thedahliafrog · 11 months
It's been a while since I posted, but I'm back now! I've got this really cool art piece I've been working on that's made almost entirely out of crochet, and I wanted to show it to you guys! It's actually based on a story from my world. This is the most recent picture I have, but I've done a lot of work on it since I last took one. (The white clear-ish things are pins to keep it on the canvas)
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Essentially, this was the sword of a great warrior from long ago. The warrior held no loyalties and fought for his own version of justice. Eventually, he died on the battlefield and faded into legend. One legend tells that he once defeated a tyrant, and took the crown for himself to serve as a warning to the wicked, while another tells that while he lived he befriended a dragon. Although there are many more stories and legends, and many are fake, these two are true, although over exaggerated. To honor the departed warrior, the dragon took the warrior's sword and placed it in the ground as a monument and hung the crown on the sword. In most cases, the sword would either be gone or in a state of great disrepair by now, but the dragon guards and cares for it to this day.
Actually, the warrior mentioned in the story was inspired by Technoblade! He's a lot different from the inspiration, and I'll post about the warrior more some other time, but I just wanted to acknowledge my inspiration here. I've always really admired Technoblade, and watching his content actually helped me through a hard time a few years ago. His content helped me remember my dreams in a way, and without that I wouldn't be writing or worldbuilding. Technoblade, the YouTuber not the character, is one of my biggest heroes, and I think will always be one of my biggest inspirations.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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thedahliafrog · 1 year
Happy WBW! ♥️ What's the section of worldbuilding that's your favorite? Feel free to gush about it or share something you've created!
Thank you so much for the ask!
My favorite section of worldbuilding is my dragons. They're literally so cool, and I've spent a while giving them a lot of lore and making sure that they aren't super overpowered. Info dump beneath the cut!
Dragons are originally from the sea, and are cursed to never be able to go back. They were created by Oliandis, the god of all water, for the purpose of protecting his treasure. As I have previously mentioned in another WBW post, Oliandis is the harshest god, and basically expects his subjects to live for him and only him. The dragons were expected to stand guard over his treasure and never leave. They had to wait to be fed and hope that the underwater people would continue to bring them offerings of food. Eventually, many of them grew tired of this, and tried to escape. Unfortunately, Oliandis is the god of all water, and could chase them wherever they went. As they fled, they prayed and asked any god willing to listen for help. When they were at their wits end and Oliandis was closing in, the goddess Grey responded to their prayers by blessing them with the ability to fly and live on land. The moment they stepped out of the water, their bodies quick morphed and changed into the needed forms. However, Oliandis, who was seething in rage, cursed then to never be able to return to their home. If any of them touched sea water, the part that touched would begin to run to stone. This included all of their descendants as well.
I don't want to info dump too much, so I'll probably save the entire explanation of dragons for a post on the worldbuilding account I'm working on, but they've got a ton more cool things I didn't talk about here.
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thedahliafrog · 1 year
First Lines Tag
Rules: show the first line of your last 10 wips
Thanks to @sender-paulson for the tag! Most of my wips are actually still in planning stage and haven't been started yet, and the ones that have been are still in first draft, so most of them will probably change.
Rules: post the first line/paragraph of your current wips
A scream echoes down the street, a crowd can be seen gathering around a young girl dressed in uniform.
(Modern AU)
Lorraine had high hopes for today.
(Twin thieves and the heist of a century)
"Hey Theo! Check out this commission we got comin' in!" the boy shouted.
(The ghost and the mad king)
Unseen to the mortal eye, a ghost pops his head through a castle wall into the courtyard.
(A god has an existential crisis)
Grey observes her system fondly, the planets of Oxiora and Crinsix orbiting Sevri’s glow.
I'll be tagging @toribookworm22, @kaiyo, @sam-glade, and @moondust-bard.
Have a nice day everyone! :)
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thedahliafrog · 1 year
Happy WBW! What's the harshest part of your world? Be it a place, a law, something character-created or otherwise, what is just HARSH?
I love this question! It really made me think. And thanks for the ask!
I think the harshest part of my world is probably Oliandis' realm. Oliandis is the god of the sea, and an all around jerk. As the god of the sea, he is one of the few gods that can properly inhabit their realm, and he rules over it with an iron fist. The Orlands, people of the sea, are known to wear jewelry, despite it impeding maneuverability. The jewelry is actually required by Oliandis, and is used as a way to track and restrain his subjects. Oliandis is erratic, someone could say something to him one day and be fine, and someone could say the exact same thing the next day and be sentenced to death. Oliandis believes his subjects only exist to serve and entertain him. Thus making his realm the harshest in the world.
Have a great day everyone! :)
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thedahliafrog · 1 year
Vantage Intro
When a loyal soldier falls in love and dies on the battlefield she makes a deal with death in exchange for her life as well as her lover’s
The Glistening Plains is thrown into war seemingly overnight, and Cleo finds herself drafted and carted off to the edges of the country. In the small town of Glenver it seems the war might end before it reaches them, and Cleo spends her days in the company of a local hybrid girl. Lorraine is sweet and kind, and Cleo's every thought seems to encompass her. But the war does reach Glenver, and in the hard of death she makes a deal to save herself and Lorraine. Now she must end the war and out the truth before time runs out, lest the death take them both.
Main Characters
Cleo - a loyal soldier of the Glistening Plains who's been stationed in a rather peculiar small town
Lorraine - a small town farm girl who's far too kind for her own good
Renth - a vain godling out for vengeance who enters in the second half of the story
Currently working on draft 3; 1k words
Found family
Governmental corruption
My Thoughts
This was my first time creating one of these so I hope it wasn't too odd! Anyways, I'm really excited for this wip! The original outline for the story was made in October of last year, and it was really just a jumble of major plot points combined with inspiration from my own exploration of self. Although progress goes pretty slow, I'm always excited to do more work on it. I think if I were to do a short explanation of the original idea for the story it would be: "Traumatized orphan turned soldier gets her emotional barriers absolutely punched in by sweet local girl, therefore inspiring her to have the biggest character arc of her life. Said soldier turns around and uses character arc to punch unjust government in the face on behalf of a goddess." Fun! I actually have plans for a story that follows events right after this one, and it's basically just a bunch of cute fluff between Cleo and Lorraine. If you read all of this, thank you so much! :)
Have a great day everyone! :D
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thedahliafrog · 8 months
Happy WBW! What are the sacred professions in your world? I don't necessarily mean religious-- but of course they can be. Just what are the high ranking, prestigious, and/or powerful jobs?
Thanks so much for the ask!!
Right now the biggest one that comes to mind is the leader of the avians. Avians have a highly religious society and their leader is the highest ranking official in their church. They select their leaders based on how blessed they think someone is. For instance, one leader of the avians was chosen because during that time period he was the goddess of death's favorite. He received multiple quests in exchange for blessings and such from her, and was renowned as one of the best leaders the avians ever had.
Thanks for reading, have a great day everyone! :D
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thedahliafrog · 1 year
Warrior's Plight & The Blood Curse
Warrior's Plight
Warrior's Plight is a type of mushroom that sprouts in the gardens of blood healers
The blood healers don't actually sow the mushrooms themselves, however when they do pop up they nurture and tend to them
Most experienced healers understand that Warrior's Plight is dangerous, should only be grown in small, very easily seen patches, and should be uprooted from any other place in the garden
This mushroom isn't prone to growing anywhere else and will only appear in a blood healer's garden
In order to survive Warrior's Plight must absorb a mixture of water and blood, and often the healers feed them with animal blood
This causes it to be very valuable on the battlefield, where a powder made of the mushroom is sprinkles onto bandages that are then wrapped around the wound of a warrior in order to stop the bleeding
However the process to create this powder is very meticulous and if not done properly the powder could instead cause the wounded to bleed more
The Blood Curse
The Blood Curse is a disease caused by the mushroom spores from Warrior's Plight
It was given this name because people didn't properly understand it and thought it was a curse from the gods
It's a very zombie esque disease
Outbreaks are very rare because most blood healers understand how to deal with these mushrooms or they are apprentices to healers who know how
However occasionally a new blood healer won't be taken under a master and will accidentally cause an outbreak
The new blood healers don't properly search their gardens for Warrior's Plight (because they don't know to) and their garden ends up overpopulated
*Warning for descriptions of sickness and death
The blood healer becomes infected as the surplus amount of spores filter into their lungs and infiltrate their blood streams
In the span of an hour the natural properties of Warrior's Plight will begin to take full effect and will block the blood, eventually trying to push it out of the body as the mushrooms begin to grow
The first three hours are the first stage of the disease, and after the fist hour the infected person will begin to frequently nosebleed and cough up blood
The second stage starts directly after this. During the first 30 minutes the infected person's body will begin to feel heavy, and after that 30 minute period the person will no longer be able to move for the next hour
The third stage is the last stage in which it is possible to cure the sickness
The infected person still retains consciousness during this stage, however no longer has any control over their body
At this point Warrior's Plight has reached the brain and will take control, searching for more hosts
During this stage blood will begin to continuously leak from the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, the infected person will begin to move again, and their body will search for the next target. Once this target is found the body will attack, seeking to infect that being as well
This stage last for around 45 minutes as the being's consciousness slowly fades
Once the body enters the fourth stage it can no longer be cured
The body will stumble around looking for more victims for an undetermined amount of time
When the body finally loses the entirety of its blood the body will collapse dead on the ground
However the corpse can still effect other beings if consumed or if the blood gets in a wound, and as such all bodies of infected should be burned
This is inspired by a dream I had. It was terrifying.
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thedahliafrog · 1 year
Writeblr Introduction
Hi, I'm Dahlia! Up until recently I mostly lurked on the internet, but I decided to start posting because I wanted to share with a community who had similar interests to me. I do a lot of in-depth worldbuilding and most of my stories are from my main world Oxiora.
You Can Also Find Me...
On Instagram, where I post about my writing, worldbuilding, books I've read, my crochet, my art, and occasionally, daily life.
On Pinterest, where I keep boards dedicated to my worldbuilding and story characters. (Some boards may be private due to spoilers)
And on Twitch, where I usually just stream video games with a casual vibe.
My Current WIPs Include...
Vantage: When a loyal soldier falls in love and dies on the battlefield she makes a deal with death in exchange for her life as well as her lover’s
An unnamed story about twin thieves, brotherhood and the heist of a century
An unnamed story featuring a ghost, a mad king and a continent at war
Tomorrow the Stars a story about a crew of sky-sailing pirates
More About My Writing
Although I do enjoy a happy ending, I also take delight in writing unhappy endings. There's just something about those gut wrenching feelings man
Who doesn't love governmental corruption? After all, no matter whether something is good in the beginning, it always becomes corrupt, take the US government for example
I love the found family trope, it is in almost everything I consume or write
That's where I'll end my intro for now, have a good rest of your day everyone! :)
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