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joffyworld · 3 months ago
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Ugly and undeserving creatures cutting their hair to remind the village they are nothing more than a burden, only a threat for their animals along the hill.
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But for that lasting moment of life, the animal finds him very beautiful, unlike anything they've ever seen before.
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servin-up-surveys · 3 years ago
survey #033
“my language: international”
I didn't know people couldn't but, can you smell ants? What scent do they put off to you? WAIT, YOU MEAN I'M NOT FUCKING INSANE???????? OH MY GOD I *ACTUALLY* THOUGHT THIS WAS JUST ME. As someone living in a house that goes through seemingly seasonal ant problems, I thought I was fucking losing it when after squishing an ant and my hand came near my face, I SWEAR it smelled like some sort of bathroom cleaner and I have felt like a mental case since lmfaoooo Do you believe in an afterlife? As time wanes on, the more and more I think no, at least not in like... a fully sentient, fully aware way. Like i very confidently believe in spirits, but hell if I know what that existence is like. Maybe there is something more beyond, but I'm not gonna waste this life obsessing over it. If you had to get a tattoo of lyrics or a quote, what would it be? I am very dedicated to the plan of one day getting a Rammstein lyric that translates to "whoever knows pain is dangerous" tattooed somewhere with some sort of fire graphic (relates to the song). Even before this whole Rammstein phase started, I'd wanted this for many, many years because imo it's one of the most empowering lyrics I've ever heard. I just haven't decided exactly where I want it yet. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? I have not enough of either, haha. If life goes my way I want to be paaaaaiiiiiinted in tattoos one day, and there are a good number more of piercings I want. What do you consider to be red flags in a person? Not just personality-wise; think about professions, maybe what they drive, etc. Well, first I'd need to know if this is a friendship red flag or romantic relationship ones, because there are A LOT more for the latter. I am PIIIIIIICKY with who I'd be willing to date. I guess just to be interesting, I'll list some for relationships: trophy hunter (tbh I don't think I could even be friends with a trophy hunter), male gynecologist (just to harken back to the last survey I took), anger problems and being physical when expressing anger, having any interest in drugs, having a jacked-up and obnoxiously loud truck (it's shallow but I do not care, you as a person are fucking annoying), being overly-interested in sex and sexual activities, get the FUCK out with your fatphobia and being a "body hair is gross" piece of garbage, sexism and misogyny have no goddamn place in my relationship, nor does being primarily right-wing, etc. etc. I have Opinions when it comes to picking a partner lmao. What is a simple thing you cannot do? Like, I can't whistle for example. I also can't whistle, haha. Are you a fan of Britney Spears? Yo no shame, Britney has some damn good songs. Do I know most of them, no, but I enjoy a number of her songs when I'm in the right mood for pop. What’s something that gives you a quiet mind? The first thing that came to mind was listening to the rain in what is otherwise silence. Are you currently listening to music? Yeah, I have "Ausländer" by Rammstein on. After like three days of bingeing slowed + reverb childhood pop songs I think I might be returning to normal, haha. Have you ever held a spider? Yes, and it's one of my favorite memories featuring an animal, now being hooked on tarantulas and all. She was a very sweet Chilean rose hair. <3 Has anyone you know started a new job recently? Do they seem to enjoy it? Uhhh not that I'm aware of. Have you seen any photographs or videos that made you smile today? Hunny I'm back to actively being on Tumblr but this time in the Rammstein fanbase and people are always eager to share videos, pictures, and gifs of them being Dumb and Cute while they're touring so basically big yes Has anyone you know got into a new relationship lately? Uhhh not that I know of. If you menstruate, do you experience much PMS prior to it? I have it, but honestly I don't think AS bad (or regularly) as your normal menstruating person. Like normally all that really happens is I get a pimple or two and I'm more sensitive. I HAVE noticed that occasionally by probably more than just coincidence, I cry over something the day before I start. Do you know anyone else with the same first name as you? How many people? Two, but one is spelled differently. What is the last insecure thought you had? Something about how much I hate that I'm able to tell my skin is loosening in some places because it's going to get a whole lot worse if weight loss goes the way I want. It's such fucking bullshit that losing a certain amount of weight eventually becomes UNCOMFORTABLE because your skin doesn't just evaporate. I don't understand why such a massive accomplishment has to come with self-esteem problems. What is your most embarrassing moment? I'm not comfortable elaborating beyond my mother being home when I thought she wasn't. Who is your daddy, and what does he do? Don't... word it like that, but w/e, my dad's name is Ken (his sister's name is Barbara and you can guess her nickname lsdjkfa;lkawe) and he's a mailman. Has an old person ever been mean to you? Yes. If you had to get advice from someone of the opposite sex, who would you go to? Girt, for sure. Do you like the last person you kissed? More than that, I am absolutely in love with him. Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo? Yes to both. Did you watch the presidential debates? No. Are you typically unattracted to people outside of your race? Nope, race has nothing to do with attractiveness to me. Do you eat the crusts of your bread? Yeah, I've never understood what the bread crust hate was about... Do you think you are more intelligent than the average person? HA, no. Do you like cherries? Absolutely not, that's like my least-favorite fruit. Name a celebrity that you admire that nobody would expect you to: Jeffree Star. You CANNOT deny this man has WILD fucking worth ethic. I know in early years especially he was controversial and hasn't always been in the right, buuut I like forgiving people and letting them grow from mistakes, and for a few years now, I haven't heard anything bad about him, although granted I don't follow him as loyally as I once did. Do you like folk music? Oh my GOD no. Ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex? More than once. Do you know any lesbians? Uhhh maybe? I honestly can't say I'm sure if I know a woman who ONLY likes other women. When you were younger, were you ever in a relationship with someone you now realize was way too old for you? No. What’s the oldest man-made object you own? Ha, probably my fuckin bed frame. This shit was my GRANDPARENTS'. Then MY parents'. Now mine. It's olddddd. Do any of your friends or family members have strange occupations? Hm... I don't THINK so. Have you ever been in weather so severe that you feared for your safety? Oh yes. Have you ever used a meal kit delivery service? No. When taking a cab, do you talk to the driver? I've never been in this situation. Who or what greets you at the door every time you come home? Cookie, our little dog that basically has an asthma attack when Mom and sometimes I get home. It's apparently a normal excited reaction for chihuahuas. Roman will also usually be in the hallway watching. Do you ever chat about your favourite video games with your friends? Yep, with online buddies and then Girt is a way bigger gamer than even me so odds are you can talk to him about any game that isn't horror, lol. Do you wanna get married anytime soon? REALISTICALLY, no. BUT I do know that I can get carried away when I'm seriously in love with somebody, so there's that thought of "well why not now" every now and then that thank god I'm pretty good at shutting up because I don't exactly like the idea of rushing in and then getting a divorce, lol. I want to feel more confident in my weight and all too before I'm putting on a dress and getting pictures taken of me. Have you ever kissed someone in a band? No. WELL Girt was in the school band with me, does that count? haha Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No, but that is honestly one of my secret "man this would be cute if..." dream moments, haha. Did your mom or dad ever put soap in your mouth? No; Mom would threaten it sometimes, but it never actually happened. Have you ever dated someone with more piercings than you? No. Do you have a back-up career choice? What is it? Hunny I don't even have a first choice right now. Is there a name that you hear and cringe? I don't think I will EEEEEEEVER be able to hear "Jason" and not be uncomfortable for a few seconds. What was the last computer game you played? World of Warcraft. What colour are your dad’s eyes? Brown. How would you react if your mom told you she’s gay? That'd be... extremely shocking and I would absolutely make a joke like "but what about James Hetfield?" (love of her ACTUAL life), but of course I would support my mother deeply. When you were a kid, was there a boy/girl that you said you were going to marry? No; I was actually very much an "ew, guys/marriage" kid for a very long time. I was SO awkward with admitting when I started getting crushes. Is your favourite TV show very popular? I'm actually quite sure that Meerkat Manor was Animal Planet's most successful, highest-grossing show, at least it was at one point. Has your father met the boy you currently love? Yes, but it's been an extremely long time and the idea of Girt even seeing my dad after the movie theater incident honestly makes me nervous. I'm quite fucking sure he doesn't like him right now. Are you closer with your siblings or cousins? Well by default it has to be my sisters because I barely even know the cousins I still associate with. My sisters and I aren't very close either, but I wish we were. How many people have you really fallen for? Two. Where is your best friend? He's probably at work. I can never manage to remember his alternating schedule, but I'm pretty sure he works today because he was off not very long ago. Your girlfriend/boyfriend buys you flowers, you say? Haha probably something along the lines of, "What did you do?", before obviously saying thank you and kissing him like 20 times because it's an adorable gesture. Do you think age matters in relationship? When a minor is involved, absofuckinglutely. Even once you're 21, the idea of dating someone like, 10+ years older than yourself is... odd to me, BUT I have no moral arguments against it because you're a consenting adult that can make their own romantic decisions. I just don't think I could, I like my partner being similar in age to me. If you could make your lips bigger, would you? No, they don't bother me. Have you ever been kicked out of somewhere? Yes, Colleen's house. Her sister and I got into a fight and by some actual miracle she chose her sister to side with; I call it a miracle because their relationship was/probably still is absolute toxic shit. Have you ever intentionally trolled? No. How many siblings do your parents have? Mom has two brothers and a sister, and I THINK Dad just has a sister. Do you have a favourite sports player? No. Has anyone ever made fun of the way you pronounced something? Ha, yes. I know I say "breakfast" weird, like there's a "t" after the "k" and I've never been able to fix it. Have you ever forged a note for something at school? No. Do you like whippets and greyhounds? I do, very pretty, sleek dogs. Do you know anyone who's been adopted? I know at least one person, yes. Name someone who used to be your best friend and now you never talk to them. A lot, but one I miss the most is Hannia. I would LOVE to see her reaction to Girt and I being a couple now, haha. She was also in our little band group of friends. Tell me something really bitchy a relative has done. Oh, y'know, my grandmother disowned her daughter and got her ostracized from the Roman Catholic church for getting pregnant out of wedlock. She was a /lovely/ woman. Mom's got a bigger heart than I do for EVER caring about her, for being the person who cleaned and took care of this witch in her dying days. Have you ever found a bug in your food? Omg ew no. Your boyfriend's birthday is coming up, and you’re totally broke. What do you do? Ha, so, basically last year and what's probably gonna happen this year, too. I don't know, dude. I'll just... figure something out. When was the last time you were at a park? ... WOW okay there's two possibilities: when Sara and I were together and we took pictures there, or when I was taking photographs for a family that I'd shot a lot for. I really can't seem to remember which of those is closest. Do you feel like going to funerals helps you in the grieving process? I don't know, man. I don't even think I've BEEN to a funeral before, just a couple wakes. If humans could have their eyes be any color in the world, which color would you want? Hm... maybe like, a light purple? My instinct is to go to baby pink, but with the sclera and all I feel like it wouldn't stand out enough. OHHHH WAIT but what about maroon... or- okay you know what idk, I'd have to trial some colors first, lol.
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