stardusts-warriors · 5 years
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This is Owlsage and he’s my government assigned Warriors sona and I love him. That is all.
Do not tag as kin/me/about; do not use for roleplays; do not repost; do not make profit from.
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acannthuss · 5 years
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Beenettle and Owlsage, both names i found while making my profile on the official warrior cats website! I haven’t come up with solid character traits for them yet or how I’ll fit them into Five Broken Stars, but im thinking of making Beenettle a medicine cat who really hates his mom and dad (two snooty assholes) and Owlsage an airheaded sweetie who is naive and mates with the leader of ShadowClan who is actually having an affair with a kittypet. Idk! I’ll work things out!
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