Welcome to Proved Loveless in Death
An Interactive Tumblr Poll game where you choose who's your favorite... and who dies <3
Basic Idea: You are the poor victim of the Court of Fey, targeted with a spell called 'Rose Tint' that makes you able to see choices and decide on what path fate will take in the name of madness and love.
I'll post snippets of backstory and character designs and then write chapters of the story with a poll in the end of updates every once in a while, having votes for how things will proceed. Scuffles and ultimatums, life and death. You've made quite a lot of boys devoted to you throughout your life. Now, years later, see how far the fay's corruption and lovesickness twists their actions through this game.
TW for horror with gore, maiming, psychological abuse, gaslighting, and dub/noncon.
You are trapped having to see the sweet memories and friendships you shared turn into red splatters of blood. The versions of them you remembered, marred forever by how sick and twisted they became as soon as your friends realized this was a competition. You are the prize.
Whoever comes out of it will be your fated lover, and own your heart whole-y (along with getting some compensation from the Fey for the good show of course).
Choose wisely.
Short Profiles and Concept Art of the Friends You've Gathered Throughout the Years:
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Cassius (5-10): Violent, protective, entitled.
You were next door neighbors as kids. He played pranks on you at first but would get mad at others and hit them if they tried to do the same. Although you thought he hated you because of how mean he was sometimes, he would not stop hanging around you instead of going home.
After you heard yelling and shattering from his home, you'd let him slip inside your house in secret too. You really became his security blanket, and he eased up on the teasing. But he'd be mean again if you ever tried partnering with anyone other than him.
When you had to move, he bullied you into promising you'd marry him. You eventually relented as you saw him cry for the first time. He's taken this oath way too much to heart and has been doing his best to become someone reliable and strong for you.
Even years later, he can't stay interested in anyone because of how strongly he clings to the fantasy of you. That his goal has only ever been to become someone you could be proud of. He feels like it's a betrayal to let you go.
So he starts chasing after your trail.
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Ami (10-13): Girly, manipulative, spoiled.
You came to his school as he was getting retribution for bullying his classmates. He had been snide, unsympathetic, and cruel to them, toying with everyone's emotions. Finally, his classmates snapped, and he found out how powerless he could be against a mod. He started getting bullied himself. He had been so sure the adults would help, but there was no response from his teachers, and his parents never noticed. He felt alone for the first time in his life.
He was at his lowest, accepting his fate, and you saved him without having context to the full story. You became his his knight in shining armor; the person that proved to him again that he had value. He clung to you.
With new resolve, he rebuilt himself. He regained his confidence, and began living two-facedly, as he promised himself you'd never know about his mean side. He kept finding ways to shut anyone who tried talking to you about his past... then, because of his overzealousness, he threatened ANYONE who even tried befriending you too.
He couldn't trust them with you. You were *his*friend; his person to play with, spoil and adore... Up until you had to move far away. Again.
He was distraught and tried so hard to convince you to run away, to hide in his house. He'd take care of you! Of course, you couldn't. It was just a dumb, kiddish fantasy. But even now, years later, as his life went on without you, he keeps revisiting the possibility whenever he misses you.
He's made an enemy out of everyone. No one else has treated him as kindly and as sincerely as you. No one is meant for him like you are. He can't let you go.
He just can't.
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Ragnar (13-16): Depressed, asocial, cold.
His mom passed away and his dad moved them to another state. He fell into a deep depression and started having bad, bad thoughts. You were both new to school.
You clung to him because of this; after relying so much on only Ami previously, you were so unsure of how to make friends again that you were terrified. Ragnar was initially disgusted being smothered with attention, he just wanted to be left alone and not care about anything. It was sad, but your classmates started seeing you both in negative ways, and it furthered a divide between you both and them. All the more reason for him him to feel overwhelmed by you. You and your manner of being probing, kind, funny, and so... persistent. He thought he hated you.
But then you got sick and had to miss a few days of school. Getting his wish, being alone all school day and at home, Ragnar realized it was the opposite. He'd unfortunately gotten attached to you.
And he was looking forward to seeing you again.
When you came back, to your shock, he slowly started clinging back. e kept making up reasons as to why in his head. You came to him first anyways, so this much attention was fine, right? And... making sure you weren't be allowed to get close to anyone else was also okay... because it's not like anyone would be able to understand you the way he does.
He began monopolizing you. Everyone in the school was such a fake, you needed someone loyal to look out for you. That could only be him. He was always by your side, ready to give you anything and to keep everyone away. Slipping up on his undiscovered true emotions and telling you at random sometimes, poetic stuff about how much you mean to him and how you two were made to make each other happy.
He was always sweet to you.
When you told him you had to move again, he took it really hard, as if you were the one deciding to leave him. You'd made him want to live again and just took that hope away. He became cold and detached the following weeks, it made you both depressed up until your last day when he was finally to the point of breaking down. He ran to your house, knocked, and hugged you tightly, crying. He didn't say anything as he handed you an envelope and ran away. It said 'Don’t open until we meet again.' You've been obedient.
He knows it's stupid but... he still clings to you as the light in his life that he needs to get back. His life is yours, and yours is his.
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Varrik (16-18): Top student, smart, diligent.
You met him in the later years of highschool as all the pressure put on him being on top was beginning to make him break his charming persona. After moving so much, you'd become tired of trying to keep friendships and were settling into being a loner. But, you caught him having an anxiety attack in an empty classroom and helped calm him down.
Because you were new, Varrik let his guard down and felt like he could open up for the first time in years. You didn’t have a preconceived idea of him. You didn't care. It was freeing. After he was done, you tried giving him reassurance, but he lied about being busy and fled the room. Embarassment caught up to him, but when nothing came of his vent session, he started to relax again.
And the prospect of talking to you started to excite him. Ever since, he'd keep an eye on you, and sometimes, when he caught you alone afterschool, he'd linger just a bit around you, hoping you'd find some reason to talk to him. You fell right into your curiosity everytime and would ask him how he felt. Getting to talk to you in private like that would make his day.
It meant the world to him to be able to have someone understand him. In return, he realized your grades could be better and decided for himself to help you by hosting a lot of study (date) sessions. Also in private.
He knew how much of a loner you were, and that talking to him during school could open you up to other friendships... but he liked things as they were already. You were always available and a little expectant about you activities with him. It was cute.
He tried keeping your meetings a secret for thsoe years, but eventually, someone noticed. To combat this, he readily convinced them that he was set up by teachers to be your tutor in private because you had poor behavior that had to be monitored. He made a convincing story about the real reason you never socialized and always kept to yourself. No one doubted someone as reputable and kind as him.
He got his wish. No one else talked to you, and honestly, you couldn't be bothered to realize what had gone on. Now he never had to worry... but just to be safe, he started moving these (dates) sessions to other places. Like cafes, libraries, the park, his home... You were so close outside of school... even hanging out during the breaks. Giving gifts in secret. He was so happy... he wanted to stay that way.
Come senior year, he had a plan. He'd push you to go to the same, elite college as him. He really did his best to monopolize your time and energy into it with extra tutoring, volunteering, and scholarship hunting. He was picturing a future that HAD include you.
Finally, letters were sent and… You weren't accepted.
He was.
It broke his heart more than it did yours. He-He had to go, he couldn't just… not. His parents, his efforts, it'd all have been in vain otherwise. But he hated leaving you behind and felt wrecked with guilt. You did your best to console him. He pretended it worked.
As you waited with him in the airport, you thought about how what a weird twist of fate it was to be the one seeing their friend off now. You hugged him and reassured him you could meet up again sometime. But with how intense his program would be, you both know that was likely impossible. The last call for his flight rang and he had to let you go. You handed him one last gift before you left him. He opened it when he sat in his seat. It was a little keychain with a small photo of the both of you. He couldn't take his eye off it the whole ride.
He still has it, and stares at it when he needs to feel something again.
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Ludovic (18-21): Domestic, dependable, protective.
Roomies assigned when both your actual roommates dipped at the last second.
Ludovic started off terrible. He was in a shitty friend group that he'd followed into college just to party. He thought you were a stick in the mud and would intentionally get on your nerves a lot. He was the worst during the first semester, and you planned to ditch him as soon as housing gave you the clear.
But, after staying late studying for semester finals, as you were going back to your dorm on your car, you saw Vic being dragged away by two people. As you get closer it looked shadier and shadier.
You stopped the car and told them you were his roommate. You tried to appear friendly as you told them you'd take him back to your shared dorm. They refused, until you recognized one of them (someone Vic had brought over before) and you called her name. That makes her nervous and their bravado broke. They loaded him in the passenger seat and walked away.
He was definitely, unusually out of it.
He was a mess as you drove back home. He puked on your car. And while going up the elevator. And in your room. You had to help him change and he finally he realized who you are. He started crying about how he knew he was a shitty person, and you didn't deserve putting up with him. He was really starting to blabber about how he knew his life was spiraling with his clique, but that he felt helpless. He had no motivation to change.
It made you pause your initial opinions of him and reevaluate him. You were up all night checking on him and thinking about it as he's passed out. You couldn't help doze off after a while... and woke up feeling like you were watched. You turned around and saw him looking at you. Really looking at you. He didn't say anything, and turned around in his bed. You thought he was embarrassed and let him be, going back to your slumber.
Things changed a lot after that. He dropped his friend group, he became a bit more serious about his degree, he cleaned up after himself and... he valued you a lot more.
He had an epiphany after going through that; that he had to make better life choices. He needed more dependable people around him. Like you. He really wanted to make it up to you. A year later, he has gotten very involved in your life.
Once a week, he'd treat you to something you like, walk you to your classes when possible, and inadvertently memorize your schedule, friends, preferences, quirks.
He'd go above and beyond for you, even taking up extra chores and learning to cook things you liked in the communal kitchen. You felt guilty, like you weren't worth all this attention, but he always told you honestly that he just wanted to work on himself. And part of that was by becoming a good roommate to you. That quelled most arguments.
He's still a bit of an asshole sometimes; he likes to tease you a lot because of your inexperience to a lot of things, but he's never mean. You can finally say you're fond of him, and even look up to him for helping you whenever you were in trouble.
Meanwhile, as time went on and he had more introspection, Vic comes to terms with knowing that.. he loves you. But he's afraid. He can't trust himself anymore. He can't trust his judgment on what's right and wrong. On if he's really a good person or just pretending to be so that he can stay close to you. Against better judgement, his thoughts and urges slip into fantasies that aren't... healthy. It's a vicious cycle that feeds into his guilt, wanting to make up for it by doing something special for you, you give him a compliment that gets to his head and makes him think of more. He can't help it.
Another year, and another. Everything is great. Stuff gets lost and he makes fun of you for it. You binge watch shows and always try to eat together. Other friends you make start to drift away, but he remains your constant.
He'd follow you anywhere... it gets so domestic, anyone would mistake you for a couple already! But unfortunately, that last line is never crossed...
It's time for you to graduate. Because of certain mistakes and a lack of concentration in his classes, he isn't able to join your year. This is it. He'd been spiraling over through all of your final semester. You were leaving him.
He helps you pack, hiding the dread he feels, like his life was slipping away. He had to say something, to confess... Or... did he? Could you do long distance? Would you consider waiting for an idiot like him, still stuck in school?
He didn't want to burden you... after everything was loaded into your car, you both wavered. He joked that this wouldn't be the last of him. Next time you need a roomie, he'll zip right over. You laughed and told him you'd take him in a heartbeat.
In a heartbeat.
You drive off and he's alone, trying to tell himself he can always sneak back into your life. He's gonna graduate. He'll go after you. And even if you're in a relationship, married, or just uninterested, he'll find a way to convince you you two were perfect, and he'd claim you.
He just has to wait.
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Xander (21-24): Socially awkward, weakwilled, obsessive.
A tall, gawky, nerdy guy who joined the company you work at the same time as you.
Both of you were given the same assignments so you could help each other out. Xander was super flighty, nervous and stuttered a lot when you first met him, but with you were persistent. You'd take over the reigns when he couldn't, you gently tried making him feel comfortable when he was anxious, and you encouraged him when he did things right. You were a good, sweet coworker, and the man was starstruck, feeling blessed to even be in your presence when he was such a.. screw up.
The reason for Xander's awkwardness was attributed in part, because of his fearful and overbearing parents. He was home-schooled his whole life, kept to the house and taught schooling the 'proper' way. He was told meeting kids his age would only dumb him down, and yet, he felt like he was drowning under his parent's expectations anyways. He was never as good as they wanted.
Finally, he was allowed, at least, to escape to college. He was so nervous and excited. He tried so hard, too hard, to socialize... and found out very quickly that people did not like his ticks. The people in his class thought he was annoying, and he could never get the courage to talk to anyone outside of what was mandatory. Making friends was... too hard. He was hopeless without the tools to express himself well. In the end, he couldn't make any genuine connections up until he graduated.
His dreams of being happy were crushed. He was kicked from his parent's home and felt dread, believing work would be the same kind of hell in a different form.
How lucky he was, that you were there.
You, patient, kind, funny and cool. You, who seek him out even when you're not paired up, who wants to hang out with him for lunch, and doesn't shame him when he makes a social mistake. You're the first person he can call a friend. He's ecstatic and way too overeager... subtly, without realizing at first, he's even building a shrine to you in his head.
Which slowly became into an... actual shrine.
Obsessive. He can't help himself. Overanalyzing the things you talk about, looking for ways to feel closer to you, getting into all the things you're into so you can talk about it at work, stealing your lunch when no one is around and offering his own when you cant find it, soon even coincidentally moving somewhere closer and suggesting carpooling to save on gas. It's all pretty obvious if you weren't so trustful. It's not like anyone cares, no one bats an eye. Xander can get away with it all... for now. The long looks, the extra shifts, random (offerings) gifts in your desk and his constant, looming presence.
You're perfect. There is no one else in Xander's world but you.
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suoxi-hospital · 2 years
Acupuncture Treatment in SUO XI Hospital
The dawn of a new era is illuminated by Suoxi Hospital. This inspires a fresh effort to live healthfully. Our high standard of care and service is what primarily draws you to us. Chinese medicine, acupuncture, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and Chinese ancient treatment are all practiced collectively at Suoxi Hospital. SUO XI Hospital created this Chinese acupuncture procedure for usage by people all around the world, including those in Bangladesh. In January 2019, the SUO XI Hospital set out on its adventure.
Our Aim  
The aim of Suoxi Hospital is to progress medicine through outstanding education, research, and service in the many varied populations we serve. We also strive to deliver sensitive patient care with seamless coordination. Our goal is to offer patients in Bangladesh and throughout the world, the best acupuncture cares possible together with the most fantastic services. To quantify the effect of acupuncture on chronic pain syndromes, we aim to update a meta-analysis of individual patient data. By the grace of God, patients' treatments are succeeding every day, and this is our only goal to serve people and help them maintain their health and well-being. 
We also wanted to determine solid evidence that patients experience the benefits of acupuncture in Bangladesh as well as all over the world. Acupuncture is a different medical treatment and we want to explore it all over the country to serve people with different kinds of pain-related syndromes.
After starting in January 2019, still today SUO XI Hospital serves almost 11000 patients at this time. Our main treatment is Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a 3,500-year-old healing modality discovered in China. Acupuncture can provide relief from any complex pain-related disease in the human body. After tireless work, and traveling abroad, acupuncture treatment is now in Bangladesh. Acupuncture treatment is done under the supervision of a skilled acupuncturist at Suoxi Hospital located at Shantinagar Crossroads in Dhaka.
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Acupuncture Specialist- During the Acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is starting to take notice of the SUO XI Hospital's acupuncture offerings. People from different countries come to us for medical attention. Most of them succeed in getting the desired outcome and cheerfully go back home. We strive to thoroughly satisfy each and every one of our treasured patients. Acupuncture therapy implementation for hospital inpatients must take into account the unique inpatient characteristics that affect acupuncture therapy, the potential hospital acupuncture applications, and the predictable outcomes while providing this service.
Initiatives for public education, the value of research, and encouraging the expansion of the best acupuncture techniques are of particular concern to Suoxi Hospital. Additionally, we are willing to work with already-existing acupuncture-related organizations and do not support any specific practitioner subgroups or philosophical perspectives. We intend to establish ourselves as the go-to source for "all things acupuncture" by actively sharing accurate information about the advantages and disadvantages of acupuncture.
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Chinese Therapy
 Furthermore, we looked for reliable evidence that acupuncture patients in Bangladesh and elsewhere benefit from it. In order to aid patients with diverse pain-related conditions, we want to conduct acupuncture research across the country. This medical technique is distinct from others.
Maintenance and Organize
To organize and manage hospital policies and procedures, a top-notch policy management system is required. The objective is to determine the greatest match for your various operations, whether that be software from another vendor or our software, which is the best choice for this organization and administration. Suoxi's mission is to enhance the daily lives of as many people as possible in Bangladesh and around the globe by creating, utilizing, and sharing innovative information and technology in the daily provision of medical care. Suoxi Hospital's sole purpose is to serve the community by offering excellent medical care to those who enter. 
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Inside View of SUO XI Hospital
We are pleased that many of the patients who traveled abroad for treatment came to our Suoxi Hospital instead to receive our care and feel better than they did before. We will keep providing services to our cherished patients, and we will do it with all of our hearts. We provide care throughout Bangladesh and the entire world in support of any form of community.
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This Purple Plid Shirt (Bisexual Plaid) is worn two times in Supernatural, First on Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester in The Things We Left Behind (2014) and second time worn on Magda Apanowicz as Sandy in The Thing (2018)
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djfloops · 21 days
हर घड़ी है डर का साया
Free Subscription click here: https://bit.ly/SubscribetoZeetv Get notified about our Latest update by Clicking the Bell Icon 🔔 Paid Subscription ZEE5 click here: http://www.zee5.com/myaccount/subscription?plid=0-11-1503&utm_source=yt_zeetv&utm_medium=link_desc&utm_campaign=subscription_lp Watch tomorrow’s Premiere Episodes of ZEE TV serials today. Get the best of ZEE5 Originals, popular Alt…
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chutneymusic · 21 days
हर घड़ी है डर का साया
Free Subscription click here: https://bit.ly/SubscribetoZeetv Get notified about our Latest update by Clicking the Bell Icon 🔔 Paid Subscription ZEE5 click here: http://www.zee5.com/myaccount/subscription?plid=0-11-1503&utm_source=yt_zeetv&utm_medium=link_desc&utm_campaign=subscription_lp Watch tomorrow’s Premiere Episodes of ZEE TV serials today. Get the best of ZEE5 Originals, popular Alt…
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supremehoodieii · 2 months
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jazz105 · 7 months
https://plarium.com/landings/en/desktop/raid/rdo/media/lightsworn_f038_jt2175?plid=1002842&pxl=sharainfluencer&publisherId=SharaSoft-Package32 &inviterId=um000&conditionalReward=Package51-ReachLevel15&af_sub1=um000&influencer=SharaSoft&placement=V4G-aQBb9KE&campaign_ios=1002840&pid=sharasoft&is_retargeting=true&campaign_android=1002841&af_sub2=27&af_ad=V4G-aQBb9KE&conditionalReward=Package51-ReachLevel15&af_reengagement_window=lifetime&reward=Package32&af_sub3=30&af_inactivity_window=14d
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gazeta24br · 11 months
Caso começou a ser julgado na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos Há duas semanas, a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH) começou a julgar um crime que está sem respostas há 33 anos: a Chacina de Acari. Em julho de 1990, onze jovens da comunidade desapareceram em Magé, na Baixada Fluminense. Familiares das vítimas pedem que o Estado brasileiro seja responsabilizado, já que um grupo de policiais militares e civis é suspeito de ter sequestrado e matado os jovens. A procuradora de Justiça Eliane de Lima Pereira participou como perita da audiência que aconteceu em Bogotá, na Colômbia. Ela falou com a Agência Brasil sobre o andamento do processo e a questão dos desaparecimentos no país. Além de ter exercido os cargos de assessora de Direitos Humanos e Minorias do Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (MPRJ) e de coordenadora do Programa de Localização e Identificação de Desaparecidos (PLID/MPRJ), Eliane desenvolve uma pesquisa de doutorado que aborda as chacinas de Acari e da Favela Nova Brasília (1994). Segundo a procuradora, a Chacina de Acari virou uma referência para todos os que analisam e debatem desaparecimentos no Brasil, por envolver recortes claros de raça, gênero, idade, classe e território. “A década de 1990 pode ser vista como uma transição para o estado democrático de direito. Nesse período, tivemos muitas violações graves de direitos humanos. A Chacina de Acari tem traços que são visíveis ainda hoje em outros casos. A maioria dos desaparecidos é homem, jovem, negra e mora em territórios desprovidos de questões básicas de cidadania. Isso mostra claramente que existem categorias mais vulneráveis ao desaparecimento.” A procuradora usa como base os dados do Programa de Localização e Identificação de Desaparecidos (Plid). Eles são coletados pelos ministérios públicos de cada estado. Na última consulta, em 24 de outubro deste ano, foram registrados 95.307 casos em todo o país. Entre as pessoas declaradas desaparecidas, 60% eram homens, 54% eram pretas ou pardas e 55% tinham entre 12 e 30 anos. O Plid foi apresentado à Corte Interamericana como um exemplo de política de enfrentamento aos desaparecimentos no Brasil. “O programa foi criado em 2012 e lida com esse problema como uma questão que ultrapassa a esfera criminal. Alcançamos bons resultados no Rio e assinamos, em 2017, um acordo de cooperação técnica que implementou o Sistema Nacional de Localização e Identificação de Desaparecidos (Sinalid)”, conta Eliane. Julgamento internacional Sede da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, na Costa Rica - Foto mídias sociais. O caso de Acari foi levado à Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos em 2006. O processo terminou com decisão em favor das vítimas e recomendações ao Estado brasileiro. Entre elas, oferecer apoio psicológico às famílias das vítimas, fazer relatório sobre a atuação das milícias no Rio de Janeiro e estabelecer políticas públicas e leis para evitar violações de direitos humanos. A Comissão entendeu que essas recomendações não foram cumpridas e passou o caso para a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos em 2022. A primeira audiência pública aconteceu no dia 12 de outubro. O Estado brasileiro fez um reconhecimento parcial de responsabilidade sobre o caso, voltado especificamente pelos assassinatos de Edméa da Silva Euzébio, líder do movimento Mães de Acari, e de sua sobrinha Sheila da Conceição, em 1993. O movimento ficou conhecido pela ação das mães dos desaparecidos que passaram a investigar, reunir provas e cobrar providência das autoridades. O Brasil admitiu que não cumpriu com a obrigação de solucionar os assassinatos das duas mulheres em prazo aceitável, depois da denúncia do Ministério Público em 2011. Mas em relação ao desaparecimento dos 11 jovens em 1990, o país disse que houve esforço do poder público nas buscas e que o caso não poderia ser enquadrado na categoria “desaparecimento forçado”, por falta de prova de participação de policiais no crime. A próxima
etapa do julgamento é a entrega das alegações finais por escrito das duas partes do processo. Isso deve ser feito no prazo de um mês a contar dessa audiência de 12 de outubro. Ainda não existe previsão para a sentença, mas a expectativa é de que ela ocorra em 2024. Desaparecimento forçado O termo “desaparecimento forçado” ainda não é tipificado como um crime específico no Brasil. O Senado aprovou, em 2013, um projeto sobre o tema (PLS 245/2011) que foi remetido para a Câmara dos Deputados. Duas comissões aprovaram o texto, mas até hoje ele não virou lei. O conceito de desaparecimento forçado foi estabelecido pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos na convenção realizada em Belém, no Pará, em 1994. Ele é definido como: Privação de liberdade de uma pessoa ou mais pessoas, seja de que forma for, praticada por agentes do Estado ou por pessoas ou grupos de pessoas que atuem com autorização, apoio ou consentimento do Estado, seguida de falta de informação ou da recusa em reconhecer a privação de liberdade, ou informar sobre o paradeiro da pessoa, impedindo assim o exercício dos recursos legais e das garantias processuais pertinentes. A procuradora Eliane Pereira diz que o país está em desacordo com as normas e compromissos jurídicos internacionais. Aprovar a tipificação legal do crime seria fundamental para impedir que casos de violência e desaparecimento como os de Acari ficassem impunes. “Desde 1998, o Estado brasileiro assumiu o compromisso de se submeter à jurisdição obrigatória da Corte Interamericana. Em 2010, na sentença do caso Gomes Lund [desaparecido na ditadura], a Corte determinou que o país deveria adotar providências para tipificar o delito de desaparecimento forçado. E nada foi feito até hoje. Do ponto de vista prático, temos problemas de investigação desses crimes, pois é muito mais provável que ocorra uma situação de impunidade do que conseguir, pela lei atual, uma condenação de um homicídio sem o corpo”, explicou a procuradora. Edição: Denise Griesinger - Fonte: Agência Brasil
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Ludovic Redesign
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*flops like a wet towel on the floor*
Here's a redesign for the boy! I felt like he was missing something... then I had an epiphany that a chullo hat would look good on him. I love him a lot 💚
I've had brainworms thinking his route through. I can safely say that, out of my boys, he's the chillest around you and is the one who is most unsure about using force to get what he wants. He's got a massive guilt complex, and although he doesn't yet think he's good enough for you, he won't allow anyone else to fill the hole yet. </3
He's also. You know. Househusband goals. Gotta draw him in the kitchen sometime with an apron uvu
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suoxi-hospital · 2 years
Acupuncture can bring your health back under control today!
Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for chronic pain and other ailments. There are many types of acupuncture, but the one that works best for PLID is called "acupuncture meridians." The five major meridians in your body are located along a line from your head to your feet, with each meridian corresponding to specific areas of the body. For example: If you have pain at the base of your neck or shoulder, it's likely coming from this meridian (known as "meridian points") because they run down through all parts of our bodies—including our brains!
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Acupuncture for Knee pain
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Acupuncture for back pain problems. ( Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam)
The key to treating PLID with acupuncture is finding those points that correspond exactly with where you feel pain so that we can use pressure directly on them without any discomfort at all—and get rid of it once and for all! Once you've found which ones work best for treating PLID symptoms like dizziness/lightheadedness feeling faint headaches numbness fatigue etc., then we will treat each individual point according to what's needed:
If you have dizziness, we might need to treat a point on the top of your head. If you feel faint or lightheaded all the time, then we would probably want to focus on a point near your heart. And if it's headaches that are causing problems for you, then there are many points along the top of your head and back that can help!
The key is to find which ones work best for you and then focus on those. The more often you come in, the better—because each treatment can help to build up your immune system so that it's strong enough to fight off any infections or viruses that cause PLID symptoms in the first place
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djfloops · 22 days
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chutneymusic · 22 days
जीन ने की इंसान से शादी | Fear Files | #shorts | Zee TV
Free Subscription click here: https://bit.ly/SubscribetoZeetv Get notified about our Latest update by Clicking the Bell Icon 🔔 Paid Subscription ZEE5 click here: http://www.zee5.com/myaccount/subscription?plid=0-11-1503&utm_source=yt_zeetv&utm_medium=link_desc&utm_campaign=subscription_lp Watch tomorrow’s Premiere Episodes of ZEE TV serials today. Get the best of ZEE5 Originals, popular Alt…
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supremehoodieii · 2 months
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Forgot to post the banner art! I'm tweaking some of their designs so you may see me posting more sketches and art trying to get them right. Any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to send an ask!
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