#PR & Digital Marketing Contract
eliteitbiz · 1 year
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Looking for a reliable PR & Digital Marketing Contract in Sharjah? Our team of experts offers tailored solutions to help you boost your online presence and connect with your target audience. With our comprehensive contract packages, you can trust us to take care of all your digital marketing needs while you focus on growing your business. Contact us today to learn more!
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mariacallous · 2 years
This story is part of a joint investigation between Lighthouse Reports and WIRED. To read other stories from the series, click here.
Mitch Daniels is a numbers guy, a cost-cutter. In the early 2000s, he tried and failed to rein in congressional spending under then-US president George W. Bush. So when he took office as Indiana governor in 2005, Daniels was ready to argue once again for fiscal discipline. He wanted to straighten out Indiana’s state government, which he deemed rife with dysfunction. And he started with its welfare system. “That department had been rocked by a series of criminal indictments, with cheats and caseworkers colluding to steal money meant for poor people,” he later said.
Daniels’ solution took the form of a $1.3 billion, 10-year contract with IBM. He had lofty ambitions for the project, which started in 2006, claiming it would improve the benefits service for Indiana residents while cracking down on fraud, ultimately saving taxpayers billions of dollars.
But the contract was a disaster. It was canceled after three years, and IBM and Indiana spent a decade locked in a legal battle about who was to blame. Daniels described IBM’s sweeping redesign and automation of the system—responsible for deciding who was eligible for everything from food stamps to medical cover—as deficient. He was adamant, though, that outsourcing a technical project to a company with expertise was the right call. “It was over-designed,” he said. “Great on paper but too complicated to work in practice.” IBM declined a request for comment. 
In July 2012, Judge David Dryer of the Marion County Superior Court ruled that Indiana had failed to prove IBM had breached its contract. But he also delivered a damning verdict on the system itself, describing it as an untested experiment that replaced caseworkers with computers and phone calls. “Neither party deserves to win this case,” he said. “This story represents a ‘perfect storm’ of misguided government policy and overzealous corporate ambition.” 
That might have been an early death knell for the burgeoning business of welfare state automation. Instead, the industry exploded. Today, such fraud systems form a significant part of the nebulous “govtech” industry, which revolves around companies selling governments new technologies with the promise that new IT will make public administration easier-to-use and more efficient. In 2021, that market was estimated to be worth €116 billion ($120 billion) in Europe and $440 billion globally. And it’s not only companies that expect to profit from this wave of tech. Governments also believe modernizing IT systems can deliver big savings. Back in 2014, the consultancy firm McKinsey estimated that if government digitization reached its “full potential,” it could free up $1 trillion every year. 
Contractors around the world are selling governments on the promise that fraud-hunting algorithms can help them recoup public funds. But researchers who track the spread of these systems argue that these companies are often overpaid and under-supervised. The key issue, researchers say, is accountability. When complex machine learning models or simpler algorithms are developed by the private sector, the computer code that gets to define who is and isn’t accused of fraud is often classed as intellectual property. As a result, the way such systems make decisions is opaque and shielded from interrogation. And even when these algorithmic black holes are embroiled in high-stakes legal battles over alleged bias, the people demanding answers struggle to get them. 
In the UK, a community group called the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People is trying to determine whether a pattern of disabled people being investigated for fraud is linked to government automation projects. In France, the digital rights group La Quadrature du Net has been trying for four months to find out whether a fraud system is discriminating against people born in other countries. And in Serbia, lawyers want to understand why the introduction of a new system has resulted in hundreds of Roma families losing their benefits. “The models are always secret,” says Victoria Adelmant, director of New York University’s digital welfare state project. “If you don’t have transparency, it’s very difficult to even challenge and assess these systems.” 
The rollout of automated bureaucracy has happened quickly and quietly, but it has left a trail of scandals in its wake. In Michigan, a computer system used between 2013 and 2015 falsely accused 34,000 people of welfare fraud. A similar thing happened in Australia between 2015 and 2019, but on a larger scale: The government accused 400,000 people of welfare fraud or error after its social security department started using a so-called robodebt algorithm to automatically issue fines.
Another scandal emerged in the Netherlands in 2019 when tens of thousands of families—many of them from the country’s Ghanaian community—were falsely accused of defrauding the child benefits system. These systems didn’t just contribute to agencies accusing innocent people of welfare fraud; benefits recipients were ordered to repay the money they had supposedly stolen. As a result, many of the accused were left with spiraling debt, destroyed credit ratings, and even bankruptcy. 
Not all government fraud systems linked to scandals were developed with consultancies or technology companies. But civil servants are increasingly turning to the private sector to plug knowledge and personnel gaps. Companies involved in fraud detection systems range from giant consultancies—Accenture, Cap Gemini, PWC—to small tech firms like Totta Data Lab in the Netherlands and Saga in Serbia.
Experts in automation and AI are expensive to hire and less likely to be wooed by public sector salaries. When the UK surveyed its civil servants last year, confidence in the government’s ability to use technology was low, with around half of respondents blaming an inability to hire top talent. More than a third said they had few or no skills in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or automation. But it’s not just industry experience that makes the private sector so alluring to government officials. For welfare departments squeezed by budget cuts, “efficiency” has become a familiar buzzword. “Quite often, a public sector entity will say it is more efficient for us to go and bring in a group of consultants,” says Dan Sheils, head of European public service at Accenture.
The public sector lacks the expertise to create these systems and also to oversee them, says Matthias Spielkamp, cofounder of German nonprofit Algorithm Watch, which has been tracking automated decision-making in social welfare programs across Europe since 2017. In an ideal world, civil servants would be able to develop these systems themselves and have an in-depth understanding of how they work, he says. “That would be a huge difference to working with private companies, because they will sell you black-box systems—black boxes to everyone, including the public sector.” 
In February 2020, a crisis broke out in the Dutch region of Walcheren as officials realized they were in the dark about how their own fraud detection system worked. At the time, a Dutch court had halted the use of another algorithm used to detect welfare fraud, known as SyRI, after finding it violated people’s right to privacy. Officials in Walcheren were not using SyRI, but in emails obtained by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED through freedom-of-information requests, government employees had raised concerns that their algorithm bore striking similarities to the one just condemned by the court.
Walcheren’s system was developed by Totta Data Lab. After signing a contract in March 2017, the Dutch startup developed an algorithm to sort through pseudonymous information, according to details obtained through a freedom-of-information request. The system analyzed details of local people claiming welfare benefits and then sent human investigators a list of those it classified as most likely to be fraudsters. 
The redacted emails show local officials agonizing over whether their algorithm would be dragged into the SyRI scandal. “I don’t think it is possible to explain why our algorithm should be allowed while everyone is reading about SyRI,” one official wrote the week after the court ruling. Another wrote back with similar concerns. “We also do not get insight from Totta Data Lab into what exactly the algorithm does, and we do not have the expertise to check this.” Neither Totta nor officials in Walcheren replied to requests for comment. 
When the Netherlands’ Organization for Applied Scientific Research, an independent research institute, later carried out an audit of a Totta algorithm used in South Holland, the auditors struggled to understand it. “The results of the algorithm do not appear to be reproducible,” their 2021 report reads, referring to attempts to re-create the algorithm’s risk scores. “The risks indicated by the AI algorithm are largely randomly determined,” the researchers found. 
With little transparency, it often takes years—and thousands of victims—to expose technical shortcomings. But a case in Serbia provides a notable exception. In March 2022, a new law came into force which gave the government the green light to use data processing to assess individuals’ financial status and automate parts of its social protection programs. The new socijalna karta, or social card system, would help the government detect fraud while making sure welfare payments were reaching society’s most marginalized, claimed Zoran Đorđević, Serbia’s minister of social affairs in 2020. 
But within months of the system’s introduction, lawyers in the capital Belgrade had started documenting how it was discriminating against the country’s Roma community, an already disenfranchised ethnic minority group. 
Mr. ​​Ahmetović, a welfare recipient who declined to share his first name out of concern that his statement could affect his ability to claim benefits in the future, says he hadn’t heard of the social card system until November 2022, when his wife and four children were turned away from a soup kitchen on the outskirts of the Serbian capital. It wasn’t unusual for the Roma family to be there, as their welfare payments entitled them to a daily meal provided by the government. But on that day, a social worker told them their welfare status had changed and that they would no longer be getting a daily meal.
The family was in shock, and Ahmetović rushed to the nearest welfare office to find out what had happened. He says he was told the new social card system had flagged him after detecting income amounting to 110,000 Serbian dinars ($1,000) in his bank account, which meant he was no longer eligible for a large chunk of the welfare he had been receiving. Ahmetović was confused. He didn’t know anything about this payment. He didn’t even have his own bank account—his wife received the family’s welfare payments into hers. 
With no warning, their welfare payments were slashed by 30 percent, from around 70,000 dinars ($630) per month to 40,000 dinars ($360). The family had been claiming a range of benefits since 2012, including financial social assistance, as their son’s epilepsy and unilateral paralysis means neither parent is able to work. The drop in support meant the Ahmetovićs had to cut back on groceries and couldn’t afford to pay all their bills. Their debt ballooned to over 1 million dinars ($9,000). 
The algorithm’s impact on Serbia’s Roma community has been dramatic. ​​Ahmetović says his sister has also had her welfare payments cut since the system was introduced, as have several of his neighbors. “Almost all people living in Roma settlements in some municipalities lost their benefits,” says Danilo Ćurčić, program coordinator of A11, a Serbian nonprofit that provides legal aid. A11 is trying to help the Ahmetovićs and more than 100 other Roma families reclaim their benefits.
But first, Ćurčić needs to know how the system works. So far, the government has denied his requests to share the source code on intellectual property grounds, claiming it would violate the contract they signed with the company who actually built the system, he says. According to Ćurčić and a government contract, a Serbian company called Saga, which specializes in automation, was involved in building the social card system. Neither Saga nor Serbia’s Ministry of Social Affairs responded to WIRED’s requests for comment.
As the govtech sector has grown, so has the number of companies selling systems to detect fraud. And not all of them are local startups like Saga. Accenture—Ireland’s biggest public company, which employs more than half a million people worldwide—has worked on fraud systems across Europe. In 2017, Accenture helped the Dutch city of Rotterdam develop a system that calculates risk scores for every welfare recipient. A company document describing the original project, obtained by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED, references an Accenture-built machine learning system that combed through data on thousands of people to judge how likely each of them was to commit welfare fraud. “The city could then sort welfare recipients in order of risk of illegitimacy, so that highest risk individuals can be investigated first,” the document says. 
Officials in Rotterdam have said Accenture’s system was used until 2018, when a team at Rotterdam’s Research and Business Intelligence Department took over the algorithm’s development. When Lighthouse Reports and WIRED analyzed a 2021 version of Rotterdam’s fraud algorithm, it became clear that the system discriminates on the basis of race and gender. And around 70 percent of the variables in the 2021 system—information categories such as gender, spoken language, and mental health history that the algorithm used to calculate how likely a person was to commit welfare fraud—appeared to be the same as those in Accenture’s version.
When asked about the similarities, Accenture spokesperson Chinedu Udezue said the company’s “start-up model” was transferred to the city in 2018 when the contract ended. Rotterdam stopped using the algorithm in 2021, after auditors found that the data it used risked creating biased results.
Consultancies generally implement predictive analytics models and then leave after six or eight months, says Sheils, Accenture’s European head of public service. He says his team helps governments avoid what he describes as the industry’s curse: “false positives,” Sheils’ term for life-ruining occurrences of an algorithm incorrectly flagging an innocent person for investigation. “That may seem like a very clinical way of looking at it, but technically speaking, that's all they are.” Sheils claims that Accenture mitigates this by encouraging clients to use AI or machine learning to improve, rather than replace, decision-making humans. “That means ensuring that citizens don’t experience significantly adverse consequences purely on the basis of an AI decision.” 
However, social workers who are asked to investigate people flagged by these systems before making a final decision aren’t necessarily exercising independent judgment, says Eva Blum-Dumontet, a tech policy consultant who researched algorithms in the UK welfare system for campaign group Privacy International. “This human is still going to be influenced by the decision of the AI,” she says. “Having a human in the loop doesn’t mean that the human has the time, the training, or the capacity to question the decision.” 
Despite the scandals and repeated allegations of bias, the industry building these systems shows no sign of slowing. And neither does government appetite for buying or building such systems. Last summer, Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance adopted a decree authorizing the launch of an algorithm that searches for discrepancies in tax filings, earnings, property records, and bank accounts to identify people at risk of not paying their taxes. 
But as more governments adopt these systems, the number of people erroneously flagged for fraud is growing. And once someone is caught up in the tangle of data, it can take years to break free. In the Netherlands’ child benefits scandal, people lost their cars and homes, and couples described how the stress drove them to divorce. “The financial misery is huge,” says Orlando Kadir, a lawyer representing more than 1,000 affected families. After a public inquiry, the Dutch government agreed in 2020 to pay the families around €30,000 ($32,000) in compensation. But debt balloons over time. And that amount is not enough, says Kadir, who claims some families are now €250,000 in debt. 
In Belgrade, ​​Ahmetović is still fighting to get his family’s full benefits reinstated. “I don’t understand what happened or why,” he says. “It’s hard to compete against the computer and prove this was a mistake.” But he says he’s also wondering whether he’ll ever be compensated for the financial damage the social card system has caused him. He’s yet another person caught up in an opaque system whose inner workings are guarded by the companies and governments who make and operate them. Ćurčić, though, is clear on what needs to change. “We don’t care who made the algorithm,” he says. “The algorithm just has to be made public.”
Additional reporting by Gabriel Geiger and Justin-Casimir Braun.
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Two new satellites added to Galileo constellation for increased resilience
The European Galileo satellite navigation system keeps growing: a new pair of satellites has joined the constellation after a journey on a Falcon 9 rocket, launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on 18 September at 00:50 CEST (17 September 18:50 local time).
The 13th launch in the Galileo programme, performed by SpaceX under contract with ESA, has taken Galileo satellites number 31 and 32 (FM26 and FM32) to medium Earth orbit, extending the constellation to make it more robust and resilient. In the coming weeks, the new satellites will reach their final destination at 23 222 km, where they will be tested prior to starting operations. 
ESA Director of Navigation Javier Benedicto said, “With the deployment of these two satellites, Galileo completes its constellation as designed, reaching the required operational satellites plus one spare per orbital plane. The remaining 6 Galileo First Generation satellites are expected to be deployed in 2025 and 2026 for increased robustness and performance, solidifying the resilience and reliability of Galileo and enabling uninterrupted delivery of the world’s most precise navigation.” 
ESA, as design authority and system development prime, together with manufacturer OHB, has developed and tested 38 satellites since the conception of Galileo. All but six satellites have been launched, with the remaining ones ready to join the constellation starting next year. They will be launched in pairs by Ariane 6, ESA’s new launcher that successfully completed its inaugural flight in July. Thereafter, the first batch of Galileo Second Generation (G2) satellites, currently under development by Thales Alenia Space and Airbus Defence and Space, will also be placed in orbit by ESA’s heavy launcher. 
Galileo, onwards and upwards
2024 has been a busy year in the Galileo programme, that moves ahead at full speed. In April, the first dual launch of the year placed satellites 29 and 30 in orbit. After a successful early orbit phase and test campaign, the pair entered into service in September.  
Just a few days prior to the April launch, Galileo’s new Public Regulated Service (PRS) signals started broadcasting. This encrypted navigation service is specifically designed for authorised governmental users and sensitive applications, contributing to increase Europe’s autonomy and resilience in the critical domain of satellite navigation. 
Also in April, Galileo’s ground segment, the largest in Europe and one of the continent’s most critical infrastructures, was migrated with no user impact. This upgrade was needed in part to prepare the system for Galileo’s Second Generation, that is being built by European industry. G2 satellites will be ground-breaking with fully digital navigation payloads, electric propulsion, a more powerful navigation antenna, inter-satellite link capacity and an advanced atomic clock configuration. 
About Galileo
Galileo is currently the world’s most precise satellite navigation system, serving over four billion smartphone users around the globe since entering Open Service in 2017. All smartphones sold in the European Single Market are now guaranteed Galileo-enabled. In addition, Galileo is making a difference across the fields of rail, maritime, agriculture, financial timing services and rescue operations. 
A flagship programme of the EU, Galileo is managed and funded by the European Commission. Since its inception, ESA, as system development prime and design authority, leads the design, development and qualification of the space and ground systems, and procures launch services. ESA is also entrusted with research and development activities for the future of Galileo within the EU programme Horizon Europe. The EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) acts as the system prime for the operational system provider, ensuring exploitation and safe and secure delivery of services while overseeing market demands and application needs.  
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onda-pr · 5 months
a full-service boutique marketing agency
#Marketing Agency
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crossnetics · 5 months
Crossnetics: a platform for earning influencers
Introduction to Crossnetics
Crossnetics is a multifunctional platform for Influencer Marketing that makes it easy to find Influencers, digital specialists, and advertisers. Based on blockchain, the platform guarantees secure collaboration thanks to smart contracts. Crossnetics offers influencers a unique opportunity to earn and promote through mutual PR with bloggers with your target audience, and facilitates effective brand engagement.
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Benefits of Crossnetics for Influencers
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Using Crossnetics, Influencers get a platform for cooperation with advertisers and a powerful tool for achieving international success and financial well-being.
Using the Crossnetics platform gives Influencers access to a wide range of tools to monetize their content. With Crossnetics, Influencers can not only make money but also build strong partnerships with brands based on advanced technologies and transparent terms of cooperation.
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zarazyana · 1 month
How Can Web3 PR Marketing Transform Your Blockchain Project?
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The rise of Web3 technologies has not only introduced groundbreaking changes in how we interact with the internet but has also revolutionized how businesses, especially those in the blockchain space, approach public relations (PR) and marketing. Web3 PR marketing has emerged as a vital tool for blockchain projects to establish credibility, build trust, and engage with a global audience. In this blog, we'll explore how Web3 PR marketing can transform your blockchain project, providing you with the insights needed to leverage this innovative approach effectively.
Understanding Web3 and Its Impact on PR Marketing
Web3, often referred to as the decentralized web, represents the next generation of internet technologies that prioritize decentralization, transparency, and user ownership. Unlike Web2, where centralized entities control data and platforms, Web3 empowers users by giving them control over their data and digital identities through blockchain technology.
This shift towards decentralization has profound implications for PR marketing. Traditional PR strategies that relied on centralized media outlets and top-down communication models are no longer sufficient in the Web3 era. Instead, blockchain projects must adopt a more decentralized, community-driven approach to PR marketing. This involves engaging directly with communities, utilizing decentralized platforms, and fostering transparent communication.
1. Establishing Credibility in a Decentralized World
One of the most significant challenges for any blockchain project is establishing credibility in a space that is often rife with skepticism and misinformation. Web3 PR marketing offers a unique opportunity to build trust through transparency and authenticity.
Transparency Through Blockchain Technology Blockchain projects can leverage the inherent transparency of blockchain technology to demonstrate their commitment to openness and honesty. For example, smart contracts can be used to provide proof of transactions, governance decisions, and other critical actions. By making this information publicly accessible, blockchain projects can prove their legitimacy and foster trust among their audience.
Building a Strong Online Presence In the Web3 world, a strong online presence is essential for credibility. This goes beyond having a well-designed website or active social media accounts. It involves creating and sharing valuable content that educates and informs your audience about your project’s mission, technology, and long-term goals.
Blog posts, whitepapers, and educational videos can serve as powerful tools for establishing authority in your niche. Additionally, engaging with thought leaders and influencers within the Web3 community can further enhance your project's credibility.
2. Engaging a Global, Decentralized Audience
One of the defining characteristics of Web3 is its global reach. Blockchain projects are not confined to any geographic location; they can attract users, investors, and supporters from around the world. However, reaching this global audience requires a different approach to PR marketing.
Utilizing Decentralized Platforms Web3 PR marketing takes advantage of decentralized platforms to reach a broader audience. Platforms like BitClout, Mirror, and decentralized social media networks allow blockchain projects to engage with users in a more direct and transparent manner. These platforms also enable projects to bypass traditional gatekeepers and connect with their audience on their own terms.
Community-Driven PR In the Web3 era, communities play a crucial role in the success of any blockchain project. PR marketing strategies must therefore prioritize community engagement. This involves not only building and nurturing a strong community but also actively involving them in the project's development and decision-making processes.
For instance, many successful blockchain projects use decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to give their community members a voice in governance. By involving the community in key decisions, projects can build a sense of ownership and loyalty, which can translate into powerful word-of-mouth marketing.
Localized Marketing Strategies While Web3 allows for global reach, it's also important to recognize the importance of localized marketing strategies. Different regions have different cultural norms, regulatory environments, and preferences. Tailoring your PR marketing efforts to these local nuances can help you connect more effectively with your target audience.
3. Leveraging Influencers and Thought Leaders
Influencer marketing is not new, but in the Web3 space, it takes on a whole new dimension. Influencers and thought leaders in the blockchain community often have a significant impact on public perception and can be instrumental in driving the success of a project.
Collaborating with Web3 Influencers Web3 influencers are typically well-respected figures within the blockchain community who have a deep understanding of the technology and the market. Collaborating with these influencers can help you reach a highly engaged audience that is already interested in blockchain and Web3 technologies.
However, it's important to choose influencers whose values align with your project. Authenticity is key in Web3 PR marketing, and working with influencers who genuinely believe in your project can have a far greater impact than simply paying for endorsements.
Participating in Industry Events and Conferences Web3 PR marketing also involves active participation in industry events and conferences. These events provide an opportunity to network with other projects, investors, and thought leaders, as well as to showcase your project to a wider audience.
Speaking engagements, panel discussions, and sponsorship opportunities at Web3 conferences can significantly boost your project's visibility and credibility. Additionally, attending these events allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the Web3 space.
4. Navigating Regulatory Challenges
The regulatory landscape for blockchain and cryptocurrency projects is constantly evolving, and navigating these challenges is a critical aspect of Web3 PR marketing. A well-executed PR strategy can help you stay compliant while also building trust with regulators and the public.
Transparent Communication Transparency is not just important for building trust with your audience; it's also essential for maintaining compliance with regulations. Clearly communicating your project's compliance with relevant laws and regulations can help mitigate potential legal risks and reassure both investors and users.
Proactive Reputation Management In the rapidly changing world of blockchain, reputational risks can arise unexpectedly. Web3 PR marketing requires a proactive approach to reputation management. This involves monitoring public sentiment, addressing concerns promptly, and being prepared to respond to potential crises.
Having a well-prepared crisis management plan in place can make the difference between a minor issue and a major PR disaster. By addressing issues transparently and promptly, you can protect your project's reputation and maintain the trust of your community.
5. Measuring the Success of Web3 PR Marketing Campaigns
Measuring the success of PR marketing campaigns in the Web3 space can be challenging due to the decentralized nature of the technology. However, there are several key metrics that can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your efforts.
Community Engagement Metrics Community engagement is one of the most important indicators of a successful Web3 PR marketing campaign. Metrics such as the number of active community members, participation in governance decisions, and social media engagement can provide a clear picture of how well your campaign is resonating with your audience.
Media Coverage and Mentions Media coverage and mentions in both traditional and decentralized media outlets are also important metrics to track. Positive media coverage can significantly boost your project's visibility and credibility, while negative coverage should be addressed promptly to minimize its impact.
Token Performance and Adoption For blockchain projects that have issued tokens, the performance of these tokens can serve as a valuable metric for assessing the success of your PR marketing efforts. An increase in token adoption, trading volume, and market capitalization can indicate that your campaign is effectively building awareness and trust.
Traffic and Conversion Rates Finally, traditional digital marketing metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and lead generation should not be overlooked. These metrics can provide insights into how well your PR marketing campaign is driving interest and engagement with your project.
Web3 PR marketing offers a powerful way to transform your blockchain project by building credibility, engaging a global audience, leveraging influencers, navigating regulatory challenges, and measuring success effectively. As the Web3 space continues to evolve, so too must your PR marketing strategies. By embracing the principles of decentralization, transparency, and community engagement, you can position your blockchain project for success in the ever-changing world of Web3.
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auroragracesblogs · 2 months
Expert Tips on Building a Successful ICO Platform from Scratch
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The cryptocurrency landscape is teeming with opportunities, and one of the most compelling avenues for raising capital is through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). An ICO platform serves as a bridge between projects and investors, enabling new ventures to launch their tokens and secure funding. However, creating a successful ICO platform from scratch is a complex endeavor that requires a blend of technical expertise, strategic planning, and regulatory compliance. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps, tips, and best practices to build a robust, cutting-edge ICO platform that stands out in the competitive crypto market.
1. Understanding the ICO Landscape
Before you dive into the development process, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals of ICOs and the market dynamics.
What is an ICO?
An ICO is a fundraising method in the blockchain space where new projects issue digital tokens to investors in exchange for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. These tokens can represent various assets or utilities within the project ecosystem.
Why Build an ICO Platform?
An ICO platform is essential for:
Streamlining Token Sales: Providing the infrastructure for project creators to launch and manage their ICOs.
Attracting Investors: Offering a secure, user-friendly environment for investors to participate in token sales.
Enhancing Project Visibility: Helping projects gain traction and visibility in the crowded crypto space.
2. Strategic Planning: Laying the Foundation
Creating a successful ICO platform starts with thorough planning. This phase involves defining your vision, understanding the market, and setting clear objectives.
Define Your Vision and Goals
Identify Your Niche: Determine the specific market segment or type of projects you want to support (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, fintech).
Set Clear Objectives: Establish short-term and long-term goals. Consider what you aim to achieve, such as the number of projects to onboard, target fundraising amount, and platform growth metrics.
Conduct Market Research
Analyze Competitors: Study existing ICO platforms to identify strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the market.
Identify Trends: Keep abreast of the latest trends in blockchain technology, ICO regulations, and investor preferences.
3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Compliance is a critical aspect of building an ICO platform. Failure to adhere to regulations can result in severe penalties and loss of credibility.
Engage with Legal Experts
Consultation: Work with legal professionals who specialize in cryptocurrency regulations to navigate complex legal landscapes.
Draft Legal Documents: Prepare essential documents, including Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Token Sale Agreement, and KYC/AML policies.
Understand Regulatory Requirements
Securities Laws: Determine if your tokens are classified as securities and comply with relevant securities regulations.
KYC/AML Compliance: Implement Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures to verify investor identities and prevent illicit activities.
Global Compliance: Consider the regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions, ensuring your platform is compliant worldwide.
4. Building the Core Team
A talented and diverse team is the backbone of a successful ICO platform. Assemble professionals with expertise in various domains to drive your project forward.
Key Roles to Hire
Blockchain Developers: Skilled in smart contract development, blockchain integration, and backend development.
Security Experts: Specialists in cybersecurity, responsible for safeguarding the platform against vulnerabilities and attacks.
Legal Advisors: Experts in cryptocurrency law and compliance, guiding you through legal complexities.
Marketing and PR Specialists: Professionals to handle marketing strategies, community building, and public relations.
5. Designing the ICO Platform
The design and development phase is where your vision takes shape. Focus on creating a user-centric, secure, and scalable platform.
User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
Simplicity and Intuitiveness: Design an intuitive interface with a clean layout and easy navigation. Ensure that users can quickly understand how to participate in ICOs.
Responsive Design: Optimize the design for various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.
Key Features to Include
User Registration and KYC Integration: Implement a secure registration process and integrate KYC functionality to verify user identities.
Smart Contract Management: Develop and deploy smart contracts for token creation, sales, and distribution. Ensure they are secure, efficient, and compliant with industry standards.
Payment Gateway Integration: Enable support for multiple cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies to facilitate smooth transactions.
Dashboard and Analytics: Provide a comprehensive dashboard with real-time analytics, performance tracking, and reporting tools for project creators and investors.
6. Ensuring Security and Compliance
Security is paramount in the cryptocurrency space. Implement robust measures to protect user data and assets.
Best Security Practices
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enhance account security by requiring users to verify their identity through multiple channels.
Cold Storage Solutions: Store the majority of funds in cold storage wallets to protect against hacking and theft.
Regular Security Audits: Conduct frequent security audits and penetration testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
Compliance with Regulations
Automated KYC/AML Checks: Integrate automated KYC and AML verification processes to ensure compliance and streamline user onboarding.
Data Protection: Implement data protection measures to safeguard user information and comply with GDPR and other data privacy regulations.
7. Marketing and Community Building
An effective marketing strategy and strong community engagement are crucial for the success of your ICO platform.
Develop a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy
Content Marketing: Create high-quality content, including blogs, whitepapers, and videos, to educate your audience and establish thought leadership.
Social Media Marketing: Leverage social media platforms to engage with your audience, share updates, and promote your platform.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with crypto influencers and industry experts to enhance your platform’s credibility and reach.
Build and Engage Your Community
Online Forums and Communities: Participate in relevant forums, chat groups, and online communities to connect with potential users and projects.
Host Events and Webinars: Organize events, webinars, and AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions to educate your audience, answer questions, and build trust.
Offer Incentives: Implement referral programs, airdrops, and rewards to encourage user participation and grow your community.
8. Launching the ICO Platform
The launch phase is critical for gaining momentum and attracting users. Follow these steps to ensure a successful launch.
Beta Testing
Select a Test Group: Choose a small group of users to test the platform’s functionality, identify bugs, and gather feedback.
Implement Feedback: Use the feedback from beta testers to make necessary improvements and ensure a smooth user experience.
Marketing Kickoff
Pre-Launch Campaign: Build excitement with a pre-launch campaign, including teasers, countdowns, and exclusive previews for early supporters.
Press Releases and Media Outreach: Distribute press releases and engage with media outlets to gain coverage and generate buzz.
Customer Support and Engagement
24/7 Support: Provide round-the-clock customer support through live chat, email, and community forums to assist users and address queries.
Gather Feedback: Actively seek user feedback and suggestions to continuously improve the platform’s features and user experience.
9. Post-Launch Operations and Scaling
After launching your ICO platform, focus on continuous improvement, user support, and scaling your operations.
Continuous Development
Feature Enhancements: Regularly update the platform with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes based on user feedback and market trends.
Performance Optimization: Monitor and optimize the platform’s performance, ensuring scalability and a seamless user experience.
Community and User Support
Engagement and Communication: Maintain regular communication with your community through updates, newsletters, and social media. Keep users informed about platform developments and upcoming features.
Dedicated Support Team: Expand your support team to handle user queries, provide assistance, and resolve issues promptly.
Regulatory Compliance
Stay Updated: Keep abreast of regulatory changes and ensure continuous compliance. Update your platform’s compliance protocols and legal documentation as needed.
Conduct Audits: Perform regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance with KYC, AML, and data protection regulations.
Building a successful ICO platform from scratch is a challenging yet rewarding journey. By following these expert tips and leveraging professional guidance, you can create a platform that not only meets regulatory standards but also provides a seamless, secure, and engaging experience for projects and investors. Focus on innovation, security, user experience, and community engagement to establish a platform that stands out in the competitive ICO landscape and drives the next wave of blockchain innovation.
Embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that with careful planning, a skilled team, and a commitment to excellence, you can build a cutting-edge ICO platform that empowers projects and transforms the future of fundraising in the blockchain space.
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albertpeter · 2 months
What Are the Cost Factors for an ERC20 Token Development Company in 2024?
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ERC20 tokens are a type of digital asset or cryptocurrency that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. Developing such tokens involves several cost factors, including technical expertise, security, legal compliance, and ongoing maintenance.
Technical Expertise: One of the primary cost factors for an ERC20 token development company in 2024 is the technical expertise required to create and deploy the tokens. This includes the services of experienced blockchain developers who are proficient in Ethereum's smart contract programming language, Solidity, as well as other technologies related to blockchain development. These developers need to have a deep understanding of Ethereum's protocol, consensus mechanisms, and token standards to create secure and reliable ERC20 tokens.
Security: Security is a crucial aspect of ERC20 token development, and ensuring the security of the tokens and the associated smart contracts requires substantial investment. Security audits, code reviews, and penetration testing are essential to identify and address vulnerabilities in the smart contracts and the overall token infrastructure. Implementing robust security measures can incur significant costs, but it is essential for protecting the integrity and value of the ERC20 tokens.
Legal Compliance: Another cost factor for ERC20 token development companies in 2024 is legal compliance. Engaging legal experts to ensure that the token issuance and associated activities comply with the relevant regulations and laws is vital. This may involve costs related to regulatory consultations, preparing legal documents such as token sale agreements and terms of use, and obtaining necessary licenses and approvals, depending on the jurisdiction in which the tokens will be offered.
Marketing and Promotion: Promoting and marketing ERC20 tokens to attract investors and users is also a significant cost factor. Engaging in digital marketing campaigns, hiring PR agencies, and participating in industry events and conferences all require financial investment. Building a strong community around the tokens and creating awareness about their use cases and benefits is crucial for their adoption and success, thus necessitating a substantial marketing budget.
Ongoing Maintenance: After the initial development, launching, and token sale, ongoing maintenance is an important cost consideration. This includes providing technical support, updating smart contracts to accommodate new features or address any issues, and ensuring the overall health and performance of the token ecosystem. Ongoing maintenance also involves monitoring the token's market performance and user engagement, and making necessary adjustments to sustain and enhance the token's value.
Infrastructure Costs: Building and maintaining the necessary infrastructure for the ERC20 token ecosystem, including hosting nodes, employing scalable and efficient databases, and integrating with necessary third-party services such as payment gateways and wallet providers, also contributes to the overall cost of token development. These infrastructure costs can be significant, especially for tokens with high transaction volumes or complex use cases.
Developing ERC20 tokens in 2024 involves a range of cost factors, including technical expertise, security, legal compliance, marketing, ongoing maintenance, and infrastructure. All of these aspects require substantial financial investment, and companies looking to embark on ERC20 token development company need to carefully consider and budget for these cost factors to ensure the success and sustainability of their token projects.
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ohmymann · 2 months
the collateral network mechanism also involves the concept of penalties and asset liquidation.
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The idea of collateral networks has completely changed how asset-backed lending is carried out in the blockchain ecosystem in the ever-changing world of finance. Collateral networks, also known as collateralized networks, have emerged as a crucial support system for loans that use collateralized assets as security, significantly innovating digital financial services in the process.
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1. Collateral Network Concept
Collateral Network is a model where users use collateral assets as collateral in financial transactions on the blockchain. These collateral assets provide certainty that obligations will be met, minimize the risk of default, and increase trust between the parties involved.
2. Benefits of Collateral Network
- Transaction Security: Collateral Network provides additional security to financial transactions by using collateral assets as collateral.
- Market Liquidity: By facilitating the exchange of digital assets secured by collateral assets, Collateral Network brings greater liquidity to the blockchain financial markets.
- Transaction Efficiency: The Collateral Network concept provides efficiency in the execution of financial transactions with a strict and automated verification process.
3. Diversify Investment Portfolio
Users can diversify their investment portfolio by using collateral assets in the Collateral Network. This helps reduce investment risks and increase potential investment returns.
4. Wider Financial Inclusion
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One of the key components in the collateral network mechanism is the role of validators or transaction guarantors. Validators are responsible for verifying collateral assets stored in the network and ensuring the validity of transactions made. By having independent and trusted validators, the integrity of the collateral network can be maintained and the risk of fraud can be reduced.
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Our roadmap details the development goals of the Collateral Network project.
Create a smart contract ✔
Pre-sale website launch ✔
Direct pre-sale ✔
Complete the first KYC audit ✔
Social community development ✔
Token audit COLT
Kampanye pemasaran fase 1 ✔
Level 1
Year 2023
Level 2
Kampanye pemasaran fase 2 ✔
PR machine directly ✔
Influencer marketing launch ✔
Beta network development ✔
AMA — let’s talk COLT ✔
Launch on Uniswap
Coin Market Cap List ✔
Coingecko Register ✔
Initial CEX listing
Launch of Private Investors club
Built-in brand ambassador
Next CEX list
Level 3
Level 4
Accepting applications to split your assets
Roundtable NFT launch
Multi-chain integration
Tier-1 CEX Listing
Collateral asset events
Community events for token holders
Collateral NFT exchange launched
In conclusion,
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For more information:
White pepper:https://whitepaper.collateralnetwork.io/
Forum Username: OhMymann Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3538652 Telegram username: @OhMymann BSC Wallet Address: 0xfB81D12c6b05AaC59f77A69ffA1D393B3f63d7f7
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groundzeroevent · 2 months
When it comes to hosting a successful promotional event in Jaipur, you need someone who knows the ropes and can ensure everything runs smoothly. That's where a promotional event organizer in Jaipur steps in. But what exactly do they do? Let's dive in and explore the essential roles and services provided by these experts, and how Ground Zero Event, a leading event management company, can make your promotional event unforgettable.
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Understanding the Role of a Promotional Event Organizer
A promotional event organizer is responsible for planning, managing, and executing events designed to promote a product, service, or brand. Here’s a closer look at their key responsibilities:
1. Conceptualization and Planning
The first step in organizing a promotional event is coming up with a unique concept that aligns with the client's goals. Ground Zero Event specializes in creating innovative ideas that capture the essence of the brand and engage the target audience. This involves:
Identifying the target audience
Setting clear objectives for the event
Developing a theme that resonates with the brand
Budget planning and allocation
2. Venue Selection and Management
Choosing the right venue is crucial for the success of any event. A promotional event organizer in Jaipur like Ground Zero Event will:
Research and shortlist potential venues
Negotiate contracts and manage bookings
Coordinate venue logistics, including layout and seating arrangements
Ensure all necessary permits and licenses are obtained
3. Marketing and Promotion
To maximize attendance and engagement, effective marketing and promotion are essential. Ground Zero Event uses a blend of traditional and digital marketing strategies to create buzz around the event. This includes:
Designing and distributing promotional materials
Leveraging social media platforms for event promotion
Partnering with influencers and local media
Implementing email marketing campaigns
Event Coordination and Execution
The day of the event is where all the planning comes to fruition. A promotional event organizer ensures that everything runs seamlessly by:
Overseeing event setup and decoration
Managing event staff and volunteers
Coordinating with vendors and suppliers
Handling on-site logistics, such as registration and crowd control
Post-Event Activities
The work doesn’t end when the event is over. A thorough evaluation is necessary to measure the success of the promotional event. Ground Zero Event conducts:
Post-event surveys and feedback collection
Analysis of attendance and engagement metrics
Reporting on key performance indicators (KPIs)
Follow-up communication with attendees and stakeholders
Why Choose Ground Zero Event?
Ground Zero Event stands out as a premier promotional event organizer in Jaipur for several reasons:
Experience: With years of experience in event management, we understand the intricacies of organizing successful promotional events.
Creativity: Our team brings innovative ideas to the table, ensuring your event is unique and memorable.
Professionalism: We maintain the highest standards of professionalism in all aspects of event planning and execution.
Comprehensive Services: From initial concept to post-event analysis, we offer end-to-end event management services.
Organizing a promotional event involves meticulous planning, creative thinking, and flawless execution. A seasoned promotional event organizer in Jaipur like Ground Zero Event can turn your vision into reality, ensuring your brand gets the attention it deserves. Whether you're launching a new product, celebrating a milestone, or looking to engage with your audience in a meaningful way, Ground Zero Event is your trusted partner in making it happen.
For more information on how we can help you with your next promotional event, visit our website https://groundzeroevent.com/ or contact us today!
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lapirang · 3 months
collateral networks continue to be a key driver of innovation in the asset-backed lending space
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In the era of digital transformation, a deeper understanding of Collateral Networks in blockchain can open up innovative and beneficial collaboration opportunities for the development of a stronger and more inclusive financial ecosystem. The concept of Collateral Networks, or collateral networks, not only provides a solid foundation for the security of financial transactions, but also brings broad potential for collaboration in the development of more efficient and trustworthy financial services.
In finance, transparency is the foundation of trust and empowerment of borrowers in collateral networks. The article “Empowering Borrowers: Transparency in Blockchain Collateral Networks” explores the transformative power of transparency in blockchain-based collateral networks, highlighting how transparency empowers borrowers and increases trust in financial transactions.
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Collateral Network vs. DeFi (Decentralized Finance) Collateral Network
1. Collateral Network: Collateral Network is a model where users use collateral assets as collateral to obtain loans or conduct other financial transactions. This provides additional security and minimizes the risk of default.
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Collateral Network vs. Tokenization of Collateral Network Assets
1. Collateral Network: Collateral Network focuses on the use of collateral assets as collateral in financial transactions. These collateral assets can be cryptocurrencies, tokens, or other digital assets.
2. Asset Tokenization: Asset tokenization is the process of converting physical or digital assets into tokens that can be traded on the blockchain. This allows for fractionalized ownership and higher liquidity, but is not necessarily tied to collateral in the transaction.
Collateral Network vs. Staking Collateral Network
1. Collateral Network: Collateral Network uses collateral assets as collateral in financial transactions. This helps ensure the security of transactions and minimizes risks.
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In addition, the collateral network also provides a solution to the security and transparency issues in asset-backed loans. By using decentralized blockchain technology, the collateral network ensures better transaction and information security, thereby reducing the risk of fraud and transaction failures that often occur in traditional lending systems.
By adopting a collateral network, users can also enjoy a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective loan process. By leveraging automated and transparent blockchain technology, the collateral network eliminates bureaucratic barriers and manual processes that often occur in traditional lending, thereby speeding up the loan application and approval process.
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Our roadmap details the development goals of the Collateral Network project.
Create a smart contract ✔
Pre-sale website launch ✔
Direct pre-sale ✔
Complete the first KYC audit ✔
Social community development ✔
Token audit COLT
Kampanye pemasaran fase 1 ✔
Level 1
Year 2023
Level 2
Kampanye pemasaran fase 2 ✔
PR machine directly ✔
Influencer marketing launch ✔
Beta network development ✔
AMA — let’s talk COLT ✔
Launch on Uniswap
Coin Market Cap List ✔
Coingecko Register ✔
Initial CEX listing
Launch of Private Investors club
Brand ambassador on board
Further CEX listings
Level 3
Level 4
Accepting applications to split your assets
Roundtable NFT launch
Multi-chain integration
Tier-1 CEX Listing
Collateral asset events
Community events for token holders
Collateralized NFT exchange launch
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Website: http://www.collateralnetwork.io/
Twitter: https://x.com/Collateralnwk
Telegram: https://t.me/collateralnwk
Link: https://discord.gg/ZSnRF66EMX
Forum Username: LaPIRANG Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3543733 Telegram Username: @Lapirang BSC Wallet Address: 0x079da7BBBF0F4BDC2D437327Bbd61869dA0F1d9a
1 note · View note
chaturu07 · 3 months
In the field of blockchain technology and collateral networks, the concept of tokenized collateral has emerged as a revolutionary approach to redefining asset ownership and accessibility. The article “Tokenized Collateral: Redefining Ownership in Blockchain Networks” explores the transformative impact of tokenization on collateral assets and its implications for ownership in blockchain networks.
Tokenization involves representing physical assets as digital tokens on the blockchain, enabling fractional ownership and increasing liquidity for collateralized assets. By tokenizing collateral, traditional assets such as real estate, art, or commodities can be divided into smaller units that can be traded and accessed by more investors.
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Additionally, tokenized collateral increases the liquidity of assets by making them tradable on the blockchain network. Investors can buy, sell and trade tokenized assets with ease, reducing barriers to entry and increasing market efficiency in collateralized asset transactions.
The transparency and auditability of blockchain networks further enhances the concept of tokenized assurance. Every transaction involving tokenized assets is securely recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent, tamper-proof record of ownership and transactions. This transparency fosters trust among network participants and ensures the integrity of asset ownership in the blockchain network.
Additionally, tokenized collateral drives innovation in financial markets by enabling new forms of asset-based financing and investment opportunities. The fractional ownership model facilitated by tokenization expands access to more investors, driving liquidity and diversification in the collateralized asset market.
Token Specifications: Name: Collateral Network Symbol/Ticker: COLT Initial Price: $0.01 Total Supply: 1,400,000,000 Presale Supply: 532,000,000
Stage 1
Create Smart Contract ✔
Presale Website Launch ✔
Presale Live ✔
Complete First KYC Audit ✔
Social Community Development ✔
$COLT Token Audit
Phase 1 Marketing Campaign ✔
Stage 2
Phase 2 Marketing Campaign ✔
PR Machine Live ✔
Influencer Marketing Launch ✔
Beta Development of Network ✔
AMA Let’s Talk COLT ✔
Launch on Uniswap
CoinMarketCap Listing ✔
CoinGecko Listing ✔
Stage 3
Initial CEX Listing ✔
Private Investor Club Launch
Onboard Brand Ambassador
Further CEX Listings ✔
Stage 4
Accepting Applications to Fractionalize Your Assets
Round Table NFT Launch
Multi-Chain Integration
Tier 1 CEX Listing
Collateral Asset Event
Community Events For Token Holders
Collateral NFT Exchange Launch
Meet The Team
Matthew Hutchings > Founder
Charlie Smith > Founder
Jim Coleman > Chairman
Pete Parsons > Lending Specialist
Remus Cosmin Carstoiu > Advisor — Crypto Legal
Martin Kuvandzhiev > Advisor — Blockchain Expert, Co-Founder of Bitcoin Gold
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Official Links
Website: https://collateralnetwork.io/
ICO Token Claims: https://saas.collateralnetwork.io
Genesis NFTs: https://opensea.io/collection/collateral-network-s-genesis-collection
MEXC x COLT: https://www.mexc.com/price/COLT
Telegram: https://t.me/collateralnwk
Discord: https://discord.gg/ZSnRF66EMX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Collateralnwk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CollateralNwk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collateralnwk/
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/collateral-network/
CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/collateral-network
Smart Contract Audit: https://github.com/interfinetwork/project-delivery-data/blob/main/Collateral%20Network/CollateralNetwork%20_AuditReport_InterFi.pdf
Forum Username: chaa_turu Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3538656 Telegram Username: @chaa_turu BSC Wallet Address: 0xf599a69d07E5e1aCcBEC19B8F6E5A99ea03b4DB9
0 notes
stevblog · 3 months
ICO Development Company - Unlocking the Potential with Maximizing Fundraising Opportunities
Fundraising is a crucial aspect of any project, especially in the fast-evolving world of blockchain technology. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have emerged as a powerful tool for raising capital, enabling projects to attract investment from a global audience. This blog will delve into the various aspects of ICO development and how it can significantly enhance your fundraising opportunities.
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What is ICO Software?
ICO software is a comprehensive platform that facilitates the creation, management, and execution of Initial Coin Offerings. It encompasses a suite of tools and applications designed to streamline the ICO process, from token creation and distribution to smart contract deployment and compliance. The software ensures that all technical aspects are handled efficiently, allowing project owners to focus on their core objectives.
What is ICO Development?
ICO software development is the end-to-end process of planning, creating, and launching an Initial Coin Offering. It involves various stages, including conceptualization, whitepaper drafting, token development, smart contract programming, website creation, marketing, and compliance with regulatory standards. ICO development is critical to ensuring that the ICO is secure, transparent, and appealing to potential investors.
What are the Features of ICO Development?
ICO development offers several key features that contribute to the success of your fundraising campaign:
Token Creation: Custom tokens are developed on popular blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Solana, tailored to your project's specific needs.
Smart Contracts: Secure and immutable smart contracts govern the token distribution and management process.
KYC/AML Compliance: Integrated Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes ensure regulatory compliance and enhance investor trust.
Wallet Integration: Seamless integration with popular digital wallets for easy token storage and transfer.
Dashboard: A user-friendly dashboard for investors to monitor their contributions and token holdings.
Security Protocols: Advanced security measures to protect against cyber threats and ensure the integrity of the ICO.
Benefits of ICO Development
The benefits of ICO development are manifold, making it an attractive fundraising method for many projects:
Global Reach: ICOs allow projects to tap into a global pool of investors, providing access to a larger amount of capital.
Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional fundraising methods, ICOs are relatively cost-effective, with lower barriers to entry.
Speed: The ICO process is faster, enabling projects to raise funds quickly and efficiently.
Transparency: Blockchain technology ensures transparency in transactions, boosting investor confidence.
Innovation: ICOs promote innovation by enabling projects to leverage cutting-edge blockchain technology.
What are the ICO Development Services?
ICO development encompasses a range of services that ensure the successful execution of an Initial Coin Offering:
ICO Consultation: Expert advice on the feasibility and strategy of your ICO.
Whitepaper Drafting: Professional drafting of a comprehensive whitepaper that outlines your project’s vision, technology, and roadmap.
Token Development: Creation of custom tokens tailored to your project’s needs.
Smart Contract Development: Secure smart contract programming to automate the token distribution process.
Website Development: Creation of a professional and informative website to attract potential investors.
Marketing and PR: Strategic marketing and public relations campaigns to promote the ICO and reach a wider audience.
Compliance Services: Ensuring the ICO adheres to all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
Why Should You Work for ICO Development with Hivelance?
Choosing the right partner for ICO development is crucial to the success of your fundraising campaign. Hivelance offers several advantages that make it an ideal choice:
Expertise: Hivelance boasts a team of experienced blockchain developers and consultants who have successfully launched numerous ICOs.
Comprehensive Solutions: From initial consultation to post-ICO support, Hivelance provides end-to-end ICO development services.
Security Focused: Hivelance prioritizes security, implementing advanced protocols to protect your ICO from potential threats.
Regulatory Compliance: Hivelance ensures that your ICO complies with all relevant regulations, minimizing legal risks.
Client-Centric Approach: Hivelance works closely with clients to understand their unique needs and deliver customized solutions that meet their goals.
In conclusion, ICO development is a powerful tool for increasing fundraising opportunities for your project. By leveraging the expertise of a professional ICO development company like Hivelance, you can ensure a seamless, secure, and successful ICO, unlocking the full potential of blockchain technology for your project.
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atomxmedia · 4 months
Scimplify Secures $5 Million Funding for Specialty Chemical Sourcing and Manufacturing Platform
Bengaluru-based Scimplify, a B2B fulfillment platform that facilitates the sourcing and production of specialized chemicals, is nearing completion on a new $5 million round of funding. The announcement comes only six months after the business closed its seed round in December 2023.
Investment Led by Omnivore with Participation from Existing Backers
Omnivore will lead the $5 million Series A round, with current investors 3one4 Capital and Beenext set to grow their interests in the company. Scimplify has previously raised $3.67 million from the same investors in its seed fundraising round.
End-to-End Support for Specialty Chemical Needs
Salil Srivastava and Sachin Santhosh founded Scimplify, which serves as a one-stop shop for enterprises in a variety of industries such as pharmaceuticals, personal care, and agrochemicals. The platform supports the whole product lifecycle of specialty chemicals, including contract research, development, and commercial-scale manufacture.
Global Expansion and Product Diversification Plans
During its seed fundraising round, Scimplify set out its plans for international expansion and product category diversification. The company intends to build a presence in 20 countries and offer support for four new specialty chemicals. Scimplify currently maintains manufacturing sites in Karnataka, Hyderabad, and Gujarat.
Valuation Poised for Growth
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Sources close to the deal suggest that Scimplify’s valuation is expected to reach the $20–25 million range upon finalization of the Series A round. This signifies significant growth potential for the company.
Read Full: https://atomnews.in/news/scimplify-funding-chemicals/
Read more: Marketing News, Advertising News, PR and Finance News, Digital News
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atliqtechnologies · 4 months
Maximizing Impact with Influencers: Ethical Collaborations and Contractual Best Practices
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Imagine standing on a tightrope, balancing the brand image in one hand and a smartphone in the other, ready to capture that perfect, shareable moment. Below you are the vast network of social media, where one misstep could send you into the abyss of PR nightmares. Welcome to the high-stakes world of influencer partnerships, where every post is a performance, and every campaign can make or break your brand’s reputation.
In this digital age, influencers are the new-age celebrities and storytellers, weaving narratives that can catapult brands into the spotlight. But, as with any powerful tale, there are rules to be followed, lines to be written, and moral compasses to be steadied. Get ready to journey with us as we unpack the art of ethical endorsements, the mastery behind watertight contracts, and the delicate dance of content control.
What is an Influencer Partnership?
Picture this: a trusted voice in a sea of online chatter, someone who can cut through the noise and deliver your brand’s message straight to the hearts and screens of your target audience. That’s the magic of an influencer partnership. These dynamic relationships connect businesses with social media mavens who boast engaged followings, ready to hang on their every word, or in this case, every post.
Why jump on the influencer bandwagon? Well, it’s simple. In our ad-saturated world, traditional ads just don’t cut it anymore. Influencer partnerships offer a refreshingly genuine route to consumers’ consciousness. It’s word-of-mouth marketing in a shiny, new digital package. With each shared story or recommended product, influencers help brands strike gold with reach, relevance, and authenticity.
But it’s not just a one-sided affair. For influencers, joining forces with brands means creative adventures, new content to explore, and more value for their loyal fans. And for the fans? It’s all about discovering products and experiences that feel hand-picked, by someone they trust.
Establishing a Foundation: Understanding Influencer Marketing
The Rise of Influencers in the Digital Age
Long gone are the days when celebrities were the sole arbiters of public influence. By harnessing platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, “INFLUENCERS” have become the new celebrities, with some even enjoying stardom that rivals Hollywood’s elite. Their ascension is marked by a significant statistic: over 90% of marketers believe influencer marketing to be an effective form of marketing, according to a survey by Mediakix.
Different Types of Influencers (Micro, Macro, Mega)
Understanding the influencer ecosystem is key to leveraging it. First, we have micro-influencers, usually sporting followers in the 1,000-100,000 range. They may have smaller audiences, but their engagement rates are gold—often outranking their more famous counterparts and creating a community vibe.
Next up are macro-influencers. These profiles boast followers between 100,000 and 1 million, offering a sweet spot of reach and relatability. They’re seasoned influencer marketing pros, having sharpened their skills and refined their audience over time.
At the top of the influencer food chain sit the mega-influencers. Think 1 million followers and up—these are the ones who set trends with a single tweet. Their reach is enormous, and while their engagement rates might be lower, the sheer volume of their audience can be a game-changer for brand visibility.
How do Influencer Partnerships Benefit Brands? 
Brands glimpse a treasure trove of benefits when tapping into influencer collaborations. For starters, influencers can introduce a brand to a targeted demographic with surgical precision, which means marketing spend is more efficient. As per the Digital Marketing Institute, nearly half the consumers depend on influencer recommendations for their purchases. This isn’t surprising since influencers, particularly micro and macro, tend to nurture specific niches—fashion, tech, fitness, you name it!
Added to that is the sweet nectar of authenticity. Influencers can craft content that is personalized and relatable, which resonates strongly with their followers. This peer-recommendation model can rocket trust in a brand, as a recommendation from a favored influencer often outweighs a faceless ad.
The bottom line benefits too. Influencer marketing promises an impressive return on investment (ROI), with businesses making an average of $5.78 for every dollar spent on influencer marketing, suggests a study by Influencer Marketing Hub. It’s clear: when done right, influencer partnerships are not just a choice but a cornerstone of contemporary digital marketing strategy.
Crafting the Contract for Influencer Partnerships: Protecting Both Parties
Purpose and Significance of Influencer Contracts
When it comes to solidifying influencer partnerships, the devil is in the details—and those details belong in a contract. Well-drafted contracts serve as the blueprint for the entire collaboration, detailing responsibilities, expectations, and boundaries. It’s the reference document that holds parties accountable and protects both the influencer and the brand in the case of disputes.
Key Elements of a Solid Influencer Partnership Contract
Scope of Work: This pillar of the contract defines exactly what the influencer is expected to do. Will they create Instagram posts, stories, or perhaps a YouTube video? Clarity is crucial here to avoid any misunderstandings down the line.
Deliverables & Deadlines: Precision in deliverables ensures that both parties know what content is expected and when. Specifying deadlines keeps the campaign timely and relevant, which is essential for maximum impact.
Payment Terms: Money matters can be delicate, but transparency is key. The contract must outline how much the influencer will be paid, the payment schedule, and any prerequisites for payment, like specific campaign milestones or metrics.
Exclusivity Clauses: These are particularly important for branding purposes. They dictate whether an influencer can engage with competing brands during and after the partnership, preventing potential conflicts of interest.
Intellectual Property Rights: Who owns the content after it’s created and posted? Can the brand use it indefinitely? This section should detail the usage rights for both parties, including credits and permissions.
Termination Clauses: If things go south, you need an out. Termination clauses specify the conditions under which either party can end the contract, like breach of contract or poor performance.
Legal Considerations and Compliance
Legal compliance can’t be an afterthought in influencer contracts. Both parties must be aware of legal regulations, such as the FTC’s endorsement guides, which require clear disclosure of partnerships. Ensuring that the influencer understands and agrees to adhere to these laws is essential.
Negotiation Tips for Brands and Influencers
Negotiations can make or break a partnership. Brands should approach influencers with respect for their work, and influencers should understand the brand’s objectives and limitations. It’s a two-way street, where listening is just as vital as advocating for one’s interests. Both parties should strive for a win-win scenario, where the brand achieves its marketing goals, and the influencer feels valued and fairly compensated.
In the end, a textbook influencer contract balances the needs and wants of both the influencer and the brand, aligning goals and expectations for a fruitful collaboration. It’s not just paperwork; it’s the foundation of a successful partnership.
Ethics in Influencer Partnerships
Ethics form the backbone of influencer partnerships. In a digital landscape cluttered with content, consumers crave honesty. Brands and influencers alike must prioritize ethics to build trust and maintain integrity. Ethical partnerships not only protect consumer rights but also safeguard the reputation of both parties. After all, in the age of instant communication, a lapse in ethics can lead to permanent damage to a brand or influencer’s image.
In the pursuit of engaging content, crossing into deceptive territory can be a slippery slope. Influencers must avoid misleading their audience, whether it’s by manipulating images to an unrealistic degree or making false claims about product effectiveness. Authenticity should be the north star, guiding the messaging to ensure it remains genuine and truthful.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) mandates clear disclosures for influencer marketing to ensure audiences are aware of the paid relationships behind endorsements. Influencers must distinctly disclose their partnership with a brand, using unambiguous language and conspicuous placement within the content. These disclosures empower consumers to make informed decisions about the products being promoted.
Credibility is an influencer’s currency. Influencers who endorse products they don’t use or believe in risk alienating their audience. Influencers need to partner with brands that align with their brand and values, ensuring the authenticity of their endorsements. For brands, partnering with influencers who have a genuine connection to their product can result in more impactful and meaningful collaborations.
Emerging Trends in Influencer Marketing
As we forge ahead in the fast-evolving landscape of influencer marketing, staying abreast of the latest trends is crucial for brands and influencers that want to maintain a competitive edge. The influencer domain is witnessing a swathe of innovative trends shaping the future of collaborations and content creation in remarkable ways.
Virtual Influencers & CGI: The rise of virtual influencers—digital personas created using computer-generated imagery (CGI)—is redefining what it means to be an influencer. These virtual trendsetters are not limited by the constraints of reality, opening up a universe of creative marketing opportunities. Brands are beginning to invest in these fictional characters, harnessing their potential to reach diverse audiences.
Video Content Dominance: Video content continues to reign supreme, with platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels experiencing explosive growth. Influencers are tapping into short-form video content to capture the dwindling attention spans of audiences, delivering bite-sized, yet highly engaging content.
Niche Influencers on the Rise: As audiences yearn for more specialized content, niche influencers are gaining traction. These influencers cater to specific interests and offer in-depth expertise, fostering communities centered around particular hobbies, lifestyles, or topics.
Ephemeral Content Engagement: The popularity of ephemeral content—content that is only available for a short period—continues to rise, driven by the human desire for exclusivity and immediacy. Brands leverage this through stories and live streams, creating a FOMO effect that can spike engagement and interaction.
The Impact of Technology on Influencer Partnerships
AI and Machine Learning: Powerful algorithms and artificial intelligence are honing the process of identifying the right influencers for brands, based on data-driven insights into their performance, audience demographics, and engagement rates. These technologies are also providing more sophisticated analytics, helping to precisely measure the ROI of influencer campaigns.
Influencer Marketing Platforms: The proliferation of specialized platforms is streamlining the process of influencer collaboration. From discovery and communication to payment and campaign analytics, these technologies are simplifying the complexity of managing influencer partnerships.
AR & VR Integration: Augmented and virtual reality are pushing the boundaries of traditional influencer campaigns, providing immersive experiences. Whether it’s trying on makeup or visualizing how a piece of furniture might look in a room, AR and VR enable influencers to offer interactive and convincing content that can drive consumer decisions.
Authenticity Through Technology: Advancements in technology demand an increased focus on authenticity. With deepfakes and manipulated content on the rise, technologies that ensure and verify the veracity of content are becoming more critical than ever in maintaining trust within influencer partnerships.
In summary, technology isn’t just enhancing influencer marketing; it’s redefining it. As we witness the rise of new tools and platforms, brands and influencers who adapt to these advancements and maintain a consumer-centric approach will flourish in this dynamic digital ecosystem.
In the tapestry of modern marketing, the threads of influencer partnerships are interwoven with the need for transparency, mutual respect, and strategic alignment. The landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the strategies we employ must adapt. In the end, managing influencer partnerships is a delicate art. It’s a blend of business acumen, ethical integrity, and creative vision, all of which require ongoing attention and adaptation. By committing to these principles and staying alert to the changing tides of the digital world, brands, and influencers can forge partnerships that not only drive results but also foster genuine connections with audiences that endure.
As we sign off, let this be a call to action for all players in the influencer marketing sphere: strive for excellence, prioritize authenticity, and build partnerships that stand as testaments to the ethical, dynamic, and innovative spirit of this incredible industry.
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pinkgirlzroc · 6 months
Artist and Product Manager (PAM)
When I first enrolled in the Artist and Product Manager (PAM) course, my expectations were primarily focused on gaining practical knowledge and skills relevant to managing artists and products within the music industry. I anticipated learning about various aspects of artist management, including talent development, contract negotiation, marketing strategies, and tour management. Additionally, I looked forward to understanding the role of a product manager in overseeing the development, promotion, and distribution of music products, such as albums, singles, and merchandise. My goal was to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the music business ecosystem and develop the necessary expertise to navigate and excel in this competitive industry.
Throughout the PAM course, I learned invaluable lessons and gained insights that exceeded my initial expectations. The course covered a wide range of topics, including artist branding, digital marketing, revenue streams, and industry trends, providing a holistic view of the music industry landscape. I gained practical skills in artist management, including contract negotiation, tour planning, and building effective artist-manager relationships. Moreover, I developed a deeper understanding of the product management process, from product ideation and development to distribution and sales strategies. The course also emphasized the importance of creativity, adaptability, and innovation in today's music industry, equipping me with the mindset and tools to navigate the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
One of the most significant takeaways from the PAM course was the emphasis on the intersection of artistry and business within the music industry. I learned that successful artist and product managers must possess a unique blend of creative vision, strategic thinking, and business acumen to effectively support artists' careers and drive product success. Additionally, I gained a newfound appreciation for the importance of collaboration, networking, and relationship-building in the music business. By connecting with industry professionals, guest speakers, and fellow classmates, I expanded my network and gained valuable insights and perspectives that will inform my future endeavors in the music industry.
Overall, the Artist and Product Manager course exceeded my expectations and provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and practical experience to pursue a career in artist and product management. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from industry experts, engage in hands-on projects, and collaborate with like-minded peers who share my passion for music. As I continue to apply the lessons learned from the PAM course in my professional journey, I am confident that I am well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the music industry and make meaningful contributions to the success of artists and music products alike.
The principles taught in the Artist and Product Manager (PAM) course are highly applicable to my own career aspirations and future success in the music industry. As someone passionate about music and eager to pursue a career in artist management and product development, the knowledge and skills acquired through the PAM course provide a solid foundation for navigating the complexities of the industry and achieving my professional goals.
Firstly, the course emphasized the importance of understanding the artist's vision, goals, and brand identity. This principle resonates with me as I recognize the significance of aligning with artists whose values and creative direction align with my own. By building strong artist-manager relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and effective communication, I can support artists in realizing their artistic vision and advancing their careers.
Secondly, the course covered various aspects of product management, including product ideation, development, marketing, and distribution. These principles are directly applicable to my career aspirations as I seek to leverage my creativity, analytical skills, and strategic thinking to develop and promote music products that resonate with audiences and drive commercial success. By understanding market trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies, I can identify opportunities for innovation and effectively position music products in the competitive marketplace.
Furthermore, the course emphasized the importance of digital marketing, social media promotion, and community engagement in building and engaging with fan bases. These principles are essential for my future success as I strive to leverage digital platforms and online communities to connect with audiences, promote artists and music products, and cultivate a loyal fan base. By developing compelling content, fostering authentic connections, and leveraging data-driven insights, I can enhance audience engagement and drive long-term success for artists and music products alike.
In summary, the principles taught in the PAM course provide valuable insights and practical skills that are directly applicable to my career aspirations and future success in the music industry. By embracing these principles and continuing to learn, adapt, and innovate, I am confident that I can achieve my goals and make meaningful contributions to the success of artists and music products in the dynamic and ever-evolving music industry landscape.
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