#Ozodug just dreams of somehow fixing the relationship with his eldest son
ffxivtribehydrae · 3 years
#31 Desiderate
For FFxIvWrite2021 Characters: Ozodug, Dusk, Auro’usk Warnings: None
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”It’s been so good to see you! But say, where is your dear brother?”
Ozodug beamed expectantly at his sons. He’d been told Dubus was around the company as well but during all the time he spent talking with his two youngest boys, the eldest hadn’t even been sighted.
“I… haven’t seen Dubus in a while,” Dusk admitted with a moment of thought following, “I saw him… A few suns ago I think? He’s usually outside or in the kitchen.”
“Ah, outside? Maybe I didn’t look hard enough on my way here, then,” Ozodug laughed, masking the disappointment he felt.
“I’m sure he is out there still, I can go look for him!” Dusk offered and with a hopeful little exchange the youngest was off and out the door.
Left was Auro’usk, having kept his silence with a worried look. Of course Dusk didn’t know how strained the relation between Dubus and their father was, he was never there whenever they visited home and the eldest refused to even be seen. Now he hadn’t heard anything from the other either, but at least Auro’usk was used to Dubus disappearing now and again on his whims.
With a discreet sigh Ozodug turned to the other, this time his smile was sadder, not bothering to mask as much of his feelings. “He isn’t here, is he?”
Auro’usk looked almost distressed by the question, not wanting to make them sad but very much knowing the possibility was high. Noticing that, Ozodug shook his head and waved a hand to keep them from speaking.
“You just need to tell me how he is doing, or was.”
Still worried, Auro’usk bit his lip and it took a while before he spoke, “Are you okay?”
The question took him a little off guard and so he blinked a few times at that worried look he was receiving. Ozodug dropped his gaze and looked out the window where Dusk was still doing his best in finding his brother.
After waiting patiently, eventually Auro’usk got an honest response. “I can’t say I expected Dubus to be excited to meet me, but I had hoped to at least see him. See for myself how he has grown and how he is doing on his grand adventure…”
“I’m sorry…” Auro’usk struggled to think of any words of comfort, but the other only shook his head once more.
“It’s nothing you could change, Auro’usk, I’m still overjoyed to be here with you and Dusk!” His tone was growing optimistic again to cheer up the other and brighten the mood.
Truth was though that he was incredibly sad. He’d hoped to see his eldest son even if just on a distance, smiling with his brothers, see with his own eyes how he was doing and how he has grown. But even that had been too much to hope for after all these cycles of seasons.
At least it was a great comfort to be in the here and now with his two youngest.
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