boxofblink · 5 months
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jaimeski · 1 year
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oh lawd they comming
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pile of possm
Scramy is buried in possm plushies
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nichet-crochet · 3 months
hi pattern related question- i am obsessed with your possms and am an avid crochet-er so i want to get your pattern to make some, however ive never used a pattern before...(5 years of crochet and ive just said fuck it we ball) basically how screwed am i trying to go off of your pattern lol
You should learn how to read patterns first. You can learn the terminology by watching YouTube, which I'm assuming you already watch. Then you gotta learn the abbreviations for the terminology, which is easy, and most crochet patterns provide a translation for the abbreviations. Maybe you should say "fuck it, we ball" with the written crochet pattern and figure it out as you go. We only live once so challenge youself. Goodnight.
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basviperidae · 3 months
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dualityvn · 2 years
Scenario time cuz i played the demo and am very not sane
"Sure you can. You can give me your number"
Surpised, you choke on the coffee you just took a sip of. The drink falling out of your mouth along with suprised little giggles.
Arg wait- he must be waiting for an answer right?
You compose yourself, although now your interest is peaked with the cosplaying guy in front of you.
"That has got to be the absolute worst pick up line anyone has ever used on me. But congrats, stranger! It worked! Uh- are you okay with me writing it on your hand?"
Taking out your pen and writing on their hand, you cant help but notice their flustered expression and how adorable their blushing face looks.
Chuckling again, you give his dazed face a kiss on the cheek and walk home, still tired from a rough day, but amused with how everything turned out. (please i need Tenny's and Keith (cuz he can hear Tenny's thoughts) reactions to this so bad hHHhhhH)
Tenebris.exe has stopped working.
Honestly though, the fact that he got a number is already surreal, but you're gonna kiss his cheek too?! He'd just freeze on the spot and stand there for a few moments.
"They kissed me!! I didn't imagine it, right? I've never been kissed before!!!!! Keith! Keith!!! I got a kiss on the cheek!!"
"You got a what?! How?! Was someone drunk?"
"Fuck you, it was the person who came to your shop yesterday. I asked for their number!"
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captain-kraken · 11 months
OC Intro: Greg the Possum
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Age: 45 years old Pronouns: doesn't care Species: Possum (Demonic)
On the outside, Greg looks like a regular possm. And once upon a time, that's exactly what he was. But everything changed when he was accidentally given demonic powers by Kaspian.
To say that he has control of his powers would be giving him too much credit. But he does use his spontaneous bursts of demonic magic to his advantage, especially where treats are concerned.
These days he lives a life of luxury as Kaspian's beloved pet. In return, he begrudgingly allows Kaspian to dress him up and take photos of him for his social media.
Likes: fries, climbing, head scritches Dislikes: being told no, pickles, walking long distances
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socially-reluctant · 4 months
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ask-team-bucciarati · 7 months
What's tagt on anemal
Narania remisbs mw of a possm
-Pannacotta Fugo
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monotremedreams · 2 years
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*gently hands u my fursona*
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punkowunko · 2 years
hi here's my part of an art trade with @thinedude I drew funni possm
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furrywrecker911 · 11 months
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PRB Emojis
POSSM!! Did you know possms are awesome? Done in Clip Studio Paint EX Emojis commission for PRB
Posted using PostyBirb
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boozye · 3 years
Hiyaaaa ik someone already did this but I thought abt mortality with Barbatos and it dealt psychic damage to me so I thought I'd inflict it on other people. I personally consider Barbatos as more of a "endless concept of time who just sticks around Diavolo and co because they are endlessly entertaining" rather than just a guy who can control time. So here's infinite time god Barbatos confronting your mortality. (I kinda tried to write the mc dialogue vaguely like Dani? Don't know how well I pulled it off,,) It was the smallest of moments that reminded Barbatos of your fragile humanity. Once, you had broken a teacup and cut yourself on a stray piece of porcelain. Another time, you fallen ill with a simple cold. Most recently was the most troubling for Barbatos. At the time, you had gathered together for tea and pastries; you shared stories of the human world, and Barbatos recounted ancient tales he'd witnessed. And that was it. You had done nothing at all, speaking joyfully, no danger in sight; yet the idea of your approaching demise hit Barbatos like a brick. He could see it in your smile, hear it your laughter, find it twinkling in your eyes. You were so very finite. One day you would pass on. He would never even once have thought a human life could be so deeply attached to his own. Barbatos had only seen mortal life as a meaningless blip within his infinite existence; two ships passing in the sea of reality, one destined to sink. He didn't want that to happen, he didn't even want to imagine it. He didn't want to see you grow older while he would remain stagnant. He didn't want to watch your health fail in ways he couldn't experience. He didn't want to put you in a box and lower you into the dirt, where he could never see you again, never feel you again, never hear you again. "...Barbatos?" He snapped out of his daze as you called for his name. "You've been spacing off for a while, is something wrong?" Barbatos hadn't noticed how his face had fallen, brows creased and bottom lip pinched between his canines in worry. "It's..." He didn't want to worry you. "It is nothing, dear. Don't worry." You lifted his chin with the handle end of a spoon, making him look you into the eyes. "You look down when you lie, Barb. What's up?" "One day you will die." Barbatos blurted, his heart playing hop-scotch in his chest, threatening to skip straight out of his throat. "You'll grow old and gray, then pass on." You only blinked slowly, staring at Barbatos like he was crazy. "Uh, yeah? Obviously?" "Aren't you afraid? Isn't it horrifying to know that one day this will all come to an end?" He sounded weaker than you'd ever heard- ineffable, composed Barbatos; brought to his knees by a simple human, the irony. A sigh, and you put your spoon down on your tea saucer. "I mean, not really. People are kinda aware of all that."
"What if you didn't have to?" Barbatos offered. "I could ensure you never age, never die. Then we would never have to part." "But I don't want that." You said simply. You could practically hear Barbatos' heart fall out of his chest and shatter on the floor, his eyes glassy with tears. It took several beats of silence before Barbatos would clear his throat and struggle out an awkward; "Excuse me?" "I don't want to be immortal." You shrugged simply, studying your teacup so you wouldn't have to see his hurt. He had painted this set himself. He inhaled stiffly, swallowing hard. "Now who's looking away?" Barbatos joked dryly, only met with silence for a several long seconds. "May I ask why?" "You're not the only person I care about, Barb. I got family and friends in the human realm, you know? If I live forever, I have to watch them go. And I'm a selfish asshole, I don't want to feel that." Your mumbles bordered on shameful, how ironic of you to say that to Barbatos of all people. "Then you understand how I feel, don't you?" Barbatos reasoned further, reaching across the delicate table to hold your hand. "I don't want to imagine you growing old and weak, because I cannot do the same with you. I cannot become old like another human might and I don't want to live on without you, it would hurt too deeply." You raised your eyes to meet his. "Then why would you wish the same pain on me?" Ten words like a slap across the cheek. They stung and ate away at his skin with acidic bite, bringing fresh tears to his eyes. A tear landed in his cold tea, making minuscule ripples. "I..." His throat was full of cotton. "I understand. I would never want that for you." You squeezed his gloved hand tightly. "Thank you, Barbatos. And I'm..." You struggled around the word, blinking back the wetness in your eyes. "I'm sorry." "It is alright." Barbatos swiped at his eyes with a handkerchief, the redness around them making your heart ache. "You're right. I wouldn't want you to feel that loneliness, or experience this fear." He kissed the back of your hand with a small, sad smile. "Until your last breath, I will stay by your side." He would simply have to manage for now, or forever. He would feel it in the smallest of moments- painting teacups or star gazing. He would find it in your eyes, see it in your smile, hear it in your laughter; and when you last sunset came he would watch it with you, standing by you bedside and gazing at you beauty which never faded. You had never faded.
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910doe-blog1 · 7 years
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metfell · 3 years
what are ur opinions on this dapper possm
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very dapper!
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mrsheo · 3 years
Le possm!
Le possum!
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