#PP SpookFest
2024-ppsf · 25 days
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Hello again Spookateers!!!
With the haunting season fast approaching we're excited to once again be launching Pitch Perfect SpookFest for 2024
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 7
Bark at the Moon
Summary: Jessica and Ashley are very close. They share a secret that they've been keeping from the Bellas. Will the Bellas learn their secret? And what happens if they do?
Jessica and Ashley walk into the Auditorium for Bellas practice. Beca saw them and ran over.
"Hey," Beca said.
"Hi, Beca," Jessica and Ashley responded.
"So, um, my dad asked me to invite you guys to his house for dinner on Saturday," Beca said.
"He did?" Ashley questioned
"Yeah, um, are you guys free?"
"Are all the Bellas invited?" Jessica asked.
"No, just you guys," Beca said.
Jessica and Ashley looked at each other with furrowed brows. Jessica shrugged and nodded. Ashley smiled.
"We'd love to," Ashley said.
"Great!" Beca said, smiling. "I'll let Sheila know you'll be there."
"Okay, ladies," Aubrey clapped, getting their attention. "Let's get started."
Beca, Jessica, and Ashley got into position, and Chloe began showing them the choreography.
~~ Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 7 ~~
Saturday, after practice, Beca told Jessica and Ashley she'd meet them in front of her dorm so they could walk over to Professor Mitchell's house together.
Beca was ready and rushed out of her dorm just as Ashley and Jessica arrived.
"I hope you like pasta," Beca said in greeting. "My dad told me Sheila was making spaghetti and meatballs."
"We love pasta," Jessica said.
"Not to look a gift meal in the mouth," Ashley said. "But why did your dad invite only the two of us to his house?"
"Um," Beca said, looking around before continuing. "I'll let him tell you when we get there."
Jessica and Ashley looked at each other. Beca watched them, and based on their expressions and what she had learned about them, she guessed they were having a mental conversation. She smile and continued walking.
The trio arrived at Professor Mitchell's house a short time later.
"Beca," Professor Mitchell said, smiling as he opened the door to them. "Jessica, Ashley, welcome. Please come in. Dinner is almost ready."
"Thanks, Professor Mitchell," Jessica said as they entered the house.
An older woman came from another room, wiping her hands on a dish towel.
"Ah, our guests have arrived," the woman said, holding out her hand. "I'm Warren's wife, Sheila. It's a pleasure to meet you both."
"Jessica," Jessica said, shaking Sheila's hand. "It's nice to meet you, too."
"Ashley," Ashley said, shaking Sheila's hand.
Turning her attention to their third guest, Sheila said, "Good to see you, Beca. Why don't you all come into the kitchen? Dinner's ready."
Sheila turned and went into the kitchen, with everyone following behind her. They entered to find the counter set with plates, glasses, and silverware.
"This is nice," Jessica said.
"Please sit wherever you like," Sheila said. "Warren, dear, would you pour everyone some tea, please?"
"On it," Warren said, getting the tea pitch from the refrigerator.
Beca, Jessica, and Ashley took a seat as Warren poured the drinks. He set the pitcher on the counter and sat.
Sheila placed a large bowl of pasta and a bowl of meatballs in the middle of the counter, saying, "Help yourselves."
~~ Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 7 ~~
After everyone was full, Warren cleared his throat and looked at Jessica and Ashley.
"I'm sure you're both wondering why I asked you to dinner," Warren said.
"We asked Beca, but she wouldn't tell us," Jessica said.
"I asked that she not," Warren said. "We know what you are." He held up his hand when Jessica and Ashley both started to speak. "Please let me say my piece, and then we can talk."
Jessica and Ashley were suddenly anxious and fidgety but nodded for Warren to continue.
"This is a safe place," Warren said. "We are protectors, and you have nothing to fear from us."
"Protectors?" Ashley asked.
"Yes," Warren said. "We have opened our home to your kind and have protected many who came before you. There are hunters who will kill you without hesitation. If you ever find yourselves in trouble, come here, and you will be taken care of. That I can promise you."
"What exactly do you think our kind is?" Jessica asked.
"Werewolves," Sheila stated. "We were notified of your existence by the watchers. They keep very close tabs on the wolf activity in our area and let us know when new arrivals show up so we can be prepared."
Jessica and Ashley were shocked. They thought they had been so careful to keep their secret.
"You knew?" Ashley asked Beca.
"Yeah," Beca said. "I was surprised to learn that my dad and Sheila were protectors but not as surprised as I was to learn you two would be the ones they would be protecting."
"Do the rest of the Bellas know?" Jessica asked.
"I didn't tell anyone," Beca said. "I swear. I figured if you wanted them to know, you'd tell them. And I won't tell anyone without your say-so."
"Thanks for that," Ashley said. "Um, so what does this protection entail?"
"As I mentioned," Warren said. "Anytime you find yourselves in trouble, come here, and you'll be safe."
"I'm a nurse and can help with any injuries you may sustain," Sheila said. "I'd like to say my skills will never be needed, but sadly that's not the case."
"This is a lot to take in," Jessica said. "We thought we had been very careful in not giving ourselves away."
"Oh, you have," Warren said. "Most people don't pay much attention to what's going on around them. Our watchers know what to look for, so we can start protecting you before someone gets suspicious."
"Are there other werewolves here in Barden?" Ashley asked.
"Yes," Warren said. "I'm surprised you haven't come across any of them. Where do you usually run?"
"In the woods just outside of campus," Ashley responded.
"Oh, be careful over there," Sheila said. "That's a primary location that hunters like to use to track and kill wolves."
"We haven't seen any hunters," Jessica said.
"Trust me, they're out there," Warren said.
Jessica and Ashley were quiet until a thought came to Ashley.
"Is there someplace safer we can run?" Ashley asked.
"Nothing close by," Warren said. "Just be careful and aware of your surroundings while you're out there."
"Thank you," Ashley said. "We will."
~~ Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 7 ~~
A few nights later, Jessica and Ashley had just finished a run through their favorite section of woods on the outskirts of the Barden University campus. They were playfully tussling when they heard twigs snapping and leaves crushing as if someone was running through the woods. Ashley saw two men coming out of the woods toward them.
Ashley looked at Jessica and mentally said, "Run! Now!"
Jessica hurriedly stood and began to run. Ashley took a moment to search the trees before turning to follow Jessica.
Jessica looked back to make sure Ashley was following her. Ashley was just a few feet behind her when a shot rang out, and Ashley fell to the ground.
Jessica heard Ashley whimpering and ran back to her. She stopped next to Ashley and nuzzled her neck.
Using their mental connection, Jessica asked, "Can you walk?"
"I think so," Ashley replied, trying to stand; she quickly glanced back but didn't see the hunters.
Once on her feet, Jessica noticed blood on Ashley's back leg.
"Go ahead of me," Jessica mentally relayed to Ashley. "I'll protect you until we can get clear to change."
Ashley began limping away as quickly as she was able. Jessica stood behind a tree out of sight and waited for the hunters to show themselves. She saw two men with guns hurry past her hiding place and slowly crept out to follow them.
The two men caught up to Ashley and raised their weapons. Jessica jumped them from behind, knocking them down and sending their guns flying out of their hands. Jessica immediately took a defensive stance and growled low at the men, lips curled back to show her teeth.
"Ahhhh," one man screamed as he scrambled to his feet and ran away, leaving the second man to fend for himself.
Jessica slowly advance on the man and hovered over him. He threw his arms over his face and screamed.
"Don't do it, Jess," Ashley's voice screamed in her head. "Come with me, and we'll be okay."
Jessica growled again, bearing her teeth at the man still on the ground. He curled into a ball, and Jessica calmly leaped over him. She made her way to Ashley, and they both hurried away from the man. Once they were safe, they transformed themselves; Jessica grabbed Ashley as she stumbled.
"Here, let me help you," Jessica said, holding Ashley around her waist. "We'll get dressed, and then I'll call Beca to take us to her dad's place so Sheila can take care of you."
Ashley grimaced and nodded her head. The two got dressed Jessica called Beca.
"Beca, it's Jessica," Jessica blurted when Beca answered her call. "Ashley's been shot, and we need your help. We're in the woods where we usually run."
"I'll be there in ten minutes," Beca said and ended the call.
~~ Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 7 ~~
Jessica was surprised when both Beca and Warren showed up to get them. Warren helped get Ashley into his car and drove them to his house.
Sheila was waiting for them and immediately set to work on Ashley.
"We usually heal quickly from our wounds," Jessica said, holding Ashley's hand. "But Ashley doesn't seem to be healing."
"She's been shot," Sheila said. "A foreign object entering a body, even a werewolf's, would take more time to heal. She'll be fine, I promise."
"Thank you," Jessica said, teary-eyed. "I can't lose her; she's my soulmate."
"Don't worry, sweetie," Sheila said with a smile. "You two will be out running together in no time."
"Yeah, babe," Ashley said, squeezing Jessica's hand. "Don't worry so much. I'm already starting to feel better."
"You two can stay here for a few days until Ashley is back to one hundred percent," Warren said.
"What will we tell Aubrey when Ashley isn't at rehearsal?" Jessica asked.
"Tell her Ashley has the flu or something that will keep her from practice for a few days," Sheila said.
The next day, Jessica showed up to practice sans Ashley and immediately went to tell Aubrey and Chloe that Ashley was sick.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Aubrey told. "Tell her to take all the time she needs and come back when she's a hundred percent."
"I will," Jessica said, confused at how reasonable Aubrey was being.
"It's okay, Jessica," Chloe told her. "We understand. It happens."
Jessica was even more confused now but shook it off and got into position to start their routine.
~~ Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 7 ~~
After rehearsal, Jessica and Beca went to visit Ashley.
"I told Aubrey you were sick," Jessica told Ashley. "And was taken by surprise at how nice she was about it. I expected Chloe to be understanding, but Aubrey? Not so much."
"That's because they know what I am," Ashley said. "What we are."
Jessica looked accusingly at Beca.
"Don't look at me," Beca said with her hands raised in defense. "I didn't tell them!"
"Calm down, Jess," Ashley said, chuckling. "They already knew. Professor Mitchell said they're watchers, and they were the ones who told him about us being in the area."
"Really?" Beca asked. "Why didn't my dad tell me they were watchers?"
"I would have eventually," Warren said, having overheard Beca. "I wanted to give you time to accept the fact that I am a protector and that, as my daughter, you are a protector as well."
"But you never said I was a protector by birth," Beca said. "Kind of an important piece of information to leave out don'tcha think?"
"As I said," Warren chuckled. "I would have gotten around to it when I thought you were ready."
"So?" Beca said.
"So, what?" Warren asked.
"Am I ready to be a protector?"
"You already are," Warren said, smiling proudly. "You proved it when you called me for help with Ashley."
"Congratulations, Beca," Jessica said.
"Glad I could be of some help in making you a protector," Ashley said. "Except for the whole having to get shot for it to happen."
"Thanks, you guys," Beca said, blushing from the praise.
~~ Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 7 ~~
Beca walked into the Auditorium the next day and immediately sought out Chloe.
"Hey, Chloe?"
"Yes, Beca."
"I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee with me after practice?"
"Of course, I'd love to get coffee with you," Chloe said.
After practice, Beca and Chloe walked to a nearby diner and ordered their coffee.
"Why do I have a feeling this is about something more than just having coffee?" Chloe asked as they found a table.
"I, um, I know what you and Aubrey are," Beca said, looking around to make sure no one heard her. "I know that you're both watchers."
"Your father told you, huh?"
"And, I'm guessing that since your father is a protector, you're a protector as well?"
"Two for two," Beca said with a grin. Her grin fell, and she grew serious. "So, I'm still learning all this werewolf protector/watcher stuff, and I was, um, I was wondering if there is a rule against protectors and watchers, um, you know, dating."
Chloe smiled. "None that I'm aware of."
"Good to know," Beca said, smirking as she sipped her coffee.
"So, are you going to ask me out or not?" Chloe huffed.
"How do you know I was talking about you?" Beca asked, grinning mischievously. "I could have been asking about Aubrey."
Chloe laughed. "I'm pretty sure Stacie might have something to say about that."
Beca's eyes widened. "Stacie and Aubrey? Really?"
"Yep," Chloe said. "They've been together for a couple of months now. So, even though I'm your second choice, I'd love to go out with you."
"Great," Beca said, smiling from ear to ear. "Are you free on Friday night?"
"Yes," Chloe said.
"Good," Beca said. "It's a date!"
~~ Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 7 ~~
Five years later, Beca and Chloe are still going strong.
Over the years, Barden had become the go-to spot for lycanthropes to move to. Two years ago, Beca's dad and Sheila retired to Florida. Beca took over her father's house and continued to offer it as a protection site for the lycanthropes. All were welcome, and all were protected.
After graduating, Chloe entered an advanced nursing school program and became a Nurse Practioner just three years later. She took over the medical needs of the community when Sheila and Warren moved to Florida.
Aubrey and Stace married after Stacie graduated and stayed in Barden as well. Stacie trained under Aubrey and became a Watcher, filling the space Chloe left when she took over for Sheila.
Jessica and Ashley married the summer between their Junior and Senior Years. After graduating, they decided they wanted to have a child together, and today their son, Alexander, turned three. It was not only his birthday but also the first day of transforming for him. His two moms were excited.
It was just after sundown when Ashley drove her family to the woods behind Barden University. Alexander could barely contain his excitement.
"I want to howl at the moon, like you and mama," Alexander told Ashley as she got him out of his booster seat.
"You will," Ashley said, chuckling as Alexander ran over to Jessica.
Ashley grabbed their bag of clothes and joined them.
"Let's go," Jessica said, taking both her wife's and son's hands.
Jessica led them to a clearing; Ashley set the bag down and looked down at Alexander.
"You ready?" Ashley asked.
"Yes," Alexander said, nodding his head.
Jessica let go of their hands and told Alexander to go for it. Alexander furrowed his brow and gritted his teeth. He let out a scream as his body started to contort and change. After a few minutes, the small wolf stood before his mothers. They would later tell the story and swear that he was smiling proudly at them.
"I thought he'd be smaller," Ashley said, looking him over.
"It's our turn," Jessica said, and the couple began their own transformation.
They both shook out their fur and looked at Alexander.
"You can run wherever you want," Ashley mentally relayed to Alexander. "Just make sure we can see you."
"Okay, mommy," Alexander relayed back.
Alexander took off, and Ashley and Jessica followed. He ran through the woods, jumping over logs and circling behind Jessica and Ashley to chase them. Once the moon was high in the sky, Jessica and Ashley began howling. Hearing them, Alexander stopped and howled as well.
"I howled mama," Alexander relay to Jessica. "Did you hear me?"
"Sounded more like a puppy barking to me," Ashley relayed to Jessica.
"He's so proud of himself," Jessica replied back. "I am not going to tell our son he wasn't howling."
"We heard you, baby," Jessica relayed to Alexander.
Alexander returned to his mothers, and the small pack made their way back to their car. They transformed back into their human selves, and Ashley helped Alexander get dressed. Jessica then drove them home; they were tired from their run, so they went straight to bed.
Alexander woke a little while later and looked out the window at the moon.
"Did you hear me howling, Mr. Moon?" Alexander whispered into the dark. "Mommy said I barked. Yip, Yip, Yip! Yiiippppppp! Does that sound like barking to you? I don't think so."
With that, Alexander turned over and went to sleep with a smile on his face.
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massivedrickhead · 23 hours
Oops I accidentally wrote nearly 8k words for the first PP Spookfest prompt 😬
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massivedrickhead · 1 year
So I just finished a first draft of one of my pp spookfest prompts and it’s over 8k words long 😬 why can’t I be normal about things?
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 8
Life After Death
Warning: Due to the nature of the prompt, there will be a major character's death (nothing graphic; only mentioned) in this Chapter. Don't hate me.
{Please note this is a reworking of a prompt from PP Rare Pair Week 2018. I had trouble coming up with something for SpookFest, so I went back to another of my stories that I really enjoyed; I hope you enjoy it as well.}
Chloe kissed her fingertips and placed them on the lips of Beca's photo. She wiped a tear from her eye and left her apartment. She drove to the diner where she was meeting the rest of the Bellas and parked her car. She sat for a minute, collecting her thoughts before she let out a heavy sigh and got out of the car.
"Chloe," Aubrey said when she saw Chloe enter the diner. She rushed over and grabbed her into a hug. "How are you holding up, sweetie?"
"I'm doing okay," Chloe said. "Still kind of hurts, but each day it gets better."
"Come on, let's sit," Aubrey said.
"Hey, Chlo," Stacie said, giving her a soft smile.
"Hey, Stacie," Chloe said, somewhat surprised at seeing the brunette. "I thought you weren't going to make it."
"Are you kidding?" Stacie said. "This is for Beca. And you. Nothing was going to keep me away."
Chloe smiled and then heard more squeals and turned to see Jessica, Ashley, and Flo entering the diner. They all greeted each other and sat down.
"Where's Amy?" Chloe asked. "I figured she'd be here before everyone else."
"She volunteered to pick up CR and Lily from the airport," Stacie said.
"Oh, I'm sure she's going to be fashionably late and make a grand entrance," Aubrey said, causing the others to laugh and agree.
Just then, "What's up, pitches?" is heard across the diner.
"See what I mean," Aubrey said, causing another laugh.
Fat Amy struts over to the table with CR and Lily following behind her. They all give Chloe a quick hug and sit down.
"I can't believe it's been a year already," Amy said. "I sure miss that little shit."
"We all do, Amy," Aubrey said.
Chloe gives her a teary smile and just nods her head. She misses Beca so much. If only she hadn't had to play the hero, she might still be here with her. Chloe wipes at a tear that falls down her cheek.
"Well, if she were here, she'd probably be rolling her eyes and smirking at how emotional we all are," Chloe said. "So, let's be happy and rejoice in the time we got to spend with her."
"Yeah," Jessica said. "I'm getting the chocolate chip pancakes because they always seemed to make Beca happy when she ate them."
This set off a conversation about their lost friend, with lots of laughter and stories being bounced around. Chloe was laughing and glanced over at a corner of the diner. She did a double take because she would have sworn she saw Beca standing there. She shook her head and rejoined the conversation thinking how it had to be her imagination.
After brunch at the diner, the girls all visit the cemetery to lay a flower at Beca's grave. Chloe lets the tears flow and places her flower on the grave. She looks up to wipe her eyes and again swears she sees Beca standing a little ways away, looking at the group with tears in her eyes.
"Do you see that?" Chloe asks Stacie, who's standing next to her.
Stacie looks to where Chloe is pointing and asks, "See what?"
Chloe looks again and shakes her head. "Never mind."
"Are you okay, Chlo," Stacie asks.
"Yeah," Chloe says. "Just emotional, I guess."
"It's to be expected," Stacie says. "I admire what you and Beca had. I just hope one day to have that."
"You will, Stacie," Chloe says and hugs the girl. "And it will be awesome."
That night, Stacie and Aubrey offer to stay with Chloe. They sit with her and help to comfort her. After they all went to bed, Chloe was left to her own thoughts. She was drifting off to sleep when she heard someone call her name. She sat up and looked around, "Brey?"
Chloe turned on the bedside lamp and looked around, and let out a small scream. She put her hands over her mouth and listened to see if she woke up Aubrey or Stacie. When she was met with silence, she looked at the figure sitting on her bed, looking at her with a smile on her face.
"Hey, Chlo," the image that looked like Beca said.
"You're not real," Chloe said. "You're just a fig-figment of my imagination."
"Actually, I'm a ghost," Beca said. "For real. A ghost."
"But how?" Chloe asks, sitting up and leaning back on her hands. "Why? Why are you here?"
"I need to set you free, Chlo," Beca said. "You need to know that it's okay to be with someone else."
"I don't want anyone else," Chloe said. "There isn't anyone else for me."
"Yes, there is," Beca said. "It's someone you already know. Someone who has loved you for a while."
"Why don't I know about them?" Chloe asks, bending her legs and hugging her knees. "Why haven't they said anything?"
"Because you were with me," Beca said. "They are a friend to both of us and don't want to say anything for fear of breaking some sort of friendship bond we had."
Chloe just looks at Beca with tears in her eyes. "I don't know if I can love anyone else."
"Just because you fall for someone else," Beca said with a sad smile. "Doesn't mean you fall out of love with me. The person knows how you feel about me, how we always felt about each other. I think you should give them a chance. She'll make you happy, and you deserve to be happy."
"Who is it?" Chloe asked, her interest piqued now. "Wait. What the hell am I doing? Am I really talking to a ghost about this? I must be dreaming."
Chloe falls back on the bed and throws an arm over her eyes. She actually pinches herself and lets out a soft "ow". She immediately sits back up, and Beca is still sitting there with a smirk on her face.
"Are you done?" Beca asked, biting her lip not to laugh at the redhead.
"Yeah," Chloe said sheepishly. "I still don't understand how I can see you and talk to you."
"It's kind of complicated to explain," Beca said. "Let's just say it has something to do with Cupid and moving on."
"Moving on?" Chloe said. "They expect me to move on and forget about you."
"Not forget about me," Beca said. "Move on and find love again."
"I, I don't honestly think I can," Chloe said, eyes filling with tears. "You're the love of my life, Becs. No one will be able to come close."
Beca gave her a small smile. "You have to stop thinking like that," Beca said. "I mean, I know I'm awesome and all that." She gave Chloe a big grin, causing the redhead to smile back at her. "I will always be in your heart and in your memories. But there is plenty of room in both for someone new."
"Then why won't you tell me who it is?" Chloe asked.
"I can't," Beca said. "But trust me, you'll find out soon enough."
"So what happens if I fall in love with this person?" Chloe asked. "Will I be able to see you and talk to you like this again?"
"I, um, honestly don't know," Beca said. "But, if you really, really need me, I'll be here. You can talk to me, and even if I can't respond, I'll hear you. I always hear you."
"I love you so much, Beca," Chloe said.
"I love you, too," Beca said. "I have to go now. Just remember what I said. You can and will love again. Don't ignore it."
Beca disappears, and Chloe falls down on her bed and lets the tears fall. She doesn't believe she'll ever be able to love again.
The next morning, Stacie and Aubrey are sitting in Chloe's kitchen talking.
"I bet if you asked Chloe, she'd let you stay here until you found a place," Aubrey said.
"I don't know if that's a good idea," Stacie said. "You know how I've felt about Chloe for a while now. I don't want to make it weird between us."
"You should just tell her," Aubrey said. "Give her some time to get used to the idea. I think she's ready to move on and find love again."
"I'll never be able to be what Beca was to her," Stacie said.
"Then don't try to be," Aubrey said. "Just be yourself. You're pretty awesome on your own merits." Aubrey hears Chloe's door open. "Just think about it."
"Hey," Chloe said as she walked into the kitchen. "Sorry, I slept so late. I had the weirdest. . .I'm not sure what to call it. I didn't sleep well."
"It's okay," Aubrey said. "I was thinking we could go to brunch. I have to fly home today, but it would be nice to have brunch, just the three of us."
"Sounds good," Chloe said. "How about you, Stacie? You up for it?"
"Um, yeah," Stacie said. "Sounds good. I'll just go get changed."
Stacie gets up and goes back to the guest room to shower and change. Just as she's about to walk into the bathroom, Beca is standing in front of her.
"Holy shit!" Stacie squeals. Her mouth drops open in shock. "Beca?"
"Hey, Stacie," Beca said. Stacie reaches out to touch her, and just like in the movies, her hand goes right through her. "Don't do that. It feels weird."
"Yo-you're really a gha-ghost?" Stacie stuttered.
"Yep, I'm really a ghost," Beca said. "And I don't have much time. So, here goes. Ask Chloe out. Tell her how you feel about her. Take good care of her, and she'll take good care of you."
"What?" Stacie asked, her mind in a jumble. "You know how I feel about Chloe?"
"Yeah," Beca said. "Ghost, remember? I can listen in on conversations, and I just heard you talking to Aubrey. Ask Chloe about staying here while you look for a place. Spend some time with her. She'll realize how special you are, and you two will be very happy together."
"This is too weird," Stacie says, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You were my best friend, Beca. It just doesn't feel right that you're telling me to love your girl."
"Stacie," Beca said. "Chloe was and always will be the love of my life. I was also hers. But she's still alive and has plenty of love to give to someone else. And I would love for it to be with someone I know who will love her like she deserves to be loved."
"So, you're giving me your blessing?" Stacie asked. "To be with Chloe if Chloe wants to be with me."
"Yes," Beca said.
"Just like that?" Stacie asked.
"Just like that," Beca said. "Stop overthinking things and just do what your heart tells you to do. Go for it, Stace. You'll be so glad you did. I know what it feels like to be loved by Chloe Beale, and let me tell you, there is no greater feeling than that."
"Thank you, Beca," Stacie said as tears fell down her face. "I'll, um, go for it."
"Good," Beca said. "I have to go. But I'll be checking in sometimes, and you'd better be treating her right."
"I will," Stacie said and smiled. "I'd hate to have my ass kicked by a ghost."
Beca smiled and was suddenly gone. Stacie sat there for a minute before she got up and went to take her shower. While in the shower, she thought about what just happened. She took it as a sign and decided that she really was going to go for it.
After she was dressed and met Aubrey and Chloe in the living room, Stacie looked at Chloe.
"What?" Chloe asked, starting to squirm a little.
"I'm sorry," Stacie said. "I was just thinking about how to ask you if I can use your guest room for a couple of months. I'm being transferred here and will need a place to stay until I find my own place."
"Of course," Chloe said, jumping up from her seat and hugging Stacie. "You can stay as long as you need to. It will be nice to have another body around."
"Great," Stacie said with a smile. "I'll be transferring in two weeks, so I'll plan to start staying here then."
Aubrey looked at Stacie and smiled. She just knew this was going to work out for Stacie and Chloe.
"Shall we go eat?" Aubrey asked as she stood up.
"Let's go," Chloe said with a genuine smile.
Stacie moved in, and six months later, she was still "looking" for an apartment. Chloe wasn't in any hurry for Stacie to move out, and neither was Stacie. They had become closer, and Stacie found herself falling more in love with Chloe than before. Chloe started having feelings for Stacie but still held back. She still loved Beca and found it hard to think of herself with anyone else.
"Why is apartment hunting so hard?" Stacie whined.
"I've told you before," Chloe said. "Just stay here. It's nice having a roommate. I kind of like having you around." Chloe blushed a little when she said this.
"Really?" Stacie asked with a smile. "I do kind of like being around." Stacie bit her bottom lip debating on whether to ask what she really wanted to ask Chloe. "Hey, Chlo?"
"Yeah," Chloe said and looked at Stacie. She caught Stacie's eye and couldn't help but stare. Stacie was really beautiful. Chloe looked at her and was surprised because she didn't have the same guilty feeling she got when she thought about being with someone else. Like she was cheating on Beca. This time, it felt right.
"Do you, um," Stacie started and stopped. "Do you ever think about finding someone else to be with? I mean, I know you will always love Beca, but do you think there is someone else out there for you?"
"Honestly," Chloe said and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. "I do."
"Good," Stacie said. "I, um, think that's good."
Stacie looked at Chloe and then just turned and walked to her room. She face-planted on her bed and groaned.
"What the hell was that?" Beca asked, causing Stacie to jump up.
"Dammit, Beca," Stacie said. "You scared the hell out of me."
"That was the perfect opportunity to ask Chloe out," Beca said. "And you just walked away. Unbelievable."
"I panicked," Stacie said. "She's just so, so-"
"So, Chloe?" Beca prompted.
"Yeah," Stacie said. "She's perfect and gorgeous, and oh, my God, those eyes. Argh!"
Beca just stood there and smiled. "Sack up, dude, before someone else comes along and snatches her right out from under you."
"It's not that easy," Stacie said.
"Look who you're talking to," Beca said. "How long did I whine to you about how I felt for Chloe before I finally asked her out?"
"Yeah, it was pretty pathetic," Stacie said with a snort.
"Rude!" Beca said. "Anyway, I'm going to tell you what you told me. If you don't do it, someone else will, and then you'll spend the rest of your life pining away for the one that got away."
"You're right," Stacie said and got up. She marched to the door and swung it open, and went to the living room.
"Chloe," Stacie said, causing Chloe to look at her. "I like you. A lot. And I want to know if you'd like to go on a date with me. We don't have to do anything fancy, just maybe a nice dinner and see a movie. Or we can just see a movie. Or just go to-"
Stacie was cut off from saying more by Chloe's kiss. Stacie's eyes widened when she realized what was happening. Chloe pulled back and said, "I'd love to go out with you."
"Really?" Stacie asked, her voice cracking. She clear her throat and tried again. "Really?"
"Yes, really," Chloe said. "I've been trying to figure out how to ask you out."
"Wow, so Beca was right," Stacie mumbled.
"Beca?" Chloe said, confused. "What do you mean, Beca was right?"
"Um, I, uh," Stacie stammered.
"Did you see Beca, too?" Chloe asked, smiling.
"Too?" Stacie said. "You saw and talked to Beca?"
"Um, yeah?" Chloe said, not wanting to sound crazy. "She told me that there was someone out there for me. Someone I already knew, and she approved of them if I decided to be with them."
"She told me to go for it with you," Stacie said. "I've kind of had feelings for you for a while. I was just afraid that you'd compare me to Beca, and I knew I couldn't compete with the love of your life."
"Stacie," Chloe said and took Stacie by the hand and sat on the sofa with her. "I won't lie to you. Beca will always be in my heart. No one can replace her. But there's room in my heart for you, too. I feel like I'm falling in love with you."
"I feel the same way about you," Stacie said. "So, we're going to give this a go?"
"Yes, we're going to give this a go," Chloe said. "I have a feeling Beca is doing a fist pump right about now."
Beca was listening and was also doing a fist pump. She smiled at how well Chloe still knew her. Her smile grew wider when she saw Stacie and Chloe coming together in another kiss.
"I love you both," Beca said out loud, causing the two girls to pull apart.
"Did you hear that?" Chloe asked.
"I did," Stacie said.
"So, are you busy tonight?" Chloe asked. "I know this great little Italian place. Beca and I loved going there." Chloe frowned. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"It's okay, Chlo," Stacie said. "I know there will be a lot of things that remind you of Beca. I would be offended if you didn't talk about her freely."
"I have a feeling Beca knew what she was doing bringing the two of us together," Chloe said and smiled.
"I agree," Stacie said.
A little over four years later, Chloe was standing in front of Beca's grave on the fifth anniversary of her death, all their Bella friends standing around her. She knelt down to place a flower and whispered, "I still love you." She stood up and walked over to Stacie, taking their daughter so she could lay her flower on the grave. The two-year-old started squirming. "Settle down, Beca. We'll be leaving in just a few minutes."
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