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iamdunn · 3 years ago
Story of Mau & Manny
Written by
AJ Dunn
Mau sat shivering in the cold. The rain poured down on her as the night seemed to go on and on. Dark clouds poured rain in thick heavy drops. Her stomach ached from hunger, as she hadn't had a real meal in days. Not since her half-brother cast her out of Marida. A very peculiar turn of events had landed her stranded in a forest far from her home. She was lost and alone as she sat and cried. This all happened just days ago.
In the capital city of Marida, Shytah and his wife Buhimmish sat as elders to the Gods in a temple as old as time. Shytah had one son from a previous wife and his name was Shefertem. Whhen Shefertem was nut a young boy, Shytah took Buhimish as his and she bore him a daughter. Mau had long thick black hair, and tan colored skin. When she cried, every cat in the village came to comfort her. Her dark eyes like onyx gems gleamed with joy at every wondrous sight she seen. Life seemed to dance around her and her parents doted upon her every blessing the Gods would grant them. Shefertem was very jealous growing up with her getting all of the attention from everyone.
By the time Mau was in her 16th year, she had explored every hall in the great temple, and knew all the stories written in hieroglyphs on the walls. Stories depicting a time of great prosperity in a far off region of Myrnah that was once known as the great Gardens. Now desolate and barren, the land is known as the Badlands or Ontura's Dessert. A war once broke out there after a woman was scorned and left by her love. She wrought her revenge and was damned by the Gods to live an eternity in her own Dessert. Buhimmish would tell Mau, to never allow her scorn to burn her up like the rage that caused Ontura's downfall.
"Bring peace where you walk my child." She would say. "For love will endure all things." Then she would sing her to sleep with twinkling lights dancing overhead. "Not all stories end with a happy tune." She'd say, "Some start with one." Mau's life certainly started with a happy tune. She barely knew life outside of the temple and even in the city she'd see the people, but rarely mingled with any other than those brought in to cater to her needs. She would see others but was not allowed to partake of their lives. The stable folks would saddle a horse for her, but she wasn't allowed to play with their son. Even though the boy whose name she never knew would watch her with his dark longing eyes while his father taught her how to ride.
Mau would bore easily, the lack of children her age to mingle with was stupefying. She watched the stable boy from her room as he brushed the horses. Sometimes he would climb a tree unaware of her watching him. She saw him one day plucking apples from the Temple trees. A look of fear crossed his face when he realized he had been seen. Mau placed one finger over her lips. The boy smiled at her. The very next day she found a rose placed on her balcony where she would sit.
Mau found herself getting lost in the halls of the temple one day. She decided to step outside of the bounds her parents had always set for her. Watching the stable boy do something he knew to be wrong, didn't seem to be harmful. She slipped down a corridor she had never been. A place that was dark with sandstone walls and steps going down a long narrow stairway. She lit a torch once she was far enough down she didn't think anyone would spot her. At the bottom of the steps was a circular room with hieroglyphs she had never seen before. Stories and images seemed to dance on the walls with jewels carved into the sandstone walls. Shapes of creatures she had never seen before. Three great lights danced in the sky unlike the two suns that hung there now. The red sun which shines in the day, and a blue sun at night. This made the sky purple and it was never dark. The light of the blue sun made it darker than the day, but not as dark as the images depicted on the wall. A bright yellow sun shone over a garden full of purple flowers. A Dimmer blue light shone over a darkened land where all you could see was silhouettes of the structures. Mau sat before these images for hours before she heard someone coming down the corridor. Mau quickly plunged her torch into a barrel of water that always sits below every torch. She quickly hid in the corner. There were several closed doors but Mau had not dared to venture beyond them. But as the light of someone else' torch brighten with every step Mau pushed hard on the nearest door and flung herself inside closing it gently behind her.
She heard a door open up outside her door. Then she heard voices.
"When do you want it done?" A man asked with a shaky voice.
"Soon." She heard Shefertem speak. "Her 18th year is upon her, and I fear what that will bring to my birthright." Mau began to question what her brother was talking about. She was only 16 years, 17 in a few days, and how would her 18th threaten his birthright, he was the elder child. Mau heard a mouse scurry across the floor kicking up dust as it flew past her. Mau sneezed then suddenly covered her mouth hoping no one had noticed. The voices stopped. "You may have your chance sooner than later." Shefertem said. Footsteps came closer then the door to the room Mau was hiding in opened. The light from Shefertems torch brightened the room so that Mau could see that what she was sitting in was a shrine to the Goddess Glorah. Images of her white tigress face and paws, her tail dancing about behind her. A gentle white gown with slits up to the hips on both side showing a very feminine and fierce woman. A voss of purple flowers painted along the side sat on an ivory pedestal.
"You are making this too easy little sister." Shefertem smirked.
"You get the throne Shef." Mau stammered. "Your older than me and you get the throne not me. You'll be 18 this year."
"Your wrong Mau." Shefertem squatted right in front of her holding the torch above her head. "They've lied to you for almost 18 years. She is not your mother, she's mine!" Shefertem reached out with his left hand striking her across the face. Mau could see the shadowy figure in the doorway cringe at the sound from the corner of her eyes. Her face turned away from Shefertem as tears began to escape down her cheek kissing her burning face. Mau had never been struck before. "How is that Mau? How do you like to feel pain? You have caused me so much pain for so many years." Shefertem stood up turning to the shadow in the doorway. "Well, here's your chance. I want her dead and gone."
"Wh...what shall I do with the body sir?" the man gulped
"Your a spell caster are you not?" Shefertem smirked. "I have a pest problem, get rid of it for me." The words came out cold and unfamiliar as Shefertem stepped passed the man and left the room. Mau looked up to see the man standing in the light of another torch that had been place on the sconce in the round room. The man turned and watched Shefertem leave then turned back to Mau. Fear ran through her veins hot and she began to sweat. Yet she shivered as if the heat was so deep in her body it could not warm her skin. Mau coward in the corner. He stepped into the chamber closing the door behind him blocking out the light. He began to chant words she had never heard. Suddenly light blossomed so bright she couldn't see anything. She turned over to her knees and hands and tried to crawl away from the man but there was nowhere to go. So she curled up in a ball underneath the picture of Glorah. She began to say the prayer her mother told her to say if she was ever in grave danger like this.
"Oh Glorah mother of thy own, around me cast your warmth and love protect me from the darkness and keep me safe from harm." Mau chanted it over and over until she began to feel dizzy and sleepy. She forgot what she had been chanting the prayer for and fell asleep. It was just a dream.
Mau woke to darkness. She couldn't remember anything. She tried to look around but the room was without any light. Mau had never felt so cold and alone. The floor was hard. She struggled to come to grips with what had happened. She couldn't see or hear anything and she had no idea how long she had been asleep. Mau just layed there. Her head was still swimming and she felt very heavy. She could hear footsteps coming down the stairs and a faint sound of voices. Shefertem was coming back with the spell caster. The door opened and only the spell caster stepped in. He was carrying a bag in his hand. Mau closed her eyes until only a slit remained of view. She hoped he would think her dead or asleep and leave her alone. He reached down and nudged her with his hand. He then began to run his hand along her back. Mau was confused by this sensation. She couldn't feel his hand on her skin, but also she couldn't feel the clothes she had been wearing.
Mau looked up at him but he simply placed his finger over his lips then nudged her head back to the floor. Mau closed her eyes again.
"It worked. Hand me her clothes there on the floor and I'll take your pest to be disposed of." the man said turning to Shefertem. Mau could barely see Shefertem hand him the dress she had been wearing. Fear of herself lying there naked on the floor, and how did her clothes get taken off. Mau's heart began to race. What did he do to me. The man stuffed her clothes into the bag then slid the bag under her backside and slid it up over her body. It felt awkward as she could feel her knees against her belly but her feet weren't by her butt. Her hands were under her face. Mau began to acclimate herself with her own position for the first time as she slid inside the bag and was lifted from the ground. It wasn't a very big bag, and she was lifted with much ease.
"You assure me she is dead?" Shefertem asked
"She got exactly what she deserves, sir." the man said and began to walk. Mau curled up in the bag curious as to her current predicament. The man was hired to kill her and haul off her dead body. How is he going to get out of the temple with a bag over his shoulder and her dead body inside. Mau attempted to brush the hair from her face only to realize she has no fingers. Instead, she had a paw.
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malsrp · 5 years ago
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Like for a starter from Paul.
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khabarexclusive24 · 4 years ago
Punjab: School Will Re-open From 5th To 12th Students From January 7, Classes Will Be Run From 10 Am To 3 PmANN
Punjab: School Will Re-open From 5th To 12th Students From January 7, Classes Will Be Run From 10 Am To 3 PmANN
चंडीगढ़: पंजाब के स्कूल शिक्षा मंत्री विजय इंदर सिंगला ने आज कहा कि माता-पिता की पढ़ाई संबंधी चिंता के मद्देनजर राज्य सरकार ने 7 जनवरी से सभी सरकारी, अर्ध-सरकारी और प्राईवेट स्कूल दोबारा खोलने का फैसला किया है. सिंगला ने बताया कि स्कूलों का समय सुबह 10 बजे से दोपहर 3 बजे तक रहेगा और सिर्फ पांचवी से बारहवीं कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों को ही स्कूलों में आने की अनुमति दी जायेगी. विजय इंदर सिंगला ने कहा…
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fleurerotique · 8 years ago
Bien peu d’historiens se sont intéressés au sort réservé aux lesbiennes durant le IIIe Reich. Rafles, internement, viols, «thérapies» par la prostitution, tel était leur lot sous le régime nazi. Les travaux d’une chercheuse allemande, Claudia Schoppmann, révèlent des pratiques peu connues du grand public.
Une partie de l’Europe fête le 60e anniversaire de la libération de l’occupation nazie. Pour l’occasion, on édite de nouveaux ouvrages sur cette période, de nouvelles analyses et de nouvelles biographies. Pourtant un aspect du régime nazi reste obscur, une page de l’histoire du IIIe Reich n’a pas été lue. Que sait-on de la vie des lesbiennes sous le régime nazi? Pratiquement rien. Le sort des lesbiennes a rarement intéressé les chercheurs. On dit même souvent qu’elles n’auraient pas souffert. Étonnant quand on sait que l’idéologie nationale-socialiste considérait l’homosexualité comme une tare et que toute femme ne respectant pas son rôle de femme mariée et de mère pour perpétuer la race pure, attirait les soupçons.
Rendre compte de la persécution des lesbiennes, en l’absence de documents concrets, de lettres, de témoignages, reste un défi pour les historiens. Presque seule à s’intéresser à ce versant de l’Histoire, une chercheuse allemande, Claudia Schop-pmann, nous livre pourtant de précieuses informations(1). Faute de données, Claudia Schop-pmann se tourne en effet vers le témoignage pour restituer une image de l’histoire collective des lesbiennes qui, autrement, risquerait de se perdre. L’un de ses ouvrages, Zeit der Maskier-ung: Lebensgeschichten lesbischer Frauen im «Dritten Reich», traduit en anglais(2) mais malheureusement pas encore en français, est un recueil de récits poignants qui dessinent une histoire de la répression des lesbiennes allemandes sous le joug nazi. Dans ces témoignages, on retrouve l’effervescence et l’ambiance euphorique du Berlin lesbien des années 20. La ville compte un nombre impressionnant de bars, de clubs, d’associations, de magazines destinés aux lesbiennes. Cet essor et ce dynamisme se heurtent malgré tout à de virulentes attaques lesbophobes. Dès 1909, le gouvernement essaie d’inclure les femmes dans le fameux paragraphe 175, qui condamne les activités homosexuelles entre hommes. Plus tard, pendant des années, des juristes, des criminologues, des théoriciens du parti nazi font de nouveau pression pour que l’homosexualité féminine entre dans le paragraphe 175. Pour eux c’est «une menace morale à la pureté de la race», une façon de «soustraire les femmes aux hommes et à l’institution du mariage». Le lesbianisme n’entrera pourtant jamais dans le paragraphe 175, pour plusieurs raisons: dans la société allemande, les femmes sont exclues des postes politiques et administratifs importants. Leur influence est donc peu redoutée. De plus, d’après des conclusions médicales de la fin du XIXe siècle, l’homosexualité féminine ne serait pas antinomique avec le désir de se marier et de fonder une famille. Cette théorie conforte l’idéologie nazie qui préfère croire que l’homosexualité se soigne. La thèse d’une homosexualité innée répandue en Allemagne pourrait mettre à mal le concept de «race maîtresse pure». Enfin, les relations «intimes» entre femmes sont trop courantes, trop difficiles à identifier. Le meilleur moyen de ne pas «encourager la diffusion de l’épidémie» chez les femmes est donc de la passer sous silence. Les lesbiennes échappent ainsi aux graves condamnations infligées aux hommes homosexuels: 50 000 d’entre eux sont condamnés sous le paragraphe 175, parmi eux, 15 000 sont internés en camps de concentration et les deux tiers n’en reviennent pas. En revanche, ce silence autour des lesbiennes ne permet pas de mesurer l’étendue de leur persécution, le plus souvent cachée sous des prétextes divers, ni de dégager des chiffres.
L’arrivée au pouvoir d’Hitler en 1933 frappe de plein fouet la communauté lesbienne. Les rafles dans les lieux lesbiens sont si fréquentes qu’ils ferment tous rapidement. A Berlin, seuls deux ou trois bars – des arrières salles – ouvriront dans la clandestinité. La presse lesbienne est interdite, les associations dissoutes et un témoignage prouve que les nazis dressent des listes de lesbiennes. De nombreux témoignages recueillis par Claudia Schoppmann montrent que les lesbiennes vivent dans la peur des dénonciations. Elles craignent également, à juste titre, les licenciements, car les lesbiennes sont licenciées quand elles sont «découvertes» sur leur lieu de travail. La plupart des femmes interrogées racontent qu’afin de passer inaperçues, elles changent leur apparence et adoptent une allure féminine correspondant aux canons nazis. La pression sociale sur les lesbiennes est telle que nombreuses sont celles qui se marient, certaines avec des homosexuels. Finalement, le seul moyen de ne pas être persécutée en tant que lesbienne, c’est de rentrer dans le rang… et de ne plus l’être. On sait que de nombreuses lesbiennes sont pourtant arrêtées, emprisonnées ou envoyées en camps de concentration. On trouve dans Zeit der Maskierung le récit de Lotte Hahm, une des plus grandes militantes lesbiennes berlinoises, arrêtée avant la guerre et envoyée en camp de travail pendant plusieurs années en raison de ses activités, entre autres la gestion d’associations et de clubs. La présence de blocs réservés aux lesbiennes est attestée dans certains camps, comme à Bützow (ex-R.D.A.) où les lesbiennes étaient maltraitées et humiliées. Les SS incitaient les prisonniers du camp à les violer. Dans le camp de femmes de Ravensbrück, les lesbiennes portaient un triangle rose avec le sigle «LL» (Lesbische Liebe, amour lesbien)(3). Mais le plus souvent, les lesbiennes portent le triangle rouge des «asociales». Ce terme désigne tous ceux qui ne se conforment pas aux normes; il comprend les sans abris, les chômeurs, les prostituées, les homosexuels, les tsiganes.
Claudia Schoppmann rapporte le témoignage d’un homosexuel(4), Erich H, qui a rencontré Else (on ne connaît pas son nom de famille) dans un camp. Elle travaillait à Potsdam comme serveuse et vivait avec son amante. Elle est arrêtée apparemment en raison de son homosexualité mais est enregistrée à Ravensbrück comme «asociale». Elle est ensuite emmenée au camp de Flossenbürg où la plupart des prisonniers sont des hommes «asociaux» ou «criminels». C’est au bordel du camp qu’ils se rencontrent, en 1943. Des bordels sont en effet mis en place, à partir de 1942, dans bon nombre de camps de concentration. On y voyait le moyen d’accroître l’efficacité des travailleurs forcés dans l’industrie de l’armement. D’après Claudia Schoppmann, Himmler considérait aussi les bordels comme un moyen de combattre l’homosexualité masculine. Un grand nombre de prisonnières sont forcées d’entrer dans les bordels des camps. D’après Erich H «les nazis aimaient tout particulièrement faire travailler des lesbiennes dans les bordels. Ils pensaient que ça les remettait dans le droit chemin.» Après avoir passé plusieurs mois au bordel de Flossenbürg, on pense qu’Else a ensuite été d��portée dans un camp d’extermination (Auschwitz) et qu’elle y est morte. C’était en effet le sort réservé au bout de six mois à toutes celles qui étaient envoyées dans les bordels.
Si elles ont le malheur d’être juives, les lesbiennes sont évidemment particulièrement menacées. Claudia Schoppmann évoque le cas d’Henny Schermann internée en mars 1940 et de Mary Pünjer internée en octobre 1940, toutes deux à Ravensbrück. Elles sont sélectionnées par Friedrich Mennecke, qui les déclare «indignes de vivre», comme des dizaines de milliers d’autres «patients». Le «diagnostic» d’Henny Schermann la décrit ainsi: «lesbienne compulsive; fréquentant seulement ce genre de bars et de clubs. N’utilisait pas son prénom Sara. Juive apatride(5).» Quant à son avis sur Mary Pünjer: «Lesbienne très active. Fréquente sans cesse les clubs lesbiens et s’exhibe avec ses congénères.» Elles sont envoyées à la chambre à gaz au début de 1942.
Combien de lesbiennes ont-elles été tuées comme elles sous le IIIe Reich? Combien ont été violées, combien ont dû se cacher parce qu’elles étaient lesbiennes? La lesbophobie, qui n’est pas une prérogative du IIIe Reich, rend aujourd’hui toute évaluation impossible. Pourtant, il serait dangereux de minimiser la persécution des lesbiennes, sous prétexte qu’elle a été effacée par leurs tortionnaires et par l’Histoire. A quand d’autres ouvrages aussi intéressants que ceux de Claudia Schoppmann?
1/ Lire aussi les travaux en allemand de la sociologue Ilse Kokula 2/ Days of Masquerade: Life stories of lesbians during the Third Reich 3/ Ilse Kokula, Der Kampf gegen Unterdrückung, Verlag Frauenoffensive 4/ Tiré de Ganz normal anders. Auskünfte schwuler Männer aus der DDR de Jürgen Lemke 5/ A partir de 1941, tous les juifs sont déchus de la nationalité allemande
-  Edna Castello
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