are you warm this winter?
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[ GIF ID: A younger Kamal Bora and Dr. Habit sit on a pink snow covered bench, with some icicles on it. 
Kamal wears a baggy blue hoodie and grey pants with red sneakers. A purple sweater is tied around his waist and he has on a black cap with a pompom and two hanging extensions at the sides with pompoms. It shadows his face. His hair is short. He has a silver ring with inscriptions on one finger, An open tiffin of masor tenga sits on his lap with the tiffin box beside him. Habit wears a black school sweater with white sleeves and a red skirt, the logo of the school is of a faceless angel with a cross. He has black gloves and socks with bandages on his legs. A red striped scarf from his neck intertwines them both.
Kamal and Habit hold one of their hands together, smiling in content. Kamal’s smile is somewhat awkward. Habit has some of Kamal’s food unwiped near his lips.
On the bench, two dark-eyed juncos nestle in the snow. To the bottom left of the bench a patch of snowdrops grows. A Carla snow-figure is seen with a carrot for a nose, wax lips, one swirly eye dug in and the other a button with a green leaf as an eyebrow, red wax lips, a branch for a hand.
A great big tree grows out from behind, branches twisting and spreading out into fuzzy white leaves and many bunches of red berries. The bark is a pale brown with jagged swirl patterns.
Behind the tree, far away is a icy lake with skating shoes near it. There are two snow angels nearby, one big and one small. Below the far end of the tree, to the bottom and right, is a glowing lamp post which a red jay flies away from. Below it three sparrows are flying down and below them, near the bench are four dark-eyed juncos flying away.
The bench disintegrates into pale swirls. Near the lamppost, in cursive dark blue is written the lyrics to Once Upon A December -
‘Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song, someone sings
Once Upon A December
someone holds me safe and warm..’
A grown up Dr.Habit is behind the bench, holding the lamppost, bending the bottom. He is ghost- like in inverted blue and black, a stark contrast to the color around him. His face is covered by his hair, expression anguished. Some of his glow reflects on the two kids below.
The image overall has a bright, pale white overlay to evoke winter. The GIF shows snow particles falling. end GIF ID]
[ IMAGE ID: The same picture but without any GIF effect. This version has a slight noise and glitch effect on the colors. The overlay is a slight dark vignette and subdued grey-blue. It looks softer and less bright. end ID]
This isn’t how its supposed to go...
(Text reads : ‘This isn’t how its supposed to go...’ This text links to a version of Once Upon A December that is slowed and reverbed. )
so can anyone guess what this is about BHFHJHDBKDGBJN. Maybe I’ll tell you if you ask nicely ;-)
Another drawing done in time for December, yahoo!!
So like. The end of the year huh. Honestly? I’m not feeling it. Time just went by in a flash. Another year, another life, another candle held. My exams are starting so...super stress.
I got a routine! So things are better.
It doesn’t really snow here, but all the flies and cockroaches come in LOL
I don’t celebrate any holidays now hmm..
I like winter though. Its my birthday month, and its so delightful to be cozy and have hot food! Plus it has a beautiful sunrise.
I hope you are warm this winter, and the next year brings you joy and blessings inshallah.
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