#PLEASE i just wanna JUMB
duskroots · 2 years
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iron--spider · 5 years
Without further ado—here are my book jacket summaries. SEND ME YOUR VOTE IN AN ASK! And the winner will (most likely) be my next big fic, which won’t be for a little bit because of my friend’s wedding events. But it will be coming soon :) You can definitely ask questions but I can’t necessarily say I’ll answer them because 1. I don’t know every detail about these quite yet, though I do know the general beginning, middle, end 2. I don’t wanna spoil them completely. Please don’t steal this shit lmao I’M TRUSTING Y’ALL.
(Endgame AU, future fic, older Peter Parker, Morgan included, Peter/MJ romance, Drama/Mystery)
Tony Stark is dead. Lost almost ten years ago, and not to Thanos or any Avengers level threat, but in a clash with the Green Goblin that Peter regrets every morning when he wakes up and every night when he goes to sleep. Being Tony’s protege meant that most of Tony’s tech went to Peter, and on one of his more melancholy days, Peter goes through Tony’s old workshops, and digs up one of Tony’s inventions that he doesn’t recognize or remember. And once he turns it on, he realizes it must be some kind of communication device—and he gets the surprise of his life when he connects immediately with a familiar voice.
Tony’s voice. 
After some panic, some anger, some accusations, Peter realizes it isn’t a trick. Peter realizes that he’s actually speaking to Tony. Tony, from the past. Tony, three days before the day of his death.
Can Peter can change the past? And if he does, can he deal with the consequences?
(Endgame everybody lives AU, no five year loss, pregnant Pepper, Avengers as family including Team Cap, Peter/MJ romance, Drama/Mystery/Comedy)
Tony wakes up one morning to a concerned call from May Parker. As per usual, Peter is worrying his poor aunt to death—but this time is different. His phone is giving a message that it’s not in service. And when Tony’s panic rises and he searches for Peter with Friday, he’s horrified to find out that there’s no trace of Peter anywhere on the earth. 
He’s gone. Disappeared, without a trace.
Tony leaps into action, using all the tech at his disposal, searching through Spider-Man fan groups online, and eventually, he’s led to an abandoned warehouse on Roosevelt Island. There’s a strange feeling in the air, and it isn’t just his fear making him sick. There’s something going on. There’s something...off.
And Tony finds a major clue under a nearby bridge, faded underneath old graffiti and withering posters and the sands of time. 
TONY - I’M HERE. I’M HERE IN 1991 :(
And it’s signed with small spider. 
(AU in which Tony never met Peter, pre-civil war timeline with Avengers as family, Peter as an orphan with no May and Ben, eventual Peter/MJ romance, Drama)
Tony Stark has a happy life. He loves his girlfriend. He’s got a lot of money, he’s a philanthropist, he gives back. He’s also a superhero, with a bunch of superhero buddies.
But strangely, there’s something missing. He’s got ghosts of people he once knew, people who are gone with no goodbyes, and he’s got ghosts of people that were never here to begin with. People he might have met, in another life.
One night he’s looking through his father’s old files, and he finds out there was a project Howard was working on—searching for heroes that came before Captain America. The folder isn’t packed, and there are only a few suspects with not much evidence, but there is one person in particular that strikes Tony as soon as he sees him.
Peter Parker. Someone Howard dubbed ‘the Spider-Man’. The kid was born in 1913, and all of Howard’s evidence was blurry newspaper photos, some handwritten notes that made it seem like Howard himself was following Peter. He was never able to prove that Peter was actually the Spider-Man, but his conclusion was that he was most likely correct—because the Spider-Man never reappeared after Peter Parker died in a factory fire in 1929. 
Tony reads the details about Peter. An orphan, living on the streets. Someone Howard described as kind, helpful. ‘Undoubtedly the masked hero. A genuinely good and decent human being who only thought of others.’
Suddenly, Tony is thinking about time travel. 
(Endgame everybody lives AU, not FFH compliant, Peter/MJ romance, Peter & Harry Osborn friendship, Avengers as family, Morgan Stark present, Drama/Mystery)
Peter Parker is finally on the right track. He’s a sophomore at ESU, staying close to home so he can keep up with his Spider-Man duties. He’s in a long term relationship with MJ. And they and Ned have adopted a new friend into their group—Harry Osborn.
But everything goes wrong when Norman, Harry’s father, announces that his son has been killed and Spider-Man is to blame. And worse yet, he has video evidence, despite the fact that Peter was nowhere near the event when it happened.
MJ and Ned take Peter, and they run.
Tony fights for his kid in the public eye while he facilitates Peter and the others with safe houses, and Peter quickly realizes that there’s a lot more to Norman Osborn than he ever could have imagined. Including the leagues of supervillains he sends after Peter and his friends. He clearly knows who Peter is, knows he’s Spider-Man. But he isn’t leaking his identity to the public just yet. And Peter has no idea why. 
Can Tony clear Spider-Man’s name before it’s too late?
(Tony surrives the snap in Endgame but falls into a coma, FFH compliant, Peter/MJ romance, Morgan Stark present, Drama)
Tony remembers snapping. Remembers the whiteness that he thought was the pearly gates finally coming into view. But then nothing happened. He was in the middle of nowhere, a great dark space, and he figured purgatory would be more exciting than this. 
Sometimes, he can hear voices.
The people he loves. Pepper, pleading for him to come back. Morgan, telling him how much she loves him. Rhodey and Happy, telling him how they’re taking care of everything while he sleeps.
He hears Peter, too. Almost more than anybody else, and the kid’s guilt is out of this world. Eventually, Peter talks about going on a trip. A trip that May and the others convinced him to go on. Tony’s glad. He knows the kid has earned it ten times over.
Later, he hears more voices. Jumbed, mass hysteria. 
It’s bad but we can help him—
We’re gonna try, we’re gonna try—
Please wake up, he needs you—
Peter’s in the Raft, Tony. It didn’t work. He’s in the Raft.
Tony feels a kind of strength he’s never felt before. A kind of anger and horror and pure rage and the blackness dissipates, stretches, moves like a ladder falling.
He pulls himself out.
Beeping, noises, everyone moving around, grabbing him, pushing him down. He’s dizzy, he’s sick, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. Nothing else matters. They’re talking, but he can’t hear them.
He’s gotta get Peter. The Raft? The fucking Raft?
He has to save him.
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tidsoptlmist · 7 years
It’s a Boy-Girl Thing - E.D.
Authors note: I’M BACK! for those who care: my holiday was sO MUCH FUN OH MY GOD!! I had the bEST time!!! sadly school has started again and i’m drowning in homework again!!! 
disclaimer 1: over these past few weeks I’ve received so many asks about whether or not I was still gonna update this: the answer is YES!
I hate the feeling of letting you all wait or maybe letting you down when i’m not posting as often as i (and you) would want me to. 
the things is that (and this might come as a shocker) actually do have a life outside of tumblr. I’m in my senior year of high school and I trying to get good grades, so I can get into a good university next year...
I do love writing this and I am so excited to continue writing this story (and more!!) and I will not stop until this story is finished!!! I promise ahha!! I see those messages as a compliment (bc apparently you all like this very much and want to read more) but sometimes they make me feel a little bad/stressed because i feel like I’m let you all down... so yea..... I hope you all understand! 
(what im trying to say is that i dont really mind those asks but at the same time it won't help asking bc YES i will be updating: but only when I’m able to...) (which will be regularly again next week!!!!) (promise)
disclaimer 2: this wasn't proofread so my apologies for any (loads of) spelling/grammar error!!!!! im a dyslectic assclown who cant spell to safe their own life so yea... just a lil heads up
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Summary: Ethan and Y/N are neighbors. And although Y/N is on good terms with Ethan’s twin brother Grayson, Y/N and Ethan loathe each other and are constantly in dispute. Ethan is a populair varsity football player, who likes to be in the spotlight. Y/N prefers to stay under the radar, while reading books and poetry.
Although the constant bickering between the two drives everyone around them crazy - the two live their separate lives peacefully. At least that’s how it was until they wake up one morning and every had changed…
PART 1 || PART 2 || PART 3 || PART 4 || PART 5 || PART 6 || PART 7 || PART 8 || PART 9 || PART 10
You liked sports. You honestly liked being active. But not in late summer, when it was hot like an oven outside and the air humid.
You could feel the sweat dripping down your back, your shirt completely drenched. Your heart beat banging in your head and your legs shaking. You squint your eyes against the intense sunset.
Ethan had made you run around the field all afternoon. He had made you run laps, do pushups, situps and all different sorts of exercises which names you had forgotten right after Ethan said you could stop doing them. After finishing you had dropped yourself next to Ethan on the grass: completely worn out.
‘What are you doing?’ Ethan had asked.
‘I’m taking a break. Actually, not even a break: I’m done! I think if I continue I might get a heart attack or something,’ you breath still went rapidly.
Ethan just laughed while grabbing a water bottle from the cooler he had taken with him. ‘What are you on about? This was the warming up!’ He threw a cold bottle of water next to you in the grass. Your hands quickly opened it and you gulped down half of the bottle before glaring at Ethan.
‘I’m definitely warm…’ You mumbled annoyed.
Slowly you had gotten up from the grass and Ethan had made you catch footballs for an hour. The sun was now setting and your whole body ached. You fell onto the bench at the side of the field.
‘I don’t think I’ll ever be able to leave this bench. I can’t carry your body anymore Eth,’ you sighed and wiped your forehead with his shirt. It didn’t help much: your shirt was completely soak. Ethan stood in front of you, grinning. Silently you watched the sunset behind the hills.
‘Let’s go home,’ you said, getting up. You grabbed your bag and looked at Ethan. He was still smiling at you. ‘I thought you said “you were never gonna be able to get off that bench”,’ he chucked at you. You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but let a smile creep on your face.
‘We really need to head home though. Grayson said something about a party this morning and I think he really wants to go,’ you say as you walk towards the parking lot where Ethan had parked your car earlier.
‘Who’s hosting the party?’ Ethan asked you, eyeing your in a curious manner.
‘Austin, I think…’ You say, trying to remember what Grayson had said this morning. ‘He said Austin invited you both. And that it would be a big party. Apparently his parents are out of town.’
‘You should go,’ Ethan says, as he opens the trunk. You put the footballs and bottles of water and other training gear in the trunk.
‘I don’t want to go,’ you say in all honesty. Ethan rolls his eyes as he closes the trunk again.
‘Grayson and I never go somewhere alone-’
‘Yea, that’s kinda weird: you two should try to being more independent,’ you cut him off. Ethan eyes you angrily - irritated that you cut him off, but ignores your comment.
‘Like I said, before you cut me off: we never go somewhere alone. If Grayson wants to go: you go with him,’ Ethan says as he walks towards the driver seat. You walk towards passengers seat and get into your car.
‘I don’t like those kind of parties! What do you want me to do while I’m there?! Also; this could only go wrong. Someone will definitely notice something’s off!’ You tell him, trying to convince him why you shouldn’t go to Austin’s party.
‘You can try talking to some girls?’ Ethan suggests chuckeling, but quickly comes back from his idea: ‘Wait, no! Don’t talk to girls! You’ll for sure embarrass me!’
You glare at him. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘Y/N, you might have a 4.0 on your GPA but you definitely don’t have a 4.0 in flirting,’ Ethan laughs at his own joke.
‘I’m not that bad….’ You say softly.
‘You know what, I’ll go to the party as well. That way I can keep an eye on you so you don’t embarrass me too much.’ Ethan says. You give him another glare. Annoyed how he won’t trust you.
The field wasn’t far from your home. Ethan parked in front of the Dolan house and you got out of the car.
‘Do you need to pick an outfit for tonight too - or do you trust me to pick one out myself without embarrassing you?’ You snarled at him. Ethan looked unimpressed by your remark.
‘Nah, you’re good,’ he simply said, pushing a strand of your long hair out of his face. In the days that he had been trapped in your body, he had only wore your hair down. It was now that you relised it was probably because he didn’t know how to tie a ponytail with long hair. You huffed and walked towards the trunk where you got the footballs and other training gear.
You walked towards the Dolan house without saying goodbye to Ethan. You dumped the training gear in the garage and walked immediately upstairs. You grabbed a clean pair of undrwear and some basketball shorts and walked towards the shower.
You took a quick shower - the same way you did that morning. This time the towel didn’t drop and you got the underwear on in one go. You stood infront of Ethan’s side of the sink and sprayed on some cologne. You closed your eyes as you inhaled the scent: it was smelled very good.
You walked out of the bathroom and layed down on Ethan’s bed. The party wouldn’t start till 9:30 - so you had a good three hours to kill.
Before you really could think of something to do, Grayson barched into the room. These boys left eachother no privacy did they?!
‘E,’ he exclaimed as he jumbed on the bed next to you, ‘wanna play some video games?’
And before you knew it, you were walking towards Grayson’s room. It was practially the same as Ethan - but with different colored bedsheets and instead of a poster of a motercycle there was a poster of old looking car. You recognised Grayson’s Ford Bronco - altough the one on the poster was red in color. Grayson turned the PlayStation on and handed you a controller.
‘Dude!!’ Grayson yelled at you. You stared at the screen. “YOU DIED” it read in thic red letters.
‘I swear I shot them first! I don’t know how I died?!’ You said annoyed.
‘Why are you so bad at this game?! Did you lose all your skills while haning out with Y/N today or something?!’ Grayson said jokingly, although he stilled looked a little annoyed at you for losing.
‘No,’ you mumbed while restarting the game. Playing video games was more fun then you innitionally thought it would be. Grayson was good company too, chatting away about his day.
‘How is Y/N doing?’ Grayson asks suddenly. You huff, concentrating on the game, ‘she’s good.’
Grayson falls back on the bed, starring at the ceiling, ‘she looks good.’
His comment makes you forget the game and within a second the red letters spelling out “YOU LOST” fill the tv screen again.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ You ask Grayson, confused. Grayson gives you a ‘like you don’t know what I’m talking about’-look. You gave him the ‘I-really-don’t-have-a-fucking-clue-what-you’re-talking-about-so-tell-me-now’-kind of look.
‘You said it yourself E: she has a good ass!’
You look at him in shock. It was weird hearing Grayson making comments about your ass - well just any ass - without getting red and flushed.
‘I never said that!’ Ethan would never say something like that about you!
‘Yea you did, like three days ago,’ Grayson says while taking the controller from you hands. ‘But don’t worry, I won’t tell Sophia tonight.’ He chuckles at his own joke. He walked towards the PlayStation and turns it off.
‘Is she gonna be there too?’ You mentally roll your eyes. Your energy level for this party just dropped to minus 6.
‘Yea, so let’s have some diner and get ready for this party,’ Grayson says as he walks out of his room. When he’s halfway down the stairs you hear him laugh and say:
‘and don’t forget to bring protection! We don’t want any surprises in 9 months!’
thank you for reading!! leave a comment if you feel like it!! 
please read the DISCLAIMER at the top!!
- i wrote a short grayson imagine but its not that good should i still post it???
- do you guys want me to make a master list? if so: let me know!! my ask
TAGS : @asapethan , @gabrielle-stark & @coconutethan here you go babes!!
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