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math-introvert · 3 days ago
Panspermia. Can't I just be space dust.
Fuck zodiac signs, what theory of how life originated on earth do you believe in?
Personally, I'm an abiogenesis girl myself
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k25ff · 1 month ago
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"What even are the Inheritors?"
A great ziggurat of higher-dimensional organs. (1821-4)
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apollohour · 2 months ago
* practically impossible to surpass, making life (particularly intelligent life) hard to develop ** way to communicate intention, so all species function under the assumption other species are predatory and a threat to their existence. Either destroying other alien life or just staying silent. *** of the universe means that it's practically impossible to meet other species **** the ability to reliably find life yet. We struggle to correctly identify and image planets and view things in ways which is affected greatly by general relativity, who's to say we (or even they) can pin-point life yet?
<P.S. I probably made a mistake in here because I did this quickly in the middle of the night, please feel free to tag/reply with corrections or just more info! we love space here <3>
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probablyasocialecologist · 2 years ago
“The discovery of carbonic acid in space certainly tells us that the chemical ingredients for life are present out there, in the gas that will form new stars and planetary systems,” says Víctor Rivilla, the primary investigator on the project. “So yes, they could have been incorporated into solar system objects such as comets and asteroids, which could have transported them to the early Earth, thus helping to cook the life recipe.”
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ghostopossumlives · 10 days ago
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I'll write more about this later, it's time to go to bed, but here's the preview of my Nebula rat family tree
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cleoenfaserum · 2 months ago
The PANSPERMIA in PROMETHEUS (2012) with Bill Nye Saving the World (1311)
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The concept of panspermia suggests that life exists throughout the Universe and is distributed by space dust, meteoroids, asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies. The theory also suggests that some of these spores reached earth from planet Mars and from which life on earth sprouted.
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S1.E5 ∙ The Original Martian Invasion: Bill introduces the theory of panspermia (which is the hypothesis that life exist throughout the Universe), NASA scientists discuss the Mars 2020 mission, and Wil Wheaton and the panel ponder life on other planets. IMdB 4'8
link https://ok.ru/video/332810029654
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Before seeing the movie, perhaps we should delve into the meaning of Prometheus which as defined by AI Copilot is as follows:
Prometheus is a multifaceted concept, derived from various sources including mythology, science fiction, and contemporary culture:
Mythology: In Greek mythology, Prometheus is a Titan known for his intelligence and for defying the gods by stealing fire from them and giving it to humanity. This act of defiance symbolized the quest for knowledge and the advancement of human civilization. As punishment, Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock where an eagle would eat his liver every day, only for it to regenerate and be eaten again the next day. Prometheus is often seen as a symbol of rebellion against oppression and the pursuit of enlightenment.
Science Fiction: In the context of Ridley Scott's 2012 film "Prometheus," the term is used as the title of a spaceship and the mission that aims to discover the origins of humanity by seeking out the "Engineers," ancient beings believed to have seeded life on Earth. The film explores themes of creation, the search for our origins, and the consequences of seeking forbidden knowledge.
Cultural Symbol: Prometheus has become a broader cultural symbol for the pursuit of knowledge and the human spirit's unyielding quest to push boundaries, often at great risk. It represents the courage to challenge the status quo and the relentless drive to discover and innovate.
Prometheus, in all its forms, encapsulates a narrative of curiosity, defiance, and the inherent dangers of seeking knowledge beyond our understanding.
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Prometheus is a 2012 science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof. It is the fifth installment of the Alien film series.
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The take place in the late 21st century, the film centers on the crew of the spaceship Prometheus as it follows a star map discovered among the artifacts of several ancient Earth cultures. Seeking the origins of humanity, the crew arrives on a distant world and discovers a threat that could cause the extinction of the human species. IMdB 7'0
link https://ok.ru/video/331874765398
link https://youtu.be/nXTl06OXPEM Prometheus (2012) Expanded Soundtrack | by Marc Streitenfeld & Harry Gregson-Williams
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fullbodycringe · 13 days ago
Guys guys guys holy shit guys I missed this I'm so excited. I need to find a more serious source with more details, but
Look. At. That. Organic molecules. A bunch of amino acids *used by life on earth* (that's a big freaking deal, organic molecules can do all kinds of things, it's only a subset that are used by life... Gasoline is made of organic molecules, propane is an organic molecule, but you won't find propane in your cells (unless you're Hank Hill)... these are compounds that are not only organic, but *biological*).
And then, the huge huge thing: all the building blocks of DNA are in the asteroid. Like the ingredients of life are just sitting there, ready to go.
Panspermia (the idea that the predecessors to life on planets just rains down from the skies on comets and asteroids) sounds a lot more plausible now.
Edit: ok, found the actual press release. They pretty much say exactly that in the second paragraph. Still need to find the rest of the info if it's released
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fortunaestalta · 1 year ago
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blogfanreborn777 · 3 months ago
Do We REALLY Know Where Venus Flytraps Come From?
Please check out my video 🪴
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uapro · 7 months ago
Did life begin on Mars?
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eksopolitiikka · 2 months ago
Panspermia, kosminen perintömme
Panspermia, kosminen perintömme
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Elämän alkuperä Maapallolla on ollut loputtoman kiehtovan ja tutkivan tutkimuksen kohteena kosmoksen suuressa kudoksessa. Tutkijoiden ja ajattelijoiden esittämien lukemattomien teorioiden joukosta erottuu yksi, joka väittää rohkeasti, että me, Maapallon asukkaat, emme ehkä ole pelkästään tästä maailmasta. Tämä panspermiaksi kutsuttu teoria esittää, että elämän siemeniä ei ole kylvetty Maapallon hedelmälliselle maaperälle tyhjästä, vaan ne on tuotu avaruuden laajoilta alueilta.
Panspermian mukaan mikroskooppiset elämänmuodot, jotka kykenevät selviytymään avaruuden ankarissa olosuhteissa, ovat matkustaneet tähtienvälisen tyhjiön halki komeettojen, asteroidien tai meteoriittien kyydissä löytääkseen uuden kodin Maasta. Tämä mahdollisesti miljoonia vuosia kestänyt matka voisi selittää, miten elämä alkoi planeetallamme. Teoria kyseenalaistaa perinteisen abioogeneesin, jonka mukaan elämä syntyi Maapallolla itsenäisesti luonnollisten prosessien kautta.
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Panspermiaa tukevia todisteita saadaan tutkimalla extremofiilejä – eli organismeja, jotka viihtyvät olosuhteissa, joita on aiemmin pidetty asumiskelvottomina. Nämä sitkeät olennot selviytyvät äärimmäisistä lämpötiloista, säteilystä ja tyhjiöstä, mikä viittaa mahdolliseen Maan ulkopuoliseen alkuperään. Lisäksi komeetoista ja meteoriiteista löydetyt orgaaniset molekyylit vahvistavat ajatusta siitä, että elämän rakennusaineet voisivat todellakin kulkea kosmoksen halki.
Panspermiahypoteesi saa tukea myös analysoimalla Maapallon muinaisia kiviä, jotka sisältävät isotooppisia merkintöjä ja biogeenistä hiiltä, mikä viittaa siihen, että elämä on saattanut ilmestyä Maapallolle paljon aikaisemmin kuin aiemmin on ajateltu, mahdollisesti hadean- tai arkeeisen kauden aikana. Nämä havainnot kyseenalaistavat elämän syntymisen aikajanan ja avaavat oven sille mahdollisuudelle, että Maapallon ensimmäiset elämänmuodot olivat avaruusolentosalamatkustajia.
Kun käsitettä viedään vielä pidemmälle, jotkut ehdottavat teoriaa suunnatusta panspermiasta, jonka mukaan elämä Maapallolla ei ollut pelkkä vahinko vaan kehittyneen Maan ulkopuolisen sivilisaation tahallinen teko. Tämä kiistanalainen ajatus viittaa siihen, että nämä kosmiset puutarhurit kylvivät Maahan elämää tuntemattomista syistä, ehkä osana galaktista koetta tai keinona varmistaa elämän leviäminen koko maailmankaikkeudessa.
Panspermian vaikutukset ovat syvällisiä, ja ne haastavat käsityksemme elämän alkuperästä ja paikastamme maailmankaikkeudessa. Jos Maapallon elämällä on todellakin maan ulkopuoliset juuret, se viittaisi siihen, että maailmankaikkeus kuhisee elämää, josta suurella osalla on mahdollisesti yhteinen esi-isä meidän kanssamme. Se herättää filosofisia kysymyksiä itse elämän luonteesta ja kaikkien elävien olentojen yhteydestä toisiinsa koko kosmoksen alueella.
Vaikka panspermia on edelleen hypoteesi, todisteiden etsiminen jatkuu. Avaruuslennoilla, kuten asteroidien, komeettojen ja Marsin pinnan tutkimuksella, pyritään löytämään lisää vihjeitä aurinkokunnassamme esiintyvistä orgaanisista yhdisteistä. Teknologisten mahdollisuuksiemme kasvaessa myös kykymme tutkia syvemmälle elämän alkuperän mysteerejä kasvaa.
Panspermiahypoteesi tarjoaa houkuttelevan välähdyksen kosmisesta perinnöstämme ja viittaa siihen, että saatamme todellakin olla avaruusolentoja, joiden sukujuuret juontavat juurensa tähtiin. Kun jatkamme avaruuden laajuuden ja oman planeettamme syvyyksien tutkimista, pääsemme lähemmäksi elämän todellisen alkuperän ymmärtämistä Maapallolla. Löysimmepä lopullisen todisteen panspermiasta tai emme, löytöretki valottaa epäilemättä elämän monimutkaista ja ihmeellistä luonnetta.
  Artikkelin julkaissut Latest UFO Sightings
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k25ff · 7 months ago
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"I am not the body. I am at the other end of the chain."
There is a hole at the bottom of the world. It is full of water. In the water is a corpse that speaks, chained so it can't move. It is not the Sunken Oracle, but the Sunken Oracle speaks through it. (1701)
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russellmoreton · 11 months ago
Drawing around the body, 2010 Pencil,cyanotype and ink on paper with astronomical data. by Russell Moreton Via Flickr: russellmoreton.blogspot.co.uk/ independent.academia.edu/RussellMoreton Practitioner using the creative receptiveness of material together with the inclusion of drawing to harbour transits and passages of human presence, vulnerabilities centred around the human condition. My work adopts strategies which articulate a sense of absence and anonymity within the abandonment of the work to its location. I feel drawn to this registering of passage, encounter together with its farewell. The choice of materials gathered together implies a personal geography, with both an emotional and aesthetic sense of locality and place. The performative recording by physical means which renders itself as a trace of human presence, now becomes a vacant territory open for the consideration of others. My work continues to investigate this sense of material response with the performative trace of a human absences. The place-ment of these acts attempts to promote thresholds from which to reflect upon spatial, sociological and psychological conditions and perceptions. Currently working in clay, low fired to produce and promote a fragile vessel. This vessel is installed to act as a dwelling presence reverberating in a resting place. from which work is drawn into the human form to register a surface of absences resulting from past gestures and solitudes. Order and randomness, meticulousness and impulsiveness, drawing excess and graphic reduction are just some of the vibrant, tension-loaded poles that characterize the large-format drawings of the German artist Jorinde Voigt (b. 1977). Her works condense various elements of the cultural environment in the dynamic sequences of strokes, turbulently curving lines, diagrammatic structures, numbers, word fragments and collaged color areas of her drawings – which the passionate cello player refers to as “scores” or “notations”. She systematically analyses pop songs or pieces of classical music, kisses, temperature profiles, an eagle’s flight-path, horizon lines or the color values of individual plants and the contents of philosophical texts. Voigt uses measureable parameters like place, time, or sound volume, and self-defined rules or selected algorithms, and combines these fragments and impressions of reality to produce dynamic relational structures, thus creating a polyphony of different ways of perceiving the world. Jorinde Voigt’s largest solo exhibition to date – which builds a bridge from her early notations, reminiscent of classical conceptual art, to her most recent works that reflect the human desire to fly – traces the development of the specific system of symbols the artist uses to document and orchestrate processes of perception, imagination and thought. Curator: Stephanie Damianitsch Russell Moreton a visual artist uses simple gestures of drawn Human traces gathered and presented amongst natural materials. Exploring themes around the Human condition, vulnerability and abandonment. Materials are employed to further underpin our sense of place and time. The act and gesture of drawing adds a ephemeral mark amongst the materiality and locality of place. Currently using clay to register these themes, installing work Augury Vessel 2010 into Chapel Arts as part of their research residency programme.
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macmanx · 1 year ago
Life has existed on one planet for about 4 billion years, for all we know. But it might have started right after the Big Bang, when the universe was much stranger and more fantastic than today. A universe that might have allowed life to develop absolutely anywhere. The cosmos might be full of the seeds of life, sleeping in a dead desert, waiting for a few drops of rain to explosively bloom and grow. Tiny and not so tiny aliens might be everywhere.
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eagle-longing-for-rostau · 1 year ago
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Seeding the Earth Oh, how glorious you are Divine, sacred fire The harbinger of life The father of life You are Man and God Bless this virgin with your seed.
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onespacedown · 1 year ago
I'm not even saying I'm necessarily 100% on-board with panspermia as an explanation for the origin of life on Earth, but the fact that the most vocal opposition to the model is all so weird and reactionary is not a good look.
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