#PEO in Norway
mercanstalks · 1 year
EOR Services in Norway: Simplifying Global Employment for Employers
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As businesses continue to expand globally, managing a global workforce can be complex and challenging, especially when it comes to compliance with local labor laws, tax regulations, and other administrative tasks. This is where Employer of Record (EOR in Norway) services in Norway come into play. EOR services offer a comprehensive solution for employers looking to simplify global employment and ensure compliance with local regulations. In this article, we will explore how EOR services in Norway can simplify global employment for employers, the benefits of partnering with a reliable EOR provider, and other workforce management options such as payroll outsourcing and Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services.
Understanding EOR Services in Norway
Employer of Record (EOR) services in Norway provide employers with a legally compliant and efficient way to employ and manage their workforce in the country, without the need for establishing a legal entity or navigating complex local regulations. EOR acts as the official employer of record for tax and payroll purposes, while the employer retains control over the day-to-day operations of the employees. EOR services in Norway cover various aspects of global employment, including payroll processing, tax withholding, compliance with local labor laws, employee benefits, insurance, and other statutory requirements.
Benefits of EOR Services in Norway
Partnering with a reliable EOR provider in Norway offers several benefits for employers looking to expand their global workforce in the country. Some of the key benefits include:
Simplified Compliance: Norway has strict labor laws and tax regulations that employers must comply with. EOR services ensure compliance with local labor laws, tax withholding, and other statutory requirements, reducing the risk of penalties or legal issues for employers.
Cost-Effectiveness: Setting up a legal entity in Norway can be complex and costly. EOR services eliminate the need for establishing a legal entity, saving employers time and resources. EOR services also offer flexibility in managing workforce size, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.
Local Expertise: EOR providers have in-depth knowledge of local labor laws, regulations, and best practices in Norway. This expertise helps employers navigate the complex landscape of local regulations and ensures that their global workforce is managed in compliance with local laws.
Quick Market Entry: Establishing a legal entity in Norway can take time, delaying the entry into the market. EOR services offer a faster market entry, allowing employers to establish their presence in Norway quickly and start operating without delays.
Flexibility: EOR services in Norway offer flexibility in managing workforce size, allowing employers to scale up or down as per their business needs. This flexibility is especially beneficial for businesses with fluctuating workforce requirements or short-term projects.
How EOR Services Work in Norway?
The process of EOR services in Norway typically involves the following steps:
Initial Consultation: Employers consult with the EOR provider to discuss their specific needs, such as the number of employees, job roles, and required services.
Agreement and Onboarding: Once the agreement is reached, the EOR provider will initiate the onboarding process, which includes collecting necessary information about the employees, setting up payroll and tax systems, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.
Payroll Processing: EOR takes care of payroll processing, including calculating salaries, withholding taxes, and making payments to employees in compliance with local regulations. EOR also manages any additional employee benefits, insurance, or other statutory requirements.
Compliance and Reporting: EOR ensures compliance with local labor laws, tax regulations, and other statutory requirements. EOR also manages all necessary reporting, filings, and documentation on behalf of the employer.
HR Administration:EOR services in Norway also cover HR administration tasks, including employee onboarding and offboarding, managing employee contracts, handling employee inquiries, and maintaining employee records in compliance with local regulations. EOR providers also offer support in managing employee benefits, leaves, and other HR-related matters, relieving employers from the administrative burden of managing a global workforce.
Payroll Outsourcing in Norway
In addition to EOR services, employers can also opt for payroll outsourcing in Norway as a standalone service or as part of their overall workforce management strategy. Payroll outsourcing involves outsourcing the entire payroll process to a third-party provider, who takes care of calculating salaries, withholding taxes, making payments, managing employee benefits, and ensuring compliance with local payroll regulations.
Payroll outsourcing in Norway offers several benefits, including:
Compliance with Local Payroll Regulations: Norway has complex payroll regulations, including tax withholding, social security contributions, and other payroll-related requirements. Outsourcing payroll ensures compliance with these regulations, reducing the risk of penalties or legal issues.
Cost-Effectiveness: Outsourcing payroll can be cost-effective compared to maintaining an in-house payroll team. It eliminates the need for investing in payroll software, training, and other overhead costs associated with payroll processing.
Accuracy and Timeliness: Payroll outsourcing providers in Norway are experts in payroll processing, ensuring accuracy and timeliness in payroll calculations, tax withholdings, and other payroll-related tasks.
Data Security: Payroll data contains sensitive employee information, and outsourcing payroll ensures data security and confidentiality, reducing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access.
Expertise and Support: Payroll outsourcing providers in Norway have in-depth knowledge of local payroll regulations, tax laws, and best practices. They offer expert support in handling complex payroll matters and addressing employee inquiries related to payroll.
PEO Services in Norway
Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services in Norway are another option for employers looking to manage their global workforce in the country. PEO involves a contractual relationship between the employer, the employee, and a third-party PEO provider, where the PEO provider acts as the employer of record for tax and payroll purposes, while the employer retains control over the day-to-day operations of the employees.
PEO services in Norway offer several benefits, including:
Compliance and Risk Management: PEO providers in Norway ensure compliance with local labor laws, tax regulations, and other statutory requirements, reducing the risk of penalties or legal issues for employers.
Employee Benefits: PEO providers offer employee benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee perks, helping employers attract and retain top talent in Norway.
HR Support: PEO providers offer HR support, including employee onboarding, offboarding, employee relations, performance management, and other HR-related tasks, relieving employers from the administrative burden of managing HR processes.
Flexibility: PEO services in Norway offer flexibility in managing workforce size, allowing employers to scale up or down as per their business needs, making it an ideal solution for businesses with fluctuating workforce requirements.
Cost-Effectiveness: PEO services can be cost-effective compared to setting up a legal entity in Norway, as they eliminate the need for investing in payroll software, HR systems, and other overhead costs associated with employing a workforce.
EOR services, payroll outsourcing, and PEO services in Norway offer comprehensive solutions for employers looking to simplify global employment and ensure compliance with local regulations. EOR services act as the official employer of record, handling payroll, tax withholding, compliance, and other statutory requirements, while employers retain control over the day-to-day operations of the employees. Payroll outsourcing and PEO services also offer cost-effective and flexible options for managing workforce in Norway, ensuring compliance with local payroll regulations, and providing expert support in HR administration tasks.
As a business operating in Norway or planning to expand into the Norwegian market, partnering with a reputable EOR provider, outsourcing payroll, or engaging a PEO can offer significant advantages. These services allow you to focus on your core business operations while ensuring that your global workforce in Norway is managed efficiently and in compliance with local laws.
Whether you choose EOR services, payroll outsourcing, or PEO services, it's crucial to work with experienced and knowledgeable providers who have a deep understanding of the local regulations and best practices in Norway. Conduct thorough research, compare different providers, and choose the one that best aligns with your business requirements and budget.
EOR services, Payroll in Norway, and PEO in Norway are effective solutions for simplifying global employment for employers. They offer comprehensive services that cover payroll, tax withholding, compliance, HR administration, and employee benefits, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations while ensuring compliance with local regulations. By partnering with a reputable provider, you can streamline your global workforce management in Norway and achieve business success in the Norwegian market.
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thesocialexaminer · 1 year
Mercans is a leading provider of business solutions, specializing in payroll processing, PEO (Professional Employer Organization), and EOR (Employer of Record) services in Norway. With extensive knowledge of the local market and its unique business requirements, Mercans offers comprehensive and reliable payroll services, PEO solutions, and EOR services to businesses operating in Norway. As a trusted provider of payroll services in Norway, Mercans ensures accurate and timely payroll processing, including tax calculations, social security contributions, and compliance with local payroll regulations. Mercans' payroll solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, providing compliant payroll services that streamline payroll processes and minimize risks. Mercans' PEO services in Norway offer a strategic and cost-effective solution for businesses looking to establish or expand their operations in the country. With Mercans as the PEO, businesses can outsource their HR, payroll, and employment administration to a reliable and compliant partner, reducing administrative burdens and mitigating compliance risks. Mercans' PEO solutions ensure compliance with local labor laws, employee benefits administration, and smooth onboarding and offboarding processes, enabling businesses to navigate the complexities of Norway's HR and payroll landscape with confidence. For businesses that do not have a legal entity in Norway, Mercans offers comprehensive EOR services as the legal employer of record. Mercans' EOR services ensure compliance with local employment laws, regulations, and tax requirements, allowing businesses to establish a local presence without the need for complex legal and administrative setup. Mercans' EOR solutions provide businesses with flexibility, scalability, and peace of mind, making it a preferred choice for businesses seeking to expand their operations in Norway. With its extensive knowledge of local payroll regulations, PEO expertise, and EOR capabilities, Mercans is a trusted partner for businesses seeking comprehensive and compliant business solutions in Norway. Mercans' payroll, PEO, and EOR services provide businesses with the support and confidence they need to effectively manage their HR, payroll, and employment functions, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and success in the Norwegian market.
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magicoldcottage · 11 months
2009 The year the world Changed
The year 2009 was marked by several remarkable and unexplained phenomena that captured the attention and imagination of people around the world. From the sky to the ground, from the past to the present, these events challenged our perception of reality and raised questions about the nature of the universe we live in. Here are some of the most notable examples of these strange events:
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Image : universetoday.com
The Norway Spiral
On the night of December 9, 2009, a spectacular spiral of light appeared in the sky over Norway and Sweden (see above), lasting for about 10 minutes. The spiral consisted of a blue beam of light with a greyish spiral emanating from one end of it. It was visible from hundreds of kilometers away and was witnessed by thousands of people. Some thought it was a UFO, a wormhole, or a sign of the end times. 1
Russian claimed it was a Bulava missile, which malfunctioned and spun out of control, creating the spiral effect. However, some experts and observers rejected this explanation, pointing out the lack of evidence and the unusual features of the phenomenon. 2
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Image : newslaundry.com
The Blood Red Rain of Kerala
Between July and September 2009, several episodes of red-colored rain fell sporadically on the southern Indian state of Kerala, staining clothes and surfaces with a pinkish hue. The rain also had a yellow, green, or black tint at times. 3
As you can image people called it the end of days we clothing especially stained. The inital explanation was that the rain was colored by airborne spores from green algae. However, some researchers pointed out that the spores had unusual properties and could not be identified as any known terrestrial organism. To this day the real reason is unknown. 4
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Image : Pinterest
The Mandela Effect
Also In 2009, Fiona Broome, a paranormal consultant, launched a website to document her observation of a phenomenon she called the "Mandela Effect". She noticed that she and many others shared a false memory of former South African president Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, when he actually died in 2013. She also found other examples of collective false memories, such as the spelling of the brand name Oscar Mayer, the line “Luke, I am your father” from Star Wars, and the painting of Henry VIII holding a turkey leg. 5
Broome proposed that these false memories were not mistakes, but evidence of parallel realities and alternate timelines. She suggested that some people had somehow shifted from one reality to another, or that the realities had merged or overlapped. She also speculated that the phenomenon was related to quantum physics and the Many-Worlds Interpretation. 6
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The Asperatus Cloud
We all take clouds for granted; we see them every day and are used to the patterns of the sky. They are like old friends that, over the years, we come to recognize. But in 2009, a new cloud occurred for the first time. The Cloud Appreciation Society, a group of enthusiasts who admire and study clouds, proposed a new classification of cloud to the official system. The cloud formation, named asperatus (meaning roughened or agitated), was characterized by a dark and turbulent appearance, with undulating waves and ripples.
These days they have become common and have been seen around the world. 8
A Coincidence or a Connection?
What is remarkable about these events is that they all occurred in the same year, 2009, which was also the first year that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, began operating after a failure in 2008. The LHC, located near Geneva, Switzerland, was designed to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang and to test various theories of particle physics. On December 8, 2009, the LHC achieved a world record by colliding particles at an energy of 2.36 trillion electron volts, surpassing the previous records. 9
Could there be a connection between the LHC and the strange events of 2009? Some people have speculated that the LHC could have opened a portal to another dimension, altered the fabric of space-time, or created a mini black hole that swallowed our reality and replaced it with another one. These ideas are mostly based on wild imagination and conspiracy theories, and have no scientific basis or evidence. However, they do reflect the curiosity and wonder that these events have inspired in us, and the possibility that there is more to the universe than we know.
However don't take my word for it, I have included links so that you can conduct your own research. 10
1 What was the Norway Spiral? - Universe Today 1
2 Norwegian Spiral 2009 - roswellufomuseum 2
3 Red rain in Kerala - Wikipedia 3
4 Causes and concentration of red rain of Kerala - Earth Science Stack Exchange 4
5 What Is the Mandela Effect? Examples and Explanations - Verywell Mind 5
6 The Mandela Effect is NOT False Memories - Fiona Broome 6
7 An Update on the Asperatus Cloud - Cloud Appreciation Society 7
8 Undulatus Asperatus – crowd sourcing a new type of cloud? - Channel 4 News 8
9 World-Record Energy Collisions Achieved at Large Hadron Collider - ScienceDaily 9
10 Large Hadron Collider - Wikipedia 10
For more ideas click here for my other tea break posts
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aurora-daily · 5 years
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Interview by Daniel Megarry for Gay Times Magazine’s issue #497 (July 1st, 2019).
Norway’s eu­phoric-pop con­nois­seur on fighting climate change through mu­sic and why big­ots will al­ways lose in the fight against love.
There re­ally is no other artist quite like Aurora. When we meet the 22-year-old Nor­weigan on a rainy day in Lon­don, one of the first things she (quite glee­fully) tells us is that she styles and trims her own hair with a pizza cut­ter. It’s ex­actly the kind of quirky, DIY ap­proach to life we’ve come to ex­pect from Aurora, who si­mul­ta­ne­ously ex­udes a child­like sense of won­der and a wis­dom well be­yond her years. Much like lis­ten­ing to her mu­sic, chat­ting to Aurora is a calm­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, but one that also pro­vokes thought and stays with you long af­ter the record’s stopped spin­ning. Right now, she’s pre­oc­cu­pied with the state of the en­vi­ron­ment, stress­ing that our gen­er­a­tion is the one that has the power to de­stroy or save the earth, a mes­sage that pen­e­trates the lis­tener’s mind on A Different Kind Of Hu­man, the cine­matic sec­ond ‘step’ (or half) of her new al­bum. While Step One was in­tro­spec­tive, Step Two sees Aurora look­ing out­wards, mak­ing noise and ques­tion­ing how we can fix things be­fore it’s too late.
“Peo­ple are so afraid of be­ing po­lit­i­cal, es­pe­cially in pop mu­sic,” she muses, “and that’s why I want to make good, in­tel­lec­tual, emo­tional pop mu­sic that can reach out to peo­ple and speak about something im­por­tant, and re­mind us of something other than all this stuff we don’t re­ally care about.” She’s also pas­sion­ate about Pride, be­ing part of the LGBTQ com­mu­nity – although like many young peo­ple, she prefers not to put la­bels on her­self – and en­cour­ag­ing love, which she says will “save us all” one day. As her new record con­tin­ues to win over fans and crit­ics, we sat down with Aurora to find out how be­ing at one with na­ture shaped her unique out­look on life and mu­sic, why it’s “not even worth lis­ten­ing” to ho­mo­phobes, and how her track Queen­dom is an an­them for all the queers of the world.
Con­grat­u­la­tions on the al­bum re­lease. How are you feel­ing now it’s out in the world?
Well the day it was re­leased, I ac­tu­ally cried a bit at midnight...
Happy cry­ing though, right?
Yeah, happy cry­ing. But also re­lief that you can truly let a lit­tle part of your life go, and then you have so much space the next morn­ing, it’s ridicu­lous how big a dif­fer­ence it is for me. Step One was very sensitive, whereas Step Two is much more pow­er­ful, and so I wanted to split this al­bum into two parts be­cause of the very dis­tinc­tive moods and per­spec­tives. I had one emo­tional jour­ney I wanted to bring peo­ple through, but it was very clear which songs be­longed to which step. Step Two is me think­ing, ‘What can I do for you? What can I do for ev­ery­one else?’ It’s about re­ally ac­knowl­edg­ing that we’re co­ex­ist­ing to­gether with the peo­ple around us and with na­ture.
Na­ture is a big theme for this al­bum, es­pe­cially the dam­age that we’re do­ing to the planet. Is this something that worries you?
I think about it a lot, es­pe­cially now that we know so much. We are in­vent­ing new, much more en­vi­ron­men­tally-friendly ways of do­ing things all the time, and we al­ready have a good replacement for plas­tic wa­ter bot­tles. We have the tools, but peo­ple refuse to use them, which re­ally frus­trates me. We have no ex­cuses any­more be­cause we have the knowl­edge, the in­tel­li­gence, the money, the power. We have ev­ery­thing ex­cept for the will, maybe, or the en­ergy to do it.
I think some peo­ple find it hard to think that far into the fu­ture. If it’s not an im­me­di­ate threat, they don’t care. But it will come even­tu­ally.
It will come, and maybe within our life­time, be­cause things are al­ready hap­pen­ing, and we are re­ally dam­ag­ing the planet. I think in gen­eral, our nat­u­ral way is to be em­pathic and to care, be­cause I be­lieve we are good. That’s what I have to be­lieve. But to give ex­tra meaning and ex­tra per­spec­tive to your life, and to be a part of something bitter than your­self – that will change us. It makes us happy, I think, to be a part of something bitter than us, to re­alise we are part of a team. It’s this beau­ti­ful thing that hap­pens when we fight for something that should be im­por­tant to us all. We have a choice now: Will we be the gen­er­a­tion that de­stroyed the world, or will we be the gen­er­a­tion that saved it? That’s what I care about right now.
You clearly have a re­ally strong con­nec­tion with na­ture – why do you think that is?
Well, I didn’t like school, I al­ways knew I was different, I didn’t know where I fit in – all of that shit. I found a lot of com­fort in my­self and I was my best friend, but peo­ple didn’t un­der­stand me and I felt like it was my fault – and for all the peo­ple out there who feel the same, the world is so much bitter than what you think, and one day you’ll go out and you’ll be able to give the world something spe­cial that hasn’t been given be­fore, that’s why peo­ple like us are made. So I didn’t know where I be­longed, but I knew when I was in na­ture. When I was there I felt like I was given time to be a philoso­pher, I dis­cov­ered the power of my own mind, and I fig­ured out my problems. I re­alised what I could change and what I couldn’t change, and it re­ally made me a bet­ter and hap­pier hu­man. I’m very in­spired by that, be­cause what na­ture has given to me, I want to give to peo­ple who don’t have na­ture on their doorstep as I had. I think that’s the biggest in­spi­ra­tion I want my mu­sic to of­fer peo­ple, that sanc­tu­ary and the feel­ing of be­ing safe and at home. Safety is such an im­por­tant emo­tion that isn’t ob­vi­ous to a lot of peo­ple.
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Do you find it quite di cult to nav­i­gate things like so­cial me­dia and stream­ing, which are ob­vi­ously so im­por­tant for artists to em­brace now?
Yeah, I do. I find it re­ally over­whelm­ing, ac­tu­ally. It’s hard to have ac­cess to ev­ery­thing all the time, be­cause then ev­ery­thing loses some of its value, it just be­comes noise, and it be­comes hard to define what’s pre­cious. I don’t re­ally use lots of stream­ing ser­vices, be­cause I don’t like hav­ing ev­ery­thing avail­able. I like buy­ing what I want and I lis­ten to that again and again. I of­ten take long pe­ri­ods off, which I think is healthy. There was a time in the be­gin­ning where my fans, or my sup­port­ers – the word fan is such a weird word, be­cause we’re all just peo­ple who love mu­sic – they would make so­cial me­dia pages, and they would write things like, ‘Sorry I haven’t been ac­tive lately, I have so much to do’, and it just broke my heart. Why would you say sorry? Who cares? It’s lovely that you want to share things, and you have things to say, but don’t feel guilty. So I also try to spread that to my­self and oth­ers, that it’s im­por­tant to take time away. Even if you have art to share, it be­comes bet­ter if you’ve been out­side and got­ten the in­put that will help you do something amaz­ing. You need that time off. It’s re­ally im­por­tant.
You’ve spo­ken about hav­ing a girl­friend in the past. Do you iden­tify as part of the LGBTQ com­mu­nity?
I haven’t re­ally thought about it be­fore, but yeah, I guess I have to say that I do. I knew that it was my right to love who­ever I wanted to love, and I’m very pas­sion­ate about that. I’m very sensitive to reading the news, I find it very dif­fi­cult, and some­times they try to fool us and make us think that the world is such a hor­ri­ble, dan­ger­ous place be­cause peo­ple like to read about aw­ful things, but it’s not. The world is re­ally good. Hu­mankind is such a com­pli­cated and aw­ful and beau­ti­ful cre­ation, and it just blows my mind some times... and then I re­mem­ber that we have love. Some­times you fall into a hole, and you ques­tion ev­ery­thing that’s go­ing on, but ev­ery time I re­mem­ber we have love, and that’s go­ing to save us all one day. Ev­ery­one who brings hate to­wards the LGBTQ com­mu­nity, they will die, but love will not die. So it’s al­most not even worth lis­ten­ing to them. They try to pick a fight against love, which is quite ridicu­lous, be­cause they will never win. As long as peo­ple have love in them, love will ex­ist.
We’re mov­ing to­wards a world where la­bels don’t mat­ter as much any­more, and peo­ple can just be them­selves. I feel like that ties in very well with you as an artist.
I think so too. But also I think if peo­ple want to define them­selves be­cause it strength­ens their sense of com­mu­nity or be­long­ing, that’s fine. There can be many rea­sons why peo­ple want to define them­selves, or define something un­de­fin­able. If some­one wants to define me or put me in a box, that’s fine, be­cause you can have feet in all the boxes. But I don’t feel like I have to define any­thing about my­self, and it’s so gor­geous the way we are mov­ing to­wards that free­dom. I think if you go back a long, long time ago in the ages of gods and monsters, we were even more open. We’ve been there be­fore, where sex was sex, and love was love, and ev­ery­thing was just about feel­ing good, be­cause that’s quite simple re­ally. It’s very beau­ti­ful and it al­lows peo­ple to truly be­come fan­tas­tic, be­cause peo­ple are given no roles, they are just free, and then truly amaz­ing things can happen.
Your song Queen­dom is very much about fe­male em­pow­er­ment, but it also seems like a queer an­them...
Oh ab­so­lutely, that was the seed of the flower, it was the main in­spi­ra­tion behind it. I don’t think we can save the world be­fore we know our value, and it’s hard to know your value when some­one is try­ing to tell you that what you are is not right – that’s so de­struc­tive and so point­less! So it’s very im­por­tant for me that peo­ple know their worth, and their potential. When peo­ple feel ac­cepted they be­come so good. I’m re­ally pas­sion­ate about Pride, it’s very im­por­tant to me, be­cause it’s such an ob­vi­ous bat­tle. It’s very ob­vi­ous for me to know that I’m on the right side of his­tory, and it’s so easy to be pas­sion­ate about it when I know that we are right.
You’re al­ready work­ing on your next al­bum. Will that be Step Three, or something en­tirely differ­ent?
I will re­lease a Step Three at some point, one day. I haven’t told any­one that be­fore! I’m very ex­cited. But for what I will do next, I’ve told you a lot about it al­ready in track eight, A Different Kind Of Hu­man. That tells you quite a lot about where I will be go­ing, and I’ve hid­den some hints here and there. I know the ti­tle, I have the order al­ready, I know the con­cept – and I’ve al­ready started. I ac­tu­ally started in Jan­uary. I feel like I can’t rest, I can’t sleep. Some­times I find it hard to fall asleep be­cause I have ideas, and I get adren­a­line from the thought of mak­ing new songs. I just want to make mu­sic, and I’m re­ally mak­ing sure that I have the time now that I’m so hungry for it. One day, a time will come where I don’t want to make mu­sic, I’ll want to do something else, but for now I’m re­ally grab­bing the chance. It’s very fun.
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umbrellapractices · 3 years
    TRAVEL LOG • Moss (NO) Østfold county | Week 34: 23 August 2019 • Hovedøya & Gressholmen Islands (NO) Oslo | Week 34: 24 August 2019 • Venezia (IT) capital of the Veneto region | Week 41: 07 - 11 October 2019 • Lillomarka (NO) northeast of Oslo (Oslomarka) | Week 43: 22 - 24 October 2019 • Poznan (PL) West-Central Poland | Week 46: 15 - 17 November 2019 • Paris (FR) Montmartre | Week 52/01: 27 December - 03 January 2019/20 • Kraków (PL) Southern Poland | Week 04: 24 - 26 January 2020 • London (UK) Dalston | Week 10: 06 - 08 March 2020     SPACES • Galleri Golsa (Oslo) • Galleri Neuf (Oslo) • Galleri F15 (Moss) • White Box (Khio) • Akers Mek (Khio) • Akademirommet på Kunstnernes Hus (Khio) • Galleri Seilduken (Khio) • Rom gallery (in partnership with MAPS program) • Praksis (Oslo) • Interkulturelt Museum (Oslo) • Office for Contemporary Art Norway: OCA (Oslo) • Atelier Nord (Oslo) • Akershus Kunstsenter (Lillestrøm)
MAPS LOG – Learning Records COMPLEMENTARY EDUCATION • Technical Introduction to Analog Photography | with Christian Tviberg, Media Lab, Khio - Week 33: 14 & 15 August 2019 • Technical Introduction to the CNC Machines | with Frido Evers, CNC Workshop, Khio - Week 33: 12 & 16 August 2019 • Norwegian Classes | organized by Khio at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design - Semester I: 11 September - 27 November 2019 • Another Grammar for Oslo | by Mônica Nador and Bruno Oliveira with the participation of Alessandro Marchi (colleague from the second year at the MAPS program) at the osloBIENNALEN - Week 33: 12 & 16 August 2019 • Intaglio and Relief Spring LAB | with Scott O’Rourke, Print and Drawing, Khio - Semester II: 06 January - 09 March 2020 • Publishing Introductory Course | with Vibeke Luther O’Rourke, Publishing Workshop, Khio - Week 05: 27 January 2020 • Embroidery Machine Introductory Course | with Lisa Mortensen, Weaving Workshop, Khio - Week 05: 27 & 28 January 2020 • Norwegian Practice | Duolingo, Online - Semester II: 30 min per day, workweek 2020
GUESTS (1st year) • Mikkel B. Tin • Marius Gronning • Stephen Wright • Per Gunnar Eeg-Tverbakk • Marion Hohlfeldt • Ane Hjort Guttu • Ekaterina Sharova • Lene Berg • Gitte Villesen • Peo Hansen • Elke Krasny • Cecilie Sachs Olsen • Jeanne van Heeswijk • Lea Nesheim and Simon Balsnes (Nature & Youth Organization) • Helen Stratford • Nora C. Nerdrum • Boris Buden • Ria Pacquée • Jonas Ekeberg • Sigurd Tenningen • Tominga O`Donnell • Ida Lykken Ghosh (Atelier Nord) • Anne Charlotte Hauen (OCA) • Monica Holmen (Akershus Kunstsenter) • Unni Gjertsen • Søssa Jørgensen and Yngvild Faeroy (external guest examiners)
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parts-of-me-ego · 4 years
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Tell her via EIP BOOK - connecting the dots - definition- unable to love psych today! And HD TUDOR and
psycology today article Elinor Greenberg, Ph.D., CGP, is an internationally renowned Gestalt therapy trainer who specializes in teaching the diagnosis and treatment of Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid adaptations in a lively and practical way. She has trained psychotherapists in her approach in the US, Norway, Sweden, Wales, England, Russia, and Mexico
. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder
Acknowledging the feelings of others
Many people believe “narcissism” equals “no empathy.” While people with narcissistic tendencies often find it difficult to consider the feelings and perspectives of other people, research from 2014 suggests that empathy, while often low, isn’t always absent.
People with narcissism can develop greater empathy when motivated to do so, most notably when taking on the perspective of a person they see as similar to themselves or when considering the experiences of their children or others who idealize or value them.
Someone who shows affection or concern for certain people may be ready to explore further change in therapy.
Article 2 pro for change by HEALTHLINE
Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, Ph.D., CRNP Psychologist, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner— Written by Crystal Raypole on January 17, 2020
Willingness to self-reflect
Self-reflection can be a challenge for people dealing with narcissism because it damages their protective shell of perfection.
A key characteristic of narcissism is the inability to see the mix of positive and negative characteristics that all people possess (known as whole object relations).
Ex. I sense Ross is no longer useful as a sponsor because - 9th step isn’t complete - will feel pressure from him because of that.
Instead, most people with narcissistic traits tend to see people, themselves included, as entirely good (perfect) or entirely bad (worthless). If their assumption of their own perfection is challenged, they might lash out or become trapped in a spiral of shame and self-hatred.
Those who can examine and reflect on negative behaviors — without responding by devaluing the person offering criticism or themselves — may be ready for more extensive exploration.
Interest in their behavior
Someone who wonders why they act the way they do may be open to exploring their behavior in therapy. This interest might come about after reading articles or books on narcissism, or when someone points out their narcissistic tendencies.
It’s possible for people with narcissistic traits to function fairly well in daily life. Intelligence and a drive to succeed can fuel an interest in not only their own behavior, but the behavior of others. This can lead to progress toward viewing other people as equals rather than inferiors. IN MY CASE - low self esteem I’m just in my head thinking about me- my needs. I don’t necessarily think your inferior. I’m imagining I’m just narrow minded trying to stay in a state of control or harmony... ovoiding overwhelming feelings.
Dual diagnosis - my story 2016!
It’s not uncommon for people with narcissistic tendencies to experience other mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, anorexia nervosa, and substance misuse.
These other issues, rather than narcissistic traits, often encourage people to seek therapy. The desire to relieve existing emotional pain and prevent future distress may be a strong motivator to work toward change.
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babyawacs · 4 years
 .@law @law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom  whyy yyyywould  iddddddddiots that donot udnerstand what im doing but shuffle stigmas to degrade in asystem cooking analysises and developments daily onpurpose actually assume that t hat kind of brain doesnot develop in right that region inthe smartest of family  most disciplined all life maybe too and then not even no tice these things but effort confirmation bias asiftheres a bonus whentheyre right about a tr ick or a malus whentheyre wrong about a trick so damage it  in asystem that cooks heads vill age cornerwise a r b i t r a r i l y a s daytiemcharged where doyou start w hat the civillian had to explain em here what the pros wouldnt know already : intels shuffle stigmas because it is intel,itis allabout which trick works thistime which trick sticks thistim e that s o m e ofthefools pretendit beleiveit  ispartofthe trick framing priming woodbride distortion bend it redact it allyouwant no melodram itis biology they damage of a human being but arbitrari ly harm to killhideously or just arbtirarily dowhattheywant arbitrarily asifits a tomato or a rock ******** we focus on prevention and fix is brightside jews andor ivy harvard atlea st billionairegrade usa b e f o r e standards lowered ie towards higherstandards more towa rds regeneration on prevented added harm ********* than nextbest bumlidokain germancure find a fengshui german fengshui alibi to throw more pills at t h a t while allalong #medic #medica l #medi file posts list accurate only a p a r t of themess plus longterm effects plus the thi ngs that matter c u m u la t i v e l y ontop of allofthat suffocate it maeke it think like a prostitute  monfoolit germancure youre not you(theyaaaaaaallll are themselves) damage turnba ckclock tricks sneaky deconstruction so it fits its a trashcan leeech it why isit billiona ire fixed whenhe cant buy food leechit trickery  heartkill he aeh we aeh deserve 50bucks weblo ated to 650 and we deserve because he aeh  xraymurder beam head heart allday everyday rubidi um radongasing xraybeamtricks  pathogen killit he types what we do with him traitor he aeh e ven wrote a diary about it woa satanic he hates the germans  oc casionally  but satanic enough  right then ev enmore so ******** no melodram itis biology what they damage not a t omato or some dull rock we focus on prevention and fix is brightside jews andor ivy harvard atleast billionairegrade usa b e f o r e standards lowered ie towards higherstandards more towards regeneration on prevented added harm ********* ////// they are  g e r m a ns they aeh germancure aeh nervous guts from crapping ocne a day or twice aday after subdue to t r y i n g t o fourtimes a day woopsie if myster iously theorgans die and they gladly kill support for it to resubdue   as poisongas every chow irradiate and xraybea m and terror cockroachdrug spoil filters it is g e r m a n y its  devious bbbbbbbbbbbbbbastardmonsters squared cubed with victimblame and no why was something you  go t it d e e d typed //// the germans us ually poisongased arbitraritly that shifted to pathogengasing inthe chamber does noone wond er evenabout the co2 specialmix killtricks inteh values in  air vent throughput thatthey isntalled the gasvalves intothe freshair chan nel above window plants  because itis  fres h throughput  a n d a bubble of ionised air this year with minimal exposure outside to peo ple  but rigorous washing after grocerystore and outside including pullover change phone cle aning they got pathogen loads and co2 values and nox values and interoxide exchange murdert ricks and arsenide values and such of which use the chance n otarstamp it publish it it is not just deedtyped itis f a c t u a l i t y deedtyped and as typical intel murder tricks hedged stigmas typical damages on co unterfactual basis instead see if temperature (!)because its airflush through can be nutted on what them gas allalong whcih allknow allalong asits daycharged allalong phone replace 1948 during mail is //// #teeth #example checkalso iftgermans were again onthe teeth the lowleft outest one doesnt addup again its likely facebone teethbonemess ona formerfix t hey always dothese things andimstuck withthe day damamge the 12tooth isthesame itwas fixed th en faceboneteethbonemess february or april redmamged it  then it infected on rootcanal toot hbase  the facebone teethbonemesses were from experiment surgeries 2004 with cheap klammern s on but isntead fixed once remessed re remessed and re re remessed itis healthinsurance c harged  sothe teethdamamges the a b s c e n c e of other problems on teethflesh for tenyears the ring around which teeth were damaged by their very own assessment their own assessment each front top teeth namely a big ring aroudn it a f t e r this they suddenly drilled the outerlow ones too whihc were n o t highlighted as damamged intheir very own assessment allofthe mess is a big big big fuckup  of day damages based on r e a l d e a l harm forinstance verfassungsschutz installs a tooth int he basis of leftlow in rubbertitts which occasionally injured the toothflesh then overtaped i t the teeth scans are an (!)alleinstellungsmerkmal they identify people by teeth scans and i mplant scans and such  notjust chips the mmw aves are looooong time around inthe realdeal the radio spectroscopy knew allalong their own mix as what i brought the cops a n d threw intothe mailbox to opcw a nd embassies //// childfoolmess 311  slapemdown squeeze em destroy gasvalves itisnot bigdeal germans shuffle stigmas because itis intel itis whichtrickworksri ghtnow decoys that their government+criminal timecontrolsystem is daytimecharged quells fort une access selfhelp shuffles murder tricks and pedo orgies tomake guilty if pathologisations ticks its batshitnuts or cook forehead momfool if pervert itspedoorgies if hooker oftheland its hookersmear andabuse if hatenut hitler terror threat its that if teenieweeenie turnbac kclock trick its taht because itis intel daytimecharged germangovt+timecontrolsystem itis w hich trick works thistime find foot aim catapulter usually suffocatekilltrickssssuffocate c ockroach ondamamgedheart 230 squeeze cautionwithsupport chekcifits gaser above only pieceof crap itslike cockroaches damage moelst rape and see ifthey can reinterpet sth that youre guil ty for t h e i r crimes this is mildsafe while youfight not to die on a hearttrick oftheirs repeated cockroaches ihate em //// brainwav e scissor nanooilantenna ornot readsout every thought realtime. @doc @doctors @redcross @who @harvard why can fools get away with trick framing priming fear fears uncontrolledfears p a n i c while the type is bombout suffocator gaser jailassmolester in a n g e r  victimisat ion how is it not  o b v i o u s the criminal german govt with its timecontrol accomplices shuffled harms shuffled proxies quelle d selfhelp got daytimecharged forthe monstrosities they commit realtime and there on shuffle d a n y e v e r ysingle dirty trick they had to quell it as immunisation which isnt even new the first thing snowden expected was docification the gundeal  bureacrat got intotheir real deal- got docified - rehabilitated in daytime govt tv  a miracle on fresh leadership freshbroo m miracle  maybe vonderleyen  but its not ne w? ******* how do the germans get away with  misusing docification for control and quell of their sins their german monstrosities they a r e daytime charged they quelledit a nd corner it to nutting while efforting h e a r t  k i l l and xraybeam and arbitrariy hideou smix trick not one unspoiled meal ******* catapult terror is just as spam as intel roofho le gasing deed typed andthefix: to either batshit nutsnesss: pedo orgies pedo sexual as sault with minors dozens a day sometimes after daytimecharging it uptothis januar eu hum anrights 3781/20  since 2800/10 6ar50/19local in d-74821 //// good doctors dont try to havebeenright nomatter what the facts are a nd sure not if setup by a criminal system and damnsure not when everything thats happening i s f a r f ar f a r m o r e relev ant than any cherrypicked template shitball throw bum lidokain atit or find the cockroach that intel roofhole gases and murder beam radartricks into heart and shutsdown digestive system+ stomach and catapults interoxide exchange cellsuffocators into heart wait its deedtype d? and the typing of it is the nutting? just thatthe heart dies from 69HDL 91LDL and 91mgdl lo ngtermsugar? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + # INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 3 4 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss ///// example: fortune: ca nthey buy a magflight?  @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom  example  #gundeal discredited madeit into daysheeple govt tv. nothi ng is new about the trick /// framing here: wasit a mistake?nota mistake? : thegermans?misus e?their doc system? as? control entity. its obvious and norway didnt lookatit before.   /// as charged "immunisation is averted+nut tricks asif no compensation is necessary ofwhatthey o vertape allalong" @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom thebasisis intelhell +covered a swhat. whiletheir basis nutit doesnot undo compensate neutered mengele tricks  //// repalced phone 1951 +ealrmypahtic then ehadimapct +ealrmy pahticaime 1954 /// dddddddddddddddrrowsyign headimapct bycockro ach 1950  then ear whzatisit they donthave to justify each catapu lt and chamber gasing isitntit its howtoterrorise a pet in a cage  w a y toooften then snea kintoit and pornit and thats the germanfix because they are german they deserve the inventio ns too itis hightreason togermany ifthey dont //// whatis the pro-word for idddiots that d amageyou suffocate you to find what a damaged transvestitefool you are soit saves em money #su dokus .@law @law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom lawyers hedge abit that every crime the germans did,occured while they tried to hedge every wet fart on hemm orides as severe mental illness allalong these tricks decoy who is charged daytime for what whilethey do what allalong while what is charged daytime decoyed with what allalong //// is?nutting? intel hell a crime? and if staying damages happen? staying dam ages they overtape and know? staying damamges they overtape and know c h a r g e d d a y t i m e? adds damages d u r i n g nutting rapes and adds pedo sexual assaults during nutting  for charging it daytime andifits based on averted formality immunisation caused as botch?  but immunised the rapers?  from angle to an gle it gets german german german and really german itsjust the part of it what youwanna po kein?  poisons ?  brought to clowncops inte firstplace whilethey shuffle more harms? yomama from a criminally insane family while they d othe same with her? oh whoopsie it died barely averting the worst regularly? prostitute o f the land and the worstpaid ever we set it up and breach barricades and set himup to after pre p and reinstall barricades because were german nice? what aspects of this mess doyouwan to pokein? he showers and feeds the cat but its not...  .. .. aeh.. . .. aaa dunno cant we .. ssssssex! pedo! sex!  because he is aeh a  t r a n s v e s t i t e  and I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful ? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
 .@law @law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom  whyy yyyywould  iddddddddiots that donot udnerstand what im doing but shuffle stigmas to degrade in asystem cooking analysises and developments daily onpurpose actually assume that t hat kind of brain doesnot develop in right that region inthe smartest of family  most disciplined all life maybe too and then not even no tice these things but effort confirmation bias asiftheres a bonus whentheyre right about a tr ick or a malus whentheyre wrong about a trick so damage it  in asystem that cooks heads vill age cornerwise a r b i t r a r i l y a s daytiemcharged where doyou start w hat the civillian had to explain em here what the pros wouldnt know already : intels shuffle stigmas because it is intel,itis allabout which trick works thistime which trick sticks thistim e that s o m e ofthefools pretendit beleiveit  ispartofthe trick framing priming woodbride distortion bend it redact it allyouwant no melodram itis biology they damage of a human being but arbitrari ly harm to killhideously or just arbtirarily dowhattheywant arbitrarily asifits a tomato or a rock ******** we focus on prevention and fix is brightside jews andor ivy harvard atlea st billionairegrade usa b e f o r e standards lowered ie towards higherstandards more towa rds regeneration on prevented added harm ********* than nextbest bumlidokain germancure find a fengshui german fengshui alibi to throw more pills at t h a t while allalong #medic #medica l #medi file posts list accurate only a p a r t of themess plus longterm effects plus the thi ngs that matter c u m u la t i v e l y ontop of allofthat suffocate it maeke it think like a prostitute  monfoolit germancure youre not you(theyaaaaaaallll are themselves) damage turnba ckclock tricks sneaky deconstruction so it fits its a trashcan leeech it why isit billiona ire fixed whenhe cant buy food leechit trickery  heartkill he aeh we aeh deserve 50bucks weblo ated to 650 and we deserve because he aeh  xraymurder beam head heart allday everyday rubidi um radongasing xraybeamtricks  pathogen killit he types what we do with him traitor he aeh e ven wrote a diary about it woa satanic he hates the germans  oc casionally  but satanic enough  right then ev enmore so ******** no melodram itis biology what they damage not a t omato or some dull rock we focus on prevention and fix is brightside jews andor ivy harvard atleast billionairegrade usa b e f o r e standards lowered ie towards higherstandards more towards regeneration on prevented added harm ********* ////// they are  g e r m a ns they aeh germancure aeh nervous guts from crapping ocne a day or twice aday after subdue to t r y i n g t o fourtimes a day woopsie if myster iously theorgans die and they gladly kill support for it to resubdue   as poisongas every chow irradiate and xraybea m and terror cockroachdrug spoil filters it is g e r m a n y its  devious bbbbbbbbbbbbbbastardmonsters squared cubed with victimblame and no why was something you  go t it d e e d typed //// the germans us ually poisongased arbitraritly that shifted to pathogengasing inthe chamber does noone wond er evenabout the co2 specialmix killtricks inteh values in  air vent throughput thatthey isntalled the gasvalves intothe freshair chan nel above window plants  because itis  fres h throughput  a n d a bubble of ionised air this year with minimal exposure outside to peo ple  but rigorous washing after grocerystore and outside including pullover change phone cle aning they got pathogen loads and co2 values and nox values and interoxide exchange murdert ricks and arsenide values and such of which use the chance n otarstamp it publish it it is not just deedtyped itis f a c t u a l i t y deedtyped and as typical intel murder tricks hedged stigmas typical damages on co unterfactual basis instead see if temperature (!)because its airflush through can be nutted on what them gas allalong whcih allknow allalong asits daycharged allalong phone replace 1948 during mail is //// #teeth #example checkalso iftgermans were again onthe teeth the lowleft outest one doesnt addup again its likely facebone teethbonemess ona formerfix t hey always dothese things andimstuck withthe day damamge the 12tooth isthesame itwas fixed th en faceboneteethbonemess february or april redmamged it  then it infected on rootcanal toot hbase  the facebone teethbonemesses were from experiment surgeries 2004 with cheap klammern s on but isntead fixed once remessed re remessed and re re remessed itis healthinsurance c harged  sothe teethdamamges the a b s c e n c e of other problems on teethflesh for tenyears the ring around which teeth were damaged by their very own assessment their own assessment each front top teeth namely a big ring aroudn it a f t e r this they suddenly drilled the outerlow ones too whihc were n o t highlighted as damamged intheir very own assessment allofthe mess is a big big big fuckup  of day damages based on r e a l d e a l harm forinstance verfassungsschutz installs a tooth int he basis of leftlow in rubbertitts which occasionally injured the toothflesh then overtaped i t the teeth scans are an (!)alleinstellungsmerkmal they identify people by teeth scans and i mplant scans and such  notjust chips the mmw aves are looooong time around inthe realdeal the radio spectroscopy knew allalong their own mix as what i brought the cops a n d threw intothe mailbox to opcw a nd embassies //// childfoolmess 311  slapemdown squeeze em destroy gasvalves itisnot bigdeal germans shuffle stigmas because itis intel itis whichtrickworksri ghtnow decoys that their government+criminal timecontrolsystem is daytimecharged quells fort une access selfhelp shuffles murder tricks and pedo orgies tomake guilty if pathologisations ticks its batshitnuts or cook forehead momfool if pervert itspedoorgies if hooker oftheland its hookersmear andabuse if hatenut hitler terror threat its that if teenieweeenie turnbac kclock trick its taht because itis intel daytimecharged germangovt+timecontrolsystem itis w hich trick works thistime find foot aim catapulter usually suffocatekilltrickssssuffocate c ockroach ondamamgedheart 230 squeeze cautionwithsupport chekcifits gaser above only pieceof crap itslike cockroaches damage moelst rape and see ifthey can reinterpet sth that youre guil ty for t h e i r crimes this is mildsafe while youfight not to die on a hearttrick oftheirs repeated cockroaches ihate em //// brainwav e scissor nanooilantenna ornot readsout every thought realtime. @doc @doctors @redcross @who @harvard why can fools get away with trick framing priming fear fears uncontrolledfears p a n i c while the type is bombout suffocator gaser jailassmolester in a n g e r  victimisat ion how is it not  o b v i o u s the criminal german govt with its timecontrol accomplices shuffled harms shuffled proxies quelle d selfhelp got daytimecharged forthe monstrosities they commit realtime and there on shuffle d a n y e v e r ysingle dirty trick they had to quell it as immunisation which isnt even new the first thing snowden expected was docification the gundeal  bureacrat got intotheir real deal- got docified – rehabilitated in daytime govt tv  a miracle on fresh leadership freshbroo m miracle  maybe vonderleyen  but its not ne w? ******* how do the germans get away with  misusing docification for control and quell of their sins their german monstrosities they a r e daytime charged they quelledit a nd corner it to nutting while efforting h e a r t  k i l l and xraybeam and arbitrariy hideou smix trick not one unspoiled meal ******* catapult terror is just as spam as intel roofho le gasing deed typed andthefix: to either batshit nutsnesss: pedo orgies pedo sexual as sault with minors dozens a day sometimes after daytimecharging it uptothis januar eu hum anrights 3781/20  since 2800/10 6ar50/19local in d-74821 //// good doctors dont try to havebeenright nomatter what the facts are a nd sure not if setup by a criminal system and damnsure not when everything thats happening i s f a r f ar f a r m o r e relev ant than any cherrypicked template shitball throw bum lidokain atit or find the cockroach that intel roofhole gases and murder beam radartricks into heart and shutsdown digestive system+ stomach and catapults interoxide exchange cellsuffocators into heart wait its deedtype d? and the typing of it is the nutting? just thatthe heart dies from 69HDL 91LDL and 91mgdl lo ngtermsugar? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + # INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 3 4 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss ///// example: fortune: ca nthey buy a magflight?  @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom  example  #gundeal discredited madeit into daysheeple govt tv. nothi ng is new about the trick /// framing here: wasit a mistake?nota mistake? : thegermans?misus e?their doc system? as? control entity. its obvious and norway didnt lookatit before.   /// as charged “immunisation is averted+nut tricks asif no compensation is necessary ofwhatthey o vertape allalong” @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom thebasisis intelhell +covered a swhat. whiletheir basis nutit doesnot undo compensate neutered mengele tricks  //// repalced phone 1951 +ealrmypahtic then ehadimapct +ealrmy pahticaime 1954 /// dddddddddddddddrrowsyign headimapct bycockro ach 1950  then ear whzatisit they donthave to justify each catapu lt and chamber gasing isitntit its howtoterrorise a pet in a cage  w a y toooften then snea kintoit and pornit and thats the germanfix because they are german they deserve the inventio ns too itis hightreason togermany ifthey dont //// whatis the pro-word for idddiots that d amageyou suffocate you to find what a damaged transvestitefool you are soit saves em money #su dokus .@law @law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom lawyers hedge abit that every crime the germans did,occured while they tried to hedge every wet fart on hemm orides as severe mental illness allalong these tricks decoy who is charged daytime for what whilethey do what allalong while what is charged daytime decoyed with what allalong //// is?nutting? intel hell a crime? and if staying damages happen? staying dam ages they overtape and know? staying damamges they overtape and know c h a r g e d d a y t i m e? adds damages d u r i n g nutting rapes and adds pedo sexual assaults during nutting  for charging it daytime andifits based on averted formality immunisation caused as botch?  but immunised the rapers?  from angle to an gle it gets german german german and really german itsjust the part of it what youwanna po kein?  poisons ?  brought to clowncops inte firstplace whilethey shuffle more harms? yomama from a criminally insane family while they d othe same with her? oh whoopsie it died barely averting the worst regularly? prostitute o f the land and the worstpaid ever we set it up and breach barricades and set himup to after pre p and reinstall barricades because were german nice? what aspects of this mess doyouwan to pokein? he showers and feeds the cat but its not…  .. .. aeh.. . .. aaa dunno cant we .. ssssssex! pedo! sex!  because he is aeh a  t r a n s v e s t i t e  and I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful ? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@law @law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom
whyyyyyywould iddddddddiots that donot udnerstand what im doing but shuffle stigmas to degrade in asystem cooking analysises and developments daily onpurpose actually assume that t hat kind of brain doesnot develop in right that region
inthe smartest of family most disciplined all life maybe too
and then not even…
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wer1flow · 7 years
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Arrived at the post office today - so Excited!! Furibee X215 Peo #furibee #unboxed #frsky #fpvlife #wer1no #wer1fpv #lovefpv #fpvracer #greatreviews (ved Oslo, Norway)
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newsini · 7 years
COPENHAGEN — A Russian helicopter was raised Saturday from the seabed where it had crashed last month off Norway’s Arctic Svalbard archipelago with eight people on board. Norway’s Accident Investigation Board says none of the missing peo
0 notes
angelrtalk · 7 years
RT @NilsHenrikSmith: Dear Ann. I'm from Norway. Six years ago a blonde compatriot of mine, inspired by the likes of you, murdered 77 peo… https://t.co/Tea5AP49F5
Dear Ann. I'm from Norway. Six years ago a blonde compatriot of mine, inspired by the likes of you, murdered 77 people. Now fuck off. https://t.co/TNOqFt4YaU
— NilsHenrikSmith (@NilsHenrikSmith) October 31, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/AngelRTalk November 02, 2017 at 02:47PM
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aurora-daily · 5 years
For Nor­we­gian singer-song­writer Aurora, mu­sic was the key to un­lock a long-held sense of dis­con­nec­tion
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Interview by An­drew McMillen for The Weekend Australian (June 1st, 2019).
Mu­sic writer An­drew McMillen meets Ice­landic sen­sa­tion Aurora ahead of her al­bum re­lease
As a child, Aurora Ak­snes grew up in a town not far from Ber­gen, in south­west­ern Norway, sur­rounded by a for­est, ocean, space and plenty of si­lence — fer­tile grounds in which to plant seeds of imag­i­na­tion.
Her two older sis­ters, Mi­randa and Vik­to­ria, were wor­ried that her strange­ness — es­pe­cially her out-there dress sense — would make her a tar­get for bul­lies. “We were so scared that it was go­ing to be tough for you to go to high school,” her sis­ters say in a video pub­lished in 2016. “But ev­ery­body loved you.”
Singing, song­writ­ing and play­ing piano be­came her three fas­ci­na­tions; all ac­tiv­i­ties she could in­dulge on her lone­some. This be­gan in child­hood and con­tin­ued into her ado­les­cence, when she was plucked from ob­scu­rity and es­sen­tially asked whether she wanted to pur­sue a ca­reer in mu­sic. She said yes, and she hasn’t looked back. In that same video from 2016, filmed in Ber­gen with her friends and family, and re­leased to co­in­cide with her de­but al­bum, Aurora says, “Mu­sic is not some­thing that you should keep for your­self. It can’t be put in a cage be­cause it’s wild and alive.”
On stage in Bris­bane on a Mon­day night early last month, the blue-eyed and blonde artist is mid­way through a pow­er­ful 90-minute set. Dressed in red and flanked by a live band that pro­duces pul­sat­ing elec­tronic pop, the 22-year-old pauses be­tween songs to ad­dress the 800-strong ca­pac­ity crowd at the Trif­fid.
“I feel like I’m in this room with friends,” she says. “It’s a nice feel­ing be­cause I feel so of­ten dis­con­nected to humans. I feel very lucky be­cause I don’t know how the hell I got here. I don’t know how I be­came an artist — but I do know that it’s 90 per cent be­cause of you guys.
“With­out you, it’s an empty room; with­out you, there’s no one that gives my words power.”
Then, with a nod to her drum­mer and co-producer Mag­nus Skyl­stad, the band kicks into the next track as the lights change colour and the crowd thrills to her mu­sic.
She does not so much per­form as in­habit these songs, as if singing them for the first time. There’s not a trace of self-con­scious­ness; in­stead, the young woman danc­ing centre stage, mi­cro­phone in hand, ex­udes a con­ta­gious free­dom and vi­tal­ity. Here, among friends, she is adored. Two days later, in the hours be­fore another Groovin the Moo fes­ti­val sideshow in Fre­man­tle, Aurora perks up when re­minded of her phi­los­o­phy that mu­sic can­not be caged.
“Oh, yes, it’s very true, and that’s why I know I have to share it,” she tells Re­view. “When I per­form, that’s why I’m so ex­cited; it’s like the mu­sic is too big for my tiny shape of a body. I feel very ex­plo­sive when I per­form. That’s the whole point in why I started shar­ing the mu­sic: if you have the gift of making mu­sic, it’s like we’re on a mis­sion, we peo­ple who can trans­late the mu­sic into some­thing that the rest of the world can un­der­stand.”
In a rel­a­tively short time, the rest of the world has come to un­der­stand and ap­pre­ci­ate Aurora’s art. While the story of her as­cent from small-town anonymity to filling clubs and play­ing fes­ti­vals on the other side of the planet is some­what typ­i­cal of the stream­ing era, the re­sults are cer­tainly not.
It goes like this: af­ter up­load­ing a song on­line in 2012, when she was 16, what was in­tended as a Christ­mas gift for her par­ents found its way to the ears of an agent, which set in mo­tion an un­ex­pected but wel­come record­ing ca­reer. Since 2015, she has re­leased an EP, a de­but al­bum — 2016’s All My Demons Greet­ing Me as a Friend — and a fol­low-up LP that has been split into two halves, re­leased last year and this year.
As well, a cou­ple of well-cho­sen cover songs have helped to high­light her ex­traor­di­nary, sin­gu­lar vocal abil­i­ties and opened up new au­di­ences.
First in 2015, her stark take on Half the World Away by Oa­sis fea­tured in a prom­i­nent Bri­tish Christ­mas ad­ver­tise­ment; it re­mains one of her most-played songs on stream­ing ser­vices. Then on an Aus­tralia visit in 2017, she recorded a spell­bind­ing cover of Mas­sive At­tack’s Teardrop for Triple J’s Like a Ver­sion segment. It has since at­tracted nearly seven mil­lion YouTube views.
In turn, the global response to her mu­sic dur­ing the past four years has led to a pleasant awakening: her work mat­ters.
“I want to do this as long as I feel like peo­ple need me to do this,” she says. “Right now, I feel very needed. It’s a job that the world needs be­cause be­ing a hu­man is so hard and mu­sic some­times makes it eas­ier. As long as I feel needed, I’ll do it. I’ll be an artist for­ever; I’m a very hungry woman, and I like to dance and paint, and I want to ex­plore and even­tu­ally share that with the world, too.”
In con­ver­sa­tion, Aurora comes across as re­mark­ably grounded and in­se­cu­rity-free. A month out from the re­lease of A Dif­fer­ent Kind of Hu­man (Step 2) — usu­ally a time of peak anx­i­ety and un­cer­tainty among record­ing artists, who will soon learn whether their lat­est work is judged to be their great­est or oth­er­wise — she shrugs and says that she doesn’t re­ally have any par­tic­u­lar hopes or ex­pec­ta­tions for it. “Whatever will hap­pen will hap­pen,” she says. “I’m al­ready work­ing on my next al­bum; I feel quite far away from this al­bum. I hope at least one per­son will re­ally love it. It is quite di­verse, with many dif­fer­ent moods and per­son­al­i­ties. I am quite ex­cited to per­form the songs live, but it doesn’t re­ally mat­ter how peo­ple per­ceive it.
“Some peo­ple will al­ways un­der­stand it and ap­pre­ci­ate it, and that’s enough.” Be­tween songs at the Trif­fid, Aurora talks a lot, and she’s of­ten funny and en­dear­ing.
‘ In the be­gin­ning I didn’t re­ally talk be­cause I didn’t have any­thing to say. But then I learned that if you do talk to the au­di­ence, peo­ple tend to feel more safe and more connected to you’ Aurora Ak­snes
“We’ve been doing all these shows in Aus­tralia, and it’s so strange we can have our own show in Bris­bane and there are peo­ple here wait­ing for us,” she says at the be­gin­ning. “From the bottom of my huge heart and small tits — ac­tu­ally, no, they are quite big — thank you so, so much for com­ing tonight.”
Later, she ad­mits to feel­ing some snotty con­ges­tion: “It’s kind of loos­en­ing up now as I’m danc­ing and making its jour­ney down my throat. It tastes like salt and I don’t know how I feel about that.” But while in­tro­duc­ing Through the Eyes of a Child, she turns se­ri­ous for a few mo­ments.
“Some­times it’s hard to find peo­ple to talk to about your pain be­cause it makes us feel like a bur­den, or we are taught to feel like a bur­den when we are not happy,” she says. “I know you’re all here for a rea­son. Maybe you’re a bit like me: you’re emo­tional or you look a bit dif­fer­ent on the in­side or the out­side. This next song is for you if you’re go­ing though a hard time.”
This con­nec­tion with her au­di­ence is real and rare, but it wasn’t al­ways this way.
“In the be­gin­ning I didn’t re­ally talk be­cause I didn’t have any­thing to say,” she tells Re­view. “But then I learned that if you do talk to the au­di­ence, peo­ple tend to feel more safe and more connected to you. You show them a spe­cial thing they don’t usu­ally see un­less they go to my show. It’s like they’re my friend or I’m their friend. I do have mouth di­ar­rhoea be­cause I tend to talk way too much, but it just hap­pens. I do what I want and, at the mo­ment, I feel like talk­ing a lot.”
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Aurora’s cover of the Mas­sive At­tack hit Teardrop, per­formed for Triple J’s Like a Ver­sion segment, has at­tracted nearly seven mil­lion YouTube views
There’s another as­pect of her artistry that has changed in re­cent years, too. “I used to feel ner­vous be­fore shows, but then it stopped be­cause I re­alised it’s ob­vi­ous I know what I’m doing,” she says. “I know why I’m here; I know how to do this. Now, I find it more scary to be among peo­ple or to have a one-to-one con­ver­sa­tion with some­one. I know what to do on the stage and it feels like it’s im­por­tant.”
With shows booked up to De­cem­ber, in­clud­ing an ex­ten­sive 20date tour of Norway, her re­cent Aus­tralian trip will soon be in the rear-view mir­ror. While travelling here, how­ever, she was par­tic­u­larly in­spired by our na­tive trees, which she found to be vastly dif­fer­ent com­pared with those in her home­land, so per­haps the sights and sounds of our coun­try may feed back into her fu­ture art.
Yet watching her on stage, be­fore an au­di­ence completely in tune with her voice and body, the phi­los­o­phy she out­lined in that video a few years ago comes to mind. Aurora can’t be put in a cage, be­cause she is wild and alive. Luck­ily for us, her mu­sic is not some­thing she has kept for her­self.
A Dif­fer­ent Kind of Hu­man (Step 2) is re­leased on Fri­day via Glass­note Records.
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