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enterpainment · 5 months ago
「 @universestreasures | Ruri Kurosaki 」 issued a challenge:
Ruri falls asleep on Yuto’s shoulder. What does he do? (Nobles Of Nature AU)
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They had just been enjoying yet another peaceful day outside the manor where it was quiet for the most part. Yuto was listening to Ruri talk about this and that about anything and nothing at all, really, they were simply just enjoying each others company. 
It was moments like these that set Yuto apart from his brothers, who all seemed to never slow down. But perhaps that had been Ruri’s fault. She had something about her that just quelled the raging storm that inhabited Yuto’s very being. Ever since he found himself put at her side he hasn’t felt that unbridled rage, or need for destruction bubble up to the surface. 
He was.... at ease, by Ruri’s side, he found. 
And it seemed she was as well; as evident by the soft sound of Ruri breathing gently near his ear. He’s not sure when their conversation had dropped off, but she must have still been in the beginning stages of rest. So he sat there, still as a statue, not wishing to disturb her. She must have been exhausted to fall asleep sitting up like this... Yuto knows exactly how hard she’s been worked since being assigned to her. Ruri, like Yuto, were both still very new to this lifestyle. It wasn’t easy, that was for sure.
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❝ ......! ❞
That's when he realizes just what sort of position they were in. Like this--- Like this they looked like--
He had to fight the urge to try shaking himself clear of the thought, lest the movement startle her.
But Yuto couldn't help but feel a little anxious, as if he was doing something wrong. But... another part of him felt... happy? That someone as kind and gentle as Ruri could feel comfortable enough to fall asleep next to him.... It was almost like, for a short moment, he wasn't the destructive monster he had been painted to be.
Eventually the sensible part of him considers waking her up. to suggest resting in her chambers rather than on his shoulder. Another part of him wants to risk moving so she could lay down on the bench to rest a bit more properly at the very least, but he knows she’d refuse to make Yuto move for her alone.
His only option then was to provide her with the best rest he could provide, even if he didn’t think he could possibly be very comfortable to lay on like this. As he sat there though, he finds himself also growing increasingly tired as well... ...... .......... ................ If only........... If only the beating of his heart would calm, just a little, perhaps he would have taken the silent invitation to nap under the last light of the late afternoon sun alongside her.
But as it stood he could only just sit there; his face aflame and chest about ready to burst, for the duration of her nap before they'd eventually have to head back in as the temperature fell with the rise of the moon. -
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enterpainment · 1 year ago
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❝ She... To me... Ruri is an important friend and comrade. ❞ -
@enterpainment (Yuto because I had to)
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"Answer me, Yuto! What is Ruri to you?"
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emetkoto · 8 years ago
heres a huge ass masterlist of all the quirks i have for the my hero au rn
ill update it as i add new stuff to the google doc bc i was really stupid to not stockpile all this info??? it was such a hassle trying to find all these quirk names
Koyo “One for All”- All for one is hard to explain in BNHA canon tbh it’s different for every user but y’know he’s really strong and stuff and eventually passes it on to someone else
-Yuu Family-
Yuuya “Berserker”- Slight strength boost normally. When he gets angry, it boosts his strength even more at the cost of him blacking out and losing control for a while
Yuuto “Phantom”- Can turn any part of his body (Excluding his head) into a ghostly mist.
Yuugo “Fast-Forward”- Super speed. He is very fast. If he goes too fast for too long, he will get sick and have to take a break [Skiel note: he can nyoom out of the atmosphere]
Yuuri “Biohazard”- Can secrete poison from anywhere on his body through skin-to-skin contact. This poison is still pretty weak since he’s young so he has to touch you a few times for it to take effect. If he injects too much poison into too many people in one go it will begin to seep into his bloodstream and make him sick
Zarc “Monochrome Road”- Can create solid objects and surfaces out of shadow (Such as blades, or platforms to help him get to higher ground) He can use his Quirk regardless of the level of light, but if there`s too much light around he will be unable to make anything solid, so it will all just be for show until it gets dark again.
Yoko “Animal Shelter”- She can draw small animals such as dogs, cats, and rodents to her. She adopts every animal that comes to her as a result of her Quirk. She never went to U.A., as her Quirk isn`t suited for combat.
Yuushou “Illusionist”- He can create amazing and lifelike illusions. He works as a pro hero with Dennis as his sidekick.
-Bracelet Family-
Yuzu “Boombox”- Can create shockwaves with her voice. If used too much/for too long her voice will give out.
Ruri “Bluebird”- She has really big wings and a tail and her body is built differently than a normal person`s to allow flight. Ruri is not a member of the Hiiragi family, but is instead a Kurosaki. She`s only listed here for convenience
Rin “Wind Witch”- She can control the air around her. This includes the temperature of it.
Selena “Cat”- She has a tail, cat ears, fangs and claws. She`s also super nimble and flexible and fast. All of this is at the cost of her ability to swim. [Skiel note: she has paw pads]
Ray “Seeing Double”- She can create up to four copies of herself at a time. She works as a pro hero, and formerly worked as Misty`s sidekick.
Shuuzo “Burning Soul”- Basic fire control powers. If he uses it for too long or lets the fire burn too hot, he will burn himself. He planned to work as Yuushou`s sidekick, but had to drop out of U.A to care for Yuzu, Rin, and Selena when they were born.
-Class 1-A (Yuuya`s Class)-
Shingo “Point and Shoot”- He can fire lasers from his fingertips (Sometimes on accident). The more fingers he uses, the weaker the lasers become. When using all ten fingers, the lasers are as harmful as laser pointers.
Juudai “Four-Way”- He can control fire, water, air, and the earth below him. He can currently only control two at a time, and his eyes will change color to reflect which elements he’s manipulating (Red for fire, blue for water, green for air, and brown for earth)
Johan “Rainbow Road”- He can use light to create solid objects and surfaces (I.e. blades, or platforms to use to reach higher ground). These objects become weaker and less tangible as the amount of light around him goes down. If he`s out at night, he can’t use his Quirk at all unless he finds a light source nearby. The stuff he makes always has a neat rainbow glow to it.
Manjoume “Thunder”- He can draw in electricity from the air around him and nearby devices, and store it in his body to use for attacks. If he takes in too much energy at once, or discharges energy at too high a voltage it will fry his brain and render him braindead for a few minutes.
Misawa “Now You See Me”- He`s invisible at all times unless he`s being directly looked at. He will remain invisible in reflections even if he’s being looked at, and can be invisible in pictures so long as nobody else in the shot is looking at him.
Asuka “Ice Queen”- She can control ice, and freeze anything she wants. If she freezes too much at once, she will become very tired and find herself struggling to keep things frozen. If she continues to push herself after this, she will faint and everything she has frozen will thaw out all at once.
Edo “Destiny Hero”- He can see ten seconds into the future, and can always see the outcome that’s most likely to happen. No downside to this one except for the fact that he might see something he doesn’t want to see
Yuusaku “Now You Don’t”- He turns invisible when directly looked at. He will remain visible in reflections, no matter what. He can disappear in pictures so long as someone in the shot is looking at him.
Yuuma “Lucky Day”- He can manipulate time and space to his liking. However, he’s completely unaware of the full scope of his powers and just assumes it’s him being really lucky.
Astral “Hands Off”- He can phase through objects/people, and cause objects/people to phase through him at will. He can also cause gravity to ignore him, allowing him to float
Rio “Cold Gaze”- She can cause your body to freeze up if she looks into your eyes. She can also gather information about your Quirk this way, allowing her to be ready for whatever you can throw at her. She was originally in class 1-B, but was moved over to 1-A after Yuugi was sent to 1-B. She was only moved over to help balance out the number of students in each class.
-Class 1-B (????)-
Yuugi “Puppy-dog Eyes”- He can drain the will to fight from his opponents by looking into their eyes. He was originally in class 1-A until Cobra’s first-day expulsion stunt. Kaiba revoked the order and transferred Yuugi to class 1-B, as he`d already been wiped from the roster for 1-A.
Gongenzaka “Steadfast”- He can turn his body into stone. However, any part turned to stone will become incredibly heavy, so heavy use of this power will tire him out.
Tyranno “Dino Blood”- He has a big dinosaur tail, sharp teeth, and claws. While fighting, his eyes™ change
-Upperclassmen/Students I don’t have a place for yet????-
Shun “Falcon”- The same as Ruri`s, except he has claws and enhanced eyesight. He is a second-year.
Ryoga “Shark”- He has a big ol shark tail, sharp teeth, and the ability to breathe underwater. He is a second-year.
Fubuki “Cold Wave”- A mix of Yuzu`s Quirk and frost breath. He still has trouble with the whole losing his voice thing, but he’s definitely got it under control better than Yuzu does. His face is always really cold, so he often has little icy spots on his cheeks.
Aki “Rose Witch”- She can control smaller plants. With training, she could eventually get her Quirk to be as strong as Sherry`s. She is a third-year.
Saiyou “Infinite Possibility”- He can look as far into the future as he wants, but he can only see one possible outcome (Which won`t always be the most likely one). If he looks too far forward for too long, he will lose small pieces of his memory such as a name or a face. He is a second-year.
Kaito “Whistle While You Work”- He can stop time, but only while he’s whistling. He is a third-year.
-Team 5D`s-
Yuusei “Stardust”- He draws power from the stars that can be fired out as energy blasts. It`s strongest at night, and is a rare example of a Quirk that serves no purpose outside of battle. He works part-time as a pro hero without a sidekick, and spends the rest of his time working with Bruno.
Bruno “Tech Support”- He draws in power from electronics around him to use the same way Yuusei does. He can also control computers and electronics. If he absorbs too much power he`ll  get a serious headache so he keeps track of how much he`s taken in with the visor he designed for his hero outfit. He secretly works part-time as a pro hero, and spends the rest of his time taking house calls to fix things for people.
Jack “Red Nova”- He’s a dragon man and can ignite the air around him into fire that he uses as weapons. He`s also a strong boy. He works part-time as a teacher at U.A. and works as a pro hero without a sidekick the rest of the time.
Crow “Blackbird”- He has big ol wings, feathered forearms, and claws. He works part-time as a pro hero, and spends the rest of his time working at a daycare.
Rua is Quirkless
Ruka “Healing Touch”- She can heal people. As she’s still young, she can only heal smaller injuries for now, as trying to take on bigger ones will drain all her energy and cause her to faint. She also cannot heal herself with her Quirk. She is in middle school, but plans to enroll in U.A. when she`s able.
Z-One “Identity Crisis”- He can copy the appearance and Quirk of whoever he wants. However, his appearance must match that of the original user of the Quirk he`s trying to use. He cannot mix and match appearances and Quirks.
Placido “Edgeman”- He can turn any part of his body (Excluding his head) into a blade. He is also perfectly balanced, like a knife.
Paradox “Rifts”- He can open up rifts in time and space that can be used to transport things and people through a dark void. Other people can pass through it without trouble, but Paradox will suffer a massive headache if he spends too much time within the void.
Jose is a strong boy™
Lucciano is Quirkless
Aporia and Antinomy are spoilers
Roger “Chessboard”- He can control up to 6 people’s bodies at once (Equal to the number of different chess pieces there are). However, his range is somewhat lacking, and it`s very easy to get away from him and break away from his control.
Divine “Womanizer”- He can influence the minds of those who are biologically female and make them do his bidding (look out for trans sherry shes coming to kick your ass buddy). Like Roger, there is a range that his victims must stay inside in order for his Quirk to continue working, but his is much larger than Roger’s.
-Teachers/Pro Heroes/Etc.-
Reiji “High Fashion”- He can control common clothing fibers, therefore allowing him to control clothing. He uses the scarf he wears as an extra pair of arms to fight with. He is the current principal of U.A., and he inherited the position when Leo decided it was time to retire. He also works part-time as a pro hero alongside Kaiba.
Kaiba “Blue Eyes”- He`s another dragon man. He`s the vice principal of U.A. He works part-time as a pro hero with Reiji.
Chronos “Stone Edge”- He can turn any part of his body into stone, and control the weight of body parts turned into stone. He works full-time as a teacher for U.A. (He`s 1-A`s homeroom teacher)
Kiryu “Thousand Eyes”- He can open up eyes anywhere on his body. If he opens too many eyes at once, he will lose sight in the eyes on his face. He`s a pro hero with no sidekick.
Carly “Memory Card”- She has a photographic memory, and can remember every detail about everything she`s ever seen/heard/experienced. She works as a secretary to U.A.
Misty “Salamander”- She has a tail, scales on some parts of her body, and weird lizard eyes and a weird tongue. She`s very light and flexible and can move around super quick and even stick to things for a short amount of time. She works part-time as a teacher for U.A., and is a pro hero the rest of her time. Ray was her sidekick for a while, but she left after about a year.
Shinji “Bee Force”- He has tiny wings….so small…...but he can fly with them bc bees don’t care what is and isn`t possible. He also has little antennae and makes a buzzing noise when he’s angry. He works in government trying to close the wage gap and get rid of poverty.
MC “Megaphone”- It’s Yuzu`s Quirk but stronger. He`s a teacher at U.A. but mostly just yells at pep rallies and stuff.
Professor Cobra “Cobra”- He can inject poison into people through his claws. His poison is pretty strong and he doesn’t have to worry about poisoning himself like Yuuri does. He used to teach gym for class 1-A but was moved to teaching second-years instead after the Yuugi incident.
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enterpainment · 6 years ago
.//taggo drop
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enterpainment · 3 years ago
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which moon of our solar system are you?
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charon is not only the biggest moon in pluto's orbit, but it also holds the record of being the biggest satellite in relation to its planet, at almost half of its size. moreover, charon matches pluto's rotation on the center of mass that happens to be outside the dwarf planet, which the other moons of pluto are orbiting around, causing what people refer to as a planetary binary system. it's the only one in our solar system, and one of the theories explaining its presence suggests that charon and pluto were once part of a same bigger body that collided with something larger in the earliest days of the solar system. despite charon having evolved very differently compared to pluto, both objects have been gravitating around each other for billions of years, often causing mutual eclipses that were essential to the discovery of each other when astronomers still had little equipment to work with, and then to the study binary solar systems even in the modern ages, proving that charon is the greatest companion a lonely dwarf planet could ask for. as charon, you strength may lay in your loyalty to those around you. you're likely to be the first person somebody chooses to rely on when they have nowhere else to go, and they are never disappointed in their decision to confide in you.
tagged by: @universestreasures​
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