#Outer Streets Inner Peace
harrisonarchive · 5 months
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In New York City, Spring of 1970. Photo by Tim Boxer.
“There was a point in my life where I realized anybody can be Lennon/McCartney, you know. ‘Cos being part of Lennon/McCartney really I could see, you know, I could appreciate them — how good they actually are. And at the same time I could see the infatuation that the public had, or the praise that was put on them. And I could see everybody’s a Lennon/McCartney, if that’s what you wanna be. But the point is nobody’s special. There’s not many special people around. And somebody else... If Lennon/McCartney are special, then Harrison and Starkey are special, too. That’s really — what I’m saying is that I can be Lennon/McCartney too, but I’d rather be Harrison, you know.” - George Harrison, interviewed by Howard Smith for WABC, 1970 George was also interviewed by reporter, columnist and editor of The Yonkers Herald Statesman, Gwen Hall. Her son, Mitchell, recalled: “Interviewing a Beatle was cool although she didn’t let me go with her.” (activerain.com) “Meditation — chanting gives me peace and rest, it’s a process to get away from the chaos of the world. New York needs it badly. I walk down the streets — I see so many, so hostile, shouting at each other, causing arguments. It’s all such a waste of time. Inner satisfaction transcends all outer chaos.” - George Harrison, The Yonkers Herald Statesman, May 1, 1970 George stopped by The Beatles Fan Club office, unannounced. “Sandi asked why he wouldn’t smile for pictures and he said, ‘You don’t have to smile outwardly to be smiling inwardly. I’m always smiling.’” (Harrison Herald, July 1970) And lastly, during this NYC visit, George recorded totgehet with Bob Dylan at Columbia Studios (reported by Rolling Stone on May 23rd of that year). (x)
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Prohibition AU: The Family
The Outer Circle
These members have a limited amount of knowledge into the scale or even the degree-of-illegality of Naven's empire (Bliss Ocean).
Molly Blyndeff, trudging through hard times with an uncaring family, Ms Blyndeff has been quietly emancipated in exchange for her eyes, ears, and unassuming demeanor. A little spy in short.
Trixie Roughhouse, a close friend of Molly's with a fascination with concoctions. Upon introduction, they were assigned to be apprenticed in moonshining at one of Naven's underground distilleries, though they personally prefer experimenting for unknown product.
Phoenica Fleecity, another friend of Molly's. She isn't of much use in criminal activities (also the least informed of Naven's doings), but her generous allowance does help grease the financial side of activities she has no business knowing about.
Howie Honeyglow, an engineer and construction contact of Naven's. He provides maintenance and solves any lack of facilities for 'business activities', by building them up in record time with little excess charges.
Giovanni Potage, leader of a band of misfits who broke off from another street gang; now in Naven's employ. As mentioned in a previous post, he provides the majority of grunt work in Sweet Jazz City for Bliss Ocean. His talent lies in his rousing leadership which keeps morale steady no matter the branch, much to Naven's surprise. Hosts weekly hotpot nights for his brothers (in-arms).
Percival King, the officer who chose peace. She sees Naven as a major businessman with some connections to the criminal underworld; thus a deal was struck where Percy cooperates with Naven in removing the violence on the streets (and kills off competition) while Percy avoids further investigating Naven's influence that made the deal possible.
Indus Tarbella. Formerly Mera's self-declared servant and bodyguard, he now provides security and butler-like services in extension to Naven as a means to remain close to Mera.
The Inner Circle
Everyone here has blood on their hands. These are the men and women who initiates and executes the family's plans. Aka Bliss Ocean Proper.
Zora Salazar: former bounty hunter, gunsmith, and living action film 'protagonist'. Once carried out a hit halfway across the country within a single day by jumping off a wing of a plane midair onto a passing train to cut time. She usually works alone over larger distances outside of Sweet Jazz City.
Mera Salamin, the main (once) licensed surgeon and occasional strategist. She was out of a career after leaving glass shards in a patient and former co-worker who allegedly harassed her. But her swift manner of action caught Naven's attention, and she refuses to play on the sidelines this time.
Ramsey Murdoch is the accountant and financial advisor, mainly for Naven's legitimate ventures but also reaffirms good and competitive business sense for an empire balancing its legal and illegal standings. Whilst Naven is a great dealmaker, Ramsey makes those bigger deals possible.
The Driver is Naven's eyes on the city, as well as his personal companion. Always (seemingly) a different person to outsiders, some speculate that Naven has Sweet Jazz City's private chauffeurs under his patronage. Though in reality, Yoomtah Zing is a master of disguise and has a more hands-on role in managing Naven's criminal operations alongside Mera.
Naven Nuknuk, former arms dealer to the IRA and the man who came from selling apples to apple cider. He is just a small fish in comparison to the big bosses in New York or Chicago, no need to pay heed to him! (The FBI certainly doesn't anymore)
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hazbinextgeneration · 10 months
Housed Hearts Ch4 New Home New Faces
(Dom Hus belongs to Bileshroom. Art is by me. From here on out I will reference and use info from the games House Hunted 1 and 2 by Mortisfox. I don't know if Dom will be canon to the story or not but I wanted to add him as a fun cameo.)
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It was so helpful of Ivy to help her locate an affordable car in her price range.
Rose had decided that she was definitely going to get a car and desperately needed it after painfully carrying one heavy box after another all the way a few streets over to Heim's house only to repeat the process three times. Her arms and back were sore for a bit after. Although Heim seemed ecstatic to find out Rose would be the one to personally work with him now. Although Rose decided then and there that taking the bus would not be convenient anymore. So it was off to the local newspapers and net for any ads for a pre-owned car. No way she could afford a brand new model. However she happened to mention her search in passing to Ivy when she called to check in on how the first day of her new job and not a few days later she mentioned to her about someone who she knew that needed to sell his old pick up truck. It wasn't the best by any means, and the truck definitely needed some work done but it was a functional truck. It drove her places and it was something she could afford so Rose didn't complain about it so much. It definitely helped her in delivering those heavy boxes to Heim. Speaking of Heim, he seemed to be doing better in life too. By now all the small cracks in his outer shell had disappeared, his lawn was better full and green, and the graffiti bit was gone from his inner illusions and the 'sofa' was no longer looking torn. Still scuffed up but no longer torn up. Obviously he still had a long way to go especially with the state of his roof but it was a great start! So she continued to feed him between the feedings he'd already get from the Mayor's office. Although he still insisted on eating large amounts of fast foods. So maybe it wasn't the nutrition of the food that was helping him but the fact he was being kept constantly full? Or maybe the addition of nutritious foods was boosting his body's healing abilities?
She wasn't sure which one it was but she was glad that it was working out. She also slowly began to trust Heim more and more until it was to the point she felt comfortable with just walking right in. Although Rose still refused to be inside Heim whenever he digested anything. Not that she didn't trust him at this point but she'd rather not be in the same place as digesting food. Luckily Heim was nice enough to understand completely and didn't make a big deal about her decision. She had become friends with a REALTOR. Not sure anyone could claim that but it didn't bother her so much. It was nice to have a friend who didn't mind her view on things. Also the extra hundred dollars a month didn't hurt either. Things also seemed to be getting better for her. She had gotten a call from the housing department. They had found her a house for her at last! And it wasn't too far from here or from Heim as well even if it was a little bit farther away from her workplace than she'd like. Oh well. She wasn't going to complain about it now. 
She moved out of the apartment and organized a moving truck as soon as she could. Even telling Heim about it all. He seemed upset she wasn't going to be so close but she wasn't going to be too far away either. Still technically within walking distance for him. She'd be able to see him regularly still, after all he still needed help getting better. With everything still mostly packed it was only a matter of piling everything into a moving van, and driving to the address given to her. The drive was only an hour away and it was just on the outskirts of Normal Business District. A neat suburban district quiet and peaceful. Just like she wanted. She followed the address until she got to a nice looking small house with her moving van in front of it. Already there was a few movers lifting heavy objects out and slowly bringing them into the open garage. The house itself was a pretty cream color with a beige roofing. A decently sized front and back lawn was included in the package deal. Already she was planning out the garden she's always wanted. She'll plant beautiful flowers and a tree in the front and grow food in the back. Oh! She should also put a bird bath in the middle of the flowers! That'd really bring them together.
With a smile the truck slowly came to a park in front of the house and Rose exited to stand before her new home. This was it. Her very own house. After so long. She walked out onto the lawn with a smile. This was it. She was finally home. 
"Ah! Good evening!" She jumped and whirled around. Blinking widely as she came face to face with a red coat. She blinked for a moment before looking down. Black pants and..heels? Met her eye before she looked back up quickly and was met with the widely smiling face of an older man around six feet tall. He held his hands behind his back in a professional pose and tilted his head of grey hair at her. "I see you're a new face around here." He sounded both interested and slightly happy. "Are you perhaps with the gentlemen moving those boxes inside the home?"
Rose blinked taken aback. She hadn't even heard him walk up on her. Eventually she shook her head and looked up at him. "No. Technically not. I'm actually moving in."
"Ah! A buyer! HOME buyer that is," he quickly corrected himself. "Allow me to introduce myself." A hand was placed on his chest as he smiled proudly. "Maison Talo. Number one REALTOR in all of Uncanny Valley. And surely I can help you find your dream home today." Quickly the hand on his chest pulled out a card from his coat's breast pocket and held it out to her. "My card."
....Wait a darn minute.
Rose slowly took the card from his hand and looked it over. On it read 'Maison Talo #1 REALTOR Uncanny Valley' followed by a phone number. ....Oh. OH! Oh no. Now she knew why this felt so familiar to her. Her eye looked back up to the wide, proud smile on his face. It was another REALTOR. Only this time the lure cord on this REALTOR was well hidden unlike Heim's. Ah. So another encounter with the species happens. She smiled at the card before looking back up to this Mr. Talo and then did something that he might've never had done to him before.
"Thank you but I think you should have this back." With an amused smile she held the card right back to his face. "As you can see I already have a house and don't need your services."
The REALTOR's face dropped into one of stunned silence. He didn't say anything as he almost went cross eyed to stare at the card she so bluntly refused to take... before he quickly seemed to regain his composure and smiled again. He chuckled at her and slowly pushed her hand back to her. His skin had a similar plant texture to Heim although it was slightly different. A bit softer.
"Keep it! I'm sure I can find you a much more comfortable abode to dwell in than this simple, old structure of worn out wood.'' He insisted with a wider smile while subtly insulting her new home. Classy. "Give me a call if you change your mind. I have a home that's just STARVING for attention."
Her brow rose amused. "I'm sure you do. I'll surely think about it."
"I know you will. I bid you a good day my dear potential buyer."
He didn't say another word before turning on his heel and starting to walk away from her down the street from them. Amused she watched him walk away before looking down along his back until she got to his feet. Ah! And there was the lure cord sticking out from one of his pants leg. Clever. With an eye roll she turned back to her new home. Nice try but she wasn't about to fall for his tricks. Besides she had more important things to worry about. Like getting her furniture set up and transferring her mail here. Her first few days were rather busy. Furniture arrangements, work, and checking up on Heim being a few of them. But eventually everything came together and she was able to wind down enough to fully enjoy her home without being so busy. Now what? Well now seemed like a good time as any to go introduce herself to her new neighbors. So one Friday when she had work off and nothing else to do that day, that's exactly what she did. She started with the houses across from the street from her first. Knocking on doors and smiling at all kinds of faces. Smiling and introducing herself to them as the new neighbor. There was mixed responses and different faces. A sweet old lady. A sleepy looking business man. A friendly young couple. Cute little kid. An annoyed disheveled guy in a robe that slammed the door in her face-... Good times. Then she got to her side of the street doing the same thing. However she paused at one house. It was literally the one right next to hers to the left. It was your typical house. 
A VERY NICE looking house.
Two stories tall with a garage. The outside of which was surprisingly very clean looking and looked as if someone just finished building it and slapped on a fresh coat of paint. Not a shingle was missing and not a single dirt stain was on the homes walls. Even the windows looked clear as crystal. The lawn was perfectly maintained and grown lighting up a beautiful bright green that had her impressed. And lastly was a perfectly paved driveway leading up to the garage and sidewalk leading to the front door without a single crack in the concrete. But what was the most curious thing was the sign planted right smack dab in the middle of the yard that read 'House For Sale.'  Oh. Was the housing department also selling this house? It looked pretty nice but she doubted she'd be able to afford that. But a movement in one of the windows caught her eye. Someone just walked past one of the windows although it was too quick to see who it was. Ah. Guess whoever was selling the house hadn't moved out yet. Well if they were in the process of moving out then they weren't going to be here for much longer so they probably wouldn't know each other for very long. There was probably no reason for her to introduce herself to this neighbor then...But  she might as well since she was going around introducing herself. So with a smile she walked up the driveway and up to the door extending a hand to knock loudly on it. And waited. There was silence for a long moment before the doorknob turned and the door opened. Rose froze and the man on the other side blinked surprised.
It was the REALTOR she had encountered here days before!!
Mr. Talo stood there blinking in surprise at her before he seemed to shake off the initial shock to smile widely at her. "Well if it isn't my dear potential buyer!" He greeted brightly opening the door all the way. "I was right about you changing your mind about my offer I see! No doubt the luxurious sight of this one of a kind house caught your eye! Not that I blame you! It is quite a catch!" He proudly puffed out his chest.
Her eye blinked. ...Wait. If THIS was a REALTOR....Then that must mean this house was his- Her eye looked past him into the house behind him. It looked like a giant living room complete with a top leather sofa and other high end furniture that looked like they could've come from one of those fancy stores where everything was expensive. Everything also looked so clean and polished. Clearly whoever he was his illusions were top notch unlike Heim's. Although she knew those were only for show and nothing else. Rose looked back up to him as he smiled almost hungrily at her and took two steps back and shook her head.
"No. I'm just going around and introducing myself to everyone. Sorry. Besides I already have a home. Remember?" She gestured to her home literally right next to his house. "You were there when I was moving in."
His smile disappeared for a moment before it came back wider. "Ah. But you haven't seen a house quite like THIS one I assure you."
"And I can assure you that I already have.'' She then Crossed her arms and smiled. "I also know for certain that if I step inside you'll literally eat me alive." He paused the smile straining on his face. "So you'll excuse me if I refuse the offer."
The strained smile faded to a frown as he continued to stare at her before humming. "You are aware of me?"
"Of you and my friend who's also a REALTOR and a lot of your kind. I will say that you genuinely had me surprised. I wasn't expecting a REALTOR to literally be right next door." Her eye again scanned the insides before looking at him again with a smile. "But I'll give credit where it's due. I've never seen illusions so perfect and fancy looking. You must've had a lot of time to perfect your methods."
He blinked slowly at her as if caught off guard by the comment before smiling. "But of course! I am the number one REALTOR in Uncanny Valley after all!"
"Although I would change the color of your curtains." He again blinked and turned his head as she pointed inside. "The sickly yellow clashes with the walls. It would look better if they were white or a beige color."
"Oh..Is that so?" He hummed in thought as he narrowed his eyes at the illusions. "I'll keep that in mind." He then turned to her again smiling. "I don't suppose you'd like to come in and perhaps tell me more of your thoughts? You seem to have an eye for decor."
She chuckled. "Nice try but no. It was nice meeting you Mr. Talo but I have other neighbors to introduce myself to. You have a nice day."
He blinked as she then turned on her heel and started to walk away before again turning to his  insides and humming again. "White eh?"
Rose was just happy to get out of there despite the fact that he hadn't made a move to grab her or anything. Luckily he hadn't. She's heard horror stories of REALTORS starting to grab people to eat like flies in a Venus fly trap but he hadn't tried that. He just seemed insistent on her to come inside which was a red flag and a dead give away. But she had other things to worry about other than a REALTOR living next door. Like her work and finally getting her garden set up. All she needed was some materials and a few plants from work. Surely they wouldn't mind her borrowing a few things if she asked her bosses nicely and explain it was for her garden. 
During her stay there she had been infact informed that she was going to be assigned to feed yet another REALTOR by the name of Dom Hus. According to the address she was given, he was in fact located almost on the other side of Normal Business District but still within driving distance to herself. Alright. No problem. Although she was going to be delivering Heim's boxes first. The new address brought her near the middle of the district and into a similar suburban area only it was more upper class with slightly bigger houses and that look where you could tell that this was probably where all those well off business people in this district lived. Her old pick up truck sure looked plain compared to all them. Eventually she came to a giant blue house that was only two stories but was rather large. White trimming framed the windows and doorways and on the top roof was two chimneys. Similar to Mr. Talo's home, this was a very nice looking house. With the truck parked, Rose excited and went for the back seat where the first of a few boxes were stationed. Whomever this REALTOR was, they sure must've been more on the carnivorous side because most of the boxes labeled for this guy was meat. Mostly prime cut steaks. With the first box in her arms, Rose walked slowly up the driveway however she wasn't expecting to look back up and literally come face to face with the REALTOR whom wasn't there a moment before...Or if he was she didn't notice because he was standing to her right which was her blind side. 
A pair of footsteps approaching caught the tall man's attention. His back was to her at first but his head had turned and saw her. "Ah. There you are."
Rose jumped at the male voice jolting up and to the right before pausing again. Sweet fuzzy regular guys. THIS GUY WAS HUGE!! He must've at least been almost eight feet tall!! His body's colors matched the theme of the house as well. His hair was a snow white with his eyes being a blur sclera and white pupil. A deep blue coat with white stripes was thrown over a white turtleneck sweater while the pants and shoes he spotted were a black. And like all REALTORS he spotted some form of house pin and a pocket where she spotted a few cards sticking out. Rose could only stare as he smiled widely at her hands held behind his back. 
"I was expecting you sooner or later," he spoke calmly and Rose could see the fangs inside his mouth. The eyes he had went from her face to the box she carried. "Ah. And I was certainly expecting this." He turned his full front to her now swaying the thick cord jutting out from his neck. HOLY COW!! This guy looked pretty strong! "You even delivered it in record time. Marvelous!"
.... Eventually Rose shook her head before giving a slightly weary smile up at him. "Right. If you were the one expecting me then that must make you a Mister Dom Hus. Am I correct about that?"
He chuckled deeply before leaning over at the waist and she remained calm as he tilted his head at her. "You are. My I have the name of my new provider in return?"
"Rose Willow. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Hus." She then held up the box. "If you would be so kind to grab this I have to get the others."
He hummed as his attention went back to the box she held and a larger pleased grin spread across his face. "Oh. What do we have here?"
"Steak?" She blinked as he asked rather loudly and seemed to light up at her or more specifically the box she had. "I haven't had that in four months."
She blinked as he looked happy.. before leaning to left...and then giggled. Which caused him to look back at her in question. Her expression turned to one of amusement. "Your tail coats wag?" He immediately paused. "That's pretty cute."
Unlike the previous REALTORS his response was instant. Snapping his head back up and clearing his throat loudly. "Well...We all have our quirks." Again he smiled like he wasn't caught red handed doing something charactistally cute and she blinked as a rather large hand grabbed hers to hold it up to his face. "But traveling all the way here must have been exhausting for you. Perhaps I could offer you a spot indoors to sit down and relax for a while?"
Her brow rose. "How kind but flattery will get you no where, Mr. Hus."
He chuckled back. "Can't blame a house for trying. Perhaps next time."
Her hand was kissed by him and she rolled her eye. "Such a gentleman."
She was sure meeting a lot of interesting people with this new side gig. REALTORS were sure intriguing to meet... Although she was confused about one thing. If they wanted to assign her a new REALTOR to feed why did they give her one that was so far away when she was living right next to one? Or why give her a home next to a known REALTOR anyways?...They probably figured she'd be fine with it since she didn't mind Heim being around. It sure would've been nice to know she was going to be living next to one though. What if Maison had been one of those dangerous ones she's heard about? She could've been in danger. She'd be sure to call Ms. Ivy and tell her about her concerns hopefully this won't happen again then. Well imagine her surprise when she was pulling up into her driveway and spotted a certain REALTOR walking back up his own driveway.
"Good evening, Maison," she called from her position of getting out of the truck. At hearing his name, the REALTOR stopped and turned in question. Rose smiled and gave a wave before slamming the door closed behind her. "Out again? Isn't it getting a little late to do 'business'? I don't think too many people would be out this late. Then again this is a business district so maybe people are working all kinds of crazy hours around here."
Maison just...blinked as Rose spoke to him. His head looked around him as if questioning if he was the person she was talking to before deciding to greet her with his usual smile. "Ah! Well if it isn't my dear potential buyer! Why yes! After all being the number one REALTOR in all of Uncanny Valley means I am rather busy. Have to keep on top of I wish to live up to my name's sake. I've also been updating my furniture arrangements lately. Perhaps you'd like to come over and see for yourself."
"Yeah..No thank you. I think you should know by now that I won't be tricked into going inside but It's a good effort."
He was caught off again by the blunt tone and just kinda stood there staring at her for a while before humming and blinking. "...I see. Well what number one wouldn't I be if I was nothing but determined?"
"Uh huh." A low rumbling suddenly sounded out and it caught her off guard enough to jump and turn her head in the direction it came from. "What was that?"
It was then the smile strained on Maison's face and he seemed almost.. embarrassed? "*ahem* Well. It would seem that all this work has built up quite an appetite for myself."
Her head snapped to him eye wide. "That was YOU?! Haven't you gotten your monthly feeding today like every other REALTOR?" 
Again his smile strained as he looked off at nothing. "I don't actually require their assistance. I have an almost perfect streak of success!"
"I heard that almost. And clearly not if your main body is growling loud enough for us to hear all the way out here." Her brow rose as she flung an arm at the home. "When's the last time you ate anything?"
Again he was silent for a moment before smiling again. "Ah. Well you see dear buyer being the number one REALTOR comes with it's responsibilities. I'm not like the other REALTORS you see. I take great care in what I do unlike those who simply only want a quick snack."
Her eye narrowed and arms crossed. "... You're talking about the recent problem with REALTORS snatching up people for food."
He chuckled. "Your wig is quite fierce, you catch on fast. Yes. It's become so hard here in the Valley to find buyers. The others REALTORS have taken to simply snatching and running. Quite barbaric. Wouldn't you agree?"
Rose nodded again in agreement. That was one thing that they could both agree on.
Maison shook his head waving a hand. "No, no. My value is much, much higher! I find only the finest buyers to incorporate into something much greater than themselves. I can't just have any tenants to eat now can I? I have my standards and I will not stop to such low behaviors."
Rose hummed in surprise. "A REALTOR with some good standards. Color me impressed." He smiled obviously proud of her compliment. "But wouldn't it be helpful for you if you were also part of the Mayor's feeding program?" By now she assumed someone as prideful as him probably wasn't a part of the program. That..and if he was it was odd he wasn't fed when all the others were. "It's obvious that you're really hungry."
He again waved off her concerns. "Nonsense. I have been doing well by myself for years. I always come out on top."
"You just said it was hard to get 'buyers' though? How do you expect to get food when it's hard getting someone in your house?"
"Hm. I will admit it does get tiring controlling this albeit handsome, cumbersome little lure." A proud hand placed itself on his chest as she became amused again.
He sure liked to brag about himself huh? A little bit braggy but not on a narsassitic level. It was more amusing than anything else to her and she couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh yes. You're probably the most handsome REALTOR in the Valley." 
Rose had said it in a more playful manner but it was still enough to catch him off guard blinking for one moment before smiling wider. "Yes. Quite impressive isn't is? With such an attractive lure it's become quite easy to bring in such tasty, prospective buyers the old fashioned way. I suppose it's just my luck to be so gorgeous naturally. It's clearly no wonder how I became the number one REALTOR-"
"And it's clearly no wonder why you're having so many problems too." He blinked as she finally slammed the truck door shut and pointed at him. "Your pride is altering with your head if you ask me. Just a moment ago you said it was hard tricking people and then you contradict yourself by saying you're having an easy time doing it.  I think your pride and ego is getting in the way of you having success with handling your hunger and your hunger is making you more pushy to your 'clients'. All three of those factors just make you come off as unlikable to the average person. That might be why you're having a hard time."
Maison froze smile straining before the smile slowly faded to a blank face as he just... stared back at her blankly. Almost shocked looking. Not humming or making a move until another loud rumble noise interrupted the awkward silence causing both to again turn to the main body of one Mr. Talo...to which Rose hummed in thought at it. 
"I'd better get going. I have some work to do before bed. Good night, Mr. Talo."
With a small wave to him, Rose turned and left while the eyes of the lure blinked following her movements before looking slowly at his own home with a single hum escaping him.
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chetchad · 4 months
Pointless Denies
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(Brad Vickers x FEM!reader)
CW; dead dove, rape/non-con, forced pregnancy, car sex, squirting/female ejaculation, Brad's an actual creep, non-consensual ovulation tracking, restraints, panties as gag, abstinent!reader, baby trapping
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The soft sound of rain pelting on the windows echoed throughout the small room, along with wet schlicks, and puffs. It was hot and sticky in Brad's bedroom, the alarm clock reading 3:37 A.M, and the covers of the bed kicked to the floor by Brad himself.
Brad's hand clenched around his cock, the bottle of lube hazardously thrown to the other side of his bed. One hand on his dick, while the other holds a Polaroid picture Jill had taken of you and left on her desk.
Your pretty lips pulled into a grin, gorgeous eyes closed with your smile, and fingers held up in peace signs.
Fuck did it make Brad's prick hard and weepy.
Brad has lost count on how many times he's fisted his cock to thoughts of you. To this same damn picture.
The thought of your lips wrapped around his cock while he coos little praises at you? He has to hold back from calling your house number and just having you tell him about your day. Fuck, maybe he can get you to describe your pretty pussy for him if he asks nicely enough.
He's imagined it. Don't get him wrong, he's not lazy. He just wants to hear you describe it. Word for word at what you're seeing between your thighs.
Is it puffy or not? Outer lips engulfing the inner ones? Or inner folds hanging past the outer ones? Fuck, he loves both thoughts. He's never been this sex crazed, hormonal, and constantly horny since he was a teenager.
Brad remembers waking up every morning with wood from the ages of eleven to twenty-four. After twenty-four and five, he calmed down. Sure, he still got them sometimes, but it was like, once in a blue moon.
“F-fuck…” Brad whimpered, moving his hand with experience. His eyes were squeezed shut, his brunet hair stuck to his forehead with sticky sweat.
“B-baby girl!” Brad quietly wailed, mind filled with thoughts of your little pucker taking his cock so well.
“C-cum for daddy?” Brad's hand moved faster, peeking down to look at his leaky tip, the pink head wet with pre and lube. With a little rub of his thumb on the tip, cum spurted out of the tip and painted his knuckles white.
Brad's words to himself sounded more like a question than a demand. Of course it would be a question. Brad could never see himself hurting you or depriving any pleasure or comfort from you.
Or so he thought.
Brad sat in the driver's seat of his little sedan, you seated in the passenger seat while you stared out the window. Brad tried to ignore the throbbing in his pants, but the smell of your perfume was too much for him to handle.
“Wonder when it's going to stop raining.” You pondered.
It was an innocent question that went straight to his dick.
The way your skin glowed in the lights of the street lamps was oddly romantic to him. Brad always labeled himself as a romantic and a family type of guy. He wanted kids. A nice little family and a wife to grow old with? Definitely one of his dreams.
“I-i dunno.” Brad replied, squeezing the steering wheel, knuckles turning white with the force of his clutch.
“Soon I hope. I wanna start going on nice little walks again.” You mumbled, leaning back in the seat with a sigh, before looking over at Brad with a smile. “Thanks for the ride. I appreciate it.”
A drip of pre was already soaking into Brad's lap. A forced smile making itself known on Brad's lips while his brown eyes glanced over at you. “No…no problem. I don't have much going on anyway.”
Brad had been contemplating on the entire way to your apartment complex. Should he find a little secluded spot and try to seduce you? This is his last chance to do so. Brad turned onto a little road, and parked next to an abandoned 7-Eleven.
No going back now.
You looked over at Brad with confusion, “Is something wrong with the car?”
Brad's heart clenched at your question, wondering if he should even go through with his disgusting plan.
You were just a kid compared to him. Only twenty and baby-faced. Hell, he heard Joseph and Chris egging you on to hear about your last fuck. Only to almost cry when he heard you were still a virgin and abstinent.
Explains why you didn't return any of his advances.
But, Brad deserved this. Putting up with those fucking idiots all day and captain Wesker who had his head so far up his own ass he was in his mouth? He fucking earned a little girl to toy with. Driving you around with gas prices these days? A buck thirty-three? He's not Milburn Pennybags himself.
He fucking earned a little girl to toy with.
Brad knew you didn't have any of your equipment on you at the moment. You left yours at the office since you claimed that you were too accident prone to have not only another knife but a gun too, in your possession.
Brad shifted the car into park and pulled the key out, turning the engine off. Brad leaned back into his seat, staring up at the ceiling of the car, and unbuckled his seat belt. Reaching up, Brad turned the light on so they could see a little bit better.
He's really going through with this? Brad's really going to get his way no matter what you say? Yes. Brad needs this.
“Sweetheart, will…will you get in the back?” Brad asked shakily, remembering that it was a nickname that everyone but him and Wesker called you. It was cute when it was coming out of Jill and Chris’s mouth.
But Brad?
In this sense?
It was just creepy and weird when he did it. Maybe if it was at the office, and just in an endearing and innocent way, it would be a tad bit better. Here, in the car, while it's raining, next to a run down 7-Eleven? It doesn't seem all that cute now.
“Um…no…?” You replied with unease, your hand itching to the door handle.
Brad went into full panic mode, immediately pressing the lock button on his door, and staring at you with wide eyes. “Please? Just…just give me a chance.”
You stared back at his brown doe-like eyes, an almost innocent look if it was not for the raging hard-on in his cargos. But, again you were startled like a little fawn who just watched its mother get flung across the road by a truck going eighty down the freeway.
“No, you psycho!” You yelled with slight anger, trying for the door. “Unlock the damn door!”
You turned around and flinched back when you were met with a teary eyed Brad who held his knife towards your neck, “Just please get in the back. I-i don't want to hurt you!”
What is he doing? The sharp tip of his combat knife dug into the soft skin of your neck, causing a bead of crimson life to prickle to the surface.
You nodded your head, tears of your own welling in your eyes while you unbuckle your seatbelt and climb over the console box into the back seat. You sat in the back now, the seats heavily inclined back due to the design, so you were practically staring up at him instead of at him.
“T-take off your clothes.” Brad added with a little bit of anger, still holding the knife to scare you.
The anger confused you. Why is he so mad? You thought he liked you with how much he awkwardly flirted.
“N-no!” You denied, fat, salty tears rolling down your cheeks.
Brad let out a frustrated whimper, reaching over and grabbing your wrists with one hand while the other held the knife tightly. You still writhed and begged him to stop, kicking your legs widely.
“Just do it! Goddamn.” Brad hissed, pressing the knife into the fabric of your pant leg, making you stop kicking them.
Small hiccups slipped past your lips, while you only nodded with obedience. Brad slowly pulled the knife away and let go of your wrists, while you grabbed the end of your shirt, pulling it off over your head.
Oh. Oh wow. Such nice fucking tits you have. The way they almost spill out of the light purple cups? It can barely keep those bad boys contained!
You shakily untied your boots, little forced apologies slipping past your lips when you took almost three minutes on each boot. After toeing the boots off and peeling your sock off, you hesitantly stripped your pants off.
Brad quickly unbuckled his belt and fumbled with his button and fly, digging into his boxers and pulling his rock hard dick out. Brad gripped the base of it, stroking up to the head and back down to the root.
“T-take your underwear off.” Brad hissed, gnawing on his bottom lip and watching you peel your plain white bikini panties and expose the piece of you he's wanted to see since he met you.
Fucking-A. It's gorgeous. Puffy inner labia. Puffy outer too? Brad wishes he could see your fat little clit.
“Spread them.” Brad breathed out, his eyes fluttering shut while his own hand worked magic on himself.
You reached down, small little sobs slipping past your parted lips while you spread your folds.
Brad almost came just at the sight of your velvety pussy on display for him. “Play with your clit for me…”
You tossed your head back with shame, lightly toying with your little clit. Brad heavily breathed at the sight of your finger delicately playing with your cunt, his fist moving faster around his prick.
“Faster.” Brad whined, bucking into his hand, and immediately pulling his hand away when he almost finished while he watched you move your fingers faster with inexperience.
You let out a cry when Brad tackled you and pinned you against the back seat, humping his hips against your while he rubbed his cock against your pussy.
Brad pressed a hand against the base of your neck and lifted you up to his chest, reaching back and fumbling with the clasp of your bra. Brad dropped you back on the seat, ripping the bra from your chest and tossing it to the front seat.
Brad smirked at the sight of your pretty breasts, and puffy nipples that were erect from the cool air.
Brad reached down and pinched at your nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and index fingers, ignoring your shaky pleas for him to stop.
Brad gave your left tit a sharp slap, making you wail out in pain and sob. Brad tsked, flicking at your abused chest a few more times before trailing his hands down to your hips and flipping you over on your stomach.
Brad grabbed your wrists and one of your discarded socks, tying your wrists behind your back and grabbing your panties, shoving them into your mouth to muffle your cries.
Brad rested his head between your shoulder blades, guiding his cock between your folds and grunting softly when he felt a slight resistance.
You still had your hymen intact? Brad figured that girls who had them, broke them somehow. Whether with fingers, dicks, or even a fucking bike seat. Brad always assumed that it would be broken if you had one. But now he's freaking ecstatic that he gets to pop a girl's cherry.
Not just any girl.
But you.
Brad choked out little sobs, “I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
He really wasn't. He just wanted sympathy from you while he shoves his cock into your tight virgin pussy like he was being forced to.
Brad kept pushing his hips against your ass, letting out a pleased moan when he slipped in your snug channel. His pleasurable moan almost drowned out your muffled pain cry. You were not used to the burning and unfamiliar fullness in your lower half.
Brad pressed kisses all over your back, one hand toying with your tits while the other reached down and rubbed at your clit. Brad didn't wait to start pounding into your pussy, feeling the blood that came from your just broken hymen slick the movements up a bit.
Brad brown hair tickled the back of your neck while he sucked hickeys on your back, one hand toying with a nipple while the other pinched your clit.
You screamed around the pair of panties, thrashing underneath his weight. You hated yourself and him for overwhelming pleasure washing over your shaking form in gallons. Pants and whines muffled around the panties, while Brad plowed you without intent of slowing.
He should really stop. He hates that he's what's causing you so much pain, but is also thriving that he's producing so much pleasure for you.
Your thighs shook when Brad's cockhead kept nailing that spot deep in you that you didn't even know about. The feelings sent stars in your vision, tears rolling down your cheeks while an overwhelming feeling of pressure that felt like it was resting in your bladder pained you.
You panicked, this was an odd unfamiliar sensation that you've never really felt before. It was like, needing to pee, times six thousand. You didn't want to piss on Brad's cock and in his car. But thrashing didn't help.
Brad did not get the message and froze when a liquid gushed down his dick and balls, dripping to make a little puddle on the leather seat.
The dam broke, you almost blacked out from the overwhelming pleasure and shame, your body convulsing and twitching.
“Fuck!” Brad grunted, pounding faster when he realized what had happened and was suddenly filled with a rush of pride that overcame guilt.
With his tears dried to his cheeks, Brad humped his hips against your ass, skin clapping on skin echoing throughout the small car while it rocked.
Huh, maybe Brad can fuck a baby into your box while he's at it. Kill two birds with one stone, yeah? He always craved for a family, but no-one would take him and let him finish inside. Plus, it's not like you can say no.
“Y-you on birth control or some shit like that?” Brad hissed, smirking when you shook your head ‘no’ through your dazed demeanor. “Good. I'm gonna fill you up to the brim with– ah!”
Brad shuddered in the middle of his sentence, feeling his balls tighten up and seize closer to his body. “W-with my cum…”
You sobbed into the makeshift gag, knowing damn well that you'll have to make a visit to Planned Parenthood. Brad's moans and pants kissed your ears before he stilled and you felt a sudden warmth fill your lower half.
Well, he did it.
He got what he wanted out if you.
Stole your virginity.
Made you fucking squirt.
Possibly knocked you up.
Brad pulled out with a wet squelch like noise, his now limp dick shiny with slick, sticky semen, and crimson blood. He flipped you around on your back, taking in the sight of your gagged and teary eyed face.
“I'm…I'm going to take the underwear out, don't scream…” Brad uttered, grabbing the wet, spit fabric and softly tugging it out of your mouth.
“W-why?” You whimpered, hurt mentally, physically, and emotionally.
“Because, sweetie… I needed this and you wouldn't give me it.” Brad explained sweetly, rubbing your tummy like there was already a baby settled between your hips.
“Y-you're a freak!” You exclaimed, baring your teeth at him with a glare.
“And you're a broken record.” Brad shot back, glaring down at you with those brown, puppy eyes.
Ouch, hurtful. Not like he's wrong. You kinda lose what to say during these types of things.
“But, I'm willing to forgive and forget. You're going to have my baby.” Brad added, pecking your lips like he didn't just forcefully take your virginity away from your hands.
Is this guy really that crazy?!
“If I'm pregnant, I'm getting rid of it!” You growled, ready to beat Brad to a fucking bloody pulp.
“You're ovulating. I've been watching for the signs.” Brad admitted like it wasn't stalker level shit.
You stared at him, doing the mental math to track your ovulation week. It was this week. Brad has been keeping track, just by listening to your conversations with Jill, the blood stains on your pants, cramps, mood swings… he's been watching and taking notes.
“That's creepy, you fucking creep!”
He knew. But he didn't want to lose his most likely chance of getting a baby in you.
“You can't get rid of it. It's ours. It's a part of me and you.” Brad hummed, giving you a sickeningly sweet smile. “It's not its fault. It's innocent.”
You glared at him, wanting to rebuttal, but the guilt grew in your gut. You didn't want this baby. You wanted kids, yes. But not now. And certainly not like this.
“Let's get you dressed and back home.” Brad cooed, untying your wrists and pressing kisses on the red marks on them.
“You'll learn to love me.” He added, smiling up at you. “Whether you like it or not.”
Brad washed your back while you sat in the tube, the water tinted red from blood. You stared down at your hands with a numb feeling, but an odd mix of hate and disgust adding to the numbness.
Brad softly hummed, happily cleaning up the evidence of his assault on you. He was still ecstatic from the whole, taking your virginity, making you squirt, and possibly impregnating you.
Soft shakes of your shoulders signaled Brad that you were probably sobbing again. You kept having these little episodes of sadness and self wallowing.
“Again?” Brad sighed, a little annoyed from the constant crying from you since the session in the car
You nodded, little sniffles coming from your nose. Brad sighed softly and kissed your hair, “Baby girl, you'll have to get used to it, okay? We'll get you all nice and situated here at my place. Now finish cleaning up, I love you.”
After Brad's little deceleration, he left you alone with your thoughts in the bathroom.
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sugarwithtea · 1 year
namaste bangtan | ot7 collab
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Namaste, The tannies are on a tour. Where you ask? India. A country they have never visited, but when we dive deep in the world of fiction, they are exploring the country with a sweet tooth for love and history. It's not a concert tour, if you were skeptical. It's one which will lead them to know the colors of diversity, colors of spicy street food and colors of a country with millions of adventures.
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➳ A desi BTS fanfic collaboration hosted by @sugarwithtea , @btsstan12 (ao3) and @apotatomashedbybts
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Title : Obbanti Author : @btsstan12 (ao3) Pairing : Author!Seokjin x Photographer!Reader (f) Summary : Broken. That is what Jin felt when he decided to travel to India. His only reason to travel was to mend his broken heart, and that he did, when he met you. With tender gaze and pretty smile you mended his heart, but only later did he realize that his mended heart hurt more than his broken one. He had travelled to forget the memories of one but returned with the memories of another and just like that he had another incomplete story. Rating/Genre : pg-15, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst Location : Karnataka
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Title : Dui Pakhi (Two Birds) Author : @apotatomashedbybts Pairing : Idol!Yoongi x Reader (f) Summary : Since the beginning of time there has been two different energies - finite and infinite, masculine and feminine, inner world and outer world - existing in duality but unified by love. In Rabindranath Thakur's words - "Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict." Just as the unpredictable spring rolled in, love brought another two opposite energies together - freed and caged, Yoongi and you. Mutual attraction stemming from admiration for each other's craft pulled you two closer and Yoongi found himself in India, walking with you, matching his steps with yours and soaking himself in colours of the outside as well as inside. But what if that particular gravity is not enough against the unrestrained love you both have for your own worlds? What if your wings are too weak to hold each other? Rating/Genre : 18+, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, eventual smut, travel au, idol au Location : Shantiniketan, Bolpur / West Bengal
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Title : Teri Hasee Ka Noor Author : @moonleeai Pairing : Hoseok x Reader (f) Summary : Hoseok takes best friend duties seriously and makes it his mission to cure your winter blues. He intends well by surprising you with a tropical vacation but it starts off colder than anticipated. Hoseok fixes his mistake in time for the hot weather to stir something in both of you. Rating/Genre : 18+, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, travel au Location : Kashmir and Goa
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Title : The Pink City Author : @sugarwithtea Pairing : Author!Namjoon x Guide!Reader (f) Summary : The colour of love? There's a lot of debate on it. But when I ask you what love is, do you see hues of red? A splash of colours, golden, red and white — ones which represent love, peace and happiness? What happens when you mix the colour of love, red, and the colour of peace, white? You get pink. Namjoon is in the pink city of India, and even though he doesn't search for love, he stumbles upon it when he meets you, his guide for his months long stay. Will he be painted pink? Or will he go back colourless? Rating/Genre : 18+, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, travel au Location : Jaipur / Rajasthan
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Title : The Homeliest Home Author : @tangy-tangerine Pairing : Idol!Jimin x Reader (f) Summary : You have never been good at building, so establishing a home far from home was weighing down heavily on your impulsive dream of moving away. Just when the air of the new city begins throttling the joys of your life, you choose to give in for a week; a week of the luxury life that brings that glow on the elites of Pune. What you would have never expected was bumping into a group of bulky men and from in between them, a soft, gorgeous smile and dreamy eyes meeting yours. What better time to meet your favourite idol than when you need him the most Rating/Genre : 16+, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, slice of life, travel au, idol au Location : Pune / Maharashtra
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Title : Family Ties Author : @blog-name-idk Pairing : Artist!Taehyung x American-born Indian!Reader Summary : Your boyfriend Taehyung is everything you've ever wanted in a partner. Kind, sweet, funny, attentive – the two of you fit together like puzzle pieces. Except, well, he's not Indian, and your very traditional grandmother does not approve. Rating/Genre : 18+, fluff, angst, established relationship Location : -
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Title : The World Is A Garden Author : @madbutgloriouspond Pairing : Student!Jungkook x Florist!Reader Summary : Tired of working to live, you embark on that over seas that younger you was always day dreaming of. With a new attitude in a new country, you meet a boy bright like sunshine. Will something blossom between you? Rating/Genre : 18+, fluff, mild angst, strangers to lovers Location : Gangtok / Sikkim
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➳ no official taglist, please follow the authors or their personal taglists to be updated. ➳ all rights reserved by the respective authors. ➳ please show love to all the authors, thank you.
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januaryembrs · 2 years
PAST LIVES | Kylo Ren x Ex-Jedi!Reader
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Request: For the drabble idea :3c Kylo Ren x Reader were lovers at the Jedi Academy. After The Incident reader believed he had been killed, reader ran away from Luke/the resistance and never knew he became Kylo. Their paths cross again, and he recognizes the reader, but reader does not recognize him until he reveals his face.
description: lost love is sweeter when it's finally found. I've got the strangest feeling, this isn't our first time around
Word Count: 1.5k
Trigger warnings: children nearly dying, choking (violently), gun shots, saber fight, kylo ren
main masterlist
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Life had been peaceful for the last five years. Peace and quiet ofcourse came as a package deal with living a life of near solitude on a remote planet, with a tiny community being the only people you spoke to. They knew you as the mysterious stranger that had practically crash landed in their crop field the first day you arrived, but they were kind enough to nurse you back to health and stitch up the scorch mark that now marred your face.
They didn’t ask many questions of where you came from, just reassurance that whatever it was that had done that to you wasn’t wishing the same fate for them, which you swore it wouldn’t. You had surely gone far enough that they couldn’t find you, though the guilt of leaving Luke and the other Jedi at the temple to face Ben’s wrath alone had weighed heavier on your heart than any saber cut or burn ever could. 
You had fled the second you’d seen his eyes; what were once calm waters had looked at you with the fury of a mad man. That was not your Ben. Never your Ben. 
Luke had practically shoved you into a discarded solo jet to get to safety, leaving you no choice but to abandon the only family you had ever known. You were too much of a coward to go back all these years later to see the aftermath of that wretched day.
Life on Sorgen was happy enough. There was only so much excitement to be garnered from Krill farming and you much preferred the livelihood of the trading docks than tending to the tiny, blue creatures in the pools surrounding the village. But you always remained aware, sceptical. Always kept an eye over your shoulder for any first order spies wishing to bring a stop to your slice of peace. 
It was a nice enough life, but it was never the one you’d had planned. You had been destined for greatness once, and greatness never came from krill farming or wasting your days with your tail between your legs. You had wanted a life with him. Oh, Him. 
You spent your day as you did most week beginnings by searching through the newest shipments being brought into the market place from the inner rim planets, mostly smuggled junk that could provide useful for the people in your village. You handed a few credits to the tender, pocketing a new blaster for the woman you neighboured who had complained she was beginning to feel uneasy with the conflict being brought to the outer rim planets between the first order and the resistance. 
Just last week had seen a stand off in the same market place you were now stood in. A merchant accused of housing resistance spies and smuggling them radios to contact home base. But you kept your nose well out of it, knowing you were more valuable to the first order than any damn radio. 
You were picking over a round of blaster bolts when they came. 
Tens of in-sync footsteps met your ears, trunching in unison through the dirt streets, the sound getting closer. 
Then the screaming started.
Your head shot up as blaster fire began ricocheting off the walls further down the small town. A small group of villagers emerged around the corner that the chaos had originated, some holding children tightly to their chests, others making a break for it alone. It was then clear to you the source of the violence.
A troop of first order soldiers rounded the corner, their blasters drawn and loaded, shooting at anyone getting too close to their squadron. The ones at the front began flipping over market stands, rummaging through crates, kicking down doors to canteens and, by the sounds of it, eliminating every possible target inside the buildings too. 
“Where is the resistance spy?” One of them roared through his vocoder at a bystander. She shook her head in freight and hesitance. You felt your chest constrict with something dark when he raised his blaster and shot through her chest mercilessly. 
It was then that your mouth dropped open. There was nothing stopping the first order once they had a lead to follow, you’d heard of entire planets being destroyed for such an offence as harbouring resistance.
You wanted to flee, like you had all those years ago. Turn tail and run far away from any sign of the people that eradicated your family, ruined your life. That took him from you. 
Your feet spun on your heels, ready to make a break for the treeline to hopefully avoid them, when you saw him.
He was dressed head to toe in black, like an omen of death, wearing a mask reminiscent of the one they called Vader. The red saber in his hand only confirmed the worst of your fears, that this figure was not someone to be meddled with, that they must be powerful in the force to be granted the weapon of the Sith. 
The reaper-like figure reached out a single hand, and without much effort lifted two children into the air and cutting off their airways. The young boys choked loudly, grasping desperately at their necks to try and pry the invisible hand away from them as the figure yelled at their mother, demanding information. 
You felt the littlest boy slipping away, felt his life force dimming as his skin began turning purple. No, You thought desperately, your fingers twitching to grab your own saber stashed in your pocket, Please no.
Ren was about to deliver the final blow, his fingers tightening and ready to snap their necks if their hysterical mother didn’t give him the answers he wanted. What he wasn’t prepared for was the recognizable sound of another lightsaber being ignited through the crowd.
His own head whipped to the source, seeing his troops begin shooting at one single target in unison. A few dropped to the ground limp as the shots were deflected back at them, but what really made his mind tick was how four troopers were flung through a stone wall with a small flick of your hand.
An experienced force user, it seemed. 
He shoved his way through his squadron, cutting down his own men who did not move out of his way fast enough. He seemed to have caught a rat in his trap, maybe they even knew where the resistance was. 
The ultramarine hue of the saber reflected off his men’s helmets, and he drew his own weapon in front of him in preparation. 
You dodged every shot they gave you, swinging your saber naturally between your fingers as if the whole thing was a dance. You moved smoother than water, your footwork delicate yet precise as you cut down the troopers and gave the young boys the respite they needed to escape. 
It wasn’t until you felt the darkness in him that the chill ran up your spine, making you whip your head to his figure, just in time to shield yourself from the ignited saber swinging down at you.
Your weapons crackled with pure energy as they met, a dreadful crash of thunder reverberating through the market as the two of you pushed against one another. 
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, murderer,”  You hissed, using your free hand to flick the blaster shots away from your vulnerable side.
Kylo Ren froze. It wasn’t until you kicked him square in the stomach and sent him stumbling back he caught a look of your face, one he could never forget even if he tried. 
The scar had healed badly, cutting through the entirety of your left cheek and barely missing your eye. Your eyes, your beautiful eyes he loved, he’d once cherished, that looked at him as if he hung every star in every world in every galaxy, that frowned at him with such disdain and hatred now. 
You. Oh maker it was you.
You advanced on him again, swinging with an anger he had missed, though he’d admit you caught him in his astonishment and he narrowly avoided being cut through himself. 
And so it went; you attacking, him merely defending, as you also used your good hand to defend yourself from his troopers. He wanted to scream at them to stop fighting you, to leave you alone, but Snoke would have his head for being so merciful to an enemy.
“Fight me!” You yelled, swinging harder, moving faster. “You cut down innocent children just fine, but a worthy opponent joins and you waver,”
“Stop,” He pleaded, his chest tight with indifference as to what to do. The fury was clear on your face, curling it up into a grimace that made you a snarling animal. 
“Fight me,” Your voice ordered, though he could tell you were tiring of the chase. 
He saw his chance when your right side was unguarded and he was able to hook the back of your leg and throw you to the floor. 
In the time it had taken for you to jump back to your feet, his hands came up to his helmet, ripping the mask off his defeated face. 
The growl slid off your visage immediately. It was Ben. Your Ben. Your Ben, who you had left amongst the massacre five years ago, who you loved with every fibre of your being, who you were supposed to marry someday, that's what he told you. 
“Ben,” You whispered. He felt the air whoosh out of him, what was he supposed to say to you. You would be so disappointed in the darkness he had followed, the path he had chosen. 
The two of you were so occupied with staring at your past lives that it was no wonder you heard the blaster shot until it was too late, and the heat of the charge cut through your stomach with no remorse, and you fell to your knees.
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cozypointbeauty · 6 months
Unveiling the Elegance: Cozy Point Beauty, A Haven of Beauty in the Heart of UAE
Nestled amidst the bustling streets of the UAE lies a sanctuary of elegance and rejuvenation, Cozy Point Beauty. Renowned as one of the premier beauty salons in the region, Cozy Point Beauty transcends the ordinary, offering a bespoke experience tailored to each client's unique desires.
Step through the doors of Cozy Point Beauty, and you're welcomed into a realm where luxury meets tranquility. From the chic décor to the soothing ambiance, every aspect is meticulously crafted to cocoon you in comfort and style. It's not just a salon; it's an indulgent escape from the rigors of daily life.
At Cozy Point Beauty, the emphasis is not just on enhancing outer beauty but also on nurturing inner confidence. With a team of skilled professionals well-versed in the latest trends and techniques, every visit is an opportunity to rediscover your glow and unleash your inner radiance.
From luxurious facials to precision haircuts, Cozy Point Beauty offers a comprehensive range of services designed to pamper and rejuvenate. Whether you're seeking a glamorous makeover for a special occasion or simply craving a moment of relaxation, our expert team is dedicated to exceeding your expectations.
But it's not just about the services; it's about the experience. At Cozy Point Beauty, we believe in fostering personal connections and creating memorable moments. Each interaction is infused with warmth and care, ensuring that every visit leaves you feeling cherished and uplifted.
Moreover, hygiene and safety are our top priorities. We adhere to strict protocols to ensure a clean and sanitized environment, giving you peace of mind as you indulge in our services.
In a land where beauty reigns supreme, Cozy Point Beauty stands as a beacon of excellence. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, where every visit is an opportunity to embrace your beauty and shine bright like never before. Experience the allure of Cozy Point Beauty, where beauty knows no bounds.
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The Paradox of Our Time
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too seldom, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life; we've added years to life, not life to years.
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We've conquered outer space, but not inner space; we've done larger things, but not better things.
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we've split the atom, but not our prejudice.
We write more, but learn less; we plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals; we have more food, but less appeasement; we build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication; we've become long on quantity, but short on quality.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men, and short character; steep profits, and shallow relationships. These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare; more leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition.
These are days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throw away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer to quiet to kill.
It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stockroom; a time when technology has brought this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to make a difference, or to just hit delete...
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Housed Hearts Ch4 New Home New Faces
(Dom Hus belongs to Bileshroom. Art is by me. From here on out I will reference and use info from the games House Hunted 1 and 2 by Mortisfox. I don't know if Dom will be canon to the story or not but I wanted to add him as a fun cameo.)
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It was so helpful of Ivy to help her locate an affordable car in her price range.
Rose had decided that she was definitely going to get a car and desperately needed it after painfully carrying one heavy box after another all the way a few streets over to Heim's house only to repeat the process three times. Her arms and back were sore for a bit after. Although Heim seemed ecstatic to find out Rose would be the one to personally work with him now. Although Rose decided then and there that taking the bus would not be convenient anymore. So it was off to the local newspapers and net for any ads for a pre-owned car. No way she could afford a brand new model. However she happened to mention her search in passing to Ivy when she called to check in on how the first day of her new job and not a few days later she mentioned to her about someone who she knew that needed to sell his old pick up truck. It wasn't the best by any means, and the truck definitely needed some work done but it was a functional truck. It drove her places and it was something she could afford so Rose didn't complain about it so much. It definitely helped her in delivering those heavy boxes to Heim. Speaking of Heim, he seemed to be doing better in life too. By now all the small cracks in his outer shell had disappeared, his lawn was better full and green, and the graffiti bit was gone from his inner illusions and the 'sofa' was no longer looking torn. Still scuffed up but no longer torn up. Obviously he still had a long way to go especially with the state of his roof but it was a great start! So she continued to feed him between the feedings he'd already get from the Mayor's office. Although he still insisted on eating large amounts of fast foods. So maybe it wasn't the nutrition of the food that was helping him but the fact he was being kept constantly full? Or maybe the addition of nutritious foods was boosting his body's healing abilities?
She wasn't sure which one it was but she was glad that it was working out. She also slowly began to trust Heim more and more until it was to the point she felt comfortable with just walking right in. Although Rose still refused to be inside Heim whenever he digested anything. Not that she didn't trust him at this point but she'd rather not be in the same place as digesting food. Luckily Heim was nice enough to understand completely and didn't make a big deal about her decision. She had become friends with a REALTOR. Not sure anyone could claim that but it didn't bother her so much. It was nice to have a friend who didn't mind her view on things. Also the extra hundred dollars a month didn't hurt either. Things also seemed to be getting better for her. She had gotten a call from the housing department. They had found her a house for her at last! And it wasn't too far from here or from Heim as well even if it was a little bit farther away from her workplace than she'd like. Oh well. She wasn't going to complain about it now. 
She moved out of the apartment and organized a moving truck as soon as she could. Even telling Heim about it all. He seemed upset she wasn't going to be so close but she wasn't going to be too far away either. Still technically within walking distance for him. She'd be able to see him regularly still, after all he still needed help getting better. With everything still mostly packed it was only a matter of piling everything into a moving van, and driving to the address given to her. The drive was only an hour away and it was just on the outskirts of Normal Business District. A neat suburban district quiet and peaceful. Just like she wanted. She followed the address until she got to a nice looking small house with her moving van in front of it. Already there was a few movers lifting heavy objects out and slowly bringing them into the open garage. The house itself was a pretty cream color with a beige roofing. A decently sized front and back lawn was included in the package deal. Already she was planning out the garden she's always wanted. She'll plant beautiful flowers and a tree in the front and grow food in the back. Oh! She should also put a bird bath in the middle of the flowers! That'd really bring them together.
With a smile the truck slowly came to a park in front of the house and Rose exited to stand before her new home. This was it. Her very own house. After so long. She walked out onto the lawn with a smile. This was it. She was finally home. 
"Ah! Good evening!" She jumped and whirled around. Blinking widely as she came face to face with a red coat. She blinked for a moment before looking down. Black pants and..heels? Met her eye before she looked back up quickly and was met with the widely smiling face of an older man around six feet tall. He held his hands behind his back in a professional pose and tilted his head of grey hair at her. "I see you're a new face around here." He sounded both interested and slightly happy. "Are you perhaps with the gentlemen moving those boxes inside the home?"
Rose blinked taken aback. She hadn't even heard him walk up on her. Eventually she shook her head and looked up at him. "No. Technically not. I'm actually moving in."
"Ah! A buyer! HOME buyer that is," he quickly corrected himself. "Allow me to introduce myself." A hand was placed on his chest as he smiled proudly. "Maison Talo. Number one REALTOR in all of Uncanny Valley. And surely I can help you find your dream home today." Quickly the hand on his chest pulled out a card from his coat's breast pocket and held it out to her. "My card."
....Wait a darn minute.
Rose slowly took the card from his hand and looked it over. On it read 'Maison Talo #1 REALTOR Uncanny Valley' followed by a phone number. ....Oh. OH! Oh no. Now she knew why this felt so familiar to her. Her eye looked back up to the wide, proud smile on his face. It was another REALTOR. Only this time the lure cord on this REALTOR was well hidden unlike Heim's. Ah. So another encounter with the species happens. She smiled at the card before looking back up to this Mr. Talo and then did something that he might've never had done to him before.
"Thank you but I think you should have this back." With an amused smile she held the card right back to his face. "As you can see I already have a house and don't need your services."
The REALTOR's face dropped into one of stunned silence. He didn't say anything as he almost went cross eyed to stare at the card she so bluntly refused to take... before he quickly seemed to regain his composure and smiled again. He chuckled at her and slowly pushed her hand back to her. His skin had a similar plant texture to Heim although it was slightly different. A bit softer.
"Keep it! I'm sure I can find you a much more comfortable abode to dwell in than this simple, old structure of worn out wood.'' He insisted with a wider smile while subtly insulting her new home. Classy. "Give me a call if you change your mind. I have a home that's just STARVING for attention."
Her brow rose amused. "I'm sure you do. I'll surely think about it."
"I know you will. I bid you a good day my dear potential buyer."
He didn't say another word before turning on his heel and starting to walk away from her down the street from them. Amused she watched him walk away before looking down along his back until she got to his feet. Ah! And there was the lure cord sticking out from one of his pants leg. Clever. With an eye roll she turned back to her new home. Nice try but she wasn't about to fall for his tricks. Besides she had more important things to worry about. Like getting her furniture set up and transferring her mail here. Her first few days were rather busy. Furniture arrangements, work, and checking up on Heim being a few of them. But eventually everything came together and she was able to wind down enough to fully enjoy her home without being so busy. Now what? Well now seemed like a good time as any to go introduce herself to her new neighbors. So one Friday when she had work off and nothing else to do that day, that's exactly what she did. She started with the houses across from the street from her first. Knocking on doors and smiling at all kinds of faces. Smiling and introducing herself to them as the new neighbor. There was mixed responses and different faces. A sweet old lady. A sleepy looking business man. A friendly young couple. Cute little kid. An annoyed disheveled guy in a robe that slammed the door in her face-... Good times. Then she got to her side of the street doing the same thing. However she paused at one house. It was literally the one right next to hers to the left. It was your typical house. 
A VERY NICE looking house.
Two stories tall with a garage. The outside of which was surprisingly very clean looking and looked as if someone just finished building it and slapped on a fresh coat of paint. Not a shingle was missing and not a single dirt stain was on the homes walls. Even the windows looked clear as crystal. The lawn was perfectly maintained and grown lighting up a beautiful bright green that had her impressed. And lastly was a perfectly paved driveway leading up to the garage and sidewalk leading to the front door without a single crack in the concrete. But what was the most curious thing was the sign planted right smack dab in the middle of the yard that read 'House For Sale.'  Oh. Was the housing department also selling this house? It looked pretty nice but she doubted she'd be able to afford that. But a movement in one of the windows caught her eye. Someone just walked past one of the windows although it was too quick to see who it was. Ah. Guess whoever was selling the house hadn't moved out yet. Well if they were in the process of moving out then they weren't going to be here for much longer so they probably wouldn't know each other for very long. There was probably no reason for her to introduce herself to this neighbor then...But  she might as well since she was going around introducing herself. So with a smile she walked up the driveway and up to the door extending a hand to knock loudly on it. And waited. There was silence for a long moment before the doorknob turned and the door opened. Rose froze and the man on the other side blinked surprised.
It was the REALTOR she had encountered here days before!!
Mr. Talo stood there blinking in surprise at her before he seemed to shake off the initial shock to smile widely at her. "Well if it isn't my dear potential buyer!" He greeted brightly opening the door all the way. "I was right about you changing your mind about my offer I see! No doubt the luxurious sight of this one of a kind house caught your eye! Not that I blame you! It is quite a catch!" He proudly puffed out his chest.
Her eye blinked. ...Wait. If THIS was a REALTOR....Then that must mean this house was his- Her eye looked past him into the house behind him. It looked like a giant living room complete with a top leather sofa and other high end furniture that looked like they could've come from one of those fancy stores where everything was expensive. Everything also looked so clean and polished. Clearly whoever he was his illusions were top notch unlike Heim's. Although she knew those were only for show and nothing else. Rose looked back up to him as he smiled almost hungrily at her and took two steps back and shook her head.
"No. I'm just going around and introducing myself to everyone. Sorry. Besides I already have a home. Remember?" She gestured to her home literally right next to his house. "You were there when I was moving in."
His smile disappeared for a moment before it came back wider. "Ah. But you haven't seen a house quite like THIS one I assure you."
"And I can assure you that I already have.'' She then Crossed her arms and smiled. "I also know for certain that if I step inside you'll literally eat me alive." He paused the smile straining on his face. "So you'll excuse me if I refuse the offer."
The strained smile faded to a frown as he continued to stare at her before humming. "You are aware of me?"
"Of you and my friend who's also a REALTOR and a lot of your kind. I will say that you genuinely had me surprised. I wasn't expecting a REALTOR to literally be right next door." Her eye again scanned the insides before looking at him again with a smile. "But I'll give credit where it's due. I've never seen illusions so perfect and fancy looking. You must've had a lot of time to perfect your methods."
He blinked slowly at her as if caught off guard by the comment before smiling. "But of course! I am the number one REALTOR in Uncanny Valley after all!"
"Although I would change the color of your curtains." He again blinked and turned his head as she pointed inside. "The sickly yellow clashes with the walls. It would look better if they were white or a beige color."
"Oh..Is that so?" He hummed in thought as he narrowed his eyes at the illusions. "I'll keep that in mind." He then turned to her again smiling. "I don't suppose you'd like to come in and perhaps tell me more of your thoughts? You seem to have an eye for decor."
She chuckled. "Nice try but no. It was nice meeting you Mr. Talo but I have other neighbors to introduce myself to. You have a nice day."
He blinked as she then turned on her heel and started to walk away before again turning to his  insides and humming again. "White eh?"
Rose was just happy to get out of there despite the fact that he hadn't made a move to grab her or anything. Luckily he hadn't. She's heard horror stories of REALTORS starting to grab people to eat like flies in a Venus fly trap but he hadn't tried that. He just seemed insistent on her to come inside which was a red flag and a dead give away. But she had other things to worry about other than a REALTOR living next door. Like her work and finally getting her garden set up. All she needed was some materials and a few plants from work. Surely they wouldn't mind her borrowing a few things if she asked her bosses nicely and explain it was for her garden. 
During her stay there she had been infact informed that she was going to be assigned to feed yet another REALTOR by the name of Dom Hus. According to the address she was given, he was in fact located almost on the other side of Normal Business District but still within driving distance to herself. Alright. No problem. Although she was going to be delivering Heim's boxes first. The new address brought her near the middle of the district and into a similar suburban area only it was more upper class with slightly bigger houses and that look where you could tell that this was probably where all those well off business people in this district lived. Her old pick up truck sure looked plain compared to all them. Eventually she came to a giant blue house that was only two stories but was rather large. White trimming framed the windows and doorways and on the top roof was two chimneys. Similar to Mr. Talo's home, this was a very nice looking house. With the truck parked, Rose excited and went for the back seat where the first of a few boxes were stationed. Whomever this REALTOR was, they sure must've been more on the carnivorous side because most of the boxes labeled for this guy was meat. Mostly prime cut steaks. With the first box in her arms, Rose walked slowly up the driveway however she wasn't expecting to look back up and literally come face to face with the REALTOR whom wasn't there a moment before...Or if he was she didn't notice because he was standing to her right which was her blind side. 
A pair of footsteps approaching caught the tall man's attention. His back was to her at first but his head had turned and saw her. "Ah. There you are."
Rose jumped at the male voice jolting up and to the right before pausing again. Sweet fuzzy regular guys. THIS GUY WAS HUGE!! He must've at least been almost eight feet tall!! His body's colors matched the theme of the house as well. His hair was a snow white with his eyes being a blur sclera and white pupil. A deep blue coat with white stripes was thrown over a white turtleneck sweater while the pants and shoes he spotted were a black. And like all REALTORS he spotted some form of house pin and a pocket where she spotted a few cards sticking out. Rose could only stare as he smiled widely at her hands held behind his back. 
"I was expecting you sooner or later," he spoke calmly and Rose could see the fangs inside his mouth. The eyes he had went from her face to the box she carried. "Ah. And I was certainly expecting this." He turned his full front to her now swaying the thick cord jutting out from his neck. HOLY COW!! This guy looked pretty strong! "You even delivered it in record time. Marvelous!"
.... Eventually Rose shook her head before giving a slightly weary smile up at him. "Right. If you were the one expecting me then that must make you a Mister Dom Hus. Am I correct about that?"
He chuckled deeply before leaning over at the waist and she remained calm as he tilted his head at her. "You are. My I have the name of my new provider in return?"
"Rose Willow. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Hus." She then held up the box. "If you would be so kind to grab this I have to get the others."
He hummed as his attention went back to the box she held and a larger pleased grin spread across his face. "Oh. What do we have here?"
"Steak?" She blinked as he asked rather loudly and seemed to light up at her or more specifically the box she had. "I haven't had that in four months."
She blinked as he looked happy.. before leaning to left...and then giggled. Which caused him to look back at her in question. Her expression turned to one of amusement. "Your tail coats wag?" He immediately paused. "That's pretty cute."
Unlike the previous REALTORS his response was instant. Snapping his head back up and clearing his throat loudly. "Well...We all have our quirks." Again he smiled like he wasn't caught red handed doing something charactistally cute and she blinked as a rather large hand grabbed hers to hold it up to his face. "But traveling all the way here must have been exhausting for you. Perhaps I could offer you a spot indoors to sit down and relax for a while?"
Her brow rose. "How kind but flattery will get you no where, Mr. Hus."
He chuckled back. "Can't blame a house for trying. Perhaps next time."
Her hand was kissed by him and she rolled her eye. "Such a gentleman."
She was sure meeting a lot of interesting people with this new side gig. REALTORS were sure intriguing to meet... Although she was confused about one thing. If they wanted to assign her a new REALTOR to feed why did they give her one that was so far away when she was living right next to one? Or why give her a home next to a known REALTOR anyways?...They probably figured she'd be fine with it since she didn't mind Heim being around. It sure would've been nice to know she was going to be living next to one though. What if Maison had been one of those dangerous ones she's heard about? She could've been in danger. She'd be sure to call Ms. Ivy and tell her about her concerns hopefully this won't happen again then. Well imagine her surprise when she was pulling up into her driveway and spotted a certain REALTOR walking back up his own driveway.
"Good evening, Maison," she called from her position of getting out of the truck. At hearing his name, the REALTOR stopped and turned in question. Rose smiled and gave a wave before slamming the door closed behind her. "Out again? Isn't it getting a little late to do 'business'? I don't think too many people would be out this late. Then again this is a business district so maybe people are working all kinds of crazy hours around here."
Maison just...blinked as Rose spoke to him. His head looked around him as if questioning if he was the person she was talking to before deciding to greet her with his usual smile. "Ah! Well if it isn't my dear potential buyer! Why yes! After all being the number one REALTOR in all of Uncanny Valley means I am rather busy. Have to keep on top of I wish to live up to my name's sake. I've also been updating my furniture arrangements lately. Perhaps you'd like to come over and see for yourself."
"Yeah..No thank you. I think you should know by now that I won't be tricked into going inside but It's a good effort."
He was caught off again by the blunt tone and just kinda stood there staring at her for a while before humming and blinking. "...I see. Well what number one wouldn't I be if I was nothing but determined?"
"Uh huh." A low rumbling suddenly sounded out and it caught her off guard enough to jump and turn her head in the direction it came from. "What was that?"
It was then the smile strained on Maison's face and he seemed almost.. embarrassed? "*ahem* Well. It would seem that all this work has built up quite an appetite for myself."
Her head snapped to him eye wide. "That was YOU?! Haven't you gotten your monthly feeding today like every other REALTOR?" 
Again his smile strained as he looked off at nothing. "I don't actually require their assistance. I have an almost perfect streak of success!"
"I heard that almost. And clearly not if your main body is growling loud enough for us to hear all the way out here." Her brow rose as she flung an arm at the home. "When's the last time you ate anything?"
Again he was silent for a moment before smiling again. "Ah. Well you see dear buyer being the number one REALTOR comes with it's responsibilities. I'm not like the other REALTORS you see. I take great care in what I do unlike those who simply only want a quick snack."
Her eye narrowed and arms crossed. "... You're talking about the recent problem with REALTORS snatching up people for food."
He chuckled. "Your wig is quite fierce, you catch on fast. Yes. It's become so hard here in the Valley to find buyers. The others REALTORS have taken to simply snatching and running. Quite barbaric. Wouldn't you agree?"
Rose nodded again in agreement. That was one thing that they could both agree on.
Maison shook his head waving a hand. "No, no. My value is much, much higher! I find only the finest buyers to incorporate into something much greater than themselves. I can't just have any tenants to eat now can I? I have my standards and I will not stop to such low behaviors."
Rose hummed in surprise. "A REALTOR with some good standards. Color me impressed." He smiled obviously proud of her compliment. "But wouldn't it be helpful for you if you were also part of the Mayor's feeding program?" By now she assumed someone as prideful as him probably wasn't a part of the program. That..and if he was it was odd he wasn't fed when all the others were. "It's obvious that you're really hungry."
He again waved off her concerns. "Nonsense. I have been doing well by myself for years. I always come out on top."
"You just said it was hard to get 'buyers' though? How do you expect to get food when it's hard getting someone in your house?"
"Hm. I will admit it does get tiring controlling this albeit handsome, cumbersome little lure." A proud hand placed itself on his chest as she became amused again.
He sure liked to brag about himself huh? A little bit braggy but not on a narsassitic level. It was more amusing than anything else to her and she couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh yes. You're probably the most handsome REALTOR in the Valley." 
Rose had said it in a more playful manner but it was still enough to catch him off guard blinking for one moment before smiling wider. "Yes. Quite impressive isn't is? With such an attractive lure it's become quite easy to bring in such tasty, prospective buyers the old fashioned way. I suppose it's just my luck to be so gorgeous naturally. It's clearly no wonder how I became the number one REALTOR-"
"And it's clearly no wonder why you're having so many problems too." He blinked as she finally slammed the truck door shut and pointed at him. "Your pride is altering with your head if you ask me. Just a moment ago you said it was hard tricking people and then you contradict yourself by saying you're having an easy time doing it.  I think your pride and ego is getting in the way of you having success with handling your hunger and your hunger is making you more pushy to your 'clients'. All three of those factors just make you come off as unlikable to the average person. That might be why you're having a hard time."
Maison froze smile straining before the smile slowly faded to a blank face as he just... stared back at her blankly. Almost shocked looking. Not humming or making a move until another loud rumble noise interrupted the awkward silence causing both to again turn to the main body of one Mr. Talo...to which Rose hummed in thought at it. 
"I'd better get going. I have some work to do before bed. Good night, Mr. Talo."
With a small wave to him, Rose turned and left while the eyes of the lure blinked following her movements before looking slowly at his own home with a single hum escaping him.
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yudgefudge · 1 year
i come bearing questions!!!
💎, 🌿, 🎤, 🐸 oh shit my batterys dying peace out
💎 - my most prized possession is my stuffed animal. He’s a husky and his name is Dustin
🌿 - those outfits where they have a hoodie, then a jacket on top are peak in my opinion. also the simple inner shirt and unbuttoned outer shirt look. also the man united jersey.
🎤- quite a few actually! I know ALL the lyrics to ATWTMVTVFTV (if you know you know), you’re losing me (by taylor swift), super bass (by nicki minaj), and god is a woman (by ariana grande)
🐸 - according to the streets (wattpad and pinterest) I’m urbancore + light academia (google it folks!!!)
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bloodredx · 2 years
Day 12: Beginning
…Why ask the question? It is natural to ponder the Beginning. Though speech of her has dwindled, she is ever present in the eye of this form. Perhaps it is mere regret at what was done, but the Precious Living feel in their hearts a guilt, even now. Millennia and eons later. This form can understand. But not comprehend.
To speak well of her is to temporarily give shape, though no longer can these limbs reach out for divinity in the sense of passion displayed. No. Only faint reflections of what was. What can no longer be. So, speak of domain, speak of course. Abstraction, for this form cannot explain what either the Beginning or End do. The domain, stucci, cannot be spoken in the tongues of living. Too complex, too simple. To be a part of everything and nothing. To be defined simply by another, that which one cannot be. How confusing an existence. Flux. Movement. Her brother, the End has worked hard to pick up slack. How interesting. How futile.
The Beginning was soft spoken, not very pronounced, but her presence was immaculate. The grace of the sunrise, the first breath of air, the kiss of a new lover. Entrancing, but harsh as the others. The frost of winter, the heartbreak of the first day alone. Her spade cuts deep, turning new earth. The route for all the move. Her shrine, white and crisp atop the marble columns of the great Mount Papaver, now lies asleep, covered in dust. Seldom few are the sad offerings, tell of what value is there in worshiping a corpse? Does a god still hold sacredness when expired? Why are they worshipped at all? Never asked. Never demanded. Never ordered. ... In spite of it all, this form still finds itself there from time to time. Alone. Regretful.
Funny then, how the Beginning and the End were made last. Perhaps therein lays the flaw. Shame it was not seen. Shame this world cannot rest. Neither can this form.
Aelita brushed her hand across the black obsidian archway. Her duty demanded the focus, but the shrine located at the deepest portion of the Rhoeas Valley never brought much comfort. The jagged rock formations and aggressive clouds that plagued the region, threating storms but never breaking, were the sign of the new god who had taken residence there. Little comfort taken at the sight of the myriad red flowers blooming over every possible flat surface, but something about them still brought the sensation of peace. As if whatever this “God of the End” had in store was something kind, a release. Fear eroded away once she passed through the entrance, but the cold stone still made her shiver. This place would take more getting used to.
The outer sanctum of the shrine was simple. An altar adorned with the flowers and various leaves. Strong smells of tea and honey flooded her nose as she briefly corrected the arrangement. A few red silks hung loosely from above, stubbornly refusing to remain tied to the columns they should be attached to. She bit her lip and let her fingers to the work, listening for any change in the hall. Few visitors had come, she had heard the rumblings of fear at this god and the concerns of the folks around her. A few had threated newly rotten vegetables at her for her service to this place, a rudeness she couldn’t defend. Still she understood, and merely chose to avoid open streets in the sun. Still, the parchment folded in her cloak from the Order seemed heavy. Though she was not deigned to read it. The message was spoken to her though, just enough for her status.
No noises. Aelita mused internally. Though she perked up at the sudden static in the air, a low and gentle melody sinking through her very skin. Indications the god had returned to the inner chamber. She moved to the back wall of the outer sanctum, drawing her finger along a carving and whispering the blessing. A crimson glow bubbled out the black rock following just behind her finger. Her body felt light, and closing her eyes, she slid her fingers through the stone. Pressing forward, her body followed suit into the private realm.
Out of respect, she quickly flipped the fabric of her veil over her face, the dark cloth blocking her sight near completely, only the vaguest outlines of columns to mark her path forward. Some red from the rug below her feet slipped through if she was looking down, but the energy in the room made it nauseating to do so. She folded her hands into here robes, doing her best to cross the room, single step by single step. Gentle laughter filled her ears, her chest, her soul as the god spotted her. She froze in place, and slowly dropped to her knees.
The sound of bells filled her ears as the god spoke. “Aelita, starlight and shine. Once more gracing with appearance, kind.” Wind fluttered around her, the gravitas of his magnitude standing before her, the hair on her arms raising in response to the electrical forces.
“Your Reverence,” She bowed her body, pressing her forehead to the floor for a moment before returning to her kneeling position. “I am here on business from-“
Laughter, bubbling through her. “Business, pleasure, work. All one. How strong.” A force of a hand under her chin, soft, gentle, lifted her head up. Tension in her muscles melted. “So dedicated. Fortunate soul. This form offers delight in lack of distress. Rest assured, all is due in cycle and time. Nothing needless. Understood?” She kept her mouth shut, waiting for permission to speak. Though told of how strange the gods could be, no words could explain what her opinions of this god were. Only here for so little time, yet it felt as though she knew him forever. “Pereax, this form has much to say and do. Distinctions to make. Balance, made and-“
“Delivered course.” A high pitched whirling slipped in from behind her, and the room grew colder, frost gently coating her skin. The monotonous voice continued. “Adamsa Frisay, astur novun.”
Sparks coursed through the stone, crossing a few crystals of hematite, lighting the room enough to grant vague outlines of their mystical, nonsensical forms even from behind Aelita’s veil. She quickly bowed lower, trembling slightly under the pressure of both gods. The God of the End spoke excitedly. “Fori! Narcissta Priasi torum, vu.” The language of the gods cut her ears, the notes fusing and falling around her in an intoxicating display. Her body began trembling.
“Ah, forgive these forms, Pereax.” Her god requested quickly, placing a solid hand on her back. “Sister, be gentle, this one is cared.”
A chill ran up Aelita’s spine. “So it would seem.” The flat, emotionless voice seemed almost mechanical, being generated word for word in the moment. “Trivial and small. No means. How cruel.”
“Varrum. Discussions carried in private.” He reminded gently, before perking up again. “Aelita, this form notices thou only enters this place for purposes. Please excuse our intrusions to thine tasks. What words are trapped in the flesh of tongues?”
“Yes. Break silence. It is unbecoming.” The goddess agreed coldly.
“As you request, Your Reverences.” The scent of flowers and ozone filled her nose as she sat up once more, the warmth of her deity’s hand taking hers gently. “I have on my person a request from my Order, a correspondence. A meeting. They require both of your presences, should you be willing to grant it.” Her free hand fished out the parchment, holding it out between her fingers. “I would assume a similar message is being taken to your shrine as well, Alabaster one.”
The chilled touch of something not quite flesh, not quite plant took it swiftly from her. “How bold.” The goddess stated.
“How interesting.” The god agreed.
“To make a display...”
“Seems quite welcoming…”
“Or perhaps heralding?”
“Causation follows through, sister.”
“No matter the course?”
“Unlikely. Odds placed solidly against such things.”
“But forever the chance remains.”
The two went back and forth for some time, Aelita struggling to make out the hidden parts of their conversation. The extremes of their duet making the walls of the room vibrate in time with their frequencies, her own body trapped between the ebb and flow.
“Fear is the potency of ire, brother.”
“Then what better a way to change that?” He countered swiftly, almost gleefully. “How would this form change that by remaining unknowable? Efforts must be made.”
A certain shift in the air and their music died down. “Very well.” The goddess agreed. “Chances made forever taken. Pereax, return to your Order.” Her emotionless command forcing Aelita to her feet. “Tell them to be prepared. Dawn breaking quickly.”
“O-of course, Your Reverence.” Aelita bowed her head once more before turning on her heel to leave the gods to their privacy. A terrible weight fell in the pit of her stomach, as if she had done something wrong. Though, everything was carried out to all specifications. She bit her lip and slipped through the stone, suddenly wanting to be anywhere but here.
The God of the End watched as she vanished, finally turning to The Goddess of the Beginning and muttering excitedly. “It will turn over.”
“A new era.” The goddess agreed, though even her brother could not make out her meaning. She vanished in a flutter of white feathers, leaving him to his shrine alone.
(OC-tober challenge by @oc-tober2022 can be found here.)
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Explore Unrivaled Amenities at Sunshine Golden River
If you are in search of a residential sanctuary that seamlessly integrates comfort and luxury, your quest ends at Sunshine Golden River. Our meticulously planned community is not just a dwelling; it embodies a lifestyle enriched with an array of amenities at Sunshine Golden River that redefine contemporary living.
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Embark on a journey of unparalleled comfort and luxury with the abundant amenities at Sunshine Golden River. Nestled in a serene locale, Sunshine Golden River transcends the definition of a residence; it offers an extraordinary living experience harmonizing comfort, convenience, and luxury. Step into our community and prepare to uncover a spectrum of amenities at Sunshine Golden River designed to elevate your lifestyle to unprecedented heights.
Overview of Sunshine Golden River Project Before delving deeper into the amenities at Sunshine Golden River, let's acquaint ourselves with some fundamental information about this project.
Sunshine Golden River is strategically located within the South Thang Long Urban Area, Tay Ho District, Hanoi – a convergence of feng shui advantages and inherent value. Leveraging its prime position, the project enjoys proximity to major roads, facilitating easy access to Nhat Tan Bridge and Vo Chi Cong Street – a crucial route connecting inner and outer districts, serving as a primary gateway to Northeast Hanoi. Residents can conveniently commute to the city center or suburban areas, with just a 15-minute drive to Noi Bai International Airport.
Project: Sunshine Golden River Location: Ciputra South Thang Long Urban Area, Tay Ho District, Hanoi Investor: Sunshine Group Total Investment: VND 1,504 billion Scale: Approximately 9,011.7m2 Built-up Area: 82,034m2 Low-Rise Block Area: 5,022m2 High-Rise Block Area: 3,982m2 Construction Density: Low Products: Including 217 high-end apartments and 27 shophouses Legal Status: Completely clear and transparent Amenities at Sunshine Golden River
Dream Amenities at Sunshine Golden River - Elevate Your Living Experience Indulge in a world of relaxation and leisure at our resort-style pool. Immerse yourself in crystal-clear waters, bask in the sun on poolside loungers, and feel the daily stresses melt away. Whether it's a tranquil morning swim or a refreshing evening dip, our pool stands as your private oasis of tranquility.
Elevate your fitness routine at our state-of-the-art fitness center. Equipped with the latest exercise machines and guided by professional trainers, it's the ideal space to pursue your health and wellness goals. From cardio workouts to strength training, our fitness center caters to all your exercise needs.
Foster lasting connections with neighbors and friends in our inviting community clubhouse. Ideal for hosting events, celebrations, or casual gatherings, the clubhouse serves as a central hub where community bonds are strengthened. Revel in the warmth of shared spaces and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Families will appreciate the dedicated playground – the focal point in Sunshine Golden River's amenities system where children can frolic and play in a safe and secure environment. Witness your little ones make friends and create cherished childhood memories in this specially designed space.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature as you explore our picturesque walking trails. Whether it's a peaceful evening stroll or an invigorating morning jog, these winding paths through lush landscapes offer a serene escape for residents seeking a connection with the outdoors.
Your safety is our top priority. Our community is equipped with 24/7 security measures, ensuring a secure and protected environment for all residents. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you and your loved ones are well taken care of.
Sunshine Golden River isn't just a residence; it's a lifestyle meticulously crafted with an abundance of amenities catering to every aspect of modern living. Immerse yourself in the epitome of comfort and luxury – come home to Sunshine Golden River, where extraordinary living begins.
For more information about amenities at Sunshine Golden River, please contact Tan Long Land:
Hotline: 0986.720.720 Email: [email protected] Website: ciputraapartments.com
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The Latest Innovations in Bi-Folding Door Technology
Bi-folding doors have seen a remarkable evolution over the years, from traditional designs to sleek, modern marvels. One of the key drivers of this transformation is advancements in technology. As technology continues to progress, bi-folding door systems are becoming more innovative, efficient, and user-friendly. Let's delve into some of the latest innovations in bi-folding door technology that are shaping the way we perceive and utilize these versatile architectural features.
1. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Modern bi-folding doors prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability. The latest advancements include improved thermal breaks and high-performance glazing options. These enhancements contribute to better insulation, reducing energy consumption and making homes more eco-friendly. Homeowners can now enjoy the benefits of ample natural light without compromising on energy efficiency.
2. Smart Home Integration: Integrating bi-folding doors with smart home technology is a significant trend. Homeowners can control the operation of their doors remotely through smartphones or voice commands. This feature provides not only convenience but also enhances security. Integration with home automation systems allows for seamless control and coordination with other smart devices in the house.
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3. Noise Reduction Technology: Innovations in bi-folding door technology now include noise reduction features. Advanced acoustic glazing and sealing systems minimize external noise, creating a quieter and more comfortable indoor environment. This is particularly beneficial for homes located in noisy urban areas or near busy streets.
4. Enhanced Security Features: Security is a top priority for homeowners, and modern bi-folding doors are designed with robust security features. Multi-point locking systems, high-quality materials, and advanced locking mechanisms provide improved security, giving homeowners peace of mind regarding the safety of their property.
5. Ultra-Slim Profiles: Innovations in material engineering have led to the development of ultra-slim profiles for bi-folding doors. Thin yet strong frames provide a sleek, minimalist aesthetic while maximizing the glass area. These slim profiles offer unobstructed views and allow for an abundance of natural light to flow into the living space.
6. Self-Cleaning Glass: Some bi-folding door systems now come with self-cleaning glass technology. This innovative feature utilizes a special coating that breaks down and loosens dirt and debris when exposed to sunlight. When it rains, the water sheets off, taking the dirt with it, leaving the glass clean and clear.
7. Innovative Track Systems: The tracks on which bi-folding doors glide have undergone significant improvements. Innovative track systems are designed for smooth and effortless operation. Some tracks are even recessed into the floor, providing a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces.
8. Thermal Breaks and Insulation: Modern bi-folding doors incorporate advanced thermal break technology, which involves inserting a barrier between the inner and outer layers of the frame. This barrier significantly reduces the transfer of heat and cold, improving insulation and enhancing the overall energy efficiency of the doors.
In conclusion, bi-folding door technology continues to evolve, offering a plethora of benefits to homeowners. From improved energy efficiency and smart home integration to noise reduction and enhanced security features, these innovations make bi-folding doors a valuable addition to any home. As technology continues to progress, we can expect even more exciting advancements that will further enhance the functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability of bi-folding doors, revolutionizing the way we experience and interact with our living spaces.
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Can anyone practice Transcendental Meditation?
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In the bustling metropolis of London, where the fast-paced rhythm of life often takes center stage, the allure of inner peace and serenity becomes all the more enchanting. Enter Transcendental Meditation (TM), a practice that beckons individuals from all walks of life to embark on a transformative journey within. But here's the question that often arises amidst the urban buzz: Can anyone practice Transcendental Meditation? The All-Inclusive Nature of Transcendental Meditation Transcendental Meditation, often abbreviated as TM, is a practice that resonates with the diversity of humanity. Whether you're a busy professional navigating the corporate jungle, a student grappling with academic challenges, or a retiree seeking tranquility in the golden years, TM's embrace knows no bounds. Unveiling the Essence of Transcendental Meditation At its core, TM is a technique that transcends barriers and preconceptions. The practice does not demand specific beliefs, prior experience, or athletic prowess. Instead, it invites anyone with an open heart and a willingness to explore the depths of their own consciousness to partake in its profound benefits. The Rhythms of London and the Rhythms Within Amid the vibrant streets of London, where red buses traverse historic avenues and the Thames River weaves tales of centuries gone by, the need for an oasis of calm becomes paramount. Transcendental Meditation offers a respite from the cacophony, allowing Londoners to find their center amidst the whirlwind of life. Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Demands The practice of Transcendental Meditation is not a departure from the modern world but rather a bridge that connects ancient wisdom with contemporary demands. As the cityscape evolves, the ancient echoes of TM's origins remind us that the quest for inner harmony is timeless. Unlocking the Potential Through "Meditation London" As seekers of solace type in "Meditation London" into their search engines, the path to TM unfurls. The practice becomes more than just a personal journey; it becomes a communal experience that echoes through the vibrant heart of the city. London becomes a canvas for the strokes of tranquility that TM brings, each stroke as unique and diverse as the city itself. Conclusion: A Symphony of Inner and Outer Realities So, can anyone practice Transcendental Meditation in the midst of London's dynamic tapestry? The resounding answer is yes. TM transcends the boundaries of age, profession, and background, offering an invitation to delve into the realms of self-discovery and serenity. As "Meditation London" guides the curious to this transformative practice, the symphony of inner and outer realities harmonizes, weaving a tapestry of peace amidst the energetic rhythms of London life. Read the full article
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amethystmoonn · 1 year
Another Chance: Part 2
Her body felt heavy and exhausted, whining to turn back with its pain and soreness. But she persisted. She walked down the street as the sea near the marina unveiled in front of her, welcoming her to its gentle dances and lively fishermen. The scene was ordinary the least, but in her eyes it seemed so big compared to the enclosed life she was used to. The sea was wide open, like a hug. The fishermen like pirates sailing the sea, expectant for their daily treasure. She felt inclined to become part of them. If only she had any idea of how to sail or how to fish in the first place… Such skills weren’t really included in the…luxuries her family offered.
A little further down the road, she came around a park. The grass would move slowly, evenly combed by the breeze's motion. The breeze kept the ground cool while trees casted their shade to protect by-passers from the scorching sun. Chirping birds reassured the park’s friendly nature. A pathway led to a children’s playground. Cheerful sounds filled the air, harmoniously blending with the environment. Kids in a variety of appearances would play and scrape their knees a little more with every fall; maybe their parents were so comfortable in this park that they weren’t paying attention to see their kids scraping themselves. She wouldn’t know though, since her own parents never let her play with other children, let alone scrape her knee. She was always the outcast that was too distant to reach.
Their play captured her interest and she watched them a little more. There was a big swing where three gathered at a time and a fourth party would swing them all together. Weren't they afraid that the fourth party may throw them down? Weren't they scared they would fall and get grounded for not being careful?
Nostalgia for something unrequited washed over her heart. If only she could become a child right here, at the touch of a button, and join their innocent games under the shield of the trees…maybe she would learn from them how they are so carefree and stripped of fear. Maybe her life would become easier, if only she had another chance…
The breeze picked up and brushed past her hair, messing up and ruining her ponytail with powerful force. Her hair would now dance freely too, giving in to the freedom of the sudden wind. Despite all that, she herself wasn’t feeling comfortable with such wind quite yet. She sat with her hands tied, her body standing like a withering flower.
Uncomfortable. Freedom was making her feel uncomfortable.
She went back home with a heavy heart, but with a spirit closer to its liberation. Yet her body was more peaceful after a period of ache. She had a chance to taste how life beyond the old abusive world she lived in was, which was a step towards inner and outer freedom, albeit aching.
And now she had another chance at life that she needed to make the best of.
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yerbatera · 1 year
I want to dismantle the blocky and claustrophobic infrastructure construct that America has adopted. In reality I’d like to run away from it all and go elsewhere where the preservation of nature is still a prevalent subject at the forefront of leaders’ minds. But I believe that is hard in any developed country. I want to destroy the problem at the root. I want to take my fists and crush all of these buildings and skyscrapers and reduce everything to rubble and force humans to face adversity, and help everyone rebuild our structures with more space and land for everyone to enjoy. I can’t even find a peaceful area with enough area to scream my lungs out without another person being inconvenienced by my expression and feeling the need to call the authorities. I live in an apartment where I share walls with 4 different families. I need land of my own to frolic in and plant a garden in. But I shouldn’t need to feel stuck in a certain profession to be able to obtain that kind of necessary space. I want to create spaces where community is important, recreational 24 hour spaces that are actually well-funded and well-kept. Similar to a group home but for everyone to enjoy. I can remember countless nights, and days, as a child, where I was yearning to be everywhere but the home I was supposed to be at. I would spend time with people who would spend their days smoking it away in their cars and in the streets. But I wasn’t old enough to, nor did I want to go to a nightclub to spend my time at. I wished there was a place where I could learn trades and crafts as a young teenager and adult. I felt so lost, and alone, and the connections between parents and children are only going to continue polarizing in two extremes- positive and the negative. The parents who stop negative cycles and the ones who repeat them. And everything in-between those two. Humans need to grow up with a sense of connection to this earth and the people in their community. Nature needs to be more available to access. Humans shouldn’t need cars to be able to go somewhere. This land is everyones land and we must be taught respect. Children need to grow up in nature, outside. With animals. Love needs to be taught and shown in school. Women and men shouldn’t have to hide and cover our bodies for modesty/Christian reasons. God made us perfectly. But there are a lot of people who use God to defend their evil. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. But actions speak louder than words. A lot of people can point out issues in this country, but there are few if any that are willing to create radical change in this country. Young and old people balance each other . Female and male balance each other. We should be learning and taking ideas from both to establish change. Older people may think they are infinitely smarter than the young because of their longer life experience, but I find that with age comes more complacency. Youth are full of fire and have nowhere to go. Their ideas of change and opportunity are constantly shot down instead of being taken seriously. Opposite sexes constantly feel separated and so different from one another. Our roles are being shifted every single day. We could find a better equilibrium if we were exposed to a more naturalistic society. But males can learn strategies for inner passive strength from women. And women can learn strategies for outer action strength from men. The feminine and masculine is within us all. It is imperative we learn the importance and beauty of both within us. Oh how I long to live in a world where I can travel and live wherever I please, and not have to obtain a visa to be able to live on another part of the land where all of our ancestors have been. I am so tired. We should not have to work like slaves for the majority of our lives to barely survive and eat every day. Our happiness and wellness is not prioritized. The system feeds off of our exhaustion. Work us til we die. And we will try our best to have meaningful connections with others who are systematically separated from us in the meantime.
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