#PLEASE be serious literally the only people with an actual reason to hate gwen are margo stans rightfully upset about her sidelining
punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
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Kept forgetting to post this convo me and @kitkatperce had like i've been meaning to!
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paperstorm · 11 months
Andie I have a very serious and important question for you. what the fuck are you putting in your fics???? It is currently 3:44am and I've been up since 8 but what am I doing? Crying as I read the end of Magnetic North that's what
The thing about me and sports fics is that I know absolutely nothing about sports except for 1 of them so usually they end up in my "Marked for later" for a while. But this is like the third time I've read a sports fic after putting it off to immediately questioning every decision I have ever made
I binged this fic like a fucking maniac but there was a logical part of me that was like "please...the assignment you've been procrastinating for 2 weeks is due tomorrow..." so I forced myself to put it down and go to sleep. That was yesterday. I brought my work with me from downstairs at 1am because "if I'm not gonna be able to sleep might as well finish this and then read Magnetic North the rest of the night" WELL I JUST FINISHED THE FIC AND I'M LITERALLY TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF MY THOUGHTS AND IT IS NOT WORKING-
Coherency...I know how to do that yes. Starting and ending it with Marjan's article was SUCH a nice touch I loved the way she wrote about them!
Also everyone who has ever been mean to TK can line up in an abandoned parking lot...You don't hurt my boy <3 :) . HIS GROWTH??? THAT'S MY POOKIE I'M SO FUCKING PROUD OF HIM??? Picking him up and parting his head as we speak. No but seriously he's so awesome and he's been hurt so much but all he really wants is love 😭. NOW YOU GET TO HAVE SO MUCH OF IT BABY!!! Watching him slowly accept the love and care from others was beautiful. I fucking love fics where a character heals. HIM CHOOSING HIMSELF HELL YEAH YOU GOT THIS! Carlos saying how TK looked healthier and Marjan too!! YES MY BOY IS IN HIS LOVER ERA AND I'M SO SO HERE FOR IT! I am starting to sound like a broken record but he genuinely fills me with so much pride and he's not even real 😭. THE REHABILITATION CENTER!! and he named it after Gwen...I'm so okay about this...
Carlos...where do I even start. I need to hug him let's start there. It broke my heart so badly when he didn't even get the chance to come out on his own terms. That is such a real fear and I honestly saw a part of myself in it. The "questioning everything you do in case someone suspects" If I ever find out who that photographer was...Gabriel won't be the only one who will need an alibi 🩷 NO OF COURSE I'm not bringing knives now that would be absurd wouldn't it? /sarc. He deserves all the love and acceptance actually. I loved the scene where he goes to the ranch after he was outed it was so healing for both Carlos and I actually that's my projection guy ✌️💕. Jkjk. TK commenting how much happier and freer Carlos was...sobbing into my pillow oh my god I'm so proud of him. AND HE WON THAT BIG CHAMPIONSHIP WHATEVER I TOLD YOU IDK SPORTS!
These fuckers got engaged what the fuck is wrong with them I hate them so much no I'm not crying! /lh. The kiss at the parade oh my god I will literally never ever recover from this fic Andie you have broken me. I will never once again be a normal human. I still think about The Firehouse like 23 times a day now Magnetic North will join too
So I did actually end up watching some random hockey highlights so I would have some idea as to what's going on and also oh you used real team players that's cool!! Did not know those people existed in real life but good to know. Now I can say I've read fanfiction with NHL players /j. Okay but srsly the team was absolutely AMAZING!! The way they're all such a family! How supportive they were of Tarlos! Kissing them all on the head (the fictional ones idk about the real ones)!
Okay WOW this got long. There's a reason I typed this in my notes app first. Imma attach my real time reaction to the parking lot kiss here
I am in the car (love being a gay) and I just read the parking lot kiss and my anxiety SPIKED because I was like "no no no they're gonna get outed oh my god NOOOO" TEARS IN MY EYES READING NANCY CALLING THEM UP AND TELLING THEM TO CHECK TWITTER!!! I want that photographer to meet me in an abandoned lot...NO I'M NOT BRINGING KNIVES WHY WOULD YOU EVEN INSINUATE THAT- /sarc (last part)
I have a question! You must be really familiar with Hockey to write this fic. Do you play? /gen
Okay now I will sleep because I'm genuinely very tired. If this doesn't make sense blame it on the fact that I've been up for way too long. I loved this fic Andie, like and insane amount. It's all so beautiful and well rounded and I was so enthralled by it, it's crazy. Thank you for this fic, you're awesome!
All the tone tags I used: (I just have really bad anxiety and don't want anything to be misinterpreted so!)
/sarc: sarcasm
/lh: light-hearted
/j: joking
/gen: genuine
I am a little bit speechless about this 🥺🥺 thank you so so so much, I’m so happy you liked it!! Thank you for taking the time to send this to me, I’m swooning 🤩 and I played a lot of street hockey as a kid but never was on a team or anything, I just watch it a lot!
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dnawield--a · 4 years
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@builtperil​ asked: “ ;;  he he he he u make ben too STUPID. ( * is someone who never watched ben 10 * ) -- BUT since I'm here, please indulge for us why he's like that? :eyes: (( g-genuinely I promise, I'd love 2 hear your thoughts )) “
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Nah I’m kidding. Ben isn’t actually stupid despite how much I call him most variations of the word. Ben has shown time and time again throughout the series that he IS very clever, and to a certain extent, he IS good in school. His worst class is physics and he still manages a B in that class, which really does say a lot about when he CAN actually focus on studying (another reason why he adored Julie- she was super smart and helped him with studying and was sooooo patient with him).
At the end of the day, there’s a list of reasons why Ben does some of the things he does. The shit posty stuff isn’t actually shit post- he’s got Pica. Ben eats weird things, but they are weird things that don’t bother his sensitivity to taste and texture. The things he eats that stem from him having Pica are dirt and paper. I think there was a third thing, but I don’t remember TBH! Dirt and paper aren’t textures that make him go, “bad! bad!!! bad bad bad!!!” which is why he also enjoys eating it. Not really for the taste- sometimes he just. Had to eat dirt. It’s an overwhelming need, and he’s aware of how weird it looks, but he’s just,”I do Not care. I NEED to eat this dirt right now or I will die.”
This also devolves into him and his smoothy tastes. I forgot where I read it or remembered it from, but he doesn’t drink the same smoothy twice. At least, not in the same day. It has to be a different flavor if he’s having his second or eleventh. There’s no reason for this that’s stated as far as I know, but since I headcanon as ADHD (and since I am also ADHD and have this obnoxious trait), he purposely does this ‘cause of some dumb shit he’s done in the past with foods that he liked. Pretty much, if he REALLY wants to eat one thing, he will eat the same thing with nothing else until he just is on the verge of puking if he has to be near it. This only pertains to certain flavors rather than food though. There’s certain smoothy flavors he can’t go near anymore ‘cause he drank so many for an extended period of time that the very SMELL of them make him nauseous. Gwen and Kevin hate his weird smoothy flavor options, but he doesn’t feel like explaining that the mango smoothies they wanted make him want to vomit the second the small gets to his nose, so if they wanted normal smoothies, they should’ve bought it.
Then there’s just his. Chaotic nature. I’ll be real, his chaotic tendency didn’t stem too much into left field until Omnive/rse. Could be due to character regression ‘cause the writing with him was a lil all over the place (though also I got my own beef with UA Ben but that’s another field I won’t go into until my rewatch of UA which I am absolutely putting off for MANY reasons aside from the three episodes i went back to watch SOLELY cause I remember them being good and not making me outright visceral and angry), but honestly, he’s just. Tired. All of AF he was fighting aliens and having to be quiet about the matter. Then some tween blew his secret and now the entire cosmos just STARES at him and critiques everything he does. When he’s trying to be a good hero, he’s criticized. When he’s show boating, he’s criticized (which is fine but like it’s just another moment on the list). When he’s trying to help multiple people at once and they are handled a teeny bit rough ‘cause he’s literally trying to get several people out of a burning building that the fire department is DESPERATELY trying to put out faster, he’s criticized. When he’s just being a normal teenager,  he’s criticized. When he dares to be a teenager that has a powerful device attached to his wrist, he’s blasted on a major broadcasting channel and screamed about how he can’t be trusted and how he’s a true menace and will betray everyone.
He doesn’t let it show, but after a while, some people DO just go too far and he’s just. Unable to care anymore. Fine. Which is why he’s all over the place with how he reacts to things. Sometimes he takes a very serious approach to it because at the moment, he doesn’t feel like it’s appropriate to be snarky. Other times, his own coping mechanism kicks in and he HAS to make extremely inappropriate quips, jokes, or banter. And then other times, he goes only on instinct and makes very dangerous decisions that FEEL right (and in the long run, do end well, but usually at the cost of whatever sense of self preservation).
There’s also the nagging sensation of, y’know, the entire Universe he is in being a copy he had to make because he was too late to save his original Universe. There’s the constant feeling that it literally doesn’t matter what he does because he ALREADY failed the first time. He’s wondering, “Wait did I die twice or did I forget to remake that part of the Universe?” because the change of the smoothies seem different to him (which in fact they ARE the same, but his brain refuses to accept he, a human by default, managed to recreate an entire fucking Universe), he can’t just...forget this isn’t his original Universe, and he genuinely hopes one day it WILL taste the same. Though he’s also scared of that ‘cause then he’s going to be like, “wait no I can’t forget the old Universe. Those were my original friends. These guys are all copies. What if I changed something that’s gonna change their whole future? what if-” and he’s just. Constantly racing with a lot of ‘what if’ questions, and it does actually stress him out to the max. However, since the last thing he wants is for the media to know he does, in fact, feel anxiety ‘cause then his critics are gonna use that against him, and while he fucks around with Harangue, it has taken a toll.
So, his logic behind behind so feral and chaotic is literally: “Okay, but like, I WILL be chaotic all the time so you become SO USED to me being chaotic that you will get tired of it and just accept it as the norm! Which works for me ‘cause I do Not know how to cope with my trauma in a less destructive way, so therefore, I am forever the helpful menace to society because I am stressed 25/7 but since I have no more privacy unless I actively FIGHT for it, I literally don’t get to cope and I don’t even know how to because I have not yet accepted my entire summer when I was ten has left me very messed up in the head and I genuinely think what happened that summer was the best thing to have happened to me. Also I haven’t slept i 12 days and I’ve been able to hear time and it’s very stressful.”
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mjwatson · 7 years
the MJ/gwen debacle
“mary jane loved spider-man and gwen loved peter parker / gwen is the better character and love interest than mj.”
i’m sorry, i’m just tired. so i decided to make a master post once and for all bc i am over itttt.
anybody who has been following me longer than a week probably knows i despise gwen. not necessarily because of the character, but because of her fandom. BUT i am going to try my absolute best to remain professional and not let my hatred for the character seep into this. i mean... i am only human so i can’t promise i’ll be perfect, but let’s do this.
let me start this off by saying, i despise the mindset that if you don’t read the comics, you’re a lesser fan, and i despise the people who look down on people who only watch the movies. that is not what this is about. i am not trying to flex my comic book muscles at you. you’re entitled to your opinions and don’t have to justify them or be incredibly knowledgable in your opinions. but if you are only a movie fan, and find yourself spreading FALSE information about a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD inaccurate portrayal of MJ and a five year old portrayal of gwen stacy that is JUST as inaccurate (as her character in the TASM movies are heavily based off of MJ), that’s not cool. do not be that person.
so if you want to know how both relationships went down in the comics, feel free to read on. please be aware this looks like a long ass post, only because i included a lot of comic panels. if you want to just read the text then the post will move along a lot quicker.
gwendolyn maxine stacy. very first appearance in the amazing spider-man #31 with harry osborn and flash thompson. throughout this issue, gwen thinks how despite peter not being built, that he’s smart and good looking, attractive etc. peter has been in his head all day because his aunt was sick.
gwen decides to finally talk to him after thinking that he’s cute.
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when peter can’t give her the time of day, she gets icy and storms off. 
some other things happen with peter, still has his mind elsewhere, and gwen stacy tries again.
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not being able to handle the fact that he isn’t giving her attention, and getting mad about it. she then isn’t in the next few issues. when she does reappear, she’s revelling in the attention she is getting.
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then gwen and peter’s first real interaction happens.
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still icy cold towards him. then she doesn’t appear for another few issues. the next time we see her, she persist.
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still no luck. she’s still angry and tells him she thinks he’s a coward.
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literally all she has done so far since being introduced is be mad lmao. and then she literally just makes fun of him. i’m not even skipping scenes or anything.
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sure peter could be more friendly and not so immersed with his secret identity, but you never know what’s going on with somebody, so this behaviour is just immature to me (i mean i blame the writers, but since gwen is a character written by these writers, unfortunately that’s how she is). in the next scene she’s – shocker – still mad, and even tries to slap him. to be fair, peter’s a douche in this scene too. bad bad writing.
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idk if this is their way in trying to build up sexy fiery passion or something... but it was just executed so poorly. gwen was mad because peter wasn’t giving her attention so she pouted about it, and then now they are enemies? whaaat.
but i guess that interaction... somehow worked? because in the next scene she’s sticking up for him a little. so that cool of gwen, props.
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over the next few issues, not much happens with her. she either just appears and doesn’t say anything, or thinks about peter, or they flirt a little bit like this:
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so that was issue #31 to issue #41. 10 issues. of gwen being mad at peter for not paying attention to her, and them starting to flirt a bit when he finally did. 
then in issue #42, mary jane watson is brought up, and gwen is not too please about it, gets pissed off, and takes it out on flash.
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peter fights some baddies, goes back home, and then the iconic face it tiger scene with mary jane watson happens 11 issues after gwen’s first appearance.
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the next issue we get to take a look at how the blind date is going and... let me warn you....... mary jane talks so fucking weird/funny oh my god. these comics do not age well. her lingo makes me cringe but i love her anyways. what we gather from this is that she’s fun and peter is smitten with her. she’s easy going and is taking drama classes.
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she’s care free and doesn’t take herself too seriously.
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then rhino stuff happens and peter is thinking of a way to bail on mj, but then she suggests they hop on his motorcycle and drive down to the action to see it for themselves. 
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so then pete blows her off cause he has to do spidey things and when they reunite, mj isn’t mad about it, and they actually make plans to hang out some more.
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he then bumps into flash, harry and gwen, and they give him a hard time and peter compares gwen to mj, saying that he bet mj wouldn’t stand by like gwen did when flash was bullying him.
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the next issue they’re all hanging together, studying, and mj walks in, and they all meet her for the first time.
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the first thing mj actually does is address gwen, being perfectly pleasant. then she takes peter away on a date, and gwen gets jealous and takes it out on flash.
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peter becomes very smitten with mj.
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but then peter cancels their plans on her twice in a row and she doesn’t get mad at all. she just stays chill about it. but she ends up making other plans, and peter sees her and harry out to go to the disco, and peter is an ass.
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over the next bit they all hang out together, peter and mj are flirty, gwen is finally letting her hair down a bit and dancing. they’re all becoming pals!
then peter wants gwen again bc peter can’t make up his fkin mind clearly, and gwen is the one to blow him off this time. the good thing is, she’s being nice about mary jane at least! i do like how they are friends in the comics.
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peter goes back and forth on gwen and mj for multiple issues, they both clearly like him back. nothing too groundbreaking to share as of yet. i’m just thankful for mj and gwen’s friendship. i hate how people forget that when pitting the girls against each other.
this is pretty much one of the only times it’s mentioned that gwen is into science tho...
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then peter and mj are hanging, and gwen shows up.
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gwen says something very interesting in the panel above. peter jokes wondering if mj is ever serious, and gwen says “far more often than she’d like you to suspect, mr. p”. this kind of foreshadows mj’s actual character, how she’s a party girl, flaky, care free, and it’s all a mask. because in reality, she had an awful, abusive home life, and not being serious is how she copes with that. so that was insightful on gwen’s part, or just some forshadowing from the writers.
not much happens for a few issues. then peter and gwen have their first kiss.
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then a baddie tries to use mj as a shield, and peter saves her. she’s the first to swing with spidey! and then mj jokes about it and brushes it off because she’s strong af.
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then peter and captain stacy got in a kerfuffle and they were fighting, and cap stacy was about to whack peter with his cane, but peter’s spider senses wet off and knocked cap stacy to the ground. gwen ran in and saw it, and got mad at peter.
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not much happens for awhile. everyone is so preoccupied with their own problems. peter can’t stop thinking of gwen, she is still mad at him, etc etc.
it’s funny bc the readers were preferring mj at this time despite them trying to make the peter/gwen thing a thing, so stan lee made mj get a god awful, ugly haircut in hopes it would make people like gwen more.
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still lots of drama with gwen’s dad, gwen is still not talking to peter, but they both think of each other, mj isn’t in the comics for a bit.
but then gwen’s dad finally tells gwen what happened so then they’re all good again.
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so then they’re good. they’re dating again. but this happens lmao
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then gwen gets mad at him later on for constantly disappearing. while gwen does get mad too often, i agree with her on this because peter is very flaky (for good reason, but she doesn’t know that).
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mary jane is MIA from the comics for a long time and the non spidey scenes normally just consist of gwen and peter being good for a little bit and then inevitably fighting again over something dumb.
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more of just contant on n off again, happy n pissed off at each other, etc etc, i think the writers were out of ideas lol. THEN 17 FREAKING ISSUES LATER MJ FINALLY RETURNS. with better hair.
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then peter and gwen are really good and in love, then gwen and peter get hit by a truck, peter doesn’t visit gwen in the hospital till later cause of spidey stuff, gwen gets mad at him for it. LOTS OF BACK AND FORTH GOD DAMN.
then it finally got enough and in a frenzy peter tells everyone he’s spider-man, and gwen does not take the news well.
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but then at the end of the issue he says he had the flu and didn’t mean what he said and gwen was happy again.
but then peter was with cap stacy when he died, and people blamed spider-man for captain stacy’s dead.
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resulting in gwen hating spider-man because she blamed him for her father’s death.
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then gwen says she’s gonna move to london to live w/ her uncle. and peter doesn’t want her to go. and they say i love you and it’s sweet, but then she mentions how she hates peter’s other half again.
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gwen goes to london and they breakup.
all throughout the comic there’s always little things like this where it’s very clear mj is into peter. she never even remotely talks about spider-man, it’s always about peter.
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but gwen is still peter’s high school sweetheart and he still loves her and thinks about her, and she him.
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so she comes back to new york.
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then they’re in looooove. but there’s not much content of them being together n happy for the next few issues, it’s mainly just spidey fighting bad guys. then when she does come back peter is rude n lies to her and then gwen is sad again.
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okay you guys it honestly goes back and forth so much. they’re good, then they’re awful, they’re good, then they’re awful. so i’m not going to be providing those panels anymore because i think you get the idea that it’s pretty unstable.
she does stick up for peter though, which is pretty awesome.
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but then
the time has come
where gwen dies
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and then one of the most iconic peter/mj moments happen. peter lashes out at mj because he’s broken about gwen’s death, but despite mj being flighty due to her abusive upbringing, she sticks around anyways.
they originally had her rushing over at the end to hug him, but instead changed it to her just closing the door because that held more weight.
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she’s there for him.
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mj sticks up for peter and harry, but she’s treated like shit by yet another man.
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and here you can see very well how mj really wants to be there for peter, but then her guard is up because all she knows is men treating her like trash. and to prevent anyone getting close to her so they can hurt her, she pushes them away and doesn’t let them in.
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but the death of gwen do make them grow and look after each other, getting closer to each other for wanting to be there for each other.
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gwen’s death still heavily on peter’s mind, though.
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the thing i don’t get about the whole ‘mj only loved spider-man not peter parker’ argument is that MJ WAS SO FUCKIN OBVIOUS ABOUT HER INFATUATION WITH PETER ALL THE TIME AND NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT SPIDER-MAN EVER?
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but i love these panels below so, so much. really shows how hard it is for mary jane to let people in/admit her feelings. but it’s very clear she does love him, but peter isn’t emotionally available yet.
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except despite them both being stubborn about their feelings, they grow closer and closer.
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but peter’s still haunted by gwen.
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but then peter and mj have their first kiss, and it changes everything forever.
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gwen comes back as a clone, and then this happens.
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but then after they depart, this immediately happens, and this has been confirmed that mj and peter solidified their relationship ~*by doin it*~ and it was peter’s first time.
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and then thinking of her gives him the strength to fight back.
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and then their relationship grows more and more very beautifully, mj letting peter in, peter letting her in. mj finally tells peter she knows he’s spider-man, so she’s the only one who understand that part of his life. 
i’m not going to continue as this post was just about the gwen/mj dynamic while gwen was alive. but if you want to continue reading posts about why i love mj, and peter and mj’s relationship, and how it grew beautifully, you can check out my “reasons why i love mary jane watson” series, as it’s a never ending string of my love!
i hope this was informative. i get so many messages about this so i created this post so i can just direct people this way.
let me know if you have any other recommendations or anything. :)
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Always been a low-key Gwen & No Doubt fan b/c I'm from Anaheim and hometown pride and all. But I never really delved into their discography until recently {shefani sucked me in}, but I find myself listening only to the hits and singles. Could you please recommend me some of their more underrated songs?
Oh gosh. This will be hard for me. I tend to listen to albums more than songs. So it’s hard for me to narrow down to songs. But I will try! (And not listing singles or hits and mainly from their 4 “main” albums.)
This is going to be a long post so let me put in a break. 😅
Tragic Kingdom - Okay this is one is extra hard for me because it’s one of my top 4 favorite albums of all time. I really think you should try listening to it fully, because it is great and I could probably list every song on that album. But here are a few of my personal highlights:
Different People - You have to go with this one. It’s the first song Gwen wrote and really shows her positive outlook towards people. It really helps me understand how she truly has seen the best in some people *cough cough* Gavin *cough cough*
The Climb - I think this is Gwen’s best vocals ever.
Happy Now - I’m not sure if you consider this a single. (It was a single but didn’t really chart.) But I love how angry this song is.
World Go ‘Round - I’m putting this on here because now that she is dating Blake this song amuses me to no end. The intro sounds so country to me and then transitions into the ska/Caribbean sound No Doubt is known for. Like it’s a perfect mix of Blake and Gwen to me. 20ish years before they started dating. 😂
Return of Saturn:
Six Feet Under - For some reason, this is one of the most common No Doubt songs to randomly pop into my head. I probably randomly burst into this song about once every 2 weeks. 😂 I’m not sure what that says about my inner psyche. 🤔
Magic’s in the Makeup - You purely need to listen to this for the fact that Gwen uses this hashtag and reference very often. Also, it’s an incredible look into her insecurities. 💖
Marry Me - It breaks my heart to listen to this one. Poor bunny valued marriage so much. And trying to make the ex fit into that is just painful. Bless her honesty with us.
Suspension Without Suspense - I think this song is so beautiful. Also another sad look into her and her ex’s relationship.
Staring Problem - The main reason I’m including this one is that I’m amused to no end that Gwen likes to spell in songs. When she is probably is the worst speller. 😂 Also, I love her weird vibrato. 😍
Rock Steady:
Making Out - Such a catchy song. Just pretend it’s not about the ex. 😉
Detective - Basically this entire album is so freaking catchy. But the lyrics in this one definitely hurt. Man, her ex was douche.
In My Head - It ain’t only in your head, boo. 😖 Okay. This album is literally Gwen outlining her problems with the ex on catchy beats. Man, her ex was an asshole.
Platinum Blonde Life - MY FAVORITE FROM THE ALBUM. I can relate to this song so much. I feel like Gwen and I would be great friends because we would just take naps and pretend that nothing wrong is going on in our lives or world. 😇 (Please drink enough water though, Gwen. 💖)
Waiting Room - You just have to include the Prince song. I sing this song a lot to myself at the hospital. For obvious reasons. But on a serious note, it is a very interesting song. And I love Prince’s backing vocals.
Push and Shove:
Easy - Gwen always talks about how hard this album was to write. With the pressure of wanting to make the guys in the band happy and stuff going on in her personal life. I always feel like this song kind of sums up that feeling well.
Undercover - I like to call this Detective 2.0. 10ish years later and her ex is still up to the same crap. 
Undone - One of the most beautiful and heartbreaking songs ever. Seriously, if you want to get emo, listen to this song. Man, her ex is a dick.
Sparkle - Might be about her brother, Eric? Either way. Another super emotional song. The lyrics are intense.
Dreaming the Same Dream - This is actually one of the most interesting songs to me when it comes to Gwen’s personal life. It closes out the album. And it repeatedly asks “Who taught you how to love?” Fast forward to 2015 and we get our answer in Used to Love You. “Nobody taught you how to love.”
Honorable Mention:
Total Hate (The Beacon Street Collection) - Because I’m a Gwen/No Doubt nerd, this song is interesting to me. In 2012, Gwen said in an interview that she removed this song from the setlist because she didn’t connect with it anymore and she isn’t in that place. She often said she was worried that Just a Girl would become that way but she still feels just as connected to it now as she did back then. So I think it’s interesting to listen to a song that Gwen totally feels disconnected from now. It’s also nice to hear Bradley Nowell’s (Sublime) voice. RIP.
This was probably more than you asked for. But I couldn’t narrow it down from these. 😂 This was fun. Thanks for this ask!
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