#PD unions are mostly cesspools with white cis conservative types running them
justanotherfacet · 3 years
Post-election pre-results local shit
If Prop B in San Antonio fails, it’s gonna be at least partly because the #bluelivesmatter folks’ signs were “DEFUND THE POLICE” and it’s more complicated than that imo.
BASICALLY, it’s not exactly defunding. What it IS is “no to collective bargaining from PD unions”, which are disproportionately white and cis dude-headed even in places that do have vaguely diverse forces and unsurprisingly this tends to lead to “even cops that are bad enough that SOME upper management person(s) WANT gone may end up as ‘ha ha i beat the case you can’t fire me’”. 
Pretty sure this is also linked to how some bad cops hopscotch, but I can’t quote sources on that. IIRC, because I live in Texas there was one time when I think Travis County basically spelled OUT “TOTALLY UNFIT TO BE A COP WHATSOEVER” and somebody else still hired him. Unsurprisingly this ended up in a civilian dead by his hands.
One of the city council dudes (Manny something district 8 he’s thankfully NOT FUCKING MINE) was all “this could make it harder to recruit etc etc”.
FUCK THAT SHIT.  If you don’t want to apply to a PD where if you demonstrate that you are the kind of asshole who’s unfit to serve you’re more likely to face real consequences, then I don’t want you anywhere NEAR me or mine. (I don’t want you anywhere else with LEO power either, but this vote was something I could control and that I can’t)
For the record: I look like a Karen. I am also obviously neurodivergent and I was drugged up on clonazepam due to ongoing tremor issues WHEN i voted and wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it. While I am at much less police risk than my 70-85% Latinx neighborhood from the neurodivergency,  mine’s still not zero it’s just “MY shady stop experience while my symptoms were cranked to 12 just gave me a really nasty scare as opposed to making me a hashtag”. 
Also, unsurprisingly for a working poor mostly Latinx neighborhood, we get the “overpoliced and underprotected” and ICE is a thing. Far as I’m concerned, chinga la migra siempre, because imo about 97% of folks trying that crossing are legit asylees and/or just trying to get paid and a lot of times send money home and I’m disgusted by kids in cages and lately they’ve been locking up a shitload of black pregnant people too. I’m at most fourth-gen from my dad’s dad, but no1curr cuz he was Norwegian as opposed to being “a scary brown dude” by meme Karen standards.
Prop B failed narrowly.
I get to keep my “probably mostly okay” mayor and my city council rep who as far as I can tell is going pretty hard for my district. (I live in Texas. This is better than I can say about either my Austin representation because I hate Abbott/Patrick, Ken Paxton and probably my state *senator* or my DC because I sure as hell didn’t vote for Cornyn or Cruz and while I actually voted for my House Rep my district is sufficiently gerrymandered that we’ve NEVER been Rep-repped. My politician expectations are LOW.)
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