#PC: Iana
sapphiel · 2 years
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Revisited my Starbound bebs coz a friend decided to pick it back up
May end up doing the same thing...
(used chibi bases for these!)
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weaponwiki · 4 months
Rainbow Six Siege players, interested in Arknights?
Arknights is having it's Rainbow Six Siege collab in approximately 3 months. If you're interested in getting to know the game, and later when the collab happens, you'll be able to get a few familiar faces playable.
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What is Arknights? Arknights is a free-to-play tactical tower defense game with character collecting features.
"Easy to understand, hard to master", as a tower defense game with high difficulty content, different game modes, and many characters to collect, Arknights offers an unique gameplay experience where you make use of your various operators to make the decisions to win. The game is available in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese (Taiwan server) Japanese, Korean, English (Global server). The event that introduces the Siege operators has passed in the CN server, but JP, KR and Eng servers will be having the collaboration event at the same time (approx. 8-9/24), and presumably on the TW server a few months later of that.
Collab? Siege operators featured in Arknights are Ash, Tachanka, Frost, Blitz, Ela, Fuze, Iana and Doc. You can get Tachanka and Fuze by playing the event (Operation Originium Dust for Tachanka and Operation Lucent Arrowhead for Fuze). Other characters are split in headhunting banners, where you have to roll for the opportunity to acquire them, separated as Ash+Frost+Blitz and Ela+Iana+Doc.
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Ash and Ela are 6-stars, highest rarity in the game while the others are 5-stars, second highest rarity in the game. The acquisition probability for these characters is 2% for the 6-stars and 8% for the 5-stars. If you fail to get a 6-star after rolling 50 times, the 2% chance will go up by 2% every time you do not get a 6-star (51st roll will have a 4% and your 52nd roll will have 6% chance and so forth.) The chance to acquire the characters is 50%, however if you reach 120 rolls you will automatically acquire Ash/Ela and once per banner, if you get one of the two 5-stars, the next 5-star will automatically be the other 5-star (e.g., you get Frost, then the next 5-star is guaranteed to be Blitz).
Why now? Arknights is estimated to have the collab in a few months (which should have in-game content for Siege as well). Arknights does require some time investment to get to a point where you can play through all of the content that the collab will provide. With six of the playable Siege operators being gacha-exclusive, this will give you ample time to save up. (If you do not save up, you can still acquire the characters, but this will take up a lot of your time compared to starting earlier and saving up.)
How difficult? Arknights has many different types of gameplay, but you don't need to play all of them straight away. The game starts relatively easy, explaining the gameplay principles and later adding various gimmicks to overcome. If you are struggling with a specific stage, Arknights has an active community providing guides and tips.
Platform? Arknights is a mobile game available through Apple Store and Google Play but it's also available for pc through Google Play, or with an emulator like BlueStacks. The gameplay is as easy as on a mobile device or on PC.
Anything else? The event will feature costumes for Ash, Tachanka, Ela, Iana and Doc. These are purely cosmetic items (new illustration and a different character model and different effect animations). But if you want those as well, it's reccomended to start saving for those.
Ending note, while Arknights offers an unique and fun gameplay experience as well as good music and story, if you are prone to lootbox/gacha spending issues in relation to in-game purchases, I would not reccomend the game. While Arknights is seen as a "better than average" gacha, it is still a game that lives on micro-transactions. You can enjoy the story, soundtracks and gameplay content through many content creators found online.
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scarletcreates · 2 years
Episode 1
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ava, madison, millie, claire, callie, sam, nick, ethan, raf
weekly brunch
madison: "im sorry im late. iana posted another vlog and i needed a good laugh
callie: what did she post this time
madison: "outfit ideas when u need to move on from ur cheating bf" he cheated on you 2 years ago how abt actually move on!
all: no way hahahahaha
claire: when will she stop using the cheating bf narrative for clout 😭
millie: what she needs is to get out of outfits and go ride someone. That will help her ACTUALLY move on
all: yeah right
sam: and there's always kpop boys to fangirl on
madison: alright keep it in your pants no one wants to hear your jihoon shit right now
sam: heeeey he can hear u shows pc
madison: stop bringing his photocard everywhere istg im gonna drown him in your coffee!!!
sam: hhhhhhhhhoooo dont listen to her jihoonie i wont let that happen to you
all: hahahahahhaha
madison: UGH
ava: anyway guys do you know if theres an available unit in your bldg?
callie: i can ask the landlord. wait. why. are you and ethan moving in? DID HE FINALLY PROPOSE?
madison: OMG is it tiffany's? pandora? bulgari? cartier? OH MY GOD SHOW ME THE RING
claire: how did he do it?
sam: when's the wedding date? pls dont let it be mar 25 i have a concert!
ava: i- i said no…
all: WHAT?!
ava: hey
ethan: hi
a: thanks for helping me move in
e: no problem. if u dont need anything else, ill go home
a: ethan… thank you for letting me do this
e: if u think living alone is what u need before saying yes to me… then okay… even tho i really dont understand why
a: im sorry… i dont understand myself either… i know that i love you. i know that i want to marry you. im sure of that. but… i also feel like i need to experience living alone. i need to experience independence before marrying you. i dont know why… i have the urge. i dont even know if ill survive this. what if im wrong. im actually scared. and of the thought i might lose you in the process. what am i doing. please dont go.
e: shhhh… hug hey hey… you wont lose me… ever… this is something u need to do so even though i dont understand it, ill support you
a: thank you… do you want to stay for the night?
e: i want to buuuuuut i wont. you need to learn independence quick so i could marry you
a: haha fine… i love you
e: i love you more kiss forehead alright i need to go i have an early meeting tomorrow
a: okay… call me when ur home
e: of course… enjoy your independence
a: love yaa take care
ava big sigh. but excited face for her independence
callie: nick we're home opened n eating out of a bucket of chicken
nick: heyyyyy… i bought us a bucket for dinner
callie: u really think i believe u didnt order that for urself
n: continued eating chicken u love me anyway
claire: so ava asked me to go to the grocery store with her, u want anything?
cy: oh thanks i'll text u a list
cl: alright i'll just change. i dont need my boobs unsupported when im carrying heavy things
n: so how's ava's studio?
cy: it's nice, furnished so she only needs to bring her clothes.
n: she okay?
cy: ya she's pretty excited about the independence thing
n: right. oh bubu dont forget about my deodorant for the list
cy: done it already
n: oh also that shaving cream youre always buying me, and i ran out of toothpaste at work, oh oh oh my gummy bears also ran out
cy: done done and done already
n: aawwwe u know me the best kiss
cy: ya maybe u could use some independence too.
sent the messagee
cy: whaaaat it's for u and ryder when u know he'll decide to actually use his penis
n: can you believe he suits his name so much?
cl: rolls eyes he's not in the mood
cy: nick are guys ever not in the mood?
n: well yeah but 5 minutes tops. u tie ur hair and i'm good to go
cy: see?
cl: ewww the moment u tie ur hair im out of here
cy: but srsly when was the last time he was in the mood
cl: you know… never. ok fine. but he's all i got okay? i want to meet ppl organically and well he's the only non-gay guy at work
cy: are you sure he's not gay?
cl: no…
n: heyyy u thought i was gay when we first met
cy: but then i tied my hair
n: ah yes
cl: ughhh
ma kissing w someone in living room. s suddenly laughing her room
guy: uhm is it okay we're making out in ur living room w ur roommate here?
ma: dont worry bout her she's watching a live w her kpop boys she'll not go out for 3hrs
guy: okay but i think it would be better if continue this in u bedroom
ma: alright but it was pretty exciting here dont you think?
guy: alright continue making out
s suddenly shouted and disturbed them again
ma: alright sorry lets go to the bedroom
tomorrow morning
s: goooooooood morninggggggggggggggg
ma: grumpy hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
s looked around for the guy
s: i thought u had a date yesterday?
ma: yaaaa.
s: so how was heeee?
ma: he came even before u finish the live what do u think?
s: yikes… this is why kpop boys are better than real men just saying
ma: ur screen doesnt have a dick
s: but i dont need to fake my orgasm
ma: do u even have orgasms?
s: duh
ma: what
s: what
ma: dont tell me….
s: no im kidding. so whats for bfast
ma suspicious face
open door to mn
mn: hi
ma: heyyy
mn: ava wants to borrow this toaster but i need to rush to the lab can u guys bring it to her?
ma: suuure ill visit her later. whats up in ur lab?
mn: a fresh cadaver just became available and i need to slice up some brain for a tumor
ma: and thats it for bfast
s: hey have some bfast first
mn: oh grabs flask pour all coffee grab waffle thanks
s: good luck!
mn: thanks i really need that tumor
mn went out. millie received a text message.
m: he texted me. "had a great time last night. how about dinner tonight?"
s: so u gonna see him again?
m: sure. until i can find someone else to buy me expensive dinners
ava tried cooking meat loaf but it got burned, millie knocked on the door. a panicked a little covered the plate of burned meat loaf opened the window before opening the door.
a: heyyy
ma: heyyy madison wanted me to bring this to you
a: oh thaanks
ma: ohhh ur cooking something?
a: uhm… yes… earlier… but i already ate it. so ya im sorry cant offer it to u anymore
ma: thats ok i had bfast. sooo hows the independent life
a: good good. i cleaned. i cooked. i washed my own clothes. steamed my clothes. went to the grocery store. threw away my garbage. went to the grocery store again.
ma: chores taking all of ur free time?
a: it does… remind me why i wanted this again?
ma: dont worry youll get the hang of it. you just needed a schedule. list down your groceries and the quantity that would last you 2 weeks. ull get used to cooking. ull get used to cooking on the weekend and cooked a lot enough for leftovers for the rest of the week. dont worry youll get the hang of it.
a stomach grumbled. ma looked at a. a revealed the burned meat loaf
ma: and youll get use to not burning things
while eating
a: ur the first one of us to live alone. how did u do it
ma: hmmmm i just enjoyed the process. also bringing home a lot of men motivated me
a: alright i get thats to ease ur loneliness but how the hell is that motivating
ma: whaaat im motivated to keep the place clean. im motivated to do my laundry to clean the undies and sheets. im motivated to throw the garbage that contained the used condom
a: wow ur such a strong and independent woman
ma: i know
guy and millie in a restaurant. guy kissing millie's hands.
guy: i really had a great time last night.
millie: awwee of course you do. now, do you want the wagyu steak? i want the wagyu steak.
guy: sure, anything for my baby
millie: awwweee. excuse me waiter! ya, 7 wagyu steaks, fully cooked.
guy: wait 7?
millie: im sorry im really hungry. thats okay right?
guy: oh, yeah sure. make 1 medium
millie: oh right, so 1 medium and 7 fully wagyu steaks.
guy: w-wai…
waiter: do you want some reds with this?
millie: yes! 1 whole bottle please.
waiter: sure. anything else?
guy: uhm, do you take 2 credit cards?
waiter: yes. we do.
guy: oh okay. nervous laugh
millie: so you were saying?
guy: uhm
millie: how last night was so great?
guy: yeahhh
m texted sam.
sam in callie and claire's apartment
sam: "tell the girls tonight's dinner is wagyu steak." huh. type "what do you mean"
door open.
madison: this is the best day! i found a tumor.
ava: should i be worried?
s: no it's her experiment. congrats! millie is bringing over wagyu steak
madison: that's right universe be my bitch
a: so where's claire?
nick: with ryder who wont ride her. ha ha ha
callie: she's on a date with ryder. but she wont be sleeping with him so she should be back by now.
millie in restaurant again. wagyu steak arrived. ate 1 bite then texted sam.
sam received another text: "call me"
s: yow
millie: hey whats up im on a date?
s: you texted me call me
madison: millie wheres my steak i found a tumor!
millie: what? madison found a tumor?
madison: thats right!
m: oh my god. im coming over.
s: wait. no no no. madison doesnt have a tumor. she found a tumor for her experiment.
millie end call
sam: what just happened
madison: leave it. it'll get the steaks here faster
m: guy, im so sorry. madison just received some bad news. i need to go.
guy: no worries. let's just take this out and i'll accompany you.
m: i think she doesnt want to see strangers now
guy: ur right
m: waiter kindly wrap these 7 steaks and bill please.
guy: are you okay?
m: yeah.
waiter arrived with take out and bill
m: alright bye
nick: this is the best wagyu steak ever
ava: cos it's free?
nick: yes!
millie: dont need to fake orgasms on this one
callie: ugh now i know what claire felt this morning
s: please let millie meet more 1 minute guys please please please
claire arrived
nick: how's ryder? rode him yet? sksksksk
madison: it was funny one time
ava: we saved a wagyu for you
claire: thanks guys
callie: sooooo how's the date?
claire: i dont want to talk about it
all: oh okay
group looking at each other
madison: here's a wine sweetie
claire drank and: so he invited me to his home right. And he's giving me the eyes right. So now we're standing in front of his apartment door. He leaned forward and
Hugged me…
Im sorry
No no im not done yet. Then he said "you didnt have to ride home with me but thanks for the ride i owe you one". Turns out he just wanted me to pay for his taxi ride
Nick: ryder just wanted a ride
sam: im sorry claire
millie: u know what. let's go out this weekend and trick them into buying us wagyu steaks again
claire: ya thanks millie
millie reading guy voice mail.
"hey uhmmmm havent heard from u since the bad news abt ur friend. is she okay? are you okay? call me"
"heyyy how are you? do want to have dinner tonight? i-i'll cook"
"heyy uhmm the bill that night was a little bit high for my budget. is it okay if you pay for the half?"
"was it because i only lasted for 1 minute?………….. nah you said you had a great time. okay. call me."
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yeonjuins · 3 years
hello woo 💭🤎 —iana
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speaking of which his piercings tempt me so much to get 2nd lobes and a cartilage so seeing the concept photos today I COULDNT HELP BUT JUST STARE. AT HIS EARRINGLESS EARS.
i deleted all my txt memes last night after sending them off to ppls inboxs so i'll trade u those for this (it's all i have rn i'm so sorry iana PAHAHAH)
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der-papero · 4 years
Andiamo a rubare con Papero - Lezione 6 (parte 3) - Come conquistare il mondo
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Come lo Zingaro ci suggerisce, oggi trattiamo l'argomento porte, visto che adesso siete espertissimi di indirizzi (spero).
Lezioni fa vi avevo anticipato che ogni PC è come un casolare pieno di finestre. Da ogni finestra si accede ad una stanza, che ha uno scopo ben preciso (bagno, cucina, letto, etc.). In ogni stanza si fanno cose diverse e si parla in modo diverso (a meno che non abbiate installato un bidet sul materasso), quindi, a seconda di quale stanza scegliamo, dobbiamo essere pronti a saperla usare a dovere.
Senza voler entrare in casi specifici, immaginate anche che queste stanze non siano comunicanti tra loro, cosa anche abbastanza tipica in un layout di casa comune, ma ovviamente hanno un corridoio che permette di accedere a tutte le altre. La maggior parte delle stanze non ha alcun accesso al corridoio, sono delle stanze che hanno solo la finestra, però potrebbero avere un muro fragile, e quindi, con un colpo ben assestato, il corridoio diventa accessibile.
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Altre stanze, invece, hanno proprio come funzionalità quella di farvi accedere al corridoio.
In quanto ladri potrebbe interessarci già il solo contenuto della stanza, senza dover accedere al corridoio per andare in altre stanze, oppure avere accesso al corridoio, e in questo caso poter puntare ad un bottino molto più sostanzioso, se non prendere possesso di tutto il casolare. Come si fa? Beh, esattamente come farebbe un ladro: proviamo a capire se quella stanza ha una finestra e se ha una maniglia che si gira.
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Capita la sottile metafora? Ma nooo, siete talmente esperti che adesso basta prendere direttamente il nostro pacchetto:
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Come vedete, l'indirizzo sorgente e destinazione hanno affianco due numeri, che sono la porta (= finestra) sorgente usata per inviare il messaggio, e quella destinazione, dove verrà recapitato.
Quella sorgente potete ignorarla, viene scelta a caso dal sistema operativo e quasi mai è utile saperne il valore. Di quella di destinazione, invece, dobbiamo preoccuparcene, perché è quella che andremo ad attaccare. Ogni PC ha a disposizione 65536 porte. Dietro ogni porta c'è potenzialmente un servizio offerto da un server (parola che, purtroppo, è stata talmente abusata che adesso significa qualsiasi cosa). Ovviamente, se provate ad accedere a quella porta, dovete sapere in anticipo cosa ci troverete dietro, nel caso si apra, altrimenti non potrà esserci comunicazione (ricordate l'esempio dell'ufficio anagrafe?).
Come si fa a sapere cosa ci aspetta dietro ogni porta?
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Beh, teoricamente, dietro ogni porta, ci potrebbe essere qualsiasi cosa, tuttavia, siccome dobbiamo comunicare tra PC e PC, bisognava mettersi d'accordo sin dai primi tempi di Internet, e così lo IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) stabilì quale servizio, convenzionalmente, viene attribuito ad una specifica porta.
Qui trovate la lista completa:
ma vi faccio un riepilogo di quelle più usate su Internet:
25 o 587 o 465 => Posta in uscita
110 o 143 o 993 o 995 => Posta in entrata
80 o 443 => Navigazione web
ma anche ...
137 e 139 => Condivisione cartelle
3398 => Desktop remoto
1900 => Servizio di ricerca di sorgenti multimediali
eeee ...
135 => Servizio RPC
445 => Servizio (vecchio) di esplorazione rete
5357 => Servizio (nuovo) di esplorazione rete
Le prime 3 linee riguardano, in genere, i sistemi ai quali ci colleghiamo (Facebook, Tumblr, GMail, etc.). Se volete aprirle a vostra volta sul PC, perché volete fare concorrenza a FB, dovete installare del software apposito, ma guardate invece le altre 6 linee che seguono. So che non sapete assolutamente cosa siano, eppure sono porte aperte sul vostro PC, a vostra insaputa (così come il traffico, esistono anche le porte Scajola). Guardate questa foto.
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Io a casa non ho sistemi Windows, tranne un vecchio Windows 7, sul quale non c'è installato nulla, manco gli aggiornamenti (tanto è completamente staccato dalla rete), lo uso solo per giocare ad Orbiter. Ebbene, ci sono la bellezza di 9 server in esecuzione, sulle porte 135, 445, 5357, e dalla 49152 fino alla 49158. E se avessi condiviso almeno una cartella in rete, se ne sarebbero aggiunti almeno altri 2.
Tutto questo cinema per dire una cosa: anche il vostro PC è un server, fornisce diversi servizi, a seconda delle informazioni che esponete in rete, e potete essere potenzialmente attaccati su queste porte.
Ce ne sono altre due, molto importanti, la 22 e la 23, rispettivamente SSH e Telnet. Queste possono darci accesso a tutto il PC, una volta dentro abbiamo un intero terminale a nostra disposizione.
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Come è successo giorni fa con il router di un tipo, al quale ho avuto accesso tramite la porta 23:
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Tutti i software che utilizzate sanno già a quale porta collegarsi, o altre volte lo indicate voi, in modo simbolico o numerico. Esempio, quando scrivete http://www.google.com, il vostro browser sa che dovrà collegarsi da casa vostra all'indirizzo www.google.com, porta 80 (http). Se scrivete https://www.google.com, il vostro browser si collegherà alla porta 443 (https). Le porte 80 e 443 sono le porte assegnate dallo IANA al traffico HTTP e HTTPS. Alcuni siti, ad esempio, richiedono che indichiate la porta in modo esplicito, perché magari fanno girare "servizi speciali" su porte diverse, quindi vi sarà qualche volta capitato di dover scrivere https://www.ilsito.it:8080 : in questo caso, state indicando al browser di usare il traffico HTTPS ma la porta destinazione è la 8080, e non più la 443, assunta per default.
Come hacker, la nostra attività si dividerà in due fasi:
1. Scoprire quali porte sono aperte, ovvero provare a connettersi, e ricevere una risposta. Siccome le porte sono tantissime, possiamo concentrarci solo su quelle stanze che offrono un servizio che a noi interessa.
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2. Una volta stabilito che c'è qualcuno in ascolto su quella porta, provare ad "imbrogliare" il server, in modo tale da farci restituire più di quello per il quale è stato costruito, potenzialmente il controllo di tutto il PC, oppure banalmente già solo quello che ha il server da offrire, se le sole informazioni sono quelle che stiamo cercando.
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Nella prossima puntata scopriremo come è affettata Internet, e sul discorso porte ci ritorneremo, quando mostrerò come fare un port scan.
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hueningkai · 3 years
hello ryu !! hope that you've been doing well i am here to ramble about childhood toys 😌💕 ive gone through a few stages honestly djwjdjja at first i really liked fake telephones (when i was around 3) i would talk-pretend on them all of the time! and then i got more into dolls (the big ones though, the almost baby-sized ones and i used to carry them everywhere in a stroller !! and after that i started playing more with small dolls (barbie dolls) and absolutely loved ruining their appearance with the use of markers and scissors 😔 and then for a while i was obsessed with this certain collection of tiny plushie dogs (i gathered almost all of them) they were so cute! also rubber ducks!! and then, like woo, i really got into bayblades because of my little brother 💭 after that i think i stopped playing with toys altogether :( —iana 💗
hello iana!! I'm good and I hope you are eeee thank you sending this! 💗 fake telephones omg yas I used to be obsessed with my lil chatter telephone and also dream phone!! so I can relate. adorable aaaaa dolls are just infinitely fun ... dolls will never grow out of fashion.
ASSHAKSJS god why did we do that to dolls. why did we think we could make them look better? the poor things. I feel sad when I see dolls on ebay and the seller is like, "they've had a hair cut." and I'm like NOOOOO.
tiny plushie dogs ooo this is bringing a lot of ideas into my head ... i collected "the dog" plushies? are these what you had? (not my image)
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or maybe you had pound puppies?? (again not mine)
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I have a colleague who collects rubber ducks hehe. and beyblades again huh we need to get a beyblade pc tournament on the go ahdksjsk hahaha (@soobeen )
( tell me about your childhood toys )
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arthurwkue827 · 3 years
Specifically what’s an IP Manage & Just what exactly does it recommend?
IP tackle definition
An IP handle is mostly a Distinctive deal with that recognizes a gadget on-line or a close-by Firm. IP signifies "On the internet Protocol," which takes place being the arrangement of techniques overseeing the configuration of information despatched Through the web world or nearby Team.
Essentially, IP addresses are definitely the identifier that allows information for currently being despatched relating to gizmos on an organization: they incorporate space awareness and make gizmos readily available for correspondence. The net marketplace place demands an method of diverse amongst various PCs, switches, and internet websites. IP addresses supply a signifies of carrying out as a result and construction a elementary bit of how the web sector location functions.
What on the planet is an IP?
An IP manage is generally a variety of quantities isolated by durations. IP addresses are communicated as a great deal of four figures — a structure tackle could possibly be 192.158.just one.38. Each and every specific selection during the set can go from 0 to 255. Collectively these strains, the whole IP addressing change goes from to
IP addresses are certainly not arbitrary. They're numerically despatched and chosen by the online environment Assigned Portions Authority (IANA), a division of the web earth Enterprise for Assigned Names and Quantities (ICANN). ICANN is usually a non-reward Affiliation which was Create in The usa in 1998 to aid with keeping up with the security of the web market place spot and allow it getting usable by all. Whenever everyone enlists a location on the internet, they practical experience a place identify recorder, who pays just a little cost to ICANN to enlist the realm.
How can IP addresses do The task
In case you'll be wanting to understand why a particular gadget isn't interfacing inside the way you should most likely hope or you may have to analyze why your Corporation is probably not Running, it sees how IP addresses functionality.
Web Protocol capabilities the same way as A couple of other language, by conveying using established policies to pass details. All units find, produce, and trade information with other related gizmos utilizing this convention. By speaking in an identical language, any Laptop in Virtually any spot can converse with one another.
The utilization of IP addresses Usually takes place from the track record. The cycle operates like this:
Your gadget by implication associates with the Web by interfacing from the beginning to a corporation related to the world wide web, which then, at that time concedes your gadget admittance to the web market location.
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At the point if you find yourself in your own home, that Corporation will presumably be your Internet Aid Service provider (ISP). At get the job done, It's going to very likely be your Agency.
Your IP tackle is alloted for your gadget by your ISP.
Your On line motion goes through the ISP, they usually teaching course it again for you personally, making use of your IP contend with. Considering that These are definitely giving you admittance to the web, it can be their part to relegate an IP deal with within your gadget.
In Just about any circumstance, your IP deal with can change. For illustration, turning your modem or activate or off can rework it. Or Around the flip aspect you'll be able to Get in touch with your ISP, and they can change it to suit your needs.
At The reason while you are building the rounds – for instance, voyaging – and you take your gadget as well as you, your home IP take care of will not likely accompany you. This may be inside the grounds that you're going to use An extra Team (Wi-Fi in a very lodging, air terminal, or coffeehouse, and so on) to get to the world wide web and may take advantage of of an alternate (and transitory) IP tackle, doled out for you by the ISP of your inn, air terminal or bistro.
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thefishychicken · 4 years
Rainbow Six Tag
I was tagged by @r6shippingdelivery and haven’t done these in awhile so I just wanted to
Name: Suzie. Mr. Suzie if you’re nasty
Nationality: Bolivian-American
Pc or console: PC
Time played: 390
Highest rank: I played ranked the first month I got the game, got something low and then dropped to Copper IV. Never did it again
Defense or attack: I like attacking more, but do better on defense
Mains: Blitz, Jäger, Iana, Valk
Favorite female voice: Hibana because she sounds so smug at times
Favorite male voice: Blitz
Favorite ctu: GSG 9 all the way!
Favorite gun: MPX or FMG-9
Favorite gamemode: Secure
Season started in: White Noise
Favorite ship: You can talk me into loving anything, but most like Monty/Bandit because @kiruuuuuuu sold me on their dynamic
Least favorite ship: Fuze/ Jäger
Do you write about r6? If so, who and what?
If you call fics about crack ships and random smut ideas writing, then yes
Do you (want to) do cosplay? If so who?
I have cosplayed in the past, I did a Slutty Blitz for a gaming convention @swordliger and I went to
Do you draw r6? If so, what?
I keep wanting to get into drawing but everything I do is a mess so and my perfectionism won’t let me attempt anything I’m not perfect at so...
Do you use vc ingame?
Yes, unless there’s someone who thinks I’m a girl because then I just let them live their fantasy.
Do you cope with stressfull situations well?
Yes if it’s short-term. My brain is really good at ignoring all other things and just focusing on the stressors until it goes away. The problem is when the stress is long-term, because then it leads me to ignore tasks that are vital to my well-being
Do you rather play solo or with friends?
Friends because you know I’m a social Suzie who needs someone to talk to
Do you do anything special with others in the fandom?
Anything special? I run a blog that does some writing events throughout the year, but other than that not much.
Do you have a r6 oc? If so give a short bio!
My OC, Dante, is the only one I have for Siege. He is a brilliant scientist who has helped pioneer the field of bacteriophage therapy. The downside is that a lot of people don’t like working with him because they think he’s childish. His gadget gives him temporary immunity to toxic Smoke grenades and Lesion mines.
I don’t know who to tag that hasn’t already done this. I guess @swordliger @dagoth-menthol and @steamclouds
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sapphiel · 2 years
Tumblr media
back at it again with Iva and Iana
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How Do I Discover My Router's IP Address?
Lookup results of the search for IP address To uncover your router's IP quantity, appear next to "Default Gateway" (listed last). Step 1: 1st of all, connect the Netgear router with your Windows Computer and then open Browser and variety > Enter. Examine whether or not the LAN wire is appropriately connected to your router and your laptop or not. IP Address belongs to a Private or Reserved variety, most of the IP Address details are not offered.
The directions on how to log in to routers that use a distinct default gateway IP than 192.168..254 are the very same except for the step where you enter the IP address into your net browser's address bar. The IP variety - where the IP is element of is a private ip range following the standards set by RFC 1918. Addresses like are not permitted in the public Net.
The 192.168..254 IP address belongs to the variety of private IP addresses, which are typically utilized for local region networks (LANs) and had been originally defined in an work to delay IPv4 address exhaustion, which has been anticipated for decades now due to the dramatic growth of the quantity of net-connected devices. You will see the default IP address of your modem or router from the Default Gateway section.
For the safety of your network, it is important to have a sturdy password Don't just rely on the default a single. To modify your password, login as detailed above and search for the admin tab. Right here you'll locate the choice to modify your password. It will prompt you to sort in the password twice for security motives. To modify the password of the router, first go to advanced settings and from there you have to pick an admin password. Then click change it and Save Settings and then it is carried out. Pressing the reset button of the router for 20 seconds will reset each the username and password to the default ones.
These are commons IP addresses that modems and routers use presently. If you are unable to connect to your modem or wireless router via, make positive you are connected to it. If almost everything is right, use the technique I talked about above to find out the default IP address of your router. In several cases, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) set up routers to use an internal network addressing scheme other than To find out what the default IP address is for a router, use the IPCONFIG command on a pc that is connected to the router by means of a wireless or wired connection.
Ok, the output of the ipconfig while attached to absolutely nothing but the router (and it isolated) show's APIPA addressing which indicates you're not obtaining anything from DHCP on the router. Given that the PC's network interface is DHCP enabled, that implies your router has to have it's DHCP service shut off. Turn on your router and connect it to your computer with an Ethernet cable. If the private network demands to connect to the world wide web, is need to use a proxy server or gateway.
In contrast to us, a laptop or smartphone can simply locate the default IP address of your modem or wireless router and then connect to it. You are inside the admin panel and can change any settings now. Unplug the router, wait a handful of minutes, and then plug it back in. Wait until all the lights on the front of the router have turned on or are blinking ahead of attempting to connect once more. Some routers occasionally need to have a restart right after a power outage, due to improper startup although the ISP's personal equipment was down.
In order to access the router's net-primarily based setup web page, you'll want the router IP address. If you forgot that address, you won't be in a position to access the configuration web page. But never worry, simply because discovering the router IP address is not difficult at all. If you forgot your username and password you can comply with these instructions to recover them. If you haven't changed the default user and password that comes with the router you can seek the advice of our router default usernames and passwords you're in the router's admin panel you will be capable to modify and alter all web settings.
Adjust the password in Network Safety Settings and click Next. Step 1: Connect your Cisco Router to Computer utilizing RJ45 cable. Out of these, the Net Engineering Task Force (IETF) has directed the Web Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to reserve 17.9 million addresses for private networks, which are usually utilised for neighborhood area networks (LANs) in residential, office, and enterprise environments.
This gateway address is the IP address of your router. Step two: Launch web browser > variety in the address bar > Enter. Router is not located on A message (pasted beneath in portuguese and translated following) show in the screen rather of the router web page. An IPv4 address consists of a series of four numbers, separated by a dot. Every single number may possibly have 1-three digits. They're typically expressed in decimal numbers for instance, the 192.168..1 IP address.
Press and hold the "Reset" button for thirty seconds. To do so, you could want to insert a paperclip or a similarly thin object into the "Reset" hold and press it firmly against the button. Likewise, your router as well has a private IP address within this network. Attempt to reconnect to Wi-Fi on a pc or mobile device. You are going to be prompted to enter the router's network crucial, soon after which point you will likely have the option of altering the password. Following undertaking this, you should be in a position to connect to the router like usual.
Your router is a gateway to your network, and you ought to do what ever you can to defend it from intruders. Whilst it may possibly be handy to stick with the default password, undertaking so compromises your security and tends to make it significantly less complicated for cybercriminals to infiltrate your network and steal your personal data. Equipped with the data from this article, you must be in a position to safe your router with out any key difficulties.
If you're obtaining problems accessing your router at (lengthy loading or not loading at all),your network may be employing yet another addess such as, ten...1 or that case check our router IP address list. You can also study our tutorial on how to locate your router's ip address for more help. Accessing your Router Admin through a 192.1681.1 IP address will permit you to modify the settings and configurations that your router software offers.Click Here or enter 192.1681.1 into your Browser's address bar.
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bootyexpress · 4 years
Reset Your Router is the default gateway IP Address - - utilised to login as admin of router settings such as TP-Link, D-Hyperlink, Linksys, Netgear. Therefore, if it is a wireless router it will usually be configured with the WiFi function disabled, meaning that the first configuration will require connection employing RJ-45 cable. When you access a site online, you happen to be primarily accessing that website's public IP address. The website itself is connected to the web via a router and an ISP. When you are on the internet, you have a public IP on the web and a private IP within your network.
Step 1: TP-Hyperlink Router has an IP address Connect Router and Pc with the RJ45 cable. Sort ipconfig & hit enter. Not being aware of the appropriate admin username and password is by far the most typical concern skilled by users when connecting to the 192.168..254 IP address. As we've currently explained most routers use admin” as each the default username and the default password. Nonetheless, there are also other possible admin username and password combinations that you ought to know about.
As you can see, the 192.168.1. IP address belongs to the 16-bit block of private IP address, but what specifically is its goal? In most circumstances, this IP address is utilized by property broadband routers as their default address. To find the public IP address for your computer, visit and search for my IP”. Google will inform you what your computer's public IP is. You can do this on smartphones and tablets. Enter the login username and password offered by the router company or you can uncover it on the label on router.
The equipment's companies configure routers to develop a new network (kind 192.168.1.) if a network type already exists! The router will have as default address and will give other machines on the network addresses ranging from 192.168.1.two to192.168.1.254. If all else fails, you can try resetting the router by pressing the reset button of the router for 15-20 seconds. Then click the Connected to” alternative in the list. It will also show the connected networks. From there, choose the name of the wireless network you happen to be connected to.
That's it! You have now found your router's IP address. The IP address will appear subsequent to Router”. From your smartphone, connect to your wireless network. After it is connected, tap on the WiFi name to view the default IP address of your router In this case, it is and is positioned in the Router section. When IP addresses are assigned they adhere to a regular. The standard for IP addresses is defined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). IANA has two requirements for public IP addresses IP version 4 aka IPv4, and IP version six aka IPv6.
Occasionally, your modem or router could use a distinct IP address, such as, or ten...1, based on the brand. For your comfort, we've put collectively this handy list of login names and passwords for common companies of routers. Unless you have changed the default admin username and password to one thing else, each should be admin”. To address the shortage of IPv4 addresses, a strategy of remapping 1 IP address space into another was proposed. Network address translation (NAT) makes it achievable to use a single public IP address for an whole private network.
Step 5: If you are login into for the first time then click on Setup and then go to wireless settings. You can setup it manually or automatically. Your house network is only as secure as your router, and this post will teach you how to access router settings and change your router's default admin password to make it more safe. Step two: Enter the Router's default username and password. If you do not know default username-password then check our above table. Go to Wireless Settings and customize settings.
With NetSpot, you can speedily and painlessly find if the area you happen to be connecting from is covered with a strong Wi-Fi signal coming from your router, and you can find out all neighboring Wi-Fi networks that may possibly be interfering with it. To see this IP address, you can connect to it by way of a cable or wirelessly. 192.168.l.l is frequently employed to login to router settings, nevertheless it is typo. The right IP address is
The 192.168..254 IP address belongs to the range of private IP addresses, which are typically used for regional area networks (LANs) and had been originally defined in an effort to delay IPv4 address exhaustion, which has been anticipated for decades now due to the dramatic development of the number of web-connected devices. You will see the default IP address of your modem or router from the Default Gateway section.
Go to your laptop or laptop and connect to the router making use of an Ethernet cable. Occasionally a wireless connection is adequate, but never count on it. Step two: Go to Network or LAN Setup and adjust the IP address to 192.168.two.1 and save. If you are making use of NetGear Router, then go to Sophisticated > Setup > LAN Setup an IP address > change IP and Apply. If the above did not function, you can attempt what is known as a 30-30-30 reset. Get comfortable, simply because you will need to hold the reset button for 90 seconds. Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Even though continuing to hold the reset button, unplug the router, wait another 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Continue to hold the reset button for another 30 seconds.
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filomenaaaaaaa · 4 years
Text IP Address is the default gateway IP Address - - employed to login as admin of router settings such as TP-Link, D-Hyperlink, Linksys, Netgear. In both of these examples the Default Gateway is The IPv4 address is the IP address of your device that you are employing to connect to your router. 6) Remove energy to the router, hold the reset button, and restore energy. The power light should blink slowly. As soon as it begins blinking, release the reset button. Factory resets need to be a last resort, given that performing them will get rid of any custom settings you have, like your network name and password.
The Net Assigned Numbers Authority ( IANA ) is a worldwide organization that manages IP addresses. It initially defined a variety of IP address named IP version 4 (IPv4). This sort is a 32-bit number usually expressed as 4 numbers separated by a decimal point — for example, Each and every decimal have to have a value amongst  and 255, which signifies that the IPv4 technique can accommodate about four billion exclusive addresses.
The equipment's producers configure routers to develop a new network (variety 192.168.1.) if a network sort currently exists! The router will have as default address and will give other machines on the network addresses ranging from 192.168.1.two to192.168.1.254. If all else fails, you can try resetting the router by pressing the reset button of the router for 15-20 seconds. Then click the Connected to” alternative in the list. It will also show the connected networks. From there, select the name of the wireless network you're connected to.
Enter IP address > Enter username and password listed in the above table. Enter the appropriate administrator login name and administrator password. Step two. In this window highlight either Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Thunderbolt adapter, depending on which adapter is connected to your router. Then click the sophisticated tab at the bottom of the page. You will see the IP address subsequent to Default Gateway (in the example below, the IP address is:
Right after effective login, you have to adjust the WiFi password and router username. Choose a strong password, a mixture of letters, symbols, and numbers. Right here are some examples of how diverse router modes and switches would assign IP addresses to computer systems in a network. You will see the IP address next to default” (in the example under, the IP address is: If you do not don't forget your username and password, you can take benefit of default login particulars that are supplied on the world wide internet. When it is worked, you ought to be asked for your password. Then you have to enter a username and password. Decide on a mix of letters and numbers to generate the password strong.
You need to see a login web page open in your net browser, asking you to enter the default admin username and password. Adjustments were produced to the IP address pu port quantity. You will now be disconnected from RT-N12D1. All Router has 1 reset button. All you want to do is a press reset button for 20 seconds until all LEDs blinked and as soon as carried out, release it. It will reset to default username and password which are listed above.
Hopefully, you can now troubleshoot concerns associated to the 192.168..254 IP address with ease now and are not afraid of messing things up. Whilst there are a lot of other private IP addresses equivalent to 192.168..254, you should be able to apply the guidelines above to all of them. If the two strategies above can not support you to solve the difficulty, you ought to reset your router. All settings will be reset to be default as a new modem or router that you can then set up it from the beginning.
As soon as you've carried out that, here's anything else you can do. Disconnect your router from the web and then ensure you have your Pc plugged straight into a LAN port on the router. (NOTE: make note of exactly where every cable connects so you can put them back into the identical spot once your completed. Make a diagram, take pic's with your sensible telephone etc.) When you have the the two devices connected as I recommend, they will be isolated from every little thing else and this will aid to preserve troubleshooting as simple as possible.
A private IP address is an IP assigned by a router to devices within a private network. These IPs cannot be accessed from outdoors the network. For example, your router and every device connected to it make up a private network. Computers that are connected to the very same router can access each and every other but no a single outdoors the network can access your pc by way of the private IP. is a default Router IP Address for all Routers. As we all know that each and every device which is connected to the world wide web has its IP Address. This IP address is Public and Private each. The IP address is Private IP, which is a default IP address for Routers from D-Hyperlink and Netgear models.
Unlike us, a pc or smartphone can effortlessly uncover the default IP address of your modem or wireless router and then connect to it. You are inside the admin panel and can modify any settings now. Unplug the router, wait a couple of minutes, and then plug it back in. Wait until all the lights on the front of the router have turned on or are blinking before trying to connect again. Some routers occasionally need a restart after a power outage, due to improper startup even though the ISP's own equipment was down.
A public IP address is the IP address assigned to devices that are connected to the net. This address is assigned by your ISP and no other technique on the net can have the identical address. When you connect to the internet, you become element of a considerably bigger network that anyone can connect to. Your public IP is often visible unless you pick to hide it with a VPN service.
This gateway address is the IP address of your router. Step 2: Launch net browser > kind in the address bar > Enter. Router is not found on A message (pasted under in portuguese and translated right after) show in the screen instead of the router web page. An IPv4 address consists of a series of 4 numbers, separated by a dot. Each quantity might have 1-three digits. They are normally expressed in decimal numbers for instance, the 192.168..1 IP address.
The next step right after discovering your router's IP address is to find out your router login details. More especially, you require to know your router login name and password. Some router companies create this info in the manual or on a sticker, but it is not uncommon for them to leave it out. About the 10 actions, even setting the IP, subnet and gateway like this the rescue program can not discover the router to upload.
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riahrooo · 4 years
How Do I Locate My Router's IP Address
Lookup final results of the search for IP address The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( IANA ) is a international organization that manages IP addresses. It initially defined a kind of IP address referred to as IP version four (IPv4). This kind is a 32-bit number usually expressed as 4 numbers separated by a decimal point — for instance, Each decimal should have a worth amongst  and 255, which signifies that the IPv4 technique can accommodate about 4 billion unique addresses.
With NetSpot, you can swiftly and painlessly uncover if the region you are connecting from is covered with a robust Wi-Fi signal coming from your router, and you can find out all neighboring Wi-Fi networks that may be interfering with it. To see this IP address, you can connect to it via a cable or wirelessly. 192.168.l.l is frequently utilised to login to router settings, however it is typo. The appropriate IP address is
Alter the password in Network Security Settings and click Next. Step 1: Connect your Cisco Router to Computer employing RJ45 cable. Out of these, the World wide web Engineering Process Force (IETF) has directed the Web Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to reserve 17.9 million addresses for private networks, which are normally utilized for nearby region networks (LANs) in residential, workplace, and enterprise environments.
Offered that the login information are correct, you will enter the router's settings web page and make the desired adjustments from there. To access the Router Admin panel, you have to connect it to your Pc with an RJ45 cable. Once connected, open the browser and variety into the address bar. An IPv6 address consists of a series of eight numbers, each and every quantity becoming 4 digits long. Unlike the IPv4 address that is expressed in decimal numbers, an IPv6 address is expressed in hexadecimal numbers.
Properly, your Pc is showing a routable IP address as properly as default gateway so it would seem your router isn't performing significantly of something. To access the RT-N12D1 settings, reconnect to the wireless network and use the updated IP address and port quantity. If you would like to make use of a certain router behind your ISP's router, you have two possibilities: alter your default IP address or keep the current configuration. Nonetheless, if you want to use a router behind your ISP's box, it is not necessary to have the router mode enabled on the existing configuration.
When you want to reach a location in the genuine globe, you ask for its address and put it in your GPS. When you want to attain a destination on the world wide web, you also ask for its address, and you type it into the URL bar of your preferred web browser. Some new Routers have auto setup mode. They permit customers to configure it but if the user doesn't want to Setup a new Router then they automatically setup it for the user. They uncover Default Router Login IP address and Password for you.
These private IPs total about 17.9 million distinct addresses, all reserved for use on private networks. This is why a router's private IP does not require to be unique. The router then assigns a private IP address to each and every device in its network, whether it's a small residence network or an enterprise-level organization. Each device inside the network can connect to one more device in the network utilizing this private IP.
To find your router's IP number, appear subsequent to "Default Gateway" (listed last). Step 1: First of all, connect the Netgear router with your Windows Pc and then open Browser and sort > Enter. Examine whether the LAN wire is properly connected to your router and your computer or not. IP Address belongs to a Private or Reserved variety, most of the IP Address details are not obtainable.
Locate the pinhole reset button. Usually instances this on the back or underside of the router. With the router plugged in, press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Soon after releasing the button, wait for the router to energy on, and attempt to login to the router again. IANA has reserved some IP addresses for private networks. We talked about earlier that a private IP address is exclusive within the network it's connected to but the exact same IP address can be assigned to a technique on a various private network.
At the C:> prompt, kind ipconfig and press Enter. In case you do not don't forget the particulars you can use the following strategy to access the IP address. If you cannot access, you ought to very first restart your router and attempt once again. If that does not aid, you may want to erase your router's settings. Most routers have a special button just for this objective that you can press with a pointy tool, such as a pen. Simply press and hold the button for at least 10 seconds or till you see the LEDs begin flashing.
Now that you know what the IP address is and how to log into routers that use it as the default gateway, you can explore its admin panel and modify numerous various settings to make your network safer and faster. Now you know a lot of things about IP Addresses, Private and Public IP Address, How to Access, What If You Can't Access, How To Modify Router Password, Reset Router Settings, How To Locate The Router IP Address and a lot much more.
Now a modest window will appear and ask for username and password. If you don't know the username and password, then you can not log in to the router. Enter username and password and its carried out. You can see the Router homepage exactly where you can see some alternatives for Wireless Settings and Advanced Settings. If your connection issues maintain persisting, you ought to verify that you are in range of your router. NetSpot , an simple-to-use computer software tool for wireless network assessment, scanning, surveys, and Wi-Fi coverage and overall performance analysis, is the best way how to do just that.
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der-papero · 3 years
Andiamo a rubare con Papero - Side lesson - NAT: storia di un improbabile successo - part I
Era una mattina come tante altre, quel caldo (ma non troppo) giorno del maggio 1994. Frankie, fondatore della Internet Inc., azienda multimiliardaria nata dopo che nel 1989 aveva trasformato Internet da una rete per militari esauriti e scienziati fricchettoni anti-Woodstock in un business a 9 zeri, se ne stava nel suo ufficio all'ultimo piano di WebPlaza, grattacielo da centinaia di piani, oberato di lavoro come sempre.
Tony, nome americanizzato di Antonio Scapece da Casoria, partito dall'Italia con un diploma dell'ITIS in Radiotecnica, finito negli USA prima a friggere le patatine da Burger Queen e poi assunto da Frankie poichè Tony gli aveva appena salvato la vita con una manovra di Heimlich, visto ci stava restando secco per aver ingoiato un mappozzo di hamburger troppo grande per il suo cannarone, lavorava nel seminterrato di WebPlaza, affianco ai depuratori per le acque dei cessi, sottopagato ma sempre meglio che puzzare di fritto, monitorando con decine di PC quello che era l'utilizzo degli indirizzi IP nel pianeta, gentilmente concessi dietro lauto pagamento dalla Internet Inc.
Il perché Tony avesse avuto un lavoro così poco all'altezza della sua professionalità risale a 2 anni prima. Tony si occupava di tutta la rete di IT della Internet Inc., era una persona esperta e competente, ma allo stesso tempo un gufatore di professione e, a dispetto delle sue origini, non si faceva mai i cazzi suoi. Ad una riunione con gli azionisti, nel giugno del '92 ...
Frankie: come potete vedere dai grafici, la Internet Inc. va a gonfie vele, continuiamo a vendere indirizzi come se non ci fosse un domani. CIDR, la nostra recente soluzione diventata realtà, ci garantirà un trend di crescita pazzesco, con soldi a palate blah blah blah ...
Tony: ehm ... scusa capo ...
Frankie: oh, signori, vi presento Tony, il nostro senior expert, quello che tip tip sulla tastiera, eh ... 'tacci tua, Tony, quante ne sai ... MATTACCHIONE!
Tony: ... sì, capo ... grazie ... volevo dire ... sì, insomma ... gli indirizzi stanno per esaurirsi ...
Frankie: HA! HA HA! Che sagoma che sei Tony! HA HA HA! Sto' cazz di umorismo italiano, ma dove le trova??? E' un genio di comicità sto' ragazzo, davvero ... te possino, al Saturday Night Live dovevi lavora' te!
Tony: capo, è giusto che si sappia che ...
Frankie: ... che stiamo per fare un salto di qualità nella distribuzione degli indirizzi IP, che aumenterà i nostri margini!!! (se nn chd qll czz di bcc ti giuro che ti friggo a clc in culo come un dabol steccaus con coca grande). Adesso tutti a pranzo signori, ho importato delle ostriche roba che manco Rockfeller!
E così il nostro povero Tony venne trasferito a fare il lavoro che più merda non si può, ovvero a vedere numeri su uno schermo dalla mattina alla sera.
Passano due anni. Mentre il nostro Tony fa finta di guardare il monitor, quando invece è al telefono, a carico dell'azienda, su una telefonata intercontinentale con mamma', piangendo lacrime napulitane su come è amaro questo pane e su cosa ci tocca patire a noi poveri emigranti, il computer di controllo fa partire un allarme DEFCON 3: aveva appena calcolato che, senza una misura urgente di contenimento del consumo di indirizzi IP, il mondo sarebbe presto finito nella merda quella più marrone possibile.
Tony sputa il suo succhino alla pera, mette giù con mamma' dicendo che l'avrebbe chiamata la sera se avesse ancora avuto un posto di lavoro, fa un paio di stampe veloci e si infila dritto in ascensore, dal piano -6 al 94. Bussa agitato alla porta di Frankie.
Frankie: CHI CAZZ E'???
Tony: capo, sono io.
Tony: capo, DEFCON 3, è urgente! (entra)
Frankie: (con una segretaria seduta su una coscia e due strisce di cocaina sul tavolo) MA NON VEDI CHE STO LAVORANDO, CAZZO?
Tony: capo, lo vedo, ma la situazione è seria. Stanno per finire gli indirizzi IP ...
Frankie: ancora con questa storia? Veramente ti fa schifo il lavoro, eh?
Tony mostra le stampe del computer.
Frankie: ... Nancy, hai sentito, c'è un emergenza. Trovati qualcosa da fare e porta del caffè, nero! Tu invece, chiama tutti qua, SUBITO! Massa di incompetenti scaldasedie ... ah, Tony! ... (lungo silenzio, mentre guarda dalle vetrate del palazzo) ... sveglia il Presidente.
Viene organizzata in 5 minuti una riunione con tutti gli esperti e i capi area. Frankie legge attentamente le stampe.
Er Zagaja: (assunto pure lui, mistero!) caaaapo, stiamo asssssegnando gli indirizzi CIDR tttroppppo veeeeelocemente!
Frankie: non vedo dove è il problema, ne abbiamo
Al: capo, 256 elevato alla quarta fa 4.294.967.296
Frankie: appunto, dico ... e quando cazzo li finiamo???!!!
Mortimer: capo, la gente ha iniziato a comprare 2, 3 PC per ogni casa. Dicono che tra poco faranno anche i cellulari che si connettono ad Internet ...
Frankie: ma figurati se la gente si perde appresso a ste' cose!
Louise Winthorpe III: ne ho appena comprati sei!
Frankie: si trattengano soltanto Tony, Al e Egon.
Nancy: capo, c'è il Presidente degli Stati Uniti sulla 4.
Si chiude la porta.
Egon: capo, sono dei professionisti laureati al MIT!
Al: capo, ma la matematica è la matematica ...
Nancy consola una collega in lacrime fuori dall'ufficio di Frankie - tranquilla, prenderemo comunque la strenna a Natale, non preoccuparti ...
Frankie: è impossibile continuare in queste condizioni. Ormai è finita. L'azienda è perduta.
Egon: capo, ci sarebbe una possibilità ...
(gli altri due fanno di NO con la testa, e fanno gesto di tacere)
Frankie: sì, parla, avanti, ma che cazzo, ve le devo tirare dalla bocca le parole?
Egon: ecco ... un tizio, che cercava lavoro qui alla Internet Inc., si chiamava Francis, aveva proposto una soluzione, chiamata NAT ...
(gli altri due lo scongiurano, mimando, di non continuare)
Frankie: parla chiaro, Egon, che cazzo sarebbe questo NAT?
Egon: ecco, sulla carta ci permetterebbe di continuare a vivere anche quando gli indirizzi saranno finiti
Frankie: e dove cazzo sta adesso questo Francis?
Tony: ecco, capo ... l'abbiamo cacciato a calci in culo
Al: perché la sua soluzione violava due paradigmi sacri della nostra architettura, ovvero che una connessione deve resistere alla variabilità delle rotte a causa di malfunzionamenti, e che in ogni strato dello stack TCP/IP un layer non può modificare un altro
Frankie: MA IO VI CACCIO TUTTI A CALCI IN CULO, QUANTO E' VERA LA MADONNA IN CIELO! QUA RISCHIAMO DI FINIRE TUTTI IN MEZZO AD UNA STRADA PERCHE' LOR SIGNORI FIGHETTI HANNO I PARADIGMI DI STOCAZZO! Io non ho capito un cazzo di quello che hai detto, ma se un calabrone vola pur sapendo che non può volare, allora noi faremo funzionare questo cazzo di NAT! Richiamate sto' Francis, non me ne frega niente se adesso è nella Legione Straniera!
Francis viene individuato mentre fa shopping con la sua ragazza sulla 5th Avenue. Una auto nera si accosta, due omacci con gli occhiali scuri scendono, gli infilano un cappuccio nero in testa, lo infilano a forza nell'auto mentre la ragazza urla FRANCIIIIIIIIS, e parte a tutto gas verso la Internet Inc.
Frankie: Francis, grazie di cuore per averci concesso il tuo tempo!
Francis: 'TACCI VOSTRI, CHE CAZZO VOLETE? Ma è modo di prelevare i poveri cristi per strada?
Frankie: Francis ... Francis ... il mondo ha bisogno di persone geniali come te, la nostra azienda ha bisogno di te!
Francis: veramente mi avevate risposto "ti facciamo sapere", e manco un'email mi avete più mandato, brutti bastardi!
Frankie: ma non ci perdiamo su questi tecnicismi! Al mi accennava che hai ideato una soluzione che si incastra perfettamente nella nostra architettura mondiale, rispettandone i principi e le regole di funzionamento ...
Tony alza gli occhi al cielo, facendo scappare un bestemmione col labiale, Al scappa in bagno a vomitare.
Frankie: ... ti andrebbe di illustrarcela?
Francis: avrò l'ufficio vista Central Park?
Frankie: ma io ti cedo tutta la proprietà di Central Park!
Francis quindi prende un pennarello e spiega a Frankie cosa è il NAT, mentre Frankie inizia a sognare la vice presidenza degli USA.
A domani per la seconda parte!
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inordinationx · 4 years
Lookup outcomes of the search for IP address Properly, your Pc is showing a routable IP address as properly as default gateway so it would appear your router is not undertaking a lot of something. To access the RT-N12D1 settings, reconnect to the wireless network and use the updated IP address and port quantity. If you would like to make use of a certain router behind your ISP's router, you have two possibilities: change your default IP address or hold the existing configuration. Nonetheless, if you want to use a router behind your ISP's box, it is not essential to have the router mode enabled on the current configuration.
Your router is a gateway to your network, and you must do what ever you can to shield it from intruders. While it may be hassle-free to stick with the default password, carrying out so compromises your safety and tends to make it much easier for cybercriminals to infiltrate your network and steal your individual info. Equipped with the details from this article, you ought to be in a position to secure your router with out any major issues.
Modify the password in Network Security Settings and click Next. Step 1: Connect your Cisco Router to Pc utilizing RJ45 cable. Out of these, the Net Engineering Task Force (IETF) has directed the Web Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to reserve 17.9 million addresses for private networks, which are usually used for local area networks (LANs) in residential, office, and enterprise environments.
Go to your computer or laptop and connect to the router utilizing an Ethernet cable. Often a wireless connection is enough, but don't count on it. Step two: Go to Network or LAN Setup and change the IP address to 192.168.two.1 and save. If you are making use of NetGear Router, then go to Advanced > Setup > LAN Setup an IP address > adjust IP and Apply. If the above did not work, you can try what is identified as a 30-30-30 reset. Get comfortable, since you will need to hold the reset button for 90 seconds. Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Even though continuing to hold the reset button, unplug the router, wait one more 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Continue to hold the reset button for an additional 30 seconds.
If you connect to your modem or router through a cable, you should verify it once again and verify there's no problem with it. If you believe there is any issue with the wire, you can replace it with a new one. Subsequent, you need to open the browser and kind in the IP address. Follow network troubleshooting methods to decide why a router set up at is not responding. The issue may possibly lie with the router itself, with the client device, or with the connection between the router and client such as cabling or wireless interference issues.
Public IP or the IPCv6 Regular addresses must be globally special. This posed a issue for the IPv4 standard given that it can accommodate only 4 billion addresses. Therefore, the IANA introduced the IPv6 normal, which supports many a lot more combinations. Alternatively of using a binary method, it makes use of a hexadecimal system. An IPv6 address is as a result composed of eight separate groups of hexadecimal numbers, every comprised of four digits. For example: abcd:9876:4fr0:d5eb:35da:21e9:b7b4:65o5. Certainly, this method can accommodate almost infinite growth in IP addresses, up to 340 undecillion (a number with 36 zeros).
Offered that the login particulars are correct, you will enter the router's settings web page and make the desired changes from there. To access the Router Admin panel, you have to connect it to your Pc with an RJ45 cable. After connected, open the browser and type into the address bar. An IPv6 address consists of a series of eight numbers, each and every quantity getting 4 digits lengthy. In contrast to the IPv4 address that is expressed in decimal numbers, an IPv6 address is expressed in hexadecimal numbers.
The 192.168..1 IP address falls inside this final variety of reserved private IP addresses. To adjust your router's password, go to the settings menu and look for an alternative titled password.” It is important that you select a password that is sufficiently safe. The router has to be configured. Before beginning to get the essential, you may have to connect it to the routers or modem by employing an Ethernet wire. You will require a router login IP address, which can be , , 192.168.1. 254, etc. Now, if you never know about Router Default IP, then check out its shipping box or get in touch with manufacturer.
We can discover our router IP address effortlessly by employing the command prompt (CMD) of our computer. If we type ipconfig in CMD, it shows our router IP address and so a lot more. We also learn right here how to uncover out router IP in IOS and Android. Thank you for sharing it. The purpose of the IP address, or to be exact, is to determine a device on a private network. Private networks are commonly identified in the workplace, enterprise, and even residential environments. They make it possible for devices to communicate with a single one more with out being reachable from the world wide web.
Uncover the pinhole reset button. Typically occasions this on the back or underside of the router. With the router plugged in, press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Right after releasing the button, wait for the router to power on, and attempt to login to the router again. IANA has reserved some IP addresses for private networks. We described earlier that a private IP address is distinctive within the network it really is connected to but the very same IP address can be assigned to a technique on a diverse private network.
In this instance the router's IP address is Now, if you want to change Router Password, then go to sophisticated settings, and from there, select admin password > Modify it > Save Settings, and it's carried out. You need to now see a login window with two input fields: 1 for the admin username and one particular for the admin password. Sometimes due to improper connection or broken cable, you can't access the Router home page. In that case, adjust the cable. If you forgot your router username and password, then you have to reset it.
Step 7. A new web page will open and this page will inform you two crucial things. The IPv4 Default gateway (router's IP address) and your device's IP address to that router which is the IPv4 Address. You must be greeted by a login prompt asking you for a username and password. In most circumstances, each the username and password are admin.” Nonetheless, it really is possible to come across a router that uses a various password, and we explain what to do in that scenario in the subsequent chapter of this report.
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Text IP Address
Did you know you have more than a single IP address? Uncover the pinhole reset button. Often times this on the back or underside of the router. With the router plugged in, press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Following releasing the button, wait for the router to energy on, and try to login to the router again. IANA has reserved some IP addresses for private networks. We described earlier that a private IP address is exclusive inside the network it really is connected to but the exact same IP address can be assigned to a system on a distinct private network.
The very good news is that the default login name and password are generally admin.” If that doesn't operate, we suggest you Google some thing like default login name and password” followed by your router's model and manufacturer. For the initial connection it is required to use an RJ-45 cable connecting the computer and the router, to configure it! The next step is to enter your credentials for the net interface (login and password). These default password and login are specified in the manufaturer's documentation.
Visiting from net browser leads to the login web page of the router's settings from where various settings of the router can be changed offered that the default gateway address of your device connected to the network is If you happen to be looking to make modifications to the settings of the router or altering the password of your Wi-Fi Network then this can be carried out by logging in into the Router's Settings by means of
Ok, the output of the ipconfig while attached to nothing at all but the router (and it isolated) show's APIPA addressing which indicates you are not getting something from DHCP on the router. Since the PC's network interface is DHCP enabled, that signifies your router has to have it is DHCP service shut off. Turn on your router and connect it to your laptop with an Ethernet cable. If the private network wants to connect to the net, is have to use a proxy server or gateway.
The instructions on how to log in to routers that use a distinct default gateway IP than 192.168..254 are the very same except for the step exactly where you enter the IP address into your web browser's address bar. The IP variety - exactly where the IP is element of is a private ip range following the standards set by RFC 1918. Addresses like are not allowed in the public Net.
Wait an additional 30 seconds Right after releasing the Reset button for the router to fully reset and power back on. You ought to be able to inform that the router has completed booting up by the state of its LED indicator lights. Step four: Enter Default username and password (admin-admin) if you haven't changed. Or Enter your username and password. Of course, it really is not just routers that can use the 192.168..254 IP address. All electronic devices that can connect to a local network can determine themselves to other individuals with the 192.168..254 IP address, like webcams, laptops, servers, personal computers, intelligent TVs, repeaters, or modems.
That's it! You have now located your router's IP address. The IP address will seem next to Router”. From your smartphone, connect to your wireless network. When it really is connected, tap on the WiFi name to view the default IP address of your router In this case, it's and is situated in the Router section. When IP addresses are assigned they stick to a regular. The regular for IP addresses is defined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). IANA has two requirements for public IP addresses IP version 4 aka IPv4, and IP version six aka IPv6.
All IP addresses are employed to recognize devices on a computer network, and is no exception. Nevertheless, this IP address is used to recognize devices connected to a unique sort of personal computer network called private network. Currently attempted the reset button, other browsers (IE and firefox, do not uncover the page at all), currently attempted factory reset button. You do not often want to know the IP address of your modem or router. You only need it when setting up a new modem or wireless router , changing settings or troubleshooting a network dilemma.
There might be some folks in the planet who would not know what an IP address is? To sum what is an IP address, an IP address, or just an IP,” is a exclusive address that identifies a device on the Internet or a local network. It allows a method to be recognized by other systems connected through the Web protocol. There are two primary sorts of IP address formats utilised nowadays which are the private IP address or IPv4 and the public IP address or IPv6. So let's jump straight into the differences between the two.
192.1681.1 Router Admin Passwords and Login IP 192.1681.1 is an IP address which routers like Linksys and other network brands use as an access point or gateway.Firms set up router admin access in this address to let network administrators to configure their routers and networks.Concretely one particular can manage Security Options, Network Management, IP QoS, DNS, proxy, LAN, WAN, WLAN settings, DSL, ADSL, MAC, WPS block amongst other individuals.
With NetSpot, you can swiftly and painlessly locate if the region you're connecting from is covered with a powerful Wi-Fi signal coming from your router, and you can discover all neighboring Wi-Fi networks that may be interfering with it. To see this IP address, you can connect to it via a cable or wirelessly. 192.168.l.l is generally utilised to login to router settings, even so it is typo. The right IP address is
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