katchwreck · 4 months
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Situm, ut longe et prope,
id tantum tempus,
invenio quaerit mundum;
oratio sine salutatione!
impua oratio sine salutatione! 🙏
ens et non ens in infinitum distant,
inter dicere, et facere, multa distantia est,
ad amicum longe,
editum iri accipiendam,
discooperior nos cursus,
quid est..?
invenio quaerit mundum;
oratio sine salutatione!
qui adesse ad enim paenitentium,
èom vivit per vivitfide,
oratio sine salutatione [nong] et,
impua oratio sine salutatione! 🙏
sicut [ad quod] enim amicus accedit;
utinam umquam iterum ad me viam invenias..
Veritatis Ori; meus [quoniam / do] apothegma.
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hieromonkcharbel · 2 years
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New podcast from tonight’s Ladder of Divine Ascent group! Listen and sign up for weekly emails on the website - www.philokaliaministries.org, and join the weekly Zoom group at: philokalia.link/climacus!
If you are a regular listener, or enjoy any of the content produced by Philokalia Ministries, we humbly ask that you consider becoming a supporter of the ministry. You can learn more about our funding needs at: www.philokaliaministries.org/support-philokalia.
Please note that Philokalia Ministries, LLC is NOT a 401c3 non-profit organization, and that contributions are not tax deductible. Supporting Philokalia Ministries is just like supporting your other favorite podcasters and content creators, and all proceeds pay the production bills, make it possible for us to pay our content manager, and provide a living stipend for Father David.
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rockattitudegr · 5 months
Οι βετεράνοι The Magus παρουσιάζουν τη διασκευή τους στο κλασικό “Fire” του Arthur Brown, και το βίντεο που το συνοδεύει με μέλη των Rotting Christ, Varathron, Lucifer’s Child, Kawir, W.E.B., Order of the Ebon Hand, Yoth Iria, Penthos, Funeral Storm και Euphrosyne.
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TWISTED TIMELINE: PART 3: Leaving behind these forgettable Ruins.
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AU Cameos:
@ut-poppy-askblog by FMSdraws @rupturedtaleblog by Farfrom Tile. Like Inverted Fate, It is neccesary for me to specify this isn't Canon to Rupturedtale. Speaking of which, it's a REALLY good AU, check it out yourself if you haven't. Air Sans by EmeraldAce. Also the creator of @secondshiftau, which actually appeared in the previous part! And, The Noir, from @ut-monochromasis. Although, I suppose, it is not FROM anything. It has no origin. It just.. Is. Ah, yes, and the one who created it. @dragon8er.
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justthemoonz · 7 months
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started reading rupturedtale a little while back
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evilios · 13 days
Was reading on various versions of Persephone's grief and explanations of why she's paid poine to reconcile for it, and I adore both.
On the one hand, there's symbolic payment for her abduction and the penthos that comes from it. This might be the expiatory sacrifice mentioned by her husband in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, thus placing the role of the expiating party on the humanity as a whole: the Goddess grieves.
On the other hand, there's an Orphic narrative of the triple birth of Dionysus (in Orphic tradition, child of Persephone), his cult murder and the "blood gold" given to the mother to compensate for it, much like poine that was given to the closest members of the kin (though usually male) after the settlement in cases of justifiable homicide under Drakon's court.
F. Graf and S. I. Johnson in Ritual Texts for the Afterlife. Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets argue that both variants are reasonable. The Orphic version passes the mother-child grief narrative from Demeter-Persephone to Persephone-Dionysus; they also bring up that the tie between the mother and the child is stronger than that between the brother and the sister.
Not fully sure which version I personally prefer, there's something sweet about both. Either the love of the husband for the wife and the promise of worthy sacrifice to soothe her grief, or the love of the mother for her child and the demand for his death (though temporary) being expiated.
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skeletalscallybones · 2 years
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I decided to show off two of my edits that didn’t really make the cut in last year’s Jack (& friends) edit event on the @rupturedtaleblog & it is a Jack & Todd version of 9-Volt & 18-Volt! (UPDATE:Jack’s Mother has now been added in as 5-Volt.)
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Little mouse part 2
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Paring: Aemond x reader Warning: dirty talk, NSFW themes
Part 1: HERE
“I am not done with you, little mouse,” Aemond’s words echoed in your mind since that day he cornered you against the wall
Every time when you remembered the dirty things he purred into your ear you felt your skin burning 
You imagined his words coming true and your hand moved slowly down your body to your wet pussy, trying to satisfy your hunger for the young Prince, but it was pointless. Your inexperienced fingers weren’t good enough, you came whispering his name into the silence of the night, but you felt empty and unsatisfied
Aemond totally ignored you since that day like if nothing happened and you started to think that you only imagined the whole encourter
One day Helaena asked you to serve a dinner for her and Aegon 
But when you came with a roasted lamb on a plate, Helaena was nowhere to be seen
Only Aegon sat at the table, already slightly drunk
You usually tried your best to avoid being alone with him, but you couldn’t retreat, because he already spotted you
You put the meat in front of him with a polite bow, waiting to be dismissed
But it didn’t happen, you felt a harsh slap on your butt instead
“Fetch me more wine, Y/N,” Aegon slurred and you yelleped at the sudden contact 
He usually ignored you, but it seemed that today was your unlucky day, because when you started pouring wine into his cup, you felt his hand wandering up your leg under your skirt
You jumped a little a spilled the wine across the table, Aegon completely ignored it, his hand wandering higher on your leg, looking at your terrified face with a wicked grin
You didn’t know what to do, you simply couldn’t slap the Prince across the face
Suddenly you were pulled away from Aegon by your waist, your back bumped into musled chest 
“Keep your hands away from her brother, if you want to keep them,” Aemond threatened behind you and you sighed in relief
“Oh I see, wrong brother was about to finger you, doll,” Aegon smirked and watched his brother with amusement in his violet eyes. He has never seen Aemond reacting like this because of a woman
“Get out of here,” Aemond commanded and you shivered. 
You quickly ran away but you bumped into Helaena on your way out 
“Y/N, where are you going? I am sorry, I am late, the spiders were whispering so sweetly, I had to listened to them,” she said dreamily, not aware that you look so frightened 
“I wanted to surprise you and have a dinner with you and Aegon,” she pouted her lips. “What happened, why are you going away” she asked you. 
“I... I spilled some wine on the table, I felt embarresed,” you quickly made up an excuse
“It doesn’t matter, Y/N. It means less wine for Aegon to drink,” she laughed and happily turned you around and dragged you back to the dinning room. 
“Oh, Aemond, I didn’t know that you would join us,” she said confused when you two walked back to the table. “You are sitting on Y/N’s chair, we need another one,” she said, panic seeping into her soft voice. 
“No need, sister. Calm down, she can sit here,” Aemond said calmly and before you had a chance to react he pulled you onto his lap, sitting you on one of his strong thighs.
You gasped quietly when you felt one of his long hands wrapping around your midsection, securing you on his lap
Helaena clapped happily, laughing from ear to ear, completely oblivious to your discomfort
“This is exactly what I wanted,lovely dinner with my favorite people,” she giggled and you smiled softly at her, it was rare to see her so happy these days. 
“I would have invited you too Aemond, but I thought that you were in Penthos with Vhagar,” she smiled at her younger brother and you felt happy, that he didn’t ignore you lately, he just simply wasn’t at the castle for some time
“I came back earlier, I have some unfinished business here” he simply said and Helaena happily nodded and turned to her husband
“If I ever find my brother's hands underneath your skirt again, I will kill you both, little mouse,” he whispered into your ear, his fingers digging deeper into your side and you shivered when his lips brushed against your ear.
Before you had a chance to say something your awkward dinner was interrupted by Sir Criston Cole, calling the royal siblings to their father’s chambers, it seemed that his grace was getting worse. You felt bad for king Viserys, but you were glad that you could escape from this situation. 
In the middle of the night you were tossing and turning in your bed, dirty thoughts about Prince Aemond filling your mind once again
You loved sitting on his lap but on the other hand you were embarressed to do it in front of his siblings
You liked the feeling of his musled chest against your back, or the feeling of his hot breath on the sensitive skin of your neck
Your hand once again traveled down your body, squeezing your already hard nipple softly, quietly moaning, imagining that it was Aemond’s hands on your body making you feel good
Your other hand traveled further down into your undergarments, slipping easily into your slick folds. You sighed desperately, knowing that your fingers were not enough, but you kept going, feeling that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomac 
“Aemond,” you moaned quietly, your fingers pushing in and out of your soaked pussy, filling the night with wet sounds. 
“Since when do you call me Aemond and not my Prince, little mouse?” Aemond’s deep voice startled you, making you freeze. You slowly turned your head to the right, looking straight at the young Prince. His eye watched you hungrily, he looked like a god when the moonlight was falling on his beautiful face, but the look in his eye was devilish.
Part 3 
Tag: @moonmaiden1996​
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rupturedtaleblog · 10 months
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“Hello, it’s me again, the RupturedTale Fanart Producer! (With a name like that, I might as well be a honorary member of the Robots 98…)
Just found out about this “The End of RupturedTale” comic, and I decided to illustrate one of those scenes where Sans is making iddle talks with Jack, for Jack, and about Jack Penthos.”
-  RupturedTale Fanart Producer
Neither of them could fix the machine, no matter how hard they tried.
No one can.
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tagsecretsanta · 9 months
From @the-original-sineater
From @the-original-sineater to @mariashades
A Change of Plans
There were lots of things that Scott ignored: sleep, proper food, a certain amount of selfcare. But one thing he wouldn’t ignore was his eyesight. It was too critical to a pilot to even let the slightest thing affect it. Which is why, when his right eye started to ache on a business trip to Sydney, he asked his assistant in the Sydney office, Kirra, to find an ophthalmologist and get him an appointment. One that was upgraded to an emergency appointment when a black squiggly line crawled its way across his vision. Which was how he found himself sitting in a dim room, in an uncomfortable chair, waiting for his pupils to finish dilating. Scott was very good at compartmentalizing, between his family and IR, he had to be. But at this particular moment, he wished he had someone with him. The litany of things running through his head ranged from minor: vitreous tear, all the way up to major: retinal detachment. The only sign of his agitation was him tapping out his brothers names in Morse on the arm off the chair.
Dr. Caserta had a receding hairline and an air of calm that soothed Scott. Even with the necessary annoyance of shining a very bright light into his eyes, Scott had stopped tapping out Morse.
The doctor made some various noises, then sat down on the stool next to the small workstation. “You have a vitreous tear in your right eye Mr. Tracy. Everyone gets them, you’re on the young side for one, but you did the right thing by coming in and not waiting to see if it went away. I’ve had too many people do that, not take the care they needed to and lose vision in their eye.” Scott swallowed down his relief. “Good to know. What’s the treatment?” “Rest. Reading or listening to things is preferable over watching vids or holograms, slower eye movement. Or you can watch the waves. Easy, gentle things. What’s more important is what you can’t do, at least for the next several weeks. No major changes in altitude, no air travel, nothing that could increase the pressure on the tear. The human eye is quite resilient and can repair itself very well. You just need to let it do so.”
Scott blinked at the fuzzy form. “Several weeks? I was here on business.” He couldn’t stay here for weeks!
“I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to tell your boss you have to stay here. If you engage in air travel, you could tear the retina and by the time you landed, you will have lost your vision.” The form shifted. “I’ll be glad to write whatever you need for your employer, but you need to stay in Sydney. I want you to come back in two weeks and we’ll reevaluate then.”
“What about the holiday?” There was a small pile of presents waiting for transport home back at the penthouse.
“I work the holidays Mr. Tracy. People’s vision is too important not to. An ophthalmologist working the holidays is what allowed my mother to keep her sight with a retinal detachment. I’m just paying that forward.”
That brought Scott up short. Dr. Caserta was no less dedicated to his mission than Scott and his family were. It was just on a smaller scale but just as important and impactful. “I - thank you.” “Not a problem. Now, do you want me to write something for your boss?” “No, thank you. He’s pretty understanding about medical stuff.” Scott kept the grin on the inside. “That's good, you’re lucky. Now did you drive here?” “No, I took a cab.” “Excellent. Give the address of where you are staying to Cathy and she’ll call you a taxi. We’ll also give you one of the really ugly eye covers to protect your eyes from the sun on your way back.”
Scott had to chuckle at that. Dr. Caserta had just the right amount of no nonsense, leavened with humor, to take the edge off things.
Actually, Scott was glad of the ‘really ugly eye cover’. The summer sun was annoyingly bright most of the time. But with dilated eyes, it was the second circle of Hell. He was also glad of the private elevator that whisked him to the penthouse. He kept the cover on while he pulled all the drapes and set the lights to as low as possible. Once the penthouse had had a VI to help run it, but that had been before EOS and The Shower Incident, which had led to the AI being banned from all the penthouses. He also got a cold washcloth to lay over his eyes as he stretched out on the couch. He needed to call the island and let them know what was going on. But right this very moment, he just wanted to be.
He managed to sleep most of the afternoon away, which let his eyes get mostly back to normal. Not that falling asleep surprised him. They all had barely a passing acquaintance with having an actual circadian rhythm.
A quick time check showed that late afternoon for him was early evening for them. Hopefully, they were all safe at home. That thought stung, he wouldn’t, couldn’t be there to help, to protect them. He shoved that away for now. Right now, he had to tell them. “Tracy Island, Alan Tracy speaking.” God, he sounded so grown up. “Hey, Sprout.” “Scott! How’s Sydney? Did you see the museum? John said you should be able to see the Aurora tonight!” Scott laughed, he couldn’t help it. “Breathe Alan. Slow down and breathe.”
There was a sharp inhale through the speaker, followed by a slow exhale. “That’s better. Sydney is Sydney, no I haven’t made it to the museum, and I’ll go out on the roof tonight to try and see it.”
“Neat! Hey, how come no image?” He should have expected that, Alan was not slow on the uptake. “That’s what I need to talk about. Where is everyone?” “John’s upstairs. Virgil’s helping Grandma clean up the kitchen. Kayo is off kayoing. And Gordon is with Brains.”
“Does Kayo know you turned her name into a verb?” “She does now.” There was a yelp as Kayo’s voice came through the speaker. “We need to work on your situational awareness more, Alan.” “Geez! Give a guy a heart attack!” Scott laughed silently at the exchange. “Hi Kayo. Could you please get everyone on the line?” “What’s wrong?” Scott rolled his eyes. “Nothing major, I promise. Just - just please get everyone on the line?” “Scott?” Alan’s voice was very small. “I’m going to be fine, Sprout. I promise. Just get everyone on the line so I only have to explain once.” Scott scrubbed at his face. ‘Way to go dumbass. Scaring your little brother. GAH.’
It took less time than Scott thought for everyone to get onto the call. Even if John made noises about not having a visual link.
“Okay, Scott, spill. Also what’s with the no video?” Trust Virgil to get right to the point. “Right, no panicking. I have a vitreous tear in my right eye. The ophthalmologist said that as long as I behaved and didn’t do the things I shouldn’t, everything would be okay.”
There was a long moment of quiet. “Right, what are the things you shouldn’t do?” Gordon asked.
“Well, no holograms or vids for one thing. Too much eye movement.” Scott took a deep breath. “I’m also grounded for at least the next two weeks for sure. It might be more, but we won’t know until after my next appointment.” “What happens if you don’t stay grounded?” Grandma’s voice was soft.
“I risk losing the vision in that eye.” Saying it didn't make it any easier. “No flying, no major changes in altitude, nothing that could put pressure on the tear and make it worse.”
“How do you fix it?” Alan asked. “Rest and not putting pressure on the eye. Dr. Caserta seemed pretty sure that it would heal on its own.” Scott could have kicked himself. He hadn’t meant to say the doctor’s name, not with John on the call. “Huh. Why did you pick that doctor?”  John, of course. “I didn’t, Kirra did.” “Well, she got you the best in the city.  Biggest complaint I can find about him is patients saying they wished they’d listened to what he said.”
Scott felt oddly pleased by that. At least they couldn’t accuse him of not taking care of himself. “You’re at the penthouse?” Kayo this time. “Where else would I be?” “Just checking. I’ll prep Shadow and be there in about a half hour.” “Kayo, you don’t need -” “Yes, Scott, I do. You just extended your stay by two weeks if not more. I need to coordinate with the security team and bring in extra people. I’ll see you in 30.”
Scott just sighed. Alan was right, Kayo was going to kayo. “Scott, two weeks from today is after the holidays,” Virgil pointed out.
“Yeah, I know.” The holiday season was usually busy for IR. They tended to have their celebrations sometime in January after the pace of rescues slowed. “I’ll send my gifts back with Kayo.” “If you think we’re going to have the holiday without you, young man, you have another think coming!”
Scott expected that. “Depending on rescues Grandma.” “Speaking of which - we have a situation.” Scott hung his head, he knew better than to say that word. “Good luck guys. I love you.” He closed the call before he could ask to listen in. That wouldn’t do his blood pressure any good. Then he sat back on the couch and worried.
Kayo was her normally efficient self: increasing the protection detail, setting a new rota to include Scott’s check ups with Dr. Caserta and rearrangement of the schedule that happened once word got out that Scott was stuck in Sydney. Since Scott couldn’t go to the other offices, the other offices would come to him.
She also brought clothes and even more importantly; hugs from everyone.  Additionally, she kept his mind off of the rescue he couldn’t take part of. Until John called to say that it had gone well and everyone was home, safe and sound.
She stayed the night, chivved Scott into going out to enjoy some of  Sydney’s culinary offerings and managed to take his mind off of being grounded.
After breakfast he gave her a duffle full of the gifts he’d acquired. “Scott -” “No. We don’t know when I’m going to be back.” His grin was lopsided. “With some luck, I’ll be there in person. If not, I should be able to call in. Almost as good as being there.” She snorted. “You mean safe from having to eat Grandma’s cookies.” 
“I didn’t say that!” Scott tried to look innocent. “Yeah, right.” Kayo pulled him into a tight hug. “We’re just a call away. John or I can have everyone here in One in fifteen minutes.” He hugged back just as hard. “I know.” He pulled back a little. “You and John are the only ones I trust not to crash One.” “I promise, Gordon won’t fly her.” “I’ll hold you to that.”
They parted, Scott to do battle with paperwork and executives and Kayo; to whatever it was she had planned.
Things progressed with Scott trying very hard not to listen to the news and daily calls from his family.
At least until Gordon showed up at the penthouse one afternoon with a grin and a loaded hand truck.
“Hey bro!”
Scott found himself enfolded into a squid hug so hard it left him gasping.
“Hey yourself.” Once Scott managed to untangle himself. “Not that I’m not glad to see you, but what are you doing here?”
Gordon pulled the hand truck into the penthouse. “John said he’d use my hide as a throw rug if I didn’t get some down time. So, I had Virg drop me off here.” He gestured to the boxes. “And I've got prezzies!”
“Wait a minute.” Scott held up a hand. “One, John wouldn’t say that, two, why do you need down time?” “Weeeel, no he didn’t say those exact words, but it was implied that if he had to come down …” Gordon shrugged. “As for why - um, I might be a bit over my hours?”
Scott gave into the facepalm. “Might? How much is might?”
“Um - twelve hours.”
Scott’s gut sank. Him being grounded had put extra stress on his family.
“Hold the guilt train! Not your fault. Wildcatter prospectors doing illegal mining in a black smoker field.  They got trapped under a fallen smoker and it took forever to get them out.”
Scott still swallowed. Deep water rescues were Gordon’s speciality, but in some ways working under the ocean was more hazardous than working in space. Not that Scott would have been of any help but - yeah, but.
Gordon slugged Scott lightly on the shoulder. “I’m fine, SmotherOne. I’m just over my hours.” He picked one of the boxes up and handed it to Scott. “Com’n! Virg’s research said slow motions were good for helping your eyes. So let’s get this set up! We need to have it conditioned before they arrive tomorrow.” “Huh? Waitaminute! Who arrives? Condition what?”
Gordon picked up a box and headed into the living room. “The fish. Watching fish is soothing, so I got you an aquarium! Which needs to have the water conditioned before they go into it. Com’n Scooter, shift those starters! We’ve got work to do!”
By the next afternoon, Scott was the proud owner of a two meter long, 100 gallon aquarium. Along with a dozen neon tetras, a small school of golden barbs, a group of dainos (which he really liked since they were fast and blue), a dozen harlequin rasboras, four cory catfish, and one brilliant blue betta. Who’d already claimed one of the little caves in the reef system that Gordon had created and was defending it against anyone that came close.
The aquarium filled a blank space that Scott had never noticed in the layout of the penthouse. You could lay on the couch and just watch the fish swim about, which was really nice. “Who’s going to feed them?” Scott shook a line of food down the length of the tank. “I already set that up with the staff. When they come in clean every day, they’ll just add feeding and checking the tank.” Gordon held up the water tester. “Someone will need to come by once a month or so to check the water and the pump. But hey! Reason to come over and take a day off.”
“Gordon…” Scott turned, a rebuke sitting on his tongue. Guileless brown eyes batted at him. “You thought I meant you, Scooter? This isn’t your private domain. Any of us can come over for a down day. It would do the Space Case a world of good to get out more than just the Island.”
“That’s a really good point.” John could use some more time away from the Island.
“Good excuse to get Alan over here too. There’s a bunch of museums and stuff he wants to see.”
“That sounds great, Gordon.” Scott looked at the fish chasing the falling food. “This was a good idea.”
“I know, it was mine.”
Well, that couldn’t be allowed to stand. “Hey, Gords?” “Ye - murhf!” The towel that Scott had used to wipe up escaped water landed on Gordon’s face. 
Scott was actually sorry to see Gordon go the next day when Thunderbird Two roared up to collect the aquanaut to help with a sinking research vessel in the Ross Sea.
Scott was whistling as he left the elevator. The black squiggle through his vision was fading and he was going back to Dr. Caserta in two days, the meeting with NorAustrilia had gone really well, he was looking forward to crispy duck, spicy vegetables, white rice, a bottle of Yanjing beer for dinner, and an evening with Social Distortion (he liked the oldies, deal with it). What he hadn’t been expecting was the warm glow of holograms and a head outlined against them.
“John?” The holograms blinked out and Scott’s least earthbound brother stood up. “Hi there.” Scott’s heart started to thud in triple time. John never came down without prodding. He swallowed hard. “W- what happened?” John’s eyebrows knitted together for a moment. “NO! Everyone’s fine. I promise.” He came over and took hold of Scott’s shoulders. “I promise, everyone is okay.”
Scott closed his eyes for a moment and took deep breaths. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you like that.” John said. “Gordon has been talking up the fish tank so much, I just wanted to see it in person.” Scott grabbed John’s biceps and gave a shake. “Don’t do that to me.” “I’m sorry.” “Forgiven.” Scott grinned. “I’m glad to see you in person for a change.”
John nodded. “It’s different.” He looped an arm around Scott’s shoulders and guided him to the couch and its view of the tank. “How are you feeling?”
Scott rolled his eyes. “Fine. Better than fine. I’ve actually been getting a solid eight hours a night and eating like a regular person.” John laughed as he sat down. “Good. I saw the to-go order you placed and doubled it. I haven’t had crispy duck in ages.” As thrilled as Scott was to see his space loving brother, there was a small issue that needed addressing. “What about Thunderbird Five?” he asked as he sat down. “I can do my job here nearly as well as I can here. It would be easier if EOS had access to the penthouse system -” “No, nope, nada, nien, non, nee, nej, nyeht, not happening.” Scott’s head shook on each word. “Scott, she did apologize.”
“I know how to say ‘no’ in some more languages if you need me to.”
It was John’s turn to roll his eyes. “She was just curious.” “I don’t care. We have a working relationship, beyond that, nothing. I won’t degauss her core and she doesn’t talk to me unless it’s an emergency. She tried to kill you and Alan.”
John just sighed, this was an old argument. “Fine. I can easily do my job here, I missed you, and I wanted to see the fish tank.”
That cinched it. If John thought he could do his job at the penthouse, then he could. As for missing Scott - he’d missed his space brother as well.
Dinner arrived and they spent the evening talking about everything and nothing. It was the most one on one time Scott had enjoyed with John in several years. He’d really missed John’s dry wit and impeccable timing. Scott went to bed more relaxed than he’d been in days.
He was glad for John’s presence on the trip to the ophthalmologist, even if he had to remain in the waiting room. In some ways he was more nervous than he was on the first visit. ‘Was the tear healing? Would he be able to fly again?’ Could he even go home? Those thoughts were chasing around in his brain like a mouse caught in a bucket.
He shoved those thoughts down while he waited for his eye to dilate. Fixating wouldn’t do him any good. The outcome was out of his hands and he just had to be patient.
One lifetime and a very bright light later, and the slightly out of focus form sat back. “Well, Mr. Tracy, your eye is healing nicely. The squiggle will vanish over time as your brain learns to ignore it.” “Learns to ignore it? You mean it’s permanent?”
“It’s a scar, Mr. Tracy. One inside your eye, but still a scar. Your brain will figure out that it’s not important and start to tune it out. Rather like it does with our noses.” Time for the hard question. “So what happens next?” “Well, you said you were here on business, so I suggest when you get home you find an ophthalmologist and make an appointment with them for a yearly follow up.”
“What?” The doctor laughed. “You’re pass the danger period Mr. Tracy. You can fly home. Your eyes will need checking on a yearly basis, especially since you had a tear this young. You know what the danger signs are. When they happen again, get to an ophthalmologist as quickly as you can to make sure it’s not more than just a tear. But other than that, you’re good to go.”
The sense of relief was so massive that Scott was light headed for a moment. Then his mind grabbed hold of a word. “You said ‘when’.”
“Everyone gets tears, Mr. Tracy. It’s part and parcel of being human. A good 70% of the time, they are minor like the one you have. But the other 30% is why I’m on call during weekends and holidays.”
There wasn’t a lot Scott could say to that. “Thank you for that, Dr.Caserta.” Dr. Caserta waved a hand. “Like I said, I’m just paying it forward.”
Scott understood that. “I’m in Sydney fairly often for business. So I’ll make that appointment with you.”
“That sounds good. So let me get you an ugly eye cover and you can get out of here. Do you need a ride?” “I have the one from my first visit and no, my brother flew out to be with me.”
“Good. I hope you had and have a lovely holiday, Mr. Tracy.”
Scott was nearly bouncing on the way back to the penthouse. He was still able to fly!
John was quietly pleased, but that was just John’s way.
“If I call the airport now, they can have Tracy One fueled and ready to go in about an hour. We should be home in time for dinner!” Scott said as he strode out of the elevator. “HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!”
Scott rocked to halt at the shout, then stumbled back as Alan hit him with a hug. He returned the hug automatically and looked around. The penthouse was decorated with lights and tinsel that Scott hadn’t had the heart to put up.  It was also filled with everyone. Grandma, Kayo, Virgil, Brains, Gordon and even MAX.
He grinned. “Happy Christmas!”
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can i see u ramble abt bat bby?
I have a new comic that I’m wanting to make, since aquatic is finished (at least the canon plot is)
and i am
so excited to make it a thing
I don’t want to give spoilers so:
Longline: The process of death is halted due to a stubborn soul, causing chaos, and the Demigod of Grief must soothe the soul to bring peace and keep his godhood.
so so
theres the Greek gods (my rendition of them for this), as we all know, but they will adopt demi gods to pass on their teachings and powers to once they'd like to retire (in a sense, all gods were once mortals, excluding Zeus, Hera, and hades) our MC, Penny, is one of these demi gods, the one to death. Pennys job is to sooth sould who might have had a traumatic death (think murder or some shit)SO Penny, who's actual name is Penthos (Greek for grief), has to sooth said souls before they can pass on
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myhouseidea · 10 months
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pichlive · 8 months
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Hello! I'm Pichu/Peaches.
This is my liveblog-- currently liveblogging Lily's Well.
The way this will operate is I'll mainly focus on one media at a time-- if I want to explore said media more, or finish up extra content, I'll be putting those on separate blogs dedicated to said media. I'll still be using the tags I used here though.
I'll also review things once I've finished them, and give my final thoughts on them-- or at least as they're finished so far. Some stuff I'll play on here will be technically incomplete.
I'm always happy for suggestions! Just be patient. It can take me some time to get through stuff. Some things because of the category they're in or length may go onto a different blog-- more on that below.
My policy on any content that could be spoilery for a tag is that I'll put it behind a read more, and then after a month or so, it'll be unspoiled-- if it needs more time behind a read more, please tell me!
My tastes on this blog will vary a huge amount, and thus, i cannot guarantee that everything will be sfw (anything too nsfw/nsft will be warned and behind a readmore). Minors can follow, but at your own discretion.
I'm also going to say that if you don't like something that I'm liveblogging, that you either filter that particular tag or block the blog in general. Otherwise, for the most part, I'm not down to be bullied or lectured about for what I'm playing on here. There may be some exceptions here and there, but they're more likely to be very circumstantial (ergo-- more likely to be more indie projects wherein the creator is doing something extremely harmful and I feel like my liveblogging is spreading their influence further-- but again, extremely niche situation).
No strict DNI, will block if needed. Bigots blocked on sight.
Some content is segmented into different blogs-- usually because the length of said content would make it very hard to focus on other things on this blog, or because I just find that other blogs make it easier for me to focus on other content I'm also curious about.
They are as follows:
Archie Sonic
One Piece
Slay the Princess
Undertale Yellow (other than True Pacifist)
My tags are also as follows:
#pichlive is my general tag
My liveblogging tag for things will be #pichlive [name of media]-- if you want to filter out my content in the media tag, just blacklist that if you don't wish to block.
#pichlive answers is for answering asks
#pichtalk is, for, well, general talking
#pichreview is for whenever i review content, typically after i've finally finished it/done a general playthrough or whatever or whatever.
#pichstop is for any mid-reviews of what i've done so far of the media i'm consuming.
more will be added as needed.
Current To-live-blog list:
I cannot Drown
Lost Cartridge: Cold Read
shipwrecked 64
Catboi game series
casette beasts
Who killed sonic the hedgehog
hi-fi rush
caligula effect: overdose
caligula effect 2
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist
pokemon concierge
my friendly neighborhood
ghost trick
needy streamer overload
Milk outside of a bag of milk outside of a bag of milk
Oxenfree 2
chants of sennar
Ddlc +
Catch up on Sonic Prime
Catch up on Sonic IDW
Scarlet Hallow
spec ops: the line
american arcadia
pizza tower
f is for family
Infinity Train
Mob psycho 100
paper mario series
anthology of the killer
Will add as I find even more stuff I wanna experience
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rockattitudegr · 10 months
Το Σάββατο 24 Φεβρουαρίου στην σκηνή του Temple! Ένα φοβερό live που όλοι θα μιλούν για αυτό! Ένα live που θα ενώσει όλους τους φίλους της Ελληνικής metal σκηνής από όποιον χώρο και αν προέρχονται. Piranha, Medusas Wrath, Penthos @ Temple Athens
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sweetfierceimagines · 2 years
Welcome back - Aemond x Targaryen fem reader 
Request by @marvelita85, thank you so much for it, absolutely love it !
Synopsis : Reader is Rhaenyra's younger sister (from Vicerys and Aemma's marriage). She is trained by Daemon and shows great talent. She meets again with the rest of the family when Rhaenyra and Daemon come back to Kings Landing (episode 8 timeline). Although she's feeling very fond of her stepbrothers and newly encountered cousins, she feels something special about Aemond.
Disclaimer : this is not meant to follow House of the Dragon chronology and realness. In this fiction, Reader rides Vhagar and Aemond doesn't (it'll be explained in the fiction, as I go back to ep 7 timeline). Please keep in mind we're just having a good time imagining a scenario :) Enjoy !
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There has been many years since nothing very special had happened for Y/N. She was Vicerys and Aemma's second daughter and last child, before her Mother died giving birth. Since that moment, everything changed. Rhaenyra was named Heir and Y/N remained rather unbothered. When Vicerys remarried to Alicent, Y/N stood with her sister. She couldn't accept the treason either and hated that Vicerys could be manipulated in that way. She loved her Father to the moon and back, but she had eyes and brain.
Fortunately, neither Rhaenyra nor Vicerys were feeling responsible for her. She was able to learn what she wanted to learn, which included history and fighting. She could travel, which was the most special thing. She had been far, very far, as far as Penthos ! Can you imagine ?
She loved her uncle very much, and valued his strength of mind and capacity of action. When Rhaenyra got married to Laenor, she asked for permission to leave Kings Landing and move with Daemon and his soon to be wife, Laena Velaryon. Since then, she had been following a strict training from Daemon, and a very good education from Laena. She grew with their children and loved the sisterhood bond their formed. Everything was fine, right ?
Yes, everything was fine, until Laena got through the same thing her Mother Aemma went through. Birth would kill her, and she decided to end her life heroically, as a dragon rider. Vhagar burnt her body and left Penthos after that. Funerals were settled in Driftmark.
For the first time, Y/N met her stepbrothers Lucerys and Jacaerys, as well as her cousins... or other stepbrothers? Anyways, Aegon, Helaena and Aemond. Although she was as sad as Baela and Rhaena for Laena's tragic death, she felt a bit more serene being that surrounded. She got to hug her Sister again, and to discover what time had brought to the family. Corlys and Rhaenys were also very happy to see her, considering her in a more tender way that they viewed Rhaenyra, as they knew Y/N was not ... problematic.
This night, Y/N couldn't find sleep and she wandered in the dunes of Driftmark, by the sea side, when she felt something. She felt.. a presence, calling her. And she followed it. What she discovered was Vhagar, the largest living dragon of this world, asleep in the sand. She got closer, closer, and when she arrived next to the beast eye, it opened it. Instead of being scared to death, Y/N looked into this beautiful eye and fell on her knees, finally letting herself cry the death of Laena. She was sobbing, putting one hand on the dragon skin, and stayed here for a while. After a few minutes, Vhagar actually moved her head and pushed her aside. Y/N got back on her feet and the dragon moved again, gesturing toward her back. Was Vhagar asking her to ride her ? Y/N didn't have a dragon. It was not an opportunity, it was fate.
This night, Y/N became Vhagar's new Rider and enjoyed for the first time flying a dragon.
When she got back to the castle after that, all children (except Aegon) were gathered here. She explained to Rhaenyra's and Laena's what happened, and although some (especially Baela and Rhaena) had a hard time accepting it, they agreed that this was the way it was. But Aemond didn't. This night, he lost an eye fighting the other kids, and instead of joining, Y/N ran upstairs and called for help. The rest of the night you know of.
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(Time Jump)
After the whole thing, Rhaenyra and Daemon got married, and Y/N, although a bit surprised, got the pleasure to be able to stay not only with her sister but with her favorite uncle and the kids she liked most. Being separated from Baela and Rhaena was hard, but she had full authorization to fly to see them when she wanted to. In the meantime, she kept training with Daemon, hard, harder with the years. She became so good at it, quick and strong, clever and determined, that she was beating him more often.
She tried not to look too much into politics, leaving that to her sister, but she was clearly favoring this side of the family and would always defend them. No matter the cost.
When they departed for Kings Landing, she was anxious. What would happen? The Greens seemed to have taken a major step toward the Throne and Viserys, her Father, apparently was close to dying, and in pain. She was not sure she wanted to join that kind of feast.
-Do you think our cousins will be less foolish and arrogant this time ? Asked Lucerys to his big brother. The brown-haired smirked. - Don't count on that. They grew. And Aegon married his sister, can you imagine how worse he's going to be ? - Hopefully he'll be too drunk to speak evil of us.. - Yes, hopefully.. Y/N stepped in : - Brothers, we can't have fight between us, this has been going on for too long ! - Easy for you to say ! Everyone loves you, you ride Vhagar, you're closer to Rhaenyra and Daemon than any of us.. Seriously, Sister, if it was for popularity you'd be crowned ! Explained Jacaerys with a kind smile on his face. She shook her head and got between the two, holding them close to her. - You are next in line, boys, and the Sevens know I have no desire for crowns. I'll just make sure you two pay respect and deserve what is given to you.
When they arrived in the Red Keep, things were... gloomy, changed. Symbols of the Sevens were everywhere, and tapestries gone. Rhaenyra and Daemon got to Vicerys first, and when they left the room, Y/N had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with her Father. When she left, she made a few steps before putting her hand on her mouth, trying to keep her sobbing quiet. She was devastated, purely devastated, by how in pain and how weak he's got in just a few years. He would die during this year, and she was not ready to see what would happen next.
And talking about what's next, things became tense pretty quickly. In the Great Hall, everyone gathered to listen to succession claims. This was abnormal, as the next Lord of the Tides had to be Rhaenyra's second child Lucerys. By birthright. Y/N looked at Otto Hightower, literally sitting on the throne, and she clenched her jaw.
They were already usurping her sister's right and her father's will.
She then looked at "The Greens", and discovered that years had changed them a lot. Aegon looked as pathetic as he used to, except he cut his hair, Helaena still seemed in her own world, and Aemond.. well, Aemond had an eye patch, consequence of this night in Driftmark, but except for that, he seemed completely changed. He looked.. well, he looked very strong of body but even more of mind. He looked like a boy who decided he would draw his path himself. And when he looked back at her, she didn't break the bond and stared deep into this single, almost maleficent eye. She slightly nodded her head, and he nodded back. "You're back".
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A man had died and a feast was planned. In her night gown, Y/N wondered how this family was supposed to enjoy a "good time" together after this day's incident.
She got at her place around the table, facing Rhaenyra, and dared glancing at the others from time to time. Visery's speech this night was moving, and Y/N fought the urge to run into his arms. She missed being held tight by her Father's embrace. She missed having a Father, actually. What she didn't notice was that Aemond (and Aegon) was looking at her the whole time. Nobody could tell what he was thinking, his face still, but the Prince was actually feeling quite the same, except he never got held by his Father at all. He seemed to experience feelings through her eyes, and was holding on to them.
Viserys left the table and kids being kids, still, things went south. Lucerys seemed to mock Aemond, and despite being older, the silver-aired Prince still reacted in the same way : anger. Y/N got up when he threatened her half-Brother and she actually made the exact same steps as Daemon, instinctively. She then took Lucerys by her side and sighed when Aemond left the room.
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(I'm also taking a creative freedom here, imagining the court scene in the beginning of episode 8 happens after the dinner and Rhaenyra stayed a day longer, delaying Vicery's death as well)
The next day, Y/N joined her two half-brothers who decided to wander the Keep, ending up in the courtyard where they explained to her that when she was in Penthos and them in Kings Landing, they first learned how to fight there, with Sir Criston and Sir Harwin. She smiled and followed them, joking about how she would have smashed them even at this time.
In the court was in fact Sir Criston, but this time he was training an Aemond that seemed very trained already. Boosted by yesterday's events, he was pushing hard and going quickly, eventually defeating his opponent. Y/N smiled a bit and clapped. He had won fairly, after all.
Driven by this hate Y/N didn't understand fully, Aemond turned toward them and started provoking his nephews.
-Nephews, have you come to train ?
Not letting them speak a single word, Y/N responded, taking a step forward.
-No. They didn't. They're not in Kings Landing to show off, they're here to show respect to their Grandsire the King and bring support to their Mother. As the Princes they are.
Aemond looked more fiercely at her and smirked.
-Oh really? Sad.. I've been dreaming of an opponent from Princess Rhaenyra's family for so long. But I guess they're not ready.
Y/N turned around and saw the boys fuming, ready to jump on him at any second. Again, she went ahead before they made any mistake. She took off a few layers of clothes, as people were gasping to see her having a full training suit under her dress (always be ready, said Daemon), and asked Lucerys to go get her sword, quickly.
-You want someone from Rhaenyra's family ? I give you the sister. - I would not fight a woman, this is not right. - You would fight a warrior, and you'll most likely never even be able to touch a single strand of my hair, don't even worry.
He laughed and nodded, accepting to take the challenge. As Y/N stepped into the ring, she could feel adrenaline building up, and a form of excitement new to her. She was actually... sort of turned on by this little game. And loved that Aemond was a good opponent to fight with.
He took the first step, and quickly realized she was not joking. Her moves were precise, quick, strong. She was showing skills he knew he didn't have, but nevertheless, he fought hard. Y/N let the show growing longer, simply blocking his moves and occasionally giving him a punch here and there, always followed by a smile she couldn't keep for herself. Lucerys and Jacaerys were beyond smiling, and almost broke their own jaws each time Y/N's sword touched Aemond's breastplate.
-Getting tired, my Prince ? She sarcastically asked. He looked at her, breathing heavily, and with a grunt, made a last step forward, hoping to charge her. This time, Y/N, in a couple of moves, disarmed him and Aemond, laying on the ground, had no choice but to recognize his defeat. She smiled and gave him her arm, helping him getting up. He didn't let go of the arm and held it firmly, looking in her eyes as he was only a few inches close to her.
-You are, truly, fascinating. He simply said, before leaving the courtyard.
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After this moment, Y/N had trouble keeping up with her thoughts. She had never been interested in boys, love, physical touch.. in a way, she almost though she was different from the others and would never get into this. But she had to admit that Aemond Targaryen, technically also her half-brother, was a new intrigue in her life.
She had loved fighting him, as it was a way for her to demonstrate her strengths and prove that her self-confidence was well-placed, but it was not only that. She had been fighting many opponents, as a training. Not only Daemon, fierce, but also guards and even occasionally knights who came by. She was always glad she could show her skills and feel this adrenaline rush, but with Aemond, she felt something else. Something of a more.. physical nature. A tingling, a spark, something difficult to express but that filled her entire body. And when he kept his grip on her arm and said these few words, she felt her soul fainting.
This was the last day, before she would go back to Dragonstone. After the training in the courtyard, a last lunch was planned with the family.
She couldn't wait.
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She had kept her training suit, not bothering to put the dress back on. When she entered the room, Daemon smiled.
-Training without me, niece ? And who was the unlucky opponent ? - He fought well actually. But not nearly as well as I did. She smiled and dared a wink in Aemond's direction, who seemed to suddenly get tense on his chair. Not in anger, but in surprise.
Daemon burst laughing and nodded his head. He was terribly proud of her fighting abilities and even prouder that he was the man who inspired this passion.
The lunch went well, with light talks breaking the silence occasionally. Y/N was mostly talking to her sister and uncle, and could feel Aemond's eye constantly on her face, making her feel like the place was burning hot. When lunch was over, she was first to leave the room, wanting to take a last stroll in the castle before going back to Dragonstone's dark environment.
-Princess Y/N.
She turned around, seing Aemond walking fast in her direction. He had left just a few seconds after her and as the door was closing, she could see Daemon looking at her, raising his cup as to toast for her and Aemond.
-Yes, Aemond ? - You fought very well. - Thank you, I'm aware. She smiled widely, amused to be able to be so cocky. He smirked a bit, apparently alleviated that she was not playing any "lady of the court" role but simply was herself, light and funny.
-You've been away for long. This castle must feel very different. - Yes, very. It's.. darker. I've always loved how fresh it looked and felt. But it's not the case anymore. Your Mother and mine have very different tastes.
Her heart tightened a bit as she said that, suddenly remembering the warmth of her Mother's smile and a shadow of sadness veiled her eyes. Aemond seemed to notice.
-Do you want to go in the city ? She arched an eyebrow, suspicious. - You'll be back an hour before having to leave, no worry. She didn't answer, keeping the suspicious glaze. - I'm just thinking you'd like to be with your Mother a bit.
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After getting permission, Aemond and Y/N got on horses and, escorted, left toward the Great Scept, where she, Rhaenyra and Alicent often came to pay homage to their respective late Mothers. Y/N didn't come back for years and when she entered the windy halls, she was suddenly taken by emotion and stopped for a moment, making sure she's be able to control herself before actually stepping in. Aemond was following her, always a step back, as she moved toward one of the rings of candles and got on her knees, her hands together. She didn't know for how long she stayed there, eyes closed and praying (actually more talking). She imagined she was in direct connexion with her Mother and could tell her what was happening, how she was doing. She broke down when she said she wished she could be there, not for her but for her Father. As much as she wanted to remain emotionless, she simply couldn't, even after all these years.
Aemond, who had remained a bit further back, finally took a few steps to kneel by her side, joining hands and remaining silent. When tears stopped, Y/N looked at him.
-You must think I'm very weak. - No, I don't. She didn't say anything, feeling a bit dumb to even care for his opinion of her. - My Mother still fights the urge of crying when she talks about hers. His face was enlightened by the candles, making him look warmer. - There are pains I don't wish to know, and will not place judgements upon. He turned his face toward her and she could see a smile, not a smirk, not a challenge or a provocation, just a soft, very sincere smile. She nodded softly and thanked him in a whisper, glad she had the opportunity to come here. Without quite knowing why, she took a candle in her hands, facing him and closed her eyes again. Instinctively, he joined his hand with hers, around this candle, and she wished for him to not know this pain for a thousand years.
END - Hope you'll like it !
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uniquebureau · 2 years
I didn’t expect to care this much
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The more she looked at it, the less scary it became.
The skull of Balerion, The Black Dread, was looking at her, harmless, yet so monumental it was giving her shivers. She couldn’t imagine what it was for people hundreds of years before, to find themselves fighting against this thing.
Actually, she could. She had met Vhagar.
She was still looking at the giant skull when she felt someone beside her.
Aemond sighed and looked at her, she gave him just a quick glance, he was standing beside her with his hands behind his back.
“How did you know I was here?” she asked, looking away, right into the eyes of the monster in front of them.
“Well,” he admitted. “You weren’t with my sister, your mother, Baela and Rhaena, in the gardens… So or you were here, or sailing to Penthos”
She nodded. “Well, now you found me. Goodbye”
She was walking away when she heard him, he spoke so quickly it was almost unintelligible.
“I’m sorry for what happened yesterday” he muttered.
She turned, raising an eyebrow. “What?”
He blinked, looking down. “I shouldn’t have said those things to you”
She nodded, crossing her arms. If he thought this was enough, he was very wrong.
“What things?” she asked.
He bit his lips and looked at her. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions about you and Jace, and I shouldn’t have forbidden you anything. I wish I had thought one instant more”
Elia held her breath, surprised. “Then why did you do it?”
He closed his eye, sighing, his fists clenched by his side . “Don’t make me say it”
She scoffed. “Goodbye, your grace”
He talked when she had already turned around.
“Because I didn’t expect to care this much” he confessed, while she slowly turned. He looked like someone was trying to pull off his teeth from his mouth. “When I imagined my wedding I thought it would be with a lady I didn’t know, I thought I would have married her, and lived by her side without getting… involved. And now I have no idea what to do with what I feel, this is all new to me”
Elia had to tighten her grip on her gown to not follow her heart and run to him.
“And what made you change your mind?”
"I don't want to be the man I've been yesterday" he admitted. “I don’t want you to be scared when you’re with me,” he told her, coming closer. She didn’t step back. “You should feel safe when you’re with me. You should be yourself when you're with me. I like when you're yourself. I don't care what people say"
Read more on ao3
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