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ratatatastic · 3 months ago
ring ceremony being filmed for our lost kitties :(
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spot the kitty!! reino roddy madfhew benny ekky sasha luosty (and it looks like mikksy is hiding behind luosty) and more kitties scattered about everyones here :( except paul
so heres paul complaining about not being there because he was the only one busy doing media 😭😭
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poor gramps wants to be involved so badly in the festivities and this is why he punishes everyone with 10+ mins of yapping. if hes stuck in a presser then by god will he make it everyones problem too
toronto maple leafs @ florida panthers pregame | 11.27.24 (x)(x)
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sothisispeerpressure · 3 years ago
Ok I was typing my thought for part 2 and an hour in I lost everything so bear with me!
Synopsis of the first hour:
- poor Ringo was the only one who showed :(
- whoever thought to hide a mic in the flowerpot to hear the private conversation between John and Paul deserves a cookie. They actually did pretty good communicating with each other about their feelings
- they literally don’t know what to do without George. “Let’s go see George” “I was going anyway” “he’s gone to liverpool.”
- Ringo has a tiny symbol on his drum set and it makes me happy
- something LGBT just happened to that kid in the blue shirt
- the apple scruffs are so sweet Awh
- ok but when “im a bigger fan that you are” “well, do you want to fight about it?” I would be mad if I was Linda too
- AND WHEN PAUL SAID “stay out of it yoko” TO LINDA I
- I would’ve went home and started a fight with him
- John makes Paul laugh with one joke and then proceeds to take the next 5 minutes to keep making him laugh
- I was Happy when George returned he looks so good
- they took so much time putting the Apple studio together that they still ended up with just one week left to plan everything
- also Paul’s old tour set list on his bass..I think he still has it on there today
- oh and when Ringo said: 😐😦😐😦😐😦😐😦😐
- Paul being sneaky and recording an Oh! Darling demo without John anyone else there
- John wore a vest over his shirt every day last week so this week Paul starts wearing a vest too in a sad attempt to match with his bestie
- also how Paul predicted Yoko Memes 😂😂
Ok now I’m back
- John is actually dressed nice, not so stink anymore
- and now Paul is on the drums.
- rock that bass Ringo!
- Paul put the bassman sticker on his bass
- Spoken Word of the press by Paul, backed by the beatly sounds of his beatle boys backing him.
- John sings anything, Paul immediately: 🎤😩
- plopplopplopplopplop :paul
- George complains about the papers, Ringo: good morning everyone 😊
- I love to see them getting along and playing together
- Paul has succeeded in matching shirts with bestie John, save for the vest (and shade of green)
- oh yeah pauly flip that hair
- I wanna give George a hug
- Ringo smash camera
- “sing Paul” oh you know that made bunny happy
- John saying MLK would’ve been President 🥺
- “did you tape the last one?” “Yes” *excited seagull sounds ensue*
- hello billy!
- I love George so much
- Billy Preston appreciation
- “I’ve spoken with mr. Klein” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
-Paul is just having a ball on the drums with it though
- uh oh hear comes George
- and as soon as he walks in they stop 😂
- I have other things I need to do right now
- but here I am
-watching this
- “you probably don’t remember the 50’s” OH SHADE
- he’s singing oh darling right at John
- George’s guitar 🤩
- “what are you calling this Paul?” “Shit.” “Shit Back” “Shit, take 1”
- George shaved I just noticed
- them remembering the memories and stuff is so cute
- “I think I’m getting Hong Kong flu 🤒 “ “Take drugs 😈”
- they’re having such a good time 🥺😭😭
- I have to mention the toast, why so much toast?
- “I’d like Preston as a fifth Beatle” George: “well Dylan would join too what about Dylan if I asked Dylan you guys know I love Dylan-“
- “and the dream I had was you” original Jealous Guy lyrics, which is confirmed to be about Paul??? Sounds fruity
- John and Paul aggressively singing “stand by me” at each other
- *two of us instrumental* “Desmond had his barrow-“
- John and Paul really do just stare at each other the whole time
- didn’t know I needed Polythene Pam (acoustic version) (From the vault)
- seeing that picture of John looking so young has actually made me cry what a babey lil babey boy
- India flashbacks!
- and John is back to wearing the same thing two days in a row
- the part everyone has been talking about “we should call it what we did on our holidays” FRUIT BUGS
- Paul’s little laugh
- George silences the room once again
- does anyone know what Yoko was writing?
- “long before-” “longer than the-“ they messed each other up lollll
-George looks done with the shit again
- Paul plays along with John’s goofing off, as much as he wants to stay on track and work, he lets John keeps things silly to keep their friendship alive, and I think that’s sweet
- “how do we make the piano sound like absolute shit? That’s what I want.”
- John singing the first song Paul ever wrote “I Lost My Little Girl” awwwwh gay.
- ive only seen them consume toast, tea, and wine in this whole thing
- I see George’s biscuitssss
- “let it be, let it be*cough cough cough*”
- “gotdam you little microphone 👹”
- Let It Be (Upbeat Version) (From The Vault)
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dachi-chan25 · 5 years ago
So i finally watched It chapter 2...
DISCLAIMER: So I know most of y'all don't like anyone to critizise anything u like, right of the bat I am telling u I did NOT liked this movie at all, there are changes I thought were good ideas but most of it was just plain terrible in MY opinion and I need to vent. If u share my opinión or find my rage amusing read on.
I had been putting off watching this movie, cuz in 2017 I enjoyed the 1st IT movie but I had a TON of issues with it (Mike's complete erasure, Stan being a completely different character, The Losers Club moments being sacrificed to cool sounding one-liners, WTF happened to Henry Bowers and Alvin Marsh, Bev being overly sexualized, etc, etc) so I was on the fence about this one. The cast is what finally caught my attention but then I heard very mixed reviews about it, and as I am starting on a new job I hadn't had the time to go and watch it til now and oh boy was I disappointed.
First off, we have to ask ourselves was Adrian Melon's murder scene really that necessary??? I understand what they used it for in the movie (to make a R3ddi3 reference /as a side note I do not care for the ship or any other IT ship tbh i write it like this cuz i don't want this post to invade the ship tag) but the characters involved are never mentioned again and it was too gratuitous (like we can have a homophobic hate crime, slurs thrown around all the time but we can't have the gay ship this movie was going for saying they love each other in a straightforward manner??? I know this is an unpopular opinion but I am not giving Muschietti props for doing the gay closeted ship for the 1000th time, if u were gonna do it go for it!!! Do right by the characters, hell in the book they get more tenderness and they are never explicitly gay, Eddie is heavily coded as gay or asexual and Richie is super bisexual) like my queer ass is tired of seeing gay ppl die in violent gruesome ways all the time.
While I love Bill Skarsgard's performance, the excess of CGI and all those jumpscares and strobe lights, actually take away from his performance, he is super scary and eerie when he is talking and even being friendly but super hillarious and plain silly when he is actually trying to be scary or when he is eating, it looked too wierd.
TBH whyyy was Tom Rogan in this?? Muschietti had already changed Alvin Marsh from being physically violent to being a sexual predator (everything they changed from Bev took away from her character, like we can have her smoking and flirting w Mr Keene but we can't have her teaching Richie how to use his yo-yo or winning in a fucking video game or drawing or anything that remotely has to do with her character) why was Tom necessary?? Hell we could have skipped that and have Bev in Kay's house telling her all that happened instead, I mean if he wasn't gonna die in the sewer why is he even a character? It was so easy to erase him and have Kay instead. Also how tf did Alvin survive???
Whyyy do that to Audra??? I fucken hate Muschietti, was it necessary to justify Bill cheating on her??? Nope, we could have simply have Bill not kiss Beverly and that’s it, also I am kinda salty Audra is not part of the plot.
Lmao Henry, like he fell on the fucken pipe and you could hear his fucken bones breaking and craking and he gets to get up and walk home????????? Whyyy y y , Muschietti ????
We never really got to see how deeply ingrained Pennywise is in the town, he is actually Derry. And if Muschietti thinks he fixed the wtf ending everyone complained about in the 90's adaptation he is on fucken drugs, this ending is super messed up and has nothing to do with the book or with anything at all, we never get to know what exactly is Pennywise, his true form it's a clown spider apparently or something cuz the death lights were there but not really ???
STAN was fucken robbed (again) last time he was completely ereased, he was physically there on the scenes but that’s it, his personality was null. And his thing, the thing that made him comit suicide was the fact that he was the one to see the death lights, the most logical and disbelieving of them faced something far beyond anyone's comprehension and they gave that to Bev?? And the death lights apparently gave her Final Destination abilities? ?????
Eddie was robbed. Of so so much. Muschietti fuck you. Frist off why isn't Eddie the CEO of some app like Uber like he was the Losers Club compass he was a great fucking driver, he loved sports (I actually got excited when they had this scene with the baseball game cuz i thought it was gonna be an Eddie scene but nope) y not connect that with this Token bs Muschietti pulled off his ass (this is actually a great idea, and could symbolize the Losers' lost childhood IF Muschietti had been assed to give them significance or something in part 1) His death scene. Just why? Why are his last words a cheap joke instead of a love confession, fuck it Muschietti if u wanted R3ddi3 have the courage to really do it (in the books the Losers take turns to carry his body out of the sewer cuz they will not leave him there, that's more meaningful than them diving) One of his most beautiful quotes is something Bill is writing??? Lmaoooo Bill wishes he could have thought up that (I love Bill but come the fuck on)
Why make such a huge deal out of B3nv3rly or r3ddi3 when the point of it all was that the Losers Club all loved each other, apart from whatever romantic feelings, they found a family in one another and they really erased that in this movie, I was like y are this ppl friends with each other. Mike drugged Bill, Richie was awfull to everyone, they barely had a conversation in the restaurant (biihhh the 90s miniseries does this better) and show no respect for Mike at all ( I mean I am not surprised cuz Muschietti has no respect for Mike as a character at all) or bill like nah son.
Stephen King cameo was there I guess, it was fine.
The Kiss me fat boy, of all things u could have taken from the 90's miniseries why that?????
Ben building the house club by himself ???? Bullshit, Muschietti ereased another great Losers Club bonding time and hate him for it.
MIKE, I AM ENRAGED. So Muschietti is braver than King for making R3ddi3 "canon" but he destroyed Mike's entire character and that is fine with y'all mmmmm. His parents were "crackheads" apparently cuz it's not like that is a stereotype black ppl have carried on for years on end, he did not go to school, he was not the historian but now he is cuz he had to stay and he is crazy and obsesive and drugs Bill and also stole from a native american tribe???? FUCK this so fucken much I hate it with all my being .
How does such a choppy movie manage to drag on forever??? Like there were still 45 Min left and I was bored out of my mind. Why is the final arc so bad??? Like some much stuff that could have actually gotten away with erasing (Paul Bunyan, whyyy it was so silly, it doesn't even work in the book, but fine like King was super high he barely remembers writing it, why take it to the big screen u should have sticked to him being afraid of clowns like u had already messed up) and added and could have added things that actually enriched the adaptation.
I just give up. Like if they do a 3rd one like it's rumored I won't see it, Muschietti clearly does not know how to be subtle or to have meaningful character arcs, he is just good for cheap jumpscares, one líners and yo mama jokes so I pass. I really hoped the up coming King adaptations are better than this one. That being said the movie had real fun/enjoyable moments, if this were not an adaptation I would have liked it a hella lot more than I did but alas nope.
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baekhvuns · 2 years ago
Nah I didn't meet the kid and I never will, cause I really dislike his mother, she's a bitch and messed with my friends 🔪 that's why I said she's a weirdoooo. I haven't spoken to her in ages, I just see her around. Also they live in fucking , I'm not going there.
I thought the final would be a total disaster, but thankfully shit picked up! Argentina deserved it though, can't deny it. Honestly grown up footballers acting like kids will never not be funny and embarrassing lmaoooo. I get Mbappe's frustration tbh, his teammates did nothing to help him, I would be pissed as well, but come on don't be a little bitch about it... okay but every time I think of PSG I can't believe they have Mbappe, Ramos, Messi, Neymar...and they're still pretty mid 😬 seeing Ramos with Messi and Neymar doesn't sit right with me ngl I feel betrayed 😭😭😭😭
Yeah Neymar is good when he's good, but his acting skills....☠ MAN GET UP! Since I'm a Madridista I saw it ALL from Neymar when he was in Barca and 🤡 I was just reminded of this situation, proof even Seonghwa isn't perfect thankfully I have Jongho
Do you remember them playing footie? Sanhwa sucked so bad <3 also The way I didn't know this happened?!
Ofc the final is in FUCKING LA, I bet Ateez will play during the match or some shit lmao. Bring a huge ass Ateez flag, Seonghwa's pc is a must too!
Yep MOTH is too long, unless you're really into to the political aspects, which I like to a certain extent, but the author is dragging it. The characters need to be more fleshed out, but I can't complain since Tasir is getting a lot of attention.
Yes, he is 🥰
Fuck Dior, Lego is more important! Ateez collabed with some Lego knock off though
My friend asked me three times if the track list I sent was a joke aisuiauusanjausaggaag the remixes are so random?! How tf do you even pronounce Halazia, it sounds like a Webtoon made fantasy land or... a disease. Anyways the Prologue tho aaaaaaah, Seonghwa?!?! T-posing like the Jesus himself Taemin! I told you he was giving crucifixion omg. Yeosang chained... Yunho inside the ⏳?!
Krystal and Minho were always fighting for their lives. 2nd gen was build different in general
Bestie, ETL in real life sounds like a nightmare (any type of romantic relationship tbh), considering I don't wanna be in a relationship how would I survive with someone I especially dislike 😭 I'd whoop their ass
This isn't Bob this is Wreck it Ralph lmaoooo what made him go that hard. 🤔 I haven't even seen that show and they're coming out with a new one, please STOP
Kai is scared of Seulgi as he should be! Are they fighting for the bear emoji or what ☠
TY not being a pathetic sweet little man? 😯 That's new!
Yup I told you, BBC is scared shitless, I hope the girls are happy and they don't treat them horribly because of it... But the passive aggressive statement 🔫 - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Nah I didn't meet the kid and I never will, cause I really dislike his mother, she's a bitch and messed with my friends 🔪 that's why I said she's a weirdoooo. I haven't spoken to her in ages, I just see her around. Also they live in fucking , I'm not going there.
I thought the final would be a total disaster, but thankfully shit picked up! Argentina deserved it though, can't deny it. Honestly grown up footballers acting like kids will never not be funny and embarrassing lmaoooo. I get Mbappe's frustration tbh, his teammates did nothing to help him, I would be pissed as well, but come on don't be a little bitch about it... okay but every time I think of PSG I can't believe they have Mbappe, Ramos, Messi, Neymar...and they're still pretty mid 😬 seeing Ramos with Messi and Neymar doesn't sit right with me ngl I feel betrayed 😭😭😭😭
noo bc i expected the fight like netherlands v argentina's match, mbappe v de paul sdgfhkgsfds ur right! they did their team was exceptional this time, def better than last times,,, LMFAOO RIGHT I FIND IT SO HILARIOUS BC THE NINJA TURTLE id honestly do the same 😭😭😭😭 tbh if di maria played the entire game, france wouldn't even have a chance,, we were rIGHT THEY DID HAVE A TALK, bro hyped himself up only,,, bro's def in his villian arc at psg now jhbds,,, HEY HEY PSG HAD A GREAT SEASON this next on might be crazy bc messi's got no stress and that man's dangerous w/ neymar mixed in and ramos??? pheww LMFAOOOO NO BC WHEN I SAW RAMOS WAS LIKE BRO??? UR THERE?? U OUT OF ALL??? SAME CLUB?? so much fun to see them together lmfaooo  new season gonna be great <3
tbh the best thing about this wc is the amount of memes, THE HUMOR PPL HAVE FHWKHDWK internet is undefeatable 😭😭
Yeah Neymar is good when he's good, but his acting skills....☠ MAN GET UP! Since I'm a Madridista I saw it ALL from Neymar when he was in Barca and 🤡 I was just reminded of this situation, proof even Seonghwa isn't perfect thankfully I have Jongho
LMFAOOO his cameo in the money heist jOKES,, yeah he's great when he plays plays, going to psg probably wasn't the best choice but his last season was crazy too, copa america that last 20 mins vs argentina bro was majestic,, but its shitty to see the amt of times players tackle him roughly and get nothing but when he does the same its a straight red card,, like is he supposed to sit and smile??? 😭😭 OH UR A MADRIDISTA FHQKHEJ IM A BARCA (ATM PSG-ING) FAN SO MY SIGHT IS DIFFERENT FBNEHDKWHDJC THIS IS SO FUNNY I KNEW I STANNED THE RIGHT GUY MY MAAANNNN,, want old barca and old madrid back to see them play against each other annnnnd ur stance on this... haaland coming for mbappe dbdb
Do you remember them playing footie? Sanhwa sucked so bad <3 also The way I didn't know this happened?! //// Ofc the final is in FUCKING LA, I bet Ateez will play during the match or some shit lmao. Bring a huge ass Ateez flag, Seonghwa's pc is a must too!
need a football exclusive show but for kpop idols only, forget isac i need them to create their own team names (barceoul, madrisan for busan fbsdjbf) w jerseys and take it all seriously and have two idol groups against each other,, I THINK ITS EITHER LA OR MEXICO CITY! ateez going to charity matches WHEN WHEN,, PLS ME HOLDING A WHITE ATEEZ FLAG ON NATIONAL TV BJHSBLJSDF, i just see messi walk in and he sees the seonghwa pc, im gone
Yep MOTH is too long, unless you're really into to the political aspects, which I like to a certain extent, but the author is dragging it. The characters need to be more fleshed out, but I can't complain since Tasir is getting a lot of attention.
see the author just needs to balance it all out, one part political, one part latil, majority on the actual harem,,, the empress webstoon could've also been like that but it honestly got boring,, LMFAOOO AS LONG AS TASIR IS IN THE PICTURE FDSHHJF
Yes, he is 🥰 //// Fuck Dior, Lego is more important! Ateez collabed with some Lego knock off though
anon... how long is that webtoon, the plot and everything, im reading this bc its that long haired hwa from ur friends dream 😭😭 YEAH LEGO >>>> DIOR,, it looks like a harry potter ft ateez collab tbh
My friend asked me three times if the track list I sent was a joke aisuiauusanjausaggaag the remixes are so random?! How tf do you even pronounce Halazia, it sounds like a Webtoon made fantasy land or... a disease. Anyways the Prologue tho aaaaaaah, Seonghwa?!?! T-posing like the Jesus himself Taemin! I told you he was giving crucifixion omg. Yeosang chained... Yunho inside the ⏳?!
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭🤚🏼 we’re all on the same boat it seems 😭😭 blue bird is my hope atm <33 UR RIGHT IT SOUNDS LIKE A FANTASY LAND but that crucifixion thing sent chillsssss 😳😳 i was so amazed IT DID LOOK LIKE A TAEMIN LORE AHKFJQKDHWK HWA TAEMIN ERA INCOMING HELLO,,, so im confused, halateez gone?? brain fried tbh
Krystal and Minho were always fighting for their lives. 2nd gen was build different in general ///// Bestie, ETL in real life sounds like a nightmare (any type of romantic relationship tbh), considering I don't wanna be in a relationship how would I survive with someone I especially dislike 😭 I'd whoop their ass /// This isn't Bob this is Wreck it Ralph lmaoooo what made him go that hard. 🤔 I haven't even seen that show and they're coming out with a new one, please STOP
NO SERIOUSLY U JUST SEE THEM DOING THE MOST RANDOM THINGS TOO?? KRYSTAL ICE SKATING MINHO RAISING A KID??? 2nd gen was so unhinged <33 no ur right, it sounds like a u realistic trope, sure rivals to lovers sounds fine but etl would just turn into enemies to wrestling,, imagine having to deal with what y/n’s deal with in etl fics??? i could never, kudos to all the y/n’s tbh <33 WRECK IT RALPH AU JCBCKCKC PLEASE DID U SEE WHAT THEY DID TO BOB 😭😭
Kai is scared of Seulgi as he should be! Are they fighting for the bear emoji or what ☠
AS HE SHOULD !!!! DESERVED !!!! i think it’s a fan made bear emoji fight 😭😭😭
TY not being a pathetic sweet little man? 😯 That's new! //// Yup I told you, BBC is scared shitless, I hope the girls are happy and they don't treat them horribly because of it... But the passive aggressive statement 🔫 - DV 💖
a pathetic little man 😭😭 submissive and breedable 😭😭 PLS FBWKDBAM i hope the girls at least get something out of it,, smelling lawsuits for january,,, wait but those who bought the album….what about them 😭😭
no he’s literally what idols should do
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