tang3r1n · 2 months
platonic izuocha is NOT spoken about enough :(
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
One of the biggest reasons I think IzuOcha is 'not' the endgame pairing is because of how intentionally underdeveloped it is!!
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I mean look at this example:
Ochako was just thinking about Deku in a completely platonic sense and everyone made it an IzuOcha moment, like why?
What part of it screams romantic?
A Relationship is between two people but in this case, Izuku is not even looking at her. It has always been her and her alone, struggling to walk through her feelings of low self esteem and confidence.
Plus there are other people in the background! If you truly love someone, only that person matters...and not the rest but Deku is standing there looking at someone (most probably Katsuki) and the rest of class 1A is standing with him.
Remember this famous scene from when future Lucy died?
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What makes this memory special is the fact that this is Natsu's POV. She is looking at him, flashing a beautiful smile, reminding Natsu what he needs to protect from now on!
Or when Natsu thought about Lucy in the GMG...
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You know the drill.
In Ochako's case, she doesn't need to win for Izuku. She needs to win for herself and save her fellow heroes from Toga and even Toga from herself.
"Now Ochako will just confess her undying love to Deku in the epilogue"
Are we reading the same manga? Why would she even do that? She doesn't like Deku that way and would never wanna hurt Toga, the person she's trying so hard to save!
Speaking of which, if Ochako loved Deku and planning on going after him , she wouldn't be so okay with confronting Toga because Toga just confessed to Deku and got hurt. So, if Ochako gets together with Deku, wouldn't it hurt Toga even more?
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Toga genuinely loved Deku, even to the point where Danger sense failed to detect any malice within her, and she got rejected. So if Ochako is willing to voluntarily give her blood to Toga for the rest of her life, why would she be with the person that hurt Toga?
Toga was hurt by Deku's rejection and Ochako told her that she should never hide her feelings or that beautiful face of hers just because some boy rejected her.
Plus if she really wanted to confess she had all the time and moment to do so. There was literally a perfect moment, during the cliff scene when they both knew they could die tomorrow and yet none of them chose to close the distance between them. Instead, they chose to talk about their nemesis and how they will stop them.
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"Ochako will show her true feelings for Deku after this"
Ochako stopped hiding her feelings a long time ago! STOP MISCHARACTERIZING HER!!
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Another reason could be, because Deku knows the best to hide his true feelings behind a mask. Dark Deku Arc is the perfect example. He hid behind his own mask and suffered for everyone else's sake.
It could also reflect on the promise she made with Deku on Okuto Island, that she'll get Toga and he could go get Shigaraki.
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Plus, Toga told Ochako that Twice was like a brother to her and we know that Ochako and Toga are supposed to be similar. Meaning Deku and Twice are also supposed to mirror each other!
And then there are literally thousands of BkDk shippers screaming online on why it is the endgame pairing with its various proofs and theories.
So, with all that being said, I don't know what people who say 'IzuOcha is the endgame pairing' are thinking.
Cheers! Sunshine!
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Rethinking about this post, I shouldn't even question why some people are insistent about Uraraka having a crush. Hello, some people are insistent about Midoriya belong straight.
A girl has to have a crush.
And a boy has to be straight.
The girl must be in love. She has to be this "love interest" and that's her only trait she has to be recognized for. She can't be her own person. She can't have her motivations stem from her good heart. She can't just have awkward moments like anybody would. No, it's totally a crush because every teenage girl grows up having crushes on boys. When she blushes and gets skittish, it's because she's in love! Not because she's feeling awkward and that's a normal human reaction.
The boy must be straight. He's the protagonist. He can't be gay or bisexual or anything but straight! He's badass now so he must only be straight so he can get the girl at the end. Him defeating the big bad and protecting everyone he cares about is not important like getting the girl is. He has to not like wearing a bunny suit because he's straight, even though there are straight people who actually wouldn't mind having a little fun because they're confident in who they are.
Look, I don't hate IzuOcha, I don't. I think the ship is cute.
It's just... it seems sometimes it has to be a must in the story when it comes to Uraraka and Midoriya in this fandom.
I don't think people realize we're in this new age where characters of all diversity exists and are written to beat the norm.
Horikoshi may not be the best writer (the need for perfection is ridiculous) but come on.
He could easily written our main girl to be some stalker character who gets easily angry and violent with other girls over our main boy.
He could have easily written our protagonist to be dumb as bricks and wins every battle he's in without struggle and boundaries to hold him back.
But he didn't! And thank goodness he didn't!
I said it before and I'll say it again, I don't care for any ships to be canon in this kind of story. Do I think any ships will be canon? Thinking it over at this moment, I do not.
I hate that there's this thing where a story must be fully complete when ships are canon. The characters have to kiss and boom! Complete story.
Question is, why does it have to?
I feel like without ships being canon in a story, it saves the writer, in this case Horikoshi. I don't mean "Oh, it will make his story better". I mean "so the fandom can not be complete assholes".
My guess? Some writers fall into making ships canon not because they want to but because they're pressured by the audience to do so.
Shipping nowadays is what drives people to be more engaged with media. I mean ship fics get a lot more attention than fics without romance. Which while shipping can drive a story, but what happened to platonic relationships being just as important? Or a character finding themselves and being happy with the end result without the need for romance? Can't these aspects co-exist and be held in the same regard as shipping?
And why must the character follow "norms"?
What's so wrong about Uraraka not having a crush on Midoriya? There isn't nothing bad with her having a crush, but why must it be the only case? What if she is discovering herself like a lot of teens do? What if she actually doesn't have a crush and believed she does because of others' influence? Why can't Uraraka be known as Uraraka, a hero student who wants to help people and has the drive to do so?
What's so wrong about Midoriya not being straight? Just like there's nothing wrong with characters being gay, there isn't nothing wrong with characters being straight. However, why try to be so insistent about Midoriya's sexuality to others? Especially, going as far as to be a jerk about it? Does his sexuality really truly matter when he's trying to defeat the big bad? Horikoshi hasn't stated what Midoriya’s sexuality is, has he? So can't his sexuality just be an open thought? Does it have to be what you, only a fan and not his creator, say it is?
More importantly, when it comes to these two characters, why must only you be right and everyone else who doesn't agree must be wrong?
Personally, while there are some takes for any characters I see are takes I don't particularly like, I don't waste my breath arguing with people about them.
At the end of the day, you are still going to have your opinion and I'll have mine.
What I don't like is that you don't respect it. Don't force what only you think is right and canon on others.
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arentwelost · 5 years
reactions to the bnha: heroes rising film
spoilers alert !
(i risked coronavirus to go to the cinema for this but no regrets because we all want to die anyway oof-)
the film was very 1a centred & that’s gr8 and all especially since we got to witness the bond they had between them & just. how incredibly amazing their teamwork is
but i really ,,, miss,,, aizawa (my fave, my tru love)
he had a total of 3 (?) scenes, each of them lasting like less than 10 secs - even toshinori had more scenes than that : (
but you know who even had less screen time (aka none),,, our boy,,, the valid purple son,,,, shinsou hitoshi : (
the person who had the most screen time was this new villain called nine and i really wanna yell begone thot at him because he was like “i want to create a utopia where the powerful rules” and i was like thinking,, yo that shit sounds like capitalism & neoliberalism
his character design was really pretty, but it didn’t make up for his ideology that came outta nowhere with no backstory - so it was really hard to empathise/sympathise
what makes a villain good is 1) sufficient backstory 2) being so damn predictable and familiar that you actually prefer them over every other new villain because better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know
anyway, what really slaps is kacchan’s fuckin character development !!
lil gremlin is still gremlin but ,, he’s working with other kids,, he’s minimising damage done to the area while fighting villains,, there was a scene of him all calm and shit while eavesdropping on izuku and katsuma (which once again proves that most of his anger is just a front he puts up in front of other people rather than a perpetual state, and ya know what, i love that introvertedness that he has),,, him being protective over the bakusquad and not blasting kaminari for teasing him,,, he and izuku fighting together like a hero duo ,,,, eye-
this movie really said bakugo character development hUH
anyway in the beginning when endeavour showed up and dabi and endeavour had this whole showdown with their fire quirks and we got this close up of endeavour’s thicc thighs and i was like :           ) we don’t stan for this here but at the same time i was like @ hawks damn ur daddy really be like that, huH
which reminds me of my whole spiel about dabi/hawks and endeavour/hawks : ‘ ) 
but yea. dabi was unfairly attractive and i just want death to consume me
okay so the plot was like,, the hero commission (aka the dodgy ass institution): how about sending the 1a kids to an island where there are no active heroes ??
so the 1a kids get yeeted off to an island,, and they are having fun helping the locals out !! (this is the wholesome content we all deserve)
jirou and yaomomo asdgjhskgjahkj
kacchan who stays at home the entire day because he’s on ~villain duty~ and there weren’t any villains so he just sits at home and read manga asdfghjkl that’s a hard Mood
kirishima looking like the cutie he is eye-
the bakusquad teasing kacchan by calling him “kacchan of bakugo”
how is maharo & katsuma so damn cute *angery fists*
but izuku really be adopting children left and right hUh
dadmight and dadzawa whomst i only know dadku
ochako & tsuyu are so cute wtf eye-
these villains are overpowered af wtf
wow i love 1a having each other’s backs their teamwork,, was ,,, so good,,, so smooth ,,, (*whispers* poly 1-a anyone ??)
everyone be losing until kacchan comes blasTing in, saving kirishima & kaminari with sheer determination and stubbornness and manages to defeat one (1) villain
not going to lie though i feel like mummy got done dirty like that
but i like the little nod to the provisional exam arc
the inflated izuku mahoro projected was the Cutest
anyway what really clapped was you know,, both izuku and kacchan being the smort cookies they are: “DIDN’T I TELL YOU THAT ONCE I’VE SEEN YOU USE IT, I HAVE A WAY OF COUNTERING IT?!" 
like oof
also i love how izuku is established as the image of hope (the saviour) and kacchan is established as the image of victory (the victor) - this whole “win to save” and “save to win” really got laid down really heavily
but we’re all hoes for that i guess
touga in her winter gear !!! eye-
yaomomo delivering the Goods (i.e. the cannons) 
a o y a m a : (
the moment i realised that tokoyami was in the cave, i knew the villain there was Done For 
i haven’t forgotten our resident eldritch abomination, dark shadow, y’all
i just ?? love ?? mina ???? so much ??????
ngl i didn’t know chimera was literally a chimera until this part i just thought he one big furry
that flashback to endeavour’s advice when shouto was fighting chimera ?? the symBoLisM wow
shouto being able to rationally separate endeavour the hero and endeavour the shitty dad & using the advice endeavour gave him to empower himself -
- wipes tears
sero and ochako getting blasted away really badly by nine,,, and izuocha happens but we’ve all seen that before
it is kacchan,, ,, being protective of sero when he got yeeted,,,,, that is the Point 
s h o u j i : ( protecting mahoro and katsuma with his body : ( big cuddle boy doesn’t deserve this pain !!!
don’t think i didn’t notice the film using the same bgm as the kamino rescue
it draws such a powerful parallel ??  back then it was kacchan who needed to be ‘saved'  but now it’s kacchan doing the saving & the winning - once again, such character development asdfghjkl
this film,, making me appreciate kaminari 10x more
also fellas is it gay to stare at your rival and being able to communicate non-verbally
bkdk detroit smashing the storm together & making a damn fucking hole in the stratosphere like all might,, dispelling the damn storm and letting sunlight filter in ?? that was some really obvious symbolism but regardless,,,, wow
this is the part where the whole twin stars motif really came right in kicking our houses down
kacchan breaking both of his arms because of one for all & all i can think of is ,, izuku,, stop sharing your bone breaking juice with people
i’m just thinking about how people @ izuku: wtf how do you deal with this bone breaking bs all the time
and izuku, pure bean: oh yea haha i thought it was normal ?? like everyone has to get used to their quirks like this ??
a concept: quirkless izuku not understanding how quirks are supposed to feel
anyway, dadmight cradling izuku in his arms only to leave kacchan a metre away ?? favouritism that we’re all here for
izuku : ( apologising : ( for : ( being : ( a : ( bad : ( successor : (
i just want to shake izuku’s shoulders & tell him that he did super well and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of himself and that he deserves everything good in this world
also imagine being so gremlin that all the one for all predecessors were like "nope we’re not dealing with this gremlin child, we prefer the pure broccoli” 
disappointed that hawks didn’t get enough screentime
but we got some hawks & tokoyami and ryuukyuu & ochako time
kacchan ~conveniently~ forgetting what happened ?? i smell something fishy
our local crusty boy shows up & ahh yes, there it is - the close up shot that like to remind us that he needs to Moisturise
everytime i see red shoes on shigs i just think about the parallels between shigs and izuku and my heart breaks all over again
the scene where shouto got hugged super uncomfortably by endeavour ?? oof. the entire cinema just simultaneously laughed and heard the shouuuuutooooo
katsuma being like like “i’m going to become a hero like deku & bakugo !” and kacchan’s acting all cool and shit, telling him “you better” while izuku is like “katsuma, you can become a hero !! we’ll wait for you at ua !!” because he saw himself in katsuma and wanted to be the person he wanted someone to be for him when he was young
breaking my own heart like this
imagine the first years in ten years though
they’re just going to be a bunch of teenagers izuku or 1-a saved or adopted
and they’re going to give aizawa so many more grey hairs than the current 1-a
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
Does Bones have a BKDK ‘agenda’?
The speculation I’ve seen so far about why Bones cut the flashback from the TodoBaku scenes in Chapter 164/Episode 79 is because they were ‘so preoccupied with BKDK in the new movie that they forgot about Bakugou’s development with Todoroki”. Which does raise the question, does Bones indeed have a BKDK shipping agenda of some kind?
The idea of an anime studio preferring a pairing and adding in tons of extra material to bias fans towards it is an absolutely founded suspicion. Clamp putting out official homoerotic art of Suzaku/Lelouch, that foot wash scene Madhouse added to Death Note between L and Light, Pierrot pretty obviously liking SasuNaru and Naruhina and throwing in tons of extra material for both; Studios do do this. They prefer certain pairings and they play them up. So does Bones have a BKDK agenda? 
The answer I’ve found on examination is a resounding “YES”, but Ive preserved my ‘let’s find out’ tone of writing for the rest of the examination.
Well, let’s start with the OPs and EDs, the first original contributions Bones was able to make in the adaptation. “The Day” does indeed have a long sequence focusing on them, but it’s not unreasonable given the content of S1. “Peace Sign” doesn’t include anything in particular, nor do ED1 or 2. ED 3, “Sora Ni Utaeba”, does have a scene of Kacchan meditating about Deku and getting mad, then blasting towards him at the end and the match-cut with his eye. But this is pretty minor, and fits episode 2.24. ED3, “Datte Atashi No Hero”, is the first time an OP or ED appears to have an agenda of shipping these two, hardcore. LiSa’s song is, according to her, about their relationship, and the Fantasy AU ending has the mutual understanding shot at the end. But it also has smiling prince Shoto, Dragon Kiri and Uraraka greeting Deku, so other ships get a nod too.
“Odd Future” has very little, though one could interpret the snow behind Deku as meaning something romantic. “Update” does include the lines ‘love’ over and over again in the final shot where they stand together watching the stars, but others are there as well, like Shoto and Ochako. Aside from the symbolism of DVK2 in OP5, the rest of S3’s ops are pretty light on BKDK, as was Polaris and ED6, and our current OP too. However, ED7 did have those mirror shots of them brooding in bed, and growing up.
So yes, the OPs and EDs do have a lot of emphasized shots between them. But nothing too crazy. Let’s get into Filler, movies and changes to episodes now.
Season 1 features no filler and no overt tweaks to any episodes; the only bit of added on BKDK I can think of is Deku blushing as a kid during the flashbacks in DVK part 1. Nothing too dramatic in Season 2 either, as the filler ep is about Tsu and nothing is particularly altered from the manga, besides throwing in the Kabe-Don in Katsuki Bakugo Origin. OK, that’s a big besides, given the sexual implications of that in anime culture. Season 3’s filler ep has Bakugo challenging Deku to a swimming contest, but there’s also a bit of TodoDeku and KiriBaku and IiDeku extra teasing there, so again, nothing like a pure bKDK-based agenda.
The 2nd filler ep of S3 has a little BKDK, as does the film, but nothing overt. The film has a bit of KiriBaku agenda, given all their scenes together, and throws in extra TodoBaku (the first bit of extra TodoBaku, alongside Episode 58, that they tossed our way). S4 gave us Deku’s soft smile at Kacchan’s antics, and contemplating on the retake arc last ep, indicating that Bones is indeed including little nods. And now there’s Heroes Rising, though that one was Hori’s idea.
My theory is that Bones does kinda like the ship, but that they have started including more and more BKDK because of how popular it’s getting. Winning the Tokyo Tower contest for the film, the 12,000+ fanfics, the unceasing winners of the Popularity Polls….my guess is Bones knows how popular BKDK is, so they’re adding in more fan service of it. But they were adding in little bits since Season 1 (The cherry blossoms, the smol Deku blush), so saying they have a bit of a BKDK agenda might…not be inaccurate. They do throw in a bit of Fanservice for other ships too, like Izuocha, KiriBaku, Tododeku, and even TodoBaku a little.
But aside from the popularity of BKDK…I think it’s also the key relationship of the series. Everything at it’s core is about them, they’re the main characters and the main focus, so it doesn’t seem too silly to slip in lots of them. But they’ve never had trouble tantalizing other pairings before this, even if they always added more to BKDK than the others. So I don’t think they cut TodoBaku’s scene just because they like another pairing better. I mean, that wouldn’t make much sense anyway.
But that is what started this discussion, so now we come to the real main question. Is Bones downplaying TodoBaku for BKDK? Certainly, BKDK is the only platonic pairing in canon that they’ve slipped quasi-romantic fanservice into in the anime (the blush, the cherry blossoms, the kabe-don, all things that have more romantic implications than anything done with Tododeku or Kiribaku). This needs another closer look.
In Season 1, Bones doesn’t especially play up Todoroki, or his future significance. No extra glances that aren’t in the manga, no closeup shots on him when he’s not the subject of a scene, etc. S1 is pretty much a straightforward adaptation of Chapters 1-21, no filler added, no noticeable agenda either way. In S2, that remains the truth for most of the season. I did notice that Bones makes some small changes in season 2 to the framing on Bakugou in a few scenes, like In Episode 25 where he’s made to look especially menacing Pre-last match, or Episode 27 where Jeanist physically restrains him (not in the manga). I’m not sure what agenda that might push, if any, as far as the ships go.
The season added in a scene of Bakugou tutoring Kirishima, which is in one of the Light novels and not the manga. They also, of course, as I mentioned above, added in the Kabe-don in Katsuki Bakugo Origin, as well as that entire alleyway sequence. The filler episode has a small scene between Deku and Todoroki that could be read as shippy. But yes, in S2, Bones doesn’t add in any extra, non-manga Todobaku.
The drama CDs and Smash, interestingly enough, do. Neither seems to have a lot of Todo/Deku, but they sure like slipping in TodoBaku subtext. There’s 2 drama CDs where they get stuck together by villains who want to scandalize them with compromising photographs, and multiple Smash comics joking about how their heated interactions come off as sexual tension. Of course, Smash has fanservice for pretty much every ship at some point.
In S3′s filler ep, Bakugo does yell at Todoroki “you too” after challenging Deku. It’s pretty minor, but it’s new stuff. Everything for the rest of the Training Camp arc is manga-canon and straightforward, as is the hideout raid. No real playing up of any one pairing over the other. The PLE arc adds in some filler that does seem to be hinting at a slight Todo/Momo agenda, since it has her wonder ‘what would Todoroki do’?, and indeed if Bones has a Shoto Ship leaning in any direction, it’s probably that one. But nothing extra added to BKDK or Todobaku that wasn’t in the manga already.
Episode 58 and the movie, however, do add in TodoBaku scenes. Their same usual dynamic from before, of course. Bones seems to see TodoBaku as essentially, how a lot of the fans see them: Bakugou antagonizing Shoto and Shoto’s reaction being an unbrideled ‘meh’. They do depict them working together in the film, and having a secret grin - though that grin has to do with BKDK a little. In context, Baku is being soft that Deku and All Might won, Shoto sees it, and smirks, making him tsun-tsun. 
S4 did add an extra scene in Filler ep 3 where they talk about their future plans. There’s an adjusted reaction from Deku in the next ep, where he smiles fondly at Katsuki. The new OP also doesn’t show Todoroki and Bakugou together, alone in any of the shots of them; they’re always separate, brooding about their own problems, when this OP could’ve been a good time to show them together.  Outside of crowd shots, they don’t share the screen.
So yes, all in all, the conspiracy theory idea might not be so far off. Bones definitely does include little nods to BKDK that make it even shippier, and does seem to be downplaying TodoBaku a bit, at least more so than the Drama CDs. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, since at least unlike Naru/Hina vs Naru/saku, it’s unlikely to actually influence the series’ content - there is no actual love triangle here to be played up or played down, just fanon ships. Still, it is noteable.
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clymacs · 7 years
IzuOcha, KiriMina, IiHatsu
1. My take on their canon relationship: slow and steady wins the race, yes? *laughs* But on a serious note, their friendship in canon is so pure. As for a shipping view, well, it's nice that Uraraka has deep feelings for Deku, but I'm also deeply concerned that she might be feeling too much that either hiding or revealing it too soon might spoil her and/or Deku's goal-reaching. Does Deku have feeeelings for her, too? Crush, maybe?
2. Do I ship them: FUCK YES, I DO
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them: Their relationship is constantly about lifting each other up, and their admiration and trust for each other is so admirable.
4. Headcanon, if any: THEIR FIRST DAY IN A RELATIONSHIP IS A MESS like a blushing mess, a mess in the lunch hall coz they keep tripping, their heads are a mess when they talk, et cetera. Iida, best man, had to snap them back to reality before congratulating their relationship.
5. How much do I ship (%): 95%, baby~ 5% waiting on Deku's self-analysis on how he sees Uraraka
1. My take on their canon relationship: *laughs until the end of the 21st century* It would be a miracle if they even end up in the same panel again.
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them: They complement each other, outside and inside. I mean, you have this big blue square boy and this small pink round girl. He abides by legal and moral laws, she gives zero fucks. He thinks of others, she thinks of herself babies. But both are hecking intelligent in their own right, keen on accomplishing goals, willing to go the extra mile, and seemingly deprived of friends they can go Marianas trench deep with (thankfully, Iida made friends like those in 1-A a little later). If they get along at least on one line of thinking, then there's a chance they can develop their (platonic or romantic) relationship further.
4. Headcanon, if any: Iida and Hatsume had collaborated on designing Midoriya's latest costume upgrade.
5. How much do I ship (%):10000000000000000000000000000000000000000%
1. My take on their canon relationship: I think the reason why Mina looked nonchalant while asking Kirishima how he's been is due to tryna look as calm as possible so she won’t add to his worries haha but that’s just me.
2. Do I ship them: Hornbuddyeah
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them: Guess it's the "opposites attract" appeal they have ever since the backstory reveal??? We all think Kirishima is just hella cheery with light issues of insecurity then BOOM! BACKSTORY SMASH! Kirishima has lots of insecurities and is tryna fight it off while Mina is full of confidence but is willing to cheer him on to conquer his demons. They're also both hella bubbly and caring and they'd do shit for each other man.
4. Headcanon, if any: I'd like to think Mina will start crushing on Kirishima later, after he successfully overcomes his self-esteem issues. Or at least, deny it's a crush until somewhere in their third year or after high school where her heart can't take it anymore lol.
5. How much do I ship (%): 95%
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