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infinite-xerath · 2 months ago
Potentially Reworking Nerimazeth
One of the biggest challenges I've faced ever since Riot's initial reboot of Runeterra is answering the simple question: 'where can you find Xerath?' For a while I had him occupying some nondescript ruins vaguely somewhere in the south, since the Descent Into the Tomb trailer never bothered to specify where the Magus went after he was freed.
Eventually, Riot released their interactive map and revealed that Xerath was occupying a city called Nerimazeth, located near Mount Targon. It wasn't much to work with, but it was something. I imagine Xerath having occupied the city alongside people who he'd managed to actually convince that HE was the one true god-emperor of Shurima.
I had him occupying a tower in the middle of the city, since I liked the idea of Xerath literally lording over his subjects, and I didn't expect Riot to ever really tell us much about what the city was like. The Twilight of the Gods story that was set in Nerimazeth gave us some info, but the most prominent feature we get in that story is that Nerimazeth has an amphitheater.
Then Legends of Runeterra came along and finally revealed to us what Nerimazeth is like under Xerath's control:
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Absolutely fucked.
Xerath has evidently made no effort to make the city habitable by human standards, instead filling the ruins with big monuments made to siphon energy from the land and turning his followers into his own variant of Baccai.
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Now, I actually don't dislike this as a concept, as it finally gives us an answer as to how Xerath is trying to go about breaking his seal in the new lore. The issue is that, as a roleplayer, this presents something of a problem for me... Or more specifically, my partners.
I mean, traveling to the territory of a crazy magical demigod was already kind of tricky for some people to justify their muses doing back when that territory was an actual city. Now if other muses want to have an audience with Xerath, they have to travel through a desolate wasteland leaking arcane power and inhabited by zealous energy monsters.
So yeah, going forward, I'm going to try and find something of a middleground between the two iterations. I don't mind Xerath's territory being warped because of his nonsense, but I don't want it to be a COMPLETELY fucked-up magical wasteland that no human character in their right mind would ever venture to.))
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limitlesspossibilities · 4 months ago
//Since I beat P5 last night I am sliding a new muse onto the blog while I work on catching up in replies-
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mutantmuses · 1 month ago
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empowerxd · 1 year ago
I'm alive!
Sorry for not being around lately. Between surgery, being super sick and work, I haven't really been able to be on. I'm going to try and change that since it's the weekend.
Thanks to everyone for your patience! I really appreciate it!
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infinite-xerath · 4 months ago
I remember a common sentiment in the fanbase is that the Kindred may have little to no presence in Shurima, given how badly the Ascended/Darkin have mucked up the natural order of things. If anything, Nasus might be closer to a Shuriman death deity these days, especially since he's been in isolation long enough for legends and rumors about him to run rampant.))
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With the release of 'Chosen of the Wolf Kindred' on PBE, I just have to say that in my personal opinion, Kindred are probably the best champion design in League of Legends? And I don't say that to demean any other champion, there are some amazing heavy hitters like Jhin too, but Kindred positioned as the embodiment of death in Runeterra are surprisingly flexible and they tell us so much about the culture by way of how it depicts them.
The 'Main Kindred' we see are the Freljord depiction of them, more Primal and older than other depictions (as we've been told), and their design matches that age, essentially just two figures, one black with a bit of white, and one black with a bit of white.
Then we got 'Spirit Blossom', and unlike the simpler designs, they are much more ornate and decorated. It also shows just how much the story can change, with them being a Child and her fellow Dog companion, yet remain the same, still two which are one.
And just recently we got 'Chosen of the Wolf', the Noxian interpretation of Kindred, and they are so War-like as a nation, that even the Lamb has Wolfish features, to Noxians there is no peaceful acceptance of death, you must always fight against the dying of the night.
They are just...it's just such a malleable and interesting concept! There's so much to learn and analyze from what the different regions see. I want more! I want to see how Piltover and Zaun see them, how Shurima sees them, how Ixtal sees them, and the rest! Not just read a blurb, I want to see and learn.
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ofthecontinuum · 4 years ago
Mobilr today and wanna do things! Only logged on here though so:
•like for an ask
•comment and @ URL if for a sideblog
•also comment w/character name if you want one of the babes I’m tryna do from @stellaeluceat (or any other muse)
• ☺️
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poisonouslightslayer · 5 years ago
Bullshit and complete fake! Erza would be slayed by Grimmjow without even knowing he was there. Fairy Tail characters do not have reistsu so they can not see the dead however there is an exception if a mage is close to death they can see them, but at that point they would be killed in the blink of an eye so would it really matter? Get your facts straight. Do not compare the World of Bleach to Fairy Tail. Grimmjow is on a higher level being an arrancar, an espada sixth in the ranks back then compared to a regular human with magic. Also Erza and non slayer type mages would not be able to replenish their etherno containers without being in Ishgar so in her case once her magic is depleted she is a sitting duck and would be killed instantly. Holders types like Lucy would be worse off having to rely on an outside source of where the magic is contained and summoned through. Take away their items no magic = dead mage.Only slayer types like dragon slayers, demon and god slayers would stand a better chance because they can consume their element(s) to replenish their magic more quickly, don't have to rely on etherno in the air to only fill up their magic containers as long as they still have etherno inside of them and thus would have a better chance of survival, but in the end their chances would be slim.
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infinite-xerath · 3 months ago
May or may not have basically rewritten Shurima's entire timeline.))
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infinite-xerath · 8 months ago
Nith's an absolutely fantastic artist, guys. Consider giving her a shot!))
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Save a Bun from cutting her own tail!
Hello, usually I'm not open to asking for help but this time I'm really REALLY on a big rush. Life has hit me once more with very heavy stuff. PLEASE, please... help me pay my grandfather's funeral. I have done everything possible in my power to try and cover the expenses, yet, I'm short on 300$. Please, I really need help this time...
My commissions are open, you can find the information here.
Any donation is also welcome, I have Paypal and Ko-fi.
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infinite-xerath · 2 months ago
A part of me wants to check out the new cinematic, but a part of me just can't help feeling bitter about the state of the lore caused by Arcane. Like, I know it's not even the show's fault, I just can't help feeling spiteful about Riot's decision to further muck up their own continuity by focusing all their efforts around this one project.))
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infinite-xerath · 8 months ago
Hey guys. It's been a minute. I'm just going to be real with you all: I think I need to put this blog on a semi-hiatus. Let me be abundantly clear: I have no intention of shutting down or archiving. I enjoy roleplaying as Xerath far too much to ever give it up.
That being said, this community really isn't what it once was. League RPers are a rarity nowadays, and the few who are left seem more interested in aesthetic posts or casual threads within their friendgroup than long-term collaborative storylines. The occasional new blog I do see cropping up seems to shut down almost immediately, and I think that's partially because the community has devolved to a point where it's hard for people to feel welcome. I've been doing this for over ten years now, and even I feel like an outsider at times...
So yeah, I think I need to just officially announce that I'm taking a break from it all. Maybe a week or two, at most. To the handful of you who are still around and still willing to actually write with me: thank you, truly. I cannot say how much it genuinely means to me. I'll respond to any and all threads I owe when I get back into it.
For the time-being, though, I'm officially putting Xerath to side. It's just painful to see how far things have fallen. No one really sends asks or prompts, hardly anyone seems particularly committed to threads, and the vibe just isn't as fun anymore. Sorry if this sounds overly-pessimistic, but it's how I genuinely feel.
Anyways, I'll be back. I promise you that. In the meantime, have a good one.))
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infinite-xerath · 4 months ago
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I'll see if I can get some owed replies done a bit later, but for now I'm taking the day to enjoy myself.))
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infinite-xerath · 11 months ago
Figure I may as well share this here as well.))
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infinite-xerath · 10 days ago
Still here. Still active, if only just. I'm not even really sure if the League RPC still exists, but I persist regardless.))
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infinite-xerath · 1 month ago
Been workshopping a few potential origin stories for Xerath's herald on the side.))
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infinite-xerath · 2 months ago
Did a thing recently.))
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