopped and stared at the Han River below her. She wished she could have the courage to dive into the frigid water below her and be rid of the world.
“Elaine?” Her head shot up and looked at the person who called out to her. Her old friend, Jimin, stood with another boy with a hoodie drawn over his head. Jimin’s lips slipped to a small smile, “Long time no see.” A smile found her lips as she saw Jimin. Though he was part of BTS, he was the only one she could still look at with love. He had been the only one who didn’t change around her. His eyes trailed down her eyes to her cheek and neck. His eyes darkened as he reached out to touch her cheek, “Who did that to you?”
Elaine hide her bruises and looked back at the river. She covered the cheek injuries with her hand, “No one. I’m just clumsy.” She lied.
“Right” Jimin replied coolly. “I heard about what happened to your bro” she flinched. “Sorry… About all of it. It’s our fault for not keeping him safe.” He approached her and turned her to face him. His hands tightened on her shoulders, “Please, if anyone suspicious approaches you, tell us.” He begged. “You don’t understand how dangerous our world is. People will take out anyone they deem is close to us.”
Elaine moved out of his grasp and smiled a fake smile. “I’ll be fine, Jimin. None of us have been friends in years.” She cleared her throat, “I gotta go though. Bye. It was nice see you.” She scurried past the two.
Jimin pulled out his phone and Taehyung lifted his head as he watched Elaine leave, “You calling Hyung?”
“Obviously, Tae. Her brother warned us this would happen. That bitch didn’t even wait a week before she put her hands on Ellie” Jimin’s eyes never left Elaine’s body as she trudged down the bridge. He punched in the words he wanted and sent them to Hoseok. “He needs to know.”
Taehyung let out a hum. “You don’t think she’d take a dive?” Jimin gave him a startled look. Taehyung shrugged, “As someone who’s been at the edge, I can tell she’s close. Will she dive? I don’t know her like you guys do.”
Jimin grimaced and bit his lip, “How pissed would RM be if we ditch out on the drop?”
Taehyung sighed, “You go to the drop. I’ll follow her.” Jimin stared at Taehyung as if trying to figure out his angle, “I’ll do it until you get Hoseok to get here. Once he shows up, I’ll meet up with you. If she jumps, I can react faster than you could anyway. I’ll make sure she’s safe.” Jimin reluctantly agreed before he headed off to the drop location. Taehyung u-turned, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and followed Elaine at a safe distance.
Elaine put in her headphones as she stopped again at a far enough distance from Jimin. She leaned against the rail and took a deep breath. She shut her eyes as she concentrated on the music that flooded her ears. Her hand absentmindedly wondered to the injury on her neck. Her mother wasn’t always a violent drunk. It wasn’t until her father died trying to protect Elaine that she turned. She blamed Elaine for her father’s death and took her anger out on her until her brother was old enough to step up. He took her from the home and acted as her guardian. He made her happy and feel safe. Now, it was gone. Her safety, her happiness. All of it. She looked down at the water once more and leaned further over the rail. She watched the waves with admiration. They looked so carefree.
A hand touched her back and she jolted. She yanked out her headphones and looked at her uninvited guest. He didn’t let her say anything as he pulled her hood off her head and inspected her cheek and neck. He let out a growl, “Why did she do this?”
Elaine shrugged, “Who cares.” She hit his hands off her, “Why are you here, Hoseok?”
He gave her a serious look, “Jimin told me he saw you with bruises and a cut. I know you didn’t have them yesterday, so I came to check on you.”
“You check. You saw. You can go now.”
Hoseok pinned her to the rail as he placed his hands on either side of her, “You’re not safe there. Just come with me.”
“As if. I’d rather die on the streets.”
Hoseok’s eyebrow twitched as his hand released the rail only to hit it harder, “Damn it! No, you don’t. That’s not what your bro nor I would want. We love you.” Elaine looked down to keep her tears hidden. “You’re not safe with your mom. She’ll kill you” his voice cracked. “I couldn’t protect your brother, but I’m not going to make the same mistake and not protect you.”
Elaine’s mind went back to her mother’s plan and her words. This was her chance. She could get close to Hoseok and get rid of him. The thought made her sick. Why would she listen to a mother who wanted her dead? She couldn’t kill him even if she wanted to. She looked back at Hoseok. His eyes flooded with concern. Her heart skipped a beat and she silently cursed that her past feelings for the man before her found their way back to the surface. She bit her lip. What did she have to lose? If he had been the one to kill Clay then he could get rid of her anytime. Her mother would get rid of her at anytime as well. Both scenarios didn’t look good to her, but if she had to choose from the two… “Fine. I’ll stay with you.”
Hoseok let out a relieved sigh, “Okay…” He let out a breathless laugh, “Okay, let’s go to my place. I’ll call our doctor to check on your injuries.” She shook her head. “No doctor?” She nodded. “Alright, then you’ll have to deal with me fixing you up, okay?” He grinned as her head nodded once more. He took her arm in his and led her to his car.
Elaine was surprised that Hoseok didn’t lead her to the condo he took her the day before. Instead, she was led to a penthouse. It was large and spacious, but bare as if no one resided there. Elaine walked the living room and looked around the dull room as Hoseok went to the bathroom to retrieve a first aid kit. Elaine’s eyes stopped at a frame on the tv stand. Her hands grasped it and she touched the faces of the younger versions of Clay, Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon. Her lips twitched as she looked down at the four idiots. It was a time she wished they could return to. She put the photo down and wiped her eyes before her tears could fall.
“I got the first aid” Elaine yelped at the sudden sound. “Sorry” Hoseok cringed “Didn’t mean to scare you.” He patted the sofa for her to sit as he took a seat on the coffee table.
Elaine walked over and sat. “This place is empty.” She stated. Her eyes wandered to everything other than Hoseok’s face, “It feels cold and empty.”
Hoseok pulled out a cotton ball and some alcohol. He replied with a hum, “This is my penthouse, but I hardly ever use it. I prefer the condo. More memories.” He explained. He dabbed the cotton ball against her cheek and she sucked in a breath. “You can decorate the place if you want. I’m not usually here. I’ll leave my black card here for you to use. Feel free to spend it on anything.”
Elaine scoffed, “I’m not using your money. You don’t know what I’d do with it. I could spend it all on a college tuition and run you dry.” Her secret ambitions surfaced before she could stop herself from speaking.
“Then do it. Though, you wouldn’t run me dry with tuition. Barely hurts my account.” She looked at Hoseok who had been staring at her. She could tell by his look that he meant every word. “I know your brother was saving for you to go to university for baking. We have the money secure, so if you ever want to start, let me know and I’ll transfer the money.”
Elaine’s eyes pricked, “How do you know that? Why do you have it?”
Hoseok leaned back after he finished cleaning her cheek, “Though you stayed away from us, Clay kept in contact. We hung out a lot even though we knew you would hate it.”
“That idiot…”
Hoseok brushed her hair out of her face, “He told us to keep an eye on you if anything happened to him…” She looked up at him with watery eyes. “He told us about your mom and what she was capable of doing to you.” Elaine could do or say nothing as she began to cry in her hands. 
-Written by Squirrelly831; gif by respected owner
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hyung-line-wife · 7 years
Suga Imagine : Celebrating Your Aniversary Pt. 1
Ring Ring
"Hobi!" You exclaimed with the phone against your ear, while walking in the crowded streets of Gangnam. "How are you?."
"Hi Y/ N! Yes, yes, very well currently. Just a little tired by the new choreography of the comeback, which by the way, you'll love it!. Do you want me to show you one of these days? "
You laughed inwardly, while dodging some ladies who were crossing the sidewalk in the opposite direction to yours. Hoseok was always one of those people who would be very happy and energetic, no matter what time it was in the morning.
"Thanks Hobi," you answered laughing softly, while you set the phone so it was supported by your shoulder, since you were approaching your destination, and you needed your hands to find your Metro card. "But it can not be today."
"It can’t be! ... Y / N, I almost forgot it completely, today is your anniversary with Yoongi-Hyung!" He exclaimed through the call, causing your ear to suffer a shock, almost dropping the phone. "What are you going to do?."
It had been almost two years since you met Yoongi, they had become known thanks to their dogs, who had become very good friends playing in the dog park. And today it was a year since tea had asked to be in a relationship. Knowing him, it had been a very hard step for him to give, he was very closed, and careful with his feelings, however you loved him that way, and that effort that came to do that day, came to do it on the most perfect day of your life.
Now, you had no remote idea about what to do, having canceled your two plans that you had already had for months. So you decided to go to the help of a professional.
"Eh ... Hoseok-hyung," he said dubiously against the phone, as you walked down the subway stairs keeping your credentials in your purse. "My two plans were canceled, I do not know what to do now." You heard him
You had planned two possible exits for months already. The first exit, would be to go to Yoogi's favorite restaurant, which was going to be reserved only for you, and this aria decorated with many photos and I remember that you two would have formed in this year, then, they would walk along the banks of the Han River being a very significant site for him.
The second plan, in case the first one did not work, would be to play basketball at one of the best courts in Seoul. Basketball was your favorite activity, you had already prepared for this day for months, training every day to be an appropriate rival for your boyfriend.
"Y / N ?, hey, are you still there?" You heard him ask through the line.
"Yes, yes. I thought I'd go eat with him at his favorite restaurant, but apparently the reservation was not well made. And also, I thought about renting the basketball court, but they did not tell me that today, the national team would train there. "You sighed with the phone, remembering everything you had planned, now it was not possible anymore. Today must be his day, and apparently there would be nothing. "I do not know what to do Hobi."
You heard him laugh on the line.
"Y / N, you thought of everything except of what Suga likes best." What? How? It was not possible. Basketball was his favorite sport, and he loved that meat restaurant, as well as the river that reminds him of when he was a trainee ... It was what he liked the most!
"What are you talking about, J-Hope? He loves meat and basket! "You laughed too
"No T / N. Sleep! "You heard Jimin across the line as well, greeting you, while Hobi was screaming for no apparent reason.
God, if that was really they were very boisterous, you thought smiling, climbing the subway.
"Well anyway," Hobi picked up the call, "You already have an idea of ​​how you can save the T / N day. I leave you, I have to take care of ChimChim. Goodbye!"
"Wait! What do you mean with-”
He hung up What was the word 'sleep' supposed to give you an idea of ​​your anniversary? Should I go to sleep and forget the anniversary? ...
But it made so much sense ..! How could you have forgotten about it?
Suddenly you already knew how to have the best celebration of your anniversary. A celebration that both could enjoy.
"Namjoon? ... Hello! Listen to me, I need you to do me a very, very big favor ... How does it depend on what favor? Are you there with Jin? Oh! Better yet! "You jumped with emotion, everything was going perfectly.
"I need you to get Yoongi out of his studio all day long ... No. It's not a joke Joon" You laughed. ".. Please? .. Stop laughing, pass me Jin" You rolled your eyes. Why did you think it was a joke? You already knew that Yoongi loved his studio, but ...
"Hello, Jin ... I know that today is my anniversary with Suga, that's why I am asking you to take him out of your studio for the day!" At least Jin did listen to you. "How? But you two are roommates! If there is someone who knows how to handle him, and convince him is you, I swear that if you manage to do it, I’ll invite you to dinner in the restaurant you want ... yes, yes, whoever you want .. ". Jin remained silent while listening to RM from behind screaming at him that it was a very bad idea, it really was like a married couple. ".. Yes? Yes!. Thanks SeokJin! I count on you."
You ran through the house decoration shop, you had to quickly find white sheets, at least 2 sets. Like very fluffy blankets and many cushions.
You filled the basket with the first sheets you found, continuing to the next passage, where the blankets were.
Breathe Y / N, breathe. Everything will be ready by 7, you have an hour and a half left, everything will be ready.
"OK. White blankets, or gray? "You asked yourself, causing the lady who was also in the same corridor to look at you, surprised. "Gray."
You threw about 3 packages of those blankets to your basket, to continue with your frantic search. You were nervous, and you did not know why.
The shop, which was decorated very aesthetically, with wood shelves, and products that did not vary from the range of colors of the sober tones, do not give you a greater idea of ​​where to find the pillows. The store seemed a labyrinth more than anything else, for your fear.
Suddenly you found a store attendant, who when you approached her, immediately turned around. His look changed from being calm to excited, which seemed a little strange to you.
"Miss, excuse me, where could I find the pillow section?" You asked, relieved that you had finally found a way out of your problems.
"Sure, in the next hallway, on the shelves on the left." She said, immediately, very excited.
"Thank you." You thanked me, and you started moving there quickly.
"Wait," she called, making you turn and connect her eyes with her brown eyes. "You're Suga's girlfriend from BTS, right? ... Could we have a picture, please? I am a very big fan of your relationship.
These words took you by surprise. Did the BTS fans recognize you? You could not believe it. He had only mentioned once that he was in a relationship, but they had never shown any picture of you two to the public.
The Armys were really amazing, you thought smiling.
"Yes, of course." You answered, smiling at her while you giggled. "Can you believe that right now I am buying things for the celebration of our anniversary?" You decided to tell her, raising your basket.
His eyes seemed to come out of his face, by emotion. If you could draw it at that time, you would have emphasized it with stars instead of eyes. Apparently he was really a fan.
"Complete one year! Oh my God, I can not believe it, I'm a big fan of you two, I really can not believe I just met you. "You laughed at this.
"Do you think if you help me find things to celebrate our anniversary?"
Ding Dong, Ding Dong.
The study campaign of Suga rang. Marking the arrival of him to your date. Everything was ready, and perfect.
You approached the door of the study, sliding your hands through your black jeans, smoothing us with anxiety.
You had to be careful when passing over the different fabrics and cushions that were on the floor of your boyfriend's studio, making it very soft to the touch.
'Now, when Suga enters, the only thing missing is that of a bad step and fall' It occurred to you in thought as you finished crossing and you ran into the electronic door to the studio.
You put your hand on the handle of the door, and opened it slowly, first meeting Yoongi's black hair. You only allowed a crack in the door to open, so that only your eye can be seen.
"Cover your eyes." You commanded smiling mischievously, without even saying 'Hi'.
"... What?" He replied surprised, while looking at you incredulously. I really did not expect that answer from you, you really wanted to laugh at her expression, but it would only cause her to get irritated ...
"Yes Yes. Just do it". You rushed him, waving his hand. "C'mon darling."
This last word made him give you that sticky smile of his, that had fallen in love with you since the first comment that you fell in love.
"Aish," he complained, slowly closing his eyes.
You opened the door completely, it is ringing with the electronic opening bell. You stretched out your hand, and you took it from his wrist, which was covered with his favorite black shirt, from Mastermind, the brand he loved.
You pulled the with a little force to make it enter your study quickly, but it was not easy, counting on the fact that the floor was covered by the sheets, and that made the texture is like sand.
"Wow." You heard him say when he had a view of what his study had become. You smiled to yourself, while you looked at her expression. It was pure amazement, with his mouth half open, and his eyes smiling the way he made you fall in love with him in the first place.
You had made a kind of fortress with white sheets and pillows in what was your study, removing your giant chair, which was working many hours a day, and stored in the RM studio at night. The blankets were hung in a way that assimilated to a fort, and there were many lights hanging together to the sheets, making them look like lights of fireflies. In the center of the entire studio were an iron, in which were two ice cream cafes from Starbucks, his favorite, as well as a pizza box, meat lovers' pizza.
On TVs, which he used to watch his song productions, you had set them ready to watch his favorite movie, Inception.
It was Yoongi's ideal date, and he had said it in so many interviews before he knew you, and you had completely forgotten about it. He was the type who liked to stay at home and watch a movie with his girlfriend. So you decided to create the warmest environment, in the place that he considered his home, his study.
"Y / N ... This is perfect." His smile widened, while he looked around with a twinkle in his eyes. You were not wrong in this date. "Come here.."
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bangtan-spells · 8 years
Namjoon Scenario: Slipped Away.
Request: Hi hello~ Can I ask for a scenario where you get to spend time with RM in Seoul but you have to go back home and the goodbye is heartbreaking for both of you? And maybe on the plane you find a little gift from him? Is it too much? lol (lots of love)
Genre: Romance.
You had met thanks to the privacy of your hotel, that and the ridiculous amount of time you spent alone waiting for your mom to go out of her conferences. You were in Seoul because of her work, you liked to travel and South Korea in general so for you it was a great opportunity, but getting to know the city by yourself wasn't as fun as it was with someone else. You were going to be in town for two weeks and after going alone you thought it was best to wait for your mom and just go around together, the hotel was pretty nice so you also didn’t mind just staying in enjoying the commodities.
You never thought you’d meet Namjoon there, but you had bumped into each other almost theatrically, he was coming walking as he read a book and you were distracted playing with your phone, you smashed your head against his chest and lost your balance, almost falling to the pool with phone in hand. Luckily he took your forearm and helped you to stay on your feet. You had apologized as you were really embarrassed about what had happened, you hadn’t even noticed that it was Kim Namjoon in front of you, all you could think was that you had screwed up, more so when you saw the book he was reading floating in the water.
At the end of the day you had gone out to buy a new book for him even when he insisted it had been an accident and you didn’t need to, but the next time you saw him you were both at the comfy pool area again and you gave Namjoon a new copy of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Namjoon didn’t know if he could call this vacation, at first he had wanted nothing but get back to the company and continue working with the rest of the boys, he had wanted that but at the same time he knew he needed the time off. His stress levels had been incredibly high the past few months, the process of his mixtape had stuck, his writing had stuck, he couldn’t learn any of the new dance moves and he couldn’t focus on the planning of the projects ahead. His head hurt thinking about it, even if a part of him wanted to be up his neck with work at Big Hit. 
It had been taking a toll on him to the point were it was affecting his health, and thus the managers and the CEO decided to give him a few days off so he could clear his head and relax. Only that Namjoon hadn’t chosen to go back to his parent’s house, instead, he chose to stay in Seoul, but the manager didn’t allow him to just stay in the dorm since that wouldn’t be clearing out his head and then the whole thing would be pointless, so right now he was in a really nice hotel in Seoul, completely alone and comfortable since it was a luxury boutique hotel that offered great privacy for their guests. 
Well he wasn’t completely alone, not anymore. It was only two days ago that Namjoon had met you, by accident, he didn’t mean to meet anyone new, even less a girl, risking himself to be seen and be part of an unnecessary scandal. Namjoon didn’t plan on making a new friendship, but talking to you was so refreshing, it had an effect in him that the pool and the great luxury of the hotel didn’t achieve. It wasn’t that he had instantly and magically fallen in love with you, it was just chemistry, the way everything in life started, a spark of something in his brain that made him feel interested and made him push himself to not run out of conversation with you.
-So you are in a little zen retreat?- you asked after he explained a little of why he was there alone and why he had asked you to not disclose anything, which you wouldn’t.
He nodded. -You can say so-
-I guess I am in a zen retreat too- you said laying down on the arm chair. -I mean, I only go out at night when mom isn’t busy anymore, so, I have to relax-
-Wait, are you telling me you spent all day here and just go out to the city at night?-
You nodded. -Pretty much, I… this is a bit embarrassing, a bit lame actually but… I kind, I kind of don’t like going around alone, it’s like… it’s not as entertaining-
-What? Getting to know a new city even if it is on your own is always entertaining- You shrugged, blushed because of your embarrassment. Namjoon noticed and smiled. -I can’t believe it-
-Well that’s how it is- you say a bit on the defensive. Namjoon chuckled this time.
-I’m just impressed Y/N, you have so much to see and you are wasting your time talking to me?-
-I don’t…- you sighed, feeling stupid for some reason, Namjoon was right, he was stranger no matter how you thought you had connected well, you didn't have to be here talking to him. -I didn’t think it was a waste of time, but alright-
-No, no, Y/N, I didn’t mean it that way- Namjoon rushed to say before you started gathering your things -What I meant was that you should be out there getting to know new things, like taking advantage of your time here, I’m not as interesting as this city is- he relaxed a little when he saw you were no longer putting things into your bag. -I mean, talking to you is the best that’s happened to me this week so, it’s not a waste of time either, I’m the kind of guy that thinks that everything is valuable- he reflected and then his eyes widened like he was in panic again. -Not like this is comparable to anything, but more like I enjoy learning things out of everything I live-
You nodded, now your blush burning in your cheeks for another reason. God you were a bit of a hot head, but he was right, you should be out there, only that you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Namjoon was a cool guy, and it amused you how he looked so smart and confident but then he’d let out some dorkish outburst, it was adorable. 
-What have you learned so far?-
He smiled, changing the position of his legs on the lounge chair. -I don’t know yet, but I tell you what, I think both of us need to go out of our comfort zone-
You straightened up your back. -Wasn’t this a zen retreat?-
Namjoon nodded. -It was, it is, but the city is out there and… how about if I show you a few things?-
You felt that what was happening wasn’t really happening. Namjoon and you went out the next the day, you had been a bit nervous to go out with a celebrity but Namjoon was dressed to go unnoticed, with a regular black face mask, a beanie and not so trendy clothes he could camouflage, although you were worried that with his distinct face features and overall demeanor someone would recognize him and then he’d be in trouble because of you.  
You were a bit nervous but the experience turned out to be entirely different than you had thought, and honestly, if you reflected about Namjoon’s personality you shouldn’t have expected anything else, instead of crazy and flashy, the entire day was calm and relaxed. 
You went to several places of interest in Seoul, you listened as he explained little details to you, about streets and commerces, about the rhythm of life in Seoul and how in general there was a little bit of everything for everyone. Even if you hadn’t known Namjoon for long you felt like you were with a friend, as both of you acted with enough comfort around each other, but not so much to erase the fluttering you felt every time he’d lean close to you to speak near your ear so you could hear him better.
You took a bus, Namjoon signaled and pointed the important details to you so you could marvel at the scenery and the trade mark spots in Seoul, the ones you had seen on TV or on your computer’s screen but were not in front of you.
 With you mom you had only made a few trips to Gangnam and Myeongdong, but now you were taking a more wide view of what you have been missing. The beautiful zone of Namsam, the Han river that it was beautiful as all the videos showcased it, you saw all the busting technology and lights around the city, the mixture of history and modernity. You were smiling nonstop and you couldn’t help but feel thankful to Namjoon, because he had been right, you had been missing out a lot.
 You didn’t know what it meant that you had known him and that he was with you, what were the odds after all that you’d meet a nice boy, even less an artist? Even so the fact that Namjoon was a famous rapper slipped out of your mind more often than not, to you he was just a funny, interesting and a bit daring guy that you had met at the pool.
You went to the Seoul Animation Center and then grabbed dinner near the N tower, a place Namjoon told you was a must and that if you wanted you could visit as well. The affirmative answer came to you faster than you’d have ever imagined.
-I never thought I’ll be doing this- he said quietly while you were in the metro going back to the hotel. You stared at him thinking what to say but then he smiled. -This is so against all the rules the manager gave me but…-
-Oh god- you laughed a little. It had been crazy for both of you, an adventure. For him because he was breaking the rules as an idol, for you because you had gone out with a boy you barely knew in a totally unknown city. A pair of fools. But it had been an incredibly fun day you didn’t regret a single bit.
He chuckled. -But I had fun today, I think I hadn’t seen Seoul like this before, I know I came out to show you but I saw some pretty interesting stuff today as well, thank you-
You felt your stomach and heart doing funny things to your body, making you smile even wider than before, to turn a little your head because the blush was imminent. You knew you couldn’t let yourself get too carried away with Namjoon, but how could you not enjoy the feeling of having his eyes shining and smile wide just for you?
The next day you went to Gyeongbokgung, one of the grandest palaces in South Korea, which you enjoyed a lot, seeing the remarkable palace it amazed you the architecture that the koreans used hundred years ago. It was also a place to immerse in the history and the culture of koreans. You also went to the Seoul Museum of History and you ate in a tiny but great restaurant with he typical korean barbecue, it had only a few tables and the place was attended by a family who were also incredibly nice.
Namjoon also insisted in taking you pictures since the other day you hadn’t taken much of yourself aside from a few selfies, so he took the pictures with your camera, signaling you were you should stand as he searched for the best angle and snapped the picture.
It had been fun, too fun, as now that it was coming to an end you felt you heart dropping. You were having breakfast with your mom who was glad you had stepped out to distract yourself even if it wasn’t with her.
-I’m happy that you are having fun honey, I wish I could have gone with you, but these conferences are just too long-
You nodded, feeling a bit guilty that now you were glad that she was so busy. -Don’t worry mom, we can do something else later-
You were going back home tomorrow and you couldn’t stop thinking about Namjoon, how this was your last day, the last day you were going to see him. He was having breakfast by himself a few tables from yours, you hadn’t told your mom about him so he kept his distance, but even still you noticed he winked his right eye and smiled at you. You blushed and smiled, looking down at your omelet so your mom wouldn’t notice you were behaving like you had your crush in front of you.
The N tower was great, you enjoyed the ride and you enjoyed the day, the views from the observatory were truly amazing, all the city lights and the busy life could be admired from here, the city you’d be leaving behind together with something else, someone. You looked at Namjoon by your side. He was dressed in dark blue and black, he was a about a head taller than you so you had to look up to meet his gaze, before directed towards the city but now staring down at yours.
-So it’s tomorrow-
You nodded, sighing as you leaned on the railing, it was already night and at that precise spot you were you could enjoy a bit of privacy -Yeah, I think it is too little, before I didn’t know what to do with all the time, but now I wish I had more-
Namjoon nodded agreeing with you, his features were soft when he looked at you, his lips not quite smiling but relaxed, plump and pink, you wondered what it would feel to kiss him, to do something a bit crazier since you were at it already, but he turned to the city again -I know the feeling- 
-I don’t think I had gone to places and done things like this with almost stranger before but I…- you sighed again, not helping yourself. -I’m glad I did, and I’m glad you’re here-
Namjoon turned his body to you this time, and this time he was smiling. -But we are not strangers anymore- 
You stepped closer to him and he leaned down, the first thing that came in contact with you was his forehead for just a second because he tilted his head letting his lips graze yours. You sighed once again, this time into his lips as you started moving them at the same rhythm as him, the fantastic touch transforming into a torrent of sensations and feelings that both of you received with pleasure.
You were tempted to spend the night with him, you knew you wanted to and you suspect he wanted it as well, but at the end you didn’t. It would be harder the goodbye if you did that, so you let him accompany you to your floor when you arrived at the hotel, not being sure of what to do or what to say.
-I had a really great time with you Y/N, this was unexpected and crazy, but I guess life is that way most of the time, I… I’ll be missing you-
You smiled biting your lips. -You say some things that I…- Namjoon hugged you close to his body and kissed you again, you didn’t want to let go, but you had to, the dream was over. -Thank you, for taking me out of my comfort zone, for showing me this beautiful city, Seoul won’t be same after today-
Namjoon smiled and pecked you again. -I agree, Seoul won’t be the same after today-
You felt that something had slipped way from your hands, a great idea, a great opportunity, a great love. You had known him for little and really you didn’t know if things between would have worked out if you lived in the city, but then if you lived in the city you wouldn��t have known him, you wouldn’t have have the chance to stay at that hotel and discover the city with a wonderful guy. You smiled to yourself making your mom give you a curious look that you attributed to be happy that you were going home even when you felt the contrary. 
You took out your iPod from your bag, the same you had had the last few days, and in there you noticed something that wasn’t before. It was a a little bag with golden stars print, really pretty, but you hadn’t seen it before. Even still it had your name and when you opened you knew from who it was, inside you found a phone number and a little bracelet, it was also golden, delicate and beautiful. It read Seoul in sparkly little letters. You smiled seeing also the little card that was attached to the bag.
To Y/N, so you carry Seoul whatever you are, if you feel like coming back, it will be sure waiting for you.
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